The Effect of Customer Experience and Customer Engagement Through Customer Loyalty On Sales Revenue Achievement at PT United Tractors
The Effect of Customer Experience and Customer Engagement Through Customer Loyalty On Sales Revenue Achievement at PT United Tractors
The Effect of Customer Experience and Customer Engagement Through Customer Loyalty On Sales Revenue Achievement at PT United Tractors
affective, emotional, social, and physical Customers will get the experience at any
responses, this condition is better known as time and in conditions where the customer
customer experience. It is important for deals "touch" the service or the product,
companies to place customer experience in brand or organization, which is obtained
the cycle or process of the company's both before and after the transaction process
customer journey. Based on its definition, or service from the company. If we look at
customer experience is something that is other perspectives discussed in In one of the
complex, dynamic, and difficult to capture research articles, there are several important
and is a holistic one that involves emotional elements related to customer experience
and social. It is multi-dimensional in nature touch points, which include: atmospheric,
(Lemon and Verhoef, 2016) and the technological, communicative, process,
experience is causes by direct or indirect employee-customer interaction, customer-
contact through several touch points of customer interaction and product interac-
contact between the service provider and tion elements (Stein & Ramaseshan, 2016).
the customer (Mccoll-kennedy et al., 2015). And that is no less important in understand-
Customer experience is created not from ing customer experience, customer
elements that the service provider can experience is formed and formed in a long
control but is created from outside elements and long process in the relationship
that they can control, such as the influence between the company and the customer,
of other customers. From a different there is a cross multiple channel interaction
perspective in one of the articles, it is stated and is formed through the relationship
that there are three key domains which can between functional and emotional clue. To
be mentioned as advance customer be able to measure the level of customer
experience (1) broadening the role of experience, in one of the studies it is
customers in customer experience; (2) explained that they introduce the modern
taking a practice-based approach to conceptual of customer experience as the
customer experience; and (3) recognizing customer experience quality (EXQ) scale,
the holistic, dynamic nature of customer where the concept is described as the EXQ
experience across all touch points and over scale, describing behavioral intention and
time. Often customers make changes recommendation better than Customer
according to their needs, applicable rules Satisfaction with CS Its index (Klaus &
and behavior, these changes will have an Maklan, 2013).The scale measured in the
impact and affect many things, not only EXQ consists of several elements, product
themselves but other customers, stakehold- experience, outcome focus, Moment of
ers and of course the company as a service truth and Peace of mind (POMP).
provider. Therefore, the organization within
the company must be able to adapt to the 2.2. Customer Engagement
changes that occur, the companies must Service performance is often the benchmark
examine how their customers have for companies to determine the extent to
integration with their products and services, which the level of service the company
the company must have good programs to provides to its customers, in traditional
make a sustainable relationship between the measurements it is measured by conducting
customer and the company and for the long customer satisfaction surveys with the
term the company must make Customer customer survey index (CS Index)
experience is one of the key focus of the measurement value, but this measurement
marketing team, all of these things will only pattern has been criticized for failing to
be successful in customer experience capture it. depth of customer response to the
activities (De Keyser et al., 2015). performance of services provided by the
company. A deeper level to determine
customer response by paying attention and
(B2B) context, where the quality of the a purchase, it can be due to having
relationship between the customer and the consumed it so that he intends to repurchase
company is a higher construction consisting the same product or service. In general, the
of trust, commitment, satisfaction and definition of repurchase intention is a desire
service quality (Dick & Basu, 1994). or desire that arises in a customer to buy
products and services that he likes and has
The quality of the relationship to customer previously buy it based on the results of
loyalty goes through two levels of evaluation of the suitability of product and
relationship quality: the quality of the service performance with consumer
relationship with supplier employees and expectations (Hellier et al., 2003). There are
the quality of the relationship with the several factors that can influence consumers
supplier itself. The influence of the dimen- in purchase intentions, both internal factors
sions and level of relationship quality on from within customers, namely trust and
customer loyalty. Only the perceived consumer attitudes. towards products and
satisfaction and service quality affect services, and external factors, the attitudes
behavioral loyalty (purchase intention) the of others and the situation of the place of
most extraordinary, only the level of purchase (Kotler, 2008: 242).
