How To Draw Fantasy Females
How To Draw Fantasy Females
How To Draw Fantasy Females
l'ubli"ht'd by
Nf'w Iltnlir H1llH r Llook~.
(, Lllunti rll ~>lrt'N
LOIIUllll N/ 9Llll
OU/\R: rOB
a guide to creating and drawing females. looks at ways of developing female
Even though the commercial world of characters with real personalities. Even
onimation is abandoning its pencils in if your main interest is just drawing,
a range of possibilit ies. They are drawn drawing, there are also some 3D examples
by more than 20 artists, both male and created with Poser and/or DAZ Studio,
female, from around the world, who indispensable software tools for anyone
work in different styles and genres to bring interested in figurative art. Featuring more
divergent perspectives to the subject. Each than ~0 examples of female characters,
character synopsis features a description of this book wil l inspire you to create
her personality, plus a brief tutorial of a interesting characters that glow with
technique used by the artist. The purpose femininity and go beyond the stereotypical
of this section is to inspire and instruct. views often presented in the media.
Since humans first began drawing on cave walls, they have Not all of these entities were pious,
however, and most mythologies have
included the female form in their representations of the world. their fair shore of femmes fatales and
man-eaters (literally). With art and
As humanity evolved and developed higher awareness, religion being complementary in
most of the ancient cultures, pictorial
females were represented as the embodiment of all that was representations of goddesses adorned
a:: the wal ls and courtyards of temples.
life-giving, from food to children. Women became an integral Because most of these temples were built
z centuries, and even millennia. before the
part of mythologies and religions, often portrayed as the Christian church introduced the concept
of original sin and all the repression and
power of the gods, or awesome entities in their own right. guilt associated with it, the female form
was represented in all its natural glory. ( storytelling tool, which was the preserve
However, some of the artists, or their has a great online gallery of works from of the other new artform: cinema.
patrons, did digress from worshipping all these artists ) Movies were storytelling tor the
God in female form to adoring the form As society become.belter educalecl mmsc~ thol evcn Lhe ill iterate could
itself and producing what is commonly and more affluent, the demand fo1 enjoy. ond were creot1ng o whole new
known as erotic art- a trend that books and other printed materials breed ol womm who we1c udo1cd by
continued throughout history and increased. and many artists started thE' ptiblir. ·1hE'y WPIP l(lf(jPI II HHl lilr• mtd
not one this book is going to follow. producing graphic and commercial practically unobtainnhiP, wlliclt h wily
illustrations for magazines such as thpy wE'rE' known n<; <,nPPil q1 >Ckl1 "•~L"•,
INTO THE TWENTIETH CENTURY The Studio. Art Nouveau, which but there wa<; onP wilo W! J', oul ol
As the Christian church started to grew out of the Pre-Raphaelite everybody's reach: Bf'tty Boop.
dominate Western culture, and infiltrate and Arts and Crofts movements in Betty was an animated cartoon
others, the role of women was subverted Britain and other similar movements character created for one of animation
and their images in art were mostly throughout Europe, produced some Innovator Max Fleischer's Talkartoons 1n
reduced to portraits of the vain nobility, adventurous and elaborate images 1930. Or1g1nolly des1gned as o poodle,
or representations of the Virgin Mary. from diverse artists, such as Alfons :.he wu~ quilc quickly ll'dc~,,qrH'd o~. o
There were, no doubt, exceptions, but it Mucha, Aubrey Beardsley, and human, with her floppy paorJIP t>OI',
was not until the end of the nineteenth Gustav Klimt. as well os the greal LADIES IN WAITING
century that European art reintroduced book illustrators such as Walter Crone 1 In Western art, the Virgin Mary is
the idea of allegory. Movements, such and Arthur Rockham. always shown as pious, in contrast ;o
as the Symbolists and the Pre-Rophoelite to the female icons of other religions 0
Brotherhood. began to reexplore legends A NEW CENTURY (see pages 40 and 44). 0
and myths in their works. Beautiful With the newfound freedom that 2 Shakespeare's tragic female Ophelia c:
women were often on integral port of followed the end of World War I, by J. W Waterhouse. (")
their compositions, and artists such as illustrators started to produce simpler 3 Betty Boop was the original animated -l
J. W. Waterhouse almost exclusively drawings of more risque subjects. "It" girl. Although moral, she was very .......
painted fantasy women. Other schools, Photography was making its mark sexy and fell victim to the censors. 0
such as the Orientolists and Romantics, as on illustrative art and as a way 4 Jessica Rabbit from Who Framed :z
also produced works featuring their of representing women, but very Roger Rabbit-the fantasy female of
ideals of womanhood. few artists used it exclusively as a many a grown man.
trrrning into hoop eurr iny~. She was not pen name Charles Moulton. as a appeared in what were usually
rolled Betty Boop unlil1932, when Dave reactron to the predominance of male considered boys' comics. Girls' comics
FIPr'irhPr rPmodclcd her inlo Lhc ~exy superheroes. He used his character to were something altogether different.
torm <;he is hPst known for. Betty was a champion women's causes. saying in DC was producing romance carnics
Lruly groundbreokrnq female rhorocter a 1%3 issue of The American Scholar: for girls, fi lled with tales of young women
rur IHH lirne because she was sexy and "Not even girls want to be girls so long with glamorous jobs, such as secretaries
indPpendcnl, rull rer U10n appearing as our feminine archetype lacks force. and nurses, who fall in love with doctors
a:: os a stJrrort to o mole. Her films olso strength, and power. Not wanting to and pilots They were supposed to be
rcolurcd rnu~rc by some of the best be girls. they don't want to be tender, role models for postwar women looking
:z: jOLL mu~iliOn!> ur Lhe time, rncludrng submissive, peace-loving as good to lead a life of domestic bliss. There
"Minnie the Moocher" by Cou Culluway. women are. Women's strong qualities were also the slightly more frivolous
Unfortunately, BPtty soon fell foul of hove become despised because of Archie comics aimed at teenagers
Urc film cerr~ur~. wrth the enforcf'mf'nt their weakness. The obvious remedy and students, but the message was
rn thE> ·19 30<, of the lluy'> Code Lhat is to create a feminine character still the same.
~peufred what was and wn<; not morally wilh all Lhe strength of Superman It was not all polka-dot dresses and
nrrf'Jiloblc in screen cnlertarnment, plus all the allure of a good and domestic bliss outside the world of
and her newtounrl dPmtrreness beautiful woman." comics, though. Other artists were
diminished her popularity. By 1939, As the years passed, the character creating images of a different type
she harl drsappPnrPd from movie changed into a more domesticated of ideal woman. Pinup art was in
<,m'l'n:•. unlil her guest spot rn version, mainly because of pressure great demand for men's magazines,
Wfru Fwmed Roger Rabhit in 19RR. rrorn Lhe (male) censors and the newly like Playboy and Esquire, because
formed Comrcs Code Authority, who it could. be a bit more daring than
WONDER WOMEN found Wonder Woman's sexuality and photography permitted. The master,
1t wos nul long bel ore another strongly feminist views too subversive for the and most popular of these artists, was
independent temale character was to minds ot America's youth. Women were Alberto Vargas. Apart from gracing the
appear, this timE> in n comic book. meant to be weak, like Lois Lane-to be pages of the two previously mentioned
Wonder Woman first appeared rn rescued, not do the rescuing. Luckily, the magazines, his "Varga Girls" had their
Detectrve Comrcs' (now DC Comics) groundwork had already been done and own calendars. They (or imitations
Ill/ SLw Curmcs rssue 8 in '19~ ·1 . She was the taste for strong, feminine heroes of them) often adorned the sides
rlevlsecl by Williom Marston, under the established. although most of these of warplanes.
TAKE TO THE STAGES a subservient position in the Justice femo les were proving very populor,
1 Emma Peel, from the 1960s cult TV League of Ameri ca to male counterparts especially among the growing number
series The Avengers: sexy, lethal, and such as Superman and Batman. of adult cornrc rcodcrs. There wos
very classy. In Britain, Modesty Blorse, the also on rncreoSirlSJ number ol slor rc:,
2 Lady Penelope, Thunderbirds ' posh enigmatic part-criminal, port-spy, obout ordrnory lr fe teoturr n ~J nonhcrorc Cl
British agent, who bears a resemblance developed a huge following in her characters, such os Ghost World, or c:::
to singer Dusty Springfield. doily newspaper comic-strip adventures left-field characters such as Tonk Girl.
3 Trinity, the high-kicking heroine of the Two other classy British ladies captured Thrs trend hos contrnued rnto the
influential Matrix movies, combining live the public's imagination around the twenty-first century. Tocloy. the most
and computer-generated action with some era, this time on television: popular fen1ole characters. such as 0
dazzling visual artistry Emma Peel in The Avengers and Buffy, Lara Croft, Trinrty, and Arnrdnlo
4 Lara Croft has become the iconic Lady Penelope in Thunderbirds. (to nome but a few), have become
female action hero, in movies, games, Both were intelligent. stylish. beautiful. multimedro stdrs, oppeorinq on
and comics. and ruthless and, luckily, on our side. screen (big and small), os well as
In the United States, Morticia Addams in video games and com ics.
(The Addams Family), (I Dream of)
SWINGING SIXTIES ONWARD Jeannie, and Samantha (Bewitched),
As the 1960s progressed. there was a and their esoteric domestic lives, were Check this out
revival in superhero comics, mostly fulfilling fantasy female roles.
thanks to Marvel's stable of renegade Meanwhile. in Japan, where mango With so many dynamic female
characters. Unlike Superman, Marvel's is on accepted port of cultural life, characters appearing In the
heroes were not always seen as heroes, comics with a diverse range of female various media over the years,
and were often mutants or outcasts characters, from dizzy schoolgirls to It has been Impossible to give
shunned by society. Marvel's heroines deadly assassins, were available. Mango a complete history In the limited
.vere treated as equals, with powers to is even sorted into clearly defined styles space awdlable In this baolc.
match their mole counterparts and aimed at different genders ond age A list of recommended Nading
he abil ities to bottle the most sinister groups, such as "shojo" for teenage Is at the back of the book on
vi llains. DC created female versions of girls or "josei" for women. pages 124-125, so you can
i:heir most popular properties (Supergirl, By the 1990s, girl power was in exploN the chaaacters and
Botgirl), but Wonder Woman was still in full swing, and strong, independent their history In more datGJI.
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This section tokes you through the theory and practice of creating and
developing female characters. When it comes to comics or animation,
story is everything, so storytell ing structu re and techniques are outlined
first. All the theory in the world wil l not make you a good storyteller,
which is as much a natural gift as being a good artist or musician, bul
it will help prevent you from being a bod storyteller. Although creativity
and expression are undoubtedly important, it is vital not to neglect the
croft of drawing. Learning to draw from a book is about as practical as
having a book that teaches you how to read, so if you are serious about
figure drawing, you need to find a teacher who will not only guide you
but correct you. You also need to practice- a lot. What you can learn
from a book is how to use a computer. Some. of the fundamentals of
three of the most useful programs for artists are covered here.
Writing and drawing are two different, although not mutually STRUCTURE
When developing a story, first you have
exclusive, disciplines. Both are used to convey ideas, one with to decide what it is about (the idea, the
concept), then devise the who, what, and
words and one with pictures. A visual artist may be a good where of how to expound it. At its most
basic, a story is divided into three parts:
storyteller, whereas a writer is less likely to be good at drawing. beginning, middle. and end-what is
known in the movie business as a three-
For anyone serious about working as a sequential artist, it act structure. The beginning sets up the
premise, the middle has conflict and
is important to learn at least some fundamental storytelling action, and the ending is the climax and
resolution. Supplementary to this, you
skills. The simplest way to learn about storytelling is to can introduce a more complex form
known as mythological structure or the
read a lot- not just comics, but as much variety as possible. hero' s journey, which is particularly
relevant to comic books.
There is no absolutely right way to tell a story, although there
are wrong ways. If you do not captivate your audience, you The hero's journey uses the academic
studies of Swiss psychologist C. G. Jung
can be pretty sure it is the wrong way. The trick to effective and American mythologist and folklorist
Joseph Campbell, deconstructing stories
storytelling is often not what you say but how you say it. and myths into a prescribed sequence of
events carried by archetypal characters.
A good raconteur can make the most mundane occurrence This may seem like a rigid approach to
storytelling, but the trick is not to use it
seem exciting, whereas an unexpressive speaker can turn to plan your story, but to analyze and
improve it once it is written.
even capture by aliens into dross. If you get an idea for a story, write
it down as freely as you can, without
any thought to structure or even The hero's journey The archetypes
content. Once, it is written. read it
through and revise it into a reasonably
comprehensible form. Now compare CALL TO ADVENTURE HERO The lead character
the structure with the hero's journey The hero Is Introduced to the whose story Is being told.
and check through the list of archetypes reader In his or her ordinary world.
to see how many ore present (see box, A message or event Invites the MENTOR A benefactor who r
right). It is surprising how often inspired hero to embark on an adventure guides the hero and Imparts r
story ideas fit into this format. no matter that will Involve completing an knowledge to him or her.
what the genre. The beauty of the Important task.
mythological structure is that it resolves HERALD The person who
the problem of whether a story is REFUSAL OF THE CALL announces the hero or brings
character or plot driven, because they The hero Initially refuses the call the message that sets the hero
ore inextricably connected. to adventure, but a significant on his or her quest.
meeting with his or her mentor
1 The hero always faces extreme A person, or even an object, that
physical danger during the journey. THRESHOLD TEST The hero Is blocks the hero's path. It can be
2 The mentor is a strong figure with faced with a test at the start of a subtle force, such as self-doubt.
a clear moral compass. the journey, often encountering
3 The herald plays a key role in sending future allies and enemies. SHAPE-SHIFTER A person who
the hero on his or her journey. Is not what they appear to be.
4 The threshold guardian is a sinister CRISIS The hero undergoes an
force who tests the hero 's worth. ordeal that tests his or her physical TRICKSTER The comic relief
5 The shape-shifter does not necessarily endurance and mental resilience. who breaks the tension by
change physical shape, but may be a playing the fool or causing chaos.
femme fatale with a hidden agenda. CUMAX The hero succeeds In the
6 The trickster is a comedic character. task and returns to the ordinary SHADOW The character or thing
7 The shadow represents all that is world having undergone profound that the hero has to defeat, even
negative and must be defeated. personal growth. If It Is the hero's own neurosis.
If you have already skipped ahead to the next section with EMOTION AND PHYSIQUE
The way females are represented on
all the pictures (it was probably what enticed you to part with the page. verbally or visually, will be
. . influenced by your attitude toward the
your money in the first place), you have seen a diverse range gender and any conditionings you may
have accumulated over the years. Men
of female characters. There is everything from homebodies and women will definitely approach the
portrayal of female roles in different
to home wreckers," from angels to demons. Each has an ways. For example, for most males,
the female mind is one of the great
individual look and personality, as well as a unique role to mysteries of the universe, yet women
understand each other no matter how
w play ·in the story. So how do we define female roles and complex and emotional an issue is.
At the risk of making a generalization,
separate them from those of the male of the species? emotion is the crux of the female role,
whereas the mole is more mental or
physical This is not to say that either
gender is incapable of displaying all
011 the f.Hcvrou:. poge you will fmd perform great acts), and the shape- of these traits, but to make female
de ''>ll ipliun~. ol tht' st'ven morn shifter (the femme fatale). Of course. characters believable. they should be
nr cllc•l yp< ,.., lormd in the mythologrcol being archetypes, they can be motivated by emotions.
story structure (llw I H-'r o ·.., jour nc•y). represented not only by moles and Physically, men tend to portray
which ore all roles that can be fulfilled females, but also by any animate being women in what they consider to be the
hy lcrnolc~; from the hero to the or object. One of the reasons for working ideal form, usually involving long legs,
•,lrodow. the proto<Jonrst to the with archetypal characters is to ovoid narrow waists. and big breasts. Women,
nnlnqoni~l. lrr lucl, some of these roles creating stereotypical ones. which however, are more likely to endow their
srril fPrrroiP'• lw llcllt'r them they surt unfortunately is easier said than done. characters with physical characteristics
men, surh n<, llw llll'l rlor (worn err are Conversely, creating personalities that they find lacking, or dislike, within
innately nrrrlrHinq). the• herald (women are obviously against type con be themselves, or they create "plain" women
hove the power to in-;rire men to equally counterproductive. with great personalities or talents.
