Dream Big Goals Guide 2022
Dream Big Goals Guide 2022
Dream Big Goals Guide 2022
High Note
and Get Ready to Create the Life of Your Dreams in 2022!
Wow. It has been quite the year, hasn’t it?
When I think back to January 1st, 2021, it seems like a whole decade has flown past since
then! So much has happened… a lot of good stuff, a lot of crazy stuff, and some not-so-good
stuff as well. Just like every year. Because the Universe always delivers a mixed bag of
goods. This is true no matter who you are, where you live, or what your life is like.
But how you experience that mixed bag – and what you take away from it – depends
entirely on YOU and what you choose to focus on.
When you focus on the positive things in your life, your outlook becomes more positive.
You’re better able to leverage your wins and learn from your mistakes and it becomes so
much easier for you to maintain your forward momentum and attract the people,
resources, and opportunities you need to achieve your goals in life. In the process, you
become more confident and more likely to take the kind of risks that lead to big payoffs.
And your life becomes so much more fulfilling, abundant, and rewarding as a result.
That’s why I’m so excited to share my new DREAM BIG GUIDE for 2022 with you!
The questions and activities you’re about to discover have been designed to remind you of
everything you learned, accomplished, and survived this year, so you can remember that
YOU are an incredibly strong and capable person who can accomplish amazing things!
Then, once you’re feeling all powered up and confident about your ability to overcome
challenges and get stuff done, you’re going to open your mind to ALL conceivable
possibilities – and visualize the most extraordinary life you can imagine yourself creating in
(After that – spoiler! – you’ll be invited to a powerful FREE goal-setting and visualization
masterclass that will help you release your limitations, clarify your vision for your life, and
unleash the energy, focus, and momentum you need to make your dreams come true!)
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But first…
Meet your host, Jack Canfield
I’m honoured to be your guide on this journey of DREAMING BIG and visualizing
your most extraordinary life ever.
You may know me as co-creator of the billion-dollar Chicken Soup for the Soul™
brand or the author of the NY Times bestselling book, The Success Principles. Or
perhaps you’ve seen me on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday show or in the ground-
breaking movie, The Secret.
Now I’m excited to help you end your year on an incredible high note and set
yourself up for incredible success in 2022!
Remember, the point is to look back on your year and think, “Wow, I can’t believe I
did all that!”
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3. What smart decisions did you make?
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7. What obstacles did you overcome?
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11. What were your biggest surprises?
Write down any thoughts you might have about everything you experienced and
achieved. What accomplishments matter most to you?
Which big challenges are you most proud of yourself for overcoming?
And what fresh understanding about yourself and your life do you want to bring
with you into the year ahead?
Write down any ideas that occur to you on the following page…
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Key Takeaways
All right, now that you’ve wrapped up 2021, let’s start thinking
about the New Year to come! (Go to step 2)
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Step 2:
DREAM BIG for 2022!
“If you can see it, you can achieve it.”
You may have heard me say this before… but do you understand what it means?
What I’m saying is, if you can clearly imagine yourself achieving a goal, you have
the inner capacity to achieve that goal. I deeply believe that the Universe won’t
give you a dream unless you are capable of making that dream a reality.
So anything you are able to visualize yourself achieving is already within your grasp!
(Sure… you might have to gain some experience and learn some new skills. You
may need to enlist the support of a mentor or make some big changes in your life.
But these are all things that are entirely possible for you to do.)
With that in mind, I encourage you to spend another few minutes meditating or
doing breath-focused awareness again to clear your mind and open yourself to all
possibilities. Then get nice and comfortable and answer the questions below.
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3. What would you like to change?
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Key Takeaways
Now that you have answered the questions above and have a clearer idea of what
you would like to accomplish and experience in the year ahead, what are your key
Write down any thoughts you might have about what you really want your year to
look like. What goals matter most to you? Which big challenges do you anticipate
having to face and overcome? What new stories do you want to tell yourself?
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Step 3:
Creating your vision for your life is a powerful first step to setting yourself up for
incredible success in the year ahead. But in order to make your vision a reality,
action is required.
Fortunately, I’m here to make it easy for you – with a FREE invitation to my
upcoming “vision activation” masterclass!
Join me January 6th, 2022 for “New Year Visioning & Goal Setting for Success” a
FREE 90-minute online masterclass in which I will help you clarify your ideal vision
for your life and launch yourself toward making it a reality in the year ahead
Create a crystal-clear vision for what you want the rest of the year to look
like so you can launch yourself into an incredibly successful 2022!
Identify the “gaps” between your current life and your desired reality, so you
can understand what you need to do to take your life from where it is now to
where you want to be
Choose key goals for rest of the year and get clear on the steps you’ll have
to take to achieve those goals
Discover an inspired blueprint that will make it easier for you to experience
more joy and fulfilment in everything you do while making huge progress
toward creating your ideal life
If you’re ready to make 2022 the year that everything changes for you, don’t miss
out on this powerful masterclass!
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If you’re bursting with motivation and ready to commit to taking big action toward
your dreams, I encourage you to sign up for my upcoming 6-week “Your
Extraordinary Life Program,” which kicks off in January!
This proven six-week goal achievement program walks you step by step through
the entire process of setting and achieving one big, ambitious goal – then shows
you how to repeat the process again and again to create the life you want.
● CREATE YOUR VISION: It’s time to get crystal clear on what you really want
your life to look like
● IDENTIFY YOUR GOAL: Identify a breakthrough goal that will launch you
much closer to your vision
● MEASURE YOUR PROGRESS: Track your weekly progress and adapt your
plan to align with your reality
Plus, you’ll get built-in accountability, motivation, and support to keep your
momentum going strong until you reach your life-changing goal!
I look forward to guiding you on the next big steps of your success journey!
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© 2022 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All rights reserved.
Jack Canfield is a registered trademark of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. The Success Principles is the common
law trademark of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P.
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