Fault-Tolerant Soft-Switching Current-Fed DC-DC Converter: Abstract-This Paper Addresses The Methods To Retain The

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Fault-Tolerant Soft-Switching Current-Fed DC-DC

Denys Zinchenko Roman Kosenko Dmitri Vinnikov
Dept. o f Industrial Electronics Dept. o f Electrical Power Engineering Dept. o f Electrical Power Engineering
National Technical University o f and Mechatronics and Mechatronics
Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Tallinn University o f Technology Tallinn University o f Technology
Polytechnic Institute" Tallinn, Estonia Tallinn, Estonia
Dept. o f Electrical Power Engineering roman.kosenko@taltech.ee dmitri.vinnikov@taltech.ee
and Mechatronics
Tallinn University o f Technology
Kiev, Ukraine, Tallinn, Estonia
Andrei Blinov
Dept. o f Electrical Power Engineering
and Mechatronics
Tallinn University o f Technology
Tallinn, Estonia

Abstract—This paper addresses the methods to retain the The topology of the case study full bridge converter with
functionality of the soft-switching current-fed converter in the a reconfigurable active rectifier is shown in Fig. 1. An
case of transistor fault. Various primary-side transistor faults auxiliary switch S9 is intended for the rectifier structure
and corresponding scenarios to minimize the influence on the
converter characteristics are presented. The proposed method
allows preserving the power delivery and converter soft-
switching operation in the case of fault of one of the primary side
transistors. Post-fault operation was experimentally verified
using a 500W converter prototype, and resulting implications
for converter efficiency were analyzed.

Keywords—fault-tolerant, current-fed, reconfigurable,

redundant, topology morphing, soft-switching, DC-DC converter.

I. In t r o d u c t io n

Most of the power electronic applications require long­

term reliability without power interruption. However, at some
Fig. 1. Case-study current-fed full-bridge secondary-modulated DC-DC
point power converter can fail due to the wear-out of
electronic components, thermal damage, flaws in the
hardware design, or control system malfunction. Some of the reconfiguration and the converter voltage gain adjustment.
approaches to postpone fault or to preserve power delivery When the switch S9 is turned on, the rectifier stage operates as
after one occurs include over-dimensioning of components, voltage-doubler rectifier, otherwise it is in the full-bridge
redundancy (paralleling) of converters and the use of fault- configuration. Switch S9 should be able to either allow current
tolerant converter topologies [1], [2]. According to surveys, flow in both directions or block it. Thus, it can be realized as
the primary side (low-voltage, high-current) semiconductors an electro-mechanical relay or as a 4Q semiconductor switch.
and resonant elements are the major sources of the converter This paper presents a new method of fault-tolerance in the
fault [3], [5]. Therefore, ensuring the redundancy of the high­ case study converter which allows to avoid failures in the case
current side semiconductors is an important task. of a semiconductor switch fault in the primary side.
Converter reconfiguration capability relies on the topology
II. Co n v e r t er Av a il a b il it y Im p r o vemen t
itself as well as on the precise and fast fault diagnostics after
one occurs. This study addresses the full-bridge secondary- In this paper, only faults of primary side transistors (S 1.1-
modulated DC-DC converter (FB-SMC) [6]. The topology S4.2) are analyzed as statistically they are five times more
takes advantage of four-quadrant (4Q) switches and phase- likely to fail than the secondary side transistors [5]. The post­
shift modulation to achieve full soft-switching operation of all fault operation assumes fault of at least one of the transistors.
semiconductors. After timely fault detection, localization, and identification,
the appropriate topology reconfiguration should be made. In
o n e of the advantages of this topology is that soft­ the general case, the faulty device is represented as an open-
switching is achieved without additional components, such as circuit (OC) or short-circuit (SC). Therefore, the appropriate
snubbers or resonant inductors and capacitors. This is an reconfiguration option has to be selected based on the
important feature, considering the fact that statistically 23.8% performance or functionality that has to be preserved.
of converter failures is due to the resonant capacitor fault [5].
The FB-SMC has high number of transistors at the primary
side, allowing various converter reconfiguration possibilities
with appropriate modulation sequence adjustments and