ON THE HIGH SEAS standards, but they are lhe L!Uulil ie~. lllul
Female characters do not always have con OVlcl flOWt-'1 II 10~1 I IH'fl WII h011l I h0
to be good girls. A ship full of swash- need to resort to muscle power.
buckling female pirates combines Don ' t mnkt-~ yor11 IPIIH JI!'! ll! H oclcr~,
strength and femininity to great effect. look ond behove like men. with breosts.
Focus on their inner st ren9ths to make
FEMININITY them brave. oncl teoch them mur Liul ur L~.
What sets women apart from men or find unique idiosyncrosies to make
is that almost indefinable quality known them dongerous.
as femininity- just as everyone has a Make your women heroic. Muke tlre11 1
different Interpretation of what beauty stronq. sexy. oncl beaulil ul. Muke Ll1err1
is, so do they with regard to what shy or wocky or intelliyer1L. Muke llleiJI
femininity is. Forbearance. generosity. any shape you like, bulmake Lhen1
gentleness. nurturing, and gravity are feminine, and your stories wi ll luke 011
aspects of the fem inine nature that may new dimensiOnS Onu I eully ~ II OW WI lUI
be considered weaknesses by today' s "girl power" is.
Every picture tells a story.
Using the profile sheet
opposite, create two
different histories for the
character in this image-
for example, one fantasy
and one "real" world.
In comics and graphic novels, it is not uncommon to establish a CHARACTERS
One of the simplest ways of developing a
character or fantasy world by telling some of the back story, or back story for a character is by devising
a profile sheet. This lists all the personal
history, that led to the place where the story begins. To bring information about the character, and
will help you make him or her believable
your characters and environments to life, you need to invent a and avoid continuity errors. It will assist
not only with the storyline, but also when
life for them. Your stories are taking place at a particular time in it comes to drawing the character.
There are essentially two approaches
a character's life, which unfolds with the telling. There is also a to creating characters: drawing them
first and then adding the personality
huge back story that has molded them into the personalities traits. or vice versa. Both methods work,
and the one you choose really depends
they are, and you have to know every detail of that history. on your preferences. It is good practice
to use both techniques. and devising
When working with superheroes, revealing their history may characters from written concepts is a
good discipline, especially if you have
help in suspending disbelief, but you need to credit your a visual bias and want to work with
other writers.
audience with the intelligence to go with your ideas without All this background information may
never actually appear in the story, but
having to spell them out. considering it will add depth to the
characters and possibly help to resolve
problems in plot and characterization.
There is no better way to undermine
your credibility as a storyteller than by
introducing a deus ex mach ina solution.
Let your characters be spontaneous,
but not irrational.
Character profile
ENVIRONMENTS This example of a pruflle shHt II
It is not just your characters that need It is not just fantasy worlds that need by no means a deflnltlw 1st. You
bock story. but also the environment in attention to detail; real worlds need even can adapt It to ,aur Italy's . . - .
which they live. If you ore devising your more. If you ore using actual places, they adding and d.tlng mblgehW as
own world. for sci-fi or fantasy stories, hove to be represented as accurately as necessary. The more JOU mn Wlb
you hove to consider everything about it. possible. Hollywood is great at messing about the character's history, the
from its geography, chemistry. physics. up the geography of cities. even if it is better. Try doing It as a role play
and biology to its sociology and culture. only the inhabitants of that city who by Interviewing the chamcter.
You hove to question and rationalize know. Your story and characters wil l hove
every decision you make; if you do not, more credibil ity if you show cities as they PERSONAL DETAILS
there wi ll be plenty of geeks out there really ore. ArcMtype I Name /Aile/
who will question them. If you create a Date of birth I Sex
desert planet. for example, where do the
inhabitants get their food and woter7 Do T JUST HANGING AROUND APPEARANCE
they need it7 If not, why not7 How do It is essential that there is some Height I Weight I Physique I
they survive? Where do they live7 Then synchronicity between your characters Hair color I Sldn calor I
you hove to relate one thing to another. and their environments, such as Eye color I Distinguishing marb
If such and such does this, why does this using related materials for buildings, (natural or Inflicted) I How they
hoppen7 And so on. You get the ideo. costumes, and weapons. were acquired
Style I Material/ Accessories
(hat, jewelry, etc.) I Weapons
and their use
Mother's name I Father's name I
Place of birth I Details of birth
(events. etc.) I Siblings (names
and relationships)
School (name and type of school, 0
level of schooling) I Special
teachers or subjects I Languages I
School friends and nalatlonshlps
Type of work I Economic status I
Special skills
Religion or spiritual path I
Politics I Ambitions I Other
Motivations (needs/wants) I
Weaknesses or flaws IStNngths I
What causes faar I What causes
anger I What causes happiness I
Lessons to be learned
Color I food I Drink I Music I Art I
Experimenting with a full set of pencils,
from very faint hard (H) pencils to soft
black (B) ones, will let you find the
grade that suits you best.
Pens can be roller-point, fine point,
chisel tip, or even simple ballpoint. They
can have fat, thin, round, square, or
even triangular barrels. The important
thing is that they are comfortable in
your hand and suit your drawing style.
Despite all the advances in digital technology, nearly all
The f1rst thing you need to buy i~ u yoocl lh<> work is reduced rn size for printing.
rwrq<' ol pencils and some notebooks If you intend to scan your linework at
rmcJ skelchpmJ<, ol dilr<·rr•rrl '>Ill", ~prrol home. you may have to limit yourself
bound ones are good. You cnn mrry to lell er (M) sized paper. because
IIH•rn wrth youm your pocket or bag, larger format scanners ore expensive
In 1111 rkL' •,u il rirk", whenever insprration (see page 23).
•,lrik<", TIH' •.kcldrpuds should be of A full range of graphite (lead) pencils.
dP< <··rr l·quulily pupcr, lrke those you fmd from a SH through HB to SB. should be
ir1url supply stores, whereas notebook<; in your studio kil. either wooden ones
mn be cheap, lined reporters' pads, just or mechanical (propelling) ones with
tor writin<J your ideas one! stories in. replaceable leads. A single mechanical
For trnr'">hPd clrowings. you willrrccd pencil is useful when you are on the
some lmqt> <;heets of heovy paper or, road, so that you do not need to carry 4 ... & -. -·--
better still, art homo, such as Bristol a sharpener or other metal objects that ·• I ---.. --
homd or CS"IO boorcl. Whenever possible. may cause alarm. A non·repro blue
you ~lrou ld work n<; Iorge as you con, pencil is also useful for drawing structural
wlrich wi ll grve you the chance to add lines as the basis of your final drawings.
II lOll' uetOil (if thot I<; YOIJr style). It is Erasers ore invaluable.
Workspace _.BRUSHES
Fine sable brushes are useful for inking,
Whether working traditionally or and bristle and thicker sable brushes
digitally, you need to aeate a are great for painting. The Japanese
proper workspace for yourself. This brush (far right) requires practice to use
means a desk with a decent chair, effectively, but will give flowing lines.
a good light source, both natural
and artificial, a drawing board, ~INKS AND PAINTS
and storage space. A light box am Try to keep your paints water based.
be useful, too. If you are working Acrylics can be used similarly to oils
with liquids, such as paints and and come in jars or tubes. Inks come
Inks, try to keep them separate in bottles. Gouache comes in tubes
from your dry goods, such as and watercolors in tablet form. _.PAPER
paper, and even more Important, Be aware that the color you see No matter which paper
your computer, because liquids on your palette will dry differently or board you choose to
and electricity just do not mix. when applied to your paper. draw on, if you intend to color
it, make sure it will support your
chosen coloring media.
If absolute color accuracy
is an issue, get a CRT
monitor; if desktop space is
your concern, it has to be a
flat screen. This technology
has improved so much in
recent years that the
sacrifice of color fidelity is
minimal compared with
the gains in space.
There is no escaping the use of computers and other digital COMPUTER
First. you need a computer. This will
devices in the creation of commercial art, which is essentially either be on Apple Moe (the creative's
choice) or a Windows PC The argument
what we are talking about: art that sells. As with the art that Mocs ore too expensive or not
powerful compared with Windows
materials listed on the previous two pages, to make the most of is no longer valid, as is the issue of
compatibility, because most creative
computers and software, skill and imagination are required. A and design software originated on Mocs
is completely cross-platform. In terms of
lot of people fall into the trap of thinking that applying digital ease of use, quality, and reliability, Mocs
ore excellent. virtually virus free-and
filters to a picture makes it art. However, even though digital they look great. Ultimately, the choice
is yours, because you ore the one who
tools will let you experiment with techniques quickly and safely, has to use it. Whether you decide on a
desktop or a laptop will be dictated by
they have to be supported your personal working habits. Desktops
will always be more powerful and hove
by real artistic skills. So what greater storage capacity than laptops,
although that gop narrows with each
digital tools will you need? hardware release.
Always keep in mind, though,
that although having all the latest
LAPTOP technology is wonderful, you con
If you are on the move a lot, produce the some work on older.
buying a laptop makes sense. second'lond computers as you con
With larger screens and m ore or i'e latest top-of-the-range
powerful p rocessors, today's .. towers. Remember:
portables outperform the desktop ··:.
·-~:··~_ ::.·.·:· ~:'-.·.. -~
:-: computers ore just tools.
workstations of not so long ago. I
I ~------ ..
The first of these is a scanner, to
digitize your pencil or inked
drawings. These come in two sizes:
letter (M) and A3. Ideally, you
should get the larger model,
because this wil l let you scan Iorge
drawings in one piece. but they ore
very expensive. costing more than the
computer itself. A letter (M) model con
be purchased very cheaply. especially if it GRAPHICS TABLET,
is just for scanning linework. STYLUS, AND SCANNER
The other indispensable input tool is Size does matter when
a graphics tablet and stylus. The stylus is it comes to working with your
a penlike pressure-sensitive device, and is drawings. Big drawings need
a more natural way of drawing and big scanners, and big screens
coloring than using a mouse. Tablets deserve a big graphics tablet
also come in a range of sizes and costs. They all need big bucks.
toad when the CIDIIIfMWI*Ib ....
WDitdng or at1a ........,~
screen. You hove a choice between loser
and ink-jet. When it comes to color,
ink-jets ore definitely more affordable
and the quality is excellent, depending
on Lhe type of paper you use. The big
If you are working digitally, you are going to need software PIXEL-BASED SOFTWARE
Pixel-based software uses small amounts
for producing your finished images. Computer drawing and of data to represent a pixel (picture
element) on-screen. The most popular
painting packages are divided into pixel- and vector-based pixel -based image-editing software
is Adobe Photoshop. Others. such as
varieties, and combinations of both. Each program has its Corel Draw and Denebo Canvas. which
incorporate vector tools. also hove
merits and drawbacks, and the one you choose will depend their dedicated adherents. For those
preferring a more natural look to their
on personal preference and the style of art you are producing. images. Corel Pointer is in a league
of its own, with its ability to simulate
If you intend to design your own comic layouts or create 3D oils. watercolors. and every other
traditional media.
characters and animations, you will need additional software. Pixel-based programs ore entirely
resolution dependent. This means that
The software outlined here includes the standard programs the output quality of your image will
depend on the number of pixels per
used by professionals, but there is lots of alternative software, inch you allocate to the original image.
A standard printed image (such as those
such as Shareware and Open Source, that is cheaper than in this book) has 300 dpi (dots per inch).
which affects the size of the finished
the major commercial packages and will still do the job. file. A letter (A4) sized full-color TIFF
will be about 30MB.
Vector illustration software, such as
Adobe Illustrator and Macromedio
Freehand, use mathematical equations
and PostScript language to produce their
drawings. As a result, they create very
small files whose images can be enlarged
to any size without loss of quality. The
images produced with these programs
are more hard edged than pixel-based
ones, making them an excellent choice
for comics, especially if you want to use
large areas of flat color. These are best
output using PostScript-equipped loser
printers. although recent software
releases do work well with inkjets.
Illustrator and Freehand are the two
market leaders. but if you want to
explore vector-based natural media,
have a look at Expression from Microsoft
There is one other piece of software that If you want to produce your own Adobe Illustrator produces images with
is indispensable for character artists and comics. you may also need a page very precise lines and flat colors that
that is Curious Labs Poser. Originally layout program. such as QuarkXPress can be easily edited.
designed as a digital version of the or Adobe InDes1gn. These ore certainly
artist's wooden mannequin, it has not essential programs to have. but they T3DIMAGES
developed into a creative tool in its will make your work easier. Adobe hus. Poser is the easiest way to get
own right The advancement in 30 an excellent bundle that includes started in 30, especially if you want to
technology and an international network Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, specialize in character and figurative
of users and content creators has seen it which will give you everything you illustrations, without having to know
become one of the major programs for need at a competitive price. a lot about 30 modeling.
creating fantasy females in 30. This was
taken to new heights with the arrival of
DAZ 3D's Victoria character. DAZ now
produces a huge collection of female,
male, and animal characters, as well as
a range of clothes and props. They also
produce their own program to rival Poser,
DAZ Studio, along with 30 landscape
generator Bryce.
All the 30 females in this book were
created with Poser. DAZ Studio, and
read ily available characters. Both these
programs are also capable of producing
30 animations. Even if you ore not
interested in 30 . Poser is still an excellent
reference resource for characters. poses.
and camera angles when producing
drawings, because they hold their
poses for as long as you need.
Adobe Photoshop is such a ubiquitous part of the digital toolkit 600 dpi. Bitmap will generally ignore any
lines that are less than 50 percent black,
of artists that it has become a verb. Images are no longer so any light pencil. or non-repro blue,
construction lines will disappear. If you
retouched but "Photoshopped." Although it was originally are going to color the image, you can
change it to the color mode later.
designed for the Mac as a digital darkroom for scanned Grayscale is best for pencil drawings
that you are going to ink digitally. This
images, it was quickly adapted as a standalone painting will capture the full tonal range of your
pencils, and because it is serving only
program and promoted into the dominating position it still holds as a template, it can be discarded
afterward. Using grayscale to scan inked
w today. Chances are you are already familiar with its functions, artwork that is to be colored con leave
white artifacts on the edges where they
but you may still find some useful tips here. There is room to overlap the color (anti-alias)
Most scanners capture color in the
provide only a brief overview of some of Photoshop's basics in RGB (red, green, blue) color space,
although professional reprographic
this book; refer to a manual or online help for more information. scanners can capture CMYK (cyan,
magenta, yellow, black) If you are
capturing ink or pencil images, it is best
CAPTURE advocates' purposes. but the important to avoid using color mode to scan them
Assuming that you ore originating on thing to start with is scanning at the because it captures more data than you
pu~L'r or bourd , you wrll need to scan hlghest optical resolution your scanner need and can complicate matters later.
your linework to qet it into a forr·nal you permits, and never below 300 dpi. If you want to scan hand-colored images
con U)L' in Pholoshop. Most scanners When it comes to scanning, you have at home ... don't. at least not if you
supply o plug-in that will let you capture a choice of three- modes: line (bitmap), intend to use them for print Unless you
or import scans directly into Photoshop, grayscale, or color. Line is best used have a properly calibrated, color-matched
olll rouyh some come,wrth standalone for black-and-white images that have system, you will find that what you see
opplrcations. There are lots of different already, been inked, and you definitely printed does not look like what you spent
approoches to scanning that serve th eir need to use a resolution of not less than so long creating.
, Photoshop interface
•. ... ·· ·
~ ·····
•• .. The layout of Photoshop and the
principal tools you will need to ink
and color drawings digitally.
Photoshop Fll~ Edit Image Layer Select Filter View Window_';!~!~
For digital inking, you can use the Brush
or Pen tools-your choice wi ll be partly IQDo.l aJ''\fj[OJOJO~B I ~ ....·~~~,_:.:.....].!.!:!:==-.--...l 0
dictated by your hardware. but also by 0
you r hand. If you have a graphics tablet. (/1
Once you have drawn paths over your pencil drawing, ® T From the Brushes menu,
you need to add black lines to the drawing. Start by select an appropriate brush
making a new layer In the Layers palette, so as not to size for the line.
make the lines part of the original drawing. Make sure
the foreground color is set to 100 percent black.
