Sari 2019 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1402 055033

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Smartphones application in alkali metal flame tests

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4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (2019) 055033 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1402/5/055033

Smartphones application in alkali metal flame tests

S Sari1,*, E Magfiroh1, F S Irwansyah1, I Farida1 and O Sobandi2

Department of Chemistry Education, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. AH
Nasution No. 105, Bandung, Indonesia
Islamic Education Study Program, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. AH
Nasution No. 105, Bandung, Indonesia


Abstract. The purpose of this study is to determine alkali metal content by means of flame using
smartphone application with experiment. Method stages are performed by making a standard
solution and test solution first. Standard solution for determining density line equations to vector
norm value. While the test solution is to determine the known concentration of NaCl from the
line equations. The standard solutions of each RGB value is tested to get an equation with the
value R2 must be close to or equal to 1. The analysis shows that the use values of RGB obtained
from a captured image of the video is the color intensity resulting from the flame sodium metal.
Level of the standard solution 1 shows result that is quite accurate with test solution levels of
0.0313 g/mL. Likewise with standard solution 2, the result is 0.0063 g/mL and standard solution
3 is 0.00032 g/mL. The value of R2 of the standard solutions must have a value close to or equal
to 1. This is because the value of R2 affects the concentration results obtained. If R2 has a value
that is very close to 1, an accurate result will be obtained.

1. Introduction
One characteristic of alkali metals is flame color [1]. If an alkali metal element or compound is
heated, bright colors will be produced that are different for each alkali metal [2]. This causes the light
emitted also has certain colors [3]. An alkali metal flame test which has been commonly carried out in
the laboratory has difficulty in determining the fires of each light emitted. So there is a need
for media that can help determine the color spectra of alkali metals.
Communication and information media in the current era are developing and circulating in society
rapidly [4]. Communication media that are widely used by the community as a means of communicating
one person to another in another place is a smartphone [5]. Smartphones that have camera applications
really help students in learning, especially in the laboratory [6,7].
One experiment that can utilize smartphone applications is the analysis of compounds both
qualitatively and quantitatively. This is because data processing carried out through smartphones can be
quickly and easily both manually and automatically analysis [8].
The use of smartphone cameras in the laboratory is proven by several experiments that have been
carried out. Kehoe and Penn has quantified the different concentration of the compounds in the blue
food coloring, lemon-lime beverage, and iron (III) chloride solution using the smartphone cameras
[9]. Moraes, et al have used smartphone cameras to identify sodium levels in coconut water and
seawater aided by coloring through a flame test. Determination of the smartphone is assisted by the
photometer to determine the accuracy of the workings of smartphones processing data [10] .

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4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (2019) 055033 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1402/5/055033

Camera smartphones can be used as a singular spectometer [11], that is capable of detecting spectra
and storing them in files with red-green-blue (RGB) principal colors [12]. These colors are
the basic focus for reflecting colors with wavelengths absorbed by light through the use of
smartphone cameras [13]. This shows the importance of modern computing processes in chemistry to
facilitate both students and lecturers in carrying out a test using coloring [7].
One of the experiments carried out by using a coloring agent in the laboratory is a flame test.
Identification of flame tests requires conventional tools which are complicated and expensive [14].
Educational institutions in developing countries have difficulty obtaining sophisticated instruments that
can help students to identify metal content [10]. Some high schools and colleges have limited equipment
in the laboratory [8]. Therefore the use of smartphones in the laboratory will make it easier for students
to identify a substance [6].
Sodium is an alkali metal that can be analyzed by a flame test [2] because it is seen as an object of
general clinical analysis [15]. The flame test analysis is related to an atomic emission spectroscopy
analysis technique [16]. This is very relevant because of the high sensitivity of atomic emission
spectroscopy to color [15]. The flame test for alkali metal is one of the common experiments carried out
in the laboratory [2]. Therefore, the experiment conducted aims to test the sodium content in a NaCl
solution using a named application RGB Color Detector. Unlike the case with the studies that have been
done above. This research is more focused on determining the levels of alkali metal with the flame test
using the RGB color detector smartphone application.

2. Method
The method used in this study was the experimental method. The tools used in this study were watch
glass, metal spatula, analytic balance, 25 mL volumetric flask, 100 mL beaker, stirring rod, methylated
burner, smartphone, paperboard, one for each and three spray bottles. The ingredients used were
salt 6,66 grams and 225 mL of distilled water. There were three types of variables used in this
experiment, namely independent, control and bound variables. The independent variable in this
experiment was the standard solution level used to determine the equation which will be used to
determine the level of the test solution. The control variables in this experiment were the distance
between the camera and fire, as well as the distance of spray with fire. While the dependent variable in
this experiment was the level of the test solution containing sodium metal.
This study included the initial procedure performed by 1) a standard solution preparation was done
with the steps - steps as follows a) make a standard solution of sodium chloride with various density, b)
put the solution in a spray bottle, c) ignite fire in bunsen , d) spray the solution on the bunsen flame
while recording e) photograph the flame results with the smartphone camera , f ) insert the photos on
the video with the brightest color on the RGB application , g) record the results of the intensity on the
RGB application , h) process the data in the form of || v || obtained from RGB values and density to get
the equation of the line on Ms. Excel. I) determine the density equation for the vector norm value.
Next step 2). Create a test solution done with the steps - steps as follows: a) make standard solution
sodium chloride with a variety of density b) put the solution in a spray bottle c) ignite fire on a bunsen d)
spary the solution of the bunsen flame while recording and photographing the results of the flame with
the smartphone camera e) enter the photos on the video with the brightest flame color on the
RGB application f ) record the results of the intensity on the RGB application g) process the data in the
form of || v || obtained from RGB values and density to get the equation of the line on Ms. Excel.

