SEN 22413 All Experiment (Join AICTE)
SEN 22413 All Experiment (Join AICTE)
SEN 22413 All Experiment (Join AICTE)
Practical no:1
Write problem statement to define the project title with bounded scope of the
Problem Statement:
A problem statement is a clear description of the issue(s), it includes a vision, issue
statement, and method used to solve the problem. A problem statement is usually
one or two sentences to explain the your problem process improvement project will
Project title: Library Management System
Project Scope:
A project scope, or project scope statement, is a tool used to describe the major
deliverables of a project including the key milestones, high level requirements,
assumptions, and constraints. The project scope statement is a useful tool for future
decision making when new change requests are considered to modify the project
The purpose of the Library Management system is to allow for storing details of a large
number of books, magazines, Journals, thesis and allow for add, search, borrow, return facilities
separately to administrator/Librarian, staff and students. Different privileges are given to
different types of users.
The tasks to be done are:
1. Identify the main entities (objects) for this system.
2. Find out the relationships between these objects.
3. Find the necessary attributes and functions that need to be associated with each object to
implement the functionality mentioned above.
Software Engineering(22413)
Project Scope
Deployment of system − Once the functional and non-functional testing is done; the product
is deployed in the customer environment or released into the market.
● Maintenance − There are some issues which come up in the client environment. To fix those
issues, patches are released. Also to enhance the product some better versions are released.
Maintenance is done to deliver these changes in the customer environment.
● System Design − Library Management System is a computerized system which can helps
user (librarian)to manage the library daily activity in electronic format. It reduces the risk of
paperwork such as file lost, file damaged and time-consuming. It can help user to manage the
transaction or record more effectively and time-saving, construct the Level 0 Data Flow
Diagram (DFD) as well as Level 1 DFD , Member Registration, Book Rental, Return book.
● Implementation −
Software Interfaces: Library Management System requires user to install SQL Server 2008. For
operating system, Library System requires Window XP
1. Integration and Testing − All the units developed in the implementation phase are integrated
into a system after testing of each unit.
2. Deployment of system − Once the functional and non-functional testing is done; the product
is deployed in the customer environment or released .
3. Maintenance − Maintenance is done to deliver the changes in the customer environment.
Software Engineering(22413)
Practical no : 3
Gather application specification requirements for assimilate in RE (Requirement
● Requirement is a condition possessed by the software component in order to solve a real
world problems.
● Requirement describe how a system should act, appear or perform.
● IEEE defines a requirement as: “A condition that must be possessed by a system to
satisfy a contract specification, standard or other formally imposed document.
Principles of Requirement Engineering
i. Understand the problem before you start to create the analysis model:
There is a tendency to rush to a solution, even before the problem is understood.
This often leads to elegant software that solves the wrong problem.
ii. Develop prototypes that enable a user to understand how human machine interaction
will occur:
Since the perception of the quality of software is often is based on perception of
time “friendliness” of the interface, prototyping (and the interaction that results) is highly
iii. Record the origin and the reason for every document:
This is the step in establishing traceability back to the customer.
iv. Use multiple views of requirement:
Building data, functional and behavioral models provides software engineer
three different views. This reduces the chances of missing errors.
v. Prioritize the requirements:
Requirements should be followed for the tight implementation and delivery of the
vi. Work to eliminate ambiguity:
The use of more technical reviews should be used for no ambiguity.
Requirement Engineering Task
i. Inception
ii. Elicitation
iii. Elaboration
iv. Negotiation
v. Specification
vi. Validation
vii. Management
Software Engineering(22413)
The Library Management System is gaining more importance as the number of its users is
increasing rapidly. As the number is rising there is a need of effective management of library.
The transactions like login, register, add, search, delete, issue are provided. The Library
Management System stores the details like name, address, ID number, Date of Birth of members
working in the library and users who come to library. The details of books like book name, book
number, subject to which it belongs, author, edition, year of publication, the total number of
books that are present in the library etc. are also stored.
It features a familiar and well thought-out, and attractive user interface, combined with strong
searching insertion and reporting capabilities. The report generation facility of library system
helps to get a good idea of which are the books borrowed by the members, makes user possible
to generate report hard copy
Book Data, User Data, Payment Details.
Software Engineering(22413)
Practical no: 4
Prepare broad SRS (Software requirement specification) for above selected
The output of the requirements phase of the software development process is Software
Requirements Specification (SRS) (also known as requirementsdocument).
