Opening of Bank Account and Shops and Establishment Registration Number)

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Instruction Kit for AGILE-PRO-S

(Application for Goods and services tax Identification number, employees state Insurance corporation
registration pLus Employees provident fund organisation registration, Profession tax Registration,
Opening of bank account and Shops and Establishment Registration Number)

Table of Contents

About this Document................................................................................... 2

Part I – Law(s) Governing the web form....................................................... 2
Section and Rule Number(s) .....................................................................................................2
Purpose of the Web form..........................................................................................................3
Part II – Instructions to fill the web form ..................................................... 4
Specific Instructions to fill the web form AGILE-PRO-S at Field Level...........................................4
Common Instructions to fill Web form........................................................................................9
Part III - Important Points for Successful Submission................................. 11
Fee Rules ............................................................................................................................. 11
Processing Type.................................................................................................................... 11

Page 1 of 11
Instruction Kit for AGILE-PRO-S
(Application for Goods and services tax Identification number, employees state Insurance corporation
registration pLus Employees provident fund organisation registration, Profession tax Registration,
Opening of bank account and Shops and Establishment Registration Number)

About this Document

The Instruction Kit has been prepared to help you file web form with ease. This document provides
references to law(s) governing the web forms, instructions to fill the web form at field level and
common instructions to fill all web forms. The document also includes important points to be noted
for successful submission.

User is advised to refer instruction kit specifically prepared for each web form.

This document is divided into following sections:

Part I – Laws Governing the web form

Part II – Instructions to fill the web form
Part III – Important Points for Successful Submission
Click on any section link to refer to the section.

Part I – Law(s) Governing the web form

Section and Rule Number(s)

Web form AGILE-PRO-S is required to be filed pursuant to Rule 38(A) of the Companies
(Incorporation) Rules, 2014. The application for incorporation of a company under rule 38 shall
be accompanied with AGILE-PRO-S (INC-35).

Rule 38A:
Application for registration of Goods and Service Tax Identification Number (GSTIN),
Employee State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) registration, Employees' Provident Fund
organisation (EPFO) Registration and Profession Tax Registration, Opening of Bank
Account and Shops and Establishment Registration Number]
The application for incorporation of a company under rule 38 shall be accompanied by e -form
AGILE – PRO-S (INC-35) containing an application for registration of the following numbers,
(a) GSTIN with effect from 31st March, 2019

(b ) EPFO with effect from 8th April, 2019

(c) ESIC with effect from 15th April, 2019

Page 2 of 11
Instruction Kit for AGILE-PRO-S
(Application for Goods and services tax Identification number, employees state Insurance corporation
registration pLus Employees provident fund organisation registration, Profession tax Registration,
Opening of bank account and Shops and Establishment Registration Number)

(c) Profession Tax Registration

(d ) Opening of Bank Account
(e) Shops and Establishment Registration

Purpose of the Web form

Any user who intends to incorporate a company through SPICe+ can now also apply for GSTIN /
EPFO/ ESIC/ Profession Tax/ Opening of bank account through this web form AGILE-PRO-S
(INC- 35). User is required to file application (SPICe+) for incorporation of a company
accompanying linked form AGILE-PRO-S along with form SPICe+ MOA (INC-33), eForm
SPICe+ AOA (INC-34) and form URC-1, as applicable for issuance of GSTN/ EPFO/ ESIC/
Profession Tax registration (only for Maharashtra) opening of Ban k account and Shops and
Establishment Registration.

This process will be applicable only for Companies incorporated by MCA through SPICe+
application. Other categories of applicants (Tax Deductor, Tax Collector, Casual Taxable person,
ISD, etc.) & Factories (ESIC & EPFO) who intends to apply for GSTIN shall follow the existing
process of registration through Common Portal for GST registration and respective portal for
applying registration.

Page 3 of 11
Instruction Kit for AGILE-PRO-S
(Application for Goods and services tax Identification number, employees state Insurance corporation
registration pLus Employees provident fund organisation registration, Profession tax Registration,
Opening of bank account and Shops and Establishment Registration Number)

Part II – Instructions to fill the web form

Specific Instructions to fill the web form AGILE-PRO-S at Field Level

Instructions to fill the web form are tabulated below at field level. Only important fields that
require detailed instructions to be filled in web form are explained. Self-explanatory fields are not

Sr. Field name Instructions

Please note that issuance of EPFO/ESIC/ Profession Tax (for Maharashtra), Opening of a bank
account and Shops and Establishment Registration Number has been made mandatory through
web form AGILE-PRO-S
However, applicant may choose whether they want to apply for issuance of GSTIN.
Name of the Name shall be pre-filled based on data entered in SPICe+ Part A
1 Do you want to Applying for GSTIN at the time of incorporation is not mandatory.
apply for GSTIN In case you wish to apply for GSTIN at the time of incorporation,
user can select ‘Yes’.
2 State State shall be pre-filled based on address entered in SPICe+ Part B
3 District State shall be pre-filled based on address entered in SPICe+ Part B
4 State In case application is being made for issuance of GSTIN, select the
Jurisdiction value from the dropdown - Sector / Circle / Ward /Charge / Unit

Sector / Circle / In case you do not know state jurisdiction, please refer your state
Ward /Charge / website to know your Sector / Circle / Ward /Charge / Unit.
5 Center In case application is being made for issuance of GSTIN, select the
Jurisdiction appropriate value from the drop-down list of Commissionerate
Code, Division Code and Range Code.
Please refer to
7 Whether The Select ‘Yes’ in case Establishment is on lease or else ‘No”.
On Lease In case of ‘Yes’
Enter Leased From Date to date.

Page 4 of 11
Instruction Kit for AGILE-PRO-S
(Application for Goods and services tax Identification number, employees state Insurance corporation
registration pLus Employees provident fund organisation registration, Profession tax Registration,
Opening of bank account and Shops and Establishment Registration Number)

7(a) Nature of In case application is being made for issuance of GSTIN, select the
possession of nature of possession from the drop-down menu.
premises In case of ‘Others’, please specify.
7(b) Proof of In case application is being made for issuance of GSTIN, select the
Principal Place proof of principal place of business
of Business
7(c) Whether the Select whether the building/premises of Establishment is Hired/
building/premise Rented or Owned or Leased.
s of
Establishment is
owned or hired
If hired or there Mandatory to select and enter the period in case Hired or leased
is a change in the selected in 7(c).
name of
please indicate
8 Option for In case application is being made for issuance of GSTIN, select
Composition whether opted for composition.
8(a) Composition In case application is being made for issuance of GSTIN and opted
Declaration for composition, the declaration shall be auto-selected.
8(b) Category of In case application is being made for issuance of GSTIN and opted
Registered for composition, select the category of the registered person.
9 Nature of In case application is being made for issuance of GSTIN, atleast one
Business nature of business activity should be selected.
Activity being
carried out at
above mentioned
9(A) Primary One primary business activity shall be selected in all cases.
9(B) Exact nature of Select nature of work/business from the available drop down in all
work / business cases.

Select the work Sub-category.

Page 5 of 11
Instruction Kit for AGILE-PRO-S
(Application for Goods and services tax Identification number, employees state Insurance corporation
registration pLus Employees provident fund organisation registration, Profession tax Registration,
Opening of bank account and Shops and Establishment Registration Number)

Work Sub
Category Enter the nature of work business.

