By Laws

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GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB HEALTH DEPARTMENT | NOTIFICATION NO. S.O. (PH) 12-4 / 89 (13) In partial modification of Government of the Punjab, Health Department's Notification No. S.O, (TIBB) 9-40 / 85, dated 3% July 1986, vide which the Punjab Medical Faculty (PMF) alongwith promulgation of its Byelaws was Notified, the Competent Authority has been pleased to approve the Revised By-Laws of the Punjab Medical Faculty (PMF); with immediate effect: 1. Preamble: 1.4 Definitions: Unless the context otherwise requires: “Allied Health Professional” (AHP) means a person who provides services under supervision of qualified medics/pharmacists for diagnostic, preventive, curative and rehabilitative field in health care delivery system and has qualified a prescrived course of training in @ recognized institution and is registered as Allied Health Professional by the body formed for the purpose. “Allied Health Sciences” (AHS) means the technical knowledge base for diferent categories of Alied Health Professionals, “Basic Qualification” means certificate or diploma course for Allied Health Professions, “Certificate” means proficiency qualification certificate in any Allied Heath Sciences iscipline maximum of one year duration granted by the Facuty. “Diploma” means any recognized qualification granted by the Faculty of at least two years duration but lesser than a university degree. “Faculty” means the Punjab Medical Faculty (PMF). “Operational Policy” means a document which is complimentary to the Bye-laws and Which depicts the procedures concerning functioning ef Faculty and is approved by the Governing Body (G8) ora committee constitutes by it. “Secretary” means Secretary of the Punjab Medical Faculty. “Government” means Government of the Punjab, Health Department. Establishment: 1.2.1Name of the organization shall be the Punjab Medical Faculty (PMF). 1.2.2The Faculty shall be @ body corporate having perpetual succession and @ common seal and ‘may sue and be sued by the said name. 1.2.3The Facuity shall have the power to acquire and hold both movable and immovable Property; to lease, sell or otherwise transfer any property which vests in t or has been acquired by it 1.2.4Location and Jurisdiction: Headquarters of the Faculty shall be at Lahore. its {utisdition shall extend to province of the Punjab, provided that the Government of any other territory may, with the concurrence of Government of the Punjab and subject to such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed upon, by a nolfcation in its own official gazette, extend its jurisdiction in such teritory 2. Objectives and Functions of the Facult) 24 Mission: To stive for maximizing the professional competence of allied health professionals: land ensuring their quality basic education that is in line with the contemporary needs and latest scientific advancements by organizing an educational system which caters to the needs of health sector. 2.2 An outline of functions to be undertaken by the Faculty is presented below. The Operational Policies shall elaborate these functions in greater details, 2.2.1 Standardize all levels of education for different categories of AHPs. ‘a. Prescribe curricula and duration of training thus establishing uniform minimum standard for basic qualifications, b. Stipulate standards, educational qualification, scoring criteria to ascertain the eligibility and merit of the candidates for admissions in the affliated institutions; c. To provide the academic development through innovation of new — disciplines Ispecialized fields Keeping in view the requirement of society / market in the health sector or, as the case may be, advancement of health technology in the relevant felds. 222 Recognize and regulate the training institutions for Allied Health Sciences ‘education. The PMF shall have the exclusive jurisdiction for afilation, registration and recognition of the training institutions imparting basic education in Allied Health Sciences. a. Set standards and scoring criteria for affliation of training insttutions in the ppublic and private sectors. b. Delineate admission criteria including minimum required education, age limit and the other prerequisites ©. Perform continuous monitoring over the training institutions and penalize or disaffliate institutions not adhering to standards, ‘Conduct examinations for basic courses of study a, To prescribe the standard, eligibility and procedure for holding examinations; b. To provide for conducting and arrangement of examinations and’ for reparation, approval, announcement and publication of results of such examinations © To fix, demand and receive fee and other charges from the students and candidates. Confer, award or issue diplomas and certificates or other documents stating cr implying that the holder or