Role Play & Problem Solving
Role Play & Problem Solving
Role Play & Problem Solving
knowledge by facing the problems to be solved. The students are expected to observe, understand, analyze,
interpret find solutions, and perform applications that lead to a holistic understanding of the concept. This
method develops scientific process skills. This method helps in developing brainstorming approach to learning
• The students thinking on problem and their understanding of the science behind it is based on common sense. It
does not start from textual knowledge. Rather it proceeds from experiencing to gradually forming concepts
through books at later stage. It is a process from practice to theory not vice versa. Knowledge here is not a goal
but a natural out came of working on tasks. Students live in the real world and like to deal with concrete things
where they can touch, feel manipulate things then the method is useful in igniting the process of science learning
• A problem is a task for which Problem–solving may be a purely mental difficulty or it may be physical and involve
manipulation of data. , the person confronting it wants or needs to find a solution because the person has no
readily available procedure for finding the solution. The person must make an attempt to find a solution.
Problem solving is the act of defining a problem; determining the cause of the problem; identifying, prioritizing
• Problem-solving method aims at presenting the knowledge to be learnt in the form of a problem. It begins
with a problematic situation and consists of continuous, meaningful, well-integrated activity. The problems
are test to the students in a natural way and it is ensured that the students are genuinely interested to
solve them.
• Problem–solving may be a purely mental difficulty or it may be physical and involve manipulation of data.
Problem-solving is the ability to identify and solve problems by applying appropriate skills systematically.
• Problem-solving is a process—an ongoing activity in which we take what we know to discover what we
don’t know. It involves overcoming obstacles by generating hypo-theses, testing those predictions, and
arriving at satisfactory solutions.
Objectives of Problem-Solving Method
• Willingness to try problems and improve their perseverance when solving
• Improve pupils’ self-concepts with respect to the abilities to solve
• Make pupils aware of the problem-solving strategies.
• Make pupils aware of the value of approaching problems in a systematic
• Make pupils aware that many problems can be solved in more than one
Objectives of Problem-Solving Method
• Improve pupils’ abilities to select appropriate solution strategies.
• Improve pupils’ abilities to implement solution strategies accurately.
• Improve pupils’ abilities to get more correct answers to problems
• The appreciation of the existence of a problems and a desire to solve it
• The accumulation of the facts and data which are pertinent to the
• Logical interpretation of the data supported by adequate valid experience.
Objectives of Problem-Solving Method
• Improve pupils’ abilities to select appropriate solution strategies.
• Improve pupils’ abilities to implement solution strategies accurately.
• Improve pupils’ abilities to get more correct answers to problems
• The appreciation of the existence of a problems and a desire to solve it
• The accumulation of the facts and data which are pertinent to the
• Logical interpretation of the data supported by adequate valid experience.
Tips for effective use of Problem solving
• Encourage students to ask questions and make suggestions.
• Motivate the students to do not fear group work.
• Help students understand the problem.
• Make students articulate their problem solving process. In a one-on-one tutoring session, ask the student to
work his/her problem out loud. This slows down the thinking process, making it more accurate and
allowing you to access understanding.
• Model the problem solving process rather than just giving students the answer. Provide only minimal
assistance and only when needed to overcome obstacles.
• Take enough time.
• Teach within a specific context. Teach problem-solving skills in the context in which they will be used .Use
real-life problems in explanations, examples, and exams. Do not teach problem solving as an independent,
abstract skill.
• Teachers work as a facilitator.