Turtle: DT Challenge Python
Turtle: DT Challenge Python
Turtle: DT Challenge Python
Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
DT Challenge Python
h ps://aca.edu.au/challenges/78‑python‑turtle.html
DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
1. Introducing the Turtle
2. Angles with the Turtle
3. Looping with the Turtle
4. Add a Dash of Colour
5. Asking Ques ons
6. Making Decisions
7. Pu ng it all together!
8. Playground!
The Australian Digital Technologies Challenges is an ini a ve of, and funded by the
Australian Government Department of Educa on and Training
(h ps://www.educa on.gov.au/).
© Australian Government Department of Educa on and Training.
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
1.1. Turtle
1.1.1. Introducing the turtle
Meet the turtle (h ps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turtle_graphics)!
In this course, you'll be using the programming language Python to drive the turtle. It's fun, and what you'll
learn is the basis for all vector graphics (h ps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_graphics) in computers.
Your job is to write Python code to drive the turtle. What you'll learn is the basis for all vector graphics
(h ps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_graphics).
1.1.2. Turtle Modules
turtle is a Python module. It's an extra part of the Python language, so we need to import its func ons by
pu ng an import statement at the top of each program:
from turtle import *
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
The * means everything, so this imports all of the func ons from the turtle module. Run this example to
see what it does!
Where is the turtle?
The turtle module is only enabled on turtle ques ons. If you want to start playing around, skip ahead
to the next ques on before coming back to read the notes.
1.1.3. Move forward
Let's make the turtle move! Click the bu on:
from turtle import *
When you run the Python code, it makes the turtle move forward!
The number is the number of turtle steps to move. A bigger number will move the turtle further.
Try changing the 100 to 30 in the code snippet above and see how far the turtle moves.
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
1.1.4. Problem: Make a move!
Now it's your turn to write your own Turtle program! Write a program to make the turtle move forward
100 turtle steps.
It should look like this when you run it:
If you're not sure how to start wri ng the program, go back a few pages and take another look at the
How do I submit?
1. Write your program (in the program.py file) in the editor
(large panel on the right);
You'll need
from turtle import *
Tes ng
Tes ng that there's a 100 turtle step line.
Tes ng that the line is in the right place.
Tes ng that there are no extra lines.
Well done! You wrote your first turtle program. Keep moving!
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
1.1.5. What do these ° signs mean?
You can think of an angle as a change of direc on. The angle between two lines is the turn you'd make to
go from one line to the other. Here, the lines are the turtle's old and new direc ons.
Try our interac ve diagram! You can drag the grey turtle around.
330° le
30° right
Turning a quarter of a circle (to face sideways) is 360° ÷ 4 = 90°.
This is called a right angle (don't confuse it with turning right!)
Turning half a circle (to face backwards) is 360° ÷ 2 = 180°.
This is called a straight angle (it looks like a straight line).
1.1.6. Turning corners
The turtle always starts off facing to the right.
If you want to change which way the turtle is facing, you can turn left or turn right. These func ons
need the angle to turn in degrees. Here we're turning le by 90° (a right angle):
from turtle import *
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
Now the turtle is facing the top of the screen.
If you turn a total of 360° then the turtle will end up facing the same way as how it started, because 360°
is a full circle:
from turtle import *
1.1.7. Drawing a shape
The turtle follows instruc ons from its point of view. If the turtle is facing right, calling forward will make
the turtle move forward for it (but towards the right of the screen for you).
You can combine turtle instruc ons to draw shapes:
from turtle import *
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
Here we've drawn a triangle with 60° angles, and 100 turtle steps on each side. Since the sides are equal
length, we've drawn an equilateral triangle. (h ps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equilateral_triangle)
(h ps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equilateral_triangle)
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
1.1.8. Problem: Star ng from Square One
We've given you part of a program which tells the turtle to draw a square, your task is to finish it!
When it's finished, the turtle should draw a square like this:
All the sides of the square should be 100 turtle steps long.
You'll need
from turtle import *
Tes ng
Tes ng the top of the square.
Tes ng the right side of the square.
Tes ng the whole square.
Tes ng for no extra lines.
Fantas c, you've solved another turtle problem!
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
1.1.9. Problem: Get rect!
Write a Turtle program to draw a rectangle, with a width (top and bo om sides) of 120 turtle steps, and
height (the le and right sides) of 50 turtle steps. The output of your program should look like this:
You'll need
from turtle import *
Tes ng
Tes ng the top of the rectangle.