recipient possesses basic level qualification in the Allied Health Sciences. The Facuity shail be the exclusive body for awarding certificate & diplomas to the qualified candidates within its jurisdiction, 3. The Governing Body (GB): 3.1 Constitution and membership 3.1.1. The PMF shail perform functions through a Governing Body (3B) which shall consist of leven members to be appointed either by virtue of office and designation or by name by the Government of the Punjab 3.12 Provided that Secretary o the Government of Punjab, Health Department shall be one of ts members, who shall also be its President 3.1.3 Provided further that the Additional Secretary (Technica), Health Department shall be 2 ‘member and shall act as its Vice-President. 3.1.4 Provided further that Secretary, PM will be a member and shall provide secretarial support tothe GB. 3.1.5 Provided further that one member shall be a private practioner / representative of private sector nominated by the President, PM. 3.1.6 A member of the GB shall hold office for a period of three years, and shall be eligible for re- ‘appointment for another term of three years. 3.1.7 Any member of the GB may tender resignation to the Government and on the acceptance of such resignation shall cease to be the member. 3.4.8 Goverment may remove any member of the GB at any time, if in its opinion: 1. Sihe, by reason of infirmity of mind or body or otherwise, is unable to discharge ulties efficiently li, Has falled to attend three consecutive meetings without sufficient cause. li, In discharge of duties, is guilty of misconduct, provided that before passing an ‘order of removal, s/he shall be given an opportunity of being heard in person. 3.1.9 Goverment may fill vacancy In GB caused by resignation, death or removal of any member. The person so appointed shall be member for the un-expired term. 3.2. Meeting of the Governing Body: 3.22 A meeting of the GB shall be held after every three months or as required on the tection of the President. 3.2.3 The President may call an urgent meeting of the GB whenever she/he shall judge the ‘same to be necessary or if a requisition to the effect signed by six or more members of the GB is received. 2.24 Agenda of a meeting, ordinary or special, shall be circulated by the Secretary PMF to all ‘members of the GB not less than seven days before the date of such meeting. 3.2.8 The meeting of the GB shall be presided over by the President and in his absence by the Vice President 326 Atleast six members shall be necessary to form a quorum at ay meeting. 3.2.7 Every agenda item shall be decided by a majonty of votes, The President shall determine the method of taking votes and in the case of equality of votes shall have 2 casting vote. 3.2.8 The President at his discretion may allow any member to speak, debate or propose any of the agenda items or any other item. 3.2.9 Registrar PMF shall attend meeting of GB but shall not have voting rights, 2.2.10 The minutes of the meetings shall be recorded by the Secretary/Registrar PMF provided that in the absence of Secretary/Registrar the President or the Vice President, as the case may be, presiding over the meeting can authorize any member to record and circulate the minutes of the meeting, 3.2.11 After vetting and signatures by members of GB the minutes of meeting would be placec before the President for approval 3.2.12 Agenda items and amendments as have been approved and adopted, rejected and deferred at any meeting shall be recorded in the minutes of that meeting. The minutes shall not record any comment or observation made by any memiber at the meeting. 3.2.13 Any notification / order emanating in the light of approved minutes of meeting shall be issued immediately by the Technical Wing of the Health Department, 3.2.14 The minutes shall have to be confirmed at the subsequent meeting of GB, 3.3. Powers and Functions: To hold, control and administer the property and funds of Faculty. To enter into and carry out contracts regarding purchase and sale of moveable or immoveable property belonging to Faculty. To pass the annual budget and determine rates of different fees / receivables; and remunerations / payments, To appoint such Officers as may be necessary to carry out the purpose of the Faculty To appoint such Committees from amongst its members for specific purposes and to delineate their terms of reference. The committees may co-opt members from outside Governing Body on need basis. These committees shall exercise Powers vested with Governing Body for the purposes specified. Alongwith the Purchase Committee and Inspection Committee for purchases made by PMF, which shall function according to the procedures lald down in Government's Purchase Manual, the important committees shall include: A. Academic Committee The Academic Committee shall: i. Approve syllabi, curricula and standard textbooks for