Cource Discription
Cource Discription
Cource Discription
Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3130005
Semester – III
Subject Name: Complex Variables and Partial Differential Equations
Rationale: This subject is a powerful tool for solving a wide array of applied problems.
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w.e.f. AY 2018-19
Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3130005
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The
actual distribution of marks in the question paper may vary from above table. This subject will be
taught by Maths faculties.
Reference Books:
(1) Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th Edition, John Wiley and Sons.
(2) Peter O'Neill, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 7th Edition, Cengage.
(3) Dennis G. Zill, 4th edition, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 4th Edition, Jones and
Bartlett Publishers.
(4) Dennis G. Zill, Patrick D. Shanahan, A First Course in Complex Analysis with Applications,
Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
(5) S. J. Farlow, Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers, Dover Publications,
(6) Ian Sneddon, Elements of Partial Differential Equations, McGraw Hill.
(7) J. W. Brown and R. V. Churchill, Complex Variables and Applications, McGraw Hill.
Course Outcome:
Sr. CO statement Marks %
No. weightage
CO-1 convert complex number in a polar form, plot the roots of a complex number
in complex plane, find harmonic conjugate of analytic functions and apply
conformal mapping in geometrical transformation
CO-2 evaluate complex integration by using various result, test convergence of
complex sequence and series and expand some analytic function in Taylor’s
CO-3 find Laurent’s series and pole of order, and apply Cauchy Residue theorem
in evaluating some real integrals
CO-4 form and solve first order linear and nonlinear partial differential equations 14%
CO-5 apply the various methods to solve higher order partial differential
equations, modeling and solve some engineering problems related to Heat 24 %
flows, Wave equation and Laplace equation
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w.e.f. AY 2018-19
Sr. Teaching Module
No. Hrs. Weightage
Introduction to Some Special Functions:
Gamma function, Beta function, Bessel function, Error function and
complementary Error function, Heaviside’s function, pulse unit height
1 and duration function, Sinusoidal Pulse function, Rectangle function, 02 4
Gate function, Dirac’s Delta function, Signum function, Saw tooth
wave function, Triangular wave function, Halfwave rectified sinusoidal
function, Full rectified sine wave, Square wave function.
Fourier Series and Fourier integral:
Periodic function, Trigonometric series, Fourier series, Functions of
2 05 10
any period, Even and odd functions, Half-range Expansion, Forced
oscillations, Fourier integral
Ordinary Differential Equations and Applications:
First order differential equations: basic concepts, Geometric meaning of
y’ = f(x,y) Direction fields, Exact differential equations, Integrating
factor, Linear differential equations, Bernoulli equations, Modeling ,
Orthogonal trajectories of curves.Linear differential equations of
second and higher order: Homogeneous linear differential equations of
3 second order, Modeling: Free Oscillations, Euler- Cauchy Equations, 11 20
Wronskian, Non homogeneous equations, Solution by undetermined
coefficients, Solution by variation of parameters, Modeling: free
Oscillations resonance and Electric circuits, Higher order linear
differential equations, Higher order homogeneous with constant
coefficient, Higher order non homogeneous equations. Solution by
[1/f(D)] r(x) method for finding particular integral.
Series Solution of Differential Equations:
4 Power series method, Theory of power series methods, Frobenius 03 6
Laplace Transforms and Applications:
Definition of the Laplace transform, Inverse Laplace transform,
5 09 15
Linearity, Shifting theorem, Transforms of derivatives and integrals
Differential equations, Unit step function Second shifting theorem,
Dirac’s delta function, Differentiation and integration of transforms,
Convolution and integral equations, Partial fraction differential
equations, Systems of differential equations
Partial Differential Equations and Applications:
Formation PDEs, Solution of Partial Differential equations f(x,y,z,p,q)
= 0, Nonlinear PDEs first order, Some standard forms of nonlinear
PDE, Linear PDEs with constant coefficients,Equations reducible to
6 12 15
Homogeneous linear form, Classification of second order linear
PDEs.Separation of variables use of Fourier series, D’Alembert’s
solution of the wave equation,Heat equation: Solution by Fourier series
and Fourier integral
Reference Books:
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics (8th Edition), by E. Kreyszig, Wiley-India (2007).
2. Engineering Mathematics Vol 2, by Baburam, Pearson
3. W. E. Boyce and R. DiPrima, Elementary Differential Equations (8th Edition), John Wiley (2005)
4. R. V. Churchill and J. W. Brown, Fourier series and boundary value problems (7th Edition),
McGraw-Hill (2006).
5. T.M.Apostol, Calculus , Volume-2 ( 2nd Edition ), Wiley Eastern , 1980
Course Outcome:
After learning the course the students should be able to
3. Instructor: Prof. Haynes Miller, Prof. Arthur Mattuck, Dr. John Lewis
Teaching Module
Sr. No. Topics
Hrs. Weightage
Module 1
1 Introduction 02 20
Definition of space, time, particle, rigid body, deformable
body. Force, types of forces, Characteristics of a force,
System of forces, Composition and resolution of forces.
Fundamental Principles of mechanics: Principle of
transmissibility, Principle of superposition, Law of
gravitation, Law of parallelogram of forces.
2 Fundamentals of Statics 08
Coplanar concurrent and non-concurrent force
Resultant, Equilibrant, Free body diagrams.
Coplanar concurrent forces: Resultant of coplanar
concurrent force system by analytical and graphical
method, Law of triangle of forces, Law of polygon of
forces, Equilibrium conditions for coplanar concurrent
forces, Lami’s theorem. Application of statically
determinate pin – jointed structures.
Coplanar non-concurrent forces: Moments & couples,
Characteristics of moment and couple, Equivalent couples,
Force couple system, Varignon’s theorem, Resultant of
non-concurrent forces by analytical method, Equilibrium
conditions of coplanar non-concurrent force system,
Application of these principles.
Module 2
3 Applications of fundamentals of statics 08 15
Statically determinate beams:
Types of loads, Types of supports, Types of beams;
Determination of support reactions, Relationship between
loading, shear force & bending moment, Bending moment
and shear force diagrams for beams subjected to only three
types of loads :i) concentrated loads ii) uniformly
distributed loads iii) couples and their combinations; Point
of contraflexure, point & magnitude of maximum bending
moment, maximum shear force.
Module 3
4 Friction 06 20
Theory of friction, Types of friction, Static and kinetic
friction, Cone of friction, Angle of repose, Coefficient of
friction, Laws of friction, Application of theory of friction:
Friction on inclined plane, ladder friction, wedge friction,
belt and rope friction.
5 Centroid and moment of inertia 08
Centroid: Centroid of lines, plane areas and volumes,
Examples related to centroid of composite geometry,
Pappus – Guldinus first and second theorems.
Moment of inertia of planar cross-sections: Derivation
of equation of moment of inertia of standard lamina using
first principle, Parallel & perpendicular axes theorems,
polar moment of inertia, radius of gyration of areas.
Examples related to moment of inertia of composite
Module 4
6 Simple stresses & strains 10 20
Basics of stress and strain: 3-D state of stress (Concept
Normal/axial stresses: Tensile & compressive
Stresses :Shear and complementary shear
Strains: Linear, shear, lateral, thermal and volumetric.
Hooke’s law, Elastic Constants: Modulus of elasticity,
Poisson’s ratio, Modulus of rigidity and bulk modulus and
relations between them with derivation.
Application of normal stress & strains: Homogeneous and
composite bars having uniform & stepped sections
subjected to axial loads and thermal loads, analysis of
homogeneous prismatic bars under multidirectional
Module 5
7 Stresses in Beams: 06 25
Flexural stresses – Theory of simple bending,
Assumptions, derivation of equation of bending, neutral
axis, determination of bending stresses, section modulus
of rectangular & circular (solid & hollow), I,T,Angle,
channel sections
Shear stresses – Derivation of formula, shear stress
distribution across various beam sections like rectangular,
circular, triangular, I, T, angle sections.
8 Torsion: Derivation of equation of torsion, Assumptions, 04
application of theory of torsion equation to solid & hollow
circular shaft, torsional rigidity.
9 Principle stresses: Two dimensional system, stress at a 04
point on a plane, principal stresses and principal planes,
Mohr’s circle of stress, ellipse of stress and their
Module –VI
10 Physical & Mechanical properties of materials: 05 50%
(laboratory hours) (Practical)
Elastic, homogeneous, isotropic materials; Stress –Strain &
relationships for ductile and brittle materials, limits of 0%
elasticity and proportionality, yield limit, ultimate (Theory)
strength, strain hardening, proof stress, factor of safety,
working stress, load factor, Properties related to axial,
bending, and torsional & shear loading, Toughness,
hardness, Ductility ,Brittleness
11 Simple Machines: (laboratory hours) 05
Basics of Machines, Definitions: Velocity ratio,
mechanical advantage, efficiency, reversibility of
Law of Machines, Application of law of machine to
simple machines such as levers, pulley and pulley blocks,
wheel and differential axle, Single purchase, double
purchase crab, screw jacks. Relevant problems.
Course Outcome:
List of Experiments:
The students will have to solve atleast five examples and related theory from each topic as an
assignment/tutorial. Students will have to perform following experiments in laboratory and prepare
the laboratory manual.
Major Equipments:
1. Force table
2. Beam set up
3. Truss set up
4. Bell crank lever
5. Friction set up
6. Lifting machine
7. Hardness testing machine
8. Impact testing machine
9. Universal testing machine with shear attachment
Active learning Assignments (AL) : Preparation of power-point slides, which include videos,
animations, pictures, graphics for better understanding theory and practical work – The faculty will
allocate chapters/ parts of chapters to groups of students so that the entire syllabus to be covered. The
power-point slides should be put up on the web-site of the College/ Institute, along with the names of
the students of the group, the name of the faculty, Department and College on the first slide. The best
three works should submit to GTU.
Design Engineering I-A
What is design? Design is a plan of a system, its implementation and utilization for attaining a
goal. It is to change undesired situation into desired situation means to find solution for
undesired/uncomfortable situation.
Designs can be for
(1) Technical systems (power plant)
(2) Educational systems (Montessori Method)
(3) Aesthetic systems (logo designs, advertisements)
(4) Legal systems
(5) Social, religious or cultural systems
(6) Theories, Models, etc.
Design thinking gives students a taste of the rich internal-remunerations associated with
knowledge-creation and in curiosity and problem-driven contexts. Design need to satisfy
technical functions, ergonomics functions, aesthetic functions, cost function and environment
Students can tackle simple design problems with engineering content – posed by the teacher or
based on a survey of real life concerns of the public. The second is more effective – the students
“own the problem” - but has to be accepted by the teacher.
Examples: (a) A device to help carry heavy luggage to the upper floors of a building – a building
that has no lifts. (b) Systems to ensure that water does not come out as a jet from the taps in the
lower floors of a tall building. One can insist on multiple realistic solutions and all should be part
of the submission along with statements of their shortcomings or advantages. Teacher should not
entertain fancy solutions – based on fancy ideas - with no engineering or scientific basis.
Short lectures on the topics in the syllabus should parallel the activity.
Here one could ask students to develop products based on themes - “Garbage compactors,
Energy from kitchen waste, etc” making sure that the problems identified by the students within
the themes possess an engineering content and insisting on some facets of design for assembly,
for manufacturability, ......and so on while preparing the design and the prototypes. One could
encourage students to innovate, arrive at multiple solutions and conduct a detailed design of one
of the solutions.
Prototyping requires funds and effort, so it pays to identify one subsystem of the design of the
whole machine. One can insist on prototyping demonstrating at least that sub-system, if not the
whole system.
Design Engineering 3: (3 credits in Semester 7, 3 credits in Semester 8)
Introduction to services and business planning
Modules on
Design of services
Intellectual property
Materials and recourse planning
Business planning
Project: developing a business model
Research or Technology Development project
Modules on
Detailed literature survey and to find out technology gap
Intellectual property
Re-evaluate prototype of DE-2 and proposal of novel idea
Project: developing a novel functional prototype
Rationale: Manufacturing processes related to machining are included in this subject. All conventional
machines are included in this course to understand the basic concepts in machining science.
