Chapter - 4 Tense
Chapter - 4 Tense
Chapter - 4 Tense
Eg:- I teach
I wrote
the book
You will help
Students make
See the sentences given above. The forms of verbs change and we can
understand the time as well as the action/ state from the forms of verbs.
(ऊपर दए गये वा य को दे ख। Verb के forms प रवितत हो रहे ह और verbs के forms हम action
(काय)/ state (अव था) एवं समय का बोध करा रहा है ।
Forms of Verbs
To be good at Tense, you need to know all the forms of verbs that are common
in day-to-day life so learn all the forms of those verbs which are used in day-to-
day life. (Tense म अ छा होने के लए आप को forms of verbs आना चा हए। कम से कम उन
verbs को अ छे से याद कर ले जो रोजमरा क ज दगी म यु त होते है )
Now let us see Tense one-by-one in detail.
(अब एक-एक कर के Tense को detail म दे खते ह।)
This includes Present state made from verb 'is/ am/ are'. It describes one's
present identity, class or quality.
(इसम Verb 'is/ am/ are' से क गई वतमान अव था शा मल ह। यह वतमान पहचान, वग या गुणव ता
का वणन करता है ।) I am a teacher.
Eg:- She is not my aunt.
Are you in Delhi?
Positive Sentence (सकारा मक वा य) Subject + is/am/are + object
Tsunami He I know
Children The Sun
comes in smokes. you.
go to school rises in
regions. the east.
Positive Sentence Subject + V1 + Object.
(सकारा मक वा य) (अगर Subject I, We, They, You अथवा Plural हो)
Negative Sentence
Subject + do not (don’t) + V1 + Object.
(नकारा मक वा य)
Do + Subject + V1 + Object?
Interrogative Sentence
Do + Subject + not + V1 + Object?
( न सचू क वा य)
Don’t + Subject + V1 + Object?
Note:- We add 'es' after V1 if the verb ends in s, ss, ch, sh, z, x & o.
(V1 के साथ 'es' तब लगता है जब verb s, ss, ch, sh, z, x और o म ख म हो)
Maximum number of questions are asked from the use given below.
(अ धकतर सवाल ऊपर दए गए use से पछ
ू े जाते ह)
1. The fifth and final act of Macbeth contain the sleepwalking scene.
CHSL 2018
2. The Cannes film festival attract some of the world's most famous people
CHSL 2018
3. The price of woolen clothes come down in summer.
4. The two states frequently has differences over the use of the river water
especially during the summer. CHSL 2018
1. Change contain into contains as the 'tells' into 'told'.
fifth and final act of Macbeth is the 9. Prices is plural noun and comes in
same one. singular verb. Change 'prices' (P.N)
2. Change 'attract' into 'attracts' as the into 'price' (S.N)
subject is singular. 10. The sentence is interrogative.
3. Change 'come' into 'comes' as the Change 'you know' into 'do you
subject (price) is singular. know'.
4. Two states (P.S.) will take have (P.V.) 11. Change 'is the dodo' into 'the dodo
change 'has' into 'have'. is' as the sentence is exclamatory
5. Change 'was' into 'is'. Universal not interrogative.
truth, idioms and phrases are in 12. The interrogative structure is — 'WH
Simple Present Tense. + H.V. + Sub + Verb?' but here the
6. Change 'what does she want' into subject is missing so H.V. is also not
'what she wants'. The sentence is needed.
not interrogative. 13. Here 'like' means ‘के जैसा’। Verb will
7. Change 'switch' (P.V) into switches follow 'he'. Change 'are' into 'is'. The
(S.V) as the subject (neighbour) is sentence with proper punctuation
singular. will look better—
8. Tells (V1+ s/es) cannot come with He, like his parents, is introvert.
last evening (Past time). Change
• Simple Present Tense comes when we talk about any book, the contents of
which are still relevant, though the book may have been written in the past.
(Simple Present Tense का योग तब भी होता है जब कोई कताब क ासं गकता अभी भी हो चाहे
वो बहुत पहले ह य ना लखी गई हो।)
1. Our Constitution guarantees six fundamental rights.
Eg:- 2. This book reveals the stark reality of the children's homes.
• For formal / officially planned action of future, Simple Present Tense is the
1st choice. (भ व य के औपचा रक planned काय के लए Simple Present Tense पहल
पसंद है )
1. The PM leaves for Japan next week.
Eg:- 2. The meeting starts at 5 pm tomorrow.