courses run by the Faculty. li. Constitute Pane/s of Experts for specified courses of studies and to delineate their terms of reference, ji, Draw up and publish for general information procedures and practices for the conduct of examinations. \v. Select and appoint Head Paper Setter, Head Examiner and their deputies, ‘Secrecy Officer, Paper Setters, Paper Checkers, intemal & External Examiners {or various practical & viva examinations, ¥. Approve the annual calendar for examinations. Yi. Approve Examination Centers, the Center Superintendents, Resident Inspectors and Center Inspectors. vil, Formulate from amongst its members sub-committees for the specified tasks indluding, inter alia, dealing with disciplinary / unfair means cases in examinations end declaration of result. vil. Consider such other matters as the President of the Faculty may think necessary to refer to it Appeal against the decisions of Academic Committee shall be made before the Governing n Committee: ‘The Affiliation Committee shall: Ost era an procedures fr granting alaion to Ito o ate oa eden alas 4 Undone soy of plans fr alton nd sot har repeston odicds pec tie eae ae JW, San eben xemenae nee NT ca, it Ze: Aeprove date oon Paton esse crrchor ton eer re vi Decide upon technical and administrative issues pertaining to affliated institutions, Wi Consider such other matters as the President of the Faculty may think Necessary to refer tot. ‘Appeal against the decisions of Afilation Committee shall be made before the Governing Body (GB), 4. General and Supplementary Provisions: 4.1, Power to make Operational Policies The Faculty may prescribe procedures pertaining to its main functions which shall not be inconsistent with the bye-laws. These procedures and practices shall be assembled in the form f “Operational Policy’ documents which would be subject to constant reviews. These shall include inter afia the Exarnination Policy, Affiliation Criteria & Policy, and procedures for award of Diplomas and Certificates and cover matters described below but not limited to them: Prescribing erteria for granting afilations to educational institutions including the requirements for faculty. . The concitions under which the candidates shall be admitted to diferent disciplines of allied health sciences education and qualifying other examinations, The standards of. education and examinetions which shall be maintained at any ‘educational institution at which such education is provided, in order to secure affiliation under these bye-laws, The requirements for approval of courses in allied health sciences and the duration of the curricula to be followed by such students at affliated educational institutions. 2. Process of conduction of examinations ~ from advertisement to declaration of result, {Grant of equivalence to qualifications not granted by PMF. g. Processes for award of diplomas, duplicate documents, enrolment certificates and their renewal; and h. Generally, all matters which are considered necessary or expedient in order to give effect to the objects of these bye-laws. 4.2 Alteration or Abrogation of any Bye-law Any proposal for amendment in bye-laws delivered by a member of the Governing Body to the President or put up in writing by the Secretary of the Faculty at any meeting of the Governing Body, shall with the consent of the majority of the members present at that meeting be elther decided by majority at the same meeting or referred to a Committee of Members of the Governing Body, which shall be immediately elected with direction to report at the next or succeeding meeting of the Governing Body. If approved, the same shall be ordained and, signed by the President 4.3. Removal of Difficulties If any difficulty arises in giving effect to any provisions of these bye-laws, the Government may sive such directions, as it may consider necessary for the removal of such difficulties. 5. Finances and Accounts of Faculty: ‘5.1 The accounts of PMF shall be maintained and audited in such form and in such manner as may be prescribed. 5.2 The President and the Secretary shall be authorized jointly to operate and to invest the funds of the Faculty in Government Promissory Note, Bonds, Saving Certificates, Securities and Fixed Deposits and to pledge, negotiate, withdraw, sell, purchase, transfer or otherwise dispose of the deposits so made. 5.3 The Secretary and Registrar shall be authorized jointly to operate the running account of Facuity and they shall be co-signatories for such account. SA THe Setttary PUR Sill be RUNGE eae ho poms oF CARER Cea ax:tt delegation of Facial Power Rule in vogue and to make purchaves and paymectssceoring ) tothe procedures prescribed in Purchase Maral )) _/s:5 the secretary shall prepare in the month of May each year the budget estimate for the next Calendar year and lay t before the Govering Body at ls pax meeting. Such eatmates shall (fs, ke mrovson re fient ote abies the Facy an for efieny caring ous SY aan UP 56 The Governing Body shal at any time during the yar cause a supplementary budget exists bayond he powers dntered to Secretary PMF. 5,7 Rates for fees and allowances to examiners and supervisory officers and staff and rates for different fees charged by the Faculty shall be approved / revised by the Governing Body and notified thereafter. 