Manual Datamax
Manual Datamax
Manual Datamax
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Chapter I
Introduction ................................................................................1
Chapter II
Control Codes .......................................................................................3
Chapter III
Immediate Commands <SOH>....................................................5
SOH # Reset......................................................................................6
SOH A Send ASCII Status String.......................................................6
SOH B Toggle Pause .........................................................................7
SOH C Stop/Cancel............................................................................7
SOH D SOH Shutdown ......................................................................8
SOH E Send Batch Quantity ..............................................................8
SOH F Send Status Byte....................................................................9
Chapter IV
System-Level Commands <STX>...............................................11
STX A Time and Date......................................................................13
STX a Enable Feedback Characters ..............................................14
STX B Printer Time and Date Information.......................................14
STX b Set Cutter Signal Time .........................................................15
STX C Copy Module ........................................................................16
STX c Continuous Paper Length ....................................................17
STX D Memory Dump (Test Mode Only).........................................18
STX d Double Buffer Mode .............................................................19
STX E Label Quantity ......................................................................20
STX e Select Edge Sensor .............................................................20
STX F Form Feed............................................................................22
STX f Form Stop Position (Backfeed Command) .........................22
STX G Print Last Label Format........................................................23
STX g Internal Batch Software Mode..............................................23
STX H Cutter Signal Time ...............................................................24
STX I Input Image Data..................................................................25
STX I Downloading Scalable Fonts................................................26
STX J Pause For Each Label..........................................................27
Prodigy Request Memory Module Status..........................28
STX K Extended System Commands .............................................29
STX k Test RS-232 Port .................................................................29
STX L Enter Label-Formatting ........................................................29
STX M Maximum Label Length........................................................30
STX m Metric Mode .........................................................................30
STX N Enter Internal Batch Mode (Prodigy) ....................................31
STX n Set Printer To Inches ...........................................................31
STX O Start Of Print Position...........................................................31
STX o Cycle Cutter..........................................................................33
STX P Character (HEX) Dump Mode..............................................33
STX p Controlled Pause..................................................................33
STX Q Clears All Modules ...............................................................34
STX q Clear Module........................................................................35
STX R Ribbon Saver on/off .............................................................36
Prodigy Remove Graphic Image .......................................36
STX r Select reflective sensor ........................................................37
STX S Feed Rate ............................................................................38
STX s Test Module Memory (Prodigy only) ....................................38
STX S Single Buffer Mode...............................................................38
STX T Printhead Dot Pattern Test Label.........................................39
STX t Test RAM Memory Module ..................................................39
STX U Label Format Field Replacement.........................................40
STX V Software Switch Settings .....................................................41
STX v Printer's Firmware Version Information................................43
STX W Request Memory Module information ..................................43
STX w Test Flash Memory Module..................................................44
STX X Set Default Module...............................................................46
STX x Delete File from Module .......................................................47
STX Y Output Sensor Values ..........................................................48
STX y Select Font Symbol Set........................................................48
STX Z Print Internal Information and Dot Pattern............................49
STX z Pack Module ........................................................................49
Chapter V
Extended-System Commands <STX>K ......................................51
STX K Offset Distance, Top-of-Form ..............................................51
STX KD Configuration........................................................................52
STX Kf Set Present Distance ...........................................................53
STX KI GPIO Input ...........................................................................54
STX KM Memory Configuration..........................................................55
STX KO GPIO Output ........................................................................57
STX KQ Query Memory Configuration ...............................................59
STX KR Reset Memory Configuration ...............................................61
STX Kr Resettable Counter Reset....................................................61
STX KS Scalable Cache Configuration..............................................61
STX KW Width Label Memory Configuration......................................61
Chapter VI
Label-Formatting Commands .....................................................63
: Set Cut By Amount .....................................................................64
A Set Format Attribute ...................................................................65
C Set Column Offset Amount.........................................................67
c Set Cut By Amount .....................................................................67
D Set Width and Height Dot Size ...................................................68
E Terminate Label Formatting Mode and Print Label ....................69
G Place Data In Global Register ....................................................69
H Enter Heat Setting ......................................................................70
M Select Mirror Mode .....................................................................71
m Set Metric Mode..........................................................................72
n Set Inch Mode.............................................................................72
P Set Print Speed...........................................................................73
p Set Label Backup Speed ............................................................74
Q Set Quantity Of Labels To Print ..................................................75
R Set Row Offset Amount ..............................................................75
r Recall Stored Label Format........................................................76
S Set Slew Rate .............................................................................77
s Store Label Format In Module ....................................................78
T Set Field Data Line Terminator...................................................79
U Make Previous Field A String Replace Field ..............................80
W Wait Mode (Prodigy only) .......................................................81
X Terminate Label-Formatting Mode .............................................81
yS Select Font Symbol Set ..............................................................82
Z Zip Mode (Prodigy only)..............................................................82
z Zero (Ø) Conversion to "0" .........................................................83
+ (>) Make Last Field Entered Increment Numeric (Alphanumeric)....83
- (<) Make Last Field Entered Decrement Numeric (Alphanumeric) .84
^ Set Count By Amount .................................................................85
Chapter VII
Font-Loading Commands <ESC> ..............................................89
*c###D Assign Font ID Number........................................................89
)s###W Font Descriptor.....................................................................90
*c###E Character Code....................................................................90
(s#W Character Download Data....................................................90
Chapter VIII
Generating Label Formats ..........................................................91
Generating Records ..............................................................................93
The Structure of a Record.....................................................................93
The Header Fields.................................................................................94
Record Structure Types ........................................................................99
Internal Bit-Mapped Font.......................................................................99
Smooth Font, Modules, Downloaded Bit-Mapped Fonts.....................100
Scalable Font ......................................................................................101
Images........ ........................................................................................103
Lines and Boxes..................................................................................104
Polygons and Circles ..........................................................................105
Image Loading ....................................................................................111
Appendix A
ASCII Control Chart ............................................................................113
Appendix B
Sample Programs ...............................................................................115
Appendix C
Available Fonts....................................................................................119
Appendix D
Error Codes.........................................................................................127
Appendix E
Single Byte Symbol Sets .....................................................................129
Appendix F
Valid Barcode Font ASCII Characters................................................143
Appendix G
Available Barcodes .............................................................................145
UPC-A and EAN-13: Variable Prince or Weight Bar Code .................171
Appendix H
Font Mapping, Single and Double Byte (Kanji) Characters.................173
Appendix I
Symbol Sets, Code Pages, and Character Maps................................177
Appendix J
General Purpose I/O Signals ..............................................................181
Appendix K
Font Cartridges Names and Sizes ......................................................185
Appendix L
Module Identifiers by Product and Maximum Label Format Fields .....189
Appendix M
Printer Speed Ranges and Defaults....................................................193
Appendix N
Commands by Function ......................................................................195
Appendix O
Bar Code Symbology Information Sources .........................................199
This manual is designed for users who wish to create their own label
production software. Operators without programming experience may
prefer to use a label-creation software package.
There are four main command types used to create labels and control the
1. Immediate Commands
2. System-Level Commands
3. Label-Formatting Commands
4. Font-Loading Commands.
Control Codes
In order to be ready for a command sequence, the printer must first
receive a special character called an “attention getter”, this informs the
printer that it is about to receive a command and the type of command it
will be. Immediate commands, system-level commands, and font-loading
commands each have their own attention getter. The attention getter
character is followed by a command character that tells the printer what
action to take. Most system-level command characters are followed by
parameter values.
Immediate Commands <SOH>
1. Attention Getter
2. Command Character
3. Parameters (if any).
SOH # Reset
This command resets the printer. Resetting the printer returns all
settings to default and clears both the input and print buffers. The
command also clears the internal RAM memory. See Appendix L.
Sample: <SOH>#
The printer will now reset.
Printer Response: T <XON>;
The T may come after the <XON>
Sample: <SOH>A
Printer Response: abcdefgh<CR>
SOH B Toggle Pause
This command toggles the printer’s paused state between on and off.
This is the same function that is achieved when the pause button on
the printer's front panel is pressed.
Sample: <SOH>B
Upon which it will turn the pause/stop light off and resume
operation from where it was interrupted. On some printers if the RX
Buffer is not full a <XON> character will be transmitted from the
SOH C Stop/Cancel
This command performs the same function as pressing the
stop/cancel button on the printer's front panel. The stop/cancel
function clears the current label format from the print buffer. It will
also pause the printer and turn the pause/stop light on.
Sample: <SOH>C
The pause condition is terminated as described under <SOH>B.
SOH D SOH Shutdown
This command causes the printer to ignore immediate commands
(^A). The SOH shutdown command must be sent before loading
graphic images or fonts since some graphic images or fonts may
contain data sequences that could be interpreted as an immediate
Sample: <SOH>D
After the SOH shutdown command is sent, immediate commands
can be turned back on by sending the SOH B command three times
with a one second delay between each command, or by manually
resetting the printer. It is good practice to check batch quantities
<SOH>E to verify that the SOH commands are working.
SOH F Send Status Byte
This command instructs the printer to send a single status byte where
each bit (1 or 0) represents one of the printer's status flags, followed
by a carriage return. If an option is not available for a printer the
single bit will always be 0.
Sample: <SOH>F
From the Printer: X<CR>
System-Level Commands
The most commonly used commands are the system-level commands,
these commands are used to load and store graphic information and to
control the printer. System-level commands may be used before or after
immediate commands but cannot be issued among label-formatting
commands. System-level commands can be used to override default
parameter values, (fixed and selectable). Selectable-parameter value
defaults may be assigned via switch setting or menu selection. Menu
selectable parameters are shown in the printer’s operator’s manual.
System commands consist of:
1. Attention Getter
2. Command Character
3. Parameters (if any).
Command Command Function
K Extended System Commands
k Test RS-232 Port, With a Y if ok
L Enter Label Formatting Mode
M Set Maximum Label Length
m Set Printer to Metric
N Enter Internal Batch
n Set Printer to Inches
O Set Start of Print Position
o Cycle Cutter
P Enter Character Dump Mode
p Controlled Pause
Q Clears all Modules
q Clear Module
R Ribbon Saver
r Select Reflective Sensor
S Set Feed Rate
s Set Printer to single buffer mode
T Printhead Dot Pattern Test Label
t Test RAM Memory Module
U Label Format Field Replacement
V Software Switch Settings
v Printer's Firmware Version Information
W Request Memory Module Information
w Test FLASH Memory Module
X Set Default Module (Special Dump Mode)
x Delete Module File
Y Output Sensor Values
y Select Font Symbol Set
Z Print Internal Information and Dot Pattern
z Pack Module
Table 3-1 System-Level Commands (concluded)
STX A Set Time and Date
This command sets the time and date. The first time the date is set it
will be stored in the printer's internal inch counter. This date can be
verified by printing a configuration label.
w 1 digit for day of week; 1 = Monday
mm 2 digits for month
dd 2 digits for day
yyyy 4 digits for year
hh 2 digits for hour in 24 hour format
MM 2 digits for minutes
jjj 3 digits for Julian date *
Figure 3-2 Time and Date
Sample: <STX>A1020319960855034
Prints: Mon. Feb 3rd., 1996, 8:55AM, the 34th day of the year.
