Soda Ash Dense (Tata) SDS
Soda Ash Dense (Tata) SDS
Soda Ash Dense (Tata) SDS
Emergency Overview:
White, odorless, granular solid. Product is non-combustible. Reacts with acids to release
carbon dioxide gas and heat. May irritate skin and eyes. Dusts may irritate respiratory tract.
Not expected to be toxic to the environment, nor to aquatic organisms. Avoid simultaneous
exposure to soda ash and lime dust. In the presence of moisture (i.e. perspiration) the two
materials combine to form caustic soda (NaOH), which may cause burns.
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Hazard Classification:
Class Category Hazard Statement
Eye Irritant Category 2 H319 Causes serious eye irritation
EC Labelling:
Name of Substance to appear on label Sodium Carbonate
Xi- irritating
Label Phrases R36: Irritating to eyes.
S26: In case of contact with eyes, rinse
immediately with plenty of water and seek medical
S2: Keep out of reach of children
S22: Do not breath dust
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SECTION 4: First Aid Measures
Skin Wash with plenty of soap and water. Get medical attention if irritation
occurs and persists. Remove and wash contaminated clothing before
Eyes Immediately flush with water for at least 15 minutes lifting the upper and
lower eyelids intermittently. See a medical doctor or ophthalmologist as
Ingestions Rinse mouth with water. Dilute by giving 1 or 2 glasses of water. Do not
induce vomiting. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious
person. If symptoms persist, contact a doctor or poison control center
Inhalation Remove to fresh air. If breathing difficulty or discomfort occurs and
persists, obtain medical attention.
Advice to Physician While internal toxicity is low, irritant effects of high concentrations may
produce corneal opacities, and vesicular skin reactions in humans with
abraded skin only. Treatment is symptomatic and supportive.
Engineering Controls Where possible, provide general mechanical and/or local exhaust
ventilation to prevent release of airborne dust into the work
environment. Eye wash facility should be provided in storage and
general work area.
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Exposure Guidelines:
Federal guidelines treat the ingredient(s) in this product as a nuisance dust, as no
product-specific guidelines have been issued for exposure. As with all nuisance dusts,
worker breathing zone concentrations should be measured by validated sampling and
analytical methods. The following limits (OSHA and MSHA) apply to this material:
Particulates Not Otherwise Regulated:
OSHA (PEL / TWA): 15 mg/m3 (total dust); 5 mg/m3 (rasp
fraction) MSHA (PEL / TWA): 10 mg/m3 (total dust)
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SECTION 10: Stability and Reactivity
Stability Stable
Conditions to Avoid Contract with acids will release carbon dioxide,
heat. Contract with lime dust in the presence of
moisture can produce corrosive sodium
Materials to Avoid May react with aluminum, acids, fluorine, lithium,
and 2,4,6- Trinitrotoluene.
Polymerization Will not occur.
Hazardous Decomposition When heated to decomposition, carbon dioxide is
Other Precautions When dissolving, add to water cautiously and with
stirring; solutions can get hot.
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SECTION 12: Ecological Information
Acute Ecotoxicity 96 – hour LC50: 265 – 565 mg/l (daphnia magnia) (low toxicity)
300 – 320 mg/l (blue gill sunfish) (low toxicity)
96 – hour TLm: 1200 mg/l (mosquito-fish)
48 – hour TLm: 840 mg/l (mosquito-fish)
48 – hour EC50: 265 mg/l (daphnia magnia)
5 Day EC 50: 242 mg/l (Nitszcheria linearis)
Chronic Ecotoxicity 7 Day EC, biomass:14 mg/l (phytoplankton)
Mobility Air: Not Applicable
Water: Considerable solubility and mobility. Soil / sediments:
Non-significant adsorption
Abiotic Degradation Water (hydrolysis): degradation’s products: carbonate (pH>10) /
carbonic acid / carbon dioxide (pH<6).
Soil: Hydrolysis as a function of pH.
Biotic Degradation Aerobic / anaerobic: Not applicable (inorganic compound)
Potential for Not applicable (ionizable inorganic compound)
Observed effects are related to alkaline properties of the product. Product is not
significantly hazardous for the environment
WHMIS Classification
D2B Toxic Class E Corrosive Symbol:
This product has been classified in accordance
with hazard criteria of the Controlled Products
Regulations and the MSDS contains all the
information required by the Controlled
Products Regulations.
WHMIS Ingredient Disclosure List Listed
DSL Status (Domestic Substances List) Listed on DSL
EINECS Inventory Listed: 207-838-8
Annex I (Substances Directive) Listed: 011-005-00-2 Xi, R-36 (See label details in
Section 16)
German Water Classification Hazard class 1, low hazard to waters
EU – Food Additives Directive E500
(95/2/EC) – Annex I – Generally
Permitted for Use in Food
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This product is also found in the chemical inventories of Australia, China, Korea, Japan
and the Philippines.
Health 2
Flammability 0
Physical Hazard 0
Personal Protection (PPE) B
Protection = B (Safety glasses and gloves)
4 = Severe, 3 = Serious, 2 = Moderate, 1 = Slight, 0 = Minimal
Health 2
Flammability 0
Reactivity 0
Special None
4 = Extreme, 3 = High, 2 = Moderate, 1 = Slight, 0 = Insignificant
Other Information:
Soda ash is produced in three principal grades: Dense, natural light and synthetic light soda
ash. When these products are mixed in water they may be known as liquid soda ash. These
grades differ only in physical characteristics such as bulk density and size and shape of
particles, which influence flow characteristics and angle of repose. Other physical properties,
as well as chemical as chemical properties of solutions, are common to each grade of soda
The information given corresponds to the current state of our knowledge and experience of the product, and is not
exhaustive. This applies to product, which conforms to the specification, unless otherwise stated. In this case of
combinations and mixtures one must make sure that no new dangers can arise. In any case, the user is not exempt from
observing all legal, administrative and regulatory procedures relating to the product, personal hygiene, and protection of
human welfare and the environment.
This Material Safety Data Sheet is offered for your information, consideration and investigation as required by Federal
Hazardous Products Act and related legislation. The information is believed to be accurate but General Chemical
Industrial Products provides no warranties, either expressed or implied.
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