Buckley School SP 2011
Buckley School SP 2011
Buckley School SP 2011
Every day, we dare our students to push themselves in new directions; to hone their strengths; to nurture
skills that don’t come easily. We must expect no less of ourselves as a school and as a community. We
are a learning organization that strives to consistently and steadily advance our school, applying the best
of current research and teaching methods to enhance student learning and development. Likewise, all
aspects of our school, including our community, our facilities, and our finances, play a crucial role in the
education of our children. As such, they must be fostered actively. This strategic plan will guide our
actions over the next three to five years to achieve this.
The Buckley School Strategic Plan is a direct outgrowth of our 2009-2010 California Association of
Independent Schools (CAIS)/Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) self-study and
accreditation visiting committee report; 12 months and 357 pages of intense self-reflection and external
analysis that examined every aspect of the school including: our mission, philosophy and values,
program, and the school’s future excellence, viability, and sustainability. The self-study involved as many
voices and viewpoints as possible — those of parents, students, alumni, trustees, former trustees, parents
of alumni, and every member of the faculty and staff. It was truly a collaborative process.
The Strategic Planning Committee of the Board of Trustees earlier had begun identifying school
priorities. It worked with the school’s CAIS/WASC committee chairs throughout the self-study process,
and the CAIS/WASC School-Wide Action Plans created the foundation of this strategic plan, which
focuses on four areas:
• Buckley’s distinctive 4-Fold Plan of Education and ensuring
its strength and relevance for students in the 21st century
• Leadership in the area of diversity, multiculturalism, and inclusion
• Community and school culture as integral to a Buckley education
• Financial strength
With our plan captured on paper, we eagerly anticipate bringing it to life with the same energy and
integrity that our students bring to bear on every aspect of the 4-Fold Plan.
Goal: Evolve programs to meet the changing needs of
21st century education
Ensure that our educational program retains both its high quality and relevance in a rapidly
changing educational and cultural environment; that students are fully engaged learners in all areas
of the 4-Fold Plan; and that Buckley graduates emerge as well-rounded individuals with the skills,
experience, and intellectual preparation they need to succeed as global citizens in the 21st century.
• Provide opportunities for students to think and act as global citizens through a relevant
curriculum that emphasizes global perspectives, multiculturalism, environmentally
sustainable practices, and experiential learning activities at home and abroad.
• Retain, support, and recruit a highly qualified and diverse faculty that is engaged in the life
of the school and professional development, passionate about life-long learning, and
connected with students and alumni.
• Ensure the program has the resources, and faculty have the necessary resources and skills, to
provide strong support for students’ individual learning styles and differences, while
maintaining the expectation that every student will develop in academics, the arts, athletics
and moral development.
• Utilize technology effectively throughout the program, particularly for interdisciplinary applications.
• Continue to develop highly competitive athletic programs in the Upper School, while
maintaining the school’s commitment to participation for students of all athletic abilities
in grades Kindergarten through eight.
• Focus on the whole child
• Academic rigor
• Character development
• Shared values
Embrace of diversity,
multiculturalism and inclusion
• Engaged parents
• Strong leadership
Goal: Lead in diversity, multiculturalism and inclusion
Establish The Buckley School at the forefront of all independent schools for which diversity,
multiculturalism and inclusion are invaluable components of academic and co-curricular excellence
and preparing each student for college and the global community.
• Increase diversity by actively seeking new and improved ways to retain, support, and recruit
a diverse student body, faculty, and staff.
• Ensure the Diversity Initiative is adequately staffed, consistently understood, and applied
by all members of the community in order to meet its inclusiveness, outreach, and
enrollment aspirations.
• Support and nurture Buckley’s unique student culture that celebrates students who exemplify
excellence in the different areas of the 4-Fold Plan.
• Our curriculum
• Environmental sustainability
• School gatherings
• Alumni programs
• Reinforce values instilled by The Buckley Commitment — respect, kindness, honesty, loyalty,
self-discipline, and self-reliance — in every aspect of the program and with every member of
the community.
• Launch a school-wide sustainable living program as a way for the community to act on shared
values and to allow Buckley students to understand the connection between global citizenship
and personal actions.
• Nourish extra-curricular arts and athletics programs as incubators of school spirit and
connection points for the community.
• Build a “community of action” mindset so that all constituents understand that being truly
engaged in our community both enhances their personal experience and is vital to sustaining
the school and our culture.
• Accelerate efforts to expand awareness of Buckley to new communities, and work to ensure
that all audiences have a broad understanding of our school.
Ensure the strength of our
program through financial well-being
and adequate resources:
• Strategic resource management
• Exceptional facilities
• Sustainability measures
• Shared responsibilities
Create a comprehensive and sustainable financial model that will enable The Buckley School, in a
rapidly changing economic and educational environment, to continue offering a distinctive, high-
quality, college preparatory program for a socio-economically diverse Kindergarten–12 student body.
• Recognize that the short- and long-term financial health of our school is a shared responsibility.
• Invest in a comprehensive advancement program that engenders support from a broader base
of Buckley’s constituents.
• Complete the Campus Enhancement Plan, providing the facilities required to deliver the
best education possible and to secure our strong position within the Los Angeles independent
school community.
• Build financial reserves for continued prudent fiscal management and achievement of
long-term strategic and financial objectives.
• Expand environmental sustainability initiatives in every area of the school’s operations, from
the classroom to capital improvements; ensure that all new facilities are energy efficient and
are constructed to LEED standards.
Next Steps:
This plan touches all members of our community and as such requires the support, effort and
commitment of all of us — from the leadership of our Board and administration, to the effort and
input of our teachers, staff members, parents, students, and alumni.
We’re committed to moving this plan from words on paper to life on campus, and work already is
underway developing action plans for each goal. Appropriate administrators and faculty members are
assigned to manage each of the specific items in the plan, and they will work with other members
of the Buckley community in implementation. Progress will be reviewed in the bi-monthly meetings
of the Strategic Planning Committee of the Board of Trustees, and we look forward to providing
updates to you as we work together to advance our school and ensure that Buckley students continue
to receive the best education, today and tomorrow.
If you have any questions or comments about this plan, please email them to strategicplan@buckley.org.
Tel: 818.783.1610
Fax: 818.461.6714