978-1-7281-3882-4/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 2019 IEEE 2nd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering
Lviv, Ukraine, July 2-6, 2019

without the need for physical reconfiguration. One of the modes are shown in Fig. 2. With the converter reconfiguration
possible additional operation modes includes Flyback-SMC to the FBK-SMC, the voltage gain of the primary stage is
(FBK-SMC) mode [8]. In FBK-SMC mode, not all transistors increased by a factor of two [7]. To compensate this, S9 should
of the studied converter are utilized, and this is used to be turned-off thus transforming the output rectifier from the
preserve converter operation in the case of fault in those voltage doubler to the full-bridge.
transistors. Modulation sequences for different operation


Fig. 2. Modulation sequence in FB-SMC mode (a) and FBK-SMC mode (b).

Reconfiguration approach proposed in this paper assumes switch is damaged, then the other one is set to the same state:
off-line detection of the faulty device during each start-up of tumed-on for the SC fault or turned-off for the OC fault.
the converter and selection of the appropriate control strategy Another 4Q switch that is to the side of the failed one is set to
to bypass it. Off-line fault detection and reconfiguration is an opposite state.
done in the following way:
TABLE I. To l e r a n t Tr a n s is t o r Fa u l t s
1) during the normal operation one or more silicon
power devices fails; F a u lty tr a n sisto r s E x a m p le R e s u ltin g to p o lo g y

2) this fault leads to an abrupt change in the voltage no fault Fig. 1 FB-SMC [6]
transfer factor of the converter;
51 .1 - SC; S 1 .2 -SC;
Fig. 3a
3) one of the converter’s parameters, typically input 53.1- OC; S3.2-OC
51.1- OC; S1.2-OC;
current or output voltage, exceeds the pre-defined 53.1- SC; S3.2-SC
Fig. 3b
limits; FBK-SMC [9]
52.1- SC; S2.2-SC;
Fig. 3c
54.1- OC; S4.2-OC
4) protection system engages rapid shut-down routine, 52.1- OC; S2.2-OC;
disabling all PWM signals and cutting off the power Fig. 3d
54.1- SC; S4.2-SC
Modulation sequence for the FBK-SMC operation mode
5) after certain off-time, the fault detection routine is depicted in Fig. 2b is used in the case of faults shown in
initiated; Fig. 3a. For the reconfiguration presented in Fig. 3b, the
6) after the fault is detected and localized, the modulation sequence is appropriately adjusted by swapping
appropriate modulation sequence is selected; input transistors’ control channels (S2.1 with S4.1 and S2.2 with
S4.2). The same principle is applied to faults in Fig. 3c and
7) converter starts operating with selected modulation Fig. 3d.
III. E x p e r im e n t a l Re s u l t s
8) fault detection routine is initiated during every
converter start-up. This section presents static tests of the case study converter
to verify the post-fault operation capability. For the
Various fault detection methods have been reported, experimental validation, the 500 W prototype was assembled
including individual transistor drivers with integrated fault- and tested in FB and FBK operation modes (Fig. 4). The
detection, per-driver external circuits of discrete elements parameters and components used are listed in Table II. The
[8], [9], extensive model-based algorithms with a minimal converter was design for step-up operation and is suitable for
number of additional components [10]-[12], and others [13]. interfacing 24 V Li-ion batteries with a DC link of
Any of them can be applied to the proposed power converter. considerably higher voltage.
Possible scenarios of the primary side transistor faults are Experimental waveforms in different operation modes at
listed in Table I and presented in Fig. 3. For example, the 250 W input power and 25.6 V input voltage are shown in
configuration shown in Fig.3a can be used when the Figs. 5 and 6 . The converter is capable to maintain its voltage
bidirectional switch S1.1/S1.2 has a SC fault, or the switch gain and soft-switching operation in the both operating modes.
S3.1/S3.2 has OC fault. When one transistor in a bidirectional

