Lesson 7
Lesson 7
Lesson 7
By the end of this lesson, you should be
able to:
Understand the definition of a function
Use Excel XP functions in calculations
Access Excel XP functions
Find the sum of a range of data
Using functions
A function is a predefined formula that helps perform common
mathematical functions. Functions save you the time of writing lengthy
formulas. You could use an Excel function called Average, for example, to
quickly find the average of range of numbers. Or you could use
the Sum function to find the sum of a cell range. Excel XP contains many
different functions.
Here's an example of a function with one argument that adds a range of cells
(B3 through B10):
Excel's different
There are many different functions in Excel XP. Some of the more common
functions include:
Statistical functions:
SUM: This adds a range of cells.
AVERAGE: This calculates the average of a range of cells.
COUNT: This counts the number of chosen data in a range of
MAX: This identifies the largest number in a range of cells.
MIN: This identifies the smallest number in a range of cells.
Financial functions:
Interest rates
Loan payments
Depreciation amounts
You don't have to memorize the functions but should have an idea of what
each can do for you.
Finding the sum of a
range of data
The AutoSum function allows you to create a formula that includes a cell
range—many cells in a column, for example, or many cells in a row.
Accessing Excel XP
To access other functions in Excel:
Using the point-click-drag method, select a cell range to be
included in the formula.
On the Standard toolbar, click the drop-down part of
the AutoSum button.
If you don't see the function you want to use, display additional
functions by selecting More Functions.