STX a Enable Feedback Characters
This command enables the feedback ASCII HEX characters 07, 1E
and 1F to be returned from the printer after specific events. The
printer returns character 07 after an invalid command, 1E after each
label is printed, and 1F after each batch of labels. For printers
without an LCD/keypad front panel, the default value is ‘off’
Sample: <STX>a
STX b Set Cutter Signal Time
Prodigy/Prodigy Plus
This command sets the signal time, (external signal @ port J4) and
will determine the low pulse length and delay time setting to the
specified value. To set a 50 msec. delay and low pulse, first calculate
the four-digit time (0.050/0.000024 = 2083.33.)
For the example above, the following signal will be sent out of J4
Pin 2 located on the back panel of the printer.
STX C Copy Module
The copy module command will halt all operation of the printer
until the module copy is complete. Be sure that the new module's
write protect switch is off and the original module has the write
protect switch on. Because there is only one module slot available,
the following procedure must be followed for a module to be
Note: The printer can copy a module without the use of this
command. If you wish to copy a group of modules it can be
done by directly controlling the printer through the front
panel. You can do this by first pressing the stop/cancel
button and then pressing the feed button at the same time.
Next release both buttons and look for the blinking pause
light. Now go to step one listed above.
Prodigy Plus
Sample: <STX>qA
This sample will first clear and format the module, then the data
from module B will be copied to module A.
<STX> cnnnn
Sample: <STX>c0100
The above sample sets a page length of 100, which equals 1.00”,
assuming metric mode has not been enabled; see <STX m>
STX D Memory dump (Test Mode Only)
Dumps selected memory to RS-232 port in hex-dump format, and
<ESC> terminates the mode. There are several tables that provide
the necessary address, this is for engineering purposes only, (refer
to Appendix E). Test mode can be enabled via the DIP switch or
menu selection, see the printer’s operator manual for additional
Sample: CR>
Printer Response: A07 4000
0 4000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ....... .......
0 4010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ....... .......
0 4020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ....... .......
0 4030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ....... .......
Sample: <CR>
The sample above will let you view data in RAM #1 Bank 7 and the
data will be displayed in a debug format. When you hit Enter more
data will be transmitted out the RS-232 port. You should use a
program like PC Batch version 5.0 or greater, which has a dumb
terminal mode, or uses a dumb terminal to view the data. You must
enter Esc to leave this mode and regain control of the printer.
STX E Set Quantity For Stored Label
This command sets the number of labels to print for the label format
currently stored in the print buffer. The most recent label sent to the
printer will automatically remain stored in the buffer until the printer
is reset or turned off, (this command is also used in conjunction with
the STX G command, which will print the labels).
Sample: <STX>E0025
The above sample will print 25 labels of the current label format in
memory. This command may be issued prior to a label format not
containing a specified quantity (Qnnn).
For printers without LCD/keypad front panels, this is the default
setting when the printer is powered up or reset.
Sample: <STX>e
STX F Form Feed
This command feeds one label. After a reset condition for the first
label out, if the physical label length is less than the label offset
value (see <STX>O), the printer will feed more than one label until
a top-of-form is sensed, or when the label edge offset is reached.
Sample: <STX>F
Sample*: <STX>f230
STX G Print Last Label Format
This command prints a previously formatted label and restarts a
canceled batch job after the last processed label. This command is
used when there is a label format in the buffer. The STX E command
is used to enter the quantity. (If the STX E command is not used
only one label will print.)
Sample: <STX>G
Sample: <STX>g
STX H Set Cutter Signal Time
Prodigy / Prodigy Plus
Set cutter signal time (external signal @ port J4). This command
will result in a 5 usec. low pulse and setting the cutter signal on
delay time.
To set a 50 msec. delay and low pulse you must
first calculate the 4 digit time.
0.050/0.000024 = 2083.33
STX I Input Image Data
This command precedes the download of image data from the host to
the printer. The data that immediately follows the command string
will be image data. If any of the 8-bit input formats are to be used, it
is necessary to disable the immediate level command interpreter by
executing a SOH D command before issuing this command. To print
an image, select font type Y, (see ‘Generating Label Formats’).
Horizontal and vertical magnification may be used with human-
readable fonts. Data sent to this field is also used as the name of the
defined graphic image.
a- Memory Module Bank Select, A-E (see Appendix L)
- Available on DMX600, DMX800, Prodigy Max, PE42, PE43, Ovation! and
Titan 6200.
nnnnnnnn- Up to 8 characters used as an image name, must be
terminated by <CR>.
data- Image data
Sample: <SOH>D
<STX> I Ap Test <CR> <CR>
The above sample instructs the printer to receive an 8-bit .PCX
image sent by 8-bit data, named ‘Test’, and to store it in memory
module A.
Syntax: <STX>imtnnName<CR>xxxxxxxxdata...
m Module ID to save this font to ('A', 'B', ‘C’, 'E')
xxxxxxxx Digit size of the font data, number of bytes,
hexidecimal, padded with leading zeros.
data The scalable font data.
<STX>iET52Tree Frog<CR>000087C2data...
This command downloads a true type font to module 'E' and
assigns it the font ID of 52 and the name "Tree Frog". The size
of the font data is 0x87C2 bytes long.
Sample: <STX>J
Prodigy Request Memory Module Status
Sample: <STX>J
STX K Extended System Commands
This command allows for expansion of the DPL-system commands.
See page 51 for the Extended-System Commands.
Sample: <STX>k
Printer Response: Y
Sample: <STX>L
STX M Set Maximum Label Length
This command will instruct the printer of the maximum distance to
search for a label’s edge (registration hole/mark) before declaring a
paper fault. This condition can occur when this command is set to a
value close to the physical length of the label (within 0.1in.,
2.54mm). It is good practice to set this command to 2.5 to 3 times
the actual length of the label used. The minimum position value
should be at least 5" (127mm).
Sample: <STX>M0500
The above sample sets a maximum label length of 5 inches unless
printer is in metric mode (see <STX>m).
STX N Enter Internal Batch Mode (Prodigy)
With this command you can enter directly into the Internal Batch
Software without using any of the dip switches at the rear of the
printer. To return to the standard operating mode, go to the ALT-S
screen and enter 8 to return to the RS-232 mode. See <STX> g for
other printers.
Sample: <STX>N
Sample: <STX>n
Default setting: Inches
Sample: <STX>O0300
STX o Cycle Cutter
When this command is sent, the (optional) cutter mechanism will
immediately make a cut. The Cutter Option must be enabled and the
cutter motor cover must be in place for the cutter to operate.
Sample: <STX>o
Notes: This command is not available on the Prodigy.
The Prodigy Plus requires firmware version 1.18
or greater.
STX Q Clears All Modules
This command instructs the printer to clear all of the Flash, RAM,
and Internal Modules, (see your operator's manual for Flash, RAM
and Internal Module options).
Sample: <STX>Q
This command will clear out the desired memory bank of the
Prodigy printer. After the module has been cleared it will need to
be formatted for graphics or label formats; see the STX Xatnn.
The above command will clear and format bank A of the 32K
SRAM module on a Prodigy.
STX q Clear Module
This command clears the selected memory module (Flash or RAM).
Turn off the write protect switch on flash memory modules before
using this command. If a module becomes corrupt during normal
operations it must be cleared. A corrupt module is identified when
the printer responds with a ‘No Modules Available’ message to a
<STX>W, request memory module information command. If a flash
module is corrupt it cannot be cleared with this command; to clear
and reformat a corrupted module, place it in the slot and cycle the
printer's power off and then on. If an image file is loaded
improperly, or it is bad, the entire module may appear corrupt. The
flash module is at the end of its life cycle after it has been cleared
approximately 100,000 times. If a module directory intermittently
returns the message ‘No Modules Available’, or data continuously
becomes corrupt with the write protect switch on, the module is at
the end of its life and must be replaced. Before concluding that a
module is defective, cycle the printer's power and test the module.
STX R Ribbon Saver on/off
Where: x = Y= Enabled (default*)
N = Disabled
This is the only command that is used for the ribbon saver. This
command is not used to tell the ribbon saver when to lift or go down,
rather it turns the option completely on or off. The ribbon saver will
operate automatically and lift when the minimum amount of white
space is exceeded. Ribbon saver operation will work continuously
when it is on.
Sample: <STX>RN
The sample above will turn the ribbon saver off.
Where: nn...n = Image name, 8 characters maximum.
With this command an individual graphic image can be removed
from the memory module. This function is only available on the
standard Prodigy printer.
Sample: <STX>RLOGO<CR>
STX r Select Reflective Sensor
This command selects the reflective sensor for label detection. Used
for "black-stripe" media sensing such as continuous tags or butt-cut
labels. A black stripe must be printed on the back side of the media.
The sensor will sense the end of the black mark determining the top-
of-form, (the point where printing will begin). Labels must be at
least 0.5" (13mm) between each top-of-form. To line up the top-of-
form with the printhead, use the label offset command STX O. The
reflective sensor on the printer can be moved left/right to line up
with a mark on the underside of the labels, (the STXe command
changes the printer from reflective sensing back to edge sensing).
Sample: <STX>r
Default setting: Edge sensing
STX S Set Feed Rate
This command sets the speed that the printer will feed media when
the feed button is pressed.
Where: n - Is a letter value from A to S, (see Appendix M).
This command will cause a test of the 32K RAM module for the
Prodigy printer and overwrite any information stored on the module.
Sample: <STX>STEST
Printer Response: Good: MODULE OK!!<CR><BEL>
Sample: <STX>s
STX T Printhead Dot Pattern Test Label
This command instructs the printer to print a dot pattern test label.
This command prints the same dot pattern test label as powering up
the printer with the ‘Feed’ button held down (self-test mode), except
that the printer will not print a configuration label and will not enter
Character Hex Dump Mode. To view the full test pattern use the
media as wide as the print width and at least 2 in. (50.8 mm) long.
Sample: <STX>T
All other Printers
From the Printer: Module A: xxxxK Ram Tested results<CR>
Module B: xxxxK Ram Tested results<CR>
Module D: xxxxK Ram Tested results<CR>
Module e: xxxxK Ram Tested results<CR>
Sample: <STX>L
161100001000100data field1<CR>
161100001100110data field2<CR>
161100001200120data field 3<CR>
<STX>U01New data F1<CR>
<STX>U02New data F2<CR>
The sample above results in three printed labels, the first is formatted
with the commands between <STX>L and E. The next two labels
print with the replacement data contained in the STX U commands,
(see STX E and STX G).
DIP Switch: Bit Assignment By Printer
Bit 400, Prodigy Prodigy Allegro, Prodigy DIP
Assignment 600, Plus Allegro 2 Max, Switch
800, and Ovation,
6200 Ovation2,
and PE43
0 Cutter Cutter Cutter Cutter Cutter 8
1 Internal Insert Invert Internal 7
Batch Ribbon Ribbon Batch
Sense Saver
2 Label Label Label Label 6
Present Present Present Present
3 Internal 5
Use the bit assignment table listed above to determine the command value
n in the binary table below.
Sample: <STX>V5
Sample: <STX>v
From the Printer: VER DA - 01.01 12/21/93<CR>
Printer response*: MODULE: A<CR>
*The response shows Module A contains no graphic data
and has 49083 bytes of free space. Module B contains two
graphic image files, LOGO and CAM, and has 257919
bytes free.
