(a) Where the amount does not exceed Rs. 1,000; Rs. 50/- (Fifty Rupees)1
Affidavit or declaration in writing when made for the
sole purpose of enabling any person to receive any
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(a) does not exceed Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 50/- (for value upto
Rs. 50.000/-)1
(b) exceeds Rs. 5,000/- but does not exceed Rs. Rs. 100/- (for value
20,000/- exceeding Rs. 50,000/-
to 2,00,000/-)1
(c) exceeds Rs. 20,000/- but does not exceed Rs. Rs. 200/- (for value
50,000/- exceeding Rs.
(ii) if such loan or debt is repayable not more than Half the duty payable
three months from the date of such instrument. under sub-clause (i).
Instruments of apprentice ship executed by a
Magistrate under the Apprentices Act, 1961 (Central
Act 52 of 1961), or by which a person is apprenticed
by, or at the charge of, any public charity.
(i) Where the company has no share capital; One thousand rupees.
(ii) where the company has authorised share capital 0.15% of such
or increased share capital. authorised share capital
subject to a minimum of
one thousand rupees and
a maximum of five lakh
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(a) where the amount or value of the property to The same duty as a
which the award relates, as set forth in such award, Bottomry Bond (No. 14)
does not exceed Rs. 1,000; for such amount.
(b) if it exceeds Rs. 1,000 but does not exceed Rs. Fifty rupees.
5,000; Two rupees subject to a
and for every additional Rs. 1,000 or part thereof in maximum of two
excess of Rs. 5,000. hundred rupees.
(a) where the amount or value secured does not Three rupees for every
exceed Rs. 1,000; one hundred rupees or
part thereof.
(a) where the amount of value secured does not Three rupees for every
exceed Rs. 1,000: one hundred rupees or
part thereof;
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(a) where the purchase money does not exceed Rs. One rupee
(b) where the purchase money exceeds Rs. 10, but One rupee fifty paise
does not exceed Rs. 25;
17. Certificate or other document evidencing the Rs. 10/- (Ten Rupees)1
right or title of the holder thereof or any other
person, either to any shares, scrip or stock in or of
any incorporated Company or other body corporate
or to become proprietor of shares, scrip or stock in
or of any such company or body.
18. (1) Charter party, that is to say, any Rs. 50/- (Fifty Rupees)7
instrument (except an agreement for the hire of a
tug-steamer), whereby a vessel or some specified
principal part thereof is left for the specified
purposes of the charter, whether it includes a
penalty clause or not.
(i) does not exceed rupees one lakh; Rs. 20/- (Twenty
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(a) where the amount or value of the consideration Two rupees fifty paise
(b) where it exceeds Rs. 50, but does not exceed Five rupees for every one
Rs. 1,000 ; hundred rupees or part
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(i) if the original was not chargeable with duty, or if Rs. 20/- [Twenty
the duty with which it was chargeable does not Rupees]1
exceed two rupees fifty paise.
(a) Copy of any paper which a public officer is
expressly required by law to make or furnish for
record in any public office or for any public purpose.
(a) if the duty with which the original instrument is Rs. 50/- (Fifty Rupees)1
chargeable does not exceed 14[ten rupees:]
(a) where the amount does not exceed Rs. 1,000; The same duty as a
Bottomry Bond (No. 14)
for such amount.
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25. Divorce:-- Instrument, that is to say, any Rs. 50/- (Fifty Rupees)1
instrument by which any person effects the
dissolution of his marriage.
26. Entry as an Advocate, on the roll of the Bar Rs. 500/- (Five Hundred
Council of Andhra Pradesh under the Advocates Act, Rupees)1 or if previously
1961. enrolled as an Attorney
in any High Court. Rs.
250/- (Two Hundred and
Fifty Rupees)1.
8(a) when the original mortgage is one of the The same duty as a
further charge possession of the property is given or Conveyance (No. 20) for
(i) Where the lease purports to be for a term of less 0.4% of the total rent18
than one year;
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(iv) where the lease purports to be for a term Six percent of the
exceeding twenty years but not exceeding thirty average annual rent
years; reserved.
(v) Where the lease purports to be for a term Fifteen percent of the
exceeding twenty years but not exceeding thirty average annual rent
years; reserved.
(vi) (a) Where the lease purports to be for a period Three percent of the
in excess of thirty years or in perpetuity or does not market value of the
purports to be for a definite period; property.