Tes ng the right side of the rectangle.
Tes ng the whole rectangle.
Tes ng for no extra lines.
Fantas c, you've solved this turtle problem!
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
1.1.10. Problem: Domino
Write a program to draw a domino, made up of two squares on top of the other.
The turtle should start on the le in the middle of the domino:
Each side of each square should be 50 turtle steps long.
You'll need
from turtle import *
Tes ng
Tes ng the middle of the domino.
Tes ng the top of the domino.
Tes ng the whole domino.
Tes ng for no extra lines.
Great work!
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
(h ps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equilateral_triangle)
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
(h ps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equilateral_triangle)
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
2.1. Angles
2.1.1. Spin me right round!
Remember that you can think of an angle as a change of direc on. The angle between two lines is the turn
you'd make to go from one line to the other. Here, the lines are the turtle's old and new direc ons.
We've added a green internal angle between the two lines in our diagram. You can see the 180° –
150° = 30° turn you need:
330° le
150° 30° right
If you get stuck with angle calcula ons, use the diagram!
from turtle import *
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
2.1.2. Problem: Plate instead of bowl
Write a Turtle program to turn a very steep bowl shape into a plate.
The lines should all remain the length they are (i.e. 50 turtle steps, 100 turtle steps and 50 turtle steps), but
you need to change the angles.
Calculate the size of the turns you need to make.
The angle between the plate side and the plate base is 135˚.
The turtle will start drawing from the top le corner:
Try drawing the shape out on a piece of paper and calcula ng the angles you need before you start
coding, and use the diagram below to help!
330° le
150° 30° right
You'll need
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
from turtle import *
Tes ng
Tes ng the le side of the plate.
Tes ng the base line of the plate.
Tes ng the right side of the plate.
Tes ng the whole plate.
Tes ng for no extra lines.
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
2.1.3. Problem: Equilateral triangle
Write a Turtle program to draw an equilateral triangle, with the sides being 100 turtle steps long. All angles
in an equilateral triangle are 60°.
The output of your program should look like this:
You need to do an angle calcula on to draw this shape!
You'll need
from turtle import *
Tes ng
Tes ng the bo om of the triangle.
Tes ng the right side of the triangle.
Tes ng the whole triangle.
Tes ng for no extra lines.
Fantas c, you've drawn an equilateral triangle with turtle!
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
2.1.4. Problem: Get your house in order
Use the turtle to draw a house!
The triangle at the top should have angles that are all 60° and all sides of the house should be 100 turtle
steps long. The sides of the roof will also be 100 steps long.
The result should look like this:
The top le corner of the square is where the turtle starts.
Op onal challenge!
Try drawing the house in one line, without drawing over the same line twice. Think about the order you
need to draw the lines in.
You'll need
from turtle import *
Tes ng
Tes ng the bo om of the roof (top of the square).
Tes ng the right wall of the house (the right side of the square).
Tes ng the room of the house (the square).
Tes ng the right side of the roof.
Tes ng the roof of the house (the triangle).
Tes ng the whole house.
Tes ng for no extra lines.
Well done, your Turtle is now a master builder!
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
3.1. Loops with the turtle
3.1.1. Drawing shapes with loops
You have probably no ced that you repeat yourself a lot in turtle programs. Using loops makes turtle much
less repe ve!
Drawing a square the long way:
from turtle import *
Here's a much shorter way of drawing a square, using loops:
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
3.1.2. A closer look at for loops
Let's look at what's happening here.
For each different value (which is saved in count each me), the body of the loop is run. That is, the
forward(50) and right(90) commands are run. Then, the loop restarts!
The body of the loop is all the lines that are indented, ‑ that is, that start with two spaces in the example
Make sure all the instruc ons in your body are indented to the same amount! We recommend you try two
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
3.1.3. Looping with numbers
Just to see what's happening, we can print out some informa on to the screen. This program will print out
Hello! to the screen four mes:
for count in range(4):
And this loop will print out the value that we're saving in count. See how it gets set to a different number
each me, first 0, then 1, 2, and 3:
for count in range(4):
You don't have to call it count, either! You can call it anything you like!
for side_number in range(4):
3.1.4. Looping and drawing
Let's see how this works with the turtle!
from turtle import *
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
3.1.5. Looping lookouts!
There are a few gotchas with loops to look out for!
Don't forget the colon! The for line has to end with a :, or else the loop won't work!
from turtle import *
Make sure all the instruc ons in your body are indented to the same amount! You can use two spaces,
four spaces, or a tab, but they all have to be the same!