Trim ...
Whether you use other tools. such as Rt:Ytal AU
Blur, Smudge. Dodge, Burn. and Sponge. V&rlabits
r "'·-- ·'""
will depend on the effects you want to
m -- -i
ochreve. Be adventurous. because ~~~~~ t ~-- ) 0
interesting effects con be discovered I
through making mistakes. The Hrstory . l ;(~
palette will help you repeat on effect. ! u..- : ( Optlor1!... )
Remember to make use of layers. You '-""'-=- - - - - - - - - - tl,. lnpuc[79i• ~: IZI!IZJ
rtOOl" .
can allocate one Ioyer per color, or one .&CHANGEOFMODE
i !!!!,...,_
layer per obJect. Assrgning a color to rts Grayscale or bitmap
own Ioyer makes it easter to alter that images need to be
color at a later stage. On the other hand. changed to a color .&CURVES
rf you wont to add effects to a particular mode: CMYK for print Blacks are converted to CMYK or RGB equivalents.
object, assigning rt rts own Ioyer will help. or RGB for screen (or If you are working with process colors, adjust the
There ore lots of filters and effects in for using particular curve for the black channel of the linework layer
Photoshop to enhance your images, but filters and effects). to bring it up to 100 percent, as shown.
use them with discretion. rather than just
because they are there.
and the other should be Curious Labs Poser or rival DAZ
Studio. Not only do the latter serve as virtual modeling and modify it. add clothes. props, and
environments. pose the elements. and
agencies, but they are also capable of producing stunning render the final picture or animation. The
main difference, apart from the price, is
stills and impressive 30 animations. Scattered throughout the interface. Poser's is a legacy of GUI
genius Kai Krause. whereas Studio's is
the next section are examples of characters created with both more pedestrian and utilitarian.
Both programs have their pros and
programs, but here is a quick rundown of what each will do. cons, but if you just want to use one of
them as they were originally intended,
as a digital mannequin, then Studio's
WHATTHEY DO as well as anime, fantasy. and cartoon "price," coupled with DAZ's well-
Although Poser oncJSl·udio orP Llolh characters, and a virtual menagerie established and popular content. would
complex JD programs. they do not of animals, you can now build any make it the first choice. Studio also offers
rcqu1re any knowledge of BooiPon type of scene and use it as a drawing an ever-growing number of plug-ins to
orerotions. NURBS. metobalb, reference. Poser and Studio both come extend the program's basic functions
~pl i nes. polygon cou nt. or evPn with figures (also known as content). into an even more professional tool.
LexLLHe rrluppiri<J. The software was Poser comes with a bigger selection Poser. on the other hand, does have a
des1gned to bP w.ed by artists. with and o bigger price tag, whereas Studio long development history that gives it
Pu~er originally created as a d1g1tal offers only two of DAZ's most popular the edge in other ways, apart from its
version uf Lire wooden rnannequ1n, characters (Victoria and Michael). well-known reputation, such as its more
o character that is still presenl in but is free. complex animation-editing functions
the software With o huge range of Poser and Studio both operate in and the ability to grow and style hair
onotomicolly currecl models available. similar ways, in that you take a model on Poser's own models.
T FACE LIFT Poser interface
Every aspect of Poser's built-in figures'
faces can be adjosted in the Face
room. You can even add photos of your The Poser interface is different 8 Adds a single figure to
own face, or of your friends, and map from most other graphics the scene.
them onto the figures. software, but is logical and easy
to use once you are familiar with 8 Adds additional selected
its functions. f igures to a scene, including
clothing and props.
0 Light controls: For adding and
editing lights. 0 The main picture window
or camera view used for the
f) Cameras: Select one of Image. It can be altered to any
the preset cameras or create proportion. The finished size can
additional ones for animation. be adjusted at the render stage.
Studio interface
In comparison to Poser, Studio's 0 Parameter controls: Adjust the
Interface is stark, but it is figures by dragging the sliders or
uncomplicated and It works. typing in numbers.
----- ---------------- - --
Apart from the obvious differences between male and female
based on ideals, but as you are dealing with fiction , all the
PRACTICE Proportions
Humans come in all shapes and sizes.
If you are serious about working in Getting the right physical
figurative art, you need to make yourself CD o proportions for your characters is 0
familiar with this diversity. and the best Important; otherwise they will not 3:
place to do this is at a life-drawing class. look right (unless you are drawing -< .
There is no substitute for working with In the mango chlbl/super·
real models and getting feedback on deformed style). The standard
your work. Failing that. you can always measurement is eight heads high,
try asking friends and family to pose for with the head height taken from
you. It does not mean you hove to get the aown to the bottom of the
them to undress. because it is JUSt as chin. This measurement Is used for
important. if not more so. to learn how other proportions, as shown In the
clothes fit and fabrics fall. diagram at left. The ideal adult is
Alternatively. you con use Poser or measured as eight heads (male
DAZ Studio. The anatomical illustrations. and female), and heroic figures
including the skeleton, on these pages are drawn as nine heads high.
were created using these programs.
Although the models in these programs
are no substitute for the real thing, they
con hold a pose for considerably longer. 0 The head unit. For a woman 5 feet
especially jumping in the air. and wi ll 8 inches tall, the head would measure
assume any position wi thout complaint. 8 ~ inches high.
Another option is to buy one, or ®e Q At the widest point, the body
more. of the Iorge number of books on measures two head units.
anatomy for artists. Some break down (I Waist and elbows align. The waist is
every component of the body with usually no less than one head unit wide.
drawings made from different angles. (j) 0 Midpoint. The hips/buttocks are
These books ca n be expensive. however. measured as 1 ~ head units. The crotch
and given that DAZ Studio is free. the is ~ unit below the midpoint.
software route may be a better one. 8 Bottom of the knee.
Getting the right tools and creating the proper work environmenl will
help make the creative process easier. but remember that they wil l not
make you creative. That is the job of th is seclion or Lhis book- Lo
inspire you and get those creative ju ices flowing. The charocters hove
been divided into nine different genres or types. This is by no meons
o definitive list, and some of the characters cou ld JUSt as easily belorlg
to one group as another. However. th is is not about classification and
labeling; it is about showing diversity and the range of possibilities tor
creating femal e characters t hat can go beyond stereotypes. Each
character features o personality profile that gives a little insight into
who she is and what she does. Different artists, both male ond female,
from around the world have created these characters using a variety of
influences, styles, and techn iques, wh ich are explained in practical,
illustrated steps. Follow their examples and start creating your own
characters and developing your own unique style.
Who is she? Zed, a driver-for-hire with some nefarious clientele, has been given the
job of transporting this strange, silent girl to an unknown destination. She was put in
the back of his car cuffed and chained, with a bag on her head, and he was told to
drive and await further instructions. What does she wear? She arrives wearing
jeans, T-shirt, and sneakers, which she eventually discards when her wings fully unfurl.
What does she do? Mostly, she sits silently in the car as Zed, fearing the worst
from this job, starts to open his heart to her and recount the good and bad things
that have happened to him since he fell into the criminal life. What happens
to her? As the situation worsens on the journey, her supernatural powers start
to manifest. She easily frees herself from her shackles but does not attempt to
escape. Zed cannot understand why she is not leaving him or if he really saw
her·flying with angel wings.
lnitrol pencil sketches
You will need explored different
drawing styles and
• Bristol board or drawing paper ways or expressing
• Pencil and eraser personolrty. The
• Black marker pens with various tips influence of mongo/
• Macintosh or Windows PC onime styles is evident
• Scanner in the use of Iorge eyes
• Graphics tablet and stylus and minimollinework.
• Adobe Photoshop helping to create on
impression of innocence.
.&. T Angel
)ketche<, ut the
character in key
moments of Lhe
T Angel face story serve as useful
Building on the earlier reference•'> when rt
concepts, a sketch was UHlll''> lu Ul'UliiH.J
made with more detail I he fino I piL'LL',
and shad ing using a soft whellrt•r fur
(2B) pencil A soft, dark onimotion or
gray marker pen was a com ic book.
then used to strengthen
the main lines while
retaining some softness
to the edges. This was
then scanned into
Photoshop for coloring.
Cl Making your own character T Eternally bad of Koli in o bar, but it could be
Tl 11s picturr was originally produced argued that it is o matter of
Kuli 1 ~ orH' of thr mme pnpuiUI ul Ll1e II11H.Ju for thr cnver of Eternally Bad by interpretation. As Koli is the
ponthrnn, nmnnq LUIIleiiiJ)UIUIY wrll<'rs onywoy, Trino Robbin':>, a collection of stories destroyer of evil. her consumption
prnhoi.Jiy IJelliU~e or her powrr~ nf destruction. or "yoddessrs with attitude." The of alcohol and tobacco could be
Sl1c liu~. bc'c'n in mnviP<. such U':> JucJtw tu Junes r ictu re co used on adverse reaction for that end (just as Shivo does).
one! th,, 11'111f1le of Ouuu 1 ur 1<.1 wus an1rnotrrl hy omonq seclors or the Hindu as well as overcoming chauvinistic
~ny Hn rry l,uu ~e'' 111 T/1e Gulden Vnyocw ot '->in/Joel. c.ornmun 1Ly because of its portrayal mole attitudes.
Wht->11 u~mq ur1 ex1~llrl(j pc'rsnnolity, e<.pecially u
le lll.JIOU~ Ofl(~, II l'i Cl gonrl irl!'Cl to doll':> II JUdi
re~:corrh o~ po~~ihle, nol u1ily 111lo l11e1 1
OiJi/l'mnnrr• h111 ubu 111lo ull u~pects of thrir
hi~tnry nnd rhcllu!.lel. You ul~o need to rlrrirlr
I'Xnctly h1 1w yuu wur 1l lo port roy thr rlrity, oncl
il yuu wur1llo 11~.k off0nrling onynne.
.,...Dark lady
As well os Lhe exllu
fllllr of mm ~ onrl thr
1ulhe1~JUl Y WUit.hui.Je,
Kali olso hos to be
pori royr•d w1th rlnrk
~k rrr, lH'< <HJ',<' Kolr
llleUIIS"Liur k." 131ur •
is ullt:l llJ~Pd , <J', 1r1
TPinup Kali piclul e~ ul K11~.l rr ru
Pictures like this ore very popular with Hindus (whit.h ulsu IJleUir~. ;::o
for decorating altars. temples, and homes, and "dcu"k"), bul it ~lru uld
provide useful reference for creating your own really I.Je I.Jiuck. !1 1
interpretation of this type of female character. luLl , V(-'IY dn1k •,kill
Although fearsome and ferocious in bottle. and (<HI lokc• CHI (J hli ll';h
often shown with a face that conveys that aspect. hue. Artistically. a pale 0
Koli is still Q mother goddess whose beauty is blue iS IIIIH II l 'C/',il 'I rn
sublime, as this portrayal demonstrates. to work wrth. Vl
42 A N (i l I 0 I II I A I I N G ( A ND C II A T T I N G )
Vl How does she do it? The Mother Goddess gave all her angels a spark of her own
omnipotent power that they can use as vibrating energy emanating from their hands.
EvE-lrl l hough this force can bring light to even the darkest forces, Roffae.lla prefers the
immcdiocy of the sword when dealing with negative entities.
TFace lift
Making your Adjusting mouth shapes in Poser and DAZ Studio
own character is done with morphs These ore built into the
models and ore accessed by selecting the
( lnrr tilt~ hn~lc chorocter character's head and choosing Parameters in
IJI Od e iiiU~ U\:\:11 uuiiLIf\ DAZ Studio or Parameter Dials under the Wi ndows
l'n ~c· r (<;t~c pnqes bO-b 1 ). menu in Poser. A huge number of options ore
t l ll~J <~ w<~ '·< ~V<'I < JI opt 1on•i available (depending on the model) and ore
t nr ochievinq o IYJOI e hone!· adjusted eithe~ numerically or by dragging the
d1own look [)/\7 \ t lJ(i ln scroll bar/wheel. It is very much a process of trial
II U~, U U lll tHllll t'lldt'l and error to get the exact expression you wont.
option; Pn•,pr hw. u vw icly
of ~.ketch rrndPI <,; 01
Pliolrl'JJClfl Itilers or other
nrti<.tir <,nftwcuP like ':lludio ~ Expressions
Artist cnn hP nppliPrl to lile Facial exp r e))ion~ con convey a lot about a
finn I, rxpn1 tPcl iiJlUlJt:'~. l hwocler's personali ty. The best places to
conccntlalc arc the eyes and mouth. This
one conveys the ideo of "Oops."
• Sketchy ideas
Po">f'l hm a sketch render option that prnd11< <"•
some interestin ~1 Prrc' t 1••. llul1~. l1n11tcd to screen
resolution, which moy nnl ',Ilit yolll needs. Halso
lends to look obviously compi !IPI ·<JPIH'Inlr•d. ~.o 1t
rnoy he• better to use a good render <HHl chow
over it by hone! in Pholoshop.
~ Sketch settings
Poser's sketch render
has a selection of
preset options
that con serve as a
bose for personal
All changes ore
toon settings ITI
Photoshop comes with
a Iorge selection of
filters for al tering the
appearance of images.
Poster Edges, which
flattens the colors
and odds a block line
around the edges,
is one of the Artistic
filters that closely
resembles eel shading. •~Toon angel
Some characters, such
as mongo/onime·style
You will need ones, work better with
toon shading than
• Macintosh or Windows PC others. Try to keep
• Curious Labs Poser everything simple,
• DAZ Studio with as much flat color
• Adobe Photoshop as possible Lighting
• Synthetik Studio Artist is also crucial. This
• DAZ's Aiko 3 image was rendered
• Clothes, props, backgrounds, etc. with DAZ Studio's
default cartoon render.
Who is she? This goddess comes in many guises and with many names,
but to the Phoenicians she is Astarte, the goddess of fertility, motherhood, and
war, and the embodiment of creation, sustenance, and destruction. In India,
she is known as Kali (page 40). What does she wear? Astarte wears the
flowing robes of a goddess. She is sometimes represented with cow horns to
reinforce the fertility aspect of her nature. What does she do? As mother
of the universe, she is the giver of life to everything on Earth. She also rules
over the souls in heaven that appear as stars, so another of her names is
Astroache, queen of the stars and giver of astral bodies. As a warrior goddess,
she revels in the blood of her victims. How does she do it? Sometimes
she uses traditional weapons, such as an ax and spear, but at other times she
uses the subtler weapons of beauty and sexuality to overcome her enemies.
..,... Composition
Starting with a Iorge
sheet of Conson tinted
paper. the figures and
basic composition
You will need were sketched using
pastel and conte
• Canson tinted paper pencils. For the female
• Pencil and eraser figure. photographic
• Pastel colors and conte white pencils reference shots were
• Macintosh or Windows PC token to get the
• Scanner correct pose and
• Graphics tablet and stylus fall of the cloth.
• Adobe Photoshop The moles were
drown from memory.
..,.Pastel and
digital coloring
Pastels were used
to color the image.
The paper's texturP
remains visible unde1
the softness of the
pastels. and on eraser
was employed to
blend and shape
highlights. Once
the basic colo1 was
completed, the image
was scanned for
refining in Photoshop.
Additional effects were
appliPrl, ~uch as the
green eyes and the
glow around Astarte's
hand. The color of tlw
drapes wm eventually
changed from red to
blue <>o that Astarte
would stand out from
the background.
T Digital correction
Because sconni11g l<'rnovt's <;Orne of the vibrancy
of the ong1nal colors, some adjustmenb we1r>
made to controsluncloolonce. Tn odd1t1on.
pastels are a very soft medium. so willi
continuous retouching onrl hondlin<J ol Llic popcr.
the face of the figure on the left hewnc'
smudged and dislo1Led.
To overcome Lhi'>. a
helmet was added to
the final image to cover
up some of the damage
and distract the eyP from
it Corrections like this
are much easier to do
digitally so that further
damage to the original
carYbe avoided .
.,..Tone and
The tone and shadmg
were built up using
white conte pencils for
highlights. An eraser
was also used to
remove areas to help
define shapes.
Who is she? As a child surviving inthe desolate ruins of a future Chicago in the
aftermath of ecological disaster, Keico Loc was taken into the "care" of the delusional,
psychotic warlord Black Eye, who trained her as an assassin. What does she wear?