Printer response: aaaaaaaabbbbbbbb
Where: any ‘a’ may be:
P - program success
? - hardware problem
e - module error
STX X Set Default Module
The default module command is used when downloading
information to module memory and is designed to allow the user to
select between memory modules. If C is entered to select a memory
bank, the data will go to whichever bank was set by the set default
module bank command. If the printer uses only one bank, this
command is not necessary.
Where: a = A,B, C, D, E memory module (bank) name (See
Appendix L)
Sample: <STX>XB
STX x Delete File from Module
This command removes a specific file from the specified module.
The file name is removed from the module directory and thus the file
cannot be accessed. The actual storage space occupied by the file is
not released. The pack command can be issued to reclaim all deleted
file storage space, (see STX z).
Sample: <STX>xmtnn...<CR>
STX Y Output Sensor Values
This command causes the printer to respond with the sensor value
status. The printer must be in test mode, controlled from the
operator’s panel, or DIP switch (depending on model printer). When
STXY is received, the printer will respond with the printer sensor
values. To repeat the display of values, send the printer a ‘SPACE’
(20 hexadecimal). Send <ESC> to terminate the function.
Sample: <STX>Y
Example: <STX>ySPM
Selects PC-850 multilingual set
Sample: <STX>zm
Where: m The module identification character, A-E. (see
Appendix L, <STX>X and <STX>x for additional
Extended-System Commands
STX KD Configuration (Ovation and Ovation2 only)
The configuration command (<STX>KD) controls the printer’s
environment and operates like a pseudo DIP switch in that the
command is stored in non-volatile memory and is retained for future
Syntax: <STX>KDxyz<CR>
x,y, and z are binary values with respective bit settings
are defined in the following tables. Bit 0 is least
Where x:
Bit # Function Value - Meaning
0-2 Baud Rate 0=9600, 1=600, 2=2400, 3=19200, 4=4800,
5=300, 6=1200, 7=9600 Test Mode
3 Word Length and 0=8 bits and no parity, 1=7 bits and even parity
4&5 Unused Set to 0
6 Always 1 Set to 1
7 Always 0 Set to 0
Where: y
Bit # Function Value
0 Print Method 0=direct, 1=transfer
1 Present Sensor 0=not equipped, 1=equipped
2 *Control Character 0=standard, 1=main frame
3 Cutter 0=disabled, 1=enabled
4&5 Unused Set to 0
6 Always 1 Set to 1
7 Always 0 Set to 0
* Selects the control character’s value(s), see the Control Character Sets
Table on the following page. See Chapter 1 ‘Control Codes’
Where: z
Bit # Function Value
0&1 Paper Type 0=gap (edge), 1= reflective,
2=continous 3” default, (see <STX>c
2 Linerless 0=not equipped, 1=equipped
3-5 Unused Set to 0
6 Always 1 Set to 1
7 Always 0 Set to 0
<STX>Kf nnnn
STX KI GPIO Input DMX600 / 800, PE42, PE43,
Prodigy Max, 6200
This system-level command is used to configure the general purpose
I/O input channels. It provides for external control of the printer via
discrete lines. User input controls labeled I1 through I8 are for use in
conjunction with the Software Developer’s Kit (SDK), Applications
Program Interface (API). The PS, PRINT_START input allows the
user to determine when label printing (paper movement) begins,
(label formatting generally begins when formatting data is received).
A Signal name is attached to a selected pin and given a signal
characteristic as per the command syntax.
ff - 2-character function name (not case sensitive):
Start of print occurs when input pin #5 remains low for at least 20 mS.
Notes: All user I/O occurs at a fixed periodic rate of one sample
every 5ms.
This command is only available on the DMX 600, 800,
PE42, Prodigy Max and 6200.
The pin number field bit masks are expressed in ASCII
decimal numeric representation. Each bit represents an
input pin I1, I2, I3,... I8. All pins used in the bit mask will
have the same signal characteristics.
W Represents the start of a sequence, (up to five-
characters), that sets the printable label width.
Setting a width smaller than the natural (maximum)
width of the printer effectively extends printable
label length. This field is optional and if it does not
appear, the current printable label width is left
unchanged. The number that follows the W is a
decimal number (up to four digits) that specifies the
printable label width in either 100th's of inches or
millimeters, depending on the current units setting
of the printer (English or Metric). If the value
specified exceeds the natural (maximum) width of
the printer, the printable label width is set to its
maximum. If the value specified is less than the
minimum value allowed, then the printable label
width is set to the minimum allowed value. The
minimum allowed value is 200 and maximum value
is the maximum printer width.
Only one field M, S, or W is required, any two
fields are separated with a colon as shown.
Label printing requirements may be computed as
bytes (label print length * width allocation*
printhead resolution/8). For maximum throughput
the memory allocated should allow for three times
the computed requirement. Or available label length
as determined by <STX>KQ should be three times
label print length.
Other signal names provide the information the signal names imply
and may be attached to the selected pin, with a selected signal type
per the command syntax. See Appendix J for detailed a hardware
ff 2-character function, not case sensitive
Label complete on output pin 2 will go high 20 mS after the label
completes printing. 50 mS after a new label starts printing, the
label complete output will go low.
Note: All user I/O occurs at a fixed periodic rate of 5 mS per tic.
This command is available only on the DMX 600, DMX
800, PE42, Prodigy Max and 6200.
Syntax: <STX>KQ
VER: mm/dd/yy<CR>
MODULE: X:xxxx<CR>
LABEL SIZE: wwww:gggg:oo<CR>
STX KR Reset Memory Configuration
DMX 600, 800, Prodigy Max, Ovation, Ovation 2, PE43, PE43 and
Syntax: <STX>KR
Syntax: <STX>Kr
Label-Formatting Commands
An STX L command switches the printer from the system level to the
label- formatting command processor. All commands after STX L are
interpreted as label-formatting commands. Label-formatting
command can be used to override default parameter values.
Selectable parameter value defaults may be assigned via the menu
selection on printers so equipped. Menu-selectable parameters are
shown in the printer’s operators manual. Label formats do not contain
commands overriding printer default values will assume the defaults.
Command Description
: Sets cut by amount (4-Digit)
+ Makes last field entered increment numeric
- Makes last field entered decrement numeric
> Makes last field entered increment alphanumeric
< Makes last field entered decrement alphanumeric
^ Sets count by amount
A Sets format attribute
C Sets column offset amount
c Sets cut by amount (2-Digit)
D Sets width and height dot size
E Terminates label formatting mode and print label
G Places data in global register
H Enters the heat setting
M Sets mirroring mode
m Sets metric mode
n Sets inch mode
P Sets speed for print cycle
p Sets label backup speed
Q Enters quantity of labels to print
R Sets row offset amount
r Recalls stored label format
Command Description
S Sets slew rate speed for feeding labels
s Stores label format in module
T Sets field data line terminator
U Makes previous field a string - replaces the field
W Wait mode (Prodigy only)
X Terminates label formatting mode
y Selects font symbol set
Z Zip mode (Prodigy only)
z Zero (0) conversion to "O" to eliminate slash (/)
<STX>S Recall global data
<STX>T Print time and date
Table 5-1 Label-Formatting Commands (concluded )
Note: The cutter must be enabled and the cutter shield in place before
the cutter will operate.
This command is not available on the Prodigy.
A Set Format Attribute
This command specifies the type of format operation and remains in
effect until another format command is specified or another label
format has begun (<STX>L). Each label format defaults to attribute 1
- XOR.
Where: n- is either a 1, 2, 3 or 5
Sample: <STX>L
The above sample sets the printer to transparent mode and prints one
label showing overlapping text..
Default setting: XOR for all printers except the DMX 600/800,
which is set via the operator’s panel.
Note: This command is not valid on the Prodigy, Prodigy Plus,
Allegro, or Allegro 2.
Examples of attributes:
Inverse Mode
Opaque Mode
Transparent Mode
XOR Mode
C Set Column Offset Amount
This command allows horizontal adjustment of the point where
printing begins. This feature is useful when a single format must be
printed on several different types of labels that already have printed
information. If the pre-printed data does not appear in the same place
on every label, the new data may overlap the pre-printed data. The
‘C’ command instructs the printer to print label formats nnnn units to
the right of the position that the format specifies.
Where: nnnn- is a four-digit number for the column offset, in/100
or mm/10. The printer default is 0 for offset.
Sample: <STX>L
The above sample will shift all format data .5 inches to the right,
unless the printer is in metric mode, (see label-formatting
command M).
Sample: <STX>L<CR>
141100001000100SAMPLE LABEL<CR>
The above sample instructs the printer to make a cut after labels 7,
14, and 21 have been printed. See label-formatting command: set cut
by amount.
Note: The cutter must be enabled and the cutter shield in place
before the cutter will operate.
This option is not available on Prodigy.
Dot Size
Printhead Resolution Inches Millimeters
203 . 049 .13
300 .0033 .08
152 .0065 .16
289 (DMX 430) .0035 .09
Default setting: D22 for all printers except the DMX 600/800.
Is set via the operator’s panel for the DMX
E Terminate Label Formatting Mode and Print
When the printer is processing label-formatting commands and
receives an ‘E’ command, it will immediately print a label based on
the data it has received. Even if no printable data has been received,
the printer will generate and feed a label, (other termination
commands are ‘X’ and both ‘s’ label-formatting commands).
Commands sent to the printer after a terminate label command must
be of either immediate, system, or font download.
Sample: <STX>L<CR>
The above label format will print a label.
Sample: <STX>L<CR>
The above sample stores, retrieves and prints the data in global
register A. One label is printed containing “testing” in two locations.
H Enter Heat Setting
This command changes the "on time" of dots on the printhead. The
printer powers up with a default setting of 10, except in the case of
printers with LCD/keypad front panels where the default setting can
be changed through the front panel. Varying this number changes the
amount of time the dots are "turned on" which in turn changes the
amount of heat transferred from the printhead to the media. The range
of valid settings is 00 to 20*.
This command is helpful when the printer is used with several
different media types. When a label format is sent to the printer and
the media requires more or less heat than the amount set by the
default temperature, the host device can send a command before or
after the format to correct the heat setting for the media being used.
nn- is a two-digit heat value (00-20)
Sample: <STX>L<CR>
141100001000100SAMPLE LABEL<CR>
The above sample sets the printer for a heat value of 15 and prints
one label.
Notes: The darker potentiometer on printers without LCD/keypad front
panels and the darkness menu function on printers with
LCD/keypad front panels is intended for matching replacement
printheads to the printer after a head replacement procedure. It
has very little control over the actual burn temperature used for
*The Prodigy Max, Ovation, Ovation 2, PE42 PE43 and 6200
have a maximum value of 30. The printer automatically
compensates for varying print speed by internally adjusting
heat. Higher speeds result in the maximum heat even with heat
settings less than 30, depending on the darkness setting and the
direct-thermal setting.
Results Printed:
m Set Metric Mode
This command sets the printer to measure in metric. When this
command is sent, all measurements will be interpreted as metric
values, (e.g., a column offset of 0010 will be interpreted as 1.0mm
while in metric mode, and as 0.10in while in inches mode). All
printers default to English units.
Sample: <STX>L<CR>
141100001000100SAMPLE LABEL<CR>
The above sample will result in the text “sample label” printed at
starting location coordinates 10.0mm, 10.0mm.