2019 IEEE 2nd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering

Lviv, Ukraine, July 2-6, 2019

l cf LCF
o__mnr\ o__rYYYU^
S 51.1 S3.1
S5 S7
Cl 51.2 S3.2 S5 S7
.C l

VCF VVF V cf L leak S 9 Vvf

52.1 S4.1
.C 2
S 6 S
52 .2 S4.2*

a) b)

o—m rw . o—mmL.
S1 .1 S3 .1 S1.1 S3.1
2 S3 .2* 5 S
.C l S1.22 S3.2 S5 S7
.C i
Tl Tl

VCF L leak S9 Vv f Vcf L leak S9 Vvf

52.1 S4.1
'C 2 .C 2
6 S5 S 6 S8
52.2 S2.2 S4.2
c) d)
Fig. 3. Operation modes under a semiconductor fault conditions.

TABLE II. PARAMETERS ANDCOMPONENTS OF THEEXPERIMENTAL efficiency drop results from the increased conduction losses
Pr o t o t y pe as fewer switched have to process all the power after the fault.
P arameter/comp onent Symbol Value
Input voltage Vcf 20-30 V DC
Output voltage Vvf 400 V DC
Switching frequency fsw 50 kHz
Primary side inductors inductance Li 100 ^H
Transformer turns ratio N2/N 1 5.5 : 1
Equivalent TX leakage inductance Lea 0.8 ^H
Rated power Prated 500 W
Primary-side transistors S1-S4 FDMS86181
Secondary-side transistors S5-S8 STP18N60DM2
Microcontroller - STM32F334R8T6
Primary-side transistor drivers - ADUM3221
Secondary-side transistor drivers - ACPL-P346
Rectifier configuration relay S9 PCN-105D3MHZ

Measured converter efficiency in the different operation

modes is shown in Table III and Fig. 7. The trendlines are
depicted with the same markers for the same voltage levels. Fig. 4. Experimental prototype.
The solid line represents the efficiency of the converter in
IV. Co n c l u s io n s a n d Fu t ur e Wo r k
TABLE III. Co n v e r t e r Ef f ic ie n c y in Dif f e r e n t Ope r a t io n
MODES This paper presents the method to retain the soft-switching
current-fed DC-DC converter functionality in case of a
Vcf , V
semiconductor switch fault. It was shown that the proposed
P, W approach allows preserving soft-switching operation in case
20.0 25.6 30.0 20.0 25.6 30.0
Eff., % Eff., % Eff., % Eff., % Eff., % Eff., % of fault of one of the primary-side transistors. According to
500 89.9 93.0 94.5 92.9 94.6 95.6 the experimental data, the converter efficiency drop is up to
375 91.2 93.7 94.9 94.0 95.2 96.5 3% at rated power and does not exceed 5% for power levels
250 92.1 94.0 95.0 95.5 96.6 97.3 down to 20% of nominal. The proposed approach allows the
125 92.1 93.6 94.3 96.7 97.2 97.4 converter to preserve its functionality and regulation range in
50 87.8 88.0 88.9 95.2 96.1 96.0
the case of the single transistor o C or SC fault, having
FB-SMC mode, and the dashed line represents the efficiency relatively small impact on its performance. Hence, the
of the converter in FBK-SMC mode. As observed from the converter avoids failure resulting from a single semiconductor
experimental data, the efficiency drop in the post-fault switch fault, and continues operation after a fault.
conditions in the FBK-SMC operation mode is in a range from
1-3% for the full power and up to 8% at the light load. The

2019 IEEE 2nd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering

Lviv, Ukraine, July 2-6, 2019

Re f e r en ces

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Ac k n o w l edg ment

This research was supported in part by the Estonian Centre

of Excellence in Zero Energy and Resource Efficient Smart
Buildings and Districts, ZEBE, grant 2014-2020.4.01.15­
0016 funded by the European Regional Development Fund,
and in part by Estonian Research Council grant PSG206.

2019 IEEE 2nd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering

Lviv, Ukraine, July 2-6, 2019

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