3. Results and discussion

Various metal elements on the block-s produce a distinctive color when burned over bunsen. The colors
shown are the result of absorption of heat energy by electrons in an atom that move from lower energy
levels to higher energy levels. This condition is referred to as the excitation state. The electron will
return to its original energy if the flame color has run out. This is because the absorbed energy is re-
emitted in the form of radiation energy and can be detected as a distinctive color [17,18].

4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (2019) 055033 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1402/5/055033

The flame reaction produced from these metals is one of the atomic spectroscopy methods. Emission
spectroscopy is one of the chemical analyzes used in metal elements. This atomic emission spectroscopy
is used both in qualitative and quantitative analysis [16]. The beam of light produced from electron
energy emissions from an atom produced from a metal flame can be used as a qualitative analysis. While
the intensity of light absorption can be used as a quantitative analysis. This can be done because it is
related to the amount of light absorbed by the atom when it is burned [19].
This experiment is done by making a standard solution first to make a line equation which
will be used to determine the levels in the test solution. RGB observations for the three standard
solutions can be seen in the following table:

Table 1. RGB results for standard solutions 1, 2 and 3.

Standard Type Mass
R G B || v || Line equation Level test solution
Solution (g // mL)
0.02 254 229 16 342.36 y = 336.73x +336.22 RGB value (255,235,1)
1 0.04 255 227 81 350.88 R² = 0.9773 346.77 = 336.73x + 336.22
0.06 254 249 10 355.83 X = 0.0313 g/mL
0.002 253 254 9 357.91 y = 1332.5x + 355.12 RGB values (254, 249, 75)
2 0.004 254 255 14 360.2 R² = 0.9934 363.51 = 1332.5x + 355.12
0.006 254 254 54 363.24 x = 0.0063 g/mL
0.0002 254 254 14 359.5 RGB values (254, 255,
y = 3700x + 358.75
0.0004 254 255 13 360.2 3)
3 R² = 0.999
359.93 = 3700x + 358.75
0.0006 255 255 16 360.98
x = 0,00032 g/mL

Based on table 1 above, the data obtained is that each standard solution is tested for its RGB value to
get an equation with the value R2 must be close to or equal to 1. The solution tested is a solution which
has a known level of 0.03 g/mL; 0.006 g/mL; and 0,0003 g/mL. Then the accuracy of the RGB
measurement results can be known.
Based on the results of observational data, the level of standard solution 1 shows result that is quite
accurate with a test solution based on RGB of 0.0313 g/mL. Likewise, with standard 2 solutions,
the results are 0.0063 g/mL and the standard solution is 0.00032 g/mL. The value of R2 from the
standard solution must have a value close to or equal to 1. This is because the value of dai R2 has an
effect on the results of the concentration obtained. If R2 has a value that is very close to 1, an accurate
result will be obtained. To see the flame color of each standard solution can be seen in figure 1

4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (2019) 055033 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1402/5/055033

Standard solutions 1

Standard solutions 2

Standard solutions 3

Test solution 1 Test solution 2 Test solution 3

Figure 1. Flame Colors of Standard Solutions 1 , 2 and 3.

4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (2019) 055033 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1402/5/055033

Based on figure 1, the RGB value obtained from the results of taking pictures from the video is the color
intensity produced from the results of the sodium metal flame. The sodium metal has a yellow flame
color. The colors shown are the result of absorption of heat energy by electrons in sodium atoms that
move from lower energy levels to higher energy levels. This condition is referred to as the excitation
state. The electron will return to its original energy if the flame color has run out. This is because the
energy absorbed is re-emitted in the form of radiation energy and can be detected as a distinctive
color. Atoms that absorb or release energy are atoms that are said to be unstable. Therefore, the most
stable atoms are atoms at the basic level. The color intensity that appears in the RGB Color Detector
application is the intensity that adjusts to the color that appears. Red-green-blue coloring is assessed and
used as a number which will later be converted into a vector norm.

4. Conclusion
The optimum condition for determining the alkali metal content with the flame test using the
RGB Color Detector application is when the level of the standard solution approaches the level of the
test solution. Levels detected by the RGB Color Detector application on data I is 0. 0313 g/mL, in data
II is 0.0063 g/mL, and in data III is 0.00032 g/mL.

We thank the Institute for Research and Community Service (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian
Masyarakat, LP2M) UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, which provided financial support for the
publication of this article.

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