PSYKER Class For 5e

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PSYKER Class for 5e

Psyker Abilities
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Psyker level
Hit Points at 1st level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Psyker level after 1st

Starting Proficiencies
Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Shields
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: none
Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
Skills: Choose two Skills from Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Stealth

Starting Equipment
• (a) Studded Leather or (b) RingMail
• (a) a Martial Weapon and a Shield or (b) two Martial Weapons
• (a) a Light Crossbow or (b) two Handaxes
• a Dungeoneer's Pack
Proficiency Psionic Psionic Psionic
Level Bonus Features
Bonus Points Limit Die
Telekinetic Hand, Telepathic,
1st +2 Psionic Talent Die, Psionic D4

2nd +2 Psychic Surge D4

Psionic Points, 2x Psionic

3rd +2 6 2 D6
Disciplines, Psionic Focus

4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 8 2 D6

5th +3 Extra Psionic Discipline 12 3 D6

6th +3 Psionic Replenishment 15 3 D8

7th +3 Extra Psionic Discipline 18 4 D8

8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 22 4 D8

9th +4 25 5 D8

10th +4 Tower of Iron Will 28 5 D10

11th +4 Telekinetic Master 32 5 D10

12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 35 6 D10

13th +5 38 6 D10

14th +5 Extra Psionic Discipline 42 7 D12

15th +5 45 7 D12

16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 48 8 D12

17th +6 Consumptive Power 52 8 D12

18th +6 Extra Psionic Discipline 56 9 D20

19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 60 9 D20

20th +6 Psychic Body 64 10 D20

1st Level - Telekinetic

You learn the ‘Mage Hand’ cantrip. You can

cast it without verbal or somatic components,
and the spectral hand is invisible

1st Level - Telepathic

You can speak telepathically to any 1x

creature you can see within 60’ of you. Your
telepathic comunicados are in a language
you know, and the creature understands you
only if it knows that language. Your
communication doesn’t give the creature the
ability to respond to you telepathically. If the
creature wants to shut you out it can attempt
to do so via a Successful Charisma Saving
Throw vs your Psionic Talent Save DC (See

1st Level - Psionic


Psionic Talent Save DC = 8 + your

Proficiency Bonus + your Intelligence

Psionic Talent Options - You can only use

your Psionic Talent Die 1x per Round. You
can use your Psionic Talent Die in the
following ways:

Protective Field - When you or another creature you can see within 10’ of you takes damage,
you can use your Reaction to roll your current Psionic Talent Die and reduce the damage taken
by the number rolled as you create a momentary shield of telekinetic force to block, deflect or
push aside the offending blow

Psi-Powered Leap - As a Bonus Action you can Jump in any direction up to 5x the roll of your
current Psionic Talent Die, i.e., a roll of 6 = 30’. This Jump can happen at any point in your
normal Movement. If the Jump exceeds your normal maximum Movement for your Turn you
must stop upon landing
Note - You can jump upward as well, but take into account that to jump 20’ forward and 20’ up
would require a grand total of 40’ etc etc etc. To fall from any height greater than 10’ might incur
damage per the DM’s ruling (also true in the case of failed jumps into the sides of buildings etc)

Telekinetic Shove - As a Bonus Action, you can try to

telekinetically shove one creature you can see within 30’ of you.
When you do so, roll your current Psionic Talent Die, and the
target must succeed on a Strength Saving Throw or be moved
either toward you or away from you a number of feet equal to 5
times the number rolled, i.e, a roll of 6 = 30’. A creature can
willingly fail this save if it so chooses. If the creature strikes a solid
object while still being shoved it must make a Constitution Saving
Throw or take 1D4 Bludgeoning Damage for each 10’ so moved

Telekinetic Strike - As a Bonus Action you can propel and

amplify your melee attack with telekinetic force. If you successfully
strike with the melee weapon attack you inflict normal damage
and then you also roll your current Psionic Talent Die to dea extral
Bludgeoning Damage to the target equal to the number rolled

1st Level - Psionic Talent


The current power of your Psionic Talents is

represented by your Psionic Talent Die the
starting size of which is a D4 at 2nd Level. The
starting size of your Psionic Talent Die
increases as you level up. It is a reflection of
your current willpower and focus and so is liable
to fluctuate for the better or worse throughout
the day’s adventuring. Once your Psionic Talent
Die falls below a D4 you are mentally exhausted
and unable to power your Psionic Talents until
you partake of a Short or Long Rest (see below
for details)