5.8 Audit of accounts of the Faculty shall be conducted by the Director Local Fund Audit at the closing of financial year. Aucit report shall be sent to the members of governing body. 6 et 62 63 64 65 86 er 68 69 en J, { B: 4 Human Resource of Faculty: The staff sanctioned for Faculty shall be as depicted in Schedule-1 and such other posts a: ‘may be determined by Governing Body from time to time ‘The Faculty shall seek services of Secretary, Registrar and such other officers from the Health Department on deputation basis as required by the Faculty and approved by the President. While placing staff against the positions of officers in the Faculty, maximum preference shall be given to Allied Health Professionals. On non-availability of @ suitable officer within Health Department the posts may be filed by contract appointment or on re-employment basis. The procedure adopted for such Feeruitments and terms and conditions for service shall be the same as detailed in Government of Punjab’s policies for the purpose. Rules and procedures for regular recruitments as observed by Government of Punjab shall be applicable, Unless specified othenvise, job descriptions of the employees of Faculty shall be the same as their counterparts with similar nomenclatures serving Government of the Punjab or the ‘examining bodies functioning under control of Government of the Punjab. Unless otherwise specified rules and procedures as observed by the Government of Punjab shall be adopted for regulating the probation, regularization, seniority, promotion, resignation, leave, pay, allowances and other fringe benefits for the employees of Punjab Medical Faculty (PMF), In case of any ambiguity, rules and procedures as prescribed by Government of Punjab shall be binding. Employees of PMF shall be considered as public servants. Rules and procedures for disciplinary Proceedings shall be as specified by the Government of the Punjab. The competent officers in this regard shall be as specified in Schedule-lV. ‘Services of employees of PMF shall be pensionable and a head of account for the purpose ‘shall be available in the annual budget of Faculty; the expenditure incurred shall be debited from the special pension fund created for the purpose. Rules and procedure as prescribed by Government of Punjab for award of pension shall be applicable. ‘The authorities specified in Schedules if - IV shall be empowered to the extent as specified therein to grant leave, evaluate performance end to impose such penalties as may be considered necessary upon the staff of the Faculty. }©. The key positions of Faculty along with their foremost responsibilities shall be as under: ecretar @. There shall be a Secretary of the Punjab Medical Faculty (PMF) who shall be Chief Executive Officer of the organization. Sihe shall be a Principal Technologist (BS 20) or a General Cacre Principal Medical Officer (BPS-20) with post-graduation in health | management //- The Secretary, PMF shall be responsible for all administrative, executive, financial and ‘academic functions and shall ensure that the provisions of byelaws and operational polices Of the Faculty are faithtuly observed in order to promote the general efficiency and good “\ order of the Faculty for achievement of its objectives. ©. Secretary, PMF shall be the custodian of the common seal of the Faculty. ©. Secretary, PMF shall have all powers prescribed for carrying out the purposes of Faculty including administrative control over the officers and other employees of the Faculty, including to the powers prescribed in the Schedules I~ IV. ©. Sihe shall perform such other functions as may be specified by the Governing Body, Registrar a Sihe shall be an Additional Principal Technologist (BS 19) or a General Cadre Additional Principal Medical Officer (BPS-19) with post-graduation in health management; the professional & academic qualification and experience necessary for appointment to the post of Registrar shall be such as may be prescribed b b. The Registrar shall be the Controller of Examinations by virtue of post and shall be responsible {or all matters related to the conduct of examinations, compilation of results and issuance of a notification thereof, and safe keeping of academic records. ‘Sihe shall ensure the conduct of examinations and matters related thereto in a transparent, objective and academically sound manner. ‘Sine shall deal with the issues pertaining to recognition of examinations of