P Set Print Speed
This command is used to set a print speed for a label or batch of
labels where the command is issued.
Where: a- is a single character (A to P) representing a speed,
see Appendix O.
Sample: <STX>L
The above sample prints two labels, the first at speed 3.0ips/76mms
and the second at the printer default.
p Set Label Backup Speed
This command is used for Peel and Present and Cut Label Operations.
It allows the user to specify the rate at which the printer will rewind
the label to align with the start of print position, (this is used if the
peel-off offset is specified), see <STX>f. Backup speed set via this
command remains in effect until another backup speed command is
received, the backup speed is modified via the LCD keypad, or when
the printer is reset.
Where: a- is a single character (C to I) setting a particular backup
speed, see Appendix M.
Sample: <STX>L
The above sample sets the printer to a backup speed of 3.5 ips.
Q Set Quantity Of Labels To Print
This command is used to set the number of the label copies to be
printed. All printers default to 1.
Where: n- is a four-digit value setting for the number of
labels to be printed.
Sample: <STX>L
The above sample will print 20 identical labels.
Sample: <STX>L
141100001000100SAMPLE LABEL<CR>
The above sample sets the printer's offset row amount to 37
hundredths of an inch, unless the printer is in metric mode.
S Set Slew Rate
This command sets the rate for the printer to feed un-printed labels,
and the rate blank portions of label will be advanced through the
printer. The slew rate remains unchanged unless another slew rate
command is sent, the printer is reset or the rate is set via the
Where: a= is a one character value (C to S) which sets a
maximum speed for label feeding. See Appendix M
and N.
Sample: <STX>L
The above sample sets the printer's slew rate to 3.0 ips (76mms) and
prints two labels. The slew rate for the second label is the same as the
s Store Label Format In Module
This command stores a label format in a specified module. Supplying
module name A, B, D or E will store the label to that module, while
using C will cause the label format to be stored in whichever module
has been set as the default module, (refer to the Set Default Module
Command, STX X). The store label-formatting command terminates
label-formatting command.
Where: a= A-E, represents a single character module name
(Appendix L)
nn...n= represents the label name (maximum 16
Sample: <STX>L<CR>
T Set Field Data Line Terminator
This command is valid only for the next format record, after which
the terminator defaults to a carriage return. This allows the user to
embed special binary control codes (i.e., carriage returns) into the
data to be printed. It is intended to be used with record types, (e.g.,
PDF417), that will accept binary data.
Sample: <STX>L<CR>
The above sample sets the terminator code to use a NULL terminator
(ASCII NULL, DEC 0, HEX 00) for the end of data line. The
terminator is immediately restored to a carriage return <CR> as seen
in the format record containing the text ‘TERMINATOR’.
U Make Previous Field A String Replace Field
This command is not necessary to use an updated field (register
loading), the command only controls the way the bit-mapped data is
formatted. If the command is used, only the changing data will be
reformatted; if this command is not used the entire label will be
formatted. The U command is used in conjunction with the system
command STX U to reformat only portions of a label. This results in
faster label generation.
Notes: The data string length of any register is set by the length of
the string when it is created. A new string must be the same
length as the old string.
This command is not available on the Prodigy.
Sample: <STX>L
The above sample sets up the label format for register loading and
prints two labels. The fist two of the four format records have been
designated replacement (or update fields). The second label is
generated with system commands for field replacement and print last
W Wait Mode (Prodigy only)
The wait mode is the default formatting mode for the Prodigy
printer. In this mode the printer will format 560 dot rows into bit-
mapped RAM before the first dot row is printed on the media. Once
the printer starts printing it will print until the bit-mapped buffer is
empty and then it will automatically jump into zip mode until the
entire label is printed out. The entire process will start over with the
next label. The other formatting mode is the zip mode Z.
The Prodigy printer has only enough on board RAM to format 560
dot rows.
Sample: <STX>L
Sample: <STX>L<CR>
The above sample will result in label formatting, but no label will be
printed. The system command STX G will cause the label to print.
yS Select Font Symbol Set
Same as a system command with "STX", (see STX y). Symbol
sets are used only with scalable fonts, (see Generating Label
Formats; see <STX> I, Symbol Sets, Code Pages and Character
Maps in Appendix E and I, also see <STX> KS).
Sample: <STX>L
The example above selects the Swedish symbol set for use with all
succeeding format records that use scalable fonts.
Sample: <STX>L
z Zero (Ø) Conversion to "0"
This command removes the slashes from zeros in fonts 0 to 8 and
barcodes. The command is effective only for the label format in
which it appears, and applies to all format records containing fonts 0
through 8 or barcodes A through Z. None of the smooth fonts (font
9) have a slash in the zero.
Sample: <STX>L
Sample: <STX>L<CR>
The above sample will generate a single field label format that prints
the initial label with a value of 12345 and then increments by one for
the next two labels.
Sample: <STX>L<CR>
The above sample will generate a single field label format that prints
the initial label with a value of 12345 and then decrements by one for
the next two labels.
Sample: <STX>L<CR>
The above sample prints two labels with the same field value before
deincrementing the field. Six labels are printed.
Special Label-Formatting Commands
There are two special commands used by DMX printers, the STX S
(recall global data) and the STX T (print date and time) commands.
Unlike the other label-formatting commands, these special
commands are entered directly into the data field of format records.
These should not be confused with system commands, although the
same control character is used.
Character Description
<STX>S Recall global data and place in field
<STX>T Print time and date
Table 5-2 Special Label-Formatting Commands
Sample: <STX>L<CR>
In the sample on the previous page, the label-formatting command
‘G’ (line 3) places the string “DMX” into the next available global
register (in this case register A). The <STX>SA (line 4) is
effectively replaced by the data from global register A.
Font-Loading Commands
The commands used for font loading are usually generated by font
creation software; however, the assign font ID number command
must be sent to the printer before the font file. Font-loading
commands are listed in Table 5-1. All font-loading commands begin
with <ESC>. <ESC> represents the ASCII control character 27.
The downloaded Font will be stored in the "default" Module, (refer to
the STX X command.)
Command Description
*c###D Assign Font ID Number
)s#Wnn...n Font Descriptor
*c#E Character Code
(s#W Character Download Data
Where: ###- is the font ID number 100-999, (000-099) are
reserved for resident fonts.
)s###W Font Descriptor
This command, (typically first data in a font file), contains all of the
information about the font contained in the file. Different font
generation software will create different length header information,
but the initial 64 bytes will remain consistent with the PCL-4 (HP
LaserJet II) format.
Where: ### = Is the number of bytes of font descriptor data
from 1 to 3 ASCII decimal digits.
ddd...d = Is the descriptor.
When a label format record data field calls for the letter A to be
printed, the A is used to index the downloaded bit map font data
with character code 65.
Generating Label Formats
This section explains how to use the fields in a print format record.
Figure 7-1 is an example of a label format as the printer sees it.
Figure 7-2 is a label generated from that format. The printer receives
the data sequentially, left to right, top to bottom.
Note: This example assumes that the printer was in ‘inch’ mode,
(see <STX>m and <STX>n), when printing the label on the
following page.
Direction of
The first line in the sample format (Figure 6-1) is the system-level
command directing the printer to begin label formatting. Other
system-level commands may precede the <STX>L for printer setup.
Lines 2, 14, and 15 are label-formatting commands (explained in
label-formatting commands and special label-formatting commands).
Line 15 is the exit and print command. The remaining lines (3-13) are
print format records, explained in this chapter.
Generating Records
Every record is made of three parts: (1) A header that is 15 bytes in
length, (2) the data to be printed, and (3) a termination character (e.g.,
<CR>) that marks the end of the field. The header is used to select the
appearance of the data when printed by choosing rotation, font type,
size, and position options. Every header contains similar information,
but this information may be used in different ways by different types
of records.
There are six types of records:
1. Internal Bitmapped Font 4. Barcode
2. Smooth Font 5. Images
3. Scalable font 6. Graphics
This string forms the complete record divided into its three basic
components as shown below:
The record conforms to the following fixed field format (spaces have
been added for visual clarity). Identifying lower case letters have
been placed below field values for reference in the following
1 2 1 1 000 0005 0005 HOME POSITION <CR>
a b c d eee f f f f gggg [ hhhh i i i i ] j...
This scalable font field example shows the scalable font height and
width fields:
1911S5001000100P010P020 SCALABLE<CR>
a: Rotation
The first field of a header is a single ASCII character that selects
the degree of rotation for the data to be printed on a label. Valid
rotation values are 1 (0º), 2 (90º), 3 (180º), and 4 (270º). Figure
6-2 shows the direction and amount of rotation clockwise,
relative to the label feed direction.
b: Fonts, barcodes, graphic and image
The second character determines how the rest of the fields are
interpreted as shown in the table below. Values 0 through 9 select
human-readable fonts. Values A through z select barcode fonts. 0
through 8 will select standard Datamax fonts, value 9 selects the
CG Triumvirate smooth font (internal), *CG Triumvirate Bold
Condensed smooth scalable font (internal), or a cartridge
(module) font (external). When 9 is used to select a cartridge font
or scalable, the font size (font I.D. number) is chosen by entering
a value in the barcode height field
Note: Circle and polygon are not legal drawing objects for Allegro,
Allegro 2, Prodigy, or Prodigy Plus.
c: Width Multiplier
Values 1-9 and A-O represent multiplication factors (base 25
For human-readable fonts, the width multiplier represents the
number of times the selected font dot tables are multiplied and
has no effect on the character height. For barcodes, this character
specifies the wide bar width or ratio. Values 1 through 9 and A
through O will give a wide bar width of from 0.0033" (0.085mm)
to 0.792" (2.011mm) at a resolution dependent on the printer
d: Height Multiplier
The height multiplier has the same range and function as the
width multiplier, but vertical. When used in the context of
barcodes, this field is the ratio denominator, or the small bar
(module) width.
Values 1 through 9 and A through O will give a narrow bar width
of from 0.0033" (0.085mm) to 0.792" (2.011mm) at a resolution
dependent on the model printer.
Printer D.P.I DOTS/mm
400 / Prodigy Max / Ovation / 203 8.0
Ovation2/ PE42 / PE43 / 6200
430 289.56 11.4
*Prodigy Max / 600 / 800 /Ovation 300 11.8
* With optional 300 D.P.I. printhead
eee: Barcode Height (Font Size/Selection)
This field has interpretations dependent on the value of the fonts
b field as shown in the following table.
For barcode fonts, this field represents the barcode height. The
valid range is from 001 to 999, which translates to bar heights
ranging from 0.01in. (0.254mm) to 9.99in. (253.7mm).
For graphics, lines, boxes and human-readable fonts 0 through 8,
the barcode height segment (-eee-) must be entered as 000.
When the font field -b- is set to 9 (to select internal smooth fonts,
internal scalable fonts or external cartridge fonts), the barcode
height field should be set to a number between 001 and 999.
Values from A04 to A72 select a font size for the CG Triumvirate
smooth font. Values S00 to S9z, (s00 to s9) and U00 to U9z (u00
to u9z), select a scalable font, either internal or downloaded.
Values 100 through 999 select individual fonts stored on RAM,
Flash, or ROM font memory modules. See Table 6-3 and
Appendix G.
gggg: Column Position
This field is a horizontal offset that determines how far to the
right of home position the data will be printed.