3. India takes on Pakistan at Mohali tomorrow.
KD LIVE 67 Class Notes : TENSE
• In Informal English, we use Simple Future Tense for future actions or
Present Continuous Tense for planned action of near future . (अनौपचा रक
English म, भ व य के काय के लए Simple Future Tense और िनकट भ व य के planned
काय के लए Present Continuous Tense का योग होता है ।)
1. I am going to Mumbai tonight.
Eg:- 2. She will come tomorrow.
• We use Simple Present Tense in Newspaper Headlines even though the
action is already over. (भूतकाल म घ टत घटना के लए भी Newspaper के Headlines म
Simple Present Tense का योग होता है ।)
1. Bus hits 3 cars on NH 48.
Eg:- 2. CBI raids land mafia's premises.
There are certain rules to be followed while designing newspaper
Note:- headlines to make them short and attractive. (समाचार प के headlines
बनाते समय कुछ िनयम का यान रखा जाता है ता क headlines छोटा एवं आकषक हो)
• Leave out auxiliary verbs with Perfect, Progressive and Passive structures.
(Perfect, Progressive एवं Passive structures म auxiliary verb ना लगाये)
1. Temperature soaring as June comes.
Eg:- (is soaring (changed into) soaring)
2. Triple Talaq Bill passed in Parliament.
(has been passed (changed into) passed)
3. Bus hits car, 3 killed.
(Three people have been killed (changed into) 3 killed)
• Use Infinitives (to + Vb.f.) for future events. (भ व य के action के लए to + Vb.f. का
योग कर)
1. President to invite the BJP to form government.
Eg:- 2. BJP to elect its President soon.
• Articles are omitted in newspaper headlines and figures are used for
numbers. (Articles का योग newspaper headlines म नह ं होता और सं या figures म होते
ह श द म नह ं)
1. Bus hits car, I killed. (Correct)
Eg:- 2. A bus hit a car, one person was killed. (Grammatically correct
but cannot come in headlines.)
• Simple Present Tense is used in Sports Commentary to make the action
seem live. (Simple Present Tense का योग Sports Commentary म action को
जवंत प म दशाने के लए कया जाता है |)
Eg: (1) Virat hits the ball and off it goes across the boundary line.
• In exclamatory sentences that begin with 'here' and 'there', Simple Present
Tense is used to express the position or appearance of the objects. (जब
व मयबोधक वा य 'here' एवं 'there' से शु हो, तो Simple Present Tense का योग कसी
व तु के वहाँ होने या अचानक आने का बोध कराने के लए होता है ।)
1. Here comes the chief guest!
Eg:- 2. There he goes!
KD LIVE 68 Class Notes : TENSE
This includes Past state made from verb 'was/ were'. It describes one's past
identity, class or quality.
(इसम Verb 'was/ were' से क गई भूतकाल अव था शा मल ह। यह भूतकाल पहचान, वग या गुणव ता
का वणन करता है ।) I was a teacher.
Eg:- She was not my aunt.
Were you in Delhi?
Positive Sentence (सकारा मक वा य) Subject + was/ were + object
• If a sentence starts with Past Tense, it should continue in Past Tense unless
it falls in the list of exceptional cases (discussed later). (अगर वा य क शु आत
Past से हो, तो वा य आगे भी Past म होगा जबतक क वह कसी अपवाद के अंतगत ना आए।)
Eg:- 1. He said that he will never repeat the mistake.
(SSC-SO (Audit), 2006)
2. The salesman tried to sell me a solar heater but I already have one.
(SSC (CHSL)-2016)
3. I called at his house yesterday and have given him money.
(SSC (CGL), 2016)
Positive Sentence (सकारा मक वा य) Sub + shall/ will + be + object
Interrogative Sentence ( न सच
ू क वा य) Shall/ will + sub + be + object?
Note: In normal sentences of future we use 'shall' with 'I' and 'we'. (सामा य
वा य म 'I' और 'we' के साथ 'shall' का योग होता है ।)
Now let us see how questions come from the structures.
(Structure से सवाल कै से पू छे जाते ह, दे ख):-
Examples Answers
1. I am really bored of this movie! 1. Change 'was' into 'will'. The speaker
when was it end? (CGL Mains 2018) wants the movie to end as he is
getting bored.