Sr. Topics Teaching Module
No. Hrs. Weightage
1. Basic Machine Tools and Metal Cutting Principles: 4 8%
Machine tools classification, working and auxiliary motions in
machine tools, Primary cutting motions in machines tools, Cutting
tool geometry and tool signature, cutting forces and power
requirement in machining
2. Metal Cutting Lathes: 11 22%
Engine Lathes, construction all arrangement and principal units of
engine lathes, type and size range of engine lathes, Operations
carried on engine lathe , attachment extending the processing
capacities of engine lathes, Types of lathe machines, Capstan and
Turret lathes, Taper turning on lathe, Thread cutting on lathe using
gear train and chasing dial, Alignment tests of lathes.
3 Drilling Machines: 6 12%
Purpose and field of application of drilling machines, Types of
drilling machines, Drilling and allied operation: drilling, boring,
reaming, tapping, counter sinking, counter boring, spot facing; deep
hole drilling, alignment tests of drilling machine.
4. Boring Machine: 3 6%
Purpose and filed of application, Horizontal boring machines,
Precision boring machines.
5. Milling Machines: 11 22%
Purpose and types of milling machines, general purpose milling
machines, different types of milling operations, milling cutters,
attachments extending the processing capabilities of general
purpose milling machines, Indexing, Helical milling operation and
its set up, Alignment tests of milling machine.
6. Planers, Shapers and Slotters: 6 12%
Classification of milling machine, Attachments extending the
processing capacities of milling machine, machine and tooling
7. Sawing and Broaching Machines: 3 6%
Metal sawing classification: reciprocating sawing machines,
circular sawing machines, band sawing machines, Types of
broaching machines, advantage and limitations of broaching.
8. Grinding Machines and Abrasives: 6 12%
Classification of grinding machines, cylindrical grinders, internal
grinders, Surface grinders, tool and cutter grinders, center less
grinders, Types of grinding wheels, wheel characteristics and wheel
Reference Books:
Course Outcomes:
List of Practical:
1. Study of Machine Tools (Lathe, Shaper, Slotter, Planner) – study the types of cutting tools available
and relative motions between cutting tool and work piece on each machine tool. Also derive capacity
and capability of respective machine tools from machine specifications and number of available
attachments to perform variety of operations.
2. Study of Machine Tools (Grinding, Milling, Drilling) – study the types of cutting tools available and
relative motions between cutting tool and work piece on each machine tool. Also derive capacity and
capability of respective machine tools from machine specifications and number of available
attachments to perform variety of operations.
3. Job making on lathe machine
4. Job making on shaper / slotter machine
5. Job making on milling machine
6. Job making on Drilling machine
7. Job making on Grinding machine
8. Alignment test on lathe machine / any other machine
Students will be performing the actual machining operation on respective machines in groups or
individually with the help or guidance of Lab technician.
Major Equipments:
All conventional machine tools such lathe, milling, shaper, slotter, drilling machine, grinder, etc.
Rationale: Basic principles of science are used to study the structure-properties relationships of various
materials for their proper applications in this subject. Especially study of different types of ferrous and
non-ferrous metals and alloys, in terms of their composition, structure, properties and applications; non-
destructive testing are included in this course to understand the basic concept of selection and processing
of metals and materials for their applications.
List of Practical:
1. To get acquainted with the operation, construction, use and capabilities of a metallographic
2. To study procedure of specimen preparation for microscopic examination and to carry out a specimen
3. To understand what is micro examination, importance of micro examination and to study various
ferrous, non-ferrous microstructures.
4. To identify the different types of material available for design, manufacturing and processing of
various components based on structure-property-performance-processing relationships.
5. To show the effect of different quenching media (Oil, Water and Brine) on the hardness of medium
carbon steel.
6. To understand the concept of hardenability and its relevance to heat treatment procedure to be adopted
in practice.
7. To find out the effect of varying section size on hardenability of steel and obtain hardness distribution
curves of hardened steel cross-section.
8. Study of different heat treatment processes- annealing, normalizing, hardening and tempering, surface
and casehardening to improve properties of steel during processes and applications.
9. To understand the procedure of testing, nature of indication, the capability and sensitivity of the liquid
penetrant test and the magnetic particle test.
10. To understand the procedure of testing, nature of indication, the capability and sensitivity of the Eddy
current test and the Ultrasound test.
Major Equipment: Metallurgical microscope with computerized image analysis system, Standard
specimen set of steel, cast iron and non- ferrous metals and alloys, Spectrometer, Muffle furnace, standard
specimens of steels and cast iron for heat treatment, Hardness tester, Universal tensile testing machine.
Rationale: Engineering Thermodynamics is the first course on Thermal Science and Engineering. It studies
various energy interactions notably heat and work transfer. It is based on certain laws of nature which are
never seen to be violated.
Sr. Teaching Module
No. Hrs. Weightage
Basic Concepts: Microscopic & macroscopic point of view,
1 thermodynamic system and control volume, thermodynamic properties, 4
processes and cycles, Thermodynamic equilibrium, Quasi-static process
First law of Thermodynamics: First law for a closed system undergoing
a cycle and change of state, energy, PMM1, first law of
2 thermodynamics for steady flow process, steady flow energy equation 5
applied to nozzle, diffuser, boiler, turbine, compressor, pump, heat
exchanger and throttling process, filling and emptying process
Second law of thermodynamics: Limitations of first law of
thermodynamics, Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statements and their
3 6
equivalence, PMM2, causes of irreversibility, Carnot theorem, corollary
of Carnot theorem, thermodynamic temperature scale
Entropy: Clausius theorem, property of entropy, inequality of Clausius,
entropy change in an irreversible process, principle of increase of
4 5
entropy, entropy change for non-flow and flow processes, third law of
Energy: Energy of a heat input in a cycle, exergy destruction in heat
transfer process, exergy of finite heat capacity body, exergy of closed
5 9
and steady flow system, irreversibility and Gouy-Stodola theorem and
its applications, second law efficiency
Vapor Power cycles: Carnot vapor cycle, Rankine cycle, comparison of
Carnot and Rankine cycle, calculation of cycle efficiencies, variables
6 10
affecting efficiency of Rankine cycle, reheat cycle, regenerative cycle,
reheat-regenerative cycle, feedwater heaters,
Gas Power cycles: Recapitulation of Carnot, Otto and Diesel cycle,
7 10
Dual cycle, Comparison of Otto, Diesel and Dual cycles, air standard
efficiency, mean effective pressure, brake thermal efficiency, relative
efficiency, Brayton cycle, effect of reheat, regeneration, intercooling
and turbine and compressor efficiency on Brayton cycle
Properties of gases and gas mixtures: Avogadro’s law, equation of
state, ideal gas equation, Vander Waal’s equation, reduced properties,
8 7 10%
law of corresponding states, compressibility chart, Gibbs-Dalton law,
internal energy; enthalpy and specific heat of a gas mixtures
Reference Books:
1. Engineering Thermodynamics by P.K. Nag, McGraw-Hill Education
2. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics by Borgnakke & Sonntag, 7th Ed. Wiley India (P) Ltd.
3. Thermodynamics – An Engineering Approach by Yunus Cengel & Boles, McGraw-Hill Education
4. Engineering Thermodynamics by Gordon Rogers and Yon Mayhew, Pearson Education Ltd.
5. Engineering Thermodynamics by Krieth, CRC Press
6. Engineering Thermodynamics by Jones and Dugan, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
Course Outcome:
After learning the course the students should be able to
1. Understand basic terms used in thermodynamics.
2. Understand laws of thermodynamics and its applications.
3. Comprehend the concept and applications of energy, entropy and exergy.
4. Understand various gas and vapor power cycles.
5. Understand the properties of gas mixtures
Topic Lectures Weightage
1 Introduction of Mechanisms and Machines:
Concepts ofKinematics and Dynamics, Mechanisms and Machines,
Planar and Spatial Mechanisms, Kinematic Pairs, Kinematic Chains, 4
Kinematic Diagrams, Kinematic Inversion, Four bar chain and Slider
Crank Mechanisms and their Inversions, Degrees of Freedom,Mobility
and range of movement - Kutzbach and Grubler’s criterion, Number
Synthesis, Grashof’s criterion
1. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms (3/e 2009, 2013 Impression) Uicker J J Jr., Pennock G R,
Shigley J E, Oxford Press.
2. Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery (1/e 2009, 2013 Reprint) Norton R L, McGraw-Hill
3. Mechanism and Machine Theory (2013 Reprint), Ambekar, A G, Prentice Hall
4. Theory of Machines, Singh Sadhu, Pearson Education
5. Theory of Machines, Rattan S S, Tata McGraw-Hill
Web Resources
Course Outcomes:
1. Students will be able to identify functional characteristics various machine elements.
2. Students will demonstrate the ability to synthesize and analyse mechanisms.
3. Students will demonstrate ability to design and analyse cams.
4. Students will demonstrate the ability analyse gear trains.
Course Outcomes: The course is intended to provide basic understanding of Economics and Management
to engineering students with following aspects:
To impart knowledge, with respect to concepts, principles and practical applications of Economics,
which govern the functioning of a firm/organization under different market conditions.
To help the students to understand the fundamental concepts and principles of management; the
basic roles, skills, functions of management, various organizational structures and basic knowledge
of marketing.
Prerequisite: Nil
Measurement and Metrology deals with the application of science in Mechanical Engineering. It
provides a means of assessing the suitability of measuring instruments, their calibration, and the
quality control of manufactured products. A product that is not manufactured according to
metrological specifications will have to incur heavy costs of comply with the specifications later.
Any compromise in quality creates rapid negative sentiments in the market and cost of recovering
the original market position would be quite high. Hence, an organization should strive towards a
ZERO – DEFECT regime in order to survive in a highly competitive market, ensuring this aspect
of manufacturing is the responsibility of a quality control engineer, who must be completely
familiar with measurements and metrology and also their limitations.
By educating in the area of Measurement and Metrology students will enable to seek employment
in engineering upon graduation while, at the same time, provide a firm foundation for the pursuit
of graduate studies in engineering.
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table
Reference Books:
Course Outcome:
List of Experiments:
1. Basic understanding of measurements and metrology: concepts, application, advantage and future
2. Performance on linear and angular measurements and check different characteristics of
3. Performance on Temperature measurements and check different characteristics of measurements
and also do calibration
4. Performance on Temperature measurements and check different characteristics of measurements
and also do calibration
5. Performance on Stress, strain and force measurements and check different characteristics of
measurements and also do calibration
6. Performance on Speed/Velocity, acceleration measurements.
7. Performance on surface measurements
8. Performance on measurements of gears and screw threads
Important Note:
80 % From above suggested laboratory work should be covered and remaining 20 % is as per facility
available at Department.
Major Equipment:
Prerequisite: As a pre-requisite to this course students are required to have a reasonable mastery over
multivariable calculus, differential equations and Linear algebra
Mathematics is a language of Science and Engineering.
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table
Reference Books:
1. R. V. Churchill and J. W. Brown, Complex Variables and Applications (7th Edition), McGraw-Hill
2. J. M. Howie, Complex Analysis, Springer-Verlag(2004)
3. M. J. Ablowitz and A.S. Fokas, Complex Variables-Introduction and Applications, Cambridge
University Press, 1998 (Indian Edition)
4. E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics(8th Edition), John Wiley (1999)
5. S. D. Conte and Carl de Boor, Elementary Numerical Analysis-An Algorithmic Approach (3rd
Edition), McGraw-Hill, 1980
6. C.E. Froberg, Introduction to Numerical Analysis (2nd Edition), Addison-Wesley,1981
7. Gerald C. F. and Wheatley,P.O., Applied Numerical Analysis (Fifth Edition),
Addison-Wesley, Singapore, 1998.