other Faculties or examining bodies as equivalent to the corresponding examinations of the Faculty. ‘Sine shall perform such other functions as may be specified, including exercise of administrative powers as detailed in Schedules I! - IV. C: Assistant Registrar (Examination There shal be an Assistant Register Examination) who shall be a Senior Technologist ora Senor Medical Officer. She/he shall be responsible for assisting the Registrar in mallee relating to condtng examinations D: Assistant Roaistrar (Affiliation) ‘There shall be an Assistant Registrar (Affiliation) who shall be a Senior Technologist or a Senior Medical Offcer, She/he shal be responsibe for assstng the Registrar in matters relating to poces and procedures for affliaton of institutions of aie healt sciences education E: Contfication Officer The professional and academic qualfcation and experience necessary for appointment tothe post shallbe such a8 may be prescribed, The Certification Officer shal be: Custodian of certificates and criginal results. Preparation of all certificates including Enrolment and Renewal of Enrolment and ‘submission for signatures by the competent authority, Verification of old records! certificates / diplomas and result cards etc. SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB HEALTH DEPARTMENT /EN, Dated Lahore, the 18" February, 2016. Copy of the above is forwarded for information & necessary action to the: ‘Secretary to Chief Minister, Punjab. Chief Secretary, Punjab. Additional Chief Secretary, Punjab. Secretary, Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination, Islamabad 5. All the Administrative Secretaries to Government of the Punjab. 6. Director General Heaith Services, Punjab, Lahore. 7. Director General Public Relations, Punjab, Lahore, 8 8. Vice Chancellor, University of Health Sciences, Lahore, Vice Chancellor, King Edward Medical University, Lahore. 10. Secretary, Provincial Ombudsman, Punjab, Lahore, 11, Secretary, Punjab Medical Faculty (PMF), Lahore for dissemination to all concerned 12. All the Members of Governing Body (GB) of PMF. 18. All the Principals of Autonomous Medical Institutions in Punjab. 14, All the Medical Superintendents of Teaching, DHQ and THQ Hospitals in Punjab, 16. All the Executive District Officers (Health) in Punjab, 16. All the Principals of Institutes of Allied Health Sciences / Para-Medi Punjab. 17. P.S.0. to Secretary to Government of the Punjab, Health Depart 18. P.S. to Special Secretary to Government of the Punjab, Healt 19.P.A to Additional Secretary (Establishment), (Admit (Technical), Health Department, Schools in (DR. NASIR MAHMOOD SHAKIR) DEPUTY SECRETARY (ME) Human Resource Schedule I Staff Strength 7 1 2. [Reaistrar 1 3._ [Assistant Registrar” «| 2 4 [Budget & Accounts Officer 7 1 5._ [System Analyst 7 1 6. [Cerification Officer 7 | 1 7._|Otfice Superintendent 16 1 8._ [ir Computer Programmer 16 1 9._|Senior Computer Operator 6 2 70, [Assistant 4 3 11 [Stenographer 4 1 12. |Gomputer Operator | _ 2 é 18, [Senior Gierk 8 3 14, [Care Taker C7 1 18. [iunior Clerk 7 é 16. [Driver Cos 3 17, [Naib Gasia 1 6 18. [Chownidar 1 3 19, |i 1 1 20, [Sweeper 7 2 5 “Assistant Registrar (Examinations) and Assistant Registrar (fliation) Performance Evaluation (Char of Rearing Chae! Showing he Deaton rip Caune sing AC of Oe Mae Schedule I Tare set ‘Staff Categories Initiating Autnonty | COUMEES'SNIMS | expunction of Adverse ae Siam | sown ec Lt | sememnearsan oun |"EERRE™| semunnon | ences aus ‘Additional Secretary ; Sane? | sane man secneytnty | “arse” | Seer SS a | + | Svermmiremiencregg | ree | semnrom | Aine, r ‘Gis Sepetesraort Comer Programs ie, - T aoe a ‘ recat eats, | sozm | ccouny roy | tise, ee i + | wr omnnepems cman | oe | ngs | euemyram Schedule m1 Sanction of Leaves 1 |] Eamed | Earned Leave on - | su EY ano | matey | Lame 2 aE pe Ug nq fmt | Ce” | Pan ei omsncur ee |e 1 [sccsyeur | asm ‘erly Heth Fresno Fay 2 | Restor Sorry ewe | Hei Secretary Heath Present of Fcuty - cut, 2 | Omer Cotten ‘seca Heath Posen of Fay Ofeae Sytem fate ‘fie Sopa, Samer epi | sce | Seca Promanmer senor | "| Sue | “eur Campus Opera «| Sime acetone Secular Fasaty Camper Operator Serer Care ‘eer set Ot 3 re star Ra | Qacd crower | Rogitr ‘Secret Fecaty ak Seeper = Schedule IV Efficiency & Disciplinary Proceedings , te / Reviewi = Name of Post Appointing Authority Appotiers Leaver ng f Officers of PME President of Faculty / President of Faculty / 2 (BS 17 - 20) Secretary Health Secretary Health Office Superintendent, Computer Programmer, Senior Computer Operator. Office Assistant, President of Faculty / 2-| stenographer, Computer Sactieny Facay Secretary Health Operator, Senior Clerk, Care Taker, Junior Clerk (8S 4-16) Driver, Daftari, Naib Qasid, Chowkidar, Mali, Sweeper (BS 1-4) Registrar Faculty Secretary Faculty GG iu

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