2. Agent Chitrangada will telegraphed 2. Will cannot take 'V '. Change 'will
a secret code word to her boss as telegraphed' into 'has telegraphed'/
part of a dubious mission. 'telegraphed' or 'will telegraph'.
(SSC Steno 2017) 3. Change 'will be enable' into 'will
3. Fuji's invention of Super computer enable' (will + Vb.f.)
will be enable to make Japan 4. Change 'Is she go' into 'will she go'
supersede America in Computer or 'Is she going'. For future action
technology. we use Simple Future Tense. For
4. Is she go to visit her parents in the planned action of near future, we
evening? can use Present Continuous Tense
(SSC (CGL) Tier I 2013)
• Promise (वादा)
I/we will
• Threat (धमक )
Other shal
• Advice (सलाह)
Subjects l
• Command (आदे श)
1. Trespassers ______ be prosecuted.
2. I will help you come what may.
3. You shall take rest for a week.
4. You shall be rewarded.
5. Swaraj is my birth right and I shall have it.
6. We shall overcome some day.
1. Ans. - shall.
The sentence is of threat. Meaning– बना अनुमित के वेश करने वालो को दं ड दया
Trespasser – One who enters, someone’s land without permission (घुसपै ठया)
2. 'Come what may' means ‘चाहे कुछ हो जाए’।
The sentence is of 'determination'.
3. The sentence is of advice, so 'shall' has come with 'you'.
4. Here 'shall' has come with 'you' because the sentence is of advice.
Continuous Tense
जैसेः जैसेः
1. She will be going
1. She was waiting home at this time
1. She is sleeping
for me. tomorrow.
2. We were having 2. I shall be taking
2. They are studying
lunch. the exam at this
time next week.
Is/am/are का योग
Is he/she/it/name/singular के साथ
Are you/we/they/all/plural के साथ
Positive Sentence
(सकारा मक वा य) Subject + is/ am/ are + v1 + ing+ object
Was/were का योग
STRUCTURE Was He/she/it/name/singular/I के साथ
Were You/we/they/plural/all के साथ
Positive Sentence
Subject + was/were + V1 + ing + object
(सकारा मक वा य)
Negative Sentence Subject + was/were + not + V1 + ing + object
(नकारा मक वा य) Subject + wasn't/weren't + V1 + ing + object
I/we shall will
Positive Sentence
Subject + shall/ will + be + V1 + ing + object
(सकारा मक वा य)
Negative Sentence Subject + shall/ will + not + be + V1 + ing + object
(नकारा मक वा य) Subject + shan't/ won't + be + V1 + ing + object
1. (i) I was sleeping.
3. (i) The house was burning.
(V1 + ing)
(ii) I was asleep. (V1 + ing)
(ii) The house was ablaze.
2. (i) The body was floating. (Adj.)
(V1 + ing)
(ii) The body was afloat.
• There are certain non-continuous verbs. They do not come in 'V1 + ing' form
because normally you cannot see someone doing that. (कुछ Non-continuous
Verbs होते ह। ये 'V1 + ing' म नह ं आते य क सामा यतः आप कसी को ये करते नह ं दे खते।)
The verbs given below are non-continuous verb. (नीचे दए गए Verbs Non-
continuous verbs है ।)
• Verbs of Perception – (अनुभूित से संबं धत verbs)
See, taste, hear, smell, seem, appear, sound, feel, look.
• Verbs of possession – (आ धप य संबं धत verbs)
Own, have, possess, comprise, consist, contain, belong
• Verbs of feelings – (भावनाओं से संबं धत verbs)
Love, like, hate, adore (पसंद करना), dislike, want, wish, please, trust, hope,
desire (इ छा करना), believe
• Verbs of thoughts – (म तक क याओं से संबं धत verbs)
Think, know, mean, mind, remember, suppose, notice, recognize (पहचानना),
imagine, understand, comprehend (समझना), prefer.
• Some other verbs – (कुछ अ य verbs)
Agree, afford, resemble, cost, require, refuse, consider, become.
1. I now (1)/ am knowing (2)/ all the facts about him.(3)/ No error (4).
(SSC Section Officer (Commercial Audit) Exam. 26.11.2006 (Second Sitting)
2. Ramesh smiled when he was remembering (1)/ his hard early years (2)/ and
his long road to success. (3)/ No error (4).