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
3.1.6. Problem: Back to Square One
Write a program to draw a square below the turtle.
Try using a for loop to make life easier!
Each side should be 50 turtle steps long.
Look for pa erns that repeat themselves, and put those inside (indented in) the a for loop!
You'll need
from turtle import *
Tes ng
Tes ng the top of the square.
Tes ng the right side of the square.
Tes ng the whole square.
Tes ng for no extra lines.
Fantas c, you've drawn the right (pun intended) square!
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
3.2. Loops and Movement
3.2.1. Repeat Block
We can use for loops to make some great pa erns!
from turtle import *
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
3.2.2. Problem: Row of terraces
We've already drawn one house ‑ now let's draw a whole row of houses!
We've given you the code to draw one house, and angled the turtle to the right spot for drawing the next
house. Your task is to change the program so it draws 5 houses in a row!
The result should look like this:
You only need to add one for loop and fix the indenta on to solve this ques on!
You'll need
from turtle import *
Tes ng
Tes ng the whole house.
Tes ng for no extra lines.
Well done! That's quite a row of houses!
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
3.2.3. Problem: Staircase
Write a program that draws a staircase of 4 steps that are 10 steps high and 30 steps wide.
The steps will go up and to the right of the screen, as shown in the example below.
Think about what direc on the turtle needs to face before you start drawing your steps.
You'll need
from turtle import *
Tes ng
Tes ng the bo om step.
Tes ng the whole staircase.
Tes ng there are no extra lines.
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
3.2.4. Squares on squares on squares
When we use a for loop, it repeats everything indented inside of it, the so‑called body of the loop. Let's
say we wanted to draw 6 squares. We could try something like this:
from turtle import *
Six squares are drawn, but on top of each other! To draw more squares side by side, we'll need to add in an
extra step to move forward between each square.
3.2.5. Moving between loops
Here, we've added a left(90) at the beginning, and a forward(20) at the end of the instruc ons within
the for loop, so that each me the square is drawn in a new posi on, poin ng the right way.
from turtle import *
for count in range(6):
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
3.2.6. Problem: Blocks in a Row
Let's draw a row of blocks!
The row should be 6 blocks long, and each square should have sides 30 turtle steps long.
You'll need
from turtle import *
Tes ng
Tes ng the right side of the first square.
Tes ng the whole square.
Tes ng for no extra lines.
Great work!
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
(h ps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equilateral_triangle)
(h ps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equilateral_triangle)
4.1. Turtle colours
4.1.1. Now with colour!
Let's add some colour! We can set the colour that we're drawing with using pencolor:
from turtle import *
Most code uses color (American spelling)!
Most programs and modules (like turtle) will spell colour with the American spelling (c‑o‑l‑o‑r, no u) –
so watch out!
(h ps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equilateral_triangle)
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
4.1.2. All the colours of the rainbow!
Try some other colour names! But be careful, you have to use a colour that the turtle knows about, and
you must spell it correctly.
Here are some of our favourite colours:
(h ps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equilateral_triangle)
You can see the whole list of colour names that Turtle understands
(h ps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equilateral_triangle)here (h p://wiki.tcl.tk/37701).
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
4.1.3. Problem: Skyblue Square
Let's add some colour to our square!
Write a program to draw a skyblue square using the turtle.
Each side should be 80 turtle steps long.
You'll need
from turtle import *
Tes ng
Tes ng the top of the square.
Tes ng the right side of the square.
Tes ng the whole square.
Tes ng for no extra lines.
Great work! Blue skies (and boxes) from here!
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
4.2. Turtle lines
4.2.1. Drawing thicker lines
Those lines are looking nice and colourful, but they're a bit thin! We can change how thick the pen is using
The default pen width we have used so far is 1.
from turtle import *
Try it out with different sizes!
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
4.2.2. Problem: Build a sturdy house
The house we drew earlier looks a bit flimsy. Let's draw one that looks more sturdy!
Draw an orange house with walls of pen size 4!
Each side should be 60 turtle steps long.
You'll need
from turtle import *
Tes ng
Tes ng the top of the square of the house.
Tes ng the right side of the house.
Tes ng the right side of the roof.
Tes ng the whole house.
Tes ng for no extra lines.
Nice building work!
h ps://aca.edu.au/challenges/78‑python‑turtle.html
DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
4.3. Filled shapes with the turtle
4.3.1. Filling with colour
As well as changing the colour of lines, we can also fill shapes with colour.
