An Analytical Study of Consumers Buying Behavior Towards Green and Eco-Friendly Products
An Analytical Study of Consumers Buying Behavior Towards Green and Eco-Friendly Products
An Analytical Study of Consumers Buying Behavior Towards Green and Eco-Friendly Products
Abstract - There has been a zoom within the economy with a rise in utilization across the globe. This
overutilization has resulted in the deterioration of the atmosphere. the implications of this environmental
degradation have resulted in pollution, global warming, etc that has become a reason behind public concern that
green ends up in the inexperienced movement for the preservation of the environment. The aim of this research
paper was to grasp the variables poignant the patron shopping for behavior of the green products. The primary data
was collected online from the final 92 participant using questionnaire by the means of Google Forms. Data
analysis was done by means of SPSS 22. The study was unconcealed that demographic factors don’t influence the
buying behavior of Eco-friendly products. A consumer’s buying behavior depends on the consumer’s level of
satisfaction towards the merchandise. Consumer Buying behavior and satisfaction are largely influenced by the
attributes of Eco-friendly products.
Keyword: - Eco-friendly Product, Green Product, Consumer Buying Behavior and Environment
Go Green practices helps the companies to not solely market their product however conjointly increase the
attention of the customers. The inexperienced fashion has become common in developed countries than in
developing countries. These problems have raised issues to safeguard the environment that has LEDs to the idea of
going green. If a client opts for an eco-friendly product it not solely has personal advantages for the patron
however conjointly several future environmental advantages. The setting has been exploited extensively; this
overuse of the setting has resulted in global climate change, global warming, pollution, depletion of the layer, etc.
the worth action gap is that the inequality between the information of customers regarding the atmosphere and
therefore the behavior he adopts towards such product. The Government has introduced policies to save lots of the
environment from any degradation then have the companies opted for environmentally friendly practices. A
consumer's concern towards a secure atmosphere has been oftentimes increasing. These products have positive
effects on the environment as they're less cyanogenic, perishable, recyclable, energy-efficient; renewable because
of that they're termed as “Green Products”. The choice to buy these products depends on the behavior that the
patron may adopt towards these products.
However, it's possible that several customers, United Nations agency conscious environmentally acutely aware,
aren't habitually creating these eco-friendly purchases because of the results of what has been known as the
“value-action gap” (Blake, 1999) [1]. Nowadays, we've got tons of inexperienced products within the market e.g.
tons of corporations promote their product by enhancing the consciousness of the customers towards the
environmental problems that make a client move from a convectional product to an inexperienced product
(Golkanda, 2013)[2]. CFL bulbs, electrical home appliances, jute bags, rechargeable batteries, solar chargers.
Attributable to the negative effects on the atmosphere, inexperienced selling activities are a serious tool that's used
by varied organizations, which have led to a modification in buyers' getting approach towards inexperienced things
(Cohen, 1973)[3].
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© 2019 IJRAR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
Green behavior is that the alternative created by the customers whether or not to shop for AN eco- friendly product
or not. Several companies have started inexperienced selling and methods for the event of inexperienced product
to save lots of the atmosphere and to realize future profits. A study was conducted in 2004 in Canada that showed
that there's a spot between acceptance and adoption of the inexperienced product (Kennedy, et. al, 2009) [4].
The process of merchandising products and/or services supported their environmental advantages is termed
inexperienced selling. With the rise within the technologies, there has been a rise in industrial activities that have
affected the environment adversely. The acquisition behavior of the buyers depends on the beliefs and therefore
the consciousness of the consumer towards environmental issues. One in all the earliest steps that were taken
concerning this environmental concern was to introduce a product that was speculated to environmentally friendly
and had utilitarian standing for customers (D’Souza et al., 2006)[5]. These days the market contains a good sort of
product that is environmentally safe.
Green promoting involves activities taken by the organizations associated with environmental issues by providing
services and merchandises that are eco-friendly and don't degrade the environment in any manner. Currently each
marketers and customers are choosing the products that are green or eco-friendly. Green marketing is today
thought of to be one in all the invasive trends in business.