Black-it has to be black for working, made from the latest tear-resistant, water-
repellent, quick-drying synthetic fabric, accessorized with lightweight alloy body armor.
What does she do? Bounty hunter. After escaping from Black Eye, Keico joined the
EBS (Espionage Bounty Specialty) Agency in Chi Nova (the new, safe, domed part of
Chicago), working under the name of Ghost Spy. Like most teenagers, she wanted to
find out who she really was, but her background made it hard for her to conform to
the new society's regulations. How does she do it? After years of abuse and
training from Black Eye, killing has become second nature to Keico, despite her
desire for a more normal life.
DIDITIPY Illustrations by Jacob Elijah
.A. logo
When dCVISIIlg a com iC, It is (J rJoorl iciPo I 0 clevi'.l'
T~Twotone an identity thot mn hP LJ<,erl ll rr! lli!JI lOUt t11e
Usually, the inked line is left a solid black, projcclco sc1ic). Apu1 L lrurn teatunng 1t on covt>rs
although sometimes it is colored to and 111 promotion~. it i<, nlso wry u ~dul whl'll
enhance the adjoining area (see page 51). mokinSJ pre)enluUun~ to publisher~ or potPnt1nl
In this case, where the linework is against backers. If you look profcssionol. Lliur llc; ore
the black of the clothing, it is lightened. you will be accepted a~ rrofPs~ ionnl
One way to do this is to select
the linework with the Magic Wand
tool (with anti-alias off), then simply
paint over the appropriate lines in the
shade of your choice.
6 The official Ghost
Spy web site. for previews of the comics, plus
other information and downloads. Image Comics.
publishers of Ghost Spy.
-- ..... ...
Who is she? Bellatri x Orion is the only chi ld of the last generation
of occult warriors known simply as Fixers. She is the first female Fixer.
What does she wear? As the first woman Fixer, Bellatrix designed
her own costumes. Skilltight leather is her favorite, but she also has a
PVC outfit that is more flexible and easier to clean after a particularly
messy assignment. These clothes also let her pass unnoticed in the
places her targets frequent. What does she do?
Wilh growing public acceptance of the dark side of the
occult. unillitioted proctitioners have been resurrecting
beings Lhat should not have crossed dimensions,
resu lting in many dealhs. Bellatrix's j ob is to clean
tJr l he mess and destroy the malevolent beings.
........................ . ......_ . . ,. . .
............ Zftl.
====-~ .._
Making your
own character
It is soicl thul "cloiiH",
rnnketh the II lUll," lJul
dr",ICJr11nCJ the ri~1I1L ..,.. Costume and style
c <>', lllr!l(' for you1· Developing a unique look
i<'lllnlc• chorocter will for a character extends
dC'f1nitcly ChCIIl':,W I lOW beyond the costume to the
•;h(' IS perceived. One c• overall style of the drawing.
you huv<-> u < onn•rt for A variety of styles from
the Ll1u1uc 1<'1 , yo1 1 mongo to "cortoony" to
hove I u de •e 1de• not what could be called a
only how to dre~·. IH'I, traditional superhero style
IJul ulso the drnwi1HJ were all tried. Recurring
style in whic h she will themes and features ore
IJcc 1epresentecl. clearly visible.
..,... Muscle building
With your initial sketches.
it is important to get the
underlying anatomy and
proportions correct, but w1thout
going into too much muscle
detaiL If you add it at this early
stage. you may not want to
remove it when you start
adding LhP costume ond color.
Muscle detail can be alluded to
with some well-placed lines
that will not detract from the
style of the finished drawinq .
artist. the pencil work will of the bnc.kyrmmrl. I hi', i', -<
need to be "tight"-that is, not a hard and fast mle
it needs to be a finished (yuu rJJUY pr!:'lcr Lilt' :,oiL·
drawing. perfectly legible. edrwd version shown ot
so that the inking artist can left. for exomple) and
see exactly where to put will be dillut~·u l!y yo1u
the ink lines. overall style.
..,.Soft edges
The final costume and style were chosen and a color
scheme decided, using Photoshop's toon shading to add
form and depth. In this example. the outlines have been
"dropped"-a technique often used in animation- to
get an overall softer look. To do this, the black, inked lines
are duplicated onto a separate layer in Photoshop and • Bristol board or drawing paper
colored with darker versions of • Pencil and eraser
the main area color. This can • Black marker pens with
be done using a Brush tool, or
by a variety of other techniques.
~c·~ m- fQI I
~ c:.~ ~ various tips
• Macintosh or W indows PC
such as adjusting the IO~ l Lood••• ) • Scanner
Hue/Saturation sliders (found Ug htMSS ~ • Graphics tablet and
under Image> Adjustments or '----- - - - - - , . Colorlzt:
by pressing Cmd-U or Ctri-U) ~ s- • Adobe Photoshop
Who is she? Kaitlin Shepherd is a British agent
working for the Special Operations Executive during
World War II. She is their highest trained operative and
has been assigned to work with the United States' first
counterintelligence agent, Jack Hunter. What does she
wear? Kaitlin wears a supple leather flight suit that she has
modified for field usage. In one holster she carries a .~55
calibre Webley & Scott automatic pistol, equipped with a
silencer, and in the other a sabot club. The club extends to
allow her to fend off attackers without bruising her knuckles.
Her jacket conceals a Fairbairn-Sykes fighting knife and a single-
shot flashlight pistol. Her boots are Royal Marine jungle boots.
52 l i I{ A C [ , PANACH 1::. , A ND WR Y WI T
~ 1950s heroine
Drawn in a style reminiscent of 1950s
Making your own character adventure and roma nce comics. this early
sketch of the character has many of the
Wl1e1 111 <ornrr, to sexy British lemale uumtr, final attributes well established. in particular
Lht: I lUll I<-"• Modesty Blaise ond LUJu C10ft orr the weapons and basic uniform. which is
olwuy:. go111q to •;rnnq to mind, so u eut 1n9 o more modest than the eventual style. The
new LUIIt<'IHI<•r rr<Juires a ~1reat slu1y wr1 ttrn with face and hair were changed, as were other
:,J1uppy dH1Inquc. sympathetic leod choroctcrs. aspects that defined the final personality.
und really evil bod <Jl 1y•; The hero me also has Experimenting with these subtle changes will
to look the part WritPJ /\Jllli cw Cosby and artist help your character grow. If you are working
Mull Haley got the riyhl funnula for their graphic with a writer. it is important to .get his or her
novel Jock Hunter: G.!. SPY. feed back and input.
TSoft tone .... Nighttime
Generally, tonal shading with pencil is not used, nuances
but in this case it was retained to give a softer, Developing charactPrs
textured look. especially to the clothing. To is all about moking
achieve this you have to set the pencil layer to them believable.
Multiply. You may also want to experiment with even if Lhey are
the contrast settings, depending on the drawing doing unbelievable
and the overall effect you want to achieve. Lhings. Images like
this can reveal a lol
about a chorocte1 '·s
personality. I he choice
of nightweor. the
eyeshade, c;l('('ping
with a pisloi-Lhese
are all ac;r('cts that
hove to be decided
by the artist and
the writer to add
nuances to the
character and help
the story unfold.
How does she do it? Highly trained in advanced
sword and firearm skills, coupled with cunning stealth
and fearless ferocity, Astra and her com padres have
been known to cause men to surrender without Illustrations by
N1c Brennan
having to strike a blow.
- -~ - - . -:-..·.- . ~
·' 0 ,. :
How does she do it? Dark Sister whips her team into shape with
physical and verbol obuse, arlCJ cajoles them with salacious promises.
Once she has caplured Lhe driver's attention, he (and it usually is a he)
is invoriobly a winner, but at a price. AILhough she is more on antihero,
she always leods her driver to the final goal.
and texture
HI C) I dll)ltl':> Ul ld
'\hmlnw~i Wt:'l f:' J-!UIIIll:'cl
rm lu Ll1e L l ulltlll~l Lu
qivP thl-'11 1fi_IIIIILIIIIJ
texture rulfllf:'l \
nnturni iTif:'Liiu
qru~l11c~ Luolel rnukc
color bl<'llding ('O~y.
~Shadow detail
~Hand sketch Finally. tidy up the
Stort with a simr:liified • Technical drawing in ink and
skeLLil of u ilund, w1Lh features odd the shadow detail,
some anotomicol Add gears. hinges. ready for coloring,
g1 11d<'~ for JOillts ond ond other engineering or simply leave it as
oth er bones. SL11dy devices. Working from a monotone study
anatomy books to technical reference for reference.
understond how these material wi ll help you
work. Start adding create something that
details and shading. looks functional.
;.' •• '
. I
~· •v .
• I - ~1.... !
pencil drawing
The f1n1shecl pencil •Initial
drawing still shows Ink outlines
some of the previous At the ti r~t ~tn(J(' nt
sketch work, but hu::- lllklfK). ltUU2 OVCI ltlC
all the details and penrtllwtt-'\ Will 111
shading in place. finr pen. l J~c ~t('ncly,
ready lo be 1nked. sinqlc stroke:, without
puu~1nq 011 u l111c.
1\l Ll11~ J)Uifll. IU~l ,..,
concmtiOt<' on thr
outlinP~. lenvinq the
~ilUUirty unUIIu~.l.
..,.. Finishing
the ink outlines
With a wider pen.
go over the outer
extremities and
any other edges.
such as the jacket.
that wi ll benefit
from enhancement
Illustrations by Chns Patmore
W ,
< How does she do it? There are no rules. Every situation requires a different
solution. Spontaneity and experience are her weapons. The Pravana Gun she carries
CQ can be used to neutralize malevolent forces, but she prefers to avoid them altogether.
Making your own character ~Choosing a model
Begin by replacing the
lreatinq nn imn~w tl\tn!J r()..,f-'J " Jttud 1 Llle ~o rne default Poser character
""lit liii!J 11 pltulurJiupllicolly. but without the with your female model
qlurnour or expense ot trovclin~J to nn exnl tr from the Figures palette
locotion. It ··,l tlltt~!jllll f-'\ rll llilll!j I lie ttylil rnodel. (in this example, Victoria
l]l •IIJJIIJ \ t IIIII-' I lrill if-''>, I tpplyiriSJ rnokeup and 1). Click on the single tick
IHJJt\lyiiii!J, r IJ()()~mq [.Hops. and settinq the to substitu te the new
lot Ill IIIli l.lfll.i liqr1tinq. figure for the old one.
You will need Selecl on item of cl othing
(usually found in o submenu
• Macintosh or Windows PC or Lhe Figures palette) and
• Curious Lobs Poser click on Lhe double lick to
• DAZ's Victoria bring il in as a separate
• Clothes, props, backgrounds, etc. model Select Conform To
rrom the Ftgure menu to
attach the item to the figure
so that they move together.
_.Adding props
Prop:.. )Ucllo!. Ute S)llrt . ore independent itcrm
thot con be placed and ITIOIIipulntl'd wrth rn
the scene.
~ Hair and pose
Hair is added from the m
Hair palette and a m
pose is chosen from 0
the Poses palette.
Using o prepared pose
will make your initial
work much quicker. ...,
not to mention _.Perfecting the face
anatomically correct. One of th0 mo-;t imrortont ports ot the charuller
i~ her fuce. Po~er grvc•, 1ncrrdrhl0 mntrol to
change everythinq hom elllltiuly Lu exi) r e)~ro r l.
Backgrounds con be added as eilher
figures or props. depending on how T Lighting and camera angles
they are created, and con range Preset lighting is used lor Lltr~ iJlllurP. [xp<'rrrrH>rtllrHJ w1th
from full 30 objects to photographs. your own lighting etlecls i ~ Li rr te-wn~,lJII\ 11 19 , hul con
produce interesting results. l::.xperimenlirt!,J wrllr u11 rter(J
•IJiiiiiiDll angles and compo~ilion i~ llw Iirtol <,I< 'P h<'ior <'
render irtg Llle llrruqe.
(I ·.}- ·y·'/~~~
/ .
com ic book artists. If you intend
You will need ( to do you r own inking, you con
• Bristol board or drawing paper use single-width pencil lines and
• Pencil and eraser odd varying line weight as you
• Black marker pens with various tips •· ink. ft is a good ideo to develop
• Macintosh or Windows PC \. \ good working practices as soon
• Scanner as possible, and a full range of
• Graphics tablet and stylus skills. to increase your chances
• Adobe Photoshop of getting professional work.
'f'Costumes ..,.. Ink drawings
Designing functional costumes for your characters Good inking is the secrPt to good finislted
requires you to know all about their personalities, art. Depending on the style of coloring 1o he.:'
histories. and the actions they have to perform. employed, keeping orcas of solid block to a
minimum is advisable. When scanning your
rnk drawing, do so at a resolution of ot leosl
.,..Helmet 600 dpi. then corwerl rl Lo your preferred
The helmet is used as color mode (RGB or CMYK).
protection from gas
and viral attacks. It 'f' Battery cells
also doubles as a crash ThE' battery cello; 0 11
helmet in combat her shoulders and
situations, or in case hips ore for rechor<JIIl<J
there is ever a problem the nanites.
with the Impact Boots.
.A Boots
The military-issue 0
Impact Boots ore
designed to absorb 0
kinetic energy. 'r
allowing her to ,..,.,
fall or jump from ;;o
..,.. Jacket
The Smart Jacket
is made of a fabric
impregnated with
nanites. allowing
it to shorten or
lengthen itself as
the situation requires.
Who is she? Ayindree Callisto lives in a future world of two disparate
societies: the affluent and the poor. Ayin lived in the cloistered world
of the affluent. with a doting husband who loved her for her old-
fashioned fem inine values. All law-abiding citizens have ID microchips
implanted under their skin, supposedly for their protection, but also to
ident1fy potential cand idates for a secret law enforcement task force.
Ayindrre was a perfect match. She was kidnapped and trained, and her
records were deleted. What does she wear? Ayin's uniform is a
high-ITlObility, sound-absorbing, heat-isolating, and light-responsive suit
thot also reatu res a high-pressure air system to absorb the impact of
jumps from buildings or drop-ships. Other features include night-vision
<::Jogglr.s ond sensors that extend peripheral vision to 360 degrees.
~Clean lines
Ink lines qivc tlw
drawi ng li S rld1111 'd r111 111
fc )f \llllllllllU (II II I ri ll!.II
colcH1nq. ~·orne of the
lincc, con h(' ld 1 c ,. , !>~-' "' II
lu ljiVt-' \Ortt-'1 1.111:'(1 ~, Of
,.-Rubber and bullets r-
To oLhi<'V<' IIH' •,hc•c•n on the costume oncl
Illustrations by Simon VoldPrromo equ1prnent. areas were masked off and colc>l<'ci
U'.in~l l:> l c:nd1n~J ond airbrush tools along with
lex I Lll e und blur fillers 1n Photoshop. An
undcrsland1ng of how light works on variow. )>
)Uf ruu•; will odd that important touch
of realism. Poser or OAL Studio we
very useful for references.
A Initial sketch
You will need A basic pose with minimal detail was drawn
tlueclly into openConvos. Using a graphics
• Windows PC tablet and stylus is Similar to using paper
• Graphics tablet and stylus onu periCil. but different enough to render
• openCanvas3 o different style to you r drawing.
..,._Color palette
Once the drawing is
finished, it is a good idea
to build a color palette.
An easy way of doing
this is to make small
swatches of color on
a separate layer and
access them with the
Eyedropper tool.
T Adding shades
Layers and tranc;porPncy ore particularly
useful when it comes to coloring items
such as the lensPs of Synch ·s qlosses.
68 t. X U I I C • P I\ N f) l MF N S I 0 N A L P0 LI CE 0 F F I CER
VINUI DF Ifill! Illustrations by Alessandro Scacchra, story by Ka Gunstone
~Digital airbrushing
Cieollll<J sofl. cunli n uuu~ lonul hiSJ hli~j tl t~: is
easily nrhiPVt->d tNII<J tilt-> AIIIIIIJ\ It opl tort in
Ph otoshop. Bt->r (II 1\t-' uf !lit-' "\of! I II-'\\" or lltf-l
<'JJrbru·)li, 11 '' 1tul po\\lilll-' lo Ul-'(111-' (J \Oiid r ttlr.ll
ugOJn<.t li te llllll k ltne wtUtuULil'. "IJleedirt~j."
u.,tng the MuSJiCWond Loot. click in the mea yOLI
want to color on the layer with the line drawinq.