The DMX 600 and 800 will accept up to 10,000 characters in o
400 fields per label, the DMX 400 and 430 will accept up to 5000
characters in 200 fields per label.
When the last field is sent to the printer, the formatting session
is ended by sending one of the terminator label formatting
commands, E, X, s.
The width of the gggg field is dependent on the model printer being used.
Table 6-2 lists the gggg field maximum value by printer.
Printer D.P.I Maximum Column Value
Inch / Metric
Allegro, 203 0410 / 1041
Allgero 2
Prodigy 203
Prodigy Plus 152 0410 / 1041
Prodigy Plus 203 0410 / 1041
400 203 0410 / 1041
430 289.56 0398 / 1011
Prodigy Max, 203 and 300 0410 / 1041
PE42 and PE43
600 300 0640 / 1625
800 300 0860 / 2184
6200 203 0661 / 1680
Table 7-3 gggg Field Maximum Values
When 9 is entered in field -b-, the barcode height field (-eee-)
determines the font size. The internal smooth font (CG Triumvirate)
has up to 13 font sizes. The available font sizes are listed in the Table
3. Scalable Font
The Smooth Scalable Font Technology has been licensed from
AGFA. Both IntelliFont (.CDI) and True Type (.TTF) Scalable
Font file formats are supported.
The eee field identifies the scalable font, and data type, normal
(binary) or hex ASCII. Uppercase S or U - binary, lowercase s, u -
Hex ASCII. See Appendix H for additional information.
Field Valid Inputs Meaning
a 1, 2, 3 and 4 Rotation
b 9 Fixed value
c 1 to 9 and A to O Dot width
d 1 to 9 and A to O Dot height
eee S00 to Szz, s00-szz, U00-Uzz, u00-uzz Font data type
ffff 0000 to 9999 Row
gggg Dependent on printer. See Table 6-2 Column
hhhh P004-P999, 0016-4163* Character height,
points, dots
iiii P004-P999, 0014-4163* Character width,
points, dots
jj..j Valid ASCII character string up to 255 Data
characters followed by a termination
* Character size specifications are printhead resolution dependent as
shown in the following table.
Table 7-6 Scalable Font Record Structure
4. Barcode
Valid inputs for the font field ( -b- ) are letters. Uppercase letters
will print a human-readable text below the barcode. Lowercase
letters will print the barcode only. Entering a p in the font
position segment sets the postnet barcode. Because the postnet
font does not provide human-readable data the uppercase P is not
valid. Other barcodes without a human-readable counterpart
include u-Maxicode, and z-PDF417. For module-based barcodes
field c is a fixed value of 1.
For ratio-based barcodes field C is the wide bar width in dots;
field d is the narrow width in dots. See Appendix G for specific
barcode information and variations in record format field usage.
A zero in both c and d causes the printer, (except Prodigy Plus),
to use a default ratio or module size. The barcode default height
can be printed by using 000 in the height field.
Field Valid Inputs Meaning
a 1, 2, 3 and 4 Rotation
b [bb] A to Z and a to z (except P, u,v,z), or Wna Barcode
where n is 1 to 9 and a is A to S and a to s.
No n is an implied 1.
c 1 to 9 and A to O Ratio numerator/
Fixed 1
d 1 to 9 and A to O Ratio
module size
eee 001 to 999 Symbol height
ffff 0000 to 9999 Row
gggg See Table 6-2 Column
jj..j Valid ASCII character string up to 255 Data
characters followed by a termination
Table 7-7 Barcode Record Structure
5. Images
An image record is necessary to print an image that is stored in a
memory module. Images can be printed only in rotation 1, (see
Input Image Data, <STX>I).
Field Valid Inputs Meaning
a 1 Fixed Value
b Y Image
c 1 to 9 and A to O Dot width
d 1 to 9 and A to O Dot height
eee 000 Fixed value
ffff 0000 to 9999 Row
gggg See Table 6-2 Column
jj..j ASCII string, up to 8 characters followed by Image name
a termination character.
6. Graphics
Lines, boxes, polygons, and circles can be produced by using
graphics. This function is selected by entering an X in field -b-.
The values entered in the data field determine the sizes and
shapes of the objects to be drawn.
Lines and boxes are drawn by values that determine column and row
sizes, length, size, wall thickness, and position of the line or box, (see
Table 6-8). All measurements are interpreted as inches (100) or
millimeters (10), depending on the printer’s mode, (see <STX>m).
* LINES: Lhhhvvv
Where: L = "L" and specifies line drawing,
hhh = horizontal width of line,
vvv = vertical height of line.
** LINES: lhhhhvvvv
Notes: The DMX 400 with firmware revision levels below 2.01
do not support polygon and circle commands.
Not available on Allegro, Allegro 2, Prodigy, Prodigy
A polygon is an object that can be defined by specifying a number of
data points that represent the vertices of the object, which can range
from a simple line (two points), or a triangle (three points), to any
free-form outline. All row/column specifies are interpreted as
inches/100 or millimeters/10 depending on the printer mode, (see
Note: The points must be specified in the order that they are to
be drawn. The last point specified is automatically
connected to the first point specified, thereby closing the
polygon. If only two points are specified, a single line will
be drawn. See label-formatting commands A.
A circle is defined by its center point and its radius. Row, column,
and radius are interpreted as inches (100) or millimeters (10 )
depending on printer mode.
Record structure for a circle.
1 X 11 ppp rrrr cccc C ppp bbbb rrrr <CR>
Explanation of field segments:
1 rotation (must be 1) cccc column of the center point
X graphic field C Circle ID
1 multiplier (must be 1) ppp line fill pattern # -must be 1
1 multiplier (must be 1) bbbb line brush pattern-must be 1
ppp fill pattern # rrrr radius of the circle
rrrr row of the center point <CR> termination character
The following 12 fill patterns are currently available.
0 no pattern
1 solid black
2 6% black
3 12% black
4 25% black
5 38% black
6 50% black
7 little diamonds
8 little circles
11 small grid
Graphic Examples:
1. Triangle
The record:
1 X 11 000 0010 0010 P 001 0001 0040 0025 0010 0040<CR>
3. Circle
The field:
1 X 11 000 0100 0100 C 001 0001 0025 <CR>
produces a circle centered at row 100, column 100 with a radius of
.25 and no fill pattern:
Image Loading
The printer will accept four types of image files: .BMP, .IMG, .PCX
and a special Datamax 7-bit ASCII file (as defined in this section).
Using the Datamax 7-bit ASCII format will require at least twice as
much data transmission time as the other formats, see STX I. The
Datamax ASCII image file format is made up of a set of records, with
identical formats, each representing a dot row of the image, the last of
these records is followed by a terminator.
dot-row record
dot-row record
Appendix A
ASCII Control Chart (concluded)
Char Dec Hex Char Dec Hex Char Dec Hex Char Dec Hex
Ç 128 80 á 160 A0 192 C0 Ó 224 E0
ü 129 81 í 161 A1 193 C1 ß 225 E1
é 130 82 ó 162 A2 194 C2 Ô 226 E2
â 131 83 ú 163 A3 195 C3 Ò 227 E3
ä 132 84 ñ 164 A4 196 C4 õ 228 E4
à 133 85 Ñ 165 A5 197 C5 Õ 229 E5
å 134 86 ª 166 A6 ã 198 C6 µ 230 E6
ç 135 87 ° 167 A7 Ã 199 C7 þ 231 E7
ê 136 88 ¿ 168 A8 200 C8 Þ 232 E8
ë 137 89 ® 169 A9 201 C9 Ú 233 E9
è 138 8A 170 AA 202 CA Û 234 EA
ï 139 8B 1/2 171 AB 203 CB Ù 235 EB
î 140 8C 1/4 172 AC 204 CC ý 236 EC
ì 141 8D ¡ 173 AD 205 CD Ý 237 ED
Ä 142 8E 174 AE 206 CE 238 EE
Å 143 8F ¯ 175 AF 207 CF 239 EF
É 144 90 176 B0 ð 208 D0 240 F0
æ 145 91 177 B1 Ð 209 D1 ± 241 F1
Æ 146 92 ² 178 B2 Ê 210 D2 242 F2
ô 147 93 ³ 179 B3 Ë 211 D3 3/4 243 F3
ö 148 94 ´ 180 B4 È 212 D4 244 F4
ò 149 95 Á 181 B5 213 D5 245 F5
û 150 96 Â 182 B6 Í 214 D6 ÷ 246 F6
ù 151 97 À 183 B7 Î 215 D7 ¸ 247 F7
ÿ 152 98 © 184 B8 Ï 216 D8 º 248 F8
Ö 153 99 ¹ 185 B9 217 D9 ¨ 249 F9
Ü 154 9A 186 BA 218 DA · 250 FA
ø 155 9B » 187 BB 219 DB 251 FB
£ 156 9C 188 BC 220 DC 252 FC
Ø 157 9D ¢ 189 BD 221 DD 253 FD
x 158 9E ¥ 190 BE Ì 222 DE 254 FE
ƒ 159 9F 191 BF 223 DF 255 FF
Appendix B
Sample Programs
The following sample basic language program is included for
reference. Values are assigned to the variables in the main section and
sent to the printer in the section titled ‘Send Data’. The sample below
shows the output generated by this program.
OPEN "COM1:9600,N,8,1,FOR RANDOM" AS #1
PRINT "DMX Printer Test Program (press any key)"
WHILE I$= ""
desc$="10K OHM 1/4 WATT"
CR$ = CHR$(13)
PRINT #1, CHR$(2);"L"; CR$;
PRINT #1,"H07";CR$;
'set burn time to 7
PRINT #1,"D11";CR$;
'set for 300 DPI
PRINT #1,"191100801000025";desc$;CR$;
'send description line
PRINT #1,"1a6210000000050";pcs; CR$;
'send barcode
PRINT #1,"E";CR$;
' end of format and print
The following C language program will also generate a label. This
program will send data through the COM1 port only.
# include <stdio.h>
int d;
int e;
char pcs[10] = "590";
char desc[21] = "10K OHM 1/4 WATT";
char dataout[500];
printf("DMX Printer Test Program\n");
e = strlen(dataout);
for (d=0; d<=e-1; d++)
putc(dataout [d],stdaux);
This ASCII text file will also generate the label shown in Figure B-1.
19110080100002510K OHM 1/4 WATT<CR>
Appendix C
Available Fonts
All character bit-mapped fonts available on the DMX printers are
described in this section. Each font has a name (font I.D.) associated
with it for use in programming. Human-readable fonts have numeric
Human-Readable Fonts
Font Valid ASCII Characters
0 32-127
1 32-168, 171, 172, 225
2 32-168, 171, 172, 225
3 32, 35-38, 40-58, 65-90, 128, 142-144, 146, 153, 154,
156, 157, 165, 168, 225
4 32, 35-38, 40-58, 65-90, 128, 142-144, 146, 153, 154,
156, 157, 165, 168, 225
5 32, 35-38, 40-58, 65-90, 128, 142-144, 146, 153, 154,
156, 157, 165, 168, 225
6 32, 35-38, 40-58, 65-90, 128, 142-144, 146, 153, 154,
156, 157, 165, 168, 225
7 32-126
8 32, 48-57, 60, 62, 67, 69, 78, 83, 84, 88, 90
9 32-126, 128-169, 171-173, 181-184, 189, 190, 198, 199,
208-216, 222, 224-237, 241, 243, 246-250
Scalable Dependent on selected symbol set.
font (see Appendix F)
Font sizes are dependent upon the model printer being used. Table C-3
lists the font sizes by printer. All dimensions are in dots.