To fill a shape, we need to tell the turtle when to begin filling and when to end filling.
We use begin_fill at the beginning of the shape we want to fill, and end_fill at the end.
We also need to set the fillcolor to the colour we want!
from turtle import *
Try guessing what this program will draw before running the example! Then try changing the fill colour!
4.3.2. Fills and loops
We've already seen how drawing shapes is easier with loops, let's draw some shapes with both loops and
from turtle import *
for count in range(4):
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
4.3.3. Filling flat out
The begin_fill and end_fill have to go outside the whole shape. You can't fill in a single line – there's
nothing to fill in!
This example is trying to fill in each individual line, but not the whole completed shape:
from turtle import *
for count in range(4):
See how the shape isn't coloured in?
If we put the fill inside the loop, then the turtle tries to separately fill each side of the shape, which doesn't
4.3.4. Func onal filling
The begin_fill and end_fill need to be wrapped around the whole shape you want to fill in.
In this case, that means pu ng them outside the for loop:
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
for count in range(4):
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
4.3.5. Problem: Square Pennant Flags
Papel Picado
In Mexico decora ons for par es and fes vals o en include Papel picado
(h ps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papel_picado). These are very colourful squares of paper which have
beau ful cut‑out designs.
You're going to make the turtle draw a string of 5 simple colourful Papel picado.
The five flags should be squares that are 20 turtle steps long on each side, there will need to be an extra
line to join the flags together, this will also be 20 turtle steps long. To make it super colourful you need to
get the turtle to fill with hot pink.
You'll need
from turtle import *
Tes ng
Tes ng the right side of the first flag.
Tes ng the drawing of all the outsides of the flags.
Tes ng the fill colour.
Tes ng for no extra lines.
Time to party!
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
4.3.6. Problem: Swim between the flags!
In Australia it's very important when we go to the beach to swim between the flags. The flags are a very
specific colour pa ern to make them easy to recognise. They have a red rectangle on the top and a golden
yellow colour on the bo om.
Get the turtle to draw a lifesaving flag. It should have one rectangle on the top that is red and one
rectangle on the bo om that is yellow. The rectangles should be 120 turtle steps long and 45 turtle steps
The turtle should start on the le in the middle of the flag:
You'll need
from turtle import *
Tes ng
Tes ng the middle of the flag.
Tes ng the top of the flag.
Tes ng the whole flag.
Tes ng for no extra lines.
Great work!
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
4.4. Advanced Turtle‑fu!
4.4.1. Background colours
It's boring to always have a plain white background. That's why we have a way to set the bgcolor ‑ short
for background color.
from turtle import *
Any of the colour names we've seen before will work here. (You can see the full list here
(h p://wiki.tcl.tk/37701)).
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
4.4.2. Problem: Fallout Shelter
The symbol for a fallout shelter is three black triangles on a yellow background.
Let's draw this symbol with the turtle!
Set the pencolor to dimgrey so the edges stand out.
Each side of each triangle is 100 turtle steps long and the triangles have all angles of 60 degrees. The
angle between each triangle is also 60 degrees.
The output of your program should look like this:
The centre of the symbol is where the turtle starts.
You need to do an angle calcula on to draw this shape!
You'll need
from turtle import *
Tes ng
Tes ng the outside of the first triangle.
Tes ng the outside of the second triangle.
Tes ng the outside of the third triangle.
Tes ng all three triangles.
Tes ng the fill of the triangles.
Tes ng for no extra lines.
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
5.1. Variables and input
5.1.1. Python the Calculator
If there's one thing computers are really good at, it's working with numbers. They can do billions of
calcula ons per second!
In fact, Python is much be er than a calculator, because it has variables!
We can use variables to store numbers for later, and we can do calcula ons on them, too!
Python can do all the opera ons you expect from a calculator:
subtract ‑ -
mul ply × *
divide ÷ /
Python uses / for division because ÷ isn't a key on most keyboards!
5.1.2. Remembering things
When drawing our square, we did the exact same thing 4 mes: draw a line, and turn right. But if we made
a typo and one side was longer than the others, it wouldn't make a square!
We need a be er way to remember and reuse things like the side length.
We can use a variable! Each variable has a name which we use to set and get our value:
from turtle import *
line_length = 100
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
line_length = 100 creates a new variable called line_length. It holds the value 100. We can then use
the line_length variable to use that number as o en as we want.
