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named after MIRZO ULUGBEK


Speciality:5120100 – Philology and teaching languages(English)


On the theme: “Usage of antonomasia in English and Uzbek



Scientific adviser:
A.K. Dadajanova






5120100–Филология ва тилларни ўқитиш (инглиз тили) таълим йўналиши


«Инглиз ва узбек шеьриятида антономасиянинг

кулланиши» мавзусидаги


Илмий раҳбар:
А.К. Дадажанова



INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………… 4


1.1 Literary devices in English …….......................... 6

1.2 Antonomasia as a literary device ………………. 10



2.1 Differences and similarities of antonomasia in English 22

and Uzbek languages

2.2 Analysis of antonomasia in English and Uzbek 29


CONCLUSION …………………………………………………………. 34

REZYUME………………………………………………………………... 35




In Uzbek linguistics, the language of creative works of art, poetic speech

is linguistic scientific research and promotion, the development of artistic
thinking in general to study the expression of laws and traditions in the Uzbek
language, the primary task is to shed light on the great contribution of the
literary heritage of our ancestors in the development of these laws to the
historical processes that have taken place in language. Today, mastering the
language is important in improving the national spirit and inculcating it in the
minds of young people. During the years of independence, a lot of scientific
work on the study of the lexicon of the language of works of art has been
created. Among them are the researches of H.Dadaboyev, N.Akhmatov,
M.Rustamov, N.Husanov, R.Zohidov, Y.Saidov, Sh.Egamova. These studies to
some extent analyze the socio-political, socioeconomic terms in the language
of written monuments of the XI-XIV centuries, the lexicon of works of art by
artists such as Muhammad Salih, Gadoi, Alisher Navoi, Sufi Alloyar, Fitrat.
The main focus of this study is to investigate the expansion on the
meaning of utterances in both English and Uzbek . The main linguistic
phenomenon responsible for this expansion is antonomasia in English and its
counterpart in Uzbek. The study will shed the light on the similarities and
differences of this phenomenon in both language systems. It will also focus its
resources and classifications in both languages. The study also aims at
investigating the purposes behind using antonomasia in the languages under
The actuality of the theme. In order to improve the training and provide
better knowledge of foreign languages we have to accelerate the realization of
the National Programmer of Personnel Training in the country. As in many

other aspects of life the situation changed in a language policy. That requires
creation of new textbooks, dictionaries, manuals. In order to fulfill this goals
one must know every field of linguistics. In our opinion the theme of the work
is very actual because there is no enough manual which compare the lexical
stylistic devices of the Uzbek and the English language.
The object of the course work is antonomasia in different texts.
The subject of the work is analyzing antonomasia in English and Uzbek
The aim of the research is to compare, analyze and find examples
which belong to lexical stylistic device, as well as antonomasia in English and
Uzbek languages.
The research tasks are set as followings:
 to describe literary devices in English language;
 to identify antonomasia as a literary device;
 to analyze antonomasia in different texts;
 to compare and contrast antonomasia in English and Uzbek languages.
The practical and theoretical value of the research is that the material
and the results of the given course work can serve the material for theoretical
courses of lexicology , stylistics, typology as well as can be used for practical
lessons in translations, home reading ,conversational practice and current
The methods of the course work are descriptive method and comparative
The structure of the work. The course work consists of introduction, main
part and conclusion , which are followed by the list of the literature used in the
course of research.



1.1 Stylistic devices in English

Stylistics can be defined as a branch of modern linguistics devoted to the
detailed analysis of literary style, or of the linguistic choices made by speakers
and writers in nonliterary contexts. One of the fundamental concepts of
linguistics is the contrast of "language and speech" (langue - parole) introduced
by F. de Saussure. According to it, language is a system of elementary and
complex signs: phonemes, morphemes, words, word combinations, utterances
and combinations of utterances. Eventually this brings us to the notions of
stylistics of language and stylistics of speech. Their difference lies in the
material studied.
The stylistics of language analyses permanent or inherent stylistic properties
of language elements while the stylistics of speech studies stylistic properties,
which appear in a context, and they are called adherent. Russian words like
толмач, штудировать, соизволять or English words prevaricate, comprehend,
lass are bookish or archaic and these are their inherent properties. The
unexpected use of any of these words in a modern context will be an adherent
stylistic property. So stylistics of language describes and classifies the inherent
stylistic colouring of language units. Stylistics of speech studies the
composition of the utterance – the arrangement, selection and distribution of
different words, and their adherent qualities1
I. Arnold mentions four styles: poetic style, scientific style, newspaper style,
colloquial style. I.R. Galperin distinguishes five major functional styles in the
English literary standards. They are:
1) The language of belles-letres.
2) The language of publicistic literature.
3) The language of newspapers.
4) The language of scientific prose.
5) The language of official documents. 2
Stylistics of the english language.Fundamentals of the course. T.A.Znamanskaya. URSS editorial.2002.
Электронный учебно-методический комплекс по учебной дисциплине “Стилистика” для специальности
“ Современные иностранные языки “ 1 – 21 06 01-02. В.А. Зайцева, доцент кафедры теории и практики

Stylistics is not a level discipline, but subdivided into separate branches

which treat the corresponding linguistic level (phonetics, syntactic, lexical). The
subject matter of stylistics involves the study of language means (phonetic,
lexical, morphological, syntactical, graphical) by which main and additional
functions of language are realized, securing the effectiveness of the process of
Functions of language:
1) communicative (to give information);
2) emotive (to express emotions);
3) volitional (to influence);
4) phatic (to establish contact);
5) appealing (to interest the listener, reader in getting the message);
6) aesthetic (influence the taste of the reader).
Primary information = communicative. Secondary = additional. Arnold:
Stylistics – is a branch of linguistics, which studies the principles of choice and
usage of means in rendering thoughts and emotions under different conditions of
communication. Galperin: Stylistics – is a branch of linguistics, which deals
with 2 independent tasks: a) it studies the special media of language which are
called “stylistic devices” and “expressive means”; b) it studies the type of text
which are distinguished by pragmatic aspect of communication and are called
“functional styles”.
The main aim of literary stylistics is to interpret and evaluate literary writing
as a work of art. It studies expressive means of SD peculiar to a definite work of
art, various literary genres, composition of books, writer’s outlook, his attitude
to life. Linguistic stylistics studies functional style, expressive means and SD in
general, their selection and combination at speech practice; it studies oral and
written varieties of a language. Phono-stylistics deals with non-standard
pronunciation and acoustic arrangement of speech.

перевода Минск 2014


Morphological stylistics studies potential of grammatical categories of this

or that part of speech.
Lexical stylistics studies expressive possibilities of word order, types of
sentences and types of syntactic constructions.
Decoding – an attempt to combine two methods of stylistic research
(author’s S and reader’s S) in order to interpret the work of art with a min loss
of its aim and message.3
In the theory of literature the terms image, literary device, trope, figure of
speech, stylistic device, rhetorical device are used interchangeably to define
devices which create transference or awake the readers imagery feelings,
emphasize the idea, make the speech more expressive, generally to mean
figurative language. There are different terms and different theories to the
problem. The most outstanding definitions are the followings: 4
According to Russian linguist I. R. Galperin’s definition “Stylistic device
is a conscious and intentional intensification of some typical structural and/or
semantic property of a language unit promoted to a generalized status and thus
becoming a generative model. It follows then that a stylistic device as an
abstract pattern, a mould into which any content can be poured. (…It) reveals
the essence of a phenomenon with the greatest and the most evident…They
always carry some kind of additional information, either emotive or logical” 5

T.A.Znamenskaya in her book “Stylistics of the English language” defines the

term very briefly “A stylistic device is a literary model in which semantic and
structural features are blended so that it represents a generalised pattern”
V.A.Kukharenko discusses the main feature of a stylistic device in the
following statement: “The constituting feature of stylistic devices is the binary
opposition of two meanings of the employed unit, one of which is normatively

Genesis and development of stylistiic devices classifications. Feruza Khajieva Associate professor (PhD),
Department of English Literature Bukhara State University, Bukhara, Uzbekistan

Galperin I.R. English stylistics: coursebook for institutes and faculties of foreign languages 1977; 29-30].

fixed in the language and does not depend on the context, while the other one
originates within certain context and is contextual” 6
So, a stylistic device is a special pattern into which a word or words are put in
order to create implied, hidden meaning to reach transference or
expressiveness, to make the speech more vivid and impressive. A stylistic
device always has some function in the text. It serves aesthetic function such as
emphasis or explicitness, or opposites – the aesthetically justified blurring of
distinctions or obscurity. It mostly helps the reader to imagine new ideas and
visualize more concretely with the help of derivative or connotative image or
meaning of a word in a definite context. Stylistic devices (tropes, figures of
speech) unlike expressive means are not language phenomena. They are
formed in speech and most of them do not exist out of context. According to
principles of their formation, stylistic devices are grouped into phonetic,
lexico-semantic and syntactic types. Basically, all stylistic devices are the
result of revaluation of neutral words, word-combinations and syntactic
structures. Revaluation makes language units obtain connotations and stylistic
value. A stylistic device is the subject matter of stylistic semasiology.
Stylistic device is a conscious and intentional intensification of some typical
structural and/or semantic property of a language unit (neutral or expressive)
promoted to a generalised status and thus becoming a generative model.
Stylistic devices (tropes, figures of speech) unlike expressive means are not
language phenomena. They are formed in speech and most of them do not exist
out of context. According to principles of their formation, stylistic devices are
grouped into phonetic, lexico-semantic and syntactic types. Basically, all
stylistic devices are the result of revaluation of neutral words, word
combinations and syntactic structures. Revaluation makes language units
obtain connotations and stylistic value. A stylistic device is the subject matter
of stylistic semasiology. The object of the research is antonomasia as a stylistic
Практикум по стилистике английского языка. Seminars in StyListics : учеб. Пособие / В.А. Кухаренко. — М.
: Флинта : Наука, 2009. — 184 с.

The subject of the research is pragmatic effect of antonomasia in speech.

The study of pragmatic effect of using stylistic devices is relevant both in terms
of studying the writer’s individual style on the base of work of fiction and from
the point of view of the general analysis of their functions. 7

1.2. Antonomasia as a literary device

Antonomasia  is a substitution of any epithet or phrase for a proper name,
such as "the little corporal" for Napoleon I. The reverse process is also
sometimes called antonomasia. A frequent instance of antonomasia in the Late
Middle Ages and early Renaissance was the use of the term "the Philosopher"
to refer to Aristotle. It is the result of interaction between logical and nominal
meaning of a word. 1)When the proper name of a person, who is famous for
some reasons, is put for a person having the same feature. e.g. Her husband is
an Othello.
2) A common noun is used instead of a proper name, e. g. I agree with you Mr.
Logic, e.g. My Dear Simplicity.
As in other stylistic devices based on the interaction of lexical meaning, the
two kinds of meanings must be realized in the word simultaneously. If only one
meaning is materialized in the context, there is no stylistic
device. Antonomasia may be likened to the epithet in essence if not in form. It
categorizes the person and thus simultaneously indicates both the general and
the particular. Antonomasia is a much favored device in the belles-lettres style.
In Russian literature this device is employed by many of our classic writers. It
will suffice to mention such names as Vralman, Molchalin, Korobochka and
Sobakevich to illustrate this efficient device for characterizing literary heroes, a
device which is now falling out of use. These Russian names are also coined on
the analogy of generally acknowledged models for proper names, with endings
in -man, -in, -vich. So far we have dealt with a variety of antonomasia in which
common words with obvious logical meaning are given nominal meaning
Stylistic devices and expressive means in ted talks lectures on architecture and construction. Elena
Konovalova, Maria Nizamieva. Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Kazan, 420043. Russia

without losing their primary, basic significance. But antonomasia can also

make a word which now has a basic nominal meaning acquire a generic
signification, thus supplying the word with an additional logical meaning. This
variety of antonomasia is not so widely used as a stylistic device, most
probably due to the nature of words with nominal meaning: they tell very little
or even nothing about the bearer of the name."The Bard" for William
Shakespeare. "Old Blue Eyes" for Frank Sinatra. "The King" for Elvis Presley.
"The Iron Lady" for Margaret Thatcher. "A young preacher from Georgia" for
Martin Luther King (as used by Barack Obama in his victory speech)
The choice of the names for the personages is by no means accidental.
Characters' names can also become a meaningful vehicle for rendering the
author's ideas, the stylistic device being called antonomasia or "speaking
First, antonomasia can be in a way a variety of allusion. It is the use of The
name of a historical, or biblical personage applied to a person whose
characteristic features resemble Those of a well-known original. Thus, a
traitor's name may be referred To as Brutus, a ladies' man deserves the name
of Don Juan.
Second, at the basis of antonomasia There can be a metaphor, i.e. The use of a
common noun as a proper name. For instance, Becky Sharp, Lady Snake, Miss
Ape, etc. Antonomasia of this kind is created mainly by nouns, more seldom by
attributive combinations (as in "Dr. Fresh Air") or phrases (as in "Mr. What's-
his-name") Antonomasia is a much-favoured device in the belles-letters style.
In an article called What's in a name? Mr. R. Davis says: "In deciding on
names for his characters, an author has an unfair advantage over other parents.
He knows so much better how his child will turn out".
Antonomasia can be identified from two points of view. 8The first one as a
figure of speech that is mostly used in literary language. In this sense it occurs
under the main concept of "trope" which is a term in rhetoric for expressions
A Comparative Study of Antonomasia in English and Arabic. By Asst. Ins. Shawqi K. Ismail (M.A.) Asst. Ins.
Eman R. Adeeb (M.A.) University of Diyala

with transferable meaning (e.g., metaphor) which can be understood as a

substitute for a denotatively suitable word.9The replacement of a proper noun
by a reworded "appellative" (common noun) or a periphrasis e.g., the
Almighty-God, The eternal city-Rome. This also works the other way around
for the appellative use of a proper noun, e.g. an Odyssey, or the Paris of the
West -San Francisco while the second one, as a stylistic device which is the
substitution of more words for fewer i.e., a word is replaced by an expanded
and more colorful expression for the purpose of linguistic variation,
accentuation, or explanation, e.g. Berlin was ‘the divided city,’ Ireland is ‘the
Emerald Isle.’
The nature of this phenomena was explained by Galperin (1974) antonomasia
is based on the interaction of logical and nominal meanings and these meanings
must be realized simultaneously. If only one meaning is materialized in the
context then it is not a stylistic device, as in hooligan and boycott, these words
go back to proper names which have lost their capital letters
Types of English Antonomasia
As mentioned earlier, antonomasia includes the formation of a common
noun, verb or adjective from the name of a person or a place. Accordingly,
antonomasia can be classified into different types due to the different views of
this process.10 For instance, Bukhardit and Nerlich (2010:17) ascribe the
different types of antonomasia to the different semantic mechanisms of this
figure. they classify it into two types: metonymic and metaphorical. The first
mechanism is involved through the use of regular noun instead of a proper
name, e.g., 'The thunder' to stand for 'Zeus'. Metaphoric or "metaphorical"
antonomasia, as expressed by Skrebnev (1994) , is when a proper name is
applied to a person whose characteristic features resemble those of the well-

Routledge Dictionary of Language and Linguistics. Bussman Hadumod. Published by Taylor & Francis
Group, 1996

An introduction to English stylistics. U. Lehtsalu, G. Liiv, O. Mutt, Tartu 1973, pp- 25-27

known original. Thus, ladies' man deserves the name of Don Juan, an orator
may be referred to as Cicero. It also must be noticed that metaphoric
antonomasia is often treated as a kind of allusion (an indirect reference by
word or phrase to a historical, literary, mythological or biblical factor) 11 He
classifies it into four types:
1. the use of a proper name of a real historic person (it may be universal or
belong to one certain culture): e.g.: he would be a Napoleon of peace, or a
2. the use of biblical names, e.g.: Ismael- the exile, Judas –the traitor;
3. the use of mythological names, e.g.: He was a new Apollo for her;
4. the use of proper names taken from literature, e.g.: Casanova, Scrooge.
Metonymic antonomasia is observed in cases when a personal name stands for
something connected with the bearer of that name who really once existed (a
name of a writer or a painter or a sculptor for his work of art) (Bukhardit and
Nerlich 2010:17) for example
(1) He has sold his Vandykes. (Hurst).
(2) This is my real Goya (Galsworthy).
(3) Wonderful Rubens.
This type of antonomasia is often used in colloquial speech and in political
vocabulary, e.g.: Wall Street, Down Street(the residence of the Prime Minister
of Great Britain) (ibid). It should be mentioned here that the case with
metonymic antonomasia remains a debatable question. Scholars have no
common opinion whether this phenomenon should be regarded as one of the
types of metonymy or as metonymic antonomasia. Kagramanov (2003: 53)
suggests that it is not right to interpret the transfer of the artist's name to his
piece of art as antonomasia, because itis a metonymic correlation.

 Skrebnev Y. M. Fundamentals of English Stylistics.. – M.: Высшая школа, 1994. – 240 с

Another classification of antonomasia was made by Widdowson (1992)12 In

which antonomasia may be linguistic and stylistic: Linguistic antonomasia is
created when proper names become nominal and lose their bright
expressiveness (e.g. mackintosh - earlier it was a proper name). But some
words did not lose their connection with proper names and preserved their
expressiveness (uncle Sam - an American, Patric - an Irishman, John Bull - an
Englishman). On the other hand, stylistic antonomasia is traditionally
represented by two types a. The use of a proper name to stand for something
else having one or several attributes associated with that name (e.g.: 'Einstein'
for a scientific genius; 'Solomon' to mean a wise ruler). b. The use of a general
term (an epithet) to stand for a referent having a proper name (e.g.: Cactus state
for New Mexico; The Iron Lady for Margaret Tatcher). This type of
antonomasia is widely used by writers, satirists and humorists. Practically any
common noun can be used as a proper noun.
c. It is always original. In such cases the person's name serves his first
characteristics. Such names are called "token or telling" names. They give
information to the reader about the bearer of the name. Antonomasia of this
type is created mainly by nouns, more seldom by attributive combinations (as
in Dr. Fresh Air) or phrases (as in Mr. What's-his-name). In this example an
epithet "the Old Greek" substitutes the proper name "Odysseus" a symbol of
eternal traveler, and the proper name "Penelope" is a symbol of the faithful
We have already pointed out the peculiarities of nominal meaning. The
interplay between logical and nominal meanings of a word is
called antonomasia. As in other stylistic devices based on the interaction of
lexical meanings, the two kinds of meanings must be realized in the word
simultaneously. If only one meaning is materialized in the context there is no
A comparative study of Antonomasia in English and Arabic. Shawqi k. Ismail, University of Diyala, iraq

Widdowson, H.G.. Practical stylistics. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1992 

stylistic device as in hooligan, boycott and other examples given earlier. Here

are some examples of genuine antonomasia.
"Among the herd of journals which are published in the States, there are some,
the reader scarcely need be told, of character and credit. From personal
intercourse with accomplished gentlemen connected with publications of this
class, I have derived both pleasure and profit. But the name of these
is Few, and of the other Legion, and the influence of the good is powerless to
counteract the mortal poison of the bad. (Dickens).
The use of the word 'name' made the author write the words 'Few' and 'Legion'
with capital letters. It is very important to note that this device is mainly
realized in the written language, because sometimes capital letters are the only
signals to denote the presence of the stylistic device. The same can also be
observed in the following example from Byron's "Don Juan":
"Society is now one polished horde,
Form'd of two mighty tribes, the Bores and Bored."
In these two examples of the use of antonomasia the nominal meaning is hardly
perceived, the logical meaning of the words few, legion, bores, bored being
too strong. But there is another point that should be mentioned. Most proper
names are built on some law of analogy.
Many of them end in son(as Johnson) or  er (Fletcher). We easily recognize
such words as Smith, White, Brown, Green, Fowlerand others as proper
names. But such names as MissBlue-Eyes(Carter Brown) or Scrooge
or Mr. Zero may be called token or tell-tale names. They give information to
the reader about the bearer of the name. In this connection it is interesting to
recall the well-known remark by Karl Marx, who said that we do not know
anything about a man if we only know that he is called Jacob. The nominal
meaning is not intended to give any information about the person. It only
serves the purpose of identification. Antonomasia is intended to point out the
leading, most characteristic feature of a person or event, at the same time

pinning this leading trait as a proper name to the person or event concerned. In
fact antonomasia is a revival of the initial stage in naming individuals.
Antonomasia is a much favoured device in the belles-lettres style. In an article
"What's in a name?", Mr. R. Davis says: "In deciding on names for his
characters, an author has an unfair advantage over other parents. He knows so
much better how his child will turn out. When Saul Bellow named Augie
March, he had already conceived a hero restlessly on the move, marching
ahead with august ideas of himself. Henry James saw in Adam Verver of "The
Golden Bowl" a self-made American, sprung from the soil, full of verve and
zest for life. In choosing names like 'Murdstone', 'Scrooge', and 'Gradgrind',
Dickens was being even more obvious."
An interesting literary device to emphasize tell-tale names is employed by
Byron in his "Don Juan" where the name is followed or preceded by an
explanatory remark as in the following:
"Sir John Pottledeep, themightydrinker."
"There was the sage Miss Reading."
"And the two fair co-heiresses Giltbedding."
"There was Dick Dubious, the metaphysician,
Who loved philosophy and a good dinner;
Angle, the soi-disant mathematician;
Sir Henry Silvercup, the great race-winner."
The explanatory words, as it were, revive the logical meaning of the proper
names thus making more apparent the interplay of logical and nominal
meanings. The use of antonomasia is now not confined to the belles-lettres
style. It is often found in publicistic style, that is in magazine and newspaper
articles, in essays and also in military language. The following are examples:
"I say this to our American friends. Mr. Facing-Both-Ways does not get very
far in this world." (The Times, March 1, 1956)
"I suspect that the Does and Don't Knows would far outnumber the Yesses."
(The Spectator, Feb. 17, 1959)

So far we have dealt with a variety of antonomasia in which common words

with obvious logical meaning are given nominal meaning without losing their
primary, basic significance.14 But antonomasia can also make a word which
now has a basic nominal meaning acquire a generic signification, thus
supplying the word with an additional logical meaning. The latter can only be
deciphered if the events connected with a certain place mentioned or with a
conspicuous feature of a person are well known. Thus the word Dunkirk now
means 'the evacuation of troops under heavy bombardment before it is too
late', Sedan means 'a complete defeat', Coventry— 'the destruction of a city by
air raids', a quizling now means 'a traitor who aids occupying enemy forces'.
Nowadays the concept of antonomasia, which is a complex and multifaceted
phenomenon,15 has been used only to describe it as a methodological tool, and
traditionally antonomasia has been viewed as a metaphor for identifying an
object with the original meaning of the name (e.g., quoting Othello instead of a
jealous person). In this regard, it is important to consider antonomasia in a
broader sense as a process and result of human character activity. Such an
approach allows for an in-depth study of the phenomenon of antonomasia in
speech and language processes. Simplifying this we can say that antonymy is a
rhetorical way of giving a name or title that belongs to someone or something.
For example, when we hear the name Mahatma Gandhi, the first thing that
affects our minds is the figurative meaning of “ Father of the People ”.
Antonomasia may vary slightly depending on the time of use. In earlier times,
antonomasia was used to designate members of society because often people’s
names were associated with their professions. The names of the epic "Farhod
and Shirin" in Alisher Navoi's "Khamsa" are mentioned among the people or in
other works as a symbol of true love. In ancient times, antonomasia was used
to give strong names to strong warriors or negative names to weak, naughty
people. For example, the English writer Shakespeare's "Othello" referred to a

Стилистика английского языка. Галпериню И.Р.2-е издание - М.: Высшая школа, 1977 . - 334 c.
EJRDS. Semantical features of antonasis in literature. Achilova Risolat A`zamovna.Vol. 2 No. 3, March 2021,

very jealous man, or the name "Yago" in this work was described as an evil
man. Antonomasia can be historically divided into two groups: 1) The first is
antonomases formed and used in the past. Examples include Othello (jealous),
Yago (evil), Aristotle (philosopher), Hotamtoy (generous);
2) The second is the antonyms that have arisen and are used today: spider man
(brave), tarzan (wild). In works of art anthomomases are used to make speech
more attractive. The author of scientific works on the stylistics of the Russian
language I.B. Golub has studied the phenomenon of antonomasia in detail. The
researcher has used the term antonomasia as a special type of metonymy. The
author points out that since the second half of the nineteenth century,
antonomasia was derived from ancient mythology, and was not widely used in
poetry. He emphasized that antonomasia can be the name of both human and
abstract concepts. For example, the name Schumacher is now used in both
speech and language for those who like to drive fast. Examples of antonomasia
are: The name Odyssey for the meaning of "the man in pain" is figurative; the
name Achilles is figuratively means "Pelids" or "son of Peleus»; the name
Aristotle is literally meaning of "Stagirit" or "Philosopher»; the name
Alexander of Macedon has the meaning of "the madman of Macedonia»; the
name Margaret Thatcher is for the meaning of "Iron Lady»; Aristotle’s name
for the word “philosopher” is figurative; the name Winston Churchill for the
meaning of "great common man" is figurative; the name Michael Jackson has
figuratively meaning of “King of Pop»; “the name Muhammad Ali is used
figuratively to mean “a great man”. In conclusion, the writers used
antonomases in their works for various purposes. Through it, the authors tried
to avoid uniformity in the text of their poems, trying to dedicate
expressiveness, empathy and originality to the content of their works. It should
be noted that this style is very popular among writers of different periods and
cultures, and it can be found both in ancient poetry and in modern works.
In metaphorical antonomasia the name of some historical personage may he
used for a common noun, e.g. Knowing him finally she was the Alexander

seeking new worlds; (Lawrence, WL) He's a soldier and an explorer, and a
Napoleon of industry; (Lawrence, WL) He would be a Napoleon of peace, or a
Bismarck - and she the woman behind him; (Lawrence, WL) He's all right
though, in a way. A sort of female Emily Bronte*. (Osborne, LBA) Names
taken from ancient history, mythology or the Bible are also frequent, e.g. With
only a stepmother - closely related to Jezebel; (Galsworthy, L) (Jezebel = the
wife of Ahab, king of Israel, notorious for her conduct); Tripping airily into its
office, she laid a scrap of paper before a lovely Hebe who was typing there;
(Coppard, FF) (Hebe = in Greek mythology the goddess of youth and spring);
He was ... as Ishmael. not fit for a daughter of Israel; (Galsworthy, MW)
(Ishmael = the outcast son of Abraham, аду outcast); He was still her Antonius,
her Apollo even. (Hardy, TU) Metonymic antonomasia is a common feature in
colloquial speech. It also occurs frequently in political vocabulary, e.g. Wall
Street - the chief financial centre of the U.S.; the White House - the U.S.
President's residence and office j the Pentagon - U.S. Army headquarters;
Downing Street - the British prime minister and cabinet. Another kind of
antonomasia consists in the use of meaningful names, which serve the writer to
characterize a person, e.g. in Ch. Dickens's novel "Hard Times" the
schoolmasters are called Mr. Gradgrind (to grind - to oppress by hard rule,
cruel treatment) and Mr. Choakumchild (to choke - to stop the breath of smb.).
The name Becky Sharp in Thackeray's novel "Vanity Fair" serves to denote her
character.16 Antonomasia was also used in the past to give positive names to
strong warriors and negative names to weak or nasty people. Here are a few
examples of antonomasia in the past:
Winston Churchill as «The Great Commoner»
William Shakespeare as «The Bard»
Napoleon I «The little corporal»
In this way, the past is similar to the present, as we tend to use antonomasia
purely for enjoyment and fun with nicknames. A frequent instance of
U. Lehtsalu, G.Liiv. O.Mutt, An introduction to english stylistics. Tarlu 1973.-pp.25-27.

antonomasia in the Late Middle Ages and early Renaissance was the use of the
term «the Philosopher» to refer to Aristotle. A more recent example of the
other form of antonomasia (usage of archetypes) was the use of «Solons» for
«the legislators» in 1930-s journalism, after the semi-legendary Solon,
lawgiver of Athens.
Metonymic antonomasia is usually trite and stylistically neutral. It is observed
in cases when a personal name stands for something connected with the bearer
of that name who once really existed. Study the following examples:
He has sold his Vandykes (Hurst).
This is my real Goya (Galsworthy).
He immediately christened me Snake-eye, the Spy, and announced that, when
his braves returned from the warpath, I was to be broiled at the stake at the
rising of the sun.
Antonomasia is important in literature, as it can tell more about characters just
by their titles. One instance of antonomasia is the treatment of Voldemort in
J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter Series. Rather than calling the dangerous man by
name, all must call him «You-Know-Who» or «He-Who- Must-Not-Be-Named».
This usage of antonomasia emphasizes just how dangerous the man is, as most
wizards and witches are too afraid to say his actual name aloud [4, 253].
Another example of antonomasia is in Mary Shelley’s Victor Frankenstein’s
inability to give the monster a true name is apparent in his constant use of
«I beheld the wretch—the miserable monster whom I had created»
«Devil, do you dare approach me?»
«Begone, vile insect!»


2.1. Differences and similarities of antonomasia in English and Uzbek

In Uzbek linguistics, the language of creative works of art, poetic speech is

linguistic scientific research and promotion, the development of artistic
thinking in general to study the expression of laws and traditions in the Uzbek
language, the primary task is to shed light on the great contribution of the
literary heritage of our ancestors in the development of these laws to the
historical processes that have taken place in language. 17 Today, mastering the
language is important in improving the national spirit and inculcating it in the
minds of young people. During the years of independence, a lot of scientific
work on the study of the lexicon of the language of works of art has been
created. Among them are the researches of H.Dadaboyev, N.Akhmatov,
M.Rustamov, N.Husanov, R.Zohidov, Y.Saidov, Sh.Egamova. These studies to
some extent analyze the socio-political, socioeconomic terms in the language
of written monuments of the XI-XIV centuries, the lexicon of works of art by
artists such as Muhammad Salih, Gadoi, Alisher Navoi, Sufi Alloyar, Fitrat.
The problem of antonomasia has been partially studied in world linguistics. An
example of this is the 2011 dissertation of Arutyunyan Mikael Harutyunovich
on "Structure, semantics and pragmatics of stylistic devices" antonomasy " in
the materials of the German language." In this study, antonomasia was studied
by O.S. Akhmanova, I.R. Galperin, V.N. Telia, N.D. Arutyunova, A.N. It is
said that Stepanova et al. In Uzbek literature, information on talmeh is partially
found in the research of Y. Ishakov, A. Khodzhiakhmedov, T. Boboyev. It
should be noted that antonomasia (talmeh) has not been specifically studied in
Uzbek linguistics or Uzbek literature. Antonomasia refers to well-known and
popular works of art, historical events and legends. Some scholars interpret it
as a form of metaphor, while others interpret it as a form of metonymy.
Apparently, in Eastern literature, antonomasia is referred to as the art of
talmeh. Therefore, we will try to analyze some scientific views on it.
Some of the research and textbooks on Uzbek literature include talmih, in
some in the form of talmeh. There is no definite word in the literature on the
Research paper on the theme - Antonomasia As A Trop. Achilova Risolat A`zamovna. Senior Lecturer of
Bukhara State University

spelling of this word. There are also different views on its content. For
example, in the textbook "Literature" for 10th grade students of secondary
schools by Bakijon Tokhliev, Bahodir Karimov, Komila Usmanova, talmeh is
interpreted as follows: "Talmeh is an Arabic word, meaning "lightning strike,"
"a glance." As an art form, it is a brief, concise depiction of an idea by referring
to historical and mythological events, parables, personalities, famous works,
and characters. As you know, metaphor and metonymy have their own
commonalities and peculiarities. They have in common:
1) both serve to enrich the language;
2) both are formed by word transfer;
3) both have a nominative or expressive character;
4) both are determined by context or situation.
The differences are as follows:
1) if the word in the metaphor is a similarity between two objects or concepts
in metonymy the word is the interaction between two objects copied based on
2) the metaphor acts as the part of speech that it replaces in the sentence and
metonymy "temporarily" acts as a substitute for the word in the sentence. In
some cases, metaphor and metonymy have the same appearance in a sentence,
and when the context is insufficient to distinguish them, it is difficult to
distinguish which movement they belong to. In such cases, in our opinion, the
transformational method gives good results. It reveals the essence of the
sentence and puts the parts of the sentence in their place. In particular, this
method is useful in defining metaphor and metonymy overlapping, that is,
metaphor-based metonymy or, conversely, metonymy-based metaphor.
For example, The city is a sleep speech can be transformed in two ways:
1. The towns people are sleeping.
2. The city is sleeping like a living thing.

In the first case metonymy is observed, in the second case the city is a
metaphor being done. This method is deeper in its interpretation of the text can
be a great help in understanding. Obviously, metaphor is one of the most
important aspects of migration. Motivation is the transfer of a name, a symbol,
or the use of words in a more literal sense to enhance the artistic value,
expressiveness, and expressiveness of a literary work. Migration ‚i.e. tropes are
classified in scientific works as follows:
1. Tropes based on the quantitative shift of meaning: a) hyperbola; b) meiosis.
2. Tropes based on the qualitative transfer of meaning: a) metaphor; b)
metonymy; c)irony. Other visual aids are given as representations of these
movements: symbol, animation, epithet, apostrophe - metaphor; periphrasis,
synecdoche, allegory, epithet - metonymy; antiphrasis, sarcasm - irony; litotes
are manifestations of meiosis. They wandered in the land, outsiders or One day
at the foot of Mount Solomon. Burial is a dream. No scholar has gone through
this, what a warrior, how many poets. But to the dear mountains none of the
names written. Mount Solomon is rising like the great memory of nation,
Surprised to race today from the faith of the newcomers. This poem is by
Shavkat Rahmon "My Thoughts at the foot of Mount Solomon" In general, the
nature of ‚metaphors is almost indistinguishable from each other, except for the
scientific interpretations of the essence and the variety of terms related to it. In
all of them, metaphors are recognized as a separate type of naming. From what
has been said, it can be said that some of the antonomasia is based on a shift in
metaphorical meaning. So, some of the antonomasias are based on
metaphorical meanings will come.
Frankenstein’s creation is never given a name, and instead is given countless
instances of antonomasia which show Frankenstein’s inability to accept his
creation. Antonomasia is rampant in pop culture, for who doesn’t like a good
Consider the following pop stars and their antonomasia:
 Michael Jackson as “The King of Pop”

 Madonna as “The Queen of Pop”

 Ella Fitzgerald as “The First Lady of Song”
 Bruce Springsteen as “The Boss”
 Aretha Franklin as “The Queen of Soul”
 Muhammad Ali as “The Greatest”
Celebrities are constantly being given new nicknames, as is clear in the
tabloids. Antonomasia can be found in movies and advertisements as well,
though. Consider this collection from the television show Lost. Sawyer
constantly uses antonomasia, which gives him a playful, laid-back personality
and also serves to characterize other characters  based on how he chooses to
name them:
 Jack as “Saint Jack” and “Our Savior”: Jack is a very caring leader in the
 Kate as “Freckles”: Freckles is a sweet, loving name for a woman he
cares about
 Hurley as “International House of Pancakes”: Hurley is overweight and
Sawyer is teasing him
Antonomasia allows characters more creative names and for famous celebrities
to have second titles, not unlike kings and queens.
At the end of this study, certain conclusions can be reached at. The first group
is related to the similarities found in both English and Arabic concerning the
use of antonomasia. While the second one is related to the differences in both
language systems concerning this phenomena.
1. The similarities:
a. Both English and Uzbek share the same nature of this phenomenon in adding
the characteristics of the proper noun or epithet to the meaning of the
commonized word which is the purpose of the process of antonomasia.
b. The resources of antonomasia in both languages depend on the deep
religious, historical and literary origins of each language. Consequently,

finding an equivalent when translating from one language into another

endangers the meaning
c. Both languages depend on semantic mechanisms in classifying the types
and the uses of antonomasia.
2. The differences:
a. English antonomasia is classified according to purpose into linguistic and
stylistic, while in Uzbek there is a controversy whether it is a linguistic or a
stylistic device.
b. English depends heavily on its literature of names in antonomasia while
Uzbek focuses on acts and verbs to be utilized in this phenomenon.
c. Uzbek has an additional mechanism of creating antonomasia which is
relative antonomasia that depends on collocation in utilizing the metonymic
Antonomasia is lexical stylistic device in which a proper name is used
instead of a common noun or vice versa. This SD is based on the immediate
interplay between logical and nominal meanings of a word which is realized in
the text. The realization of only one meaning does not give a SD. Here are
some illustrations of antonomasia widely used in emotive prose and drama:
Mclash, one who strikes violently (compare with the verb to lash). Mr. McFaul
(compare with the verb to fail, Mr. Pinch wife, one who hurts his wife by
pinching; Mr. Sparkish, a dandy, a man who pays too much care to his clothes
and personal appearance. Sir Fidget, a person who moves about restlessly,
shows of impatience. The same refers to Mcfission. This kind of names exists
in the Uzbek language also: To`lqin-primary meaning is qattiq chayqalib
turgan suv betidagi ko`rtana. Second meaning is his-tuyg`u, ichki kechinma,
jo`shqin xarakat va jamiatdagi, xayotdagikuchli xarakat; Erkin
1) Xar qanday to`siq, g`ov, monelikdan xoli bo`lgan bemalol;
2) Siyosiy, iqtisodiy xuquqiy mustaqillikka ega bo`lgan, ozod, xur. Oydin 1) oy
chiqib, xamma yoq oy nuri bilan yorigan, oydinli (oydin kecha)
2) aniq, ko`rinib, bilinib turgan, ravshan.

Sometimes in the English language capital letters are the only marks of the use
of antonomasia and the implication which such antonomasia carries in the text.
Eg. Lord Nobody, Dr. Good fell. Traditionally proper name are built according
to certain morphological patterns: noun+suffixes; -son, er, ard. Eg. Jon son,
Morison, Chaster, Herbert, Howard, Bernard.
Antonomasia stands close to epithets. This closeness is traced in nature, not in
form. From the semantic point of view the authors stress the prominent features
of a person and stick these features to his name: Miss Sharp, Mr. Backbite,
Miss. Murdstone. Mr. Choakumchild (one who can stop the breath of a child)
Aka-uka baliqchilar tolmas va qo`rqmas qaytmasovlar.
Antonomasia is associated with other SDs. For example, it is often used
together with epithets. Speaking about epithets we have underlined that it
denotes certain qualities of a person. Many Nicknames of historical or public
characters are based on the use of such characterization. Eg. The Iron Duke
(the first Duke of Wellington). Old Hickory (Andrew Jackson, the seventh
President of the USA), the Iron Lady (M. Thacher, the former prime Minister
of Great Britain. Here are Uzbek examples. Qovoq Devona, Atala Maxsum
(Bo`shashgan, lalaygan, lanj odam xaqida).
Another type of antonomasia is metonymic antonomasia which is based on the
relation of contiguity. A product can be named after the inventor, manufacturer
or after the place where it is produced: Channel, Nina Ricci (French scent),
Bordeaux (white or red wine from the Bordeaux region of France). The name
of a painter, writer, and sculptor can be used to denote his work: “A Titian-
haired girl”, the reference is made to the paintings of the world’s greatest
Italian painter Titian, women in his pictures are generally red-haired. Wall
street, the chief financial center of the USA, the white House, the US
President’s residence and office; the Pentagon, the building where US Army
head quarters are placed; Downing street, street in London with official
residences of the Prime Minister, the Government. Here are Uzbek examples.
Tonnalab paxta terib

Tursunay bo`lay deyman.

Yosh oybeklar, zamonamiz farxodlari, don kixotlar. Shunisi muximki, endi bu
zo`larning ba`zilari kichik xarf bilan yoziladi. Umumiy tushunchani
ifodalovchi avvaldan mavjud bo`lgan va qo`llanib keladigan tilningbu xususiati
antonomasiaga xosdir.18
We distinguish metaphoric antonomasia which is usually considered to be a
cliché. Eg. What will Mrs. Grundy say, what is conventional; He is a regular
Sherlock Holms, may be said about an observant person; Romeo and Juliet,
yong people who love each other.
Here Uzbek examples. Sherlok Xolmsning o`zginasi sinkov kishi xaqida;
Jiblajibon-mayda qadam tashlab, noz-qarashma qilib yuradigan nozik, xipcha
ayol; Oradan ych-to`rt kun o`tdi. Abdulla xech kim kutmagan gapni topib
keldi. –Yangilikdan xabaring bormi, olqindi?-so`radi u omontoydan, -xali
jiblojibon boru, ja-a, amali kattami deyman-da?19

2.2. Analysis of antonomasia in English and poetry

Antonomasia is a type of metonymy that refers to words or phrases that
indicate the place of a real name or noun, an important feature of an object, or
its relation to something else. Antonomasia is also manifested in the use of a
proper noun as a common noun. Antonomasia has been used regularly in
poetry since ancient times. This type of words were used in ancient Greek
poetry to include divine expressions, names of Gods or famous heroes, and
these sources are one of the first poetic works to use the trop. The Greek poet
Theocritus, who lived in the third century BC, made extensive use of this
method. Ancient speakers used antonomasy to decorate speech, to enhance its
imagery, expressiveness, and figurative meaning. The use of common names
instead of proper names is also associated with avoiding the repetition of a
single name, avoiding real names that cannot be named. For example, in the
I.Mukarramov. Xozirgi o`zbek tilining ilmiy stili. T.Fan. 1984.

U.E. Qilichev. O`zbek tilining praktik stilistikasi T.O`qituvchi. 1985

description of the destroyer of Carthage, the name implied by the Roman

commander Stsipion - the head of the Roman orators - the famous philosopher
Sitceron. Нынче в Милета жилища спускается от прыс к Пеанa, Хочет
увидеть он там многих болезней врача, Никия. (Today the son of Pean
descends to Mileta's dwelling, He wants to see there many diseases of the
doctor, Nikiya). The name used as an antonomasy in this poem is Pean, the
name of a famous physician who, according to legend, treated Ares and Aida.
Scandinavian poets developed various synonyms not only for the names of
gods and heroes, but also for everyday things and events in the surrounding
world. Such a metaphor is called "kenning". An example of this can be found
in the most famous monument - a collection of songs from ancient Iceland
"Elder Edda", the manuscript of which dates back to the 13th century AD:
Then comes the mightySon of Hlodyn: (Odin`s son goeswith the monster to
fight ) Midgard`s Veor in his rage Will slay the warm Nine feet will go
Fiorgyn`s son In this poem we can see several phrases pointing to the same
sign, namely Thorne, the god of storms, lightning and rain in the Scandinavian
Antonomasia is a rhetorical stylistic device. It means either the designation
of a thing by means of transcription (naming of the father’s name, nationality,
occupation, a recapitulating transcription), or the naming of a typical
representative of a group or genus to designate the whole group or genus.
However, it is always important to have a background knowledge of the
recipient (reader, listener), since anyone who does not know that the creator of
the world is the biblical God or that Judas was a traitor can not begin with
absolutely the same. This literary device are mostly used to make a text more
vivid or even more vivid. Furthermore, they are a typical means to avoid word
repetitions and are therefore found in most journalistic texts. It should be borne
in mind that the reader always needs a background knowledge to understand
the figure, which is why an accumulation in the text can make reading more
difficult. From the above, it can be said that some of the antonomasia is based

on a shift in metaphorical meaning. To prove our point, we quote the following

Yasharkanlar yurtda sargardon,
kezarkanlar g’urbatda yoxud,
Sulaymon tog’ poyida bir kun
Ko’milmakni qilganlar orzu.
Bundan ne-ne alloma o’tgan,
ne jahongir, nechalab shoir.
Biroq aziz tog’-toshlariga
yozdirmagan hech biri nomin.
Sulaymon tog’ yuksalib turar
bir elatning buyuk yodiday,
hayron bo’lib poyiga bugun
kelguvchilar e’tiqodidan.
This poem is from Shavkat Rahmon's poem "Thoughts at the foot of Mount
Solomon"(Sulaymon tog’i etagida o’ylaganlarim). It depicts Mount
Solomon(Sulaymon tog’i) as a symbol of the Motherland, the country and the
people. In this poem, the symbol of the Uzbek people "glory, greatness,
heroism, pride" is figuratively transferred to Mount Solomon. So, some of the
antonyms are based on metaphorical meanings will come.
At the end of the study, it was preferred to give an exercise to revise and clarify
what was discussed during the course paper.
Analyze the following cases of antonomasia. State the type of meaning
employed and implied; indicate what additional information is created by the
use of antonomasia; pay attention to the morphological and semantic
characteristics of common nouns used as proper names:
1. "You cheat, you no-good cheat - you tricked our son. Took our son with a
scheming trick, Miss Tomboy, Miss Sarcastic, Miss Sincere Face." (Ph. R.)
2. A stout middle-aged man, with enormous owl-eyed spectacles, was sitting
on the edge of a great table. I turned to him.

"Don't ask me," said Mr. Owl Eyes washing his hands of the whole matter.
3. To attend major sports event most parents have arrived. A Colonel
Sidebotham was standing next to Prendergast, firmly holding the tape with
"FINISH". "Capital," said Mr. Prendergast, and dropping his end of the tape, he
sauntered to the Colonel. "I can see you are a fine judge of the race, sir. So was
I once. So's Grimes. A capital fellow, Grimes; a bounder, you know, but a
capital fellow. Bounders can be capital fellows; don't you agree. Colonel
Slidebottom... I wish you'd stop pulling at my arm, Pennyfeather. Colonel
Shybottom and I are just having a most interesting conversation." (E.W.)
4. I keep six honest serving-men
(They taught me all I know);
Their names are What and Why and When
And How and Where and Who.
I send them over land and sea,
I send them east and west;
But after they have worked for me
I give them all a rest.
I let them rest from nine till five,
For I am busy then,
As well as breakfast, lunch, and tea,
For they are hungry men.
But different folk have different views.
I know a person small -
She keeps ten million serving-men,
Who get no rest at all.
She sends 'em abroad on her own affairs,
From the second she opens her eyes -
One million Hows, two million Wheres,
And seven million Whys. (R. K.)

5. "Her mother is perfectly unbearable. Never met such a Gorgon." "I don't
really know what a Gorgon is like, but I am quite sure, that
Lady Bracknell is one. In any case, she is a monster without being a
6. Our secretary is Esther D'Eath. Her name is pronounced by vulgar relatives
as Dearth, some of us pronounce it Deeth. (S. Ch.)
7. When Omar P. Quill died, his solicitors referred to him always as O.P.Q.
Each reference to O.P.Q. made Roger think of his grandfather as the middle of
the alphabet. (G. M.)
8. "Your fur and his Caddy are a perfect match. I respect history: don't you
know that Detroit was founded by Sir Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac, French fur
trader." (J.O'H.)
9. Now let me introduce you - that's Mr. What's-his-name, you remember him,
don't you? And over there in the corner, that's the Major, and there's Mr. What-
d'you-call-him, and that's an American. (E.W.)
10. Cats and canaries had added to the already stale house an entirely new
dimension of defeat. As I stepped down, an evil-looking Tom slid by us into
the house. (W.G1.)
11. Kate kept him because she knew he would do anything in the world if he
were paid to do it or was afraid not to do it. She had no illusions about him. In
her business Joes were necessary. (J. St.)
12. In the moon-landing year what choice is there for Mr. and Mrs. Average-
the programme against poverty or the ambitious NASA project? (M.St.)
13. The next speaker was a tall gloomy man. Sir Something Somebody. (P.)
14. We sat down at a table with two girls in yellow and three men, each one
introduced to us as Mr. Mumble. (Sc.F.)
15. She's been in a bedroom with one of the young Italians, Count Something.


The purpose of this research was to point out to similarities and differences
in the way in which older and younger speakers use both types of
antonomasias. Antonomasia provides characters with more exciting names and
nicknames which reflect certain characteristics, feats, or professions. Although
we witness serious and royal antonomasia less often these days, we still use
antonomasia in the form of nicknames on a daily basis. Classical rhetoric and
poetics used the term antonomasia to denote the substitution of any appellative,
epithet or periphrasis for a proper name.
Antonomasia can provide someone with a strong epithet which further
celebrates and memorializes their great deeds. In advertising and pop culture,
such wording can also further celebrate the famous, such as The Beatles as
“The Fab Four.” Uses for antonomasia vary slightly depending on the time
period. In the past, antonomasia would be used to designate class members, as
oftentimes people’s names were linked to their professions. Antonomasia was
also used in the past to give positive names to strong warriors and negative
names to weak or nasty people. The first chapter it was discussed about basics
of stylistic devices, main features of antonomasia in English, as well. The
second chapter both similarities and differences of antonomasia in two
languages were described. At the end of this study, certain conclusions can be
reached at. The first group is related to the similarities found in both English
and Uzbek concerning the use of antonomasia. While the second one is related
to the differences in both language systems concerning this phenomena.
What’s more, in the course work, various types of antonomasia were analyzed,
differences and similarities between two languages was compared in a stylistic


Antonomaziya masalasi jahon tilshunosligida qisman o„rganilgan. Bunga

misol sifatida Arutyunyan Mikael Arutyunovichning 2011-yilda himoya etgan
“Struktura, semantika i pragmatika stilisticheskogo priema «antonomaziya» na
materialax nemetskogo yazыka” mavzuidagi nomzodlik dissertatsiyasini aytib
o„tish mumkin. Ushbu tadqiqotda antonomaziya O.S.Axmanova, I.R.Galperin,
V.N.Teliya, N.D. Arutyunova, A.N. Stepanova kabilarning ishlarida ma’lum
darajada o„rganilganligi aytiladi. O’zbek adabiyotshunosligida talmeh bo’yicha
ma’lumotlar Y.Is`hoqov, A.Hojiahmedov, T.Boboyev kabilarning
tadqiqotlarida qisman uchraydi.
Alohida aytib o’tish lozimki, antonomaziya (talmeh) na o’zbek tilshunosligida,
na o’zbek adabiyotshunosligida maxsus o’rganilmagan. Antonomaziyada
hammaga ma’lum va mashhur bo’lgan badiiy asar qahramonlariga, tarixiy
voqea va afsonalarga ishora qilinadi. Uni ayrim olimlar metaforaning, ayrim
olimlar esa metonimiyaning bir ko„rinishi sifatida talqin etishadi. Ayonki,
Sharq adabiyotshunosligida antonomaziya talmeh badiiy san’ati nomi bilan
yuritilgan. Shu bois unga doir ayrim ilmiy qarashlarni tahlil etishga harakat
qilamiz. O’zbek adabiyotshunosligiga oid tadqiqot va darsliklarning
ayrimlarida talmih, ba’zilarida talmeh shaklida keltirilgan. Mazkur so’zning
yozilish shakli bo„yicha adabiyotshunoslikda aniq to’xtam mavjud emas.
Uning mazmun-mohiyati bo’yicha ham turli qarashlar ko’zga tashlanadi.
Masalan, Boqijon To'xliev, Bahodir Karimov, Komila Usmonovalarning O’rta
ta’lim muassasalarining 10-sinfi o„quvchilari uchun mo’ljallangan “Adabiyot”
darslik-majmuada talmeh quyidagicha talqin etilgan: “Talmeh arabcha so'z
bo’lib, ma'nosi “chaqmoq chaqilishi”, “bir nazar tashlash” demakdir. Badiiy
san’at sifatida u tarixiy va afsonaviy voqea, masal, shaxs, mashhur asar va
qahramonlar nomiga ishora qilish vositasida fikrni qisqa, ixcham
tasvirlashdir.Aslida, u yunoncha antonomasia so'zidan olingan: "bir vaqtning
o'zida ma'no". Adabiy vosita sifatida antomasiya biror narsaning kichikroq
komponentini ritorik tarzda katta butunlikni ifodalash imkonini beradi.

Antonomaziya (yunon tilidan "ortiqcha "o'rniga" ism "(" boshqacha nom berish
") - bu guruh yoki sinf a'zosini tayinlash uchun sarlavha, epitet yoki
tavsiflovchi iborani tegishli ismga (yoki shaxsiy ismni umumiy ismga)
almashtirish uchun ritorik atama.
Kurs ishining maqsadi ingliz va o‘zbek she’riyatida antonomasiyadan
Ish mavzusi ingliz va o‘zbek adabiyotida antonomasiya qo‘llanilishini
aniqlashdan iborat.
Tadqiqot maqsadi ingliz va oʻzbek sheʼriyatida antonomasiya
qoʻllanilishiga oid turli adabiyotlarni koʻrib chiqishdan iborat. The aim of the
article is to investigate the pragmatic effect of antonomasia as one of the most
significant stylistic devices.
Tadqiqot vazifalari quyidagilardan iborat:
 Adabiy vositalar turlarini tavsiflash;
 Antonomasiya atamasini adabiy vosita sifatida aniqlash, hamda misollar
yordamida ko’rib chiqish;
 Ingliz va o‘zbek tillarida antonomaziya adabiy vositasini tahlil qilish;
Kurs ishining nazariy va amaliy ahamiyati metodik qidiruv ishlarini
bajarish uchun ma'lum ko'rsatmalardadir. Tadqiqot bo‘lajak tadqiqotchiga
ingliz va o‘zbek tillarida antonomasiyadan foydalanish bo‘yicha chuqur bilim
olishi uchun foydali bo‘ladi.
Kurs ishining metodlari tavsifiy va qiyosiy metoddir.
Kurs ishining tuzilishi kirish, ikkita asosiy bob, xulosa, rezyume va
foydalanilgan adabiyotlar ro‘yxatidan iborat.


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1.Talmih. –Т.: Uzbekistan National Encyclopedia, 2006. Volume

2.A Comparative Study of Antonomasia in English and Arabic. By
Asst. Ins. Shawqi K. Ismail (M.A.)  Asst. Ins. Eman R. Adeeb
(M.A.)  University of Diyala
3.A Comparative Study of Antonomasia in English and Arabic. By
Asst. Ins. Shawqi K. Ismail (M.A.)     Asst. Ins. Eman R. Adeeb
(M.A.)  University of Diyala
4.Research paper on the theme – Antonomasia As A Trop. Achilova
Risolat A`zamovna. Senior Lecturer of Bukhara State University
5.Genesis and development of stylistiic devices classifications.
Feruza Khajieva Associate professor (PhD), Department of
English Literature Bukhara State University, Bukhara, Uzbekistan




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