Env Law End Term
Env Law End Term
Env Law End Term
Environmental law
End term Examination
10 Summarisation of 12
Strategies for
12. Conclusion 15
13 . Bibliography 16
Impacts of climate change pose fundamental challenges for current approaches to biodiversity
conservation. Changing temperature and precipitation regimes will interact with existing drivers such
as habitat loss to influence species distributions despite their protection within reserve boundaries. In
this report we summarize a suite of current adaptation proposals for conservation, and highlight some
key issues to be resolved.
Changing temperature and precipitation regimes are expected to interact with other drivers to impact
a range of biological processes and influence species distributions In the past 5 years a growing
body of empirical evidence has documented climate-change-attributed changes in processes,
including phenology net primary productionand species interactions Changes in species distributions
have also been observed in both above-ground and below-ground communitiesThis situation poses
fundamental challenges to existing approaches for biodiversity conservation because targets (for
example, species) are currently managed within spatially and temporally static reserves . As a result
of changing species distributions, some populations and species will no longer be viable in reserves
created for their protection. Additionally, altered disturbance regimes may enhance the ability of
invasive species to colonize reserves more easily .
Thus, a central unresolved question in conservation biology is: how can we manage for biodiversity
objectives in an era of accelerated climate change?
In the atmosphere, gases such as water vapour, carbon dioxide, ozone, and methane act like the glass
roof of a greenhouse by trapping heat and warming the planet. These gases are called greenhouse
gases. The natural levels of these gases are being supplemented by emissions resulting from human
activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels, farming activities and land-use changes. As a result, the
Earth’s surface and lower atmosphere are warming, and this rise in temperature is accompanied by
many other changes.
Rising levels of greenhouse gases are already changing the climate. According to the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group I (WGI) Fourth Assessment
Report, from 1850 to 2005, the average global temperature increased by about 0.76ºC and global
mean sea level rose by 12 to 22 cm during the last century. These changes are affecting the entire
world, from low-lying islands in the tropics to the vast polar regions.
Climate change predictions are not encouraging; according to the IPCC WGI Fourth Assessment
Report, a further increase in temperatures of 1.4°C to 5.8°C by 2100 is projected. Predicted impacts
associated with such temperature increase include: a further rise in global mean sea level, changes in
precipitation patterns, and more people at risk from dangerous “vector-borne diseases” such as
The present global biota has been affected by fluctuating Pleistocene (last 1.8 million years)
concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide, temperature, precipitation, and has coped through
evolutionary changes, and the adoption of natural adaptive strategies. Such climate changes,
however, occurred over an extended period of time in a landscape that was not as fragmented as it is
today and with little or no additional pressure from human activities. Habitat fragmentation has
confined many species to relatively small areas within their previous ranges, resulting in reduced
genetic variability. Warming beyond the ceiling of temperatures reached during the Pleistocene will
stress ecosystems and their biodiversity far beyond the levels imposed by the global climatic change
that occurred in the recent evolutionary past.
Current rates and magnitude of species extinction far exceed normal background rates. Human
activities have already resulted in the loss of biodiversity and thus may have affected goods and
services crucial for human well-being. The rate and magnitude of climate change induced by
increased greenhouse gases emissions has and will continue to affect biodiversity either directly or in
combination with other drivers of change.
If current rates of warming continue, by 2030 global temperatures could increase by more than 1.5°C
(2.7°F) compared to before the industrial revolution. A major impact of climate change on
biodiversity is the increase in the intensity and frequency of fires, storms or periods of drought. In
Australia at the end of 2019 and start of 2020, 97,000km2 of forest and surrounding habitats were
destroyed by intense fires that are now known to have been made worse by climate change. This
adds to the threat to biodiversity which has already been placed under stress by other human
activities. It is thought that the number of threatened species in the area may have increased by 14%
as a result of the fires.
Rising global temperatures also have the potential to alter ecosystems over longer periods by
changing what can grow and live within them. There is already evidence to suggest that reductions in
water vapour in the atmosphere since the 1990s has resulted in 59% of vegetated areas showing
pronounced browning and reduced growth rates worldwide.
Rising temperatures in the oceans affect marine organisms. Corals are particularly vulnerable to
rising temperatures and ocean acidification can make it harder for shellfish and corals in the upper
ocean to form shells and hard skeletons. We have also seen changes in occurrence of marine algae
Despite the threats posed by climate change to biodiversity, we also know that natural habitats play
an important role in regulating climate and can help to absorb and store carbon. Mangroves are
significant sinks for carbon and the Amazon is one of the most biologically diverse places on the
planet and is an enormous store of carbon – up to 100 billion tons, although a recent study has
suggested the Amazon may now be emitting more carbon than it absorbs. Safeguarding these natural
carbon sinks from further damage is an important part of limiting climate change.
A heatwave is declared when the maximum temperature is over 40 degree Celsius and at least 4.5
notches above normal. A severe heatwave is declared if the departure from normal temperature is
more than 6.4 degrees, according to the IMD. Based on absolute recorded temperatures, a heatwave
is declared when an area logs a maximum temperature of 45 degree Celsius. A severe heatwave is
declared if the maximum temperature crosses 47 degrees.
The principal purpose of new protected areas is to mitigate the risk of extinction by providing the
potential for species distributions to shift; a secondary contribution is that they may also enhance
micro-evolutionary potential through enhanced population size and diversity. Therefore, corridors
may reduce extinction risk by enabling the passive shifting of some species to new geographic
ranges, and by reinforcing species distributions (in a metapopulation context).