Environmental Responsiveness
The awareness concerning the problems of the environment will verify the behavior of the people towards the
atmosphere. Consumers who are additional aware and aware concerning the environment create additional green
decisions (Birgelen et al.2009) [6] an individual’s positive environmental behavior doesn’t essentially guarantee his
involvement or participation towards the environment. Awareness and perspective have a positive impact on the
buying behavior of customers (Roberts, 1996) [7]. Correct information concerning environmental issues will create
people felt towards the environment (Schahn & Holzer, 1990) [8]. The additional the individual is awake to the
environmental concerns; it might produce favorable behavior towards identical. The individual involvement is
incredibly necessary, and also the strength of motivation on the process of knowledge depends on one’s degree of
involvement (Petty & Cacioppo 1990) [9]. Inflated information concerning environmental problems creates positive
attitudes (Arcury, 1990) [10]. The information concerning the environment is related with the perspective and
behavior towards the atmosphere (Laroche et al., 2001) [11]. Supported these findings it will be assumed that the
consumers who have the information and are awake to the environmental problems are additional possible to
approach for green purchases.
Buying Behavior
Alwitt, L.F. & Berger, I.E. (1993) [12] examined the structure of perspective strength and its relationship with
purchase intentions. Intentions will modification over a amount of your time. It disclosed that the overall
perspective towards the environment of a shopper will have an effect on his purchase behavior however the
perspective towards the merchandise affects the acquisition intentions of a shopper. There is variety of events and
consequences which will alter the intentions of a private (Azjen & Fishbein, 1980) [13]. Activity intentions will
indicate the particular future behaviors of people (Azjen & Fishbein, 1980) [13]. The longer the measure the less
correct are the expected behavior from intentions (Azjen & Fishbein, 1980) [13].
Readiness to Pay
The quality and performance of a green product may be thought-about as an element that affects the intentions of
shoppers to buy a specific eco-friendly product. several customers are involved concerning environmental safety
and a few are involved concerning their health and conjointly concerning price. Price could be a crucial issue once
the temperament to pay a premium for green merchandise products and there's a lesser whole awareness of eco-
friendly (Shukla et al, 1998) [14]. Thus, the intentions of a client to buy green products may be obsessed on bound
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factors just like the worth of the merchandise and also the handiness of the product. The intention to buy eco-
friendly products may also amendment if the buyer realizes that the green advertising in serious trouble the
merchandise has been deceptive or imprecise or false claims are created concerning the product been green.
It has conjointly been found that those customers, who are involved concerning ecological issues, also are willing
to pay a lot of to be eco-responsible however firms have to be compelled to enhance the performance of their
products and build them a lot of environment-friendly, although they have to extend the value of their product
(Syeda Shazia Bukhari, 2011) [15].
Customer Satisfaction
A happy consumer is a lot of possible to advocate the well-liked product to others (Reynolds and Arnold, 2000)
. A consumer’s satisfaction towards the actual product can influence the longer term purchase choices of
customers and type customer loyalty however conjointly unfolds a positive word of mouth regarding the
merchandise. A happy customer goes to repeat his purchase within the future (Zeithaml et al., 1996) [17]. Because
the quality and therefore the performance of the merchandise are the key reasons for the client to be happy with
the product. Satisfaction is sometimes taken as a way of predicting a customer's future purchases (Oliver, 1999)
The area of study is confined to Pune city. The data collected for the study through a structured questionnaire
adapted from a previous research. The study consists of both primary and secondary data. The primary data was
collected online from the final 92 participant using questionnaire by the means of Google Forms.
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Descriptive Statistics
The Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) VERSION 22.0 was used to analyze the data. The Age,
Gender, Qualification and Income classification, philanthropic an impression of the research sample is presented
as follows:
Table No. 1: Gender Profile
From the above Table No. 1 it is observed that out of 92 respondents, 39 are male respondents (42.4%) and 53 are
female respondents (57.6%).
Table No. 2 Age Profile in years
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Less than 20 21 22.8 22.8 22.8
20-30 16 17.4 17.4 40.2
Valid 30-40 33 35.9 35.9 76.1
More than 40 22 23.9 23.9 100.0
Total 92 100.0 100.0
As shown in the above Table No. 2, age group 30-40 was the largest group representing 35.9% of the respondents,
followed by 23.9% of respondents who belonged to the age group more than 40 years. On the other hand, the
smallest number of respondents (17.4%) was 20-30 years age group presiding to more response from age group
less than 20 years i.e. 22.8% contributed by 21 respondents.
Table No. 3: Qualification profile
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Below Higher Secondary 12 13.0 13.0 13.0
Higher Secondary 25 27.2 27.2 40.2
Graduate 26 28.3 28.3 68.5
Valid Post Graduate 24 26.1 26.1 94.6
Above Post Graduate 5 5.4 5.4 100.0
Total 92 100.0 100.0
The Literacy wise distribution of the respondent was shown in Table No. 3 as above which reveals that 26 (28.3%)
respondents are graduates, 24 (26.1%) respondents fall under Post Graduate and 5 (5.4%) respondents fall above
post graduate level while remaining respondents 12 (13.0%) and 25 (27.2%) fall under Below Higher Secondary
and Higher secondary level respectively.