DMX 600 / 800 and Prodigy Max 300dpi
Font 0 10 7 1
Font 1 19 10 3
Font 2 27 15 3
Font 3 40 21 3
Font 4 53 27 4
Font 5 77 27 4
Font 6 95 47 6
Font 7 47 22 7
Font 8 41 22 7
0: Identifies a 96-character alphanumeric font, uppercase and
3: Identifies a 62-character alphanumeric uppercase font.
6: Identifies a 62-character alphanumeric uppercase font.
8: Identifies a font that prints OCR-B, size III.
Appendix D
Error Codes
The most common error codes that could be transmitted by the Datamax
printers are described below.
Lowercase "c"
The printer received a data byte from the host computer that
contained a framing error (corrupted data) usually due to noise.
Lowercase "v"
There is an input buffer overflow situation. This is caused when an
overflow of data is sent to the printer.
Uppercase "I"
An invalid command sequence was sent to the printer. The printer
did not understand the command sequence and terminated the
command interpreter.
Uppercase "R"
This code is sent every time the printer is turned on signaling that
there was a hardware reset.
Uppercase "T"
This code signals there was a software reset. A software reset is
made by sending the command sequence to the printer or by doing a
front panel reset.
Appendix E
(DN) ISO 60: Danish / Norwegian Symbol Set, font code S00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
20 ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
30 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
40 @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
50 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Æ Ø Å ^ _
60 ‘ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
70 p q r s t u v w x y z æ ø å ¯
(IT) ISO 15: Italian Symbol Set, font code S00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
20 ! " £ $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
30 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
40 § A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
50 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z º ç é ^ _
60 ù a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
70 p q r s t u v w x y z à ò è ì
(E5) ISO 8859/5 Latin 5 Set, font code S00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
20 ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
30 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
40 @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
50 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ -
60 ‘ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
70 p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~
A0 ¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ § ¨ ª « ¬ - ¯
B0 º ± ² ³ ´ µ ¶ · ¸ ¹ º » ¼ ½ ¾ ¿
C0 À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï
D0 Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Ú Û Ü ß
E0 à á â ã ä å æ ç è é ê ë ì í î ï
F0 ñ ò ó ô õ ö ÷ ø ù ú û ü I ÿ
(E1) ISO 8859/1 Latin 1 Symbol Set. Font code S00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
20 ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
30 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
40 @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
50 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ -
60 ‘ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
70 p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~
A0 ¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ § ¨ © ª « ¬ - ® ¯
B0 ° ± ² ³ ´ µ ¶ · » ¼ ½ ¾ ¿
C0 À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï
D0 Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Ú Û Ü Ý Þ ß
E0 à á â ã ä å æ ç è é ê ë ì í î ï
F0 ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ÷ ø ù ú û ü ý þ ÿ
B0 “ ” µ ‰ o • • ’ ¬ ¦ =
C0 – ± × ¼ ½ ¾ ¹ ² ³ /
D0 ( ) « » ‚ „ ’ ¡ ¿ Pt l £ ¥ ƒ ß
E0 ª º æ Æ ð Ð ij IJ œ Œ ø Ø þ Þ
F0 ‘ ’ ˆ ¨ ˜ ¯ , l
(LG) Legal Symbol Set, font code S00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
20 ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
30 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; = ?
40 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
50 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ ] ^ _
60 ° a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
70 p q r s t u v w x y z § ¶ † ™
(PT) PC-8 TK, Code Page 437T Symbol Set, font code S00*
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
10 ¶ §
20 ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + ‚ - · /
30 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
40 @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
50 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
60 ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
70 p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~
80 Ç ü é â ä à å ç ê ë è ï î ì Ä Å
90 É æ Æ ô ö ò û ù Ö Ü £ ¥
A0 á í ó ú ñ Ñ ¿ ½ ¼ ¡ « »
C0 ! "
D0 # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2
E0 a ß 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = >
F0 ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M
* New Default
80 Ç ü é â ä à å ç ê ë è ï î ì Ä Å
90 É æ Æ ô ö ò û ù ÿ Ö Ü ø £ Ø ƒ
A0 á í ó ú ñ Ñ ª ° ¿ ½ ¼ ¡ « »
B0 Á Â À G
C0 ã Ã !
D0 ð Ð Ê Ë È Ì Í Î Ï , - . / 0 1 2
E0 Ó ß Ô Ò õ Õ þ Þ Ú Û Ü ý Ý ¯ ´
F0 - @ = ¾ ¶ § E ¸ º " I ¹ ³ L M
(WT) Windows 3.1 Latin 5 Symbol Set, font code S00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
20 ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + ‚ - . /
30 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
40 @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
50 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
60 ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
70 p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~
80 , ƒ „ … † ‡ ˆ ‰ Š ‹ Œ
90 ‘ ’ “ ” – — ˜ ™ š › œ Ÿ
A0 ¡ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ § ¨ © ª « ¬ - ® ¯
B0 ° ± ² ³ ´ µ ¶ · ¸ ¹ º » ¼ ½ ¾ ¿
C0 À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï
D0 Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Ú Û Ü ß
E0 à á â ã ä å æ ç è é ê ë ì í î ï
F0 ñ ò ó ô õ ö ÷ ø ù ú û ü l ÿ
80 Ç ü é â ä ç ë î Ä
90 É ô ö Ö Ü ×
A0 á í ó ú « »
B0 Á Â
D0 Ð Ë Í Î
E0 Ó ß Ô Š š Ú ý Ý ´
F0 " ¸ § ÷ ° ¨ ´
(W1) Windows 3.’ Latin 1 Symbol Set, font code S00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
20 ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
30 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
40 @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
50 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
60 ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
70 p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~
80 ‚ ƒ „ … † ‡ ˆ ‰ Š ‹ Œ
90 ‘ ’ “ ” • – — ˜ ™ š › œ Ÿ
A0 ¡ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ § ¨ © ª « ¬ - ® ¯
B0 ° ± ² ³ ´ µ ¶ · ¸ ¹ º » ¼ ½ ¾ ¿
C0 À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï
D0 Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Ú Û Ü Ý Þ ß
E0 à á â ã ä å æ ç è é ê ë ì í î ï
F0 ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ÷ ø ù ú û ü ý þ ÿ
(PD) PC-8 D/N, Code Page 437N Symbol Set, font code S00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
10 !! ¶ §
20 ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
30 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
40 @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
50 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
60 ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
70 p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~
80 Ç ü é â ä à å ç ê ë è ï î ì Ä Å
90 É æ Æ ô ö ò û ù ÿ Ö Ü ø £ Ø ×
A0 á í ó ú ñ Ñ õ Õ ¿ ã Ã ¡ ³ ¤
D0 ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
E0 ß 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
F0 : ; < = > ? ÷ @ ° A B C D E , F
(PC) PC-8 Code Page 437 Symbol Set, font code S00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
10 !! ¶ §
20 ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
30 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
40 @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
50 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
60 ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
70 p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~
80 Ç ü é â ä à å ç ê ë è ï î ì Ä Å
90 É æ Æ ô ö ò û ù ÿ Ö Ü £ ¥ Pt ƒ
A0 á í ó ú ñ Ñ õ Õ ¿ ½ ¼ ¡ « »
C0 ! "
D0 # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2
E0 ß 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; <
F0 = > ? @ A B ÷ C ° D E F G H
(VU) Ventura US Symbol Set, font code S00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
20 ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
30 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
40 @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
50 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
60 ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
70 p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~
A0 „ ™
B0 ‰ “ ” º § ¢
F0 ¶ † ‡ — – …
(SW) ISO 11: Swedish Symbol Set, font code S00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
20 ! " # ¤ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
30 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
40 É A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
50 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Ä Ö Å Ü _
60 é a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
70 p q r s t u v w x y z ä ö å ü
(TS) PS Text Symbol Set, font code S00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
20 ! " £ $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
30 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
40 @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
50 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
60 ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
70 p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~
A0 ¡ ¢ £ / ¥ ƒ § ¤ ' “ « ‹ › fi fl
B0 - † ‡ · ¶ • , „ ” » … ‰ ¿
C0 ` ´ ˆ ˜ ¯ · ¨ ° ”
D0 —
E0 Æ ª Ø Œ º
F0 æ ø œ ß
C0 Á Â Ä Ç É Ë Í Î
D0 Ð Ó Ô Ö × Ú Ü Ý ß
E0 á â ä ç é ë í î
F0 ó ô ö ÷ ú ü ý
(WO) Windows 3.0 Latin 1 Symbol Set, font code S00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
20 ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
30 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
40 @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
50 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
60 ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
70 p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ˜
90 `
A0 ¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ § ¨ ª « ¬ - ¯
B0 ° ± ² ³ ´ µ ¶ · ¸ ¹ º » ¼ ½ ¾ ¿
C0 À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï
D0 Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Ú Û Ü Ý Þ ß
E0 à á â ã ä å æ ç è é ê ë ì í î ï
F0 ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ÷ ø ù ú û ü ý þ ÿ
Appendix F
Barcodes Summary Data (concluded)
Font Type Length Cksum Valid ASCII Characters, decimal
value representation
Q UCC/EAN Code 19 Yes 48-57 Numeric only
R UCC/EAN Code 18 Yes 48-57 Numeric only
S UCC/EAN Code 34 + Yes 48-57 Numeric only
128 Random
T Telepen Varies Yes Alphanumeric
U UPS Maxicode 84 Yes Alphanumeric
v FIM 1 No A, B, C, D
z PDF-417 Varies Yes All
W1C Datamatric Varies Yes All 8-bit values
Appendix G
Barcode Details
All barcode symbols shown here were printed using the ratio/module
values of 00 causing the printer to print symbols with default bar widths.
The barcode height fields are also 000 causing default heights to be
A: Code 3 of 9
121100000000100Barcode A<CR>
121100000000100Barcode B<CR>
121100000000100Barcode C<CR>
D: Interleaved 2 of 5 (I 2 of 5)
The following example prints out a interleaved 2 of 5 barcode with a
wide to narrow bar ratio of 3:1. Bar codes J and L also print out different
forms of the I 2 of 5 barcode.
121100000000100Barcode D<CR>
E: Code 128
control and special characters. To select
Code 128 Subset A, place an ASCII A (DEC
65, HEX 41) before the data to be encoded.
Code 128 Subset B: Includes all of the standard uppercase
alphanumeric keyboard characters plus the
lowercase alphabetic and special characters. To
select Code 128 Subset B, place an ASCII B (DEC
66, HEX 42) before the data to be encoded. If no
start character is sent for the 128 font, Code 128
Subset B will be selected by default.
Code 128 Subset C: Includes the set of 100 digit pairs from 00 through
99 inclusive, as well as special characters. Code
128 Subset C is used for double density encoding
of numeric data. To select Code 128 Subset C,
place an ASCII C (DEC 67, HEX 43) before the
data to be encoded. Subset C can only encode an
even number of numeric characters. When the
data to be encoded includes an odd number of
numeric characters, the last character causes the
printer to automatically generate a ‘switch to
subset B’ and encode the last character
appropriately in subset B.