8. Chapra S.C, Canale, R P, Numerical Methods for Engineers , Tata McGraw Hill, 2003
Course Outcome:
Type of course: Fundamental
Rationale: The course is designed to give fundamental knowledge of fluid, its properties and
behavior under various conditions.
Sr. Content Total %
No Hrs Weightage
Fluids and Their Properties:
Introduction of fluid, fluid classifications, hypothesis of continuum,
Shear stress in a moving fluid, molecular structure of material, fluid
1 3 5
density, viscosity, causes of viscosity in gases and liquids, surface
tension, capillary effect, vapor pressure, cavitation, compressibility
and the bulk modulus
Pressures and Head:
Types of Pressure, Pascal’s law of pressure at a point, variation of
pressure vertically in a fluid under gravity, equality of pressure at the
same level in a static fluid, general equation for the variation of
2 5 9
pressure due to gravity from a point to point in a static fluid, pressure
and head, the hydrostatic paradox, pressure measurements using
Elastic Pressure Transducers, Force Balance Pressure gauge, Electrical
Pressure Transducers
Static Forces on Surface and Buoyancy:
Fluid static, action of fluid pressure on surface, resultant force and
center of pressure on a plane surface under uniform pressure, resultant
force and center of pressure on a plane surface immersed in a liquid,
3 pressure diagrams, forces on a curved surface due to hydrostatic 8 14
pressure, buoyancy, equilibrium of floating bodies, stability of a
submerged body, stability of floating bodies, determination of the
metacentric height, determination of the position of the metacentre
relative to the center of buoyancy.
Motion of Fluid Particles and Streams:
4 4 7
Fluid flow, different types of flow, frames of reference, analyzing
fluid flow, motion of a fluid particle, acceleration of a fluid particle,
discharge and mean velocity, continuity of flow, continuity equations
for 2-D and 3-D flow in Cartesian coordinates of system.
The Energy Equation and its Application:
Momentum and fluid flow, Momentum equation for 2-D and 3-D flow
along a stream line, momentum correction factor, Euler’s equation of
motion along a stream line, Mechanical energy of a flowing fluid –
Bernoulli’s theorem, kinetic energy correction factor, pitot tube,
5 8 15
determination of volumetric flow rate via pitot tube, changes of
pressure in tapering pipe, principle of venturimeter, pipe orifices,
theory of small orifices discharging to atmosphere, theory of large
orifices, Rotameter, elementary theory of notches and weirs, flow in a
curved path
Two-Dimensional Ideal Fluid Flow:
Rotational and ir-rotational flow, circulation and vorticity, streamlines
6 and the stream functions, velocity potential and potential flow, relation 4 7
between stream function and velocity potential; flow nets, stream
function and velocity potential for uniform flow, vortex flow.
Dimensional Analysis And Similarities:
Dimension reasoning, dimensional homogeneity, dimensional
analysis using Rayleigh’s method, Buckingham π-theorem,
7 significance of dimensionless, use of dimensionless numbers in 5 9
experimental investigation, geometric similarity, dynamic similarity,
Kinematic similarity, model testing-Model laws, Undistorted and
Distorted models.
Viscous Flow:
Reynolds number and Reynolds experiment, flow of viscous fluid
through circular pipe- Hagen Poiseuille formula, Flow of viscous fluid
8 6 11
between two parallel fixed plates, power absorbed in viscous flow
through - journal, foot step and collar bearing , movement of piston in
dash pot, methods of measurement of viscosity.
Turbulent Flow:
Expression for coefficient of friction -Darchy Weishbach Equation,
9 4 7
Moody diagram resistance of smooth and rough pipes shear stress and
velocity distribution in turbulent flow through pipes.
Flow through pipes: Major energy losses, Minor energy losses,
Hydraulic gradient and total energy lines, Pipes in series and parallel,
10 6 11
Equivalent pipes, Siphon, power transmission through pipe, Flow
through nozzle at end of pipe, Water hammer in pipes
Compressible Flow: Basic equations for one dimensional
11 compression, Pressure wave propagation, sound velocity in fluid, 3 5
Mach number, Stagnation properties
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table
Reference Books:
1. Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering by D.S. Kumar, S.K.Kataria & Sons
2. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines by R.K. Bansal, Laxmi Publications
3. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines by R.K. Rajput, S.Chand & Co.
4. Fluid Mechanics by Frank .M. White, McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.
5. Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics by Munson, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd
6. Fluid Mechanics by A. K. Mohanty, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
7. Laboratory Manual Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines by R V Raikar
Course Outcome:
After learning the course the students should be able to:
Understand the basic concept of fluid mechanics.
Understand statics, dynamics and various approaches to fluid mechanics.
Understand fundamentals of flow through pipes
Understand basics of compressible flow
Correlate fundamentals of fluid mechanics with various mechanical systems
Major Equipment:
1. Pitot Tube
2. Venturimeter apparatus
3. Reynold’s apparatus
4. Pressure Measurement apparatus
5. Orifice meter apparatus
6. Pipe fitting apparatus
7. Metacentric height apparatus
8. Open Channel apparatus (Notches)
9. Nozzle Meter
10. Manometer
11. Viscometer
12. Elastic Pressure Transducers, Force Balance Pressure gauge, Electrical Pressure
Prerequisite: None.
Rationale: The course aims to impart basic skills for analysis of mechanical component and communicate
assembly and production drawings for the components designed.
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table
Reference Books:
Course Outcome:
List of Experiments:
1. Solve problems related to Eccentric Loading; Cotter and Knuckle Joints; Design and Analysis of
Levers: Cranked, Bell Crank, Foot, Rocker arm. Also prepare 3D models and detailed drawings of
Cotter and Knuckle Joints.
2. Case studied for design and analyse components which can be idealized as beams and columns.
3. Design of shafts, keys and Couplings. Design of Screw jack and Toggle jack.
4. Problems for design of joints using welding, riveting and fasteners.
5. Problems related to Limits, fits and tolerances.
6. Introduction to computer aided drafting tools.
7. Using drafting software, generate Assembly and Production drawings (emphasis should be to
demonstrate guidelines of IS SP 46 2003).
1. Design / Analyse a mechanical structure which may involve different components included in
syllabus. Prepare assembly and production drawings.
Major Equipment:
1. Computational facility.
2. CAD Software like Fusion 360
The Manufacturing Processes-II course is to prepare students to understand different
manufacturing processes like Casting, Welding, Forging, Sheet metal working, Plastic technology,
Glass and Ceramic and super finishing operations with Process parameter. It also helps them to
understand the advancement of Technology in manufacturing.
By educating in the area of manufacturing students will enable to seek employment in engineering
upon graduation while, at the same time, provide a firm foundation for the pursuit of graduate
studies in engineering.
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table
Reference Books:
Course Outcome:
1. The student will demonstrate the ability to think in core concept of their engineering application by
studying various topics involved in branch specific applications.
2. The student will demonstrate the ability to use different processes and its process parameters to
obtain qualitative solutions.
3. Students will understand the relevance and importance of the Different manufacturing techniques
and real life application in industry.
4. Learn about different process parameter.
List of Experiments:
Important Note:
80 % From above suggested laboratory work should be covered and remaining 20 % is as per facility
available at Department.
Major Equipment:
Type of course: NA
Rationale: NA.
Sr. Weightage
No. %
1 Systems Vulnerability Scanning
Overview of vulnerability scanning, Open Port / Service Identification, Banner /
Version Check, Traffic Probe, Vulnerability Probe, Vulnerability Examples,
OpenVAS, Metasploit. Networks Vulnerability Scanning - Netcat, Socat, 25
understanding Port and Services tools - Datapipe, Fpipe, WinRelay, Network
Reconnaissance – Nmap, THC-Amap and System tools. Network Sniffers and
Injection tools – Tcpdump and Windump, Wireshark, Ettercap, Hping Kismet
2 Network Defense tools
Firewalls and Packet Filters: Firewall Basics, Packet Filter Vs Firewall, How a
Firewall Protects a Network, Packet Characteristic to Filter, Stateless Vs Stateful
Firewalls, Network Address Translation (NAT) and Port Forwarding, the basic of
Virtual Private Networks, Linux Firewall, Windows Firewall, Snort: Introduction
Detection System
3 Web Application Tools
Scanning for web vulnerabilities tools: Nikto, W3af, HTTP utilities - Curl,
OpenSSL and Stunnel, Application Inspection tools – Zed Attack Proxy, Sqlmap. 25
DVWA, Webgoat, Password Cracking and Brute-Force Tools – John the Ripper,
L0htcrack, Pwdump, HTC-Hydra
4 Introduction to Cyber Crime and law
Cyber Crimes, Types of Cybercrime, Hacking, Attack vectors, Cyberspace and
Criminal Behavior, Clarification of Terms, Traditional Problems Associated with
Computer Crime, Introduction to Incident Response, Digital Forensics, Computer
Language, Network Language, Realms of the Cyber world, A Brief History of the
Internet, Recognizing and Defining Computer Crime, Contemporary Crimes,
Computers as Targets, Contaminants and Destruction of Data, Indian IT ACT
5 Introduction to Cyber Crime Investigation
Firewalls and Packet Filters, password Cracking, Keyloggers and Spyware, Virus
and Warms, Trojan and backdoors, Steganography, DOS and DDOS attack, SQL 15
injection, Buffer Overflow, Attack on wireless Networks
Reference Books:
1. Anti-Hacker Tool Kit (Indian Edition) by Mike Shema, Publication Mc Graw Hill.
2. Cyber Security Understanding Cyber Crimes, Computer Forensics and Legal Perspectives by Nina
Godbole and Sunit Belpure, Publication Wiley
Course Outcome:
After learning the course the students should be able to: student should understand cyber-attack, types of
cybercrimes, cyber laws and also how to protect them self and ultimately society from such attacks
List of Experiments:
Prerequisite: NA
Rationale: This subject is conceptual applications of principles of management to mitigate various disasters.
ESE-End Semester Exam, PA-Progressive Assessment, E-External, M-Mid semester, V-Viva (External) , I-
Reference Books:
1 Coppola D P, 2007. Introduction to International Disaster Management, Elsevier Science (B/H), London.
2. Manual on natural disaster management in India, M C Gupta, NIDM, New Delhi
3. An overview on natural & man-made disasters and their reduction, R K Bhandani, CSIR, New Delhi
4. World Disasters Report, 2009. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent, Switzerland
5. Encyclopedia of disaster management, Vol I, II and IIIL Disaster management policy and administration, S L
Goyal, Deep & Deep, New Delhi, 2006
6. Encyclopedia of Disasters – Environmental Catastrophes and Human Tragedies, Vol. 1 & 2,Angus M. Gunn,
Greenwood Press, 2008
7 Disasters in India Studies of grim reality, Anu Kapur & others, 2005, 283 pages, Rawat Publishers, Jaipur
8. Management of Natural Disasters in developing countries, H.N. Srivastava & G.D. Gupta, Daya Publishers,
Delhi, 2006, 201 pages
9. Natural Disasters, David Alexander, Kluwer Academic London, 1999, 632 pages
10 Disaster Management Act 2005, Publisher by Govt. of India
11 Publications of National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) on Various Templates and Guidelines for
Disaster Management
12 NIDM Publications
13 High Power Committee Report, 2001, J.C. Pant
14 Disaster Mitigation in Asia & Pacific, Asian Development Bank
15 National Disaster Management Policy, 2009, GoI
16 Disaster Preparedness Kit, American Red Cross
17 Bryant Edwards (2005): Natural Hazards, Cambridge University Press, U.K.
18 Carter, W. Nick, 1991: Disaster Management, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
19 Sahni, Pardeep (eds.) 2002, Disaster Mitigation Experiences and Reflections, Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi.
20 Roy, P.S. (2000): Space Technology for Disaster management: A Remote Sensing & GIS Perspective, Indian
Institute of Remote Sensing (NRSA) Dehradun.