organizational relationship quality affects
customer loyalty. The existence of B2B Purchase intention is influenced by the level
customer loyalty will not be much influ- of customer experience, the better
enced by the level of quality of employee experience the customer gets, the greater
relations (Rauyruen & Miller, 2007). the opportunity for interest to make another
Customer loyalty is created from a process purchase. The purchase intention of the
in the company's customer journey after a customer will then become the purchasing
transaction process occurs between the decision process, after the customer gets to
customer and the company, which then know the product, finds out information
results in a relationship between them, related to the product, evaluates alternatives
which will directly or indirectly have that can meet customer needs and then
consequences in the company's marketing makes a purchase decision after
activities. experiencing a positive experience of the
products and services provided by the
2.4. Repurchase Intention company. The decision to make purchases
In a company, especially in the marketing made by customers becomes an activity that
department, one of the core concepts is provides value for the company in the form
customer experience, where CX is used as a of achieving company performance in terms
basis for predicting customer purchase of achieving sales revenue for products and
intentions. The results of one study services from the company.
concluded that only emotional experiences
and social experiences that customers have 2.5. Research Framework
have a significant positive impact on The heavy equipment industry is a B2B
purchase intention (Nasermoadeli et al., industry sector, which in general, customers
2013). The intention to buy back customers can be divided into several groups, namely
is influenced by seven important factors: customers with key account management,
service quality, equity and value, customer medium customers, and retail customers.
satisfaction, past loyalty, expected Each customer has its characteristics and
switching costs and preferred brand (Phillip characteristics in the business process with
et al., 2003). Past purchase loyalty is not the company. Apart from the differences in
directly related to customer satisfaction or existing business processes, there is an
current brand preference. The intention to important thing that the three groups have
repurchase occurs after the consumer makes in common, namely that they are still the
company's customers. Where they as occurs, where the customer gets the benefits
customers, will have the expectation to be of the product and the company gets income
treated the same as customers and for the from the products it sells, that process is
company most importantly for all more we know as the customer journey as a
customers can have the right to get a good process that cannot be separated from the
experience. relationship between the customer and the
Talking about customer experience cannot
be determined and regulated by the The hypothesis that we need to do, this is an
company, because the experience can only important series in the study that we are
be felt by customers and customers can currently doing, namely after the company
express their experience in various forms can get a good customer experience, what
and ways, which of course the company things affect and what things should be
hopes for the form of experience is to considered by the company so that a good
convey positive things to other customers customer experience can ensure it happens.
and continuously. keep doing transactions business transactions that continue to occur
with the company. What the company needs and make the company's performance better
to do so that the expectation of a good in terms of sales achievement. For that we
customer experience can make the company need to examine more deeply after the
good performance, especially in terms of customer experience process is achieved,
sales achievement, this study will be where customers get a good impression of
discussed in this literature. To get started, the company's products and services, how
we must know the understanding and long can this impression be maintained?
connection of customers, customer jour- Will the good impression remain? What
neys, customer feedback, customer satisfac- things the company needs to do so that the
tion, excellent customer service, and cus- impression is there even the customer will
tomer experience itself. After understand- get a much better impression. After the
ing this, it can be studied more deeply by customer gets a good experience for the
analyzing the achievement of a good business transaction that occurs, then the
customer experience which will improve real customer expectations will automati-
company performance in terms of achieving cally increase as well and so on, so that if
sales opinions that will also increase. What we depend on customer expectations, each
touchpoints should be the focus of the com- time these expectations will increase. So
pany so that this can be insight and solution that to keep customer expectations from
to transform the company's business. increasing over time, we must understand
that expectations exist because customers
The first hypothesis we recognize, and we always want to get the best results and
understand the meaning of customers for because of previous expectations the
the company, customer journey, and cus- company has been able to provide, therefore
tomer experiences. Customers are people or the company must be able to manage an
companies who buy and use products or impression. good that has been felt by the
services provided by the company, in the customer by engaging the customer and the
process, and in their journey, customers will company.
feel good or bad impressions when using
the products and services they purchased. With a well-formed engagement, the
Then there is a process that keeps repeating company can convince customers, the
itself from the start of the customer results that will be obtained will always
searching for products, the company doing provide an experience for the customer and
promotion and marketing until the most importantly for customer engagement
transaction or buying and selling process that occurs, the company and the customer
have the same commitment, to jointly make testing existing hypotheses. The object of
improvements and development so that the this research is the repurchase intention of
results obtained are for customers will get a United Tractors service users based on
good impression and for the company, there customer experience and customer engage-
will be business transactions on an ongoing ment felt by customers and influenced by
basis. The hypothesis that will be carried customer loyalty to the company.
out next and the definite relationship of
repurchase intention to company perfor- This study uses quantitative methods,
mance is important, in this study it is where methods that use objective and
assumed that repurchase intention is the statistical measurements are then carried
assurance of customers to continue making out. Mathematical or numerical analysis of
transactions with the company not only at all research data, where data is obtained
the level of desire but already at the stage through questionnaires or surveys or by
where customers make transactions, and manipulating existing statistical data with
this This is the benchmark for the compa- computational techniques. This study also
ny's achievement in measuring its sales focuses on collecting numerical data on a
achievement. Based on the explanation of group of people or explaining certain
the related variables above, the structural phenomena, so that with this quantitative
model of research framework of this method the researcher can identify the
research can be seen in the following factors that most influence the variables that
framework figure. lead to customer purchase intentions. This
research also uses an electronic method
where questionnaires and surveys will be
distributed online or internet survey
methods that are considered effective
applications are currently carried out and
this research is also assisted by a paid
survey application to help researchers
design questions and summarize the overall
results of the questionnaire. This study is
designed with a research structure that is
structured in such a way that the author can
get answers to research questions, the
authors provide the scope of research.