Change the value of line_length to something else, and see what happens!
5.1.3. Reusing variables
Once we've got values saved in variables, it's really easy to change how things work in our programs.
from turtle import *
sides = 5
side_length = 50
ext_angle = 360/sides
for i in range(sides):
Try changing the value saved in the sides variable to a different number!
5.1.4. Asking Ques ons
We can use input to get the computer to ask a ques on. We might want to know what the user's
favourite colour is. We could ask like this:
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
Try running this a few mes and saying different colours!
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
5.1.5. Problem: Coloured Cards
In many sports, coloured cards are used to let players know if a penalty has been awarded. For example,
yellow cards are o en a warning, and red cards send a player off.
Write a program which asks the user what colour card should be displayed, and draws it. The card should
be 80 Turtle steps wide, and 120 Turtle steps tall.
We'll only test your program using valid turtle colours.
Colour: red
Here's an example with an unusual colour.
Colour: cornflowerblue
We will only test your code with colours that Turtle understands!
You'll need
from turtle import *
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
Tes ng
Tes ng the bo om line from the first example in the ques on.
Tes ng the right hand side of the square in the first example.
Tes ng the line at the top of the square in the first example.
Tes ng the fill colour of the square.
Tes ng a yellow card.
Tes ng a hotpink card.
Tes ng a hidden test case.
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
5.1.6. Numbers and strings are different things!
Computers understand informa on in a different way to how people understand informa on.
Humans can easily understanding that the spoken word "dog", a picture of a dog, or the le ers d, o and g all
represent the same thing. Computers don't see these similari es ‑ they only see differences.
This is especially important when dealing with numbers!
If we ask a ques on with the computer using input, the answer always comes back as a word ‑ what we
call a string (short for string of characters).
If we want to use the answer that the user tells us as a number, we need to make sure Python understands
it as a number.
We can do this using int:
from turtle import *
side_length = input("How long should the square sides be? ")
side_length = int(side_length)
for i in range(4):
5.1.7. Asking the user for informa on
The turtle func ons, like forward, only work with numbers. So if we ask the user for informa on using
input, if it's a number, we need to make sure we use int to save it as a number.
Because we're calling forward with '50' (a string), instead of 50 (an integer), it complains with a
How far? 50
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "program.py", line 3, in <module>
File "/tmp/tmpbgmiSJ/turtle.py", line 632, in forward
raise TypeError('Expected integer or float argument')
TypeError: Expected integer or float argument
Wow, this looks scary, but it isn't! Look at the last line. It says the TypeError occurred in our call to
forward on line 3 of program.py (our code). The forward func on is defined in turtle.py (the turtle
module file).
No ce that where the error is detected isn't where the mistake was made (the missing int). This is very
common in programming.
We need to convert the string into an integer, like this:
from turtle import *
distance = int(input('How far? '))
and now it works, because forward is given an integer, not a string.
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5.1.8. Using user input
Turtles would be boring if they drew the same shape every me.
Now that we can ask the user for informa on using input, let's ask them how high our top hat should be:
from turtle import *
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5.1.9. Problem: Purple square
Write a program which asks the user what size square to draw, then draws it and fills it with purple.
The user will type a side length, and your program should use that side length input (in turtle steps) to
draw the square.
We've started you off with some code that will read in the user's answer, and convert it to an integer using
The square should be filled with the colour 'purple'.
Side length: 80
Here's an example where the user has chosen a much smaller side length.
Side length: 30
You should test your program with a whole range of different sizes! How big can the square be before it
goes off the edge of the page?
You'll need
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
from turtle import *
side_length = int(input('Side length: '))
Tes ng
Tes ng the bo om line from the first example in the ques on.
Tes ng the right hand side of the square in the first example.
Tes ng the line at the top of the square in the first example.
Tes ng the fill colour of the square.
Tes ng a big square.
Tes ng a hidden test case.
Tes ng another hidden test case.
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
5.1.10. Problem: Step up
Write a program that draws steps. How many steps? That's the ques on!
Your program should ask the user how many steps to draw, and then draw them. Each step should be 10
Turtle steps tall, and 20 Turtle steps wide.
The steps will go up and to the right of the screen, as shown in the example below.
Steps: 2
Here's another example.
Steps: 8
How many steps you draw depends on the number you read in and save in a variable!
Don't forget to save that number as an integer!
You'll need
from turtle import *
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
Tes ng
Tes ng the bo om step from the first example in the ques on.
Tes ng a small set of steps.
Tes ng a big set of steps.
Tes ng a hidden test case.
Tes ng another hidden test case.
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
6.1. Making decisions
6.1.1. Why do we need decisions?
So far our programs have been just a sequence of steps that run from top to bo om. The programs run the
same way every me.
In the real world, we decide to take different steps based on our situa on. For example, if it's raining, we
do an extra step of taking an umbrella before leaving the house.
This flowchart describes this process (or algorithm):
Take an
yes umbrella
Is it Leave the
Start raining?
no house
The diamond needs a yes or no decision. If the answer is yes, we do the extra step of taking an umbrella. If
the answer is no, we skip it.
We can write this in Python using an if statement.
6.1.2. What if it is raining?
Let's write our flowchart as a Python program:
raining = input('Is it raining (yes/no)? ')
if raining == 'yes':
print('Take an umbrella.')
print('Leave the house.')
Try it! What happens when you say yes, no, or any other answer?
No ce that the first print is indented (by two spaces). The print instruc on is used to display characters
and text on the screen.
This indented print instruc on is the body of the if statement. The body must be indented.
If the value stored in raining is equal to 'yes' (because the user entered yes), then the body is run.
Otherwise, it is skipped.
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
The second print always runs, because it is not indented, and isn't controlled by the if statement.
An if statement is a control structure
The if statement controls how the program runs by deciding if the body is run or not.
6.1.3. Decisions with the Turtle
We can use if to make decisions with the Turtle, too!
Flowchart for making a colourful image with the turtle
This might look something like this in code:
from turtle import *
colourful = input('Make it colourful? ')
if colourful == 'yes':
6.1.4. Controlling a block of code
An if statement can control more than one statement in its body.
These statements must have the same indenta on, like this:
from turtle import *
colourful = input('Make it colourful? ')
if colourful == 'yes':
If the user types in "yes" then all the indented lines (the block) will be executed first, then con nue on
with the rest of the program.
If it's anything else, those lines will be skipped and the next not‑indented line (forward(50)) will be
Careful with spaces!
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
The number of spaces of indent must be to the same depth for every statement in the block. This
example is broken because the indenta on of the two lines is different:
food = input('What food do you like? ')
if food == 'cake':
print('Wow, I love cake too!')
print('Did I tell you I like cake?')
You can fix it by making both print statements indented by the same number of spaces (usually 2 or
6.1.5. Assignment vs. comparison
You will no ce in our examples that we are using two equals signs to check whether the variable is equal
to a par cular value:
colourful = input("Draw a background? ")
if colourful == 'yes':
This can seem quite confusing for beginner programmers.
A single = is used for assignment. This is what we do to set variables. The first line of the program above is
se ng the variable colourful to the value "yes" using a single equals sign.
A double == is used for comparison. This is what we do to check whether two things are equal. The second
line of the program above is checking whether the variable colourful is equal to "yes" using a double
equals sign.
If you do accidentally mix these up, Python will help by giving you a SyntaxError. For example, try
running this program:
colourful = input("Draw a background? ")
if colourful = "yes":
File "program.py", line 2
if colourful = "yes":
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
The second line only has one equals sign where it should have two.
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
6.1.6. Problem: Studybot ‑ Highlighter or Pen
You're building a virtual robot to help you study. You've got it reading books, ‑ now for highligh ng and
underlining notes!
Write a program that asks the user Use a highlighter? and either highlights or underlines for 100 Turtle
If the user types in yes, you should make the pen "yellow", and pen thickness 15.
Use a highlighter? yes
Otherwise, no ma er what the user types in, you should draw a black line 100 Turtle steps long.
Here's how the program should work if the user types in no:
Use a highlighter? no
You'll need
from turtle import *
Tes ng
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
Tes ng the highlighter.
Tes ng the highlighter has no extra lines.
Tes ng the pen.
Tes ng the pen has no extra lines.
Nice work! Now get that robot studying!
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
6.2. Decisions with two op ons
6.2.1. Decisions with two op ons
if statements allow you to make yes or no decisions. In Python these are called True and False.
Take an
yes umbrella
Is it Leave the
Start raining? house
Take a hat
If the user says yes it is raining, then the program should say to take an umbrella, but otherwise it should
say to put on a hat.
6.2.2. If it isn't raining...
In Python the else keyword specifies the steps to follow if the condi on is False (in this case if it's not
If the user says yes it is raining then the first block is executed, otherwise, the second block is executed
raining = input('Is it raining? ')
if raining == 'yes':
print('Pick up an umbrella.')
print('Put on a hat.')
The program will never say to pick up an umbrella and put on a hat!
Don't forget the colon!
No ce the else keyword must be followed by a : character, just like the if statement.
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
6.2.3. Problem: Traffic light
You're designing a traffic light system for robots! It's a square that is 60 Turtle steps on each side.
Write a program that reads in whether it is safe to go. If it is safe, you should draw a square with green fill
and lines of thickness 8:
Is it safe to go? yes
If it's not safe, you should draw a red square with lines of thickness 8:
Is it safe to go? no
One way to solve this ques on is to use two variables! One for the user's answer, and one for the
colour you should use to draw!
You'll need
from turtle import *
Tes ng
Tes ng the bo om line from the first example in the ques on.
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
Tes ng the right hand side of the square in the first example.
Tes ng the line at the top of the square in the first example.
Tes ng the fill colour of the square.
Celebrate! All signals are go!
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
6.3. Decisions about numbers
6.3.1. How do we compare things?
So far we have only checked whether two things are equal. However, there are other ways to compare
things (par cularly when we are using numbers). We can use the following comparison operators in if
Opera on Operator
equal to ==
not equal to
Opera on !=
less than <
less than or equal to <=
greater than >
greater than or equal to >=
You can use a print statement to test these operators in condi onal expressions:
x = 3
print(x < 10)
This prints True because 3 is less than 10.
x = 3
print(x > 10)
This prints False because 3 is not greater than 10.
6.3.2. Experimen ng with comparison
Let's try some more examples to demonstrate how condi onal operators work. Firstly, we have less than
or equal to (<=):
x = 5
print(x <= 10)
Any value of x up to and including 10 will result in True. Any value of x greater than 10 will result in
False. The opposite is true for greater than or equal to (>=).
Another important operator is not equal to (!=):
x = 5
print(x != 10)
No ce this program prints True because 5 is not equal to 10. This can be a bit confusing ‑ see what
happens if you change the value of x to 10.
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6.3.3. Making decisions with numbers
Now we can bring together everything we've learned in this sec on, and write programs that make
decisions based on numerical input. The example below makes two decisions based on the value in x:
x = 3
if x <= 3:
print('x is less than or equal to three')
print('x is greater than three')
x is less than or equal to three
Try assigning different values to x to change how the program executes.
We could do something similar, but with user input:
height = int(input('How many cm tall are you? '))
if height == 157:
print('You are the same height as Kylie Minogue.')
print('You are not the same height as Kylie Minogue.')
Remember you have to convert input to an integer using the int func on if you want to do numerical
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
6.4. Making complex decisions
6.4.1. Interplanetary visitor
Some mes, we want to make decisions with more than two op ons. We can use elif short for else if to
compare mul ple things in the same check:
planet = input('What planet are you from? ')
if planet == 'Earth':
print('Hello Earthling friend.')
elif planet == 'Mars':
print('Hello Martian friend.')
elif planet == 'Jupiter':
print('Hello Jovian friend.')
elif planet == 'Pluto':
print('Pluto is not a planet!')
print('I do not know your planet.')
You can add as many elif clauses as you like, to deal with different cases.
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
6.4.2. Problem: The Three Li le Pigs
In the fairytale The Three Li le Pigs (h ps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Three_Li le_Pigs), the first pig
builds a house out of straw, the second s cks, and the third bricks.
Write a program which asks the user whether they want to build using straw, sticks, or bricks, and then
draws the house in the appropriate colour. A straw house should be orange, a s ck house should be
black, and a brick house should be slategray.
Material Colour
straw orange
sticks black
bricks slategray
The triangle at the top should have angles that are all 60°.
The triangle and square sides should all be 100 turtle steps long and the pensize should be 10 for thick
Here's a straw house:
Material: straw
Here's a s ck house:
Material: sticks
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
And here's a brick house:
Material: bricks
You'll need
from turtle import *
Tes ng
Tes ng a house made of straw.
Tes ng a house made of bricks.
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
7.1. Congratula ons!
7.1.1. Congratula ons!
Congratula ons on making it through the course! You've learnt so much!