21 Sharma, R.K. & Sharma, G. (2005) (ed) Natural Disaster, APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi.
22 Kasperson, J.X., R.E. Kasperson, and B.L. Turner III (Eds.), 1995, Regions at Risk: Comparisons of
Threatened Environments, United Nations University Press, Tokyo
23 Singh Satendra (2003): Disaster Management in the Hills, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi.
24 Taori, K (2005) Disaster Management through Panchayati Raj, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi.
Course Outcome:
After learning the course the students should be able to:
(a) Understand disasters, disaster preparedness and mitigation measures
(b) Understand role of IT, remote sensing, GIS and GPS in risk reduction
(c) Understand disaster management acts and guidelines along with role of various stack-holders during disasters
ACTIVE LEARNING ASSIGNMENTS: Preparation of power-point slides, which include videos, animations,
pictures, graphics for better understanding theory and practical work – The faculty will allocate chapters/ parts of
chapters to groups of students so that the entire syllabus to be covered. The power-point slides should be put up on
the web-site of the College/ Institute, along with the names of the students of the group, the name of the faculty,
Department and College on the first slide. The best three works should submit to GTU.
Prerequisite: None.
Rationale: Theory of Machines is a fundamental course for Mechanical engineers to understand the
working principals of any machine. This course is essential to understand the motion,
transmission of the motion and the forces responsible for the motion
Sr. Content Total
% Weightage
No. Hrs
1 Gyroscope:
Principle of gyroscope, Definition of axes, active and reactive couples; Roll,
10 20%
Yaw and Pitch motions; Gyroscopic effect in a rotor, two wheelers, Four
wheelers, ship and aeroplane.
2 Friction Devices: Clutches, Brakes and Dynamometers
Classification of clutches, torque transmission capacity, considerations for
uniform wear and uniform pressure theory, single plate and multi-plate
clutch, centrifugal clutch, Energy equation and thermal considerations.
Classification of brakes, Braking effect, Analysis of Brakes: Block Brake,
12 30%
Band Brake, Band and Block Brake, Internal expansion shoe brake; Braking
analysis of four wheelers.
Classification of Dynamometers, Analysis of Dynamometers: Prony brake,
Rope brake, Hydraulic, Belt Transmission, Epicyclic-Train and Bevis-Gibson
3 Flywheels:
Significance of flywheel, Turning moment and crank effort diagrams for
reciprocating machines, coefficient of fluctuation of speed and energy, 5 15%
Limiting velocity of flywheel, Design of flywheels for engines and punching
4 Governors:
Necessity of governor, Classification of Governors, Working principle of
centrifugal governors, Concept of control force, Control force diagram,
Stability of governor, Condition for stability, Concept of isochronism, ** 5%
Sensitivity of governor, Characteristics of governors, Hunting of governors.
5 Introduction to Dynamics:
Newton’s Laws of Motion, Applied and constraint forces, Free-body
diagrams, conditions for equilibrium, Two and Three forces members, Four
force members, Friction forces, Static force analysis with friction. Centroid
and Centre of Mass, Mass Moments and products of inertia, Inertia forces and
D’alembert’s Principle. Planar rotation about fixed centre, Shaking forces and
15 30%
moments, Complex algebra approach, Equation of motion. Application of
concepts to dynamic analysis of slider-crank mechanism and 4-bar
Spatial: Measuring mass moment of Inertia, Transformation of Inertia axes,
Euler’s equation of motion, Impulse and momentum, Angular impulse and
** Should be covered during practical session only.
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
Reference Books:
1. S S Rattan 4/e, Theory of Machines, McGraw-Hill.
2. J.Uicker , Gordon R Penstock & J.E. Shigley, Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Oxford.
3. A G Ambekar, Mechanism and Machine Theory, PHI.
4. R L Norton, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, McGraw-Hill.
5. Kenneth J Waldron , Gary L Kinzel, Kinematics, Dynamics and Design of Machinery, Wiley.
6. Meriam, J L and Kraige, L G, Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, Wiley.
Course Outcome:
After learning the course the students should be able to:
List of Experiments:
Major Equipment:
1. Governors.
2. Dynamometers.
Rationale: The course is designed to provide the detailed understanding of fluid power and different major
equipment which can produce power from fluid.
Sr. Content Total % Weightage
No. Hrs
1 Hydropower Plant: Introduction, Major applications of hydropower plant, 2 5
Classification of hydropower plant, Essential components of hydropower
plant, Advantages and disadvantages of hydropower plant, selection of site for
a hydropower plant
2 Impact of Jet: Introduction, Force exerted on stationary plate held normal and 7 20
inclined to jet, Force exerted on curved plate, force exerted on moving plate
held normal and inclined in direction of moving jet, Force on a plate when
vane is moving in direction of jet, jet striking on curved vane tangentially at
one tip and leaving at other end, jet propulsion in ships
3 Hydraulic Turbines: Introduction, Classification of turbines, Impulse and 7 20
reaction turbines, construction, working and performance of Pelton, Francis
and Kaplan Turbines, Draft tube, Governing of hydraulic turbines, Cavitation
4 Centrifugal Pumps: Pump classification and selection criterion, Centrifugal 6 12
pumps, Velocity vector diagrams, Pump losses and efficiencies, Net positive
suction head, Pressure rise in impeller, Characteristic curves of centrifugal
pumps, priming, maximum suction limit - minimum starting speed to deliver
the discharge, Multistage pumps, cavitation, pump selection
5 Reciprocating Pumps: Operation of Reciprocating pumps, discharge co- 3 8
efficient, volumetric efficiency, slip, work done and power required to drive
reciprocating pumps, effect of air vessels, effect of friction on performance of
reciprocating pump
6 Reciprocating Compressors: Construction and working, Multistage 3 5
conditions for minimum work, Intercooling, Efficiency and control of air
7 Rotary Compressors: Introduction, Classification, roots blower, Vane type, 3 5
Screw compressor, Scroll compressor
8 Centrifugal Compressors: Essential parts, Static and total head properties, 3 5
Velocity diagram, Degree of reaction, surging and choking, Losses in
centrifugal compressor
9 Axial Flow Compressors: Construction of an axial flow compressor, Aerofoil 3 5
blading, Lift and drag, Performance characteristics
10 Hydraulic Machines: Construction and working of hydraulic press, 5 15
Hydraulic accumulator, Hydraulic intensifier, Hydraulic crane, Hydraulic jack,
hydraulic lift, Hydraulic ram, Fluid couplings, Fluid torque converter and air
lift pump
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
Reference Books:
1. Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering by D.S. Kumar, S.K. Kataria & Sons.
2. Fluid Power Engineering by R.N. Patel and V.L. Patel Mahajan Publication
3. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines by R.K. Bansal, Laxmi Prakashan.
4. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines by R.K. Rajput , S.Chand & Co.
5. Turbines, Compressors and Fans by S.M. Yahya., TMH Publishers
6. Fluid Mechanics and Turbomachines by Das, Madan Mohan, PHI Lerning
Course Outcome:
After learning the course the students should be able to:
Learn the benefits and limitations of fluid power compared with other power transmission technologies.
Understand the operation and use of different hydraulic machines like hydraulic crane, fluid coupling
and fluid torque convertor etc.
Formulate and analyze models of hydraulic components.
Design and predict the performance of fluid power components.
List of Experiments:
1. To study about hydropower plant.
2. To Verify Impulse-momentum principle for impact of jet on stationary vane.
3. Performance test on Pelton turbine.
4. Performance test on Kaplan turbine.
5. Performance test on Francis turbine.
6. Performance test on Centrifugal pump.
7. Performance test on Reciprocating pump.
8. Performance test on Reciprocating compressor.
9. To study the constructional details of axial flow compressor and draw its characteristics curve.
10. Performance test on Centrifugal compressor.
11. Performance test on Hydraulic ram.
12. To study about hydraulic machines.
Major Equipment:
1. Test rig of Pelton turbine
2. Test rig of Kaplan turbine
3. Test rig of Francis turbine
4. Test rig of Centrifugal pump
5. Test rig of Reciprocating pump
6. Test rig of Centrifugal compressor
7. Test rig of Reciprocating compressor
8. Impact of jet apparatus
9. Test rig of Hydraulic ram
Sr. Content Total
% Weightage
No. Hrs
1 Introduction:
Design procedure, Selection of preferred sizes, Aesthetic and Ergonomic
considerations in Design, Manufacturing considerations in Design,
7 15%
Mechanical Properties of Materials, Effect of Alloying elements and heat
treatment on properties of steels, Materials Selection in Machine Design, IS
coding of steels and Cast Irons.
2 Design Against Fluctuating Loads:
Stress Concentration, Endurance limit and Fatigue failure, Factors affecting
endurance limit, S-N Diagram, Design for reversed stresses and cumulative 7 20%
damage, Fluctuating stresses: Soderberg, Gerber, Goodman and Modified-
Goodman criteria, Combined stresses.
3 Design of Springs:
Classification of springs, Helical Spring: Style of ends, Stresses, Correction
Factors, and Deflection, Design against static and fluctuating loads,
8 15%
Concentric springs, surge phenomenon. Helical Torsion and Spiral Springs,
Belleville spring, shot peening of springs.
Multi-Leaf Spring: Terminology, Nipping, and Design of multi-leaf spring.
4 Belt and Chain Drives:
Flat Belt Drive: Belt Construction, Flat Belt Drive: Length of the Belt: Open
and Cross drive types, Ratio of Tensions on tight side to slack side, Condition
for maximum power transmission, Creep phenomenon, Methods for
11 25%
tensioning, Selection of Belts from catalogues, Design of Pulley for flat belt
drive. Timing belt selection. V-Belt Drive: Nomenclature, Selection of V-
Belts from catalogues.
Chain Drive: Nomenclature of roller chains, Length and power rating of
chains, Design of chain drive.
5 Pressure Vessels:
Thin cylinders and spherical vessels, Wire wound cylinders. Thick cylinders:
Principal stresses in cylinder subjected to internal/external pressure, Lame’s
equation, Clavarion’s and Bernie’s equations, Autofrettage, Compounding of 11 25%
cylinders, Gasketted Joints, Thickness of cylindrical and spherical shells,
Design of End closures, Area compensations for nozzles. Introduction to
Design codes.
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
Reference Books:
1. V B Bhandari, Design of Machine Elements, 3/e, McGraw Hill.
2. R C Juvinall, Fundamentals of Machine Component Design, 4/e, Wiley.
3. P C Gope, Machine Design: Fundamentals and Applications, 1/e PHI.
4. R L Norton, Machine Design An Introduction, Pearson.
5. E J Hearn, Mechanics of Materials, BH.
Course Outcome:
After learning the course the students should be able to:
1. Carryout preliminary selection of materials for mechanical components.
2. Analyse components subjected to fluctuating loads.
3. Design springs for mechanical application.
4. Design and select belt and chain drives.
List of Experiments:
Rationale: To develop comprehensive knowledge and understanding of classical and modern control
theory, industrial automation, and systems analysis. Control engineering is a
diverse and rapidly expanding discipline which has become increasingly
important in a wide range of industries.
Topic Lectures Weightage
1 Basic concepts of control system:
Terminology - plant, process, system, disturbances, controlled variable,
manipulated variable etc., Block diagram of basic control system, application 3 10%
areas with examples. Classifications of control systems, Concept of
superposition for linear systems with examples.
2 Mathematical modelling of systems:
Translational and rotational mechanical, electrical, thermal, hydraulic and
pneumatic systems, Force voltage and force current analogy, Position servo
11 20%
Block diagram and signal flow graph representation of physical systems along
with rules, properties, comparison and limitation, Mason’s gain formula
3 Time response analysis:
Standard test signals along with examples of their usage, steady state errors for
step, ramp and parabolic inputs, analysis of first and second order systems,
7 15%
Transient response specifications with numerical examples, Basic control
actions and two position, proportional, PI, PID and rate feedback controllers,
Limitations of time domain analysis.
4 Frequency response analysis:
Need of frequency response analysis, Sinusoidal response of linear system, 4 10%
methods used in frequency response, Frequency domain specifications.
