Utilization of Android-Base Smartphone To Support Handmade Spectrophotometer: A Preliminary Study
Utilization of Android-Base Smartphone To Support Handmade Spectrophotometer: A Preliminary Study
Utilization of Android-Base Smartphone To Support Handmade Spectrophotometer: A Preliminary Study
To cite this article: R Ujiningtyas et al 2018 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 349 012055 - The complex refractive index
measurement of liquids by a novel
reflectometer apparatus for the UV - visible
spectral range
J Räty, E Keränen and K-E Peiponen
Email: restiujiningtyas@gmail.com
1. Introduction
Regulation of the Minister of national education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 40 of the year
2008 contains about components on-site laboratories which include (1) building/space laboratory, (2)
furniture, (3) equipment education, (4) tools and materials experiments, (5) educational media, (6)
consumables, (7) other amenities [2]. Facilities and infrastructure is needed to facilitate in an
activity. One of the facilities of the laboratory that can help researchers in conducting laboratory
research is a instrument. Through these instruments, researchers be facilitated in analyzing the results
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The 12th Joint Conference on Chemistry IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 349 (2018) 012055 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/349/1/012055
of the experiments have been performed. One of the instruments of the chemical is laboratory is visible
Visible spectrophotometer is a powerful instrument in chemistry. We can identify the chemical
species base on their specific color and then we can also determine the amount of the species using the
spectrophotometer. In qualitative analysis, organic compounds can be identified by use of
spectrophotometer, if any recorded data is available, and quantitative spectrophotometric analysis is
used to ascertain the quantity of molecular species absorbing the radiation. Spectrophotometric
technique is simple, rapid, moderately specific and applicable to small quantities of compounds. The
fundamental law that governs the quantitative spectrophotometric analysis is the Beer -Lambert law [1].
Beer-Lambert law: When beam of light is passed through a transparent cell containing a solution
of anabsorbing substance, reduction of the intensity of light may occur. Mathematically, Beer- Lambert
law is expressed as:
A = a b c, where
A = absorbance or optical density
a = absorptivity or extinction coefficient
b = path length of radiation through sample (cm)
c = concentration of solute in solution.
Both b and a are constant so a is directly proportional to the concentration c [1].
In absorpsion spectrometry, light is directed through a sample and the fraction of light that passes
throught the sample is measured. The amount of light absorbed, or the absorbance A, is define as
A = - log ቀூቁ
where I is the intensity of light transmitted through the sample and I0 is the intensity of light transmitted
through a blank. It is useful to use a color wheel (Figure 1) to estimate the color of light that is absorbed
by a particular chemical species in solution.This approximation is done by noting the color on the wheel
opposite the observed color of the compound. For example, if a particular species appears red in solution,
it probably absorbs green light very well. The predictions made using the color wheel are not absolute.
Its use is complicated by the fact that our eyes are not equally sensitive to all colors of light, in addition
to other factors [3].
Figure 1. A color wheel used to estimate the color of light absorbed by a solution of a certain color.
However, the availability of visible spectrophotometer still limited, particularly for education. This
affect the skill of student to have experience on handling the instrumentation. On the other hand, the
communication technology creates an opportunity for student to explore their smart feature, mainly the
camera. The objective of this research is to make an application that utilize the camera feature as a
detector for handmade visible spectrophotometer. The software have been made based on android
program, and we name it as Spectrophone®.
The 12th Joint Conference on Chemistry IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 349 (2018) 012055 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/349/1/012055
2. Method
2.1. Materials
The tools and materials needed for the manufacture of SpecPhone are: Smartphone, mirror, test
tube, LED lamp, power bank, colored mica, black sticker and acrylic board.
2.2. Experimental
The 12th Joint Conference on Chemistry IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 349 (2018) 012055 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/349/1/012055
4. Evaluation result
Once the application was developed, preliminary testing commenced. Testing is done by comparing the
results of spectrophone with UV-Vis spectrophotomer Spectroquant Pharo model 300.
Testing is done to determine the levels of Fe in water. Testing conducted in the laboratory of inorganic
chemistry of engineering unnes. The method used is the method of calibration with variation
concentration of metal blue by as much as 0 ppm 5 ppm, 10 ppm, 20 ppm, 30 ppm, and 50 ppm.
The 12th Joint Conference on Chemistry IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 349 (2018) 012055 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/349/1/012055
With the use of this procedure, the results of measurements of the levels of metilen blue using UV-
Vis spectrophotometer show in figure 5 with the results of the calculations of the levels of metilen blue
is 37.04 ppm. Meanwhile, the measurement results with the use of spectrophone can be seen in figure 6
with the result of levels metilen blue is 34.41 ppm in a Red composision.
y = 0.0397x + 0.3995
R² = 0.8053
Absorbance (A)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Cnsentration (ppm)
The calibration curve of metilen blue measured in a red (R) composition, the regression is not linear
(R2=0.78) compare to the result of UV-Vis spectrophotomer model Spectroquant Pharo 300
(R2=0.8053). This measurement result shows that The Spectrophone® still need to be evaluated and
corrected. One problem than can we identify that the diameter of pick point of RGB composition is too
wide and this will affect the reading color composition. Next, we will fix the problem and in advance
we will apply this Spectrophone® in a wide scale..
5. Conslusion
The experiment reported here provides a simple way to have explore absorption spectroscopy. Dari hasil
pengujian yang telah dilakukan, konsentrasi metilen blue dalam air diukur dengan menggunakan
spektrofotometer adalah 36.04 ppm sedangkan dengan spectrophone in a red composition sebanyak
34.51 ppm. This measurement result shows that The Spectrophone® still need to be evaluated and
corrected. Next, we will fix the problem and in advance we will apply this Spectrophone® in a wide
[1] Behera S, Ghanty S, Ahmad F, Santra S, and Banerjee S. 2012. UV-Visible Spectrophotometric
Method Development and Validation of Assay of Paracetamol Tablet Formulation. Journal
Arial Bioanal Tecniques 3 1-6
[2] Permendiknas. 2008. Peraturan Mendiknas RI Nomor 40, Tahun 2008, tentang Standar Sarana
dan Prasarana Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan/Madrasah Aliyah Kejuruan (SMK/MAK).
[3] Shakhashiri, B. Z. Chemical Demonstrations: A Handbook for Teachers of Chemistry. The
University of Wisconsin Press: Madison, WI, 1983; Vol. 1, pp 262−266.