ERM Structured
ERM Structured
ERM Structured
B Implementation summary
List of figures
List of tables
Risks can impact an organisation in the short, This definition links risks to objectives. Therefore,
medium and long term. These risks are related to this definition of risk can most easily be applied
operations, tactics and strategy, respectively. when the objectives of the organisation are
Strategy sets out the long-term aims of the comprehensive and fully stated. Even when fully
organisation, and the strategic planning horizon stated, the objectives themselves need to be
for an organisation will typically be 3, 5 or more challenged and the assumptions on which they
years. Tactics define how an organisation intends are based should be tested, as part of the risk
to achieve change. Therefore, tactical risks are management process.
typically associated with projects, mergers,
acquisitions and product developments.
Operations are the routine activities of the
For example, consider the infrastructure of an organisation and the implementation of a new IT
system. The choice of hardware and software are strategic decisions. If these choices are
incorrect, the consequences will not be obvious for some time. The associated risks are strategic
risks and these risks will be taken with the intention of achieving benefits. Correct strategic
decisions deliver benefits that result in achievement of the upside of risk.
The project to install the new hardware and software will be a change initiative that represents the
tactics by which strategy will be implemented. Risks within the project need to be managed, so
that the project is delivered on time, within budget and to specification. Again, it is possible to
achieve an upside in the execution of the project, whereby the project is delivered early and below
budget. It is also possible that the IT hardware and software will deliver greater benefits than
Once the new hardware and software has been installed, the system will be vulnerable to
operational risks, including computer breakdown, loss of data, virus attacks and operator errors.
These operational risks may be very significant, and correct procedures will need to be designed
and implemented to minimise potential disruption.
2 Scope of risk Scope of risk and details of possible events, including description of
the events, their size, type and number
6 Loss experience Previous incidents and prior loss experience of events related to the
7 Risk tolerance, appetite Loss potential and anticipated financial impact of the risk
or attitude Target for control of risk and desired level of performance
Risk attitude, appetite, tolerance or limits for the risk
9 Potential for risk improvement Potential for cost-effective risk improvement or modification
Recommendations and deadlines for implementation
Responsibility for implementing any improvements
10 Strategy and policy Responsibility for developing strategy related to the risk
developments Responsibility for auditing compliance with controls
Risk protocols
Risk protocols are presented in the form of the risk guidelines for the
organisation and include the rules and procedures, as well as specifying the
risk management methodologies, tools and techniques that should be used
Recognition and ranking of risks together form the Framework for managing risk
risk assessment activity. ISO 31000 uses the
phrase ‘risk treatment’ to include all of the 4Ts ISO 31000 describes a framework for
included under the heading ‘risk response’. The implementing risk management, rather than a
scope of risk responses available for hazard risks framework for supporting the risk management
includes the options of tolerate, treat, transfer process. Information on designing the framework
or terminate the risk or the activity that gives rise to that supports the risk management process is not
the risk. For many risks, these responses may set out in detail in ISO 31000. An organisation will
be applied in combination. For opportunity risks, describe its framework for supporting risk
the range of available options includes exploiting management by way of the risk architecture,
the risk. Reaction planning includes business strategy and protocols for the organisation.
continuity planning and disaster recovery planning.
The risk architecture, strategy and protocols
3: Review of ISO 31000 shown in Figure 1 represent the internal
arrangements for communicating on risk issues.
ISO 31000 describes the components of a risk
It also sets out the roles and responsibilities of the
management implementation framework. Figure 2
individuals and committees that support the risk
provides a simplified version of this implementation
management process. The risk strategy should set
framework. It includes the essential steps in the
out the objectives that risk management activities
implementation and ongoing support of the risk
in the organisation are seeking to achieve. Finally,
management process. The initial component of
the risk protocols describe the procedures by
the ISO 31000 framework is ‘mandate and
which the strategy will be implemented and risks
commitment’ by the Board and this is followed by:
design of framework
4: Achieving the benefits of ERM
implement risk management
Figure 3 provides a simplified version of the risk
monitor and review framework management process from ISO 31000 using the
terminology of Guide 73. The key stages in the
improve framework process are represented as risk assessment and
risk treatment. Figure 3 also indicates that the risk
management process takes place within the risk
management context of the organisation.
Design of framework
Organisation and its context
Risk management policy
Embedding risk management
Implement risk
Improve framework
Implement framework
Implement RM process
Establish context
Communication and consultation
Risk assessment
Risk analysis
Risk evaluation
Risk treatment
Business units
Produce specific policy statements, as necessary
Direct and monitor Prepare and update the business unit risk register
Reports for evaluation Set risk priorities for business unit
Monitor projects and risk improvements
Prepare reports for GRMC
Manage control risk self-certification activities
Workshops and brainstorming Collection and sharing of ideas and discussion of the events that
could impact the objectives, stakeholder expectations or key
Inspections and audits Physical inspections of premises and activities and audits of
compliance with established systems and procedures
HAZOP and FMEA approaches Hazard and Operability studies and Failure Modes Effects
Analysis are quantitative technical failure analysis techniques
SWOT and PESTLE analyses Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats (SWOT) and
Political Economic Social Technological Legal Environmental
(PESTLE) analyses offer structured approaches to risk recognition
Risk architecture
Statement produced that sets out risk responsibilities and lists the risk-based matters reserved for the
Arrangements are in place to ensure the availability of appropriate competent advice on risks and
Risk aware culture exists within the organisation and actions are in hand to enhance the level of risk
Sources of risk assurance for the Board have been identified and validated
Risk strategy
Risk management policy produced that describes risk appetite, risk culture and philosophy
Key dependencies for success identified, together with the matters that should be avoided
Business objectives validated and the assumptions underpinning those objectives tested
Significant risks faced by the organisation identified, together with the critical controls required
Risk management action plan established that includes the use of key risk indicators, as appropriate
Necessary resources identified and provided to support the risk management activities
Risk protocols
Appropriate risk management framework identified and adopted, with modifications as appropriate
Suitable and sufficient risk assessments completed and the results recorded in an appropriate manner
Details of required risk responses recorded, together with arrangements to track risk improvement
Incident reporting procedures established to facilitate identification of risk trends, together with risk
escalation procedures
Business continuity plans and disaster recovery plans established and regularly tested
Arrangements in place to audit the efficiency and effectiveness of the controls in place for significant
Arrangements in place for mandatory reporting on risk, including reports on at least the following:
The table below provides an overview of the steps Planning and designing
involved in the implementation of an enterprise risk
Implementing and benchmarking
management (ERM) initiative. Successful
implementation of an ERM initiative is an ongoing Measuring and monitoring
process that involves working through the 10 steps
Learning and reporting
set out below on a continuous basis. The 10 steps
are divided between:
2. Plan the scope of the ERM initiative and develop common Upside of risk
language of risk Stakeholder expectations
3. Establish the risk management strategy, framework, and Risk management policy
the roles and responsibilities Risk architecture
6. Determine risk appetite and risk tolerance levels, and Risk register
evaluate the existing controls Risk appetite
8. Embed risk aware culture and align risk management with Control environment
other management tasks Risk communications
9. Monitor and review risk performance indicators to measure Audit plan and risk reviews
ERM contribution Sources of risk assurance
10. Report risk performance in line with legal and other Risk reporting
obligations, and monitor improvement Legal requirements
This document is available for download free of charge from the websites of the above organisations.