Nature of Work
10 Details of the In case application is being made for issuance of GSTIN, applicant
Goods supplied may enter a valid 4 digit HSN code.
by the Business
For HSN code: kindly refer HSN Code as provided on CBIC website
HSN code (4 ( ) and enter the HSN Code and click on prefill
Digit) button

Description shall be auto populated based on HSN entered

11 Details of In case application is being made for issuance of GSTIN, applicant
Services may enter a valid 4 digit SAC code.
supplied by the
Business For SAC code: kindly refer SAC Code as provided on CBIC website
( ) and enter the SAC Code and click on prefill

Description shall be auto populated based on SAC entered

12(A Enter Director Note: Details of the Proposed Director / Primary Owner who will act
) details who is as the Authorised signatory for the purpose of applying GSTIN /
also an EPFO/ ESIC/ Profession Tax and Opening of Bank Account shall be
Authorised entered here.
Signatory / Note that the details of such proposed director entered here should
Primary Owner / match the details as entered in the SPICe+ for the same person.
Office Bearer
Note that the Director / Primary Owners cum Authorised signatory
must have valid PAN and he must be Citizen & Resident of India.
Either DIN / PAN should be entered.
In case DIN is entered, click on Prefill button. PAN and applicant’s
full name will be prefilled based on / Primary Owners the
information available in the MCA records.

In case PAN is entered, all details must be entered by the applicant.

Page 6 of 11
Instruction Kit for AGILE-PRO-S
(Application for Goods and services tax Identification number, employees state Insurance corporation
registration pLus Employees provident fund organisation registration, Profession tax Registration,
Opening of bank account and Shops and Establishment Registration Number)

Enter valid Indian mobile number and email Id and click on “Send
OTP” button.

Enter the OTP sent on mobile number and email id as entered above
and click on Verify button.

Attach Photo of proposed director cum authorised signatory.

- Size of photo shall not exceed 100KB.
- Only .JPG format is allowed.
12(B Director Details Note: Details of the Proposed Director / Primary Owner other than
) other than Authorised signatory mentioned in 13 (A) above but limited to 1 in
Authorised case of private (other than OPC), 2 in case of public and 4 in case of
Signatory / producer company shall be entered here.
Primary Owner /
Office Bearer Note that the details of such proposed director entered here should
match the details as entered in the SPICe+ for the same person.

Attach Photo of proposed director other than authorised signatory.

- Size of photo shall not exceed 100KB.
- Only .JPG format is allowed.
15 Select Bank Select the bank name in which account number should be opened.
Name Note that integration is in place with Punjab National Bank and
ICICI Bank only.
All other banks are disabled for selection presently.
16 Details for Shops Select Yes if opting for Registration
and 1. Category of Establishment
2. Nature of Business
Both the above fields will be enable only if Yes selected

Page 7 of 11
Instruction Kit for AGILE-PRO-S
(Application for Goods and services tax Identification number, employees state Insurance corporation
registration pLus Employees provident fund organisation registration, Profession tax Registration,
Opening of bank account and Shops and Establishment Registration Number)
1 Proof of Attach the proof of principal place of business based on the value
Principal place selected in field 8 (a).
of business Maximum Size of document to be attached
• Property Tax Receipt - 100 KB
• Municipal Khata copy - 100KB
• Electricity Bill - 100 KB
• Rent/ Lease Agreement - 2MB
• Consent Letter - 100KB
• Rent receipt with NOC (In case of no/expired agreement)
- 1MB
• Legal ownership document - 1MB
Document should be attached in PDF.

Page 8 of 11
Instruction Kit for AGILE-PRO-S
(Application for Goods and services tax Identification number, employees state Insurance corporation
registration pLus Employees provident fund organisation registration, Profession tax Registration,
Opening of bank account and Shops and Establishment Registration Number)