Figure 1. Research Model
3.2. Data Sample
The current study focuses on individual
3. Research Method
analysis, especially those who already
3.1. Type of Study know and conduct business transactions
The method used for this research is with companies Individuals describe in
descriptive quantitative method with a more detail their behaviour and characteris-
probability sampling, where the investiga- tics (age, gender, attitude, religion, etc.)
tion is causality, because the causality According to Bryman (2012), the popula-
relationship between the independent and tion is the universe of units from which the
dependent variables will be tested and they sample is to be selected. It is also defined as
can also be used to look at associations or the total of all elements that share some
relationship between variables (Drummond common set of characteristics that contains
& Murphey-Reyes, 2017). The research I the creation for the objective of marketing
did was to be able to answer the problems research problems (Malhotra, 2017). In this
that currently exist in the company through study, the population will be limited to the
category of United Tractors customers who were obtained for the interval-scaled
have or have transacted with the company, independent variables and dependent
the researcher chose to do non-experimental variables (Sekaran and Bougie, 2010).
research, where the researcher was only Descriptive analysis in this study was
able to manage general variables through carried out by calculating the average value
respondent grouping, selecting respondents (mean) and standard deviation for further
as samples, making a list of questions and categorization based on low, medium and
training interviewers with probability or high categories according to the
random sample (stratified random). categorization technique by Uma (2012).
Because the instrument in this study has a
3.3. Data Sources & Collection scale of 1-5, which means the score of
The Data in this study is primary data, respondents' answers has the lowest value
which is data obtained from research results of 1 and the highest 5, then based on the
direct empirically to the direct or all study categorization rules of Uma (2012).
objects that have been previously deter- Descriptive statistics are useful because
mined. To obtain secondary data needed in they allow you to understand a group of data
research, researchers can perform several much more quickly and easily compared to
data collection techniques. There are just staring at rows and rows of raw data
several types of collection methods for values.
quantitative data, and this study researcher
used Survey or Questionnaires method 3.5. Data Processing Procedures
where information or data collected from Data preparation is a pre-processing step
respondents can use a questionnaire or that involves cleansing, transforming, and
questionnaire as a data collection instru- consolidating data. In other words, it is a
ment which is carried out through direct process that involves connecting to one or
distribution or through intermediaries such many different data sources, cleaning dirty
as web or online media. Research using data, reformatting, or restructuring data,
survey methods can be described as standardizing data formats, enriching
scientific research whose data are collected source data, removing outliers and finally
from a selected sample of the entire merging this data to be consumed for
population. analysis. Most researchers choose to use a
database or statistical analysis program (e.g.
3.4. Data Analysis Technique Microsoft Excel, SPSS, AMOS) that they
Data Analysis is an activity after data from can format to fit their needs and organize
all respondents or other sources have been their data effectively. Once the data has
collected and the data used in this study use been entered, it is crucial that the researcher
quantitative data which means the value of check the data for accuracy. In the research
available data is in the form of numbers or process, one of the most important
calculations, each data set has an exclusive processes is the screening data, the quality
numeric value that is related to each other. of good data analysis is influenced by the
This type of data contains information that quality of the initial data filtering and
can be calculated by statistical and treatment
mathematical calculations.
Descriptive statistics is the process of Pre-test is a questionnaire test on a small
analyzing data with statistical methods by number of samples with the aim of
describing, showing and summarizing raw identifying and eliminating errors in the
data through summary statistics, graph a questionnaire (Malhotra, 2007). In this
table, the goal is to facilitate data analysis. study, a pre-test was conducted on 17
Descriptive statistics such as max, min, samples that met the requirements. For the
means, standard deviations and variances reliability test, Cronbach's Alpha value
obtained from the data analysis process can In this research, we use Two-step Approach
be used as an indicator reference for SEM as the alternative, refer to the previous
consistent research data. Meanwhile, for study by Zhang et al. (2018) as well as
validity, the component matrix of the output suggestion in Wijanto (2015). There are two
factor analysis results is used as an indicator stages of procedure in Two-step Approach:
that shows the distribution of sample data the measurement and structural model
on the formed factors. To process the (Zhang et al.,2018). In the first step, re-
respondent data, researcher use Structural searcher will conduct a measurement model
Equation Modelling (SEM) with AMOS analysis to see the fit towards data. Here,
software. SEM analysis technique is used researcher will confirm whether every
because the complexity of the conceptual latent variable is modelled as a factor that is
model used in this study. Structural standardized based on related observed
Equation Modelling (SEM) defined as variables. The measurement model on SEM
statistical method used to test interrelated uses Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA)
relationships among observed variables, (Wijanto, 2015). The next step called the
between measurement and latent variables, structural model analysis. It shows the
with the same basic goal of providing a relationships between the latent variables.