(SSC Tax Assistant (Income Tax & Central Excise) Exam. 29.03.2009)
3. Madhuri Dixit is having (1)/ a large (2)/ fan following. (3)/ No error (4).
(SSC Higher Secondary Level Data Entry Operator & LDC Exam. 28.11.2010 (IInd Sitting)
4. He is having (1)/ many (2)/ friends here. (3)/ No error. (4)
(SSC CPO (SI, ASI & Intelligence Officer Exam. Paper-II 28.08.2011)
5. I (1)/ am having (2)/ three children. (3)/ No error (4)
(SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry Operator & LDC Exam. 28.10.2012 (1st Sitting)
6. You are a very lovable person (1)/ but I (2)/ am not loving you. (3)/ No error.
(4) (SSC Constable (GD) Exam. 12.05.2013)
7. My mother (1)/ is having (2)/ grey hairs (3)/ No Error (4)
SSC (steno.) 2017, 14 Sept., Evening
8. I was not able to solve the questions as I was not knowing the answers.
(1) the answers (2) I was not SSC (CPO) Pre- 2018 14 March, 2019 Evening
(3) able to solve (4) was not knowing
9. Most children are liking ice-cream.
(1) likes (2) like
(3) were liking (4) No improvement
(SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry Operator & LDC Exam. 21.10.2012 (Ist Sitting)
• Now let us see where we can use 'v1 + ing' forms of verbs that are usually
non-continuous. (अब दे खते ह हम non-continuous verbs का योग 'v1 + ing' form म
कहाँ-कहाँ कर सकते ह।) Have
1. I am having lunch. ()
2. We are having fun. ()
3. I am having a car. (×)
Own, possess Eat have fun = Enjoy
I have a car. () (Non-action verb) (action verb) (Action verb)
1. It is tasting delicious.
वाद महसूस करना चखना (×)
Non-action verb Action verb It tastes delicious. ()
2. She is tasting the cake
to check its flavour. ()
V1+ing (×) V1+ing ()
1. I am thinking you
1. The teacher (1)/ has took (2)/ the responsibility. (3)/ No error. (4)
(SSC CISF ASI Exam. 29.08.2010 (Paper-I)
2. I have sign over (1)/ the cheque, you can (2)/ collect it tomorrow. (3)/ No
error (4) SSC CHSL-2016 (2nd February, Morning)
4. Now that I am back at work, (1) / I have beginning (2) / to feel much better.
(3) / No error (4) SSC CGL-2016 (2nd September, Morning)
5. It has becoming clear (1)/ that attempts to impress the (2)/ people have
failed. (3)/ No Error (4) SSC (steno.) 2017, 11 Sept., Morning
6. I have went through the write–ups guideline (1)/ too but still want to clear
on mail (2)/ communication for topic confirmation. (3)/ No Error (4)
SSC (steno.) 2017, 11 Sept., Evening
7. The ambulance have arrived on time, the accident victim was taken to the
hospital. CHSL-2018, 4 July, 2019, Evening
(1) the accident victim (2) have arrived on time
(3) The ambulance (4) was taken to the hospital
8. The Public works Department has propose to construct an elevated corridor
which will run parallel to the National highway.
CHSL-2018, 2 July, 2019, Morning
(1) to the National highway (2) The Public works Department has propose
(3) which will run parallel (4) to construct an elevated corridor
1. (2) Replace 'has took' with 'has taken'. After ‘has/ have’ ‘V3’ is used.
2. (1) After 'has/have' V3 comes hence replace ‘sign’ with ‘signed’. Also
remove ‘over’.
3. (2) Replace 'became' with 'become'. Has takes V3.
4. (2) After 'have' ‘V3’ form of verb is used. Thus replace 'beginning' with
5. (1) Change 'becoming' into 'become' because the sentence is in present
perfect tense where the structure is-
Sub + have/has + V3
6. (1) Replace 'went' with 'gone' become 'go through' means to examine
7. (2) Ambulance takes singular verb. However the sentence in the next part
is in past so ‘has’ to is not appropriate. Change ‘has’ into ‘had’.
8. (2) ‘Has’ is always followed by ‘third form of verb’. Use ‘proposed’ in place
of ‘propose’.
9. (3) Replace ‘has proved’ with ‘have proved’ because here the main subject
is plural, it will agree with plural verb (have).