A crucial challenge for this approach is determining where to site corridors and new reserve
areas. The current state-of-the-science is to use species distribution models or bioclimate envelope
models to generate projections of future species’ responses to various climate scenarios . Many view
this information as providing essential insight into the strategic siting of new protected areas At the
same time, myriad uncertainties impact the validity of these projections . Efforts to address these
uncertainties are ongoing , but many uncertainties may remain (or even increase) within decision-
making time frames nonetheless.
Schemes for siting new areas may be more robust to uncertainties by incorporating coarse scale
environmental gradients, such as edaphic and elevational ranges .
• Matrix as buffers
As a complement to protected areas expansion, many researchers highlight the importance of matrix
areas or the wider landscape, as being particularly crucial for biological adaptation in an era of
change .For example, some land uses, such as forestry or agro-forestry (or lower impact marine
activities), may provide a spatial buffer for populations as they respond to climate change and move
outside core reserves. In order for this proposal to be effective, matrix areas must be of sufficient
size, and landowners must be willing to adjust their activities as monitoring indicates . Incentives
may increase the viability of this proposal. The logic of this approach is similar to new protected
areas and corridors: more benign matrix areas may passively facilitate species shifts by promoting
movement across land- and seascapes; they may also reinforce species distributions at fine scales
(around reserves).
In addition to ecological uncertainties, there are various parametric and model uncertainties relating
to species distribution models. This includes uncertainties relating to so-called ‘unknown
unknowns’; where key processes are not yet recognized, understood or incorporated into model
structure, or as parameters. Yet such processes may play critical roles in ecosystem dynamics
nonetheless. Moreover, there are uncertainties relating to the climate scenario models that influence
the outputs of envelope models. Lastly, there are critical socio-political uncertainties (in values,
impacts, responses and feedbacks).
Thus, a second key area of future research is the development of conservation approaches that are
robust to uncertainty, recognizing that many of the above uncertainties are irreducible. As ecological
and social systems co-adapt, non-linear dynamics will lead to perpetually surprising outcomes.
Therefore, even with the best scientific research and most comprehensive models, species responses
may surprise us. Indeed, uncertainties may also increase with new research and insights Thus, the
implementation of safe-to-fail adaptive management policies may be as or more important than
efforts to reduce uncertainties.
• Monitoring
In many ways, conservation adaptation requires recognition of what is changing and where (for
example, assisted migration, dynamic reserves). Thus, there is an urgent need for monitoring of
impacts. While existing monitoring programs could be adapted and used for this purpose, programs
specifically targeted to assessing the impacts of climate change would support the most effective
adaptation responses possible under highly uncertain circumstances.
• Implementation
So far, the adaptation proposals outlined above have focussed primarily on biological dimensions.
This effort has provided a critical foundation, but land-use decisions, including reserves, are social
decisions made in the context specific places. Therefore, a key area of future research is to identify
through applied case studies the factors that determine the relative receptivity or resistance of
communities to new and additional conservation measures. This effort will provide crucial insights
by which conservationists can foster socially sustainable conservation action.
To date, core protected areas have been managed with a preferred minimum intervention (with
exceptions for active management including controlled burns, programs to limit grazers, and efforts
to minimize the impacts and distributions of invasive species, for example). Proposals for more
widespread intervention, including assisted colonization, raise many unanswered questions. When do
we intervene and to what extent? To what extent and under what circumstances are we willing to
sacrifice the persistence of one species to save another? Who decides? And by what decision
process? Addressing these questions, including latent and even more controversial proposals for
conservation triage , will be a key challenge moving forward.
Ultimately, one of the biggest challenges to fostering biological adaptation may be a willingness
across stakeholders, scientists and managers to re-calibrate existing expectations of nature and
reserves in responding to an era of global change.
❖ In-situ Conservation
In-situ conservation of biodiversity is the conservation of species within their natural habitat. In this
method, the natural ecosystem is maintained and protected.
The in-situ conservation has several advantages. Following are the important advantages of in-situ
• National Parks
These are small reserves maintained by the government. Its boundaries are well demarcated and
human activities such as grazing, forestry, habitat and cultivation are prohibited. For eg., Kanha
National Park, Bandipur National Park.
• Wildlife Sanctuaries
These are the regions where only wild animals are found. Human activities such as timber
harvesting, cultivation, collection of woods and other forest products are allowed here as long as they
do not interfere with the conservation project. Also, tourists visit these places for recreation.
• Biosphere Reserves
Biosphere reserves are multi-purpose protected areas where the wildlife, traditional lifestyle of the
inhabitants and domesticated plants and animals are protected. Tourist and research activities are
permitted here.
Ex-situ Conservation
Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity involves the breeding and maintenance of endangered species in
artificial ecosystems such as zoos, nurseries, botanical gardens, gene banks, etc. There is less
competition for food, water and space among the organisms.
The animals are provided with a longer time and breeding activity.
The species bred in captivity can be reintroduced in the wild.
Genetic techniques can be used for the preservation of endangered species.
Also Read: Difference between a wildlife sanctuary and national park
Conservation, restoration, and management of biodiversity and natural resources can improve their
resilience and help countries and communities respond to climate variability and long-term climate
change, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Ecosystem-based adaptation and climate
mitigation actions like land use planning and sustainable forest management can also help conserve
biodiverse ecosystems.
Similarly, agroforestry, rangeland restoration, and reforestation can heal and rebuild degraded
landscapes, ultimately reducing both emissions and habitat fragmentation. The diversification of
natural resource livelihoods and the reduction of non-climate threats to biodiversity, such as
overexploitation, can also limit harmful impacts and improve ecosystems’ ability to adapt to a
changing climate. Addressing climate impacts on biodiversity can improve development outcomes
by strengthening the ecosystem services on which people rely.