Changing the Die’s Size - If you roll the

highest number on your Psionic Talent Die, it
decreases by one die size after the roll. This
represents you burning through your psionic
energy. For example, if the die is a D6 and you roll a 6, it becomes a D4. If it’s a D4 and you roll
a 4, it becomes unusable until you finish a long rest. Conversely, if you roll a 1 on your Psionic
Talent Die, it increases by one die size after the roll. This represents you conserving psionic
energy for later use. For example, if you roll a 1 on a D4, the die then becomes a D6
Regaining the Die’s Size - If you take a Short Rest you can choose to regain a number of
Psionic Talent Die sizes up to your Intelligence Modifier and only up to the die’s current starting
size. You can regain a total number of die sizes equal to your Intelligence Modifier per Short
Rest, i.e., a Psyker with an Intelligence of 17 could regain up to 3x Psionic Talent Die sizes per
day spread out amongst as many Short Rests as he chooses and as are available.
Whenever you finish a Long Rest, your Psionic Talent Die resets to its starting size
Note - Your die can exceed your level’s current maximum Psionic Talent Die size all the way up
to an absolute maximum of D20. This represents the Psyker momentarily discovering a
heretofore unknown sink of power in himself. As noted above the die will, however, reset to its
appropriate maximum starting size for the Psyker’s current level after a Long Rest

2nd Level - Psychic Surge

Starting at 2nd Level, as a Bonus Action, you can push yourself beyond your normal limits for a
moment to fuel rapid actions in a time of need. On your Turn, you can take one additional Action
on top of your regular Action. When you use this ability, your Psionic Talent Die decreases by
one die size. You can use this ability as often as you have a Psionic Talent Die remaining to fuel

3rd Level - Psionic Points

This is a measure of how deep the Psyker’s well of psionic power is. This pool begins with 6
points at 3rd level. Psionic Points increase as the Psyker levels up. Psionic Points are regained
in full after a Long Rest
Psionic Limit - Regardless of how many Psionic Points you have, you can only ever spend an
amount equal to your current Psionic Limit at any one time
3rd Level - Psionic Disciplines

Psionic Discipline Save DC = 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Intelligence Modifier

Psionic Discipline Attack Modifier = your Proficiency Bonus + your Intelligence Modifier

Starting at 3rd Level you can pick 2x Psionic Disciplines from the list at the end of this
document. Each discipline has a range of powers which are fueled by Psionic Points. Each
power has a name and the point cost of that option appears after its name. You must spend that
number of Psionic Points to use that power while also abiding by your current Psionic Limit. If
you don’t have enough points left, or if the cost is above your current Psionic Limit then you
cannot use the power. Some options show a range of cost of Psionic Points, rather than a
specific cost. To use that option you must spend a number of points within that point range,
while still abiding by your Psionic Limit. You must spend all the points when you first use the
discipline; you can’t decide to spend additional points once you see the discipline in action

3rd Level - Psionic Focus

At any one time a Psyker can choose to Focus on one of his known Psionic Disciplines.
Focusing on a Psionic Discipline causes a (generally physical) change in the Psyker and gives
the Psyker an advantage as described beneath each discipline at the end of this document.
Switching Focus between Disciplines takes a Psyker’s Bonus Action
Note - A Psyker can continue to Focus on a Psionic Discipline though he is out of Psionic
Points. A Psyker does not have to focus on a Discipline if he chooses not to

6th Level - Psionic Replenishment

As a Bonus Action, in a fierce effort of concentration and willpower, you restore your Psionic
Talent Die to its starting size. This costs both your current HPs and your HP Maximum an
amount equal to 3x the role of your current maximum Psionic Talent Die. This Damage cannot
be healed except by a Long Rest. Once used, you cannot use Psionic Replenishment again
until you finish a Long Rest

10th Level - Tower of Iron


Your mind’s defenses are formidable. If your

Psionic Talent Die is available, after you or another
creature you can see within 30’ of you fails a
Saving Throw, you can use your Reaction to roll
your Psionic Talent Die and add the number rolled
to the Saving Throw, potentially causing it to
succeed. When you use this ability, your Psionic
Talent Die decreases by one die size
11th Level - Telekinetic Master

Your ability to move creatures and objects with your mind is matched by few. If your Psionic
Talent Die is available, you can cast the ‘Telekinesis’ spell, requiring no components. Your
spellcasting ability for the spell is Intelligence. When you use this ability, your Psionic Talent Die
decreases by one die size.

17th Level - Consumptive


You can sacrifice your physical essence to power your

mental essence. When activating a Psionic Discipline
you can choose to pay its Psionic Point Cost with 4x the
amount in HPs. Both your current HPs and your HP
Maximum are reduced by the number of Psionic Points
created this way. This Damage cannot be healed except
by a Long Rest. The only limit on how often you can use
this ability is your current HP total and your
consciousness (or lack thereof)