(b) Where the lease is granted for a fine or premium Two percent on fine,
or for money advanced or to be advanced and where premium or money
no rent is reserved; advanced.
(c) Where the lease is granted for a fine or premium Two percent on fine,
or for money advanced in addition to rent reserved; premium or money
advanced in addition to
duty which would have
been payable on such
lease, if no fine or
premium or advance
have been paid or
(d) Where the lessee undertakes to effect Two percent on the value
improvement in the leased property and agrees to of improvements.
make the same to the lessor at the time of
termination of lease falling under clauses (a), (b) or
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cultivation (including a lease of trees for the production of food drink) without the
payment or delivery of any fine or premium, when a definite term is expressed
and such term does not exceed one year, or when the average annual rent
reserved does not exceed one thousand rupees.
32. Letter of Allotment of Shares in any company Rs. 2/- (Two Rupees)3
or proposed company, or in respect of any loan to be
raised by any company or proposed company.
(i) where the licence purports to be for a term of Two rupees for every one
less than one year; hundred rupees or part
thereof for the first Rs.
1000/ - and for every Rs.
500/- or part thereof in
excess of Rs. 1,000/- ten
rupees, for the whole
amount payable or
deliverable under such
(ii) where the licence purports to be for a term of Two rupees for every one
not less than one year but not more than five years; hundred rupees or part
thereof for the first Rs.
1,000/ - and for every
Rs. 500/- or part thereof
in excess of Rs. 1,000/-
ten rupees, for the
amount or value of the
average annual rent or
fee or by whatever name
it is called;
(iii) where the licence purports to be for a term of Five percent on the
not less than five years but not exceeding ten years; amount or value of one
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(b) where the licence is granted for a lumpsum Two percent on the
amount advanced and where no rent or fee or by lumpsum amount;
whatever name it is called is reserved;
(c) where the licence is granted for a lumpsum Two percent on the
amount advanced in addition to rent or fee or by lumpsum amount
whatever name it is called; advanced as set-forth in
the licence in addition to
the duty which would
have been payable on
such licence if no
lumpsum amount
advanced had been paid
or delivered;
(a) when possession of the property or any part of The same duty as a
the property comprised in such deed is given by the conveyance (No. 20) for
mortgagor or agreed to be given; a consideration or
2market value equal to
the amount secured by
such deed.
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Explanation:-- A mortgagor who gives or has given for teh amount secured
to the mortgagee a power of attorney to collect by deed.
rents, or gives or has given to the mortgagee a
lease, of the property mortgaged or part thereof, is
deemed to give possession thereof within the
meaning of this article;
for every sum secured not exceeding Rs. 1,000; Three rupees
and for every Rs. 1,000 or part thereof secured in Three rupees
excess of Rs. 1,000.
Instruments executed by persons taking advances
under the Land Improvement Loans Act, 1883
(Central Act 19 of 1883) or the Agriculturists Loans
Act, 1884 (Central Act 12 of 1884), or by their
sureties as security for the repayment of such
for every sum secured not exceeding Rs. 200. Rs. 1/- (One Rupee)3
and for every Rs. 200 or part thereof secured in Rs. 1/- (One Rupee)3
excess of Rs. 200.
for every sum secured not exceeding Rs. 100. Rs. 1/- (One Rupee)1
and for every Rs. 100 or part thereof secured in Rs. 1/- (One Rupee)1
excess of Rs. 100.
37. Notarial act, that is to say, any instrument, Rs. 10/- (Five Rupees)1
endorsement, note, attestation, certificate or entry
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(a) of any goods exceeding in value twenty rupees; Rs. 5/- (Five Rupees)1
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is effected in pursuance
of such agreement, the
duly chargeable upon the
instrument effecting such
partition shall be reduced
by the amount of duty
paid in respect of the
first instrument, but shall
not be less than five
6[41. Partnership:--
(c) when authorising not more than five persons to 29[Fifty rupees]
act jointly and severally in more than one
transaction or generally;
(d) when authorising more than five but not more 29[Seventy-five rupees]
than ten persons to act jointly and severally in more
than one transaction or generally
30(e) when given for consideration and authorising The same duty as a
the attorney to sell any immovable property ; conveyance (No. 20) for
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a consideration or
2market value equal to
the amount of the
31[(g) When given for construction on, development Five rupees for every one
of, or sale or transfer (in any manner whatsoever) hundred rupees or part
43. Protest of Bill or Note, that is to say any Rs. 10/- (Ten Rupees)3.
declaration in writing made by a Notary public, or
other person lawfully acting as such, attesting the
dishonour of a bill of exchange or promissory note.
(a) if the consideration for which the property was The same duty as a
mortgaged does not exceed Rs. 1,000/-. Conveyance (No. 20) for
a consideration or
market value equal to
the amount of such
consideration as set forth
in the reconveyance.
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(a) where the amount or value of the claim does not Three rupees for every
exceed Rs. 1,000/-. one hundred rupees or
part thereof on the
consideration of such
release as set forth
therein or the market
value of the property
whichever is higher over
which claim is
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(i) where the amount or value of the consideration Eight rupees for every
for such sale as set forth in the instrument or the one hundred rupees or
market value of the property which is the subject part thereof.
matter of the sale whichever is higher but does not
exceed Rs. 1,000.
(i) where the amount or value of the consideration Seven rupees34 for every
for such sale as set forth in the instrument or the one hundred rupees or in
market value of the property which is the subject- the instrument or the
matter of the sale whichever is higher but does not market value of the
exceed Rs. 1,000. property which is the
subject matter of the
sale which ever is higher
but does not exceed Rs.
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(i) where the amount or value of the consideration Four rupees35 for every
for such sale as set forth in the instrument or the one hundred rupees or
market value of the property which is the subject part thereof.
matter of the sale, whichever is higher but does not
exceed Rs. 1,000/-.
(i) Where the value does not exceed Rs. 2,00,000/-. Rupees Twelve
(ii) Where it exceeds Rs. 2,00,000/ - but does not Rupees Twelve thousand
exceed Rs. 3,50,000/-. plus 4% on the value
above Rs. 2,00,000/-
(iii) where it exceeds Rs. 3,50,000/- but does not Rupees Eighteen
exceed Rs. 7,00,000/-. thousand plus 6% on the
value above Rs.
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Bond or other instruments when executed--
39[49. Settlement--
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50. Share warrants to bearer issued under the One and a half times the
Companies Act, 1956 (Central Act 1 of 1956). duty payable on a
Conveyance (No. 20) for
a consideration 2or
market value equal to
the nominal amount of
the shares specified in
the warrant.
51. Shipping Order for or relating to the Rs. 10/- (Ten Rupees)3.
conveyance of goods on board of any vessel.
(a) when the duty with which the lease is chargeable The duty with which such
does not exceed thirty rupees; lease is chargeable
subject to a maximum of
Rs. 500/-42
consideration 43or
market value equal to
the face amount of the
(i) if the duty on such bond, mortgage deed or The duty with which such
policy of insurance does not exceed thirty rupees. bond, mortgage deed or
policy of insurance is
(d) of any trust property from one trustee to Thirty rupees or such
another trustee or from a trustee to a beneficiary. smaller amount as may
be chargeable under
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Transfers by endorsement,--.
a consideration 43or
market value equal to
the amount of the
consideration for the
property concerned, as
set forth in the
instrument; but not
56, Warrant for goods, that is to say, any Rs. 20/- (Twenty
instrument evidencing the title of any person therein Rupees)3.
named or his assigns, or the holder thereof to the
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1. Amended by Government of Telangana, vide G.O.Ms. No. 120, Rev. (Regn. I) Dept., Dated 23-7-2015.
2. Article 6 substituted by A.P. Act 21 of 1995, w.e.f. 1-4-1995, vide G.O.Ms. No. 173, Rev. (Regn.II) dated 31-3-1995.
4. Note :- Registration charges for Deposit of title deeds : 0.1% on the loan amount subject to a maximum of Rs. 1000/- vide
G.O.Ms. No. 2045 (Reg. I) Dated 28-11-05 w.e.f. 01-12-05. Please see Notifications printed infra.
5. Note : If Mortgage is created by deposit of title deeds, it is not required to be registered. Hence in such cases, Stamp Duty
7. Revised Stamp Duty is 5%. vide G.O.Ms. No. 59 Rev. (Regn.) Department dated 20-07-2021 on Certificate of Sale.
8. Stamp Duty Reduced from 5% to 4% vide G.O.Ms. No. 582, Rev. (Regn. I) Dept. Dated 30-11-2013. See also Reduction and
10. Inserted by Act 22 of 1971 which came into force from 16-1-1973.
11. Revised Stamp Duty is 5% vide G.O.Ms. No. 59 Rev. (Regn.) Dept. Dated 20-07-2021.
12. Clause (d) Inserted by A.P. Act No. 19 of 2005 w.e.f. 1-8-2005.
14. Substituted for "five rupees" by A.P. Act 22 of 1989, Section 2 (e), w.e.f. 1-4-1990.
15. Substituted for "twenty rupees" by A.P. Act No 19 of 2005, w.e.f. 1-8-2005.
16. Stamp Duty of 2% fixed by G.O.Ms. No. 583, Rev, (Regn. I) Dept. Dated 30-11-2013.
18. Stamp Duty of 0.5% vide fixed by G.O.Ms. No, 583, Rev, (Regn. I) Dept. Dated 30-11-2013.
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23. Reduced of Stamp duty Rates see G.O.Ms. No. 583, Rev. (Regn. I) Dept., Dated 30-11-2013. See Reduction and Remission
printed infra.
24. Housing Loans and Assignment of debt on housing loans [vide G.O.Ms. No. 304, Revenue (Registration I) Dept, Dated 27-
25. Rates reduced from 3% to 0.5% of the amount secured by sale deeds vide G.O.Ms. No. 409 Dated 11-5-2010.
26. Revised Stamp Duty is 0.5% on value separated shares subject to a maximum Rs. 1,00,000/- and partition in other cases is
2.5% percent on value of separated shares, vide G.O.Ms. No. 59 Rev. (Regn. I) Dept. Dated 20-07-2021.
28. For Sale agreement cum GPA Revised rate of Stamp Duty is 6.5% (5.5% adjustable and 1% not adjustable) vide G.O.Ms.
No. 59 Dated 20-07-2021 and for development/ construction agreement cum GPA, the revised rate of stamp duty is 1% (Not
30. Note : - Clauses (e) and (g) Registration charges Rs. 1000/- vide G.O.Ms. No. 2045 (Reg. I) Dated 28-11-2005 w.e.f. 01-12-
2005. Article 1(D) and 1(f) of Registration charges omitted by same G.O. Ibid.
(i) Rs. 1,000/- when the G.P.A. is given in favour of family members, and
(ii) to 1% when the G.P.A. is given in favour of other than family members vide G.O.Ms. No. 1128 Revenue (Regn.- I) Dept.,
32. Note :
(1) Registration charges Rs. 1000/- vide G.O.Ms. No. 2045 (Reg. I) Dated 28-11-2005 w.e.f. 01-12-2005.
(2) Notification II issued in G.O.Ms. No. 1129, Rev. (Regn. I) Dept., Dated 13-6-2005, withdrawn by G.O.Ms. No. 1169, Rev.
(Regn. I) Dept., Dated 15-9-2010 (To restore the original Stamp duty of 3%).
35. Stamp duty has been reduced to 4% vide G.O.Ms. no. 162 Rev. (Regn. I) Dept., Dated 30-03-2013 w.e.f. 01-04-2013.
38. Article 48 and entries thereto Substituted by A.P. 22 of 1989 w.e.f. 1-4-1990.
39. Article 49 and entries thereto Substituted by A.P. 22 of 1989 w.e.f. 1-4-1990.
40. Revised Rate of Stamp duty is 2% vide G.O.Ms. No. 59 Dated 20-07-2021.
41. Revised Rate of Stamp duty is 3.5% vide G.O.Ms. No. 59 Dated 20-07-2021.
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42. Stamp Duty fixed, subject to a maximum of Rs. 500/- by Govt. of Telangana, vide G.O.Ms.No. 120, REv. (Regn. I) Dept.,
Dated 23-7-2015.
*. Note :
1) G.O.Ms. No. 568 Rev. (Reg. I) Dept., Dated 1-4-2008 withdrawn vide G.O.Ms. No. 1168 Rev. (Reg. I) Dept, Dated 15-9-
2) G.O.Ms. No. 1481 Rev. (Regn. I) Dept., Dated 30-11-2007 withdrawn by G.O.Ms. No. 1178, Rev. (Regn. I) Dept., Dated
For reduction of stamp Duty, Sec G.O.Ms. No. 581, Rev. (Regn. I) Dept., Dated 30-11-2013 in Reduction and Remission
Printed India.
**. (1) Sale Agreement without possession and Development/construction Agreement, the revised rates a Stamp Duty is 0.5%
(Not adjustable).
(2) Development/Construction Agreement cum GPA the Stamp Duty is 1% (Not adjustable), vide G.O.Ms. No. 59, Rev.
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