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
7.1.2. Problem: Heartbeat
If you've ever seen a movie where someone is in a hospital bed, you would have seen their heartbeat
appear as a line on a heart monitor. When a heartbeat is even, it repeats the same pa ern over and over
again like this:
Create a heartbeat pa ern of 3 pulses that:
Moves 20 steps forward before the start of the pulse;
Turns 80° le to draw the start of the pulse;
Moves 20 steps up to draw the start of the pulse;
Turns 160° right at the top of the pulse;
Moves 40 steps to draw the main part of the pulse;
Turns 160° le at the bo om of the pulse;
Moves another 20 steps to draw the last part of the pulse;
Has a gap of 40 steps between each pulse (the hint will help with this).
For this to work your turtle will need to face the same direc on at the start and end of the loop, and
the first and last thing it does is move forward 20 steps.
You'll need
from turtle import *
Tes ng
Tes ng the shape of the heartbeat.
Tes ng the gap between each beat.
Tes ng the whole heartbeat.
Tes ng there are no extra lines.
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
7.1.3. Pen up and down
Some mes you'll need to move the turtle around into the right posi on without drawing anything. The
penup and pendown func ons let you control this:
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
7.1.4. Problem: Wooden Fence
To build the whole fence it will take 40 planks of wood, but you don't have that many. Write a program to
see how much fence you can build with the planks that you have:
How many planks? 11
Important things to note:
All lines should use pen colour 'brown'.
Each plank should be 100 steps high and 10 steps wide.
The top of the fence should be the center of the space.
Here's another example:
How many planks? 25
You'll need
from turtle import *
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
Tes ng
Tes ng the first example in the ques on.
Tes ng with just two planks.
Tes ng with three planks.
Tes ng with 39 planks.
Tes ng with all 40 planks.
Tes ng a hidden case.
Tes ng another hidden case.
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
7.1.5. Problem: Scaleable House
Let's draw a house for ants, or for giants!
We can take any shape and scale it up by mul plying all of the sides by the same number. We'll use this
transforma on to draw a house of any size!
Write a program which asks the user what size the house floor is (in turtle steps), the scale they want the
house to be transformed by, and then uses the turtle to draw the house.
The triangle at the top should have angles that are all 60° and all sides of the house should be the same
number of turtle steps. Here's an example of a 50 turtle step house, scaled by 2 (so the sides all end up 50
× 2 = 100 steps long).
Size: 50
Scale: 2
The top le corner of the square is where the turtle starts.
Here's another example of a much smaller house:
Size: 10
Scale: 3
Copy Blocks
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
Did you know you can copy blocks you've already made? Just right‑click on the block in your answer
and choose Duplicate!
You'll need
from turtle import *
Tes ng
Tes ng the bo om of the roof (top of the square) in the first example from the ques on.
Tes ng the room of the house (the square) in the first example.
Tes ng the roof of the house (the triangle) in the first example.
Tes ng the whole house in the first example.
Tes ng for no extra lines in the first example.
Tes ng a house where the size is 60 × 1 turtle steps.
Tes ng a hidden test case.
Tes ng another hidden test case.
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
8.1. Turtle Playground
8.1.1. Playground Awaits!
This is the Playground Module. You can use these ques ons to draw whatever you'd like.
These ques ons aren't for points, just for playing, so have a go!
Make a work of art! Draw to your heart's content, and get those Turtles moving!
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
8.1.2. Problem: Turtle Playground!
Why not have a go at crea ng your very own drawing! You can write whatever code you like in this
ques on. Consider it your personal playground.
Save or submit your code!
There are no points to be earned for this ques on, so you can submit whatever code you like. Make
sure you save programs that you want to keep!
You'll need
from turtle import *
Tes ng
This ques on is a playground ques on! There's no right or wrong.
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DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
8.1.3. Problem: Turtle Playground!
Why not have a go at crea ng your very own drawing! You can write whatever code you like in this
ques on. Consider it your personal playground.
Save or submit your code!
There are no points to be earned for this ques on, so you can submit whatever code you like. Make
sure you save programs that you want to keep!
You'll need
from turtle import *
Tes ng
This ques on is a playground ques on! There's no right or wrong.
h ps://aca.edu.au/challenges/78‑python‑turtle.html
DT Challenge Python ‑ Turtle
8.1.4. Problem: Turtle Playground!
Why not have a go at crea ng your very own drawing! You can write whatever code you like in this
ques on. Consider it your personal playground.
Save or submit your code!
There are no points to be earned for this ques on, so you can submit whatever code you like. Make
sure you save programs that you want to keep!
You'll need
from turtle import *
Tes ng
This ques on is a playground ques on! There's no right or wrong.
h ps://aca.edu.au/challenges/78‑python‑turtle.html
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