5 Stability:
Concept of stability, types of stability, Routh’s stability criterion, special cases 6 15%
with numerical examples, stability of closed loop system, concept of root locus,
open loop and closed loop transfer poles, step by step procedure for root loci,
numerical examples
6 Hydraulic control system:
Basic elements of hydraulic circuit, Principle used in hydraulic circuit, Sources
5 10%
of hydraulic power, Integral, Derivative, PD & PID controller with its transfer
function, Comparison between hydraulic and electrical control system.
7 Pneumatic control system:
Basic elements of pneumatic circuit, Difference between pneumatic and
hydraulic control systems, Force balance and force distance type controllers, 4 10%
Nozzle-flapper amplifier, PD, PI and PID control system along with its transfer
8 State space analysis:
State space representation, state variables, state, state vector, state space,
3 10%
formulation of state space equations for mechanical and electrical systems,
advantages over classical technique.
Course Outcome:
On completion of this course students will:
1. Understand the methodology for modelling dynamic systems with concept of stability
2. Know the transfer function, signal flow graph representation of linear systems & their
controlling actions
3. Understand concept of time, frequency response as well as concept of state-space models and
their relation to frequency domain models
4. Control system of hydraulic and pneumatic system
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table
1. Modern control theory, Katsuhiko Ogata, Pearson Education International, Fifth edition.
2. Control system engineering, Norman S Nise, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Sixth edition
3. Modern control systems, Richard C. Dorf, Robert H Bishop, Pearson Education International,
Twelfth edition.
4. Automatic control systems, Farid Golnaraghi, Benjamin C Kuo, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
Nineth edition
5. J.Nagrath and M.Gopal,” Control System Engineering”, New Age International Publishers,
5th Edition, 2007
List of Experiments:
1. Development of block diagram of various physical systems given by instructor ex. Toster
system, watt governor etc.
2. Introduction to simulation software like MATLAB/LABVIEW
3. Modelling of physical system using simulation software
4. Simulation of linear system to different inputs
5. Given a system transfer function, plot the location of the system zeros and poles using
simulation software
6. Simulation of root locus plot using simulation software
7. Performance measurement of first and second order system using simulation system as given
by instructor
8. Introduction to hydraulic trainer system/software
9. Development & performance of given hydraulic circuit
10. Introduction to pneumatic trainer system/software
11. Development & performance of given pneumatic circuit
12. Introduction of programmable logic controller and ladder diagram
1. Apply the knowledge of control systems on vibration system, fluid flow system, thermal system
monitoring as an open or closed loop system.
2. Give a task to develop an open loop or closed loop control of physical system
3. Develop open or closed loop simulation program for mechanical mechanisms using software
showing current position of each link with respect to specified reference.
Major Equipment:
- Hydraulic trainer
- Pneumatic trainer
- MATLAB/ LABVIEW/Simulation software for hydraulic and pneumatic systems
Prerequisite: Thermodynamics
Rationale: The course is prepared to provide the detailed understating of heat transfer principles
Sr. Total %
No. Hrs Weightage
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table
Reference Books:
1. Heat & Mass Transfer by P.K. Nag, McGraw Hill
2. Heat and Mass Transfer: Fundamentals and Application by Yunus Cengel, McGraw Hill
3. Fundamental of Heat and Mass Transfer by Incropera and Dewitt, Wiley Publication
4. Heat Transfer by Mills and Ganesan, Pearson Education
5. Heat Transfer by J P Holman , McGraw Hill
6. Heat and Mass Transfer by R K Rajput, S.Chand Publication
7. Heat Transfer: Principles and Applications by Dutta, Binay K, PHI Publication
Course outcome:
After learning the course the students should be able to:
Understand basic concept of heat transfer
Able to do basic calculations involving heat transfer as is typical for a mechanical engineer. This
includes conduction, convection and radiation heat transfer as well as heat exchanger design.
Apply scientific and engineering principles to analyze and design aspects of engineering systems that
relate to conduction, convection and radiation heat transfer.
Major equipment:
Apparatus to determine thermal conductivity of metal rod
Guarded hot plate method apparatus
Composite wall apparatus
Double pipe heat exchanger
Shell and tube heat exchanger
Pin fin apparatus
Emissivity measurement apparatus
Stefan Boltzmann apparatus
Natural and force convection apparatus
Prerequisite: None.
Rationale: The course aims to introduce fundamentals of forces induced due and responsible for the
the motion of parts of mechanism / machine. This forces most of the time are unwanted and
may cause adverse effect on the function of the mechanism or machine. Hence, the
techniques to determine them and counter them are required to be learned.
Sr. Total
Content % Weightage
No. Hrs
Balancing of Rotating Masses:
Concept of static and dynamic balancing, Analysis of effect of unbalanced masses in
1 3 10%
single and multiple planes in rotating elements, Bearing reactions.
Approaches and equipment for measurement of unbalanced masses.
Dynamics of Reciprocating Engines:
Single Cylinder Engine: Slider – Crank kinematics (Analytical), Gas force and
torque; static and dynamic equivalence of models (for masses); Inertia, shaking
force and shaking torque, Analysis of pin forces, balancing.
2 Multi Cylinder Engines: Configurations; Inline Engines: Effect of phase angles, 7 20%
firing order and number of strokes; Shaking forces and moments, inertia torques and
determination best configuration / unbalanced mass. Analysis of V and radial engine
configurations. Graphical methods may be demonstrated but emphasis should be on
analytical approach.
Introduction to Mechanical Vibrations:
Elements of simple harmonic motion, concept of natural frequency, types of
2 5%
vibrations, Basic elements and lumping parameters of a vibratory system, lumping
of physical systems, Concept of Degrees of Freedom (DOF).
Single Degrees of Freedom System (Linear and Torsional): Undamped free
3 vibrations, equivalent stiffness, equivalent systems, determination of natural
frequency; Coulomb and Viscous damping, Types of dampers, Damping coefficient,
damping effects: under, over and critically damped system, Damping factor, damped 10 20%
natural frequency and logarithmic decay; Analytical solution of Forced vibrations
with harmonic excitation system and vector representation, Dependence of
Magnification Factor, Phase difference and Transmissibility on frequency of
excitation for various damping factors, Concept of vibration isolation, effect of base
Two Degrees of Freedom System: Equation of motion and principal mode of
vibration, torsional vibrations of two and three rotor system, torsionally equivalent 5 10%
shaft, geared system.
Multi degree freedom systems and analysis (Free vibrations): Concepts of
normal mode vibrations, natural frequencies, mode shapes, nodes, Correct definition 4 5%
of natural frequency.
Vibrations of Continuous Systems (Free Vibrations): Longitudinal vibrations of
bar or rod: Equation of motion and solution, Lateral vibrations of beam: Equation of 4 10%
motion, initial and boundary conditions, solution.
Rotating unbalance: Whirling of shafts, Critical speed and its practical importance
in the design of shafts, Application of Dunkerley’s method and Rayleigh’s method 4 10%
for estimating the critical speed of shafts.
Vibration Measurement: Introduction to vibration measurement and analysis
devices: Vibrometer, velocity pickup, accelerometer, FFT analyser.
Cam Dynamics:
4 Dynamic analysis of force-closed cam follower: Undamped and Damped response, 4 10%
Jump phenomenon: concept, effect of spring force and dead weights.
** Should be Cover during laboratory sessions.
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
Reference Books:
1. S S Rao, Mechanical Vibrations, Pearson.
2. R L Norton, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, McGraw-Hill.
3. J.Uicker , Gordon R Penstock & J.E. Shigley, Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Oxford.
4. Kenneth J Waldron , Gary L Kinzel, Kinematics, Dynamics and Design of Machinery, Wiley.
5. R L Norton, Design of Machinery, McGraw-Hill.
Course Outcome:
After learning the course the students should be able to:
1. Determine unbalanced forces and bearing reactions for a system of rotating masses.
2. Determine unbalanced forces in reciprocating engines.
3. Determine natural frequency of mechanical systems represented in lumped form.
4. Determine critical speed shafts with unbalanced rotors and cam-follower system (to avoid jump).
List of Experiments:
1. Understand and verify the fundamental laws of static & dynamic balancing.
2. Study balancing of reciprocating masses.
3. Study and confirm relation between the period of oscillation and length of pendulum for simple and
compound pendulums.
4. Study longitudinal vibrations of spring mass system.
5. To study the undamped free vibration of equivalent spring mass system.
6. To determine the time period and frequency of torsional vibrations of a single rotor system.
7. To determine the time period and frequency of torsional vibrations of two rotors system.
8. Study forced damped vibrations of single degree of freedom system.
9. To determine whirling speed of the shaft and study effect of shaft diameter and end conditions on
the same.
10. Study forced lateral vibrations of a beam.
11. Study jump phenomenon in the cam.
12. Vibration measurement and analysis.
Major Equipment:
Preparation of power-point slides, which include videos, animations, pictures, graphics for better
understanding theory and practical work - The faculty will allocate chapters/ parts of chapters to groups
of students so that the entire syllabus to be covered. The power-point slides should be put up on the web-site
of the College/ Institute, along with the names of the students of the group, the name of the faculty,
Department and College on the first slide. The best three works should submit to GTU.
Rationale: The course is designed to provide the detailed understanding of internal combustion engine mainly
based on its performance and emission parameters.
2 Fuel Air Cycles and Actual Cycles: Assumptions for fuel–air cycles, 7 15
Reasons for variation of specific heats of gases, change of internal energy and
enthalpy during a process with variable specific heats, isentropic expansion
with variable specific heats, effect of variable specific heats on Otto, Diesel
and Dual cycle, dissociation, comparison of air standard and fuel air cycles,
effect of operating variables, comparison of air standard and actual cycles,
effect of time loss, heat loss and exhaust loss in Petrol and Diesel engines,
valve and port timing diagrams
3 Combustion: Combustion equations, stoichiometric air fuel ratio, enthalpy of 4 10
formation, adiabatic flame temperature, determination of calorific values of
fuels – calorimeter*- Bomb and Junkers gas calorimeter
4 Fuels and its supply system for SI and CI engine: Important qualities of IC 4 10
engine fuels, rating of fuels, Carburation, mixture requirement for different
loads and speeds, simple carburetor and its working, types of carburetors,
MPFI, types of injection systems in CI engine, fuel pumps and injectors,
types of nozzles, spray formation
* To be covered during laboratory sessions.
5 Ignition and Governing System: Battery and magneto ignition system, spark 4 10
plug, firing order, quality, quantity & hit and miss governing
6 Supercharging: Need for supercharging, Effect of supercharging, types of 4 10
supercharger, methods of supercharging, thermodynamic analysis of
supercharged engine cycle, limitations of supercharging, turbocharging
7 Combustion in SI and CI Engines: Stages of combustion in SI engines, 7 15
abnormal combustion and knocking in SI engines, factors affecting knocking,
effects of knocking, control of knocking, combustion chambers for SI engines,
Stages of combustion in CI engines, detonation in C.I. engines, factors
affecting detonation, controlling detonation, combustion chamber for SI and
CI engine
8 Engine Lubrication and Cooling: Lubrication of engine components, 3 8
Lubrication system – wet sump and dry sump, crankcase ventilation, Types of
cooling systems – liquid and air cooled, comparison of liquid and air cooled
9 Measurement and Testing of IC engines: Measurement of indicated power, 4 10
brake power, fuel consumption and emission, Measurement of friction power
by Willan’s Line Method* and Morse Test*, calculation of brake thermal
efficiency, brake power and brake specific fuel consumption of IC Engines,
variable compression ratio engines, heat balance sheet of IC Engines
10 Engine Emission and their control: Air pollution due to IC engines, Euro I 2 5
to VI norms, HC, CO and NOx emission, catalytic convertor
11 Application of diesel engines in power field, merit and demerits of diesel 1 2
engine power plants, layout of diesel engine power plants
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
Reference Books:
1. Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals by John B. Heywood, McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd.