quantitative test of a theoretical model The relationships are usually linear, even
hypothesized by the researcher. More though SEM allows the presence of non-
precisely, various theoretical models can be linear relationship (Wijanto, 2015).
evaluated in SEM, hypothesizing how sets
of variables describe constructs and how 4. Result and Discussion
those constructs are interrelated. This study The results of this study include the results
examines the relationship between online of descriptive analysis of respondents'
reviews and impulsive buying, with the role characteristics and the results of SEM
of browsing and impulsiveness (Zhang et analysis. Descriptive analysis of the charac-
al., 2018). SEM test is conducted to test the teristics of the respondents is used to
relationship of 6 measurement variables describe the characteristics of the
given by reference journal. There are two respondents in terms of gender, age,
major types of variables in SEM, namely education level, the respondent's length of
unobserved (latent) variables and observed
service in his company, the type of
variables. transaction carried out and the last time the
respondent transacted with PT United
Unobserved or latent variables (construct or Tractors. In addition to a descriptive
factors) are variables that cannot be directly analysis of the characteristics of the
observed or calculated, and thus are derived respondents, the data in this study were also
from a collection of observable variables processing by Structural Equation
that are measured using tests, surveys, and Modeling (SEM) Analysis Technique. The
other tools. In this research, the latent results of this SEM analysis are then used to
variable includes Customer Experience, test the effect of customer experience and
Customer Engagement, Customer Loyalty customer engagement on repurchase
and repurchase Intention. While, the intention mediated by customer loyalty.
observed variables, measured, or indicator The number of respondents used in this
variables are a set of variables which are
study were 200 respondents. All respon-
used to define or infer the latent or construct dents are consumers who have purchased
variable. One of the advantages, as men- PT United Tractors products and services.
tioned before, is SEM can help researcher to Based on the results of descriptive analysis
test complex set of regression equations in this study, the following is a description
simultaneously, which often called One- of the characteristics of the respondents
step Approach (Malkanthie, 2019). based on gender, age, education level, last
Diploma 32 16.0
Job Experience
Barchelor Degree 120 60.0
< 5 years 97 48.5
6 - 10 years 43 21.5
Job Experience
11 - 20 years 42 21.0
Last Transaction
> 21 years 18 9.0
Permintaan Jasa Mekanik 25 12.5
Pembelian Alat Berat 17 8.5
Last Transaction
Pembelian Spare Parts 132 66.0
Menghubungi Contact Center 18 9.0
Last Time
Menggunakan Mobile Applikasi 8 4.0
1-3 years ago 63 31.5
Last Time in this year (2021) 105 52.5
Transaction 4-5 years ago 6 3.0
> 5 years ago 26 13.0
In SEM analysis, measurement model results of the analysis show that all
testing (CFA Analysis) is used to test the indicators are valid in measuring their
validity and reliability of indicators on each constructs so that all indicators in the CFA
construct. Testing the measurement model model can be used to measure exogenous
on each construct consists of several stages, constructs. The test is continued on the
consist of (1) Construct Validity Testing construct reliability test by looking at the
and (2) Construct Reliability Testing. The CR and AVE values of each construct.
Based on data of the analysis in the tables, > 0.7, which means that all constructs have
the results of the analysis show that the met the required composite reliability
AVE values of all constructs have been criteria.
> 0.5 and the CR of all constructs have been
Structural model testing is used to test the Structural model fit test in SEM analysis is
research hypothesis. The stages in the done by looking at several criteria of
structural model testing include the Goodness of fit model such as Chi Square
structural model formation stage, the value, probability, df, GFI, AGFI, TLI, CFI
structural model feasibility test and the sig- RMSEA and RMR. The following is a
nificance test of the effect of exogenous summary of the results of the goodness of
variables on endogenous variables. fit model testing after modifications can be
seen in the following table:
The hypothesis in this study was tested testing based on the results of the SEM
based on the results of SEM analysis. The analysis that has been carried out in this
following are the results of hypothesis study:
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