2 Proof of Attach the proof for appointment of Authorised signatory.

appointment of Maximum Size of document to be attached
Authorized • Letter of Authorisation – 100 KB
Signatory for • Copy of Resolution passed by BoD/ Managing Committee
GSTN and Acceptance letter - 100KB
3 Proof of Identity Attach Proof of Identity of Authorized Signatory for opening
of Authorized Bank Account
Signatory for
Bank Account
4 Proof of Address Attach Proof of Address of Authorized Signatory for opening
of Authorized Bank Account
Signatory for
Bank Account
5 Specimen Download the format of Specimen Signature from below mentioned
Signature of link, Fill the requisite information as applicable, scan it and attach
Authorized the same in AGILE-PRO-S form.
Signatory for
Declaration GST declaration shall be enabled only if application is being made
for issuance of GSTIN.
Profession Tax declaration shall be enabled only in case the
company is proposed to be situated in the state of Maharashtra.
ESIC/EPFO and Bank declarations shall be enabled in all cases.
To be digitally Ensure that the form is digitally signed by the Proposed Director /
signed by Primary Owner who has signed the SPICe+ form. Both SPICe+ form
and AGILE-PRO-S form shall be signed by same director who is
also the authorised signatory.

The Form should be digitally signed by Authorised Signatory who

is citizen and resident of India and have PAN.

Page 9 of 11
Instruction Kit for AGILE-PRO-S
(Application for Goods and services tax Identification number, employees state Insurance corporation
registration pLus Employees provident fund organisation registration, Profession tax Registration,
Opening of bank account and Shops and Establishment Registration Number)

Common Instructions to fill Web form

Buttons Particulars
Pre-Fill The Pre-fill button can appear more than once in an web
form. The button appears next to a field that can be
automatically filled using the MCA database.
Click this button to populate the field.
Note: You are required to be connected to the Internet to use
the Pre-fill functionality.
Attach Click this document to browse and select a document that
needs to be attached to the web form. All the attachments
should be scanned in pdf format. You have to click the
attach button corresponding to the document you are making
an attachment.
In case you wish to attach any other document, please click
the optional attach button.
Check Form 1. Click the Check Form button after, filling the eForm.
System performs form level validation like checking if
all mandatory fields are filled. System displays the
errors and provides you an opportunity to correct errors.
2. Correct the highlighted errors.
3. Click the Check Form button again and system will
perform form level validation once again. On successful
validations, a message is displayed “Form level pre
scrutiny is successful”.
Note: The Check Form functionality does not require
Internet connectivity.
Modify The Modify button is enabled, after you have checked the
web form using the Check Form button.

To make changes to the filled and checked form:

1. Click the Modify button.
2. Make the changes to the filled web form.
3. Click the Check Form button to check the eForm again.

Page 10 of 11
Instruction Kit for AGILE-PRO-S
(Application for Goods and services tax Identification number, employees state Insurance corporation
registration pLus Employees provident fund organisation registration, Profession tax Registration,
Opening of bank account and Shops and Establishment Registration Number)

Buttons Particulars
Pre scrutiny 1. After checking the web form, click the Prescrutiny
button. System performs some checks and displays
errors, if any.
2. Correct the errors.
3. Click the Prescrutiny button again. If there are no
errors, a message is displayed “No errors found.”
PDF conversion Once AGILE-PRO-S is filled completely with all relevant
details, the same would then have to be converted into pdf
Download format for affixing DSCs. Thereafter digitally signed PDF
application can be uploaded along with SPICe+ form as per
the normal process.

Changes/modifications to AGILE-PRO-S (even after

generating pdf and affixing DSCs), can be made up to five
times by editing the same web form application which has
been saved, generating the updated pdf, affixing DSCs and
uploading the same.

Page 11 of 11
Instruction Kit for AGILE-PRO-S
(Application for Goods and services tax Identification number, employees state Insurance corporation
registration pLus Employees provident fund organisation registration, Profession tax Registration,
Opening of bank account and Shops and Establishment Registration Number)

Part III - Important Points for Successful Submission

Fee Rules
S. Purpose of the form Normal Fee Additional Fee Remarks
No (Delay Fee)

1. Application for Goods and services #N/A #N/A #N/A

tax Identification number,
employees state Insurance
corporation registration pLus
Employees provident fund
organisation registration, Profession
tax Registration and Opening of
bank account

Fees payable is subject to changes in pursuance of the Act or any rule or regulation made or
notification issued thereunder.

Processing Type
The eForm will be filed as linked form with SPICe+ and will be processed by the office of Registrar
of Companies (Non STP).

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