This document lays a foundation for software engineering activities and is created when
entire requirements are elicited and analyzed. SRS is a formal document, which acts as a
representation of software that enables the users to review whether it (SRS) is according
to their requirements. In addition, it includes user requirements for a system as well as
detailed specifications of the system requirements.
Characteristics of SRS
Software requirements specification should be accurate, complete, efficient, and of high
quality, so that it does not affect the entire project plan. An SRS is said to be of high
quality when the developer and user easily understand the prepared document. Other
characteristics of SRS are discussed below.
1. Correct: SRS is correct when all user requirements are stated in the
requirements document. The stated requirements should be according to the
desired system. This implies that each requirement is examined to ensure that it
(SRS) represents user requirements. Note that there is no specified tool or
procedure to assure the correctness of SRS. Correctness ensures that all specified
requirements are performed correctly.
2. Unambiguous: SRS is unambiguous when every stated requirement has only
one interpretation. This implies that each requirement is uniquely interpreted. In
case there is a term used with multiple meanings, the requirements document
should specify the meanings in the SRS so that it is clear and easy to understand.
3. Complete: SRS is complete when the requirements clearly define what the
software is required to do. This includes all the requirements related to
performance, design and functionality.
4. Ranked for importance/stability: All requirements are not equally
important, hence each requirement is identified to make differences among other
requirements. For this, it is essential to clearly identify each requirement.
Stability implies the probability of changes in the requirement in future.
Software Engineering(22413)
6. Traceable: SRS is traceable when the source of each requirement is clear and
facilitates the reference of each requirement in future. For this, forward tracing
and backward tracing are used. Forward tracing implies that each requirement
should be traceable to design and code elements. Backward tracing implies
defining each requirement explicitly referencing its source.
7. Verifiable: SRS is verifiable when the specified requirements can be verified
with a cost-effective process to check whether the final software meets those
requirements. The requirements are verified with the help of reviews.
Actors –
1.Administrator (Category User)
2.Staff (Category User)
3.Students (Category User)
4.Library Account (Category System)
5.Book (Category System)
6.Transaction (Category System)
7.Report (Category System)
8.Search (Category System)
9.Registration (Category System)
Objects that define the system-
1.Book (Attributes: title, author, isbn, price:Functions: add book, remove book Extended
Functions: login, login_failed,search_book, requisituion_ist)
2.Transaction (Attributes: student_id, book_id,staff_idFunctions: borrow_book, return_book
Extended functions: search_student,search_staff, search_book)
3.Registration (Attributes:student_name,student_rollno,student_id,Staff_name, staff_designation,
staff_id)Functions: register_student, register staff Extended Function:
login, login_failed,search_student, search_staff, search_unsuccessful)
4.Report (Attributes : book_id , student_id,date_of_returnFunctions:
defaulters_list, borrower_listrequisition_listExtended Functions: login, login_failed)
5.Search (Attributes: student_id,book_id,staff_idFunctions: login, login_failed,
search_book,search_student, search_staff, search_unsuccessful)
6.Administrator (Attributes: name, administrator_idExtended Functions: login, register,
search,transaction, report)
7.Staff (Attributes : name, staff_idExtended Functions: login, register, search, view)
8.Student (Attributes: name, student_idFunctions: login, search)
9.Login (Attributes: student_id,administrator_id,staff_id,Password,Functions: login,
login_failedExtended Functions: register_student,regisater_staff)
Software Engineering(22413)
10.View/Edit (Attributes: student_id,staff_id,administrator_idFunctions: view_student,
edit_student,view_book, edit_book, view_staff, edit_staff,Extended Functions:
login, login_failed,search_student, search_book, search_staff,search_unsuccessful)
Use Cases-
1.Use Case #1 Registration
Primary Actors: Administrator, Staff Pre- Condition: The student should have a valid college
membership document which contains his name, date_of_birth, course, rollno to obtain library
membership. The same criteria apply for registration of library and other staff members including
the administrator.
Software Engineering(22413)
Software Engineering(22413)
Software Engineering(22413)
Software Engineering(22413)
Software Engineering(22413)
Software Engineering(22413)
Software Engineering(22413)
Software Engineering(22413)
Practical no: 6
Develop the activity diagram to represent flow from one activity to another for software
Data flow diagram
Data flow diagram is graphical representation of flow of data in an information system. It is
capable of depicting incoming data flow, outgoing data flow and stored data. The DFD does not
mention anything about how data flows through the system.
