WSP Global Environment
WSP Global Environment
WSP Global Environment
Global Services
Question the status quo
Staying curious While every human activity and development
is what drives us. exerts an impact on the natural world, we
2 Looking at challenges learn more every day about how to minimize
project footprints, apply better practices,
from fresh angles helps
and integrate more balanced approaches.
us deliver future-ready
WSP is one of the world’s leading engineering
solutions that break
professional services consulting firms.
paradigms. We are dedicated to our local communities
and propelled by international brainpower.
Our 6,000 multidisciplinary environmental
experts include scientists, management
consultants and engineers. We understand
clients’ business needs and provide real
solutions to real problems, whatever and
wherever they may be.
Megatrends 1. Society
- Demographic change - population becomes
We know the future is going to be different. From larger and older
future climates to energy prices. From future customer - People are better connected but more lonely
expectations to new laws and policies. Understanding - Attitudes and expectations towards environmental
and acting on medium to long-term trends is key for all issues change
In collaboration with IEMA, we have published a new 2. Policy and politics
guidance document designed to map, manage and mitigate - Impact of new regulations and policies?
the impacts of megatrends. Visit to read the - New regulators of the future?
complete publication. 3
3. Resources
Future Trend Checklist - Energy trends
The following checklist gives a practical guide to some - Water efficiency
of the key future trends that are likely to be relevant - Circular economy and resource efficiency
to many organizations. This list is not intended to be a - Trend to long life, flexible, modular solutions
comprehensive summary – every organization is different
after all – but is aimed to give a starting point for considering 4. Climate change
which future trends could be relevant to your supply chain,
operations and customers. - Seasons shift
- Extreme events and regional variability
We’ve designed this checklist to be copied and used as a
- Natural Environment and Ecosystem Services
simple checklist for management and key departmental
conversations. Some trends will be more important than 5. Technology
others. In all, consider what the design life of decisions are
and – practically – how future trends could impact on these - Smarter technology
in assessing relevance to your organisation. - New materials become available and mainstream
Our Global
Services Include :
Acoustics, Noise and Vibration Environmental and Social Impact
Assessment and Planning
Air Quality
Geotechnical and Ground Engineering
Archaeology and Heritage
GIS, Mapping and Surveying
CDP Reporting
4 Land and Property
Compliance Monitoring
and Management Licensing and Permitting
Contaminated Land and Soil Materials Engineering,
Remediation Testing and Quality Management
Environmental Health and Safety Natural Environment and Ecology
Management, Due Diligence
and Compliance Sustainability, Energy
and Climate Change
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Waste Management and Landfill
Environmental Due Diligence
Service for the Entire
Project Lifecycle,
Across all Sectors
Our Environmental experts contribute to client projects Advisory Services
in all sectors. A selection of projects for which we have provided
environmental and sustainability services:
Transportation and Infrastructure
A selection of projects for which we have provided • Congestion Charging (Sweden)
environmental and sustainability services:
Environmental Consultancy
• California High-Speed Rail (United States) A selection of projects for which the main services provided 5
• Eurasia Tunnels (Turkey) were Environmental and Sustainability:
• Moorebank Intermodal Yard (Australia) • Environmental Health and Safety Due Diligence (South Africa)
• Pacific Highway Upgrade – Woolgoolga to Ballina (Australia) • Songdo International Business District (South Korea)
• Woodrow Wilson Bridge Replacement (United States) • Surface Water Management & Public Environmental
Awareness Study (China)
Property and Buildings • Ten-Year Megatrends for the Board of Edrington (UK)
A selection of projects for which we have provided • Walmart Global Refrigeration Strategy (global)
environmental and sustainability services:
• Cape Town Stadium (South Africa)
A selection of projects for which we have provided
environmental and sustainability services:
• Gaspe Mine Rehabilitation (Canada)
6 The Australian federal government
undertook a three-year land transfer
program that included a planning and
feasibility study for the development of
a port-related intermodal terminal on
commonwealth land at Moorebank, in
Sydney. The proposed facility will be the
first and largest of its kind in Australia.
Acoustics, Noise and Vibration / Air
Quality / Ecology / ESIA / Environmen-
tal Site Assessment / Geotechnical
and Ground Engineering / Contami-
nated Land and Soil Remediation
Wilson Bridge
Replacement /
United States
Acoustics, Noise and Vibration / Air
Quality / ESIA / Environmental Mana-
gement Compliance and Monitoring /
© 2008 David Sailors
Acoustics, Noise and Vibration /
Air Quality / EHS Management and
Compliance / ESIA / Environmental
Due Diligence / Environmental Site
Assessment Phase 1, 2, and 3 /
Sustainability / Planning, Environ-
mental and Design Management
Charging /
Air Quality / ESIA
Cape Town
Stadium /
South Africa
Geotechnical and Ground Enginee-
ring / Contaminated Land and Soil
Remediation / Air Quality
Eurasia Tunnels /
Acoustics, Noise and Vibration / Air
Quality / Planning, Environmental
and Design Management / Geotech-
nical and Ground Engineering
Gaspe Mine
Rehabilitation /
Contaminated Land and Soil Remedia-
tion / Mine environmental / Mine Water
Management / Licensing and Permitting
District /
South Korea
Sustainability Consulting
and Project Management
Surface Water
Walmart Global
Management & Public Refrigeration
Environmental Strategy /
16 Awareness Study / Global
China We worked with Walmart to develop the firm’s
global refrigeration strategy covering 27 countries
WSP was consultant to the Asian Development and 12,000 stores. For most retailers, leaks of
Bank prior to the rehabilitation of three feeder- chilling gas from stores have a larger greenhouse
lakes and water channels within Wuhan’s urban gas footprint than their distribution fleets. Our
areas. strategy cuts 1 million tons of CO2 emissions and
saves $250m a year by 2020.
Assessment of Surface Water and Services
Lake-Water Quality / Quantitative Management Consultancy / Technical
Simulations / Forecasts and Analysis / Refrigeration Engineering / Ecodegradation
Input to Public Information and Education Analysis / Cost Analysis / Program
Program Management
WSP is one of the world’s leading professional services consulting
firms. We are dedicated to our local communities and propelled by
international brainpower. We are technical experts and strategic
advisors including engineers, technicians, scientists, architects,
planners, surveyors and environmental specialists, as well as other
design, program and construction management professionals. We
design lasting solutions in the Transportation & Infrastructure,
Property & Buildings, Environment, Power & Energy, Resources and
Industry sectors, as well as offering strategic advisory services. With
approximately 49,000 talented people globally, we engineer projects
that will help societies grow for lifetimes to come.