Table No. 4: Salary profile in Rs.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Below Rs. 20000 10 10.9 10.9 10.9
Rs. 20000 to 40000 15 16.3 16.3 27.2
Rs. 40000 to 60000 21 22.8 22.8 50.0
Valid Rs. 60000 to 80000 16 17.4 17.4 67.4
Rs. 80000 to 100000 15 16.3 16.3 83.7
Above Rs. 100000 15 16.3 16.3 100.0
Total 92 100.0 100.0
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The monthly income distribution shown in Table No. 4 reveals that out of sample of 92 respondents, 10 (10.9%)
respondents were having income below Rs. 20000, 15 (16.3%) respondents were having income between Rs.
20000 to Rs. 400000, 21 (22.8%) between Rs. 40000 to Rs. 60000, 16 (17.4%) respondents between Rs. 60000 to
Rs. 80000, 15 (16.3%) respondents each were having income of above Rs. 80000 to Rs. 100000 and above 100000
For every individual item, mean was calculated and then finally the total mean of every dimension was calculated
in order to know the most important factor which affects Consumers buying behavior towards Green/Eco-Friendly
The total mean for factor responsiveness was found to be 2.88 which indicate that responsiveness regarding green
and eco-friendly products strongly influences the attitude of consumers.
The total mean for factor worry for environment was found to be 3.01 which point out that consumer’s behavior
towards green and eco-friendly products is also strongly influenced by concern for environment.
The total mean for factor buying behavior was found to be 2.68 and for customer satisfaction it was found to be
2.86. Out of all the factors the highest mean was for customer satisfaction (2.68) which indicates that customer
satisfaction is the major factor that affects the consumer’s behavior towards green and eco-friendly products. In
other words, we can say satisfaction was charged as the most significant factor for buying green and eco-friendly
Table No. 5: Descriptive Statistics
Factors N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
92 1 5 2.88 1.474
Worry for Environment 92 1 5 3.01 1.508
Consumer Satisfaction 92 1 5 2.86 1.442
Valid N (listwise) 92
In order to compare means of different factors with demographic factors t-test and Anova were performed. For
gender t-test was performed and for the demographic factors like age, education and Income, one way Anova test
was performed.
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Table No. 7: ANOVA: Environment Responsiveness, Worry for Environment and Consumer
Satisfaction respectively with Gender
The (p) significance value for Environment Responsiveness with genders was found to be 0.849 which is more
than 0.05. Hence genders have no direct, no positive and not significant impact on Environmental Responsiveness.
The (p) significance value for Worry for Environment with genders was found to be 0.953 which is more than
0.05. Hence genders have no direct, no positive and not significant impact on Worry for Environment.
The (p) significance value for Consumer Satisfaction with genders was found to be 0.612 which is more than 0.05.
Hence genders have no direct, no positive and not significant impact on Consumer Satisfaction.
Table No. 8: ANOVA: Environment Responsiveness, Worry for Environment and Consumer Satisfaction
respectively with Age
Sum of df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 1.005 3 .335 .150 .930
Environment Within Groups 196.680 88 2.235
Total 197.685 91
Between Groups 1.357 3 .452 .194 .901
Worry for Environment Within Groups 205.632 88 2.337
Total 206.989 91
Between Groups 8.582 3 2.861 1.394 .250
Consumer Satisfaction Within Groups 180.581 88 2.052
Total 189.163 91
The (p) significance value for Environment Responsiveness with age was found to be 0.930 which is more than
0.05. Hence age have no direct, no positive and not significant impact on Environmental Responsiveness.
The (p) significance value for Worry for Environment with age was found to be 0.901 which is more than 0.05.
Hence age have no direct, no positive and not significant impact on Worry for Environment.
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The (p) significance value for Consumer Satisfaction with age was found to be 0.250 which is less than 0.05.
Hence age have direct, positive and significant impact on Consumer Satisfaction.
Table No. 9: ANOVA: Environment Responsiveness, Worry for Environment and Consumer Satisfaction
respectively with Qualification
Sum of df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 9.126 4 2.282 1.053 .385
Responsiveness Within Groups 188.559 87 2.167
Total 197.685 91
Between Groups 8.042 4 2.010 .879 .480
Worry for Environment Within Groups 198.947 87 2.287
Total 206.989 91
Between Groups 17.001 4 4.250 2.148 .082
Consumer Satisfaction Within Groups 172.162 87 1.979
Total 189.163 91
The (p) significance value for Environment Responsiveness with qualification was found to be 0.385 which is less
than 0.05. Hence qualifications have direct, positive and significant impact on Environmental Responsiveness.