Now. create a new layer, in this cmc Ior li te '>ktt t
Choose/rrPntP the rolr11 yr HI wr 11 11 l.o LN, . Selfo'cl
lhe Puirtlbrush tool. ond <.lCtivate the Airbrush
option. You may nr.r.d to rxpcrimcnt, hLII ·,Lrrr 1
wt ll t 50 % Opacity urtd stort building LIP U1e
color within the selection 1111til it look·; hnw you
want it lo. Alternatively, you can give the area
a fill uf .,ol1u color onu use the Dodge tool to z
creole Lhe hrghl1gh ls. Bolh rnelhous work os c:::
long as you keep the color on a ~r rorot0 loyN·
and work with in a selection.
Dodge tool
Paintbrush tool
Active layer
Hovin0 no d1~cernible
intelligence of their
own, Lhe males are
d1reclly controlled by
the temole through
biochemical means
to serve the females.
1n o relationship like
that of worker ants
and their queen.
.... Brain
T Turnaround
rhe thrC'(' cJittC'rmt ViC'W'i of tiW pit ll il llkP I It-'1 11111 t-'
qive o cleor look at her :,tructurr., with thC' nmr\lw
U:'llllul pJLLure IJemq Ll H= f1ur1L. Tl 1e~.e Lu1 nuround
V it~w~ nrc ll'iPd hy nniJlli llllr:-- Ill ~\l !ll lli ·:JI pl1y~K IJ I
chmo( tC'ristir'i thot cn n hP ensily IE'ii:'I I:'IIU:'t.l. Tl 1e r
eyelike Sti UClUII:': :O In lhe Lf:'ll liUI <JUIJ or i ll ~ ''lil~ud "
arc' ortt Jolly C'CJr'i.
~ Foundation sketches
Ueor icleos cmd lob of f.liULLiLe wdll ielf.l you
rreote r,ketches that con be adopted lor Lhe
f1nrshPrl imoqes. A very quick foundation can be
laid down with n fpw loinllines, wilh Lhe rest of
thP ~kPtch bein<J clune wilh u soiL (B) lead pencrl.
..,.. Quick turnover T Strong lines
For animations, simple Strong block lim><, '>lrrh <J', lllc.'<:>l' we cosy to
drawings like this work uchreve 1n Photoshop using the Pencil Lool.
well. The bold, flat colors, Create' <;cporote layers for the skeLLI1, lor inklllU,
minimal detail. and strong und fur Lhe color. If your drowin~ hm (ln~f'cl
block outlines ore easy to f.>Ulh~. you cun usc thr Point Kurkrt toni tn lill cu1
reproduce in the volume ureu wrlh u color. I he open paths ',hown
needed for cartoons. here, wlwrP tllP hie It k lull-''> cln IIUllllf:'el. require
Some tonal work con be either mokinq a selection with the I n'i\< 1111 f\"11
added for shading , using toni nnd frlli11U l11ul ureu. or c.urerully u~i nq the
Photoshop 's Airbrush tool. Brush tool. which will slow down tlw pnxr"i'i
When a sketch is finished to this
degree, rl wn simply be sconned
and imrorted into yoLII "rlClqe· ()
editing software, in thi'> case 0
Photoshop, for i nkin~ and colorinCJ. V>
Making your own character ortisls have approached this type of character.
then try your own experiments in coss-breeding.
(Jt-'111111~) "''~-''' ur1d/o1. in thi~ case. cross·species
c~H.m.Ktcrs requires research into biology, not only
into phy··,irnl np1 H.,"' H
11 ~-'' hu l 11l"n heliuviOI.
Wl11c l1 pi'Y""-" 1uLL111JuLes do you include and
how shotJicl tht'Y hr· in1Pt.Jf"Oled7 Sl 1uuld Lile
h0hnvinr hP morP onimol 01 mo1 e hulllOil?
Apa1L IIUIII :-,Luuy11ty biology, nlso look at existing
mythologiwii.Jew.b-for exumplc, ccnlours
(horse/human), me1 maids (humrm/fi<.h), Pan
(ht JJllon/qonl ). N(!foShJmo (human/lion)-for
fu1 Ll1cJ in~pillllion.
...,. Establishing the concept
The concept is clearly established
at the pencil stage. The low angle
of view makes the character appear
more dominating, although with
no comparable reference poin ts
it is not possible to gouge the
character's actual size.
.... Collecting
Rdt~renrr· pl11 111 ,., 1 ,r
1!11!111111 \kill\, und rur
wi ll help you q\'t thC'
rit]ht mr11 kJI I ~J';, 111
II II'. <.u~e Lliu~e 1.\f o
jaqum. 1\ vic, it In 1111 •
/!l!l W llill.l I.Uillf:'fl\
...,. Inking fur could supply o w>nrl
When inking for digital coloring, the \ I lUlU:' ur I I IUlf:'IIUi.
general ideo is to make closed paths so
that Iorge areas con be f1lled using the
Point Bucket tool, without the color
filling adjacent areas. To achieve a
believable look for the fur. a ragged
edge has to be created that will
require careful coloring .
...: Making your own character TBalance
Illusion and perception ore the two
I he Nobodv comic series wns crcntcd in n ~.tmk, principol methods of getting th1s style of Illustrations by
rnonochromotlc :;tyil~ to conwy the :;lory · ~ dmk, drowllllJ Lo work. ThP world IS ~o familiar Charlie Adlard.
n1oody atmo~.phcrc. Whcn work1ng Ill blurk und lu 11~ ll1u l eve11 ::,y111U0b lUll convey Lhe story by Sharon Cho
Whllr·, YUI! IIUVl' lu dt•t ltlt~ Ullllw look YIH I Wi lli \ 1dPu of <I fule E-rnods are full of such and Alex Amado
w11l !Ill' Ill'·,\ 11'1 lllllljlll-' lo mlllt"W 1\ Ap111\ f111111 PXU!IlfJIP\, oeuled from keyboard
lilt· l11ql1 1I !Ill II!',\ 111oli1 · ll'll"d f1 11 Nul )(U ly, oli lt"l <IHIIII< IPI'>-fOI exomple, "_" is instantly
u ..
·,\yll "l 1111 hHII" 'lllllplt" 1111111111" lhiJWIIllj\ Ill ()Ill"\ LIJUI 1ew.ynimble os a foce. The images
1!'11' \1!111", WI IIIII I 1111 ill" l llillt"VPd Wllh !"1\hPI I 10\~ ~hown here are all drown with correct
IHJ\1 111111_1, ·,\1ppl111~1. 111 l1y 11\llliJ '>< IP!"II\ Apc11\ J>PI'>peclive und onotomical proportions.
IIUIIIIIII' (.l('lJ\IV(' po·,·,ll!illill"l ur lJI()( kIll HI wiHII", l>t1l I hPI P i<., very little structurol detail.
low printlnq costs arc alway:; on 1nccnt1vc lo Because of the strength of the shadows,
worklnq In monochrornc. it is important that they be correct in
relation to the perceived light source.
T Black as night
This high-contrast style works very well for
nighttime pictures like this one. where high-
contrast shadows ore more natural. A crime scene
would hove a very bright single light source. which :z:
odds to the realism of the image. The fine vertical
lines ore very effective in conveying the sense of rn
torrential rain. which is enhanced by the use of
white lines against the block. Provided you hove
done your drawing on smooth -surfaced board.
such as Bristo l or CS 10, you con scratch the block
ink away using a sharp instrument, such as a >
scalpel or compass point. If you like working in --1
.-Textural effects
Apply n conlrmtinq (irnin lillt:'r
to tlw clothinq on 1·hp ntl.lPr lnyer,
then ~Pt the Opncity (trnrl'ip<;nt->111 y)
to ')0 percrnrtn
Cfl'Otl~ (I WOVC'Il
T Brushes -l
To achieve the pointrrl look. you hove to set up
options for your bnJ'ihe..-;. Apcul lio111 U1o~c 1n Lhc C>
drop-down panel, you willnePcl lo '>ellllc lllu~h's
opac1ty. This will let you work in o similn1wny lo -l
USing watercolor, adding layer llp011 lnyPI or lOIOI
to achieve the shadows and highlights necpsc,cuy
for giving ymu chwoclc'r lorrn.
Alternative method
of moving cameras
.... Hair
Choose hair from the' Hair rn<'ntr onrl orlrl it to th0
character. A variety of styles ore available to buy
from the DAZ web site. Change the background to
white to make it easier to see wlrul i~ lloppc•nrr lU
as the character is built up. ;;o
'f' Fine-tuning
Most fig ures come wrlh o scl<'clron of preset poses that con act as a sta rtinq
..,.Hair color point. Once you hovP sel 1hP morn poc.c' onrl orlrlcd prop<;, <;trrh o-; th0 CJUn
By clicking through the and cigarette, you con fine-lune lh<• p<N' G<'llrnu the• hnnd lo hold thr• qun
hierarchical menu of the realistical ly con lake lot<; of •;moll ndJII'itrnmt•; to 0och scctron of each cliqit.
Scene palette. select the as well as the positioning . • ..._. _ .., _ ·- ··~ --· _
hair, then choose a hair of the prop itself. Facial
color MAT file from the expressions also hove to
Poses content menu. be altered into one that
is appropriate to the
character or the momPnt
You will need being portrayed. You can
then add a suitable
• Macintosh or Windows PC background and render
• DAZStudlo the finished picture.
• DAZ's The Girl The crgarette smoke
• Adobe Photoshop was added afterword.
• Clothes, props. backgrounds, etc. usrng Photoshop.
Who is she? Isabella Delarosa was born outside Udine, in northeast Italy. The only
child of a merchant, she was determined to carry on the family business, even against
social traditions. During her first visit to Venice, as a trader, she met Giorgio Parkhov, a
Romanian traveler, which changed her life forever. What does she wear? Her taste
in fashion has changed over the years, but she always favors clothes that will attract
men and impress other women. Her preference is for red silk. What does she do?
Even though her family's business died with her father, she has retained a strong
business acumen, and acquired a storehouse of objets d'art that she can sell when she
needs money to fund her decadent nightlife. What happens to her? As the years
have passed and travel has become easier, her taste in men has become more varied.
She arrived in New York in the early 1960s, and was rumored to have appeared in
Andy Warhol's Dracula, although she cannot be seen in the final film.
T Turnaround
__, Developing familiarity with your characters is very
imporlant if you have to draw them for a whole
Making your own character comic. or series of comics. Even if you just do
thern as pencil sketches, draw as many different
( ri·nti n~J n ihnrnitPI" with two sin rillll. yel angles and poses as you can.
il i~t i llit i Vt'ly clitti·rt~nt. tcwes is o ~·JieOL exerCI':>e
Vl in r xplnrlng tht' n"pects nt trwinl onolomy and
UJ woy~ ot rlivrr'iitying trntt 1rrs. In this m 'iP, to
whnt t'Xtt'nt Yilt1chnnoe the tnie, heyoncl the
ot)ligotory fongc;, wil l rlC'pt'nrl on whiih ver'iion
or Lhe vornpirc Storie:, you c;uhc;crihC' to
< How does she do it? Zhi-En's ambitions exceed those of simply being a well -paid
< consultant- she wonts to control the empire's underground crime network, so she fully
employs her feminine wiles to entice all levels of crimi nals to her own private clinic, built
w with runds !rom her Consultancy work. Women who ore both attractive and intelligent
me often seen os o thr·cat by men, especially those locking in those departments. They
are olso seen as a challenge, and this is how she is able to capture and enhance them,
to become obcdicn LLroops in her bottle to overthrow the more resistant crim inal factions.
T Turnaround ,..,.
Chorocter model sheets, or Lurnarouncb, ure rrrrport.<Hrl w. r<'f<-'r<'nn"i for
the prorortions and overall look of the chorocter. ln addili_urr Lu Lire ll u ~e
basic views shown herr, yorr r,houlrl odd three quarter and top views. I ry
different poses omJ clolhes ul u vurrPI y-<l nn<JI<-"i, thm mncentrotc·on foci eli (/)
expressions. Burld o lrbrury of these sheets so that when you come to putting
together a comic or animation, you will be complele(y lnrrrilinr wil 11 1liP :z
character's physical attributes. ,..,
Illustrations by (/)
T Traditional
After a lot ot experimenting, the mo~t traditional torm wo~ chosen tor
Lhe character. The in1L1ul i1nuue wu-. dH 1wr1niiiH rpt->1, ..,, rlllliPd, rHHI II IPII
imported into Painter, where its ronqe of "natural media" brushes wore
used to creute Lhe wulerwlo1 effed. A puper Lexlure wu~ ul!.u ur.kled ln
the background area. The hair wn·; rolmPrliJI"PPn, like srnwc·c·rl, with the·
whole image taking on on nquomorinr rolor.
CtptYAd Bristle I #t
_....,_Initial concepts
You will need The artist's first idea for
an ocean girl produced
• Bristol board or drawing paper thr "bubble-head" figure
• Pencil and eraser above. but the suggestion
• Black marker pens with various tips of creating a surfer led to
• Macintosh or Windows PC thr other two sketches.
• Scanner The ideas were then
• Graphics tablet and stylus amalgamated to become
• Adobe Photoshop the story of Ashla.
The traditional ceremoniol
clothes that 1\shla wears
in her role os Atlontorl
princess ore very ~illlilur VA~~
Lo her nolurol churce
orwurdrGIJe. Till':. lllk
drawing was eventually
culor erl ill rill ll ()\Ill lj>,
with th e block lines
being colored by
rnokinl.J ~el eclions
and using Adjustments>
HuP/<;oturr rlrnn) Cr 1inrrt f-'.
The bubble-head ideo was developed as a way of
allowing Ashlo to breolhe underwuLe1. Bccousc
1 she is only holf Atlonton, she does not hove oil
A Surfer girl -' their ottributes.·The helmet wos o very eorly
Making Ashla o surfer helps to define her Atlantan invention that helped the people survive
personality: she has a fanatical devotion when their city first sank beneath the ocean.
to the ocean, is a bit of an outsider from It was given to Ashla's mother when ~he~ was
society, and has a desire to travel. rescued and works like on artificial gill.
Who is she? Mohini lives in the equatorial and tropical waters of the Pacific. Warm
water and an abundance of fish and fruits suit her needs and temperament. What
does she wear? Beads in her braided hair and sometimes a shell necklace, but
clothes are of no use to her. She has never understood why humans cover their
bodies when they are in the water-it certainly does not make swimming any easier.
What does she do? Mohini has a fascination for humans who venture into her
realm, especially surfers who seem to understand the ocean. When she meets t hem,
she tries to entice them to stay in her world. How does she do it? Her beguiling
looks always work, but it is people 's curiosity at seeing a supposedly mythical
creature that makes them take the risk. Some people believe that the kiss of a
mermaid will allow them to breathe underwater, and some surfers are convinced that
this is how they have survived wipeouts on big waves. Mohini will never kiss and tell.
A r
A A bit of tail
fJA7\ Conforminq
Mertail was ploc('d in llw
scene os n nt->w fi:Jllle (by
clu kiii:J the double ticks). and thC'n 1llllfllllllf.ld
to the main tiqure, rnoklll(_J Vu 11 liH 1'1111.ilhe tail
into a sinqle itcrn. v,, 1111111\ lf-l'J~· need to be
hidden to lct llw 11111 lit-> 111dependently vi:.ibk·.
Choose WHHiow,>Poromctcr Diah>l\opl 'lllt->\ 111111
dt-><.,elell the Visible check box by tlu k.11 10 llll 1l.
This has to br rfnnP ftH ull the elements (toe:;,
feel, sfurl,,lhiqhs, and SO Oil) llli l fl !lilly lf1e lUll
and torso ore vi<.1hlt->.