20th Level - Psionic Body

At 20th Level your mastery of psionics has allowed the

mind to transcend the body. Your very physical form is
infused with psionic energy. You are naught but your
innermost, radiant self, a being of pure thought that can
slip its body at will. You gain the following benefits:
*Resistance to all non-magical Damage
*You no longer age
*You no longer need sleep
*You no longer require sustenance
*You can leave your body behind and become your Astral Form 1x a day per the ‘Astral
Projection’ spell (only for the Psyker, however, as you cannot bring others along with you to the
Astral Plane)
*If you are killed you live on in your Astral Form and can rebuild a body in the Prime Material
across one month’s hard labor in the Astral and Material planes (or . . . . you can just float away)
Psychic Disciplines
Your entire nervous system is alight with psionic power. The entire world around you seems to
slow down but you continue to move amongst the world as usual
Psychic Focus: While focused on this discipline your entire body seems blurred and vibrating
to others and your Movement Speed increases by 10’
*Rapid Step - 1-10 PPs - Bonus Action - As a Bonus Action you can increase your Movement
Speed by 10’ until the end of your Turn for each PP spent this way
*Bounce Back - 2 PPs - Reaction - As a Reaction you can stand up from Prone without using
any movement points and without suffering an Attack of Opportunity
*Agile Defense - 3 PPs - Bonus Action - As a Bonus Action you can take the Dodge Action
*Surge of Speed - 4 PPs - Bonus Action - Concentration up to 1 Minute - As a Bonus
Action, and until you lose Concentration, you double your current Movement Speed - you don’t
provoke Attacks of Opportunity - and you gain a Climbing Speed equal to your regular
Movement Speed (not doubled)
*Surge of Action - 5 PPs - Bonus Action - As a Bonus Action you can take the Dash Action
and make an extra weapon attack at Advantage. The Dash does use up your entire regular
Movement Speed however (If you have already moved this Turn then the ability is not available)
*¡Arriba, Arriba! ¡Ándale, Ándale! - 7 PPs - Bonus Action - Concentration up to 1 Minute -
As a Bonus Action your speed is doubled, you gain a +2 bonus to AC, you have Advantage on
Dexterity Saving Throws, and you gain an additional Action each turn. That Action can be used
only to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object
action. When the ability ends, you cannot move or take actions until after your next turn, as a
wave of lethargy sweeps over you. (Unless you continue to extend the power with further PPs)
Crown of Despair
You have learned to harvest the seeds of despair from another creature’s psyche, wracking it
with self-doubt and inaction
Psychic Focus: While focused on this discipline your head is wreathed in a jagged crown of
wicked red light, shedding dim light out to 30’, and you have Advantage on Intimidation Checks
*Crowned in Sorrow - 1–10 PPs - Action - 60’ Range - As an Action, one creature you can
see within 60’ of you must make a Charisma Saving Throw as its willpower contests your own.
The target makes its Saving Throw at -1 for each 2x PPs spent this way. On a failed save its
joie de vivre begins to fade, it takes 1d6 Psychic Damage for each PP spent this way, and it
can’t take reactions until the start of your next turn. On a successful save, it takes half as much
damage and suffers no ill effects
*Call to Inaction - 2 PPs - Action - 60’ Range - Concentration up to 1 Minute - If you spend
an Action conversing with a creature you can see within 60’, you can attempt to seed it with an
overwhelming ennui. At the end of the conversation the creature must make a Wisdom Saving
Throw. The save automatically succeeds if the target is immune to being charmed. The target
must be able to understand your language. On a failed save, it sits Prone and is Incapacitated
until your concentration ends. This effect immediately ends if the target is attacked or takes
damage. On a successful save, the creature is unaffected but has no inkling of your attempt to
bend its will
*Visions of Despair - 3 PPs - Action - 60’ Range - As an Action you force one creature you
can see within 60 feet of you to make a Charisma Saving Throw as its willpower contests your
own. On a failed save, it takes 3d6 Psychic Damage, its speed is reduced to 0, and it falls flat on
its back or face, Prone and in the throes of utter despair until the beginning of your next Turn.
On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and suffers no ill effects
*Dolorous Mind - 4 PPs - Action - 60’ Range - Concentration up to 1 Minute - As an Action
you choose one creature you can see within 60’ of you. It must succeed on a Charisma Saving
Throw as its willpower contests your own or it is Incapacitated with sorrow, it’s Movement Speed
is reduced to 0, and it begins to sob uncontrollably until your Concentration ends. It can repeat
this saving throw at the end of each of its turns ending the effect on a success
*Suicidal Tendencies - 5 PPs - Action - 60’ Range - Concentration up to 1 Minute - As an
Action you choose one creature you can see within 60’ of you. It must succeed on a Charisma
Saving Throw as its willpower contests your own or it is filled with rage at its own inadequacies
and failures. It’s Movement Speed is reduced to 0, and it spends its Action attacking itself with
its best available melee attack until your Concentration ends. It can repeat this saving throw at
the end of each of its turns ending the effect on a success
*Trail of Tears - 7 PPs - Action - 60’ Range - Concentration up to 1 Minute - As an Action
you choose up to 6x creatures that you can see within 60’ of you. They must succeed on a
Charisma Saving Throw as their willpower contests your own or they are Incapacitated with
sorrow, they begin to sob uncontrollably, and spend their Movement getting as far away from
you as possible until your Concentration ends. They can repeat this Saving Throw at the end of
each of their Turns ending the effect on a success
Earth Bender
You attune your mind to seize control of and bend the very earth and minerals themselves
Psychic Focus: While focused on this discipline your skin takes on the cracked surface and the
ashen hue of stone and you gain a +1 bonus to your AC
*Earthen Spike - 1–10 PPs - Action - Range 90’ - As an Action you telekinetically hurl a mote
of earth at one creature you can see within 90’ of