There is a prominent difference between DFD and Flowchart. The flowchart depicts flow of
control in program modules. DFDs depict flow of data in the system at various levels. DFD does
not contain any control or branch elements.
Decision Tables
A Decision table represents conditions and the respective actions to be taken to address them, in
a structured tabular format.
It is a powerful tool to debug and prevent errors. It helps group similar information into a single
table and then by combining tables it delivers easy and convenient decision-making.
Creating Decision Table
To create the decision table, the developer must follow basic four steps:
● Identify all possible conditions to be addressed
● Determine actions for all identified conditions
● Create Maximum possible rules
● Define action for each rule
Entity-Relationship Model
Entity-Relationship model is a type of database model based on the notion of real world entities
and relationship among them. We can map real world scenario onto ER database model. ER
Model creates a set of entities with their attributes, a set of constraints and relation among them.
ER Model is best used for the conceptual design of database.
Software Engineering(22413)
Practical NO: 8
Classes identified
Books Database
Sequence Diagram
Sequence diagram for searching a book and issuing it as per the request by the user from the
Software Engineering(22413)
Collaboration Diagram
Collaboration Diagram for searching a book and issuing it as per the request by the user from the
Software Engineering(22413)
Successfully logged on or re-login
Search for a book (user) / request the vendor (librarian) / provide the requested book (vendor)
Receive acknowledgement
Logged off / re-search / new function
A function point (FP) is a component of software development which helps to approximate the
cost of development early in the process
Software Engineering(22413)
Number of external
interfaces 4 * 7 28
Suppose size is 200 KLOC,
Organic „ 2.4(200)1.05 = 626 staff-months „
Semi-Detached „ 3.0(200)1.12 = 1,133 staff-months „
Embedded „ 3.6(200)1.20 = 2,077 staff-months
Software Engineering(22413)
Example „
Picking up from the last example, „
Organic „
E = 626 staff months
TDEV = 2.5(626)0.38 = 29 months
Semi-detached „
E = 1,133 „
TDEV = 2.5(1133)0.35 = 29 months „
Embedded „
E = 2077
TDEV = 2.5(2077)0.32 = 29 months
T1 T3 T7
9 days 9 days
8 days
T4 T6 T8
Given data
TOPT= 30
Practical no :14
In a project team, every member must have responsibility for the quality of his or
her work. Each person has to make sure their work meet the QA criteria.
The SQA team is the group of person who plays the major role in the project.
Without QA, no business will run successfully. Therefore, the Test Manager has to
make clear the responsibility of each SQA member in SQA plan as below:
Review and evaluate the quality of project activities to meet the QA criteria
Coordinate with management board and project teams to assess requirements
and engage in project review and status meetings.
Design track and collect metrics to monitor project quality.
Measure the quality of product; ensure the product meet the customer
For example, in the SQA Plan of the project Guru99 Bank, you can create the list
members of SQA team as below
In this step, the Test Manager should describe the tasks to be performed by SQA
auditor with special emphasis on SQA activities as well as the work product for
each task.
Test Manager also creates the scheduling of those SQA tasks. Normally, the SQA
schedule is driven by the project development schedule. Therefore, an SQA task is
performed in relationship to what software development activities are taking place.
Software Engineering(22413)
In the SQA plan, Test Manager makes the schedule for management review. For
Personal in
Date SQA Tasks Description Output
- Software Specification
Evaluate project planning, Review SQA planning
tracking and oversight - Estimation, Master report, SQA review
2019 James
processes Schedule and Project Plan minute
- Review the software
Dec- Review requirement analysis Process audit report
James requirement development
Review and Evaluate Test - Review the Test Design SQA report, SQA
Design James document review minute
- Process Audit: Final SQA process audit
Mar- Review release
Bean Release report
2-Apr- - External review after SQA process audit
Review Project closing
2020 Bean final delivery to customer report
Software Engineering(22413)
Practical no:16
List of the work products that the SQA auditor will review and audit
List out all the work products of each Test Management Process
Software Engineering(22413)
Define which facilities or equipment the SQA auditor can access to perform
SQA tasks such as process evaluations and audits.
For example, for the project Guru99 Bank, you can list out the work products of
each Test Management Process and define permission for
SQA members to access these work products as per the following table