Chapter 4 & 5
Chapter 4 & 5
Chapter 4 & 5
The growing complexity of equipment and systems, as well as the rapidly increasing cost
incurred by loss of operation as a consequence of failures, has brought to the forefront the
aspects of reliability, maintainability, availability, and safety.
The expectation today is that complex equipment and systems are not only free from defects and
systematic failures at time t = 0 (when they are put into operation), but also perform the required
function failure free for a stated time interval and have a fail-safe behavior in case of critical or
catastrophic failures.
If n statistically identical and independent items are put into operation at time t = 0 to perform a
given mission and ν ≤ n of them accomplish it successfully, then the ratio ν / n is a random
variable which converges for increasing n to the true value of the reliability.
Reliability is a characteristic of the item, expressed by the probability that it will perform its
required function under given conditions for a stated time interval.
Quantitatively: it is probability that no operational interruptions will occur during a stated time
1. It is expressed as probability. Hence it can vary from zero to one. Probability values near
to 1 imply higher reliability.
2. The required/intended function specifies the item's task. It is starting point for any
reliability analysis, as it defines failures.
3. The operating conditions. Experience shows, for instance, that the failure rate of
semiconductor devices will double for operating temperature increase of 10 to 20°C.
4. The time period for which the devise has to work satisfactory. It can be expressed in
operating hours or days or months or years.
History of Reliability
As a discipline it may be traced back to the 1930s when probability concepts were applied to
electric power generation-related problems.
Objectives of Reliability
To ensure
Some components fail suddenly and some components may fail gradually.
The failures occurring over a time interval can be termed as failure rate.
Let us assume that n statistically identical, new, and independent items are put into operation at
time t = 0, under the same conditions, and v(t) at the time t a subset of these items have not yet
failed. V (t) is a right continuous decreasing step function. t1... tn, measured from t = 0, are the
observed failure-free times (operating times to failure) of the n items considered.
The function is the empirical reliability function, which converges to R( t ) for n →∞.
is the empirical mean (empirical expected value) of τ.
Mean time to failure (MTTF) is used when the components are irreparable. When n numbers of
items are tested until all fails, if
Mean time between failures (MTBF): is used to indicate the frequency of failure for repairable
items. If a component fails after T1 period, after repair and put into operation, if it fails after T2
period, after repair and put into operation, if it fails after T3 period … Then,
In reliability analysis of engineering systems it is often assumed that the hazard or time-
dependent failure rate of items follows the shape of a bathtub as shown below.
The curve shown in the figure below has three distinct regions:
1. Burn-in period
The burn-in period also known as mortality period, break-in period, or debugging period.
The failures occurring in this period are due to
Poor design& manufacturing, poor quality control,& debugging,
Human error, and substandard material and workmanship.
Reliability Measures
Example 1: Consider a component that has a MTTF of 1000 hours. Find its reliability for 100,
1000 and 2000 hours and offer your comments.
Example 2: Determine the reliability of equipment having a MTBF of 50 hours for an operating
period of 45 hours. If the reliability has to be improved by 20% what percent change in MTBF is
System Reliability
When two or more components are used to form a system, the components can be arranged in
series or in parallel.
Let three components A, B, and C with reliabilities RA, RB and RC are arranged in series, then the
system reliability is
If any one of the units fails, the system fails. All system units must work normally for successful
operation of the system.
The failure rate of a system is the sum of the failure rates of all the components if they are
arranged in series
Components are in parallel:
Let three components A, B and C with reliabilities RA, RB and RC are arranged in parallel, then
the system reliability is RS = 1-(1-RA) (1-RB) (1-RC)
Example 3: Assume that an automobile has four independent and identical tires. The tire
reliability is 0.95. If any one of the tires is punctured, the automobile cannot be driven. Calculate
the automobile reliability with respect to tires.
Example 4: A step down transformer, rectifier and filter comprise a series system with the
following failures. Transformer =1.56 % failures/10000 hours, Rectifier = 2 % failures/10000
hours Filter = 1.7 % failures/10000 hours. The equipment has to operate for 1500 hours. What is
the probability of not survival of the system?
Example 5: A computer has two independent and identical CPUs operating simultaneously. At
least one CPU must operate normally for the computer to function successfully. If the CPU
reliability is 0.96, calculate the computer reliability with respect to CPUs.
No equipment/system can be perfectly reliable for very large period in spite of the designers’
best effort.
It is bound to fail during its operation which sometimes is dangerous and costly.
Maintenance therefore becomes important consideration in long term performance of the
The system requires preventive maintenance to eliminate or slow down failures during its
Maintainability: is the
Maintainability function: A plot of the probability of repair within a time given on the y-axis,
against maintenance time on the x-axis and is useful to predict the probability that repair will be
completed in a specified time.
Objectives of Maintainability
Example 6: Consider a component with a total number of failures of 86. The corresponding total
number of maintenance hours required for these 86 failures is 540. Compute the maintainability
for 1, 5 and 10 hours.
Where MTBF is mean time between failures and Ai is the inherent availability
Optimizing Maintainability
Availability: The probability that a system or equipment will be up and ready for use is
availability. Thus availability includes both reliability and maintainability.
The probability that a stated percentage of equipment will have no downtime in excess of t
the mission time.
This definition implies that poor reliability can be offset by a good maintainability.
Types of Availability
Where MTBF = Mean time between failure. MTTR = Mean time to repair
2. Achieved Availability
The probability that a system or equipment when used under stated conditions in an ideal
support environment (i.e., readily available tools, spares, maintenance personnel etc.) will
operate satisfactorily at any point in time.
This definition is similar to the Inherent Availability except the preventive (i.e.,
scheduled) maintenance is included.
It excludes logistic delay time and administrative delay time and is expressed as;
, Where
MDT includes active maintenance time (M), logistic delay time and administrative delay time.
Example 7: Consider a system that has the following information based on its historical data.
Total uptime = 3000 hrs CM downtime = 100 hrs PM downtime = 30 hrs Number of system
failure = 10 Number of system downing PMs = 2 Mean logistics delay = 2 hrs
Determine the inherent (Ai), achieved (Aa), and operational (Ao) availability of the system.