Iso 15686-1-2011
Iso 15686-1-2011
Iso 15686-1-2011
STANDARD 15686-1
Second edition
Reference number
ISO 15686-1:2011(E)
Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2011 – All rights reserved
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 15686-1:2011(E)
Contents Page
Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................iv
0 Introduction............................................................................................................................................v
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................1
2 Normative references............................................................................................................................1
3 Terms and definitions ...........................................................................................................................1
4 Service life planning and building design ..........................................................................................4
4.1 General ...................................................................................................................................................4
4.2 General principles of service life planning .........................................................................................4
4.3 Scope of service life planning..............................................................................................................5
4.4 Service life planning and the design process ....................................................................................5
4.5 Record keeping......................................................................................................................................5
5 Service life estimation...........................................................................................................................6
5.1 Introduction to service life estimation ................................................................................................6
5.2 Objective of service life estimation .....................................................................................................6
5.3 Service life prediction procedures ......................................................................................................6
5.4 Service life estimation using reference service lives ........................................................................6
5.5 Use of service life data from practical experience.............................................................................7
5.6 Innovative components ........................................................................................................................7
5.7 Data quality ............................................................................................................................................7
5.8 Uncertainty and reliability.....................................................................................................................7
6 Financial and environmental costs over time ....................................................................................8
7 Obsolescence, adaptability and re-use...............................................................................................9
7.1 Obsolescence ........................................................................................................................................9
7.2 Types of obsolescence .........................................................................................................................9
7.3 Minimizing obsolescence .....................................................................................................................9
7.4 Future use of the building ..................................................................................................................10
7.5 Demolition and re-use.........................................................................................................................10
Annex A (informative) Agents affecting the service life of building components .....................................11
Annex B (informative) Service life planning in the design process.............................................................12
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 15686-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 59, Buildings and civil engineering works,
Subcommittee SC 14, Design life.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 15686-1:2000), which has been technically
revised to condense ISO 15686-1 into a more generic process of service life planning and to better reflect the
other parts of ISO 15686.
ISO 15686 consists of the following parts, under the general title Buildings and constructed assets — Service
life planning:
⎯ Part 7: Performance evaluation for feedback of service life data from practice
Service life planning using IFC-based building information monitoring will form the subject of a future
Technical Report (ISO/TR 15686-4).
Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2011 – All rights reserved
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 15686-1:2011(E)
0 Introduction
Service life planning is a design process that seeks to ensure that the service life of a building or other
constructed asset will equal or exceed its design life. If required, service life planning can take into account the
life-cycle cost(s) of the building and its life-cycle environmental impact(s). Service life planning provides a
means of comparing different building options. During the project delivery phase, to ensure that the design
meets the functional requirement levels, consideration of different conceptual design solutions can be used to
assess the impact of design changes on the design life.
This part of ISO 15686 is intended primarily, but not exclusively, for the following user groups:
d) maintainers of buildings;
f) insurers of buildings;
By requiring an estimate or prediction of how long each component of a building will last, service life planning
aids the making of decisions concerning specifications and design detailing. Also, when the service life of the
building and its components are estimated or predicted, life-cycle cost and maintenance planning and value
engineering techniques can be applied, reliability and flexibility of use of the building can be increased, and
the likelihood of early obsolescence can be reduced.
Figure 1 indicates how the parts of ISO 15686 are intended to relate to each other and their associated topics.
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ISO 15686-1:2011(E)
ISO 15686-2
ISO 15686-3
Service life prediction
Performance audits
and reviews
ISO 15686-5
Life-cycle costing
ISO/TR 15686-4a
Service life planning using
ISO 15686-1 ISO 15686-6
IFC-based building
General Procedures for
information modelling
principles considering
and environmental impacts
ISO 15686-7
ISO 15686-8
evaluation for feedback
Reference service life
of service life
and service-life
data from practice
ISO 15686-10
ISO/TS 15686-9
When to assess
Guidance on
functional performance
assessment of
service life data
a Under development.
Figure 1 — Relationships between the parts of ISO 15686 and the service life planning of buildings
This part of ISO 15686 specifies the general principles of service life planning of a building or other
constructed asset and presents a framework for undertaking such service life planning. These general
principles can also be used to make decisions on maintenance and replacement requirements. This part of
ISO 15686 serves as a guide to other parts, including general principles to be applied. Together, they provide
requirements and guidance on the estimation or prediction of the service life of a building's components,
which contribute to the service life of the building.
ISO 15686-2 specifies principles and procedures that facilitate service life predictions of building components.
It provides a general framework, procedures and requirements for conducting and reporting such studies, but
does not describe specific test methods. It may also be used as a checklist for assessing completed service
life prediction studies.
ISO 15686-3 is concerned with ensuring the effective implementation of service life planning audits and
reviews. It describes the approach and procedures to be applied to pre-briefing, briefing, design, construction
and, where required, the life care management and disposal of buildings to provide reasonable assurance that
Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2011 – All rights reserved
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ISO 15686-1:2011(E)
ISO/TR 15686-4 is under development and will describe the data required to undertake service life estimation.
This is primarily intended to define the data relating to service life that may be required in computer models.
The formatting of such data for inclusion in calculation of models is expected to be presented in accordance
with ISO 12006 (all parts).
ISO 15686-5 specifies procedures for performing life-cycle cost analyses of buildings and their parts. These
assessments take into account cost or cash flows, i.e. relevant costs (and income and externalities if included
in the agreed scope) arising from acquisition through operation to disposal. This assessment typically includes
a comparison between options or an estimate of future costs at portfolio, project or component level. The
assessment is over an agreed period of analysis, which can be a time frame that is less than the full life-cycle
of the constructed asset.
ISO 15686-6 specifies how to assess, at the design stage, the potential environmental impacts of alternative
designs of a constructed asset. It identifies the interface between environmental life-cycle assessment and
service life planning.
ISO 15686-7 provides a generic basis for performance evaluation for feedback of service life data from
existing buildings, including a definition of the terms to be used and the description of how the (technical)
performance can be described and documented to ensure consistency.
ISO 15686-8 provides guidance on the provision, selection and formatting of reference service life data and on
the application of these data for the purposes of calculating estimated service life using the factor method.
It does not give guidance on how to estimate either the modification part or the values of factors A to G, using
the given reference in-use conditions and the object-specific in-use conditions.
ISO/TS 15686-9 gives guidance and provides a framework for the derivation and presentation of reference
service life data. In response to market demand, manufacturers and producers can develop, voluntarily,
service life declarations for use in service life planning, according to this part of ISO 15686 and ISO 15686-8.
ISO 15686-10 establishes when to specify or verify functional performance requirements during the service
life of buildings and building-related facilities and when to check the capability of buildings and facilities to
meet identified requirements using procedures for establishing scales for setting levels of functionality or
assessing levels of serviceability for any type of facility and any gaps that may exist between demand and
supply profiles.1) ISO 15686-10 is applicable to the use, management, ownership, financing, planning, design,
acquisition, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation and disposal of buildings and other constructed
ISO 15686 is relevant to service life planning of new and existing buildings. In existing buildings, service life
estimation will apply principally to the estimation of residual service lives of components that are already in
service, and to the selection of components for, and the detailing of, repairs and new work.
The informative annexes to this part of ISO 15686 provide supplementary information and illustrate the use of
methods specified in the normative clauses. Differences in climatic conditions and building techniques in
different parts of the world require separate aspects of service life planning to be developed for specific
circumstances, and to take account of locality and microclimate.
NOTE 1 The approach to service life planning presented in ISO 15686 is based on documents published by CIB and
RILEM, standards published in the UK, Japan, Canada and the USA, and on practical studies carried out in many
NOTE 2 In the European Community, the Construction Products Directive includes a requirement that the “essential
requirements” of construction products be retained for an “economically reasonable working life”, if necessary by
1) International Standards for the determination of levels of functionality (demand) and levels of serviceability (supply)
are the responsibilty of ISO/TC 59/SC 3.
1 Scope
This part of ISO 15686 identifies and establishes general principles for service life planning and a systematic
framework for undertaking service life planning of a planned building or construction work throughout its life
cycle (or remaining life cycle for existing buildings or construction works).
The life cycle incorporates initiation, project definition, design, construction, commissioning, operation,
maintenance, refurbishment, replacement, deconstruction and ultimate disposal, recycling or re-use of the
asset (or parts thereof), including its components, systems and building services.
This part of ISO 15686 is applicable to the service life planning of individual buildings.
NOTE A series of service life plans can be used as input data to the strategic property management of a number of
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 6707-1, Building and civil engineering — Vocabulary — Part 1: General terms
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 6707-1 and the following apply.
construction work that has the provision of shelter for its occupants or contents as one of its main purposes
and is usually enclosed and designed to stand permanently in one place
constructed asset
anything of value that is constructed or results from construction operations
design life
intended service life (deprecated)
expected service life (deprecated)
service life intended by the designer
natural, man-made or induced external and internal conditions that can influence performance and use of a
building and its parts
environmental aspect
element of an organization's activities or products or services that can interact with the environment
environmental impact
any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an
organization's environmental aspects
estimated service life
service life that a building or parts of a building would be expected to have in a set of specific in-use conditions,
determined from reference service life data after taking into account any differences from the reference in-use
factor method
modification of reference service life by factors to take account of the specific in-use conditions
loss of the ability of a building or its parts to perform a specified function
in-use condition
any circumstance that can impact on the performance of a building or a constructed asset, or a part thereof,
under normal use
life-cycle cost
cost of an asset or its parts throughout its life cycle, while fulfilling its performance requirements
life-cycle costing
methodology for systematic economic evaluation of life-cycle costs over a period of analysis, as defined in the
agreed scope
combination of all technical and associated administrative actions during the service life to retain a building, or
its parts, in a state in which it can perform its required functions
loss of ability of an item to perform satisfactorily due to changes in performance requirements
Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2011 – All rights reserved
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ISO 15686-1:2011(E)
performance in use
qualitative level of a critical property at any point in time considered
performance characteristic
physical quantity that is related to a critical property
NOTE In some cases, the performance characteristic can the same as the critical property, e.g. gloss. On the other
hand, if the critical property is strength, for instance, thickness or mass can be utilized as a performance characteristic,
working as an indirect measure of strength.
performance evaluation
evaluation of critical properties on the basis of measurement and inspection
performance over time
performance requirement
performance criterion
minimum acceptable level of a critical property
predicted service life
service life predicted from performance recorded over time in accordance with the procedure described in
ISO 15686-2
reference in-use condition
in-use condition under which the reference service life data are valid
NOTE 2 The reference in-use conditions can be based upon information gathered through testing or from recorded
performance and actual service life data of a component.
reference service life
service life of a product, component, assembly or system which is known to be expected under a particular set,
i.e. a reference set, of in-use conditions and which can form the basis for estimating the service life under
other in-use conditions
reference service life data
RSL data
information that includes the reference service life and any qualitative or quantitative data describing the
validity of the reference service life
NOTE 2 Typical data describing the validity of the RSL include the description of the component to which it applies, the
reference in-use conditions under which it applies, and its quality.
service life planning
service life design (deprecated)
design process of preparing the brief and the design for the building and its parts to achieve the design life
NOTE Service life planning can, for example, reduce the costs of building ownership and facilitate maintenance and
service life
period of time after installation during which a facility or its component parts meet or exceed the performance
4.1 General
This clause gives the objectives of service life planning for a building and presents issues that should be
considered in planning to ensure the adequacy of the service life of the building.
The key principle of service life planning is to demonstrate that the service life of a proposed building will
exceed the design life. The following principles should guide the process.
The service life plan should provide sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the estimated
service life of a new building on a specific site, operated as specified in the design brief and with appropriate
maintenance and replacement, will be at least as long as the design life.
Where the design brief places limits on the acceptable life-cycle cost or environmental impacts of the building,
the estimated service life shall be achieved within the specified constraints.
The service life of a building is determined using available knowledge about the service life of each
component that is to be used in the building. Service life planning is a process of estimation and/or prediction
of future events, and therefore complete accuracy can not be expected.
If the estimated service life of any component is less than the design life of the building, a decision should be
made as to how the essential functions are to be maintained adequately (e.g. by replacement or other
Service life planning should include projections of the needs for, and timing of, maintenance and replacement
activities over the life cycle of the building. The projections will be based on data which should be assessed
for robustness and reliability, and records of the data sources should be kept.
NOTE 1 Service life planning provides input to the assessment of life-cycle cost and environmental impact of the
building over its life cycle. LCC methodology is specified in ISO 15686-5; assessment of environmental impacts is
specified in ISO 15686-6; and life-cycle assessment is the subject of ISO 14040. In addition, ISO/TC 59/SC 17 is
developing further International Standards relating to the sustainability of buildings.
NOTE 2 Service life planning facilitates the making of decisions regarding value engineering, cost planning,
maintenance planning and replacement cycles.
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© ISO 2011 – All rights reserved
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ISO 15686-1:2011(E)
a) the likely performance of the components of the building within the building life cycle in the expected
external environment and conditions of occupancy and use;
b) the life-cycle cost and environmental impact of the building over its life cycle;
d) the need for repairs, replacements, dismantling, removal, re-use and disposal, and the costs of each;
e) the construction of the whole building, installation of components and the maintenance and replacement
of short-life components.
NOTE 1 For most clients, service life planning is used to help achieve an advantageous combination of capital,
NOTE 2 Obsolescence inevitably results in waste, since the whole building, or parts that are still functional, will be
replaced. A secondary objective of service life planning is to reduce the likelihood of obsolescence and/or to maximize the
re-use value of the obsolete building or components.
NOTE 3 If the principles of this part of ISO 15686 are applied to existing buildings and components, many of the
choices will have been pre-determined, since the building will already be some way through its service life. Therefore,
service life planning would normally be focused on assessing the residual service lives of components and programming
of replacements so as to minimize costs.
For buildings that are designed to have very long design lives (e.g. important State buildings), ease of
maintenance is likely to determine the service life. If the service life of an essential component is less than the
design life of the building, it should be possible to replace, repair or maintain the component.
Service life planning should be integrated into the building design process, since most design decisions will
affect the service life. Service life needs to be considered from the earliest stages of design, when the client
brief is being developed. As the design develops in more detail, the service life will need to be estimated in
more detail and compared with the required design life identified in the client’s brief, to ensure that the
predicted service life is adequate.
Service life planning usually requires iterations of the design process to identify the preferred way of meeting
the performance and maintenance requirements at an acceptable cost.
Service life planning requires access to relevant performance data on components at appropriate stages of
the design process. The generation and provision of this data are the subject of other parts of ISO 15686, as
shown in Figure 1.
The final stage of service life planning is the communication of results to parties who will occupy and maintain
the building so that they are aware of assumptions made about the in-use environment and the maintenance
needed to achieve the estimated service lives of the building’s components.
The basis for an estimated service life, including the sources and quality of the data used, should be clearly
stated in a written report. The report should also provide a conservative estimate of the uncertainty and the
assumptions underlying the estimations. Further guidance is included in ISO 15686-8. These records may be
required for a subsequent review or audit of the service life planning, as described in ISO 15686-3.
Estimating the service life of a building is the key task of service life planning. The service lives of the
individual components need to be built up, from the smallest elements, into an estimate for the whole building.
The performance of each component under the expected conditions, including likely failure modes, causes of
loss of serviceability, risk of premature failure and their effects on service life need to be considered. The most
common agents affecting the service life of building materials and components are outlined in Annex A.
Ideally, to predict service life, the microclimate, the performance of the component under the intended
conditions and the construction and maintenance regime for the building should all be known. In practice, this
data is not often available and so data on performance in similar conditions will need to be used. This data
can come from a variety of sources including real-life exposure, feedback from use according to ISO 15686-7
or testing for the purposes of service life prediction according to ISO 15686-2. ISO/TS 15686-9 gives further
guidance on sources of service life data at a component level.
For a building in service, maintenance and replacement schedules may be based on the service life plan,
which may be modified based on the inspected condition according to ISO 15686-7.
To be used for a specific building, the data from these various sources needs to be adjusted to suit the
particular design conditions. This adjustment may be carried out using the factor method specified in
ISO 15686-8, which details the use of service life data.
The relationship between the various sources of service life data and the factor method is shown in Figure 2.
NOTE Data on service lives for components and even buildings might be available to the designer. Such sources
include papers in scientific journals, manufacturers' literature and publications from construction research organizations.
Any specific set of data will generally have been generated under a set of reference conditions and is therefore called a
reference service life.
The objective of estimating the service lives of the components of a building is to provide a quantitative basis
for establishing whether the building can be expected to achieve its design life with adequate reliability.
An estimated service life, together with an estimate of its uncertainty, is used to demonstrate that the design
life can be achieved and to guide design decisions.
ISO 15686-2 specifies procedures that facilitate service life predictions of building components. It provides a
general framework, procedures and requirements for conducting and reporting such studies. It may also be
used as a checklist for assessing completed service life prediction studies.
Data produced using these procedures may be used directly for service life estimation, or may be adjusted
using the procedures in ISO 15686-8.
A reference service life is the expected service life of a component under a particular set of in-use conditions.
ISO/TS 15686-9 describes the various sources of data that can be used to provide reference service lives.
Reference service life data can rarely be used satisfactorily as found, because the in-use conditions specific to
the design object differ from the in-use conditions used to determine the reference service life. The designer
shall therefore establish what differences there are between the reference service conditions and the
conditions applying to the design object and determine how these will affect the service life.
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ISO 15686-1:2011(E)
ISO 15686-8 details a procedure, known as the factor method, which provides a simple framework for
considering site-specific conditions and adjusting reference service lives to produce estimated service lives for
specific in-use conditions.
Data from practical performance of components may be used for service life estimation, as described in
ISO 15686-7. This requires a judgement of the comparability between the conditions in which the available
data apply and those to which the component will be exposed in service. Where appropriate, service life data
from practice may be adjusted using the approach specified in ISO 15686-8.
Innovative products can provide superior performance and overcome long-standing problems. For the service
life estimation of buildings constructed with innovative components, estimates therefore have to be based on
interpretation of the performance of the materials and components in short-term exposure tests. In this case,
test procedures according to ISO 15686-2, failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) and the application of
knowledge of material science should be used to determine a minimum service life for the innovative
The quality of service life estimation depends in part on the quality of the data used to generate the service life
estimation. A possible problem with observations in situ is that agents (e.g. weather conditions) might not be
reported, or those reported might not be typical, and might not reflect conditions comparable to those to which
a component would be exposed in service. Anecdotal evidence of performance is less reliable than scientific
evidence, but might be all that is available. In addition, selective reporting of data can be encountered when
commercial interests are involved (e.g. a supplier might report positive, but not negative, exposure results).
It is to be expected that the situation will improve when criteria are established for the scope and quality of
data to be supplied by manufacturers and others for inclusion in databases, and as computer-integrated
knowledge systems for service life estimation are developed.
The reliability of service life estimation depends on the quality of the data available and the appropriateness of
assumptions made. Therefore, it should be decided early in the service life planning how uncertainty in the
estimated service life should be taken into account.
Distributions of various aspects of performance, including service life, can be expected within any group of
similar items, including buildings and their components. In making service life estimations, the form of the
distribution should be determined, if possible; otherwise, it should be assumed. Regarding reliability of service
life estimations based on accelerated exposure tests, evidence should be sought by investigating the degree
of correlation between in situ performance and laboratory test results.
Due to the number of variables involved and the uncertainties in each, and to the inherent variabilities of
buildings, service environments, site workmanship, and future maintenance activities, it is not possible to
estimate the service life of a building or its components precisely.
There will usually be some defects which cause failures to occur very soon after the occupation of a building.
While these “premature defects” do not necessarily lead to wide-scale failure, they should be identified and
NOTE Generally, a higher degree of uncertainty will be acceptable for maintainable components than for components
intended to function without maintenance for the life of the building.
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ISO 15686-1:2011(E)
Estimating the future cost of constructing, operating and maintaining the building gives clients advance notice
of the costs of ownership, and allows them to reduce the financial risks of commissioning, purchasing, or
retaining a building, thereby assisting their business planning. ISO 15686-5 addresses life-cycle costing.
In addition to financial costs, a building and its components may be evaluated for their environmental impacts.
ISO 15686-6 addresses environmental aspects of service life planning.
ISO 15686-5 and ISO 15686-6 give guidance on setting the boundaries for analysis of life-cycle cost and
environmental impacts.
Service life information is needed when the maintenance and replacement of components are expected to
happen by undertaking service life planning, as this will trigger costs when they occur and additional
environmental impacts or burdens.
NOTE Monitoring historic costs can provide a basis with which to compare and validate estimated costs, though they
might not be accurate because of technological developments and the introduction of new products.
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7.1 Obsolescence
ISO 15686-10 establishes the principles and generic requirements for defining and determining levels of
functionality and serviceability.
NOTE It might be desirable to consider components based on the likelihood of their becoming obsolete within the
design life of the building. Where this is considered probable, owners might wish to include provisions for obsolescence,
i.e. to allow for easy replacement in conjunction with other planned maintenance activities. The importance of service life
planning is not reduced, but it then becomes a matter of ensuring that performance remains acceptable for the reduced
design life of the component.
Obsolescence can be functional, technological or economic. While replacements can also be made for
reasons of changing fashion or tastes, there is often an economic reason underlying such replacements
(e.g. lettability of the building). Table 1 gives some examples of each type of obsolescence.
Type of
Typical occurrence Examples
Economic obsolescence occurs because maintenance has become unreasonably costly or disruptive, or
because cheaper alternatives to maintenance are available. Maintenance planning, including replacement of
components, should be included in the design stage. Items to be considered should include those where
access costs are high (e.g. scaffolding is required) or where normal use of the building would have to be
suspended (e.g. replacement of a factory floor).
Refurbishment and upgrading are the major strategies to counter obsolescence. The most efficient designs
will be flexible and allow for changes in future requirements. The risk of obsolescence will be reduced by
designs which permit internal replanning, extensions, changes in service systems, or changes in partitioning
of the building, but at a cost. This can be particularly relevant to offices and particular consideration should be
given to the building frame or structure. Strategies include allowing for different floors to be let separately and
making generous provision for building services, sanitary facilities and fire escape routes.
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ISO 15686-1:2011(E)
A building is generally a very durable capital asset. The initial client might only have a limited use for it.
Service life planning can facilitate design to enhance the prospects for future sale or re-use by subsequent
owners, thereby increasing the residual value of the building. Extending the service life of the building and
reducing component maintenance and replacements also contribute to achieving sustainable development
and preservation of scarce resources. Where a building has a service life plan, this will provide detailed
information to assist in planning a change of use.
In order to reduce waste and facilitate re-use of materials or components at the end of its service life,
demolition of a building should be taken into account at the design stage. This might also be a requirement of
national or local building codes covering safety of building work on re-usable or recyclable components within
the building, enabling the client to obtain greater value on disposal.
NOTE Matching the component service lives to that of the building reduces the waste at demolition. This is
particularly important for temporary buildings. Ability to separate the components to leave uncontaminated materials is
important for recycling.
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ISO 15686-1:2011(E)
Annex A
Reducing agents Sulphides, ammonia, agents of combustion
Acids Carbonic acid, bird droppings, vinegar
Alkalis (bases) Lime, hydroxides
Salts Nitrates, phosphates, chlorides
Chemically neutral Limestone, fat, oil, ink
Biological agents Vegetable and microbial Bacteria, moulds, fungi, roots
Animal Rodents, termites, worms, birds.
NOTE This table is taken from ISO 6241, which has additional examples. Note that the agents are classified according to
their nature. In general, external to the building, the origin of agents is the atmosphere or the ground, whereas internally the
origin is either occupancy or design and installations.
Annex B
B.1 General
Service life planning should be integrated into the design process from the start of the project. All members of
the design team should be aware of the performance requirements in relation to service life at the outset.
b) minimum functional performance criteria for each component over the building's design life;
c) components that must be repairable, maintainable, or replaceable within the design life of the building.
These decisions should normally be made by the client and the designer at an early stage in the briefing
process. The client should, as far as possible, provide well-defined and comprehensive requirements for the
B.3 Environmental characterization
Because the environment within and around each building is unique, environmental characterization is
required to determine which agents are likely to have detrimental effects on the service life of the building and
its components. Depending on its criticality, the characterization can be at a general level or it can be more
specific. Annex A contains a list of environmental agents which can cause degradation. More detailed
guidance is provided in ISO 15686-2. Data that should be sought includes the average intensity or
concentration of each degradation agent, and the frequency of cycling between states (e.g. from wet to dry, or
through freezing points, or from maximum to minimum daily temperatures, or intermittent exposures to salt
Normally, environmental characterization need only be undertaken once for each project. Locations with
different micro-environments should be considered separately. Identifying these locations will depend on
which agents are relevant to each. The following list, while not complete, gives examples of the types of
location which might need separate consideration:
⎯ specific locations: the exterior of the building envelope, semi-sheltered internal locations, and areas on
tall buildings subject to meso-environmental variations such as increased exposure to water and
pollutants and to wind-driven rain;
⎯ locations with ground contact: areas exposed to ground water or to soil agents;
⎯ locations subject to heavy use: communal internal areas, refuse collection points;
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⎯ locations subject to unusual agents: areas exposed to blood, oil, phenols, chlorides, milk, acids, or other
aggressive agents, including emissions from local industrial processes (e.g. nitrogen oxides and sulphur
⎯ locations subject to condensation: sub-floor voids, window reveals, and roof voids;
⎯ locations with special uses: operating theatres, hospital wards, and corridors;
⎯ locations where maintenance will be unlikely: high-level, inaccessible, and confined areas.
NOTE For many buildings, one external assessment and two internal assessments (for dry and wet areas) can be
a) the design life of the building is achievable within the project constraints (e.g. budget, time, performance,
maintenance requirements, site-specific issues, and environmental impact);
b) the design meets the performance requirements defined in the brief (e.g. for non-replaceable
c) allowance has been made for maintenance, repair, replacement, or upgrading of critical components to
avoid undue disruption to the use of the building.
If these conditions are not met, it should be decided whether one or both of the brief and the initial design
should be modified.
NOTE Building codes might require inaccessible components to have service lives at least as long as the design life
of the building.
Components should be assessed for compliance with performance requirements, recognizing that the
performance of each component will deteriorate at a rate depending on:
a) the environment;
b) the design of the building and the installation detailing of the component;
d) the materials of which the components are made and their reactions at interfaces with dissimilar
e) maintenance;
f) usage.
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Communication between the designer and component suppliers will help identify which degradation agents
are relevant and which, if any, components are suitable. Component suppliers should be given as much
information about the intended end use as possible.
Responsibility for avoidance of interfaces between incompatible materials and components should be clearly
identified as it is critical to performance. The design of the building determines the environment for each
component considered, with the neighbouring materials being part of its environment (see ISO 6241 for further
details). However, specific references to interfaces are made throughout this part of ISO 15686 as their effects
are sometimes overlooked in assessing component performance.
B.6 Specification
B.6.1 General
The specification includes the designation of appropriate components and installation details; it may also
require that techniques such as value engineering or life-cycle costing be used to support decisions. The
specification should state minimum performance criteria. In B.6.2 to B.6.4, important issues that should be
addressed in service life planning are described.
NOTE The specification concerns many aspects of the performance of a building and its components other than
service life. Guidance on reviewing and auditing service life plans and associated specifications is given in ISO 15686-3.
Where practical, installation detailing and interfacial environments should be adjusted by design to extend the
service lives of components by providing protection against agents of degradation and their effects.
NOTE Some protective strategies are the provision of overhanging projections, site-applied coatings, the removal of
aggressive agents in the ground, isolation layers, and ventilation.
Components vary in their reactions with agents of degradation and some materials might be seen to be
unsuitable on initial consideration without further evaluation. Recognizing that suitable data might not be
available for all relevant agents (as described in ISO 15686-8), test data for use in identifying suitable
materials should be sought from manufacturers and others. For this purpose, manufacturers should be
provided with details of the performance requirements (as described in B.8) and agents in the local
environment. Manufacturers should also be asked for information on maintenance requirements of candidate
components. Moreover, consideration should be given to whether certain component designs will reduce the
effects of agents (e.g. by incorporating sacrificial or protective layers) or aggravate them (e.g. by permitting
contact between incompatible materials).
EXAMPLE Macro-environment-level consideration of a project might indicate that the most aggressive local agent is
the salt spray in a marine environment. Readily available test data might indicate that lightly galvanized mild steel is
unsuitable without detailed consideration of the specification. Specification would then dismiss that option, but would still
include the possibility of a plastic-coated steel. Choosing a suitable metal or non-metallic alternative might require more
research or testing that takes account of other local agents.
To achieve a balance between the use of familiar components, whose performance is known through test data
or experience or both, and innovative ones which, in spite of a lack of service life data, appear likely to
achieve better performance, a designer should seek assistance from a materials expert.
In service life planning, a particular margin of error should be allowed to account for the occurrence of less-
than-perfect conditions on the work site. If factors such as the local environmental conditions during
construction, or the materials being used, or the levels of workmanship do not meet the manufacturer's
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ISO 15686-1:2011(E)
recommendations, or do not comply with code requirements, or fail to meet the specifications in any way, it
should be decided whether the required service life can still be met. If it cannot, corrective action should be
taken to prevent inadequate performance.
If it is judged that it might be difficult to achieve the specified conditions needed for construction on site
(e.g. for the moving of materials, or construction with small tolerances, or application of coatings and sealants),
consideration should be given to moving fabrication from the work site to a factory, or using components that
are more familiar and more tolerant of adverse installation conditions, or both.
NOTE No matter how good the design, unauthorized alterations or substitutions made on-site can result in loss of
some or all of the benefits of service life planning.
The estimated service lives of components, and the schedule for their maintenance and replacement, should
be communicated to the client and the user. The schedule will help those responsible for maintenance by
making them aware of operations and cyclical maintenance that were anticipated at the design stage. It
should also alert them to agents (e.g. cleaning agents) that were not anticipated by the designer. It might also
help them plan maintenance costs, with some provision being made for unforeseen costs.
Maintenance activities that can be reasonably anticipated, and which should be taken into account in planning
the service life of a building, include the following:
a) change of interior finishes (including decorative finishes and, for example, retiling of kitchens and
c) replacement of roof coverings (the likelihood of this will vary with the design life of the building and the
type of covering);
d) changes to, or replacement of, electrical, plumbing, and other service installations (these are highly
probable for most types of building);
e) alterations to below-ground drainage (these are relatively rare and normally occur following extensions or
change of use);
Assumptions made in service life planning should be recorded for future reference. Estimates of service lives
can be invalidated by changes in activities that take place during the life of a building.
NOTE 1 Estimation of maintenance costs is dealt with as part of life-cycle costing in ISO 15686-5.
NOTE 2 National or local building codes can require the designer to consider future maintenance requirements and
Buildings and their components should be identified as being either replaceable or permanent.
Table B.1 is an example of minimum design lives of components for particular design lives of buildings, based
on accessibility for maintenance. The figures can be used as a starting point for discussions about appropriate
design lives; they should not inhibit choice of design lives for economic reasons (e.g. to match replacement
cycles to the design life of the building, or to seek alternatives where components with the suggested
durability might be excessively costly).
NOTE 1 Building components will often need replacement or maintenance during the service life of the whole building.
It can be uneconomic, or impossible, or not functionally desirable, to require all components to retain acceptable
performance without maintenance for a typical building with a design life of many years. The most likely exceptions are
structural components or assemblies (such as foundations, frames or embedded fixings), which are so disruptive to repair
or replace that their failure can trigger replacement of the building. The feasibility of safely demolishing the building or
component and disposing of waste might also be relevant.
NOTE 2 For temporary buildings, it is generally desirable to match the design lives of components to that of the whole
building. Ease of disassembly will aid recycling or re-use. Buildings with very long design lives might need continual repair
and replacement to achieve their design lives. Thus, ease of disassembly and reassembly to retain the existing building
fabric might be a design objective, together with ease of repair.
For service life planning, the service life of a building is limited by the degradation of non-replaceable
components or the degradation of replaceable or maintainable components, or both, when replacement or
maintenance results in unacceptable costs, safety issues, or disruption of use. Maintenance (including
replacement of components) is the major strategy to counter degradation, but replacement of poorly
performing replaceable components should be considered if repair is not economically justifiable.
Service life planning can only address foreseeable changes. Since service life planning is concerned with
foreseeable risks, it is not applicable to the estimation of obsolescence (see Clause 7) or to defective
performance resulting from unforeseeable events or processes.
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EXAMPLE Today, demolitions of houses having fully functional frames are also occurring, above all in municipal
housing stocks due to a weak local market.
To reduce the likelihood of needing to replace components due to inadequate visualization of future demands
on the building, consideration should be given to the consequences of foreseeable mechanisms of
B.8.3 Acceptability
While the design brief defines the performance requirements set by the client, it may also include
requirements imposed by national or local building codes and regulations. A building, or a building component,
may require replacement or repair if the requirements of codes and regulations are no longer met.
The client should identify components whose performance is critical, and highlight potential failures which
might not be obvious causes for the building to become unacceptable (e.g. uneven colour loss on cladding).
Unacceptable performance can require maintenance (e.g. cleaning, partial replacement of sub-components,
or repair) or replacement of the component. Replacement can also be necessary if maintenance is too costly
or if repair is impossible (e.g. due to unavailability of spare parts).
NOTE 1 It is important to recognize that not all decreases in the properties of a component affect critical aspects of its
performance. The performance of many components does not affect the acceptability of the building. However, which
failures are relevant is determined largely by the operational activities within the building. For example, temporary high
levels of condensation can be detrimental to computers used in the building.
NOTE 2 Replacements may also take place due to obsolescence or to changes in use of the building.
If component failures might cause hazards to health and safety, possible failures should be categorized by
their consequences. The need to avoid unacceptable risks to health and safety, or other matters critical to
building owners or users, might require that component reliability be given particular weight when evaluating
component service life. Table B.2 (modified from BS 7543[25]) suggests a hierarchy of seriousness of
consequences, but particular concerns might change the ranking (e.g. interruption of customer access to a
retail shop).
To reduce the risk of failure occurring within the design life of the building when the consequences of failure
are judged to be critical, it might be necessary to require particularly long design lives for specific components
or to strengthen the requirements for inspection and maintenance. This might be the case if, for example, a
dangerous substance were to escape, or if large numbers of people were to be injured if a component failed to
maintain its critical properties. Ideally, the decision should be made based on a probabilities-based approach.
Functional acceptability of performance in areas related, but not limited, to health, safety, utility, or property
protection should be maintained over a building's service life.
Safety and security Safety during fire, in use, during maintenance, as a response to
hazards (such as earthquakes, floods, or after lightning strike)
Legal requirements Non-conformity with codes (note that changes in building use
can change applicable codes)
Structural performance Resistance to static and imposed loads
Protective performance and weather Ability of envelope to shield structural frame from environmental
tightness actions, protection of occupants and stored goods
Comfort, hygiene and environment Control of indoor temperature, relative humidity, acoustic and
visual performance, ability to clean surfaces as required
Aesthetics Where good appearance is needed to let or sell the building, or
to impress visitors
Operation of moving parts Resistance to wear and corrosion
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ISO 15686-1:2011(E)
Normally, component replacements are economically justifiable if maintenance or repair is unacceptably costly
or if better performance from new components would reduce operating costs.
[2] ISO 6241, Performance standards in building — Principles for their preparation and factors to be
[3] ISO 7162, Performance standards in building — Contents and format of standards for evaluation of
[4] ISO 9223, Corrosion of metals and alloys — Corrosivity of atmospheres — Classification
[5] ISO 9699, Performance standards in building — Checklist for briefing — Contents of brief for building
[6] ISO 12006 (all parts), Building construction — Organization of information about construction works
[7] ISO 12944-2, Paints and varnishes — Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint
systems — Part 2: Classification of environments
[8] ISO 14001:2004, Environmental management systems — Requirements with guidance for use
[9] ISO 14040, Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Principles and framework
[11] ISO 15686-2, Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning — Part 2: Service life
prediction procedures
[12] ISO 15686-3, Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning — Part 3: Performance audits
and reviews
[13] ISO 15686-5, Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning — Part 5: Life-cycle costing
[14] ISO 15686-6, Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning — Part 6: Procedures for
considering environmental impacts
[15] ISO 15686-7, Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning — Part 7: Performance
evaluation for feedback of service life data from practice
[16] ISO 15686-8, Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning — Part 8: Reference service
life and service-life estimation
[17] ISO/TS 15686-9, Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning — Part 9: Guidance on
assessment of service-life data
[18] ISO 15686-10, Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning — Part 10: When to assess
functional performance
[19] ISO/PAS 16739, Industry Foundation Classes, Release 2x, Platform Specification (IFC2x Platform)
[20] BS 729, Specification for hot dip galvanized coatings on iron and steel articles2)
2) BS 729 has been withdrawn. It is superseded by BS EN 1461:1999, Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron
and steel articles — Specifications and test methods.
Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2011 – All rights reserved
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ISO 15686-1:2011(E)
[21] BS 3416, Specification for bitumen-based coatings for cold application, suitable for use in contact with
potable water
[22] BS 5493, Code of practice for protective coating of iron and steel structures against corrosion
[25] BS 7543:1992, Guide to durability of buildings and building elements, products and components
[27] EOTA Guidance Document 003, Assessment of working life of products, European Organisation for
Technical Approvals, December 1999
[28] Principal Guide for Service Life Planning of Buildings (English edition), Architectural Institute of Japan,
Tokyo, 1993
[29] RILEM Technical Recommendation 64, Systematic Methodology for Service Life Prediction of Building
Materials and Components4)
[32] ASTME 632-82 (1996), Standard Practice for Developing Accelerated Tests to Aid Prediction of the
Service Life of Building Components and Materials5)
3) BS 5977-2 has been withdrawn. It is superseded by BS EN 845-2, Specification for ancillary components for
masonry — Lintels.
4) Also available as: MASTERS, L.W. and BRANDT, E., “Systematic methodology for service life prediction of building
materials and components”, Materials and Structures/Matériaux et Constructions, 22 (5), 1989, pp. 385-92.
5) Withdrawn.
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