97 &B FNC2 FNC2 -NA-
102 &G FNC1 FNC1 FNC1
` = NUL
a through z = 1 - 26
{ = ESC
| = FS
} = GS
~ = RS
ASCII 127 = US
F: EAN-13
Length: 13 digits. If the user provides 12 digits, the
printer will compute the checksum. If the
user provides the checksum, the printer will
check that it matches the expected
checksum. If it does not match, the printer
will print out all zeros and the expected
121100000000100Barcode F<CR>
G: EAN-8
121100000000100Barcode G<CR>
H: Health Industry Bar Code (HBIC) (Code 39 barcode with a
modulo 43 checksum).
121100000000100Barcode H<CR>
I: Codabar
Valid Characters: 0-9, A-D, -, ., $, :, /, +, (comma is not
Variable Length: Must have at least three characters.
Valid bar widths: The expected ratio of wide to narrow bars
can range from 2:1 to 3:1.
121100000000100Barcode J<CR>
K: Plessey
121100000000100Barcode K<CR>
L: Interleaved 2 of 5 with a modulo 10 checksum and shipping
bearer bars.
121100000000100Barcode L<CR>
M: 2-digit UPC addendum
121100000000100Barcode M<CR>
N: 5-digit UPC addendum
121100000000100Barcode N<CR>
O: Code 93
p: Postnet
121100000000100Barcode p<CR>
Q: UCC/EAN Code 128
121100000000100Barcode Q<CR>
R: UCC/EAN Code128 K-MART NON EDI barcode.
121100000000100Barcode R<CR>
S: UCC/EAN Code 128 Random Weight
121100000000100Barcode S<CR>
T: Telepen
Valid Characters: All 128 ASCII characters.
Variable Length
Valid bar widths: The fourth character of record is the width
of the narrow bar in dots. All other bars are
a ratio of the narrow bar (2 times the narrow
bar width, 3 times the narrow bar width, and
4 times the narrow bar width).
121100000000100Barcode T<CR>
u: UPS MaxiCode
The following examples illustrate the various label format record
message syntax’s for encoding data as MaxiCode. The UPS 3.0
Message data formats and special characters are defined by UPS.
Please refer to specifications Guide to Bar Coding with UPS,
Version 3.0, appendix 3 or Uniform Symbology Specification -
MaxiCode, AIM.
In the following examples special formatting is used to denote
special ASCII characters as shown in the table:
Datamax MaxiCode fixed field format:
1u0000001000100327895555840666THIS PACKAGE
32789 5 digit ASCII, Zip code
5555 4 digit ASCII, +4 Zip code
840 3 digit ASCII, country code
666 3 digit ASCII, class of service
THIS... 84 maximum ASCII characters, data string
The UPS 3.0 zip + 4 with Message data format and message header:
S12345E S089G S1/1 S10.1 SY S S SUT S OT
[)>RS01GS96 message header
The UPS 3.0 international zip “V6C3E2” with Message data format and
message header:
[)>RS01GS message header
V6C3E2 maximum 6 alphanumeric ASCII, Primary
International Zip code message
068 country code
001 class
S1Z1... Secondary
The UPS 3.0 international zip “V6C3E2” without Message data format
and message header:
V6C3E2 maximum 6 alphanumeric ASCII, Primary
International Zip code message
068 country code
001 class
S1Z1... Secondary
The UPS 3.0 zip + 4 “32707-3270” without Message data format and
message header:
32707 5 digit ASCII, Zip code Primary
3270 4 digit ASCII, +4 Zip code (not
068 country code
001 class
S1Z1... Secondary
v: FIM
Valid Characters: A, B, C, or D
Length: 1 character
Valid bar widths: The width and height multiplier work the
same as for fonts on this barcode.
Usage: This barcode is to display the Facing
Identification Mark (FIM) that is used on
certain types of letter mail for the U S
Postal Service.
FIM A : Courtesy reply mail with postnet.
FIM B: business reply, penalty or franked mail
without postnet.
FIM C: Business reply, penalty or franked mail with
FIM D: OCR readable mail without postnet (usually
used on courtesy reply window envelopes).
Note: Not available on Allegro, Allegro 2, Prodigy or
Prodigy Plus.
z: PDF-417
Note: Not available on the Allegro, Allegro 2, Prodigy, or Prodigy Plus
prior to Version 3.2.
121100000000100Barcode z<CR>
Field Valid Inputs Meaning
a 1,2,3, and 4 Rotation
W W Fixed value, extended barcode set
b[b] c, 1c Selects Datamatrix Barcode - the two differing
values have no other significance.
c 1 to 9 and A to O module size horizontal multiplier
d 1 to 9 and A to O module size vertical multiplier
eee 000 to 999 No Effect; Must be numeric
ffff 0000 to 9999 label position, row
gggg 0000 to 9999 label position, column
hhh 000, 050, 080, 100, 140 A 3 digit convolutional error correction level
If any number other than one of these options is
entered then the nearest lesser value from the
valid entries is used.
Example: selecting an ECC value of 099 will
cause the actual ECC value of 080 to
be used.
i 0-6 1 digit format identification
0 -Automatically choose the encodation scheme
based on the characters to be encoded.
1 - Numeric data.
2 - Upper-case alphabetic.
3 - Upper-case alphanumeric and punctuation
characters (period, comma, hyphen, slash).
4 - Upper-case alphanumeric.
5 - ASCII, the full 128 ASCII character set.
6 - any 8-bit byte.
ECC 200 symbols:
There are 24 square symbol sizes available, with both row and
column dimensions, which may be specified in fields iii, and jjj,
measured in modules as indicated in the following list - 10, 12,
14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 64, 72, 80, 88,
96, 104, 120, 132, and 144. If an ECC 200 symbol is specified
with odd numbers of rows or columns, the next largest even
value will be used. Input values greater than 144 or less than 10
will cause the symbol to be automatically sized for the input
character stream. The record format is shown here, expanded
with spaces.
a W b[b] c d eee ffff gggg hhh i jjj kkk ll..l
Note: The Datamatrix barcode is only available on printer’s
equipped with Datamatrix.
Rectangular symbols or concatenation are not
supported. If the data to be encoded does not fit within
the symbol specified, no barcode will print.
Prints a UPC-A barcode with the variable price checksum in the 6th
Prints a UPC-A barcode with the variable price checksum in the 7th
Prints a EAN-13 barcode with the variable price checksum in the 7th
Prints a EAN-13 barcode with the variable price checksum in the 8th
Appendix H
Example: 191109600100010A0215134<CR>
The example above will produce a printed string consisting of the two Kanji
characters referenced by the two HEXASCII pairs A0, 21, and 51, 34, on
appropriately equipped printers.
Example: 1911U4001000100P012P012<0x38><0x77><0x00>
The above example will produce a printed string consisting of the one 12
point Kanji character referenced by the byte pair with hex values 38 and 77
on appropriately equipped printers. Note that double byte hex
representations for Kanji character strings terminate with a null byte.
The alphanumeric portion (nn) of the scaleable font specifiers, Snn, snn,
Unn, unn, numbering system is a base 62 numbering system,
0,1,2,...8,9,A,B,C,...X,Y,Z,a,b,c,...x,y,z. For scaleable fonts the S
designation signifies single byte characters and U designates double byte.
Their lower case counterparts signify that print data in the label format
record is in a hex-ASCII format. A Hex-ASCII format for a single byte with
hex value 0xFF would be two ASCII character bytes FF (0x4646). Fonts that
have been downloaded with designators of the form nn, where nn are
alphanumeric, as seen in the font size specifier (barcode height) column
below, may be referenced in label format records by their upper or lower
case specifies as needed. However, fonts created for double-byte access
cannot be accessed using Snn or snn as the font designator, and vice versa,
single-byte fonts cannot be accessed using Unn or unn.
Font 9, Fonts Specifications (Bar Code Height) and Associated
Font Name Character Font Size Point Size
Mapping Specifier
(barcode height)
Font 9 Bitmapped Resident fonts specifications
CG Triumvirate Single Byte 000 - 010 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14,
Bold 18, 24, 30, 36, 48
CG Triumvirate Single Byte A04, A05, A06, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12,
Bold A08, A10, A12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36,
A14, A18, A24, 48, 72 respectively
A30, A36, A48,
Gothic Kanji Double Byte, 096 6 (16x16 dots)
Scaleable (HEXASCII)
Gothic Kanji Double Byte 098 6 (16x16 dots)
Scaleable (Binary)
Gothic Kanji Double Byte 097 9 (24x24 dots)
Scaleable (HEXASCII)
Gothic Kanji Double Byte 099 9 (24x24 dots)
Scaleable (Binary)
Font 9 Bitmapped Cartridge fonts specifications
CG Triumvirate Single Byte B04 - B72 4-72 respectively
CG Triumvirate Single Byte C04 - C72 4-72 respectively
CG Triumvirate Single Byte D04 - D72 4-72 respectively
Bold Condensed
CG Times Single Byte E04 - E72 4-72 respectively
CG Times Bold Single Byte F04 - F72 4-72 respectively
Futura Extra Bold Single Byte G04 - G72 4-72 respectively
Font 9 Bitmapped Downloaded fonts specifications
User downloaded Single Byte 100 - 999 user defined
Bitmapped typeface
Font 9 Scaleable Resident fonts specifications
CG Triumvirate Single Byte S00 scaleable
Bold Condensed
CG Triumvirate Single Byte s00 scaleable
Bold Condensed (HEXASCII)
Font 9 Scaleable Downloaded fonts specifications 1
User downloaded Single Byte S50 - S5z... scaleable
Scaleable typeface (Binary) S90 - S9z
User downloaded Single Byte s50 - s5z... scaleable
Scaleable typeface (HEXASCII) s90 - s9z
User downloaded Double Byte U50...,U5z...,...U scaleable
Scaleable typeface (Binary) 90...,U9z
User downloaded Double Byte u50...,u5z...,...u9 scaleable
Scaleable typeface (HEXASCII) 0...,u9z
Appendix I
Note: Not all fonts contain an entire compliment of character codes for
a given code page (symbol set).
Single Byte Code Pages
Code page Datamax Code Font format
identifier page family
Data- HP* Std** Enhanced Intellifont True Description
max ** Type
E5 5N ISO 8859/5 Latin 5
E6 6N ISO 8859/10 Latin 6
E7 ISO 8859/7 Latin/Greek
EG ISO 8859/7 Latin/Greek
EH ISO 8859/8 Latin/Hebrew
ER ISO 8859/5 Latin/Cyrillic
FR ISO 69: French Symbol Set
G8 Greek-8
GK PC-8 Greek
GR ISO 21: German
H0 Hebrew-7
H8 Hebrew-8
IT ISO 15: Italian
LG 1U Legal
M8 8M Math-8
MC 12J Macintosh
MS 5M PS Math
PB 6J Microsoft Publishing
PC 10U PC-8, Code Page 437
PD 11U PC-8 D/N, Code Page
PE 17U PC-852 Latin 2
PG PC-851 Latin/Greek
PH PC-862 Latin/Hebrew
PI 15U Pi Font
PM 12U PC-850 Multilingual
PR PC-864 Latin/Arabic
PT 9T PC-8 TK, Code Page 437T
PU 9J PC-1004
PV 26U PC-775 Baltic
R8 8U Roman-8
SP ISO 17: Spanish
SW ISO 11: Swedish
SY Symbol
TS 10J PS Text
TK Turkish-8
UK ISO 4: United Kingdom
Single Byte Code Pages
Code page Datamax Code Font format
identifier page family
Data- HP* Std** Enhanced Intellifont True Description
max ** Type
VI 13J Ventura International
VU 14J Ventura US
VM 6M Ventura Math
W1 19U Windows 3.1 Latin 1
WA Windows Latin/Arabic
WD AgfaTidbits
WE 9E Windows 3.1 Latin 2
WG Windows Latin/Greek
WL 19L Windows 3.1 Latin 5
WN Windows
WO 9U Windows 3.0 Latin 1
WR Windows Latin/Cyrillic
WT 5T Windows 3.1 Latin 5
* HP - Hewlett Packard PCL-5 Comparison Guide, Edition 1, Internal Symbol Set
Charts, Chart B, for comparison.