<IIIIIIPosing n
T Hair and face Tl ll::'le life muny prcs~~t J'T1
Adding the hair (DAZ's Wild Braids) and po-;~~., nv1 1111 il1le LIKtl ~crvc )>
creating a unique face is where the character US eXCCIIrnt c,lnil lrirJ I.IUII ll~
tokes on her individuality. Using the Victoria fu1 creating yotJr own. ThP
Morph Pock, every aspect of the face con be u1 H:! u'ed herr ir, fron1 n ·;et -1
altered. For Mohini. different Pacific-region ur IJelly dancrr rosC'<;, J'T1
... Texture
A texture templnL<' lor
Viclor1o 3. Either
photos or cligitolly
pointed skin textures
con be overlaid in
Photoshop or onothPr
program. It is best to
do this on a seporolc
Ioyer. keeping the
templote locked.
Who is she? Keiko is a remnant of the Asian white collar families
that were the cornerstone of consumerism in the two decades that
spanned the second millenn ium. Her personality is dictated by
markeling and advertising campaigns and the whims of youth
fucled by too much fillancial indulgence from their parents.
What does she wear? The latest fashion items, and the
more original the better. In her quest for recognizable individuality,
Kc.:iko often persuades her f1·iends from the fash ion college
to o eule something outlandish from the synthetic fabrics
the industrial mega-corporations donate to students.
Whotever she wears has to be accessorized with the latest
gud~Jels cmd gi7mos, and color-coordinated, of course.
o What does she do? Hanging out with her friends and gossiping
i<lkP'-. up most other spore time. There is so much to talk about-
who 's wearinq what, which color is "now," what the best thing on
the~ video link i':.. How does she do it? Even she wonders
how she finds the time to do so much and still go shopping.
Wi lh all her youthful exuberance, and her daddy's money,
she~ somehow manages to lead a life free from worldly realities.
Fil: [iOOiJi)
Illustrations by
Making your own character Emmo Viecelt of
Sweotdrop Studio
It ynrr intend tn work wi lll cro~!> · LUILu rulrrnages
nncl slur ie~ . rl r~ uquoLI rueu Lo do lots of research .... Shojo face
Lu err~u r c uccur(](:y. Thr hr~t mrthorl i~ to visit Mango drawing styles range from very
thr mr mtry or mt~n . hecouse r1oLhinq cun simple to extremely detailed, and ore
~urpo ss lirsthund experrerrce. lull ~err~uo l determined by the type of story or the
rrmnc'r•;ron will hrinCJ your drawings and story audience they are aimed at. Nodesico
Lo life. and do not forget to take o cumero Ia is drawn in a shojo style, used for girls'
phoLOCJroph evcrythrng for reference. If you comics. Practice will odd confidence to
r r 11rrruL ocluolly vrsrt a country, try to find an your pencil strokes, letting you get th e
ethnrc enclove in o neorby cily. most from each one.
..,..Hairst yle ..,.. Base colors
A sketch, trying The bose colors were laid
out a hairstyle. down on a separate Ioyer
If you cannot find below the digital ink lines
a live model, in Photoshop
use photographic
reference. The
Internet will provide
some examples.
..,.. Lady in red --{
What happens to her? At the new college, Natsuki meets
Jarnes, a bit of a dreamer, to whom she feels inexplicably attracted.
:.= Sl1e soon finds that James's reserve hides a more complex and
:c troubled personality.
u Illustrations by
Paul Duffield
Making your own character
~Shad ow play
~ ..,._No ink required To crcotc o ~;hodow, u~;c the Mog1c Wond tool
Cleanly executed pencil lines can be used for to select the white hnck<JIOUIYI nf the· cl rnwin~·J
your finished image. without the need for inking. Ioyer oncl invert the selec tion Lo qive you un
This will give a slightly softer look to your picture ullivt: u ulilill::' uf Lil t: LIIUIULLI::'i. Clt:Ull::' u I II::'W
that can be used to emphasize personality. To ~ Ioyer for the shadow, eri ~JlJrl f1(_J II. 1~1 oct IV<;. r ill
darken the pencil lines of the scanned drawing, I (-.£-t; ·-:. the selection with o :,hade of gray. Usc the
make adjustments to the Curves. This gives you . CE:) l ronsform tool ( ~)r l rct >I ronc.form jrlrrtion or
more control over the tone than simply altering •• CMD ICTRII T) to rlistort the shnp(' hy linlclinQ
the Contrast. It is best to scan your drawing as I"JWI !5i\<e
clown t he CMD (CTI~ I ) key nncl rlrn~JCJin~·J th!'
grayscale and make the adjustments before ; o..tii'Ji ;-65\• corner of the selection You con linish il hy
converting it into RGB or CMYK for coloring. uJd1ny ~o r lit: Nui~t: ( Fillel > Nu1~t:>AJJ Nu l ~!:').
os shown on thr. rnnin pictlHC, or odd •;omc'
blur to creote o sotter el·tect.
_~_I_~_~l_:_·_.~_:_·- - - -~ :
• Macintosh or Windows PC
• Scanner
• Graphics tablet and stylus L,__-_... I
• Adobe Photoshop
Who is she? Twink is a fairy who lives in a land where the boys will not grow
up, and the men no longer want to have fun. She is shunned by most of the
other fairies because of her overdeveloped physique and libido. What does
she wear? She has given up on flimsy gossamer gowns and floral frocks
in favor of a more robust terrapin-shell bikini of her own design. What
does she do? Twink wants to meet a real man, because she is tired
of hanging around with a bunch of fairies. "No wonder they call it
Neverland," she keeps saying to herself. How does she do it? Being
only six inches tall, she finds it difficult communicating with men who are too
narrow-minded to acknowledge her existence, but she has magic powers and
can enter their dreams. In that nether land, they are on equal terms. The best
ones even fly with her and never forget their encounter.
~Hand painting
For the initinl pnint inq
::.llii.J t', UllyliLS Ul
wuleJwlor!> were u~eu -n
to 00t 0 hOt;(' of ~ol1d m
wlur . Hu1u uuLIIIJt')
were pointecl in ond Vl
color choirc's morlc. -1
Hair. eyes, onrl nth0r -<
details were first
1llustrotcd ot t h 1 ~; "T''
Airbrushing produces son, grodtJOIPrllones. It is often lJSecJ freehond, but
if a more defined line is required, the image is covered with a removable
masking film, called frisket. The required shapes are cut out. and color 1s
sprayed into the image. The mask stops the airbrush spray from bleedmg
onto the white area. and keeps Lhe edges well defined. Hiqhli ght~ ond
shadows were added to
the final picture using Check this out
more hand-painted
acrylics. Colored pencils Books published by Monte Moore:
were also used for precise Maidens (Vol. 1 and 2)
details, especially for Maglnlque
cleaning up the linework Mystlco
to give it a cartoon feel. Majesllca
Who is she? Safiye is a mythological figure of Karkistan, who serves
as the narrator of that country's myths and legends. What does
she wear? Her clothes are made of the finest silk brocade,
embellished with gossamer-thin silver th reads. Her shoes and
accessories ore made from the tanned skillSof rodents, to
produce the supplest leather, and the raised heels
ore fashioned from the branches of local cedar
t rees. What does she do? She tells the stories
and legends of heroes of the past and present,
the most beloved of wh ich is Emperor Ad ham I
or Lhe Phantom Noir, whose image adorns her coat
(one of Adhom's bodyguards is featured on page 5~).
they moy he wriLLen down for all to enjoy, and the smoke
lrom her pipe puts the writers into a tronce so that they
con hear her. The tin ishcd texts arc then copied ond
distributed to the seats of learning throughout the land.
She is oil cn n churucler in Lhe stories herself.
..,.Detail m
This illustration is a ·
detail from Sofiye's
coot, representing m
the Emperor Adhom ;o
and his wife, Sophia.
It is drown in the
imagined style of
art of the fictitious
country. Paying
attention to such
details will make
the story seem more
real for the reader.
• Macintosh or
Windows PC A Embellishments
• Graphics tablet Vignettes, such os this lockPt contnining n pnrtrnit
and stylus of Sophia and a lock ot her horr. con be added
• Adobe to Lhe story's poge lo ernuelli~ l r il, nolonly
Illustrator picloriolly bul also by rcvcoling em ospccl of Lhe
• Adobe slory lhal mighl nol be expressed in words.
Who is she? Liel is a half-human/half-elf who lives in an elf
village at a time of great peace for elves. Despite the utopian
idyll, Liel feels marginalized because of her mixed race. What
does she wear? Her sylvan lifestyle does not require a lot of
clothing. The weather is warm all year-round, and being the
adventurous type, Liellikes as much freedom of movement as
possible. Most of the clothes she does wear are made from
the finest leathers that the elfin tanners are renowned for
producing. What happens to her? Liel is worried by some
dark omens, so her friend Gon tricks her into meeting the
Sword master, a reclusive warrior who lives on the edge of the
village. He puts on an impressive display of his martial skills.
Sunon Volderromo
What does she do? Liel is not convinced about the use of
the Swordmaster's martial abilities, as it goes against the elfin
ethos. However, events transpire that show Liel that she must
learn the warrior's way, so she becomes the Swordmaster's
apprentice. Already feel ing like an outsider, she has no trouble
adapting to the new lifestyle and learns very quickly as the
situation darkens.
-\of~ 1Cf\FA\.LS 0 ~
Ok& 021,=
IH 1WO biJP-lNG ...·nIKf I'U. ~t A8J.E..,
...,.. Storyboard
A page from the
storyboard for the cut . . • T O llO ~CVTHll
movie shows Liel's first TH!r~~l? J
You will need
.... Chibi
• Bristol board or drawing paper As port of the go me's development. SO (super
• Pencil and eraser deformed) or chibi versions or Lhe churocler~
• Black marker pens with various tips were created. Chibr (JoronesP tor child)
• Watercolors is o style of mongo/onime where the
• Macintos.h or Windows PC proportions of the characters ore similar
• Scanner to those of a chi ld. ll is also called super
• Graphics tablet and stylus deformed because the fealures ore extremely
• Adobe Photoshop simplrfred and exaggerated.
Who is she? No, she is not the cash-carrying benefactor
eagerly anticipated by gummy, smiling little children, who
is expected to put a coin under their pillow in exchange
for a lost tooth. In fact, rewarding children for losing
their teeth is the last thing she would do. What does
she wear? A strappy little mini dress, the color of
the pinkest, healthiest gums, and black stockings
that reinforce her image as someone not to be
messed with. Not all fairies are gossamer and goodness.
What does she do? Did you ever dream that all your
teeth were falling out? That was her work. Her motives and
actions are obscure and guarded, and not of the mortal realm.
How does she do it? Because no one is really sure what Illustrations by
she does, no one knows what her modus operandi is. It is Liz Powell
• I
Layers palette-
works like Photoshop,
~ Digital inking including a large
Scanned pencils ore range of filters
inked in openConvos .......__,. Tool palette - a
in much the some way smaller selection
as in Photoshop. The than Photoshop,
but functional
advantage of digital
inking, especially when •'r?-:t--- Brush palette-
beginning, is that you controls and edits
various bruslles in ltle
get a second (or third) same way as Painter
chance at a line if
you make a mistake, Color palette- uses a
color selector rather
without having to than a slider/mixer
resort to Wite-Out
or other corrective Preview window-
similar to Navigator
methods. However. in Photoshop,
you need a lot of
practice with a stylus
to produce great lines.
~Skin art
Assigning layers for each color gives
you a lot more freedom wilh your
brushstrokes. Using a Watercolor
Brush. the color con be applied in
brood strokes, luying differenL densilies
one on top of another to achieve
the required tone and shade. Even
though the color extends beyond
the edge of the outlines. iL is very 0
easy to clean up afterward. 0
~Final ink
The finished "inked"
outline is ready to
be colored. In :;o
o What does she do? Although she walks around being sullen, brooding,
1- and just t oo cool to talk, she loves to dance. She pretends to like music that
is very esoteric, underground, and on the edge, but in the quiet of her own
room, anyt hing with a decent beat will get her moving. What happens
to her? She really wants to join a goth band, but no matter how well she
can fake an accent, she cannot disguise her natural singing voice and it will
not develop the raspiness t he local bands want. But she' s not bitter- much.
~Hand painting
Working with a variety of natural
media does tequtte ucetlutrtur rtourtl
of rlonnin~ to ovnirl inrnmpntihilil iP"
with paints and ink-; For exomp l t~. it
you intend to usc watercolor washes,
these will have to be laid down f11sl so
that they con be obsorbeu by Lhe pupet.
and to allow stronger rolors to hr odrlrcl
on top. For this imogr. a mixturr of
watercolors and acrylics was usrrl to
lay down some basic colore; onrl to [!Oint
over the pencil lines.
Airbrush was very popular in the 1970s and
1980s for all manner of graphic arts. from photo
retouching to adding pictures to everything from
toys to surfboards to trucks. Although it is still
popular for customizing motor vehicles. its use in
graphic arts has been more or less replaced by the
digital equivalent in Photoshop and other such
programs. Most of the coloring in this picture was
done with on airbrush. A removable masking film.
called frisket. is used to keep colors from bleeding
into the wrong places. The inks spray easily off
the existing points. which odd extra depth to
the new Ioyer of color.
110 I T V T N C:1 I 0 R T II [ C I T Y
Candy's lean, lithr
body and high
cJ 1eek1June looks qet
her pfe11ly ur IIIUdefrlll)
work, bul her 1eLd luve
i<. viciPo-mukllllJ Sire
i'> clevPioping ur 1rdeu
for o rlonrmPntmy,
but will not even tell
her fricnrls wilot
it' is about.
~ .... I >
~Alice ;:o
The oldest of Candy's friends, Alice has worked in
media and publishing for longer than she cares to
admit. The fact that she does not need to show
a resume when changing jobs attests to this.
Alice knows what she wonts and how to get it.
although she sometimes worries that she is not
getting any younger. Using strong, clear linework
as a foundation, the Photoshop airbrushing gives
the image a high-gloss look that sums up the
character's personality. Royalty-free
illustrations where more examples of Candy
and her friends can be found. The artist's web site,
displaying his latest comics and illustrations.
Who is she? Rachael is just an ordinary girl with good looks
and a passion for being in the spotlight. What does she
wear? Fash ion is a big part of her life. Unfortunately, show
business has not bestowed its wealth upon her-yet. She is sure
it wil l happen eventually, but in the meantime, she buys cheap
clothes a1ld customfzes them, and uses a bit of mix and match.
Luckily, she has always understood that it is not what you wear but the
woy you wear it that cou nts the most. What does she do? Rachael
tries everylh ing Lhat will help her to get noticed. Wel l, almost everyth ing.
She has sung wilh bands and in musicals; she has acted on the stage and
in movies- even if they are just walk-on parts. She has even modeled-
foshion Ollly, though. Unfortunately, that big b1·eak keeps eluding her.
T Make backups
Once you familiarize yo urself with digital tools
and feel comfortable with a graphics tablet and
stylus. there are.many advantages to working
.... Edited directly into the computer. All stages of your
highlights artwork. from initial construction lines to the
For the novice artist. final colored image. can be incorporated into
one of the hardest a single, multilayered document- which you
things to master is will. natural ly, rigorously back up.
lighting-where the
light source is and how ...,
it affects the character. 0
This means getting
the correct proportion
of highlights and
shadows and ensuring
they are consistent
throughout the image.
The finished picture of
Rachael shows a very
strong overhead
frontal light source.
such as a midday
summer sun. If you do
not have a model to
use for photographic
reference, Poser or the
free DAZ Studio are
ideal reference tools.
• Macintosh or
Windows PC
• Graphics tablet
and stylus
• Adobe Photoshop
Who is she? Fifteen-year-old Rilla Rosewood is the latest
student to start at the mysterious, science-specialized Bourneside
School. What does she wear? To fit in and look smart,
Rilla opts for the school uniform. What does she do?
Although initially shy, Rilla goes through her last years
of schooling at Bourneside with two close friends, who
are both completely different personalities. Like most
teenagers, she struggles to keep her friendships, studies,
and love life in balance, which becomes even harder
as stranger and stranger things start happening at the
school. Animals appear suddenly in the school grounds,
as do doppelgangers of the staff and students.
I ~ II
\ '. .
/''-; ';I ...."'-,..
J '\ f
. \
' \ '-.,_ I
detailed color portraits will help be U?rd for specific items or color~. To color
you become familiar with the Lin~ d1uruLter, u Br u~l1 tool wu~ u~.t!d w1t h o
character and coloring scheme. graphics tablet and stylus. The scanned tine
uruwrny wu~ ploct'd on lh<' top loy<'r <llld •,c•t
to Multiply, to r11uke Ll1e whrte Lrur1 ~purer tl.
On o new Ioyer. brushes ol vetr iou::. siLe::. were
used to point the clothes. Even tl1ouglr Lire
color •,orr l l:' l irnP~ w<•rtl <HII'.id<• IIH •Iu H''..illf•
subsequent layers placed over the top covered
these errors, olthough they could just u~ eu~. i ly
have been erased.
t:l What does she do? Anna owns and runs Circus Zazel, which she
1- took over from her father after he left them. She also likes to dabble
w in the occult as a way to communicate with her sister.
Making your own character ~Portraits
...J Al l the drawings were
o::r::: Contlch~nn~ in ym1r nhility nncl styiP cnn Pncinw done in ink, without
yc H 11cIIIJWHH J ~ w1LI1 u u:rLoin power that can :r,t' '(01.1 W<m f t'o 11'now wAo-f preliminary pencils
EI/G /ook~d like, .she hod
mnk1· thr·m hr· ncccpied beyond 11il pt->1< Plvt->d llnna 's eyes .. .
or other preparation.
U.lnvc~nllr.Hl!; of drawinq (proportion, perspective, Consistency in
nnci ',O Oil) 0111 tJ )'OI I I HIVt-' I hili \ Pif· t !JIIfldf:'IIU:', the character's
yow cun draw in a naivr., r,trNlm ot mn~r.ioJJsnrss appearance becomes
!.Lyle w1LI1uul feUI of der i~ion. unimportant because
capturing the spirit
and personality is
the main priority.
• Childlike
I his style: of drawing is ottrn mllro·nnivr l/('(CJIJ~r
IL liu:. UH~ lflfiUU=rll )lfllf.llluly ur Ullllld\ r.ifkiWifll).
ThPrP i~ no lhOI JGhi· or llf'~i l niHXI IIli'IH J kJIHJ IIJI'
lines, and perspective: is not rvrn n con~ l drration.
(llllli.ll f llll~J lllflUU:'IIU:' WILli !:'Xp!:'ilf:'IIU:' l.lltH.ll.IC.f:'~.
striking mmrositions.
The sisters calmly discuss their impending
existential crisis. Even though the anatomy THatching 0
is completely wrong, the mind still accepts it War kina in pure monochJunxJtJC ,1·11 11 I111~J 1111'1 :z:
because we know what it is supposed to look . be och1evecl wilh holchinq {~huwn l it:'if:') ur m
like-just as we accept the typed symbols 1\ _ 1\ as u u:.:.·liuLLilllll) (wl1!:'1 e 111 Ler:.eLLIIKJ Iiii i:'~ u1 f:' u~ed r-
a human face. However. this should not be used Lo udlleve u Uf:'fl)f:'l LOri!:'). One ur
as an excuse for not learning how to draw of working in black oncJ white i~; the low m;t 1f you
anatomically correct figures intend to self-publish usin<J o ln-;cr printr·r nnd/oc
iJiiulucoiJif:'l. Tl1e lflliJOI Lunl Ll ilf I<J 1~, Lu uLI11eve
solid. rich. consistmt hlncks. I nstnnt print '\hnp'\
ore ubo ecorlornlcul.
Check this out The dreamlike
quality of the story
www, The artist's and illustrations do
web stte, wittllats of Information on dreams. not always make
sense, but they are
lucid within their
own reali ty.
Who is she? Lila is not exactly a tomboy, but she is having
trouble adapting to her new body shape and the interest it is
attracting. She likes being a girl, but her fiercely independent
nature and sense of self are sometimes at odds with the image
her gender is expected to portray. What does she wear?
She mostly likes to hide in looser clothes, but the rush of
pubescent hormones has made her reassess how she portrays
herself. What does she do? Lila is very smart and intuitive,
giving her insights that often make her outspoken, but she is not
garrulous. She is not affected by the pubescent hormonal rush in
the extreme way that her peers are (apart from obvious physical
ones) and acts as the (mostly ignored) voice of reason for her friends.
a What happens to her? Lila' s freethinking has attracted the
attention of the "authorities," who want to use her for a covert project.
I.I.J To snare her, they move a handsome agent, Kyle, into the house across
the street, but t hey have not made allowances for Lila's tenacity ...
Vl Emma V1ecelr of
Sweatdrop Studio
Making your own character
I il11 h i11nw" 111 Llu:> ~ltoJo rrlltrll)U :.Lyle. which ..,.. Figure sketches
lt~n ~~~ itS1'It tn 1h1~ Jll ll Lruyuluf llliiULer IU:' while Apart from creating
allowing room tm mnre iniPIP"Ii111j ll\pl:'l b Lu ue the initial look.
explored. I h<' long hlonci(' hoir, in hlmrhPo;, nncf developing a character
Ll1e qur 1qly l1rnbs togcth('r with on originnl rlrPss also involves exploring
~er 1 ~e help Lu convey the fc<'ling ot youth nnd moods and emotions
Li!ll)e J.)lllk nurrv :,lippm ~crcom "hom<'hociy." visually. Because this
style of mango uses
You will need and detail, particularly
in the face. most of
•lrlstolboMI ....... papal' the expressions are
• Panels and ...... conveyed with the
............... Wfth Wlltous tips eyes, one of the
• Madldlaltt or Windows PC characteristically
• Scanner dominant features
• CiRiphlcl . . . . and stylus of Japanese comics
•Adetae ........ and animation.
.... Developing ..,.. Preparing the
character final drawing
through sketches The final cirowin~ i~
To get the right look inked and ready to
for the character. a scan lor coloring in
range of hair. dress. Photoshop. Whenevet
and footwear options possible. ensure thal
were tried before oil pat h ~ in your
settling on the final cltuWHHJ~ ute clo~ed.
combination. Quick l his means no ~a r'i in
pencil sketches make the linework. Closed
the visualization pulh~ nleltr 1 yuu w tt
process much easier. qutckly ftllwt Ut eu
and also leave you wt lh color ustng the
with a library of Potn t Bucket tool.
reference material Open paths will cause
that can be used Lhe color lo flow tnlo
at a later date. Lhe odJutntnq weu.
T Adding detail c
Add detail to the head. one lnyrr Clt a time. until the clesirecl ettect is ""='
achieved. Depending un how yuu 111Lend Lo u~e the ftnul irTHJU<'. yot Jmn
leave the layers or merge them together to export Lhem i11Lu U!JIItilul>le
format such as TIFF. Either way. keepinq a layered file is olwoys oclvisoble.
This book is an introduction to the basics of drawing and They will look at your work and give
you critical feedback, often in a brutally
developing female characters. As has already been pointed honest way. but it will let you know
where you have to improve. These
out, if you are serious about working as a figurative artist, and people work with some of the best
artists in .the world and know what
have not already done so, you should take some formal life- they are talking about.
If they like your work, they may
drawing classes. The best way to progress is to be shown the ask you to submit some test panels.-
but this is still no guarantee of work.
proper techniques and get feedback on where you are going Should you be lucky enough to get
asked. send only copies of your artwork;
wrong. This does not have to be a full-time courl?e-it could if they want to see your originals. make
an appointment to show them in person.
even be just once a week- but the lessons will be invaluable. Of course. if you are working digitally,
that is not an issue, and if you do get
a commission. you will be sending
PROFESSIONAL PUBLISHERS 2000AD, already have a well·established the printers digital files anyway.
Onrr· you ore teelmq wrrrrJerrl unu stable of properties and artists. Getting publishers to look at new
hnvP built ll pcH Llulro ul cllwacler~. unu If you are happy to work on existing characters is even more difficult. So
pnssibly eve11 wr rllen some slones to go titles, and most comic artists are happy what do you do if you want to see your
wrllilhern. you will want to share your to get any paying work they con. you character in print7 The first places to try
errur l:. Wllh ulhcr:,, and f!Ut thrm into con try submitting to these companies. are the smaller, independent publishers
r,omr -;ort of procticol formoL. sucl1 U) a The best place to do this is at a co mics that manage to eke out an existence
cor nic. Be uwure Lhullhe comics and festival or convention. Web sites such OS supplying more adventurous comics.
nr11rnntion inc1ustries ore both extremely and list most of There are advantages to these smaller
LU111pelit rve, wrt h thousands of very the events and who is attending, so you concerns. not least of which is their sense
tulented pc'ople vying for slices of a very con find one that suits you. Some of the of humanity. They will often give you a
small pie. The mojor com ic publishers. smaller festivals have portfolio sessions, lot more freedom to produce your work
such as Marvel, DC. Dark Horse, and ru n by editors from comic publishers. than large. corporate-owned studios.
A comic convention is a great place
SELF-PUBLISHING to show your work to prospective
If. after lots of "great work but it's not you should be dedicating to writing ond publishers and meet other artists.
what we're looking for at the moment" drawrng the next issue.
rejections. you feel a little dejected, you Self-publishing, on however small a
may decide that the best thing to do scale. is going to take some finunciul
is to self-publish It can be hard work, backing to pay for the printing costs.
but it can also be lucrative. Self- Working in block and white will mean
publishing has the advantage of giving lower costs. ond it con even be prouuLeu
you total control over your work. but you on a desktop laser printer, bullhe
may want to get feedback from more results will look homemade. The price
experienced professionals before putting of digital printing and print-on-demand
your money on the line; otherwise it (POD) are continually dropping and
could be your soles figures that tell are a good option if you want an
you how good you are. ufforuable. professional -looking color
If you want to self-publish, it may be job without berng left wrlh uquruqe
worth engaging someone not involved full of unsold comics (lry www.lulu.wrr1
in the creative process to take care of and POD
production and business matters. These websites). The other orlvnntnQP
will use up a lot of time and energy that of POD is help wit h distribution.
GO ONLINE of the advantages of PD~ i~ that yotr con ~C'vt~ rn l rPputnhiP online cnm1H ll'lit-'\
Another alternative is to go completely make versions in different rr-;olirtion~ thnt mn hnnriiP o;prure pt rym ...rll>.
digital and put everything on the one for screen (which you Cdn protect so 1\bove·nll, kcq1 rlruwirru <II HI
Internet- this means you will have no it wi ll not print) and another for printin(j. improvinq your uwn .,Lyle. II yuu ure
printing or distribution costs to worry You can charge uifferellt pr iLe) for tile pe r ~r~ l.e11! , you will <'vmt trolly ~J d o
about. and you will reach a potentially different versions, and because your break, but luck ur1u wntw.t•, w e yorri\J
huge international audience. Comics can overhead is minimal, you can rho r ~P <r to h<' yo111 h<";t wny forwmd T.ry to rncl?t 0
be saved as PDF files that can be viewed much lower price and make rnorc frorn it other artist~: ck~rit<" the competition.
by the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. One than with a printed version. There ore the comics communlry .is very supportive.
Online portfolio
There are many free places on
the Internet where you can place
your work to show It off and
have It appraised by your peers.
Here are some of the more
popular ones.
Digital: Anything created on computers
and other devices using information
stored as ones and zeros. Digital
information does not deteriorate
when duplicated.
Flash: A program by Macromedia for
creati ng vector-based animations.
Gouache: A type of watercolor paint
mi xed with a whitener. such as chalk,
and gum arabic to make it opaque. The
pigment dries slightly lighter than it
appears when wet. It is sometimes called
poster paint.
Graphic novel: A story told as
sequential art. These are usually longer
than standard comics or a single-volume
collection of multipart stories.
Graphics tablet: A computer peripheral
that acts as a <;rowing surface on which
you can draw, paint. and write using a
stylus. Most are pressure sensitive to give
variable lines.
3D SFX: 30 ~peciul dfcct~. as used Bristol board: A fine. double-sided, In-betweener: In animation, the
Ill l lollywoocJ moviC''i. 1hC''iC' nrC' tI'it Hllly lightweight pasteboard with a smooth. person who draws all the movements
rc·oli'itic onimotion'i crC'ntc'rl with usuolly unglazed surface intended for between different keyfromes. The process
:!I) 'iottwn n~. long-term use and archivol p1eservotion. is known as tweening.
3D software: C.ornputC'r proaroms It i'i the most commonly used medium Inker: The person who draws over the
L11ol ollow you to crcotc morlC'I:. in tor comic art. original pencil drawings to give clean
u· 3D ~puu:. Pu~e1 1~ o vety useful Broadband: Fast in ternet connection. block lines.
·~n 1111 ~~J II 1111 I(II cl1u1ulle1 de>llJIIel>. Fo1 liume users. Lhis is usually either DSL Ink-jet: A high-resolution printer that
Acetate: I rnn'ipmC'nt 'iheet nt ct=>llulo'ie or cn ble and requires a speciol modem. makes the image by spraying minuscule
ucclotc film uscrl for point ing onrl Cel shading: lJ'iing flnt color to drops of ink onto paper.
diUWII IlJ. e~pe.uull y tn Lroditional simulate graduated tones. Gets its nome Keyframe: In animation, a drawing that
lllllllllll ltH 1. Abu kiiUWII u> eel. frorn potntlng flat colors onto acetate shows the extreme position of an action
Airbrush: A '\II IIIII. p1eli,IUII >p1uy lJUII !:>lieel!:> 1n Lrad1Lionol animation. or movement.
thnt rtlll'i nn mmpn''i'ierl nir nncl u<.e'i Character profile: A personality history Light box: A box containing a powerful
ink~; to prorlU\.C', grnrltlntC'rl mlor'i. ot n chmocter to help make him or her light source. covered with translucent
Analog: Oflen u~ed lo mean the appear more believable. glass or Plexiglas. used for tracing.
UJ.lJ.lU,Ilt:' u[ dll)ILUI. IJul 1!:> ,lill concetned Chibi: 1\ style of anime or mango where Magic markers: Fiber-tipped pens with
wiLI I LUIItpulel,, U!:>lll<,J eleclrtcol currenl the characters resemble ch ildren and a variety of nib sizes and huge color
lllllter Ll lltr l nurnl>er~. Pen and paper arc hovr. vr.ry big 0yes. range. usually used for visualization art
11ul_teully unulo<,~ rnedia. CMYK: Cyan, magenta, yel low, ond in advertising studios.
Anime: Jupunc~;c animation, ol'io block. Thr four color inks used in color Mango: Japanese comics.
known O'i loponimotion. Any onimntion printing. K is used for block so as not to Model sheet: A reference sheet to help
m~nt,~rl in the style ol Japanese lUIIfU!:>e ll Wllh blue. maintain consistent proportions and
ontrnolton. Thm' t'i no one r,ingl0 c;tyiP. Continuous tone: Where there is no appearance of characters for comics and
Archetypes: The tdeul lorrn of o dtscrrnobiP line between different more generally animation. Usually show
personality type. )liude5 of o color, like in a photograph. front. side. back. and three-quarter views,
Bitmap: A text characle1 or g10phic Cross-hatching: Two groups of closely plus other details such as expressions.
iiiHHJl' l<HlliJll'l'd Of dots Or piXels In drawn parallel lines that cross each other. Non-repro blue: A very pale cyan
(I qr irl. rocyclhCI, Lhcse pixels make especially at an angle of 90 degrees. to blue that does not show up when
up ur1 trnage. show differences of light and darkness. photographed by a printer's camera.
Pixel (PICture Element): The
smallest unit of a computer image, a
pixel is a square of colored light that
creates a picture when combined with
adjacent pixels. The picture's printing
quality is dependent on the resolution or
number of pixels that make up the
image. Photoshop and Pointer ore pixel
image editors.
Presentation panel: A highly finished
drawing or collection of drawings that
show a character in action without
necessarily telling a complete story. Used
when selling on ideo to a publisher.
Process colors: The four color inks-
cyan. magenta. yellow. and block-used
to print full-color images.
RAM (Random Access Memory):
Computer memory that stores the
working data before it is written (saved)
to the computer's hard disk as a
retrievable file.
General drawing
• Bridgman's Life Drawing-George
• Cartooning the Head and Figure-
Jock Homm
• Comic Book Lettering the Comicraft
Way-Richard Storkings & John "JG"
This is by no means a complete or definitive list, but it does • Comics and Sequential Art-Will
provide a good selection of titles and web sites that you may • The DC Comics Guide to Coloring and
Lettering Comics-Mark Chiarello &
find inspiring, interesting, or informative as examples of Todd Klein
• The DC Comics Guide to Inking
illustrated female characters. Comics-Klaus Jonson & Fronk Miller
• The DC Comics Guide to Penciling
Comics-Klaus Jonson
RECOMMENDED READING • Pwmethea-Aion Moore (Titan • Graphic Storytelling-Will Eisner
Comics Books) • Hayao Miyazaki: Master of Japanese
· ll~~o~~in ''lrhnol 11hill ittler • ')trongers in Paradise-Terry Moore Animation: Films, Themes , Artistry-
(AP CUi fill~) (At.J~Lruc l Studios) Helen McCarthy
• Cntwnmnn Vmiour; (I iton Books) • Supreme-Alan Moore (Checker Book • How to Draw Comics the "Marvel"
• Owk AlltJt'i- Kiu A:,u111iyu (CPM PuiJii:,hing) Way-Stan Lee & John Buscemo
Mun\:ju) • Tank Girl- Hewlett & Martin (Titan • How to Draw Mango-Series by
• I roy lor;~ Whc•rlon ( I iton J)ook'i) Books) Society for the Study of Mongo
• ( 1ho~ t Wor/(/ Dnniel \lnwe-; • Vompirella Techniques & Hikoqru Hayashi
( It ii"lnlllllll Cupt') • Wunclet Wuman- Wi lliam Moullon • Understanding Comics-Scott
• G.!. Spy-A1Kh ew Co~IJy & Mull Huley Marston & Phil Jimenz (DC Comics) McCloud
• C1rr/ '>rout~ lim Mnhfoorl (I mo<Je Crossover-Comics, Writing and reference
( tliYii<<;) films, and games • Alan Moore's Writing for Comics-Alan
• Kul.JukJ-Duvid Muck (Image • Bu((y the Vampire Slayer Moore & Jocen Burrows
(omicr;) • Ghost in the Shell • Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
• Luve Ull(} Rockets-JUfrTI(~ 11Qrnondr7 • Resident Evil • The DC Comics Guide to Writing
(ronlog,uphiLs) • nu
Tu1 Ruide1 Comics-Dennis O'Neil
• Mui {/I(• P•.yc l1ir G11/- (V17) • W1tchblade • Eternally Bad: Goddesses with
• Modesty t31oise-Peter O'Donnell • Xeno- Warrior Princess Attitude-Trino Robbins
(Tilun J)uok~) • X-Men (Marvel) • From Girls to Grrrlz-Trino Robbins
• Hero with a Thousand Faces-Joseph • of
Campbell Poser (M&W)
• How to Self-publish Your Own Comic • of
Book-Tony C. Caputo Freehand and Flash (M&W)
• Story-Robert McKee •
• Worlds of Wonder-David Gerrald Vector-bosed natural media drawing
• The Writer's Journey-Chris Vogler software (M&W)
• Writers on Comics Scriptwriting- •
Mork Salisbury on inexpensive imoge-editin9 software
package (Windows only)
Industry related content
• of • Poser content
Judge Dredd and on excellent resource providers
of advice and comic scripts • conten t
• World and artists' online community
Network site for everything related to • www.runtimedno com-Poser content
animation providers; lots of free stuff
• guide to • www.sixus7 .com-Sci-fi and fantasy
comic lettering and production content for Poser
• book fonts • of the
(some free) and other info (M&W) best range of graphics toblrts ond styli
Page numbers in italic refer Black Eye 46, 47, 47 0 girls next door 108- 119, 108- 119
to illustrations boartJ 20 Dark Horse 120 Gizmo Girl 94-95, 94-95
body: Dark Sister 56-57, 56--57 glossary 122-123
A male and female compared 34- 35 Darling, Rose 80- 81 , 80- 81 goddesses 38--45, 38--45
action 49, 49 muscles 34 Dawson. AI, character by 78- 79, Golden Voyage of Sinbad 40
lldhJm I, Emperor 54, 102, 103 proportions 35. 35 78- 79 Goodall, Thor, character by '12-73
lldlard. Charlie. character by 76 77 Bodyguard 54-55. 54- 55 Daydreamer, Jennifer, character by Goth Girl108-109, 108- 109
Adobe: bone structure 34- 35, 35 116- 117 graphics tablet 23, 23
lllu ~ liutu r 27, 54- 55, 102, 103 Brennan, Nic, characters by 54-55, DAZ: grayscale 26
l nDH~ilJII 25 102-103 Mimic 49, 49 Growing Up 118-119, 118-119
Photoshop 24, 26-29, 26--29, 77, Bristol board 20 Studio 25, 30-33, 30-33, 42--43, guardian, threshold 15
78 79, 78 79, 85, 91 ' 113 Brown. Kate, characters by 80- 81, 82- 83, 92-93, 92-93 Guardian Angel 38--39, 38-39
aur.nls: 114-1 15 DC Comics 10, 11 , 120 Gunstone, Ka, characters by 68--69,
Agent 8 character 62--£3, 62--63 brushes 21, 21 Delarosa, Isabella 84- 85, 84--85 74-75
Special Agent 52- 53. 52- 53 digital81 Demon's Wife 78-79, 78-79
airbru~hiny 109 Bully 11 Denebo Canvas 24 H
digital 69, 69, 101 , 101 de Vela. Ruben, characters by 7D--71, hair 83, 93
Alice 110, 11 1, 111 c 86- 87 Haley, Matt 52
Ali~n Lifefornr 7D-71, 7D--7 I camera shots 49, 49 dialogue, adding 49, 49 character by 52-53
aliens 70- 75. 70- 75 Campbell. Joseph 14 Dock, characters by 94- 95, half tones 59
ullcyury \! CantJy 111 , 111 112-113 hands, sketching 58, 58
Amado, Alex, character by 76-77 Carrara Studio 49 Dominatrix 56- 57, 56- 57 hardware 22- 23, 22-23
Anm Chitra Katha 41 eel shading 97, 97, 104 Doran, Mason, character by 56-57 Harryhausen, Ray 40
Amidal~ t I characters 37 Drake, Jessica 76- 77, 76- 77 hatching 59, 85, 11 7, 117
anatomy 34- 35, 34- 35 archetypes 15 drawing(s): Hays Code 10
An[lela 110, 110 cross-species 74-75. 74-75 see also sketches herald 15
angels: developing 53 improving technique 97 heroes:
Guardian Angel 38- 39. 38- 39 female 16-17 naive 117, 117 characters in story 15
Teen Angel 42--43, 42--43 profile sheet 18-19 pencil 85, 85, 94- 95, 94- 95, journey 14-15
animals 80, 80 science fiction 64 109, 109 heroines 46-57, 46--57
animation: chibi style 46, 46, 105, 105 Dream Student 98- 99, 98- 99 Hewlett, Jamie 11
action 49 China dolls 94- 99, 94- 99 Duffield, Paul, character by 98-99 highlights 55, 55
dialogue 49, 49 Cho, Sharon, character by 76- 77 Hinduism 40--41
lighting 49, 49 Christianity 8-9 E historical references 80
rendering 49, 49 ChronoCorps 68, 74 Elf 104-105, 104-105 Hunter, Jack 52
software for 25, 25, 3G-33, JD--33 cinema 9-10 Elijah, Jacob, character by 46- 47
anlme style 38, 43, 46, 104, 104 Circus Zazel 116 environments 19
Anna 116- 117, 116- 117 clothing: erotic art 9 Illustrator program 27, 54, 102, 103
anti-alias 26 adding digitally 31, 33 Esquire 10 lnDesign program 25
archetypes 15 conforming 83, 83 Eternally Bad 40, 40, 41, 41 Indiana Jones and the Temple of
Archie comics 10 designing 63, 63 expressions, facial 42, 42 Ooom40
inking 21 , 63 N religion 8-9 Studio program 25, 3D-33, 3D-33,
digital 27, 107, 107 Nadesico 96-97, 96-97 rendering 49, 49 42-43, 82-83, 92- 93, 92- 93
inks 21 , 21 Nagual60 Robbins, Trina 40 stylus 23, 23
internet, publishing on 121 naive drawing 117, 117 Robotics Surgeon 86-87, 86-87 Sukarangson, Jon. character by 9D-91
Investigator 76-77, 76-77 Natsuki 98-99, 98-99 Romanticism 9 super deformed 105, 105
Naughty Red Fox 50-51 , 50- 51 Rosewood, Rilla 114-115, 114- 115 Supergirl11
J Nobody series 76 running 49 superheroes 11, 18
Jack Hunter G./. Spy 52 notebooks 20 surfer 90- 91, 90-91
Jaguarwoman 74-75, 74-75 s Sweatdrop Studio, character from
Japanese culture 78 0 Safiye 102-103, 102- 103 118- 119
Jung, C.G. 14 ocean girls 88-93, 88-93 Scacchia, Alessandra, characters by Sword master I 04
Ocean Temptress 92- 93, 92-93 68-69, 74- 75 Symbolism 9
K Octavia 62-63, 62-63 scanners 20, 23, 23 Synchronicity 66-67, 66- 67
Kali 40-41, 40-41, 44 Oni 78-79, 78- 79 scanning 26, 45 Szeto, Zhi-En 86- 87, 86-87
Keico Loc 46-47, 46-47 Open Source program 24 resolution 63
Keiko 94-95, 94-95 openCanvas program 66-67, 66-67, science fiction: T
Killer Clone 62- 63, 62-63 107, 107 Alien Lifeform ?D-71 , 7D-71 Tank Glrl11
Klimt, Gustav 9 Ophelia 8 characters 64 teenagers:
Krause, Kai 30 Orientalism 9 Cosmonaut 72-73, 72-73 Ghost Spy 46-47, 46-47
Krishna 41 Outlaw 8D-81 , 80-61 scraperboard 77 Growinn Up 118-119, 118-119
outlines: Sea Dream 88-89, 88-89 Synchronicity 66- 67. 66- 67
L building up 55, 55 Secret Outlaw 8Q-81, 8D-81 Teen Angel 42-43, 42-43
Lara Croft 11 , 11, 52, 56 coloring 47 self-publishing 121 Tengu 78
layers, digital 29, 67, 67, 81, 85, 86-87, "dropped" 51 shading 55, 55 texture 79, 79, 93, 93
86-67, 97, 97, 99, 99, 107, 107, editing 55, 55 eel 97, 97, 104 3D animation software 25. 25. 30 33.
118, 119 tonal 53, 53 30 33
layout programs 25 p to on 43, 43, 97, 97, 104 threshold guardian 15
Liel104-105, 104-105 Painter program 57, 77 shadow (character) 15 T/wndelbirrls 10, 11
lighting 49, 49, 113 painting: shadows 76, 99, 99 tirne travel, Synchronicity 66-67, GG-67
Lila 118-119, 118-119 by hand 109 shapeshifter 15, 78 tonal slradinn 54, 53
linework: digital115, 115 Shareware program 24 loon shadino 43, 43, 97, 97, I 04
coloring 47, 65 paints 21 , 21 sheen 65 Tooth Fairy 106-107, 106-107 0
defining character 53 paper 20, 21 Shepherd, Kaitlin 52- 53. 52-53 trickster 15 fTl
"dropped" 51 Patmore, Chris, characters by 42-43, shojo 96, 96 Trinity 11, 11
editing 55, 55 48-49, 60-61, 82-83, 92-93 Sirena 88- 89, 88-89 turnarounds 07, 87
in vector illustrations 54, 54 Peacekeeper 58-59, 58-59 skeleton 34-35, 35 Twin 116- 117, 116- 117
weight 64 Peel, Emma 10, 11 sketch settings 43, 43 Twink 10Q-101 , 10D-101
logo 47, 47 pencils 20, 20 sketches: 2000AD 120
Lonely Twin 116-117, 116-117 Penelope, Lady 10, 11 see also drawings
pens 20, 21 , 95 anatomical proportions 59, 59 v
M Performing Art 112- 113, 112- 113 developing character through 119, Valderrama, Simon, characters by :18- 39,
Macromedia Freehand 27 photographs, as reference 98, 98 119 64-65, 101-1 OS
Maddox, Caitlan 58-59, 58-59 photography 9 foundation 72, 72 Vallejo, Boris 35
manga 11, 43, 95, 96, 96, 97, 97, 114, Photoshop 24, 26-29, 26-29, 77, 78-79, sketching 97 Vampiressa 84-85. 81-85
118 78- 79, 85, 91' 113 dlgital113 Vargas, Alberto 10
Maria 111 , 111 pinup art 10 sketch pads 20 Venus of Time 68-69. 68-69
Marston, William 10 pixels 24, 24 skin tones 83, 83 Veronique 108-109, 108-109
Marvell!, 120 Playboy10 Skylords 68, 74 Victoria 25, 30. 60. 60. 82. 92. 92
masks, digital 28 portfolio, online 121 software see computer software Vieceli, Emma, ChHrat:lers hy 96-97,
materials 2D-21, 2D-21 Poser program 25, 3D-33, 3G-33, 42-43, sorceress 17 118- 119
men's bodies 34-35 48-49, 6D-61 ' 82 Special Agent 52-53, 52-53 Vlra 60- 61 , 60- 61
mentor 15 poses, finetuning 83, 83 Star Fighter 48-49, 48-49 Virgin Mary 8, 9
mermaid: Powell, Liz, characters by 66- 67, Star Queen 44-45, 44-45
Ocean Temptress 92-93, 92-93 106-107 stick figures 35 w
Sea Dream 88-89, 88-89 Pre-Raphaelites 9 stippling 59, 76 walking 49
Mimic program 49, 49 printers 23, 23 story: warrior 17
Modesty Blaise 11 , 52 publishers 120 back story 18-19 Waterhouse. J.W. 8, 9
Mohini 92-93, 92-93 character archetypes 15 'Wench" card game 108
monitors 22, 22 Q female roles 16-17 White. Cosmo. characters by 5D-51,
monochrome 76-77, 76-77 QuarkXPress 25 hero's journey 14-15 62- 63
Moore, Monte, characters by IOD-101, Queen of the Waves 90-91 , 9D-91 structure 14 Who Framed Rooer Rabbit 9, 10
108-109 storyboard 105, 105 Wild Thing 74-75, 74-75
morphs 42 R Storyteller 102-103, 102- 103 Wilshire. Mary, illustrations by 40-41
Mother Goddess 40-41 Rachael 112- 113, 112-113 storytelling 14-15 women's bodies 34-35
Moulton, Charles 10 Rackham, Arthur 9 students: Wonder Woman 10, 11
Mucha, Alfons 9 characters from 40 Dream Student 98-99, 98-99 Working Girl 82-a3, 82-83
muscles 34 Raffaella 42-43, 42-43 Gifted Student 114- 115, workspace 21
alluding to 51 Rebel Assassin 64-65, 64-65 114-115
mythical creatures 74, 75 Redhead, Duane, characters -by 58- 59, Studio Artist program 42 z
mythologies 8 84-85 Studio (magazine) 9 Zahara 68- 69, 68-69, 74
Quarto would like to thank rvrryonc who rontrihuterl characters far
Set lror1 Two ol llu; book: eucli conlr rbulor has been acknowledged on
lhe paqc where the character appears. In addition, Quarto would lrke
to thnnk nnd ncknnwlrd!JP tliP followu1u fur '>llf.lf.llyrr19 crddrlronol rmoges
rcprodtKJ•d rn tIll', book:
Tlrr> IJuuk r> dedrwled lo Sri /\di )hokti Motoji Nirmnln Devi. the source
nt nll crt::ulrvrly und Lhe eprlonre of female power. Without her love,
nnnr nt thi'> wnrrlrl exi;l
I ol~o wont tn thnnk nll the women who helped bmrg lhrs book to fruition:
rny wifr nnrl rlmrCJhter for their love and supporl: und lhe edrtorral and
desiqn stott al Quarlu, who brought rr all togrrhrr. ln The Picture of
Oo11w1 Cirny. Oscar Wilde wrote. "Women inspne us wrlh Lhe dcsrrc
lo do rrHJ~I<'Iflll'n'<;, and always prevent us from carrying lhem oul."
l rillri~. <m<' rl W<l'; less than true.
r ·r >B50
9 781845 661854