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Hennepin is a Reconciling Congregation, welcoming the full participation of all persons including the GLBT Community.

June 12, 2011 at Hennepin

June is Reconciling Month at Hennepin Church. This Sunday, June 12, the Reconciling Committee will provide flowers for the 9:30 worship. Today we will also meet in the Dorcas Alcove at 10:45 AM for our last brunch until the fall, followed by our regular committee meeting at 12:00 Noon. Twin Cities Pride Weekend is June 25 and 26. Hennepin will be helping staff the MN Reconciling and Downtown Congregations booths in Loring Park. If you can give 2 hours, sign up by emailing revwalt@juno.com or see http://doodle.com/4wucfi9d5ixp6ze4 and state the time period you prefer.



Tending the Garden of Your Soul

For some, Johns gospel is a weighty theological tome; for others it is the essence of Christianity, full of signs and glories. Each weeks study will be independent of others. People are welcome to come and go as they please. Bring a Bible! Note: no class on June 26.

From an Advertisement:
Miracle-Gro Plant Foods create bigger, more beautiful plants and vegetables. It is now easy to achieve a spectacular landscape. You can bring your creativity to life in the garden with the help of Miracle-Gro.


June 12 at 11:00 AM Bring happiness, or find happiness at the Thrive book Study class on June 5th and June 12th at 11:00 AM in the Longfellow room. Thrive author, Dan Buettner digs deeper into several cities around the world that are known to live the happiest lifestyles on earth. Lets explore the happiness possibilities together. See you there!


JUNE 19 AND 26, 11:00 AM LED BY BILL MATHIS Always wanted to find out what its like to play in the Hennepin Chime? Tried playing bells before and had fun (or didnt but would like to give it another go)? Join Bill for a hands-on experience with handbells. No experience necessary just show up!

What does your Miracle-Gro include? Does it bring creativity to the garden of your soul, to your roots and branches? Can you buy it? What practices or activities calm your body and nerves, ease your stomach or back or relieve that headache? Name your Miracle-Gro and then start fertilizing!

Sign up now for

UM Night at the Twins
Thurs, July 21, 7:00 PM vs Detroit. $25 per ticket (home plate view, and part of your ticket price is a donation to the UM fight against worldwide malaria!). Make your check payable to HAUMC and deliver it directly to Chris Jackson. Your check is your registration. You may also sign-up to carpool from the church at 6:00 PM. Hurry, tickets still available!

Get Your Summer Devotional Today!

Tending the Garden of your Soul


511 Groveland Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55403 612-871-5303 HENNEPINCHURCH.ORG


9:30 AM

Welcome to Hennepin Church! We are glad that you chose to worship here today. We hope your time here is meaningful and helps nurture you in the way of Christ. At each entrance there are purple Welcome bags for guests to receive if you want more information about the church. Blessings to you on your journey of faith! Nursery for infants age 3 is available today until 12:30 PM. An usher will be happy to help you find the nursery in Room 103 of the Education Wing. Coffee is available Sunday mornings in Carlson Hall. Our special thanks to Jim Cone of Coffee & Tea, Ltd. for supplying Sunday coffee!

Where + + is indicated, standing or sitting, we praise God. You are invited to read aloud the bold text.


The Day of Pentecost

PRELUDE CHORAL INTROIT ENTRY INTO CELEBRATION Fantasia super Veni Creator Spiritus Come, Holy Spirit Andrew Hackett VENI CREATOR Craig Johnson

God has poured out love into our hearts by the gift of Holy Spirit. Come, Holy Spirit, Lord and giver of life. Fill the hearts of your faithful people and kindle in us the fire of your love. Come, Holy Spirit, Lord and giver of life.


Holy Spirit, Truth Divine


Let us pray for the power of the Holy Spirit. Almighty and merciful God, you sent your Holy Spirit at Pentecost, making the disciples bold to preach the good news. Send us the power of the same Spirit to spread the fire of your love. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. WELCOME
Thomas Tallis (1505-1585), a composer and church musician, served parish churches and several cathedrals. His music influences British composers even today. The anthem were hearing today is perhaps his most famous, composed especially for the Feast of Pentecost.


If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments

Thomas Tallis Dana Neuhauser



The peace of God be with you. And also with you.


Spirit of the Living God


Words and Music: Daniel Iverson, 1926 (Acts 11:15) 1935, 1963 Moody Bible Institute

LIVING GOD 75.75.875

SCRIPTURE READING Acts 2: 1-8; 14-17

When Pentecost Day arrived, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound from heaven like the howling of a fierce wind filled the entire house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be individual flames of fire alighting on each one of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as the Spirit enabled them to speak.

Ruth Adams, Lector

of us hear them speaking in our native language?

Peter stood with the other eleven apostles. He raised his voice and declared, Judeans and everyone living in Jerusalem! Know this! Listen carefully to my words! These people arent drunk, as you suspect; after all, its only nine oclock in the morning! Rather, this is what was spoken through the prophet There were pious Jews from every Joel: nation under heaven living in Jerusalem. In the last days, God says, I will When they heard this sound, a crowd pour out my Spirit on all people. gathered. They were mystified because Your sons and daughters will everyone heard them speaking in their prophesy. Your young will see native languages. They were surprised visions. Your elders will dream and amazed, saying, Look, arent all dreams. the people who are speaking Galileans, every one of them? How then can each From the C.E.B. Translation

The Ascension signaled the completion of Gods saving work in Jesus Christ. The Day of Pentecost celebrates the miraculous story of a beloved community emerging from a frightened band of followers. They hid behind closed doors; now they proclaim paradise to the world! How does this touch your spirit? For next week, read: Acts 2: 22-26


Spirit of the Living God Miracle-Gro


Bruce Robbins Nancy Sjoquist


The Mass in B Minor of J. S. Bach is one of the towering artistic achievements of the Western world. At the center of it is the usual complete setting of the Nicene Creed. One portion of that creed (Et in Spiritum Sanctum) is sung by the baritone soloist: And I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Lifegiver, who proceeds from the Father and the Son; who with them is worship and glorified; who spoke through the prophets; and I believe in one holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.


Et in Spiritum Sanctum Michael Schmidt, baritone

J. S. Bach


Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts; Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit, Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!


PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE THE LORDS PRAYER Our God, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kindom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kindom, the power, and the glory forever. Choral Amen. CELEBRATION OF COMMUNITY



We Are the Church Catherine Weber, Cantor


Veni Creator Spiritus Todays acolytes are Bonnie Bond and Donna Hedin

Johann Pachelbel

2011 Summer Devotional is in!

Our new devotional, Tending the Garden of Your Soul is now available! Get your copy at the entrance to the worship space or Reception Desk.

Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church

511 Groveland Ave Minneapolis, MN 55403 612.871.5303


Our Mission
To invite all peoples on a spiritual journey guided by scripture, tradition, experience and reason that leads to a Christian faith exemplified by loving relationships with God, all others, and ourselves.
Every Member of Hennepin Church

Tending the Garden

of Your Soul
The Sanctuary flowers for this Sunday are given by the Reconciling Committee. The Reconciling Committee is grateful for the love and support of the Hennepin Avenue UMC community.


Bruce W. RobbinsPastor; Leah RossoYoung Adults & Hospitality; Sally JohnsonWorship & Spiritual Formation; Christopher Jackson Church Administration; Paula ColtonYouth Ministries; Bob BrinkleyPastoral Visitation; Wayne K. ClymerBishop in Residence; Richard D. Waggoner Music Emeritus

Program Staff


Following this worship service, at about 10:35 AM, meet at the communion rail in front of the Sanctuary for a Church Tour. We welcome you to Hennepin Church today! WELCOME GUESTS! We are glad you are here! Our hope is that you have a meaningful worship experience this morning that helps connect you to God and others and live in the way of Christ. In order to get to know you better, we invite you to sign the Fellowship Pad at the end of your pew and include any information that will help us respond to you. There are Welcome Bags at the main entrances with more information about Hennepin Church, but we'd always prefer to answer your questions face to face so feel free to ask anything. We welcome new insights, new questions, and new people!

Cynthia AshleyParish Nurse; Ann J. CarlsonDignity Center; Kevin DahlenKoinonia Manager; Andrew HackettOrganist; Kristyn Ebert Shared Ministry/Outreach; Jack FistlerLegacy Giving; William H. MathisMusic & Fine Arts; Mary MartinDignity Center Volunteers; Dana NeuhauserChildrens Ministries; Daniel Pederson Communications

Twin Cities Superintendent

Elizabeth Lopez

Minnesota Area Bishop

Sally Dyck

Weekday Events Get Involved Volunteer Donate

Mens Bible Fellowship: At 7:00 on Friday mornings a group of men gather for Bible study, conversation and fellowship. All men are invited to attend this lively discussion. The Science & Faith Roundtable: If youre interested in how science and religion can be partners in the quest for truth, this group may be for you! June 23: Galileo Goes to Jail and Other Myths about Science and Religion edited by Ronald L. Numbers. Work with children: The Hennepin Russia Partnership is looking for a physical or occupational therapist to work with children in Russia who have cerebral palsy and severe learning disabilities. Travel required. See your June Inspire for more information or contact Don Forster dforster@qbp.com or 952-920-5389. Dignity Center needs sandwiches: The freezer is nearly empty of sandwiches. Making sandwiches: a great activity for an individual, family, or group. Please put meat & cheese between two pieces of bread. Put sandwiches in individual baggies and all back into the bread wrapper. Label with date and type of sandwich then deliver to reception desk at Hennepin. Also needed: school supplies. Many D.C. clients are in school and need notebooks, pocket folders, post-it notes, and yellow tablets. Bring to reception desk, with label Dignity Center.

Summer Sunday School Volunteers Needed

Summer Sunday school starts in a couple of weeks and we need your help! Were expanding to three age groups this summer and we need teachers. Each age group will require two volunteers per Sunday. The Preschool-Kindergarten and the 1st-3rd grade groups will focus on the Fruits of the Spirit. The 4th and 5th grade group will focus on making a difference in the world and will do monthly hands-on service projects. Volunteer for one or several dates. Summer is a great time to volunteer, especially if you have obligations throughout the program year that take a break during the summer. Make a difference in a childs life and have some fun while youre at it! Sign up at the Childrens Ministry Table in Carlson Hall or contact Dana Neuhauser at Dana@haumc.org.

Breakfast at Hennepin Schedule Changes

Spring brings a number of changes to our usual Sunday breakfasts:
June 12 - Breakfast as usual (final one of season). June 19 - Open House at the Parsonage 10:3012:30 (since the one in December 2010 was snowed out lets hope for no snow in June!)

Watch your !nSpire newsletter for more food and hospitality events!

Earth Camp
For students whove completed 1st 5th grade (limited to 25 participants) Earth Camp is a four-day, three-night overnight. Campers will learn about our responsibility as Christians to care for creation, explore the great outdoors and connect with God in the natural world. Cost is $170 and includes transportation, lodging, meals, crafts. Scholarships available and confidential. Questions? Contact Dana Neuhauser 612-435-1306 or Dana@haumc.org.

Community Meals
WHEW! Dennis Koch and his family served a delicious meal to 315 guests. Another 70 guests and their 42 pets received top-notch vet care. The Vaubels were angels to step in as emergency dishwashers. One of our teens gave the t-shirt he was wearing to a desperate guest. God works in wonderful ways.

Tending the Garden of Your Soul

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Please e m ail all information n n to

Sunday Spire

2011 School of Christian Mission
The annual United Methodist Womens School of Christian Mission is coming up in July. Join us at St. Johns University to learn about mission, be in sistership with other Minnesota UMW women, and grow in your own faith journey. Attend seminars on Joy to the World: Mission in the Age of Global Christianity; Haiti Mission Study: Challenges and Hope; and The Journey: Forgiveness, Restorative Justice and Reconciliation. Registration forms and scholarship requests are available in Carlson Hall.

Please Recycle this bulletin!

Please email all information to Spire@haumc.org by 10:00 AM on Monday for the coming Sunday Spire, or drop off at church, attn: Daniel Pederson. Keeping your note to 50 words helps out a lot!

TODAY, JUNE 12, 2011

Tending the Garden of Your Soul
8:30 - 9:00 8:30 - 12:30 8:45 - 12:30 9:00 - 1:00 9:00 - 10:00 9:30 - 10:30 9:45 - 10:45 9:45 - 10:45 9:45 - 10:45 10:30 - 11:15 10:30 - 12:00 10:30 - 12:00 10:30 - 12:30 10:45 - 12:30 10:45 - 1:00 11:00 - 12:00 11:00 - 12:00 11:00 - 12:00 11:00 - 12:00 11:00 - 12:30 5:00 - 6:00 HOLY COMMUNION BORDER CHAPEL Coffee Fellowship Carlson Hall Nursery / Child Care Rooms 101 & 103 Steeple People Book Sale East Entry SACRED JOURNEY ART GALLERY FESTIVAL WORSHIP SANCTUARY Sunday School Preschool/Kindergarten Room 1/3 Sunday School Grades 1-3 Room 5/7 Sunday School Grades 4-5 Room 8 Blood Pressure Screening Room 204 Seeds of Celebration Harrison Room Dignity Center Volunteer Recognition Dossal Alcove Breakfast at Hennepin Social Hall Youth Council Church of Youth Reconciling Ministries Dorcas Alcove MANY VOICES BORDER CHAPEL Thrive Book Study Longfellow Room Bible Study: Gospel of John Room 201 Compass 180 Advisory Board Room 202 Shared Ministry Team Conference Room SUNDAY AT FIVE BORDER CHAPEL

9:00 AM Dignity CenterOpen 6:30 PM Faith In Action Team

6:00 PM UM Women Leadership 6:30 PM Russia Partnership 6:45 PM Food Service Meeting

9:00 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 1:00 PM Dignity CenterOpen Knotty Quilters Senior Members Council Recyclers

3:00 PM Labyrinth 6:00 PM Staff Parish Relations 6:00 PM Shared Ministries

7:00 AM Mens Bible Fellowship 9:00 AM Dignity CenterOpen 10:00 AM Alanon

9:00 AM Trustees 9:00 AM Koinonia Board

Stairs Enclosure
Work has begun to cover the outside stairwell in the alley/passageway on the East side of our building. The City of Minneapolis informed us it needs to comply with Regulatory Services and disconnect an outside stairwell drain that leads into the cities sewer lines. (This disconnect program did not offer the church any good options. The stairs enclosure was determined to be best.) Innovative Building Concepts will be constructing an enclosure that is practical and the Board of Trustees insisted on a high quality solution that will offer additional benefits as well as solving the problem of any rainwater getting into Minneapolis sewers. All work should be finished by the end of June 2011. Tom Flood, Buildings and Grounds

10:30 AM12:30 PM
Join your friends in the lower level Social Hall today for our Sunday breakfast. Cost is $5 per person, or $12 per family/household. Today is the last Breakfast until September.


Gratitude for your Giving and Continued Support

At the end of May, the Operating Budget Income Received in each of the past three years has amounted to: 201141% of Budget Thank You 201043% of Budget For your 200940% of Budget Support!

Vacation Bible School

August 15-19

Egypt: Josephs Journey from Prison to Prince

For ages 3completed 5th Grade

PASTORAL CARE: Please notify the church office if you, a family member or any other church member are experiencing illness, hospitalization, or another need for pastoral care. CONGREGATIONAL JOYS AND CONCERNS are posted each week in the Pastoral Care section on the kiosk in Carlson Hall. Greeting cards for members in need of cheer are available to sign at the reception desk near the East Entry. PACEM SINGERS are available to sing to Hennepin members and friends bringing comfort of favorite hymns and songs to your surroundings. DOWNTOWN GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP: www.mplsgriefsupport.com. 9:30 AM Saturday mornings May 7Aug 27 at Plymouth Congregational Church, 1900 Nicollet. June 18: Jan Stanton will share Participating in Hope.


We are a Caring




We Need You!

Volunteer Brunch

JUNE 19 11:00 AM WITH JANET MCKENZIE Janet McKenzie has committed her life and art to celebrating womens lives and gifts. Her art compassionately reflects that we are created equally and beautifully in Gods likeness Ms. McKenzies painting Jesus of the People was selected winner of the National Catholic Reporters Jesus 2000 competition. This painting confronts stereotypical thinking by celebrating Jesus as African American. The feminine aspect is served by the fact that the model for this painting was a woman. Ms. McKenzie will be a guest at Sacred Journey at 9:00 AM and then share works from her new book, Holiness and the Feminine Spirit at 11:00 AM. PLUS: McKenzies art will be featured June 15-22 at Wisdom Ways Center (1890 Randolph Ave. St. Paul) Opening reception on June 16 at 7:00 PM with booksigning and program at 7:30 PM

Do you want to make sure that Hennepin Church is the friendliest place around? Do you like to meet new people? Do you want this community to be known for welcoming ALL people? Then we need you! In the May issue of !nSpire, there is an article about some of the changes that are happening in the Greeting and Ushering positions of the church. Please read the article and contact one of us immediately to volunteer in a new way. David: dgerdes@comcast.net; Leah: Leah@haumc.org or 612-4351301. Whatever your age, gender or family status, we need you in order to make this church a truly welcoming place!

Any volunteer with the Dignity Center is invited to our Volunteer Recognition brunch in the Dossal Alcove off the Social Hall on June 12 at 10:00 AM Come, be thanked and celebrated!

Book Sale

Steeple People: a Great Volunteer Opportunity

At the Steeple People Surplus Store, we are always looking for volunteers. Do you have a daughter or son who is just out of high school or college and is looking for a volunteer opportunity during the summer? SPSS is a great place for people, especially the young, to gain experience at giving back and working with all different kinds of merchandise, and the people experience is just great. Come in and see us, or call Mark or Bob at 612-871-8305. Wed be delighted to talk with you and tell about all the great opportunities available at the store. A summer volunteering with Steeple People will be a life-changing experience.

Are you looking for some good books to read this summer? Steeple People will be bringing a great selection of books to church for you to peruse today (June 12) and next Sunday June 19. Come visit our tables in the East Entry to see what treasure you might find for your reading pleasure.


During the first two Sundays in June individual members and friends of HAUMC will be invited to sign a petition requesting Minnesotas U.S. Senators and Representatives, as well as President Obama to shift federal funding priorities from war and the interests of the few, to meeting the essential needs of us all. The essence of the petition was introduced by Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer when he spoke to an adult forum in April. The petition was edited by the Hennepin Peace Through Justice Committee. The entire revised petition is posted in the Carlson Hall.

Summer Choir
During the summer months our music leadership for the 9:30 service comes from an ad hoc group called Summer Choir. Everyone from 7th grade through adults is welcome. There isnt particularly an ongoing commitment; just come any Sunday mornings youd like to participate. We meet at 8:45 in the Choir Room and prepare music for that morning. For more information, call Bill Mathis at 612-435-1319.

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