The (p) significance value for Worry for Environment with qualification was found to be 0.480 which is less than
0.05. Hence qualifications have direct, positive and significant impact on Worry for Environment.
The (p) significance value for Consumer Satisfaction with qualification was found to be 0.082 which is less than
0.05. Hence qualifications have direct, positive and significant impact on Consumer Satisfaction.
ANOVA test was performed for Environment Responsiveness, Worry for Environment and Consumer Satisfaction
respectively with Salary Shown below in Table No. 10 and their implications are as follows
The (p) significance value for Environment Responsiveness with Salary was found to be 0.620 which is more than
0.05. Hence Salaries have no direct, no positive and not significant impact on Environmental Responsiveness.
The (p) significance value for Worry for Environment with Salary was found to be 0.027 which is less than 0.05.
Hence Salaries have direct, positive and significant impact on Worry for Environment.
The (p) significance value for Consumer Satisfaction with Salary was found to be 0.713 which is more than 0.05.
Hence Salaries have no direct, no positive and not significant impact on Consumer Satisfaction.
Table No. 10: ANOVA: Environment Responsiveness, Worry for Environment and Consumer
Satisfaction respectively with Salary
Sum of df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 7.804 5 1.561 .707 .620
Responsiveness Within Groups 189.880 86 2.208
Total 197.685 91
Between Groups 27.837 5 5.567 2.673 .027
Worry for Environment Within Groups 179.152 86 2.083
Total 206.989 91
Between Groups 6.206 5 1.241 .583 .713
Consumer Satisfaction Within Groups 182.957 86 2.127
Total 189.163 91
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Table No. 11: Group Statistics of variables: Qualification, Worry for Environment and Consumer
Environment N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error
Responsiveness Mean
0 Respondents
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24 respondents were such who considered product attributes as the most important factor while buying green or
eco-friendly products. The second most important factor while buying green or eco-friendly products was eco-
friendliness and product price respectively.
20% and Above Extra Price
No Extra Price
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Out of the total 92 respondents, 28 respondents were ready to pay 5%-10% extra while buying environment
friendly products or Green Product. 20 respondents were such who were not ready to pay anything extra for
buying environment friendly products or Green Product.
Higher up-
front costs
20 17
Lower Quality
20 15 Difficulty to
of the Product 10 12 purchase
0 Respondents
little or no real 8
16 Inconvenience
benefit 4
Implementatio 15 Limited
n availability
Out of the total sample of 92 respondents, 20 respondents were of the view that lower quality of eco-friendly or
green products prevents them from buying these products. The second most important factor that prevents them
from buying is higher cost of the product followed by little or no real benefits reported by 16 respondents.
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Saves Low
Resources Respondents Maintenance
3% 8%
Costs Less in
long run
Saves Improves
Environment Environment
51% 22%
(Figure 5: Encouraging feature for buying Green Product)
Out of the total sample of 92 respondents, 51% respondents were of the view that they buy eco-friendly/green
products because they believe it saves the environment, while for 22% green product will improve the
environment is the engorging factor, followed by 11%, 8%, 5% and 3% respondents said that they go for eco-
friendly products because Improves Health, Low Maintenance, Costs Less in long run and Saves resources
respectively feels encouraging feature for buying Green Product.
The paper was mainly focused to study the purchasing approach of consumers towards green products. It is
evident that the purchase behavior and customer satisfaction towards green products is not influenced by age,
gender, income or educational qualifications of the consumers. Purchasing behavior of consumers depends on their
level of satisfaction towards the products. The concern for environment has been found to be more among the
young consumers. Consumers regard the features of the green products to be most important while purchasing
them. They are even willing to pay more for the green products to protect their environment. Consumers are
motivated to buy green products not only because of their concern for the environment but also because they
believe these can be healthier option for them. Thus organizations need to focus more on improving the quality of
green products and also need to provide high quality green products at genuine prices. As the high price and low
quality of the green products are the two most important factors that prevent and demotivated the consumers while
thinking about purchasing such products.
The sample size of the research study was constrained to Pune city and to a limited number of consumers i.e. 92
due to the less response to the questionnaire. As a result oversimplification of the finding is not appropriate to any
analogous circumstances.
A lot of efforts need to be done in order to improve awareness and availability of the green products among Indian
consumers. Studies can be done to figure out various other factors that can influence that environmental
consciousness and consumers buying decisions.
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