2. Internal Combustion Engine by V Ganeshan, McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd.
3. Internal Combustion Engine by M.L.Mathur and R.P.Sharma, Dhanpat Rai Publications (P) Ltd.
4. Fundamentals of Internal Combustion engine by H.N.Gupta, PHI Learning.
5. Internal Combustion Engines 2nd Edition by Colin Ferguson and Allan Kirkpatrick, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
Course Outcome:
Major Equipment:
1. Multi / single cylinder four stroke petrol engine
2. Multi / single cylinder four stroke diesel engine
3. Multi / single cylinder Two stroke petrol engine
4. Multi / single cylinder Two stroke diesel engine
5. Exhaust gas analyzer
6. Model for fuel supply system of petrol and diesel engine
7. Cut section models of various carburetors
8. Model of battery and magneto ignition system
9. Model of engine cooling system
10. Model of engine lubricating system
Prerequisite: None.
Rationale: Computers have become inevitable in today era and find their application in various stages of
product development. This course intends to introduce students to use of computers in the
phases of product design viz. conceptualization, geometric modelling, graphical
representation and finite element analysis.
Sr. Content Total
% Weightage
No. Hrs
1 Introduction:
A typical product cycle, CAD tools for the design process of product cycle,
CAD / CAM system evaluation criteria, Input / Output devices; Graphics
Displays: Refresh display, DVST, Raster display, pixel value and lookup table,
estimation of graphical memory, LCD, LED fundamentals. 6 15%
Concept of Coordinate Systems: Working Coordinate System, Model
Coordinate System, Screen Coordinate System.
Line and Curve generation algorithm: DDA, Bresenham’s algorithms.
Graphics exchange standards and Database management systems.
2 Curves and Surfaces:
Parametric representation of lines: Locating a point on a line, parallel lines,
perpendicular lines, distance of a point, Intersection of lines.
Parametric representation of circle, Ellipse, parabola and hyperbola.
7 20%
Synthetic Curves: Concept of continuity, Cubic Spline: equation, properties
and blending. Bezier Curve: equations, properties; Properties and advantages
of B-Splines and NURBS.
Various types of surfaces along with their typical applications.
3 Mathematical representation of solids:
Geometry and Topology, Comparison of wireframe, surface and solid models,
Properties of solid model, properties of representation schemes, Concept of 4 10%
Half-spaces, Boolean operations. Schemes: B-rep, CSG, Sweep representation,
ASM, Primitive instancing, Cell Decomposition and Octree encoding.
4 Geometric Transformations:
Homogeneous representation; Translation, Scaling, Reflection, Rotation,
5 10%
Shearing in 2D and 3D; Orthographic and perspective projections. Window to
View-port transformation.
5 Finite Element Analysis:
Review of stress-strain relation and generalized Hooke's Law, Plane stress and
Plane strain conditions; Concept of Total Potential Energy; Basic procedure for
solving a problem using Finite Element Analysis.
10 15 15 10 10 10
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
Reference Books:
1. Ibrahim Zied, CAD / CAM: Theory and Practice, McGraw-Hill
2. Hearn E J and Baker M P, Computer Graphics, Pearson.
3. Chandrupatla T A and Belegundu A D, Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering, PHI.
4. Logan D, A First Course in the Finite Element Method, Cengage.
Course Outcome:
After learning the course the students should be able to:
1. Understand and appreciate use of computer in product development.
2. Apply algorithms of graphical entity generation.
3. Understand mathematical aspects of geometrical modelling.
4. Understand and use finite element methods for analysis of simple components.
List of Experiments:
1. Prepare a programme for plotting lines and curves using algorithms learned.
2. Introductory exercise for 3-D modelling.
3. Exercise for advanced 3-D modelling.
4. Exercise for 3-D editing options.
5. Exercise for Assembly modelling.
6. Exercise for surface modelling.
7. Introductory exercise for finite element analysis.
8. Exercise for FEA of 1-D structural problems.
9. Exercise for FEA of trusses.
10. Exercise for FEA using Beam Element.
11. Exercise for FEA of 1-D thermal problems.
12. Exercise for FEA of 1-D fluid problems.
13. Exercise for FEA of 2-D structural problems.
1. Design a structural component using conventional method, prepare a CAD model, assemble it,
synthesize it and perform FEA and compare results of conventional design.
Major Equipment:
1. Computers / Workstations
2. CAD Software
3. FEA Software
Prerequisite: None.
Industrial Engineering course is to prepare students to understand different aspects like: Plant location and
its selection, Plant layout within the plant. It also helps to understand and apply different concept of
production planning and control. Study of productivity and Work-study are important tools, after studying it
student are able to apply it in the industry for productivity improvement. This course gives idea about how
to prepare job plan, and also gives knowledge of industrial legislation. Finally it provides knowledge about
quality and entrepreneurship.
Sr. Content Total
% Weightage
No. Hrs
1 Location Selection and Plant Layout:
Nature of Location Decision, Importance of Plant Location, Dynamic Nature
of Plant Location, Choice of site for selection, Comparison of location,
Principles of Plant layout and Types, factors affecting layout, methods,
08 15%
factors governing flow pattern, travel chart, analytical tools of plant layout,
layout of manufacturing shop floor, repair shop, services sectors and process
plant. Quantitative methods of Plant layout: CRAFT and CORELAP,
Relationship diagrams.
2 Production Planning and Control:
Types of Production systems and their Characteristics, functions and
objectives of Production Planning and Control, Sales forecasting: Techniques
and Applications, Steps of Production Planning and Control: Process 08 18%
planning, Leading, Scheduling, Dispatching and Expediting with illustrative
examples, Introduction to line of balance, assembly line balancing, and
progress control.
3 Productivity and Work Study:
Definition of productivity, application and advantages of productivity
improvement tools, reasons for increase and decreases in productivity. Areas
of application of work study in industry. Reaction of management and labour
to work study. 08 20%
Method Study: Objectives and procedure for methods analysis, Recording
techniques, Operations Process Chart, Flow Process Chart, Man-Machine ,
Multiple Activity Chart, Travel Chart, and Two Handed process chart,
String Diagram, Therbligs, Micro motion and macro-motion study: Principles
of motion economy, Normal work areas and work place design.
Work Measurement: Objectives, Work measurement techniques – time study,
work sampling, pre-determined motion time standards (PMTS) Determination
of time standards. Observed time, basic time, normal time, rating factors,
allowances, and standard time. Introduction to ergonomics.
4 Job Evaluation and Wage Plan:
Objective, Methods of job evaluation, job evaluation procedure, merit rating
05 10%
(Performance appraisal), method of merit rating, wage and wage incentive
5 Industrial Legislation:
Need for Industrial legislation, Factories act 1948, Industrial dispute act 1947,
The Indian trade unions act 1926, Industrial employment act 1946, Payment 05 10%
of wage act 1936, Workmen compensation act 1923, Payment of bonus act
1965, Employees provident fund scheme 1952.
6 Inspection and Statistical Quality Control:
Inspection – functions, types, objectives and benefits, quality control
principles, Concepts of quality circles, Total quality management, Quality
assurance, Quality audit, Basic Concept ISO 9000, ISO 14000 and QS 9000,
Six sigma: Concept, Principle, Methodology, Scope, Advantage and
08 20%
SQC Concept, variable and attributes, normal distribution curves and its
property charts for variable and attributes and their applications and
interpretation (analysis) process capability. Acceptance sampling, sampling
plans, OC curves and AOQ curves.
7 Entrepreneurship:
Concept, product identification, infrastructure facilities, preparation of project
03 07%
report, sources of industrial finance, Resources allocation, Government
incentives to entrepreneurs.
10 15 15 10 10 10
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
Reference Books:
1. Manufacturing Organisation and Management, Harold Amrine, John Ritchey, Moodie, Kmec, 6ht
Ed., Pearson
2. Production System, Planning, Analysis and Control – By J.L. Riggs 3rd ed. Wiley
3. Production and Operations Management – By R. Panneerselvam, PHI Private Ltd.,
4. Industrial Engineering and Production Management Martand Telsang S Chand & company.
5. Industrial Engineering and Production Management by Banga and Sharma, Khanna Publishers.
6. Industrial Engineering and Management by Dr. B. Kumar Khanna Publishers
7. Work study by International Labour Organisation, ILO
Course Outcome:
After learning the course the students should be able to:
1. Demonstrate location decision and site selection
2. Use of plant layout knowledge for betterment of plant
3. Use of Production planning and control
4. Solve forecasting problem by applying different techniques
5. Understanding planning, scheduling and sequencing problems for shop floor
6. Demonstrate assembly line balancing and dispatching
7. Apply work study techniques and understands its importance for better productivity
8. Demonstrate wage and incentive plans
9. Acquire knowledge of industrial legislation
10. Apply statistical quality control techniques for inspection
11. Learn about entrepreneurship to become entrepreneur
List of Experiments:
Major Equipment:
Prerequisite: Thermodynamics
Rationale: The course is designed to give fundamental knowledge of types of refrigeration, refrigeration
cycles, refrigerants and behavior under various conditions, different air conditioning terms and load
calculation, designing of components of air distribution system.
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table
Reference Books:
1. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by C P Arora, McGraw-Hill India Publishing Ltd.
2. Refrigeration and Air-conditioning by Ramesh Arora , Prentice Hall of India
3. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by Manohar Prasad, New Age International Publisher
4. Principles of Refrigeration by Roy. J Dossat, Pearson Education
5. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by Jordon and Prister, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
6. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by W.F. Stocker and J. W. Jones, McGraw-Hill
7. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by Ameen Ahmadul, PHI India
8. Automobile Air conditioning by Crouse and Anglin, McGraw Hill Publications
Course Outcome:
After learning the course the students should be able to:
● Understand the basic concepts of refrigeration and air conditioning systems
● Understand and analysis of various refrigeration cycles
● Make basic calculation of psychometric properties and process
● Do basic calculations of heating and cooling load requirements of a room.
● Apply scientific and engineering principles to analyze and design aspects of engineering systems that
relate to refrigeration and air conditioning.
Major Equipment:
● Vapor compression test rig
● Vapor absorption test rig
● Sectional models of various type of compressors
● Air conditioning test rig
● Air cooler apparatus
● Apparatus to perform various psychrometric processes
● Tools for refrigeration tubing
● Mechanical heat pump
Rationale:Students will be able to apply basics of metal machining processes very well. They can
have enough knowledge of different forces acting while cutting with tool life and wear. They can
interpret and utilize the economics of machining. Learns the technology of Gear and threads
manufacturing which is grassroots knowledge of any manufacturing industries. They are able
understand the usefulness of Jig & Fixtures, Presses & Press work, Types of Dies and various forces
acting during cutting. They also understand non conventional machining processes its importance,
application advantages and economy aspect in production technology.
10 15 15 10 10 10
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The
actual distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
Reference Books:
Course Outcome:
1. Students will be able to apply basics of metal machining processes very well with the detailed
signature of tools.
2. Students able to understand different forces acting while metal cutting and can draw merchant
circle diagram and also able to apply knowledge to economic metal cutting.
3. Students can able to grasp distinctive knowledge of gear forming and its generating methods.
4. Students are able to clutch its usefulness and design of such locating and fixing devises.
5. Learn in depth about press and press work
6. Gained elementary knowledge in Non-conventional machining and its application in
List of Experiments:
Major Equipment:
Prerequisite: Nil
Operations Research now a day widely used in the area of decision making for the real life
problems. Managers and decision makers get idea for optimizing and approximating industrial
problems. They not only strive to devise appropriate measures for problem solving but also apply
scientific techniques to monitor the organizations ongoing activities such as production mix,
transportation, queuing, assignment, dynamic, Integer, goal and game problem.
10 15 15 10 10 10
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers.
The actual distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
Reference Books:
1. Operations Research: An Introduction by Hamdy Taha, Pearson
2. Operations Research by A M Natarajan, P Balasubramani, A Tamilarasi, Pearson
Education Inc
3. Operations Research by P Mariappan, Pearson
4. Operations Research by H N wagner, Prentice hall.
5. Optimization in Operations Research by Ronald Rardin, Pearson Education Inc.
6. Operations Research by R. Paneerselvam, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
7. Quantitative Techniques in Management by N D Vohra, Tata McGraw-Hill
Course Outcome:
After learning the course the students should be able to:
1. Students will be able to describe characteristics and scope of OR.
2. Students will be able to define and formulate mathematical problems.
3. Students will be able to select optimal problems solving techniques for a given problem
using LP.