• The action that has taken place just now or recently takes Present Perfect
Tense but if an action is of past, we should use Simple Past Tense. (जो काय
अभी-अभी या हाल- फलहाल हुआ हो, उसे Present Perfect Tense म रखा जाता है । ले कन अगर
Action भूतकाल का हो तो Simple Past Tense का योग होता है ।)
1. I have come to Delhi recently.
Eg:- 2. She has arrived just now.
3. I have had lunch just now.
1. I have passed (1)/ the examination (2)/ two years ago. (3)/ No error. (4)
(SSC Section Officer (Audit) Exam. 10.12.2006)
2. I (1)/ have seen him (2)/ yesterday. (3)/ No error (4)
(SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry Operator & LDC Exam. 28.10.2012 (1st Sitting)
3. They have (1)/ played a game (2)/ last week. (3)/ No error (4).
(SSC Graduate Level Tier-I Exam. 21.04.2013, IInd Sitting)
4. I have got your letter yesterday (1)/ and felt happy to learn (2)/ of your
recovery. (3)/ No error. (4) (SSC Graduate Level Tier-I Exam. 19.05.2013)
Negative Sentence
(नकारा मक वा य) Sub + had + not (hadn't) + V3 + obj
1. Change 'have been liking' into 'have liked'.
2. Change 'has been preferring' into 'has preferred'.
3. (1) Replace ‘have been knowing’ with ‘have known. ‘Know’ is not used in
continuous form.
4. (1) Replace ‘was ill’ with ‘had been ill’ because the work continued in past
for a period of time.
5. (1) The action started in July 2008 and is still going on. Present Perfect
Continuous is the most appropriate tense needed here.
6. (1) Replace ‘have never been hearing’ with ‘have never heard’. ‘Hear’ is a
'non-continuous verb’ and it is not used in Continuous Tense.
1. (1) Replace ‘is’ with ‘has been’.
2. (2) Replace ‘is living’ with ‘has been living’.
An action that has started in Past and still going on comes under
Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
3. (1) Replace ‘are residing’ with ‘have been residing’.
4. (1) Replace ‘is working’ with ‘has been working’ because the event that
started in the Past and still continuing comes under Present Perfect
Continuous Tense.
5. (3) Since the sentence talks about future time so it should be ‘shall have
been’ in the place of ‘have been’.
6. (1) use ‘living’ in place of ‘lives’. Has been is followed by V1 + ing.
7. (1) Replace ‘are you working here’ with ‘have you been working here’.
Since the given sentence is in Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
8. (3) Replace ‘was working’ with ‘has been working’ because the given
sentence is in Continuous Tense
9. (2) Replace ‘are fishing’ with ‘have been fishing’.
10. (2) Replace ‘are waiting’ with ‘have been waiting’ because ‘the action of
‘waiting’ is still continuing hence Present Perfect Continuous Tense
will come’.
1. This custom (1)/ has come down (2)/since times immemorial.(3)/No error.(4)
(SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry Operator & LDC Exam. 11.12.2011 (Ist Sitting (Delhi Zone)
2. I have been writing ten letters since morning.
3. She has been reading four novels since the vacation started.
4. He has been visiting historical monuments since he came to India.
1. (3) ‘time immemorial’ will replace ‘times immemorial’ because ‘time
immemorial means ‘for longer than any one can remember’.
‘Times’ is countable (बार)
2. Change 'have been writing' into 'have written'. We cannot write ten letters
at one time. We can write one letter after the other.
3. Change 'has been reading' into 'has read'. We cannot read all the four novels
4. No error Preceded by Followed by
के पहले के बाद
Present Perfect
Continuous (If action
is still going on)
Perfect Tense
Since used in
Perfect Continuous Tense (Except Future
Perfect Continuous where we use 'from'.)
1 Calendar
2 Clock
Since 3 Stages of life
Eg. with
1. Since 2009 year, Since May (Month), 4 Parts of a day
Since Holi (Occasion), Since 7th July
5 Synonyms of Starting
(date), since Monday (Days).
2. Since 7 O'clock, Since 8:30 pm. 3. Since Childhood, Since adolescence.
4. Since morning, Since last night. 5. Since beginning, Since inception.
1. (3) Replace ‘since’ with ‘for’. ‘For’ is used for duration of time.
2. (3) Replace ‘since’ with ‘for’
For is used for duration of time
Since is used for point of time.
3. (3) Replace ‘since’ with ‘for’.
‘for’ is used for ‘duration of time’
‘since’ is used for ‘point of time’.
Note:- 'Since' comes for only past not for future. For future point
of time use 'from'.