** Standard and Enhanced Code Page Families are printer configuration respective.
Double byte scalable fonts are mapped through a ‘character map’. This
mapping allows the host application to select a variety of characters to
match the application. Each of the CPs allow the host application to
emulate a character set for their application.
The character map is selected using a DPL command, <stx>ySxx, where
xx is the two letter character map identifier.
Note: Not all fonts contain an entire compliment of character codes for
a given character map.
Double Byte Character Map
Character Map Code page family Font format
Identifier Standard Intellifont True Type Description
UC Unicode
Note: Availability of Kanji fonts and their symbol sets are respective
of the appropriate printer configuration.
Appendix J
Titan 6200 GPIO Signal Descriptions
Pin Input GPIO Description
# Output Number
1 Signal ground
2 Output Not connected
3 Output Output 2 TTL open collector output with 4.7K pull-up
4 Not connected
5 Not connected
6 Not connected
7 Not connected
8 Output +5VDC, fused @ 1AMP
9 Input Input 2 TTL (74HCT14) input with 22 K pull-up resistor
10 Input Input 2 TTL (74HCT14) input with 22 K pull-up resistor
11 Not connected
12 Output +9VDC, unregulated, fused @1 AMP
13 Analogue ground
14 Output Output1 TTL open collector output with 4.7K pull-up
15 Not connected
16 Not connected
17 Not connected
18 Not connected
19 Not connected
20 Not connected
21 Not connected
22 Input Input 2 TTL (74HCT14) input with 22 K pull-up resistor
23 Input Input 2 TTL (74HCT14) input with 22 K pull-up resistor
24 Output On board jumper selectable to +35 VDC or +24
VDC, fused @1 AMP
25 Input Input1 TTL (74HCT14) input with 22 K pull-up resistor
Prodigy MAX GPIO DIN (J14) Signal Descriptions
Pin Input GPIO Description
# Output Number
1 N/A Signal ground
2 Output Connected through a 100 resistor to the
collector of a 2N2222A transistor which is pulled
to Vcc through a 4.7K resistor
3 Output +24 VDC, unregulated, fused @ 1.5AMP
4 Input Input 7 Input to 74HCT541 via 100 series resistor and
10K pullup resistor
5 Output Output 7 Connected through a 100 resistor to the
collector of a 2N2222A transistor which is pulled
to Vcc through a 4.7K resistor
6 Input Input 8 Input to 74HCT541 via 100 series resistor and
270K pulldown resistor.
7 Output +9 VDC, unregulated, fused @ 1.5AMP
Appendix K
Font cartridges available for the DMX 430 are pre-loaded with 13 sizes
of each typeface in both portrait and landscape orientations. To print a
particular size, specify a "name" by which that size was stored on the
cartridge. The DMX 400's font cartridges; in addition to the Allegro,
Allegro 2, and Prodigy Plus, only work with the old numbering system
and only contain 10 sizes of each type face. A portrait font can be used
with rotation filed values 1 and 3, landscape fonts can be used with
rotation field values 3 and 4.
The following are the names of each font and size available for all
Datamax Bar Code Products Font Cartridges:
CG Triumvirate Italic
New Numbering Old Numbering system
Point Portrait / Landscape Portrait Landscape
Size Font ID Font ID Font ID
4 B04
5 B05
6 B06 101 111
8 B08 102 112
10 B10 103 113
12 B12 104 114
14 B14 105 115
18 B18 106 116
24 B24 107 117
30 B30 108 118
36 B36 109 119
48 B48 110 120
72 B72
CG Triumvirate Bold
New Numbering Old Numbering system
Point Portrait / Landscape Portrait Landscape
Size Font ID Font ID Font ID
4 C04
5 C05
6 C06 121 131
8 C08 122 132
10 C10 123 133
12 C12 124 134
14 C14 125 135
18 C18 126 136
24 C24 127 137
30 C30 128 138
36 C36 129 139
48 C48 130 140
72 C72
CG Times
New Numbering Old Numbering system
Point Portrait / Landscape Portrait Landscape
Size Font ID Font ID Font ID
4 E04
5 E05
6 E06 201 211
8 E08 202 212
10 E10 203 213
12 E12 204 214
14 E14 205 215
18 E18 206 216
24 E24 207 217
30 E30 208 218
36 E36 209 219
48 E48 210 220
72 E72
CG Times Bold
New Numbering Old Numbering system
Point Portrait / Landscape Portrait Landscape
Size Font ID Font ID Font ID
4 F04
5 F05
6 F06 221 231
8 F08 222 232
10 F10 223 233
12 F12 224 234
14 F14 225 235
18 F18 226 236
24 F24 227 237
30 F30 228 238
36 F36 229 239
48 F48 230 240
72 F72
Appendix L
Maximum Label Format Fields (concluded)
Printer Name Fields Characters per Field
DMX600 399 10,000
DMX800 399 10,000
PE42 319 7,000
PE43 319 7,000
Prodigy Max 319 7,000
Print & Apply 319 7,000
Ovation 2 319 7,000
Ovation! 319 7,000
Titan 6200 399 10,000
Notes: When the product of fields and characters per filed exceed the
available printer memory, the memory size is the limiting
factor. Exceeding these limits may cause portions of the label
to not print.
Printer Resolution and Size (concluded)
Appendix M
Printer Speed Ranges and Defaults
Print Slew Backup
Pinter Name Range Default Range Default Range Default
Allegro C C C C C C
Allegro 2 C-E C C-E C C-E C
Prodigy A-G E A-G G N/A E
Prodigy Plus C-O K C-O K C-I E
DMX400 C-G G C-I K C-I E
DMX430 C-K G C-K K C-I E
DMX600 C-O K C-S O C-I E
DMX800 C-I G C-K K C-I E
Prodigy Max 203 C-S K C-S O C-I I
Prodigy Max 300 C-O K C-O O C-I E
PE-42 C-S K C-S O C-I E
PE-43 C-O K C-O M C-I E
Ovation! A-C C A-C C A-C C
Ovation! 300dpi A-C C A-C C A-c C
Ovation!2 A-C C A-C C A-C C
Titan 6200 C-K G C-K K C-G C
Appendix N
Commands by Function
Commands by Function
Function Command
Assign font ID number <ESC>*cnnnD
Backup speed pa
Batch Quantity Request <SOH> E
Cancel <SOH> C
Character bitmapped data <ESC>(snnnWdata
Character code <ESC>*cnnnE
Character dump mode <STX> P
Column offset amount Cnnnn
Config label and dot pattern Print <STX> Z
Continuous paper length <STX> cnnnn
Count by ^nn
Cut <STX> o
Cut by :nnnn
Cut by cnn
Cutter signal time and equal print delay time <STX> bnnnn
Cutter signal 5sec & slected delay time <STX> Hnnnn
Database Configuration Bits Set <STX>KDwxyz
Decrement Alphanumeric tag <fii
Decrement Numeric tag - fii
DIP switch, Host controlled settings <STX> Vn
Dot Buffer Clear <STX> N
Dot Size Height and width Dwh
Double buffer mode enable <STX> d
Dump module B in Motorola format <STX>j
Edge sensor enable <STX> e
Feed rate <STX> Sa
Feedback Characters Enable <STX> a
Field data line terminator Tnn
File Delete from module <STX>xmfname
Firmware Version Request <STX> v
Font descriptor <ESC>)snnnW
Form feed <STX> F
Form Stop Position, head print line relative <STX>Kfnnnn
Form stop position, present distance <STX> fnnn
Format 32K SRAM Module <STX> Xm
Format attribute An
Commands by Function
Function Command
Graphic Image Remove <STX> Rx
Graphics Image Download <STX> Iabfnamecr
Heat setting Hnn
Inches <STX>n
Increment Alphanumeric tag >fii
Increment Numeric tag +fii
Internal Batch <STX> N
Internal batch software mode <STX> g
Label format field replacement <STX> Unnstring
Label Formatting Start <STX> L
Label Length Maximum <STX> Mnnnn
Memory Dump <STX>Dbb[mm]aaaa
Memory dump <STX>xbbtsssseeee
Memory query <STX>KQ
Memory reset internal <STX>KR
Memory set configuration <STX>Kix[:jy][:kz] cr
Metric <STX> m
Metric m
Mirror M
Module Clear <STX> qm
Module Compress <STX>zm
Module Copy <STX> C
Module Directory Request <STX> Wa
Module Request status <STX> J
Module Set default (special dump mode) <STX> Xm
Module, FLASH memory Test <STX> w
Module, Memory Test <STX>STEST
Module, RAM memory Test <STX> t
Modules Clear all <STX> Q
None h
None l
None u
Offset distance, Top of Form distance <STX>Ksnn
Pause for each label <STX> J
Pause Toggle <SOH> B
Pause, Controlled <STX> p
Place data in global register G
Print last label format <STX> G
Print speed Pa
Print time and date <STX> Tstring
Printhead dot pattern test label <STX> T
Quantity labels printed <STX> Ennnn
Quantity of labels Qnnnn
Recall global data and place in field <STX> Sa
Recall stored label rname
Commands by Function
Function Command
Reflective Sensor Select <STX> r
Replacement Field tag U
Reset <SOH> #
Resettable Counters reset <STX>Kr
Ribbon Saver <STX> Rx
Row offset amount Rnnnn
RS-232 port Test <STX> k
Scalable Font Download <STX>imtaabbb...bcrxxxxxxxxfff...f
Sensor Values Request <STX> Y
Single buffer mode <STX> s
Slew rate Sa
SOH shutdown <SOH> D
Start of print position (TOF) <STX>Onnnn
Status ASCII String Request <SOH> A
Status Byte Request <SOH> F
Store label in module & Terminate formatting smname
Symbol Set select <STX> ySaa
Symbol Set select ySaa
Terminate formatting - print label format E
Terminate label format, do not print label X
Time and Date Request <STX> B
Time and Date Set <STX>AwMMddyearhhmmjjj
Wait mode W
Zero (Ø) conversion to "0" Z
Zero (Ø) conversion to "0" z
Zip mode Z
Appendix O
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The Old Vicarage
Haley Hill, Halifax HX3 6DR
United Kingdom
Tel: 44-1422-359161 Fax: 44-1422-355604
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Pittsburgh, PA 15238-2802
Tel: 412-963-8588 Fax: 412-963-8753