4. Students will be able to formulate and solve transportation, travelling sales man and
transshipment problems.
5. Students will be able to formulate and solve optimization problems related to job/ work
6. Students will be able to demonstrate and solve simple models of Game theory.
7. Students will be able to evaluate optimum solution using dynamic programming for
different applications.
8. Students will be able to choose / devise appropriate queuing model for practical
9. Students will be able to solve different problems related to Network.
List of Experiments:
Computer Aided Manufacturing is highly demanded area now a day. Computer Aided Manufacturing
deals with Design of components to manufacturing and also includes Planning and controlling the
processes. Industries widely use CNC, FMS and Robotics technology now a day. Students will be
familiar with its hardware and software and also able to write programs for machining.
Learning Objectives:
1. To build concrete foundation for their core branch as a thinker, inter disciplinary thoughts
2. To educate students by covering different aspects of computer Aided Manufacturing.
3. To create strong skills of writing CNC programs, PLC programs.
4. To educate students to understand different advances in manufacturing system like: GT, CAPP
and FMS
5. To educate students by covering robotics and different material handling system required in
manufacturing shop floor.
6. To educate students by covering different Integrated production management system.
10 15 15 10 10 10
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
Reference Books:
1. Computer Aided Manufacturing by Tien Chien Chang, Pearson Education
2. Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing by Mikell P
Groover, Pearson Education
3. Robotics Technology and Flexible Automation, by S R Deb, S Deb, McGraw Hill
Education Private Limited.
4. Flexible Manufacturing Cells and System -William. W. Luggen Hall, England Cliffs,
5. P. Radhakrishnan, " Computer Numerical Control ", New Central Book Agency, 1992.
6. Computer integrated manufacturing -S. Kant Vajpayee – Prentice Hall of India.
7. System Approach to Computer Integrated Manufacturing. Nanua Singh, Wiley
and sons Inc, 1996.
8. Computer Aided Manufacturing- Rao, Tewari, Kundra, McGraw Hill, 1993
9. CAD/CAM, Principles and Applications –P N Rao, McGraw Hill, 2010
10. CAD/CAM, Introduction, -Ibrahim Zeid, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007
Course Outcome:
After learning the course the students should be able to:
1. Students will describe basic concepts of CAM application and understand CAM wheel
2. Students will prepare CNC programs for manufacturing of different geometries on milling
and lathe machines.
3. Students will prepare logic diagram for different application of automation.
4. Students will classify different components using different techniques of group technology
5. Students will prepare Process planning for different components
6. Students will select layouts of FMS for industrial applications
7. Students will describe Robot for preliminary industrial applications like pick and place.
8. Student will identify application of PPC, JIT, MRP-I, MRP-II, and Expert system to CAM
List of Experiments:
1. Study of Computer Integrated System: Basics, Types of Manufacturing, role of management and
CIM wheel
2. NC/CNC technology: Definition, Classification, Specification, Construction details, Sensors and
Actuators, and different controllers.
3. CNC part Programming: Lathe and Milling jobs
4. Exercise on PLC for Simple problems.
5. Problems on GT and Industrial case problems on coding
6. Problems on CAPP and Industrial case problems
7. Study of Flexible Manufacturing system
8. Study of Robotics Technology
9. Problems on MRP-I, MRP-II
10. Study of Expert System in Manufacturing and MIS
Major Equipment:
1. CNC Machine
2. Industrial Robot
3. Programming Software.
4. CAD on Cloud Free software like Fusion 360
8. Prentice
9. Videos on CNC programming, PLC, Robotics and FMS
Learning Objectives:
1. To introduce design considerations for various types of gears.
2. Learn design procedure for journal bearing selection of antifriction bearings.
3. Learn design of IC engine components and crane components.
Sr. Content Total %
No. Hrs Weightage
1 Gear Design: 11 20
Recitation: Classification of gears, Selection of type of gears, Law of Gearing,
Gear terminology, Standard system of gear tooth, force analysis, Interference and
undercutting, number of teeth, gear tooth failures, selection of material.
Spur and Helical Gears: Stress in gear tooth: Lewis formula, AGMA bending
stress equation and AGMA pitting resistance formula, Gear quality and selection
Bevel and Worm gears: Specifications and design of bevel and worm gears.
2 Design of Gear Box for Machine Tools: 5 10
Comparison and Choice of progression (Arithmetic, Geometric, Harmonic and
Logarithmic), general design procedure, determination and fixation of spindle
speeds, selection of the best structure diagram, selection of gear layout and ray
diagram, determination of number of teeth on gears.
3 Journal Bearings: 7 18
Classification of bearings. Journal bearing Types, Lubrication: types of lubrication,
Lubricants, Effect of pressure and temperature on viscosity, Stable lubrication,
Thin and thick film lubrication.
Hydraostatic Bearing: Viscous flow through rectangular slot, step bearing, energy
Hydrodynamic Bearing: Lubrication theory (Petroff’s Equation, Reynolds’
Equation), Design of bearings with Raimondi and Boyd method, power and heat
generation, bearing materials.
4 Rolling Contact Bearings: 4 16
Classification, Static load carrying capacity, Stribeck’s equation, Dynamic load
carrying capacity, Equivalent bearing load, Load-Life relation, Selection of bearing
life, Load factor, Selection of bearing from catalogue, Design for cyclic loads and
speeds, Bearing with probability of survival other than 90%, Selection of taper
roller bearing, Bearing failure, Lubrication of rolling contact bearing.
5 IC Engine Components: 9 20
Design of cylinder and Cylinder head, Design of piston, Design of connecting rod,
Design of crankshaft and Design of valve-gear mechanism.
6 Design of Cranes: 8 16
Basic objectives of material handling system, Types of load, Classification and
application of various Material handling equipment, Basic principles in selection
of material handling system, Classification of cranes, Stress analysis and selection
of Hooke (IS 15560, 2005), Pulley System (hoisting tackle analysis), Steel Wire
ropes: Classification and coding, stress analysis and selection, Design of Sheave
and drums.
Note: Use of Design data book should be permitted during the examination.
Reference Books:
1. R L Norton, Machine Design An Introduction, Pearson.
2. R G Budynas, and K J Nisbett, Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design, McGraw-Hill
3. V B Bhandari, Design of Machine Elements, 3/e, McGraw Hill.
4. V B Bhandari, Machine Design Databook, McGraw Hill.
5. R C Juvinall, Fundamentals of Machine Component Design, 4/e, Wiley.
6. P C Gope, Machine Design: Fundamentals and Applications, 1/e PHI.
7. K Hoga, B Dondlinger, Vehicular Engine Design, Springer.
Course Outcome:
After learning the course the students should be able to:
Design gears of various types.
Design gearboxes for machine tools.
Design journal bearing and select antifriction bearing for state application.
Design IC engine components and crane parts.
List of Tutorials:
1. Design of Spur Gears.
2. Design of Helical Gears.
3. Design of Bevel Gear.
4. Design of Worm gear.
5. Design of Gearbox.
6. Design of Journal Bearing.
7. Selection of Rolling Contact bearing.
8. Design of IC engine components.
9. Design of Crane components.
Design based Problems (DP)/Open Ended Problem:
1. From the stated requirement of a machine tool, design a gearbox and gears for the same. Compare
your design with the one available in machine tool and reason differences.
2. Design IC engine component and prepare a CAD model. Verify the kinematic performance of the
assembly in CAD software.
Major Equipment:
Students may be exposed to following software/tools used for the design of various components.
4. CAD on Cloud Free software like Fusion 360
Preparation of power-point slides, which include videos, animations, pictures, graphics for better
understanding theory and practical work – The faculty will allocate chapters/ parts of chapters to groups of
students so that the entire syllabus to be covered. The power-point slides should be put up on the web-site
of the College/ Institute, along with the names of the students of the group, the name of the faculty,
Department and College on the first slide. The best three works should submit to GTU.
BRANCH NAME: Mechanical Engineering
SUBJECT NAME: Power Plant Engineering
Sr. Content Total %
No. Hrs Weigh
1 Thermal Power Plant: General layout of modern thermal power plant, Site 2 4
selection, Presents status of power generation in India
2 High Pressure Boilers: (Unique features and advantages of high pressure 4 7
boilers, La-Mont; Benson; Velox, Loeffler and Schmidt-Hartmann boilers)*,
supercritical boilers, Supercharged and fluidized bed combustion, Methods of
superheat control, Corrosion in boilers and its prevention
3 Coal and Ash Handling Systems: Coal storage, Burning systems, Types of 7 13
stokers and their working, Pulverized fuel handling systems, Unit and central
systems, Pulverized mills- ball mill, Bowl mill, Ball & race mill, Impact or
hammer mill, Pulverized coal burners, Oil burners, Necessity of ash disposal,
mechanical; hydraulic; pneumatic and steam jet ash handling system, Dust
collection and its disposal, Mechanical dust collector, Electrostatic precipitator
4 Draught System: Natural draught – estimation of height of chimney, Maximum 3 5
discharge condition, Forced; induced and balanced draught, Power requirement
by fans
5 Steam Nozzles: Types of nozzles, velocity of steam, discharge through nozzle, 5 9
critical pressure ratio and condition for maximum discharge, physical
significance of critical pressure ratio, nozzle efficiency
6 Steam turbine: (Principle of operation, types of steam turbines, compounding 7 13
of steam turbines, impulse turbine – velocity diagram)*, calculation of work,
power and efficiency, condition for maximum efficiency, Reaction turbines –
velocity diagram, degree of reaction, reheat factor, (governing of steam turbine
– throttle, nozzle and bypass governing)*, Methods of attachment of blades to
turbine rotor, Labyrinth packing, Losses in steam turbine
7 Condensers and Cooling Towers: Types of condensers, sources of air in 6 10
condenser, Effects of air leakage, Methods of obtaining maximum vacuum in
condenser, vacuum & condenser efficiency, Mass of cooling water required,
Edward air pump, Necessity of cooling ponds and cooling towers, Condenser
water cooling systems, Types of cooling towers and cooling ponds
8 Feed Water Treatment: Necessity of feed water treatment, Different impurities 5 9
found in feed water, Effect of impurities, pH & its role in corrosion and scale
formation, Internal & external water treatment systems – Hot lime soda process,
Zeolite ion exchange process, Demineralization plants, Reverse osmosis process,
Sea water treatment using reverse osmosis, De-aeration
9 Gas turbine: Classification, open and closed cycle, gas turbine fuels, actual 8 14
Brayton cycle, optimum pressure ratio for maximum thermal efficiency, work
ratio, air rate, effect of operating variables on the thermal efficiency and work
ratio and air rate, combined steam and gas turbine plant, gas turbine blade cooling
10 Nuclear Power Plant: Nuclear fusion and fission, Chain reaction, Nuclear fuels, 5 9
Components of nuclear reactor, Classification of reactors, Pressurized water
reactor, Boiling water reactor, Gas cooled reactor, CANDU reactor, Fast breeder
reactor, Nuclear waste and its disposal, Nuclear power plants in India
11 Jet Propulsion: Turbojet Engine*, thrust, thrust power, propulsive efficiency, 2 5
thermal efficiency, (Turboprop, Ramjet and Pulsejet engines, Rocket engines)*
12 Economics of Power Generation: Load curves, Load duration curves, 4 8
Connected load, Maximum load, Peak load, Base load and peak load power
plants, Load factor, Plant capacity factor, Plant use factor, Demand factor,
Diversity factor, Cost of power plant, Performance and operating characteristics
of power plant, Tariff for electric energy
* This topic should be covered during laboratory sessions
Reference Books:
1. Power Plant Engineering, P.K. Nag, McGraw-Hill Education
2. Power Plant Technology, M.M. El-Wakil, McGraw-Hill Education
3. Thermal Engineering, R.K.Rajput, Laxmi Publication
4. Gas Turbines by V Ganeshan, McGraw Hill Education
5. Steam Turbine Theory and Practice, William J. Kearton, CBS Publication
Course Outcome:
After learning the course the students should be able to:
Understand the different power generation methods, its economics and global energy
Apply the basic thermodynamics and fluid flow principles to different power generation
Analyze thermodynamic cycles of steam power plant and understand construction,
working and significance of its various systems
Analyze thermodynamic cycles of gas turbine power plant, nuclear power plant and jet
propulsion systems
List of Experiments: (any ten experiments to be performed)
1. Study of Modern Steam Power Plant.
2. Study of Steam Turbines. (Impulse, Reaction and governing).
3. Study of Gas and Steam Turbine Combined Cycles.
4. Study of Nuclear Power Plant.
5. Study of various draught system.
6. Study of different feed water treatment plants.
7. Study of different types of steam nozzle and design a nozzle
8. Comparative study of different types of high pressure boilers
9. Study of Coal and Ash handling system.
10. Study of condenser and cooling tower.
11. Study of Jet Propulsion systems.
Sr. Content Total %
No. Hrs Weightage
Introduction: Introduction, Global fluid power Scenario, Basic system of
1 Hydraulics-Major advantages and disadvantages, Principles of Hydraulic Fluid 5 10
power, Hydraulic Symbols, Electrical Elements used in hydraulic circuits.
System Components, Hydraulic Oils, Fluid Properties and Filter: Hydraulic &
Pneumatic Symbols as per ISO/ANSI, Types, Properties, physical characteristics &
2 5 15
functions of hydraulic Oils, Classification- Mineral based, Fire resistant&
Biodegradable Oils, Filters, Contaminations, location of filter.
Hydraulic Pumps, Motors and Actuators: Construction, working principle and
operation of rotary & reciprocating pumps like Gear, Vane, Generated-Rotor,
3 Screw, Axial Piston, Radial Piston, Pump characteristics, Linear and Rotary 6 20
Actuators, Hydrostatic Transmission Systems. Selection of components for
Hydraulic Valves and Hydraulic System Accessories: Direction control valves,
4 Pressure control valves, Flow control valves, Non-return valves, Reservoirs, 6 18
Accumulators, Heating & cooling devices, Hoses. Selection of valves for circuits.
Design of hydraulic circuits: Basic hydraulic circuits, Industrial hydraulic circuits,
5 6 10
Power losses in flow control circuits.
Introduction to Pneumatic Systems: Basic Requirements for Pneumatic System,
Applications, Pneumatic fundamentals, Construction, working principle and
6 operation of pneumatic power transmission system components like Power source, 6 12
FRL unit, Actuators and control valves like DCV, FCV, PCV, time delay, quick
exhaust, twin pressure, shuttle.
Pneumatic circuits: Basic pneumatic circuits, Development of single Actuator
7 Circuits, Development of multiple Actuator Circuits, Cascade method for 6 10
8 Introduction to Automation in hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems. 3 5
Reference Books:
1. Industrial Hydraulics by John Pippenger and Tyler Hicks, McGraw Hill.
2. Oil Hydraulic Systems, Principle and Maintenance by S R Majumdar, McGraw-Hill.
3. Fluid Power with Applications by Anthony Esposito, Pearson.
4. Fluid Power: Generation, Transmission and Control, Jagadeesha T., Thammaiah Gowda, Wiley.
5. The Analysis & Design of Pneumatic Systems by B. W. Anderson, John Wiley.
6. Control of Fluid Power Analysis and Design by Mc Clay Donaldson, Ellis Horwood Ltd.
7. Hydraulic and Pneumatic Controls: Understanding made Easy, K.Shanmuga Sundaram, S.Chand &
Co Book publishers, New Delhi, 2006 (Reprint 2009)
8. Basic Pneumatic Systems, Principle and Maintenance by S R Majumdar, McGraw-Hill.
9. Basic fluid power Dudley, A. Pease and John J. Pippenger, , Prentice Hall, 1987
Course Outcome:
After learning the course, the students should be able to:
1. Identify and analyse the functional requirements of a power transmission system for a given
application. (Application involving fluid power transmission)
2. Design an appropriate hydraulic or pneumatic circuit or combination circuit like electro-hydraulics,
electro-pneumatics for a given application. Develop a circuit diagram.
3. Visualize how the hydraulic/pneumatic circuit will work to accomplish the function.
4. Selection and sizing of components of the circuit.
List of Experiments:
A. Experiments on Hydraulics Circuits:
1. Extend-Retract and Stop system of a linear actuator.
2. Regenerative circuit.
3. Speed Control circuits: meter-in, meter-out and bleed off.
4. Sequencing circuit
5. Use of solenoid operated DCV.
6. Rapid Traverse and Feed circuit.
B. Experiments on Pneumatic Circuits:
1. Study of Compressor, FRL unit and 5/3 DCV.
2. Reciprocating motion of a single and a double acting actuators using 5/3 DCV.
3. Speed control circuits.
4. Automatic to & fro motion of a pneumatic linear actuator.
5. Sequencing circuit.
6. Logical circuits using shuttle valve.
C. Students should build up the above circuits on computer using software and simulate the flow of fluid
during the operation. Afterwards, they themselves can physically connect the circuit on the
hydraulic/pneumatic trainer and run the circuit.
Design based Problems (DP)/Open Ended Problem: Student can be given an application of a power
transmission system for which they can evaluate the functional requirements and design appropriate circuit.
They must identify the components, and relevant parameters. The application must involve use of
hydraulics/pneumatics and/or combinations of different power transmission systems.
Major Equipment:
1. A hydraulic trainer
2. A pneumatic trainer
3. Simulation Software
Rationale: The course is designed to give knowledge of various renewable energy sources, systems and
applications in the present context and need.
Sr. Total %
No. Hrs Weightage
1 Scenario of Renewable Energy (RE) Sources: Needs of renewable energy, 2 03
advantages and limitations of RE, present energy scenario of conventional
and RE sources
2 Solar Energy: Energy available from the sun, spectral distribution, solar 22 40
radiation outside the earth’s atmosphere and at the earth’s surface, solar
radiation geometry, Instruments for solar radiation measurements, empirical
equations for prediction of availability of solar radiation, radiation on tilted
solar energy conversion into heat, types of solar collectors, evacuated and
non-evacuated solar air heater, concentrated collectors, thermal analysis of
liquid flat plate collector, air heater and cylindrical parabolic collector, solar
energy thermal storage, heating and cooling of buildings, solar pumping,
solar cooker, solar still, solar drier, solar refrigeration and air conditioning,
solar pond, heliostat, solar furnace
photovoltaic system for power generation, solar cell modules and arrays,
solar cell types, material, applications, advantages and disadvantages
3 Wind Energy: Energy available from wind, basics of lift and drag, basics of 12 22
wind energy conversion system, effect of density, angle of attack and wind
speed, windmill rotors, horizontal and vertical axes rotors, drag, lift, torque
and power coefficients, tip speed ratio, solidity of turbine, wind turbine
performance curves, wind energy potential and site selection, basics of wind
4 Bio Energy : Types of biogas plants, biogas generation, factors affecting 03 05
biogas generation, advantages and disadvantages, biomass energy, energy
plantation, gasification, types and applications of gasifiers
5 Ocean Energy: OTEC principle, open, closed and hybrid cycle OTEC 08 12
system, Energy from tides, estimation of tidal power, tidal power plants,
single and double basin plants, site requirements, advantages and limitations,
wave energy, wave energy conversion devices, advantages and
disadvantages, ocean thermal energy
Geothermal energy: Introduction, vapor and liquid dominated systems,
binary cycle, hot dry rock resources, magma resources, advantages and
disadvantages, applications
MHD Power generation: concept and working principle
6 Economic Analysis: 09 18
Initial and annual cost, basic definitions, present worth calculations,
repayment of loan in equal annual installments, annual savings, cumulative
saving and life cycle cost, economic analysis of add on solar system, payback
period, clean development mechanism
Demonstration of following equipment should be given to the students.
(a) Solar water heater (b) Solar air heater (c) Pyranometer (d) Pyrhelioemeter (e) Solar PV system (f) Wind
mill (g) Biogas plant (h) Gasifier (i) Solar cooker
Reference Books:
1. Solar Energy: Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage, S. P. Sukhatme and J. K. Nayak, McGraw-
Hill Education
2. Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, John A. Duffie, William A. Beckman, John Wiley, New York
3. Non-conventional energy resources, Shobh Nath Singh, Pearson India
4. Solar Energy Engineering, Soteris Kalogirou, Elsevier/Academic Press.
5. Principles of Solar Energy, Frank Krieth & John F Kreider, John Wiley, New York
Course Outcome:
After learning the subject, student will be able to understand,
Importance of RE sources
Applications of different RE sources
Carry our preliminary economic analysis of RE systems
Type of course: Undergraduate
Rationale: The aim is to introduce students to the vehicle structure and associated systems. Fundamentals
related to vehicle and its systems’ layouts, basic design of vehicle body structure and selection of systems
components are introduced.
Sr. Content Total
% Weightage
No. Hrs
1 Introduction to Automotive Systems
7 15%
Vehicle body classification and specification: Body construction type,
Location of engine and Drive system types and arrangement, specification of
vehicles; Functional requirements of vehicle body, Body trim and fittings,
Overview of various systems including safety features, steering system types,
Tire construction and types.
2 Body Load Analysis:
Vehicle Loads: Static load, Load due to Acceleration and Braking, Moments 9 20%
and Torque due to driving conditions, resistance to motion and aerodynamic
load, Types of materials used in body construction, Analysis and Selection of
body member sections, Body sub frame and underfloor structure, car front and
rear end structure, Vehicle Structure Analysis by Simple Structural Surface
(SSS) Method: Saloon and simple van.
3 Transmission and Driveline systems 7 20%
Constructional features and working of clutches*, Gear Train: sliding mesh,
constant mesh and synchromesh gear boxes with related components, Propeller
and drive shaft, universal joints, Rear wheel drive arrangements, Rear axle final
drive, the differential, rear axle, Simple problems in all mentioned topics,
Automatic Transmission and CVT.
4 Suspension, Steering and Braking systems 14 25%
Types of suspension systems, Functional requirements of suspension systems,
Front suspension system and Steering: Types, Definitions for wheel orientation
and its effect, Types and Constructional features of Front Suspension, , Steering
layout, types of steering gears, steering linkages, steering mechanism,
definitions and significance of camber, caster and king pin inclination, toe in
and toe out on turn, measurement and adjustment of various steering system
layouts, steering ratio, under steering and over steering, steering geometry;
Rear suspension system: Types, Factors affecting design and selection;
Performance Analysis of Suspension system: Mobility, kinematic / graphical
analysis, Roll centre analysis, and force analysis
10 15 15 10 10 10
Reference Books:
1. Motor Vehicle Structures: Concepts and Fundamentals, Jason C. Brown, A. John Robertson, Stan T.
Serpento, Butterworth Heinemann, 2002.
2. Handbook of Vehicle Design Analysis, John Fenton (Editor), Mechanical Engineering Publications
Limited, London and Bury St Edmunds, UK, 1996.
3. Automobile Technology, N.K. Giri, Khanna Publishers, 2011.
4. An Introduction to Modern Vehicle Design, Julian Happian-Smith, Butterworth- Heinemann, 2002.
5. Theory of Ground Vehicles, J.Y. Wong, John Wiley and Sons, 2001.
6. Automobile Mechanical and Electrical Systems Automotive Technology: Vehicle Maintenance and
Repair, Tom Denton, Butterworth Heinemann, 2011.
7. Clutches and Brakes, W C Orthwein, Marcel Dekker.
8. Automotive Mechanics by William H Crouse.
9. Advanced Vehicle Technology by Heinz and Heisler
Course Outcome:
Major Equipment: