Recent Thinking About The Nature of The Physical World: It From Bit"
Recent Thinking About The Nature of The Physical World: It From Bit"
Recent Thinking About The Nature of The Physical World: It From Bit"
Serge Korff is to be admired for his adventures within Russia and for
leaving it; for his leadership in the affairs of the New York Academy of
Science; and for his pioneering work in the realm of cosmic rays. All
mark him as an exceptional scientist. Would that he and I could walk and
talk once again, this time about advances on yet another frontier-the
nature of the physical world.
gain the insight to spell it out, cannot but leave us all as real as ever. The
photon already admits to description along this line. Does the photon
exist in the atom before the act of emission? No. In the detector after the
act of registration? No. Exist on its way from atom to detector? Pure talk.
Yet despite that talk the photon is as real as anything we know, whether
river, flame, DNA, or particle. No escape does the quantum principle
permit, Bohr tells us, from “a radical revision of our attitude as regards
physical reality” and a “fundamental modification of all ideas regarding
the absolute character of physical phenomena.” That’s the miracle of the
quantum principle. How come? And at the center of that miracle stands
complementarity (Box 1) with its ever amazing feature, “No question?
No answer!” (Box 2). That miracle: what secret of nature does it conceal?
To discover that secret, only nine years remain to us before Planck‘s
century will have run out!
Along the way of progress on these deep issues, one obstacle has
stood out dismayingly. Physics for long has proved unable to carry
through to the end the analysis of any already existing field theory
without recourse to renormalization, cutoff, or approximation. The last
FIGURE 2. A second example of it from bit. The it, the area of the horizon of a
black hole, expressed in units of the basic Bekenstein-Hawking area1Z13
4 (A G/c3)log2
is given by the bit count, N, of that black hole. Here N represents the number of
bits of information it would have taken to distinguish the initial configuration
of particles and fields that fell in to make this particular black hole from the
2N alternative quantum configurations that would have produced a black hole
externally identical to it.14This diagram is reproduced from Wheeler," p. 220.
AB - (k)ll2/ L2 (9)
The smaller the region of space under consideration, the larger are the
field magnitudes which occur with appreciable probability.
Similar considerations apply to space geometry. "Quantum fluctua-
tions in the geometry are superposed on and coexist with the large-scale,
slowly varying curvature predicted by classical deterministic general
relativity. Thus, in a region of dimension L, where in a local Lorentz
frame the normal values of the metric coefficients will be -1, 1, 1, 1 there
will occur fluctuations in these coefficients of the order Ag-L*/L
a n d . . . fluctuations in the curvature of space of the order hR-L*/L3,"
where L* is, as earlier, the Planck length. "These fluctuations have to be
viewed, not as tied to particles and endowed with the scale of distances
associated with particle physics (-lO-l3cm), but as pervading all space
("foam-like structure of geometry' [ref. 16, p. 2621) and characterized by
the Planck distance (-10-33~m)."16 They deprive the very concepts of
before and after-and therefore even the notion of time itself-of all
meaning and application.
In all the long history of physics, quantum theory comes as the first
messenger to tell us that time has no basic status in the description of
nature. In its place we have received a new tool, 3-geometry, to treat
correctly what "time" did incorrectly.
Potential Flux
Moreover, the magnetic flux expresses itself in direct physical terms
as well by one or other familiar measuring techniques as by it-from-bit
definition a la Aharonov and Bohm (FIG. 1).
Ashtekar invented the analogous loop-integral method to deal with
Curvature R$
r ”
Connection Loop Variable T
Here the connection, differentiated, gives curvature, whereas integrated
around a loop it gives a two-index loop variable T. This connection,
however, as signified by the quotes, is not the one familiar in texts of
relativity and it is not normally a real-valued quantity. To give a little
impression of its character it may be enough to note that electromagne-
tism admits a similar complex “connection” built by combining mag-
netic potential A with the imaginary unit i times the electric field E. If the
writings of Oliver Heaviside and his followers could make complex-
valued quantities familiar to every engineer dealing with electrical ma-
chinery, the work nowadays being published on loop representation
may well provide similar enlightenment to all concerned with the dy-
namics of geometry.
Two features of the loop representation stand out: first, the geomet-
rodynamic wave Equation (3) translates into an appreciably simpler-
looking equation for the new probability-amplitude function W T ) . Sec-
ond, this equation admits a countable infinity of exact solutions of the
form Y(T) = Y(K), where K is a symbol to distinguish one knot class from
The difference between loop and knot sounds almost trivial.
It is immense. The loop has some of the attributes of location associated
with it; the knot, none. Crossing number, yes; location, no.
Admitting solutions of the form Y(K), the quantum geometrody-
namic equation evidently also admits a continuous infinity of solutions,
of the form
However, it is not yet known whether the most general solution lets itself
be expressed in the knot form as in Eq. (10).
A knot? No knot exists in one dimension nor in a simply-connected
2-space. Moreover, in a space of four or more dimensions, a knot lets
itself be untied. Thus it is not unreasonable that the knot should make
its presence felt in the dynamics of the geometry of exactly three dimen-
sions. But does this involve any insight into the physics of what is going
on? The quest for such an understanding leads, at the moment, to more
questions than answers!
postulated entities which round out and simplify our account of the flux
of existence. . . The conceptual scheme of physical objects is a conven-
ient myth, simpler than the literal truth and yet containing that literal
truth as a scattered part.” A corollary of (3) stands as a final injunction:
(4) No space, no time. “We will not feed time into any deep-reaching
account of existence. We must derive time-and time only in the con-
tinuum idealization-out of it. Likewise with space.”’
No path into this new land offers itself today with greater promise
than the marvelous loop-and-knot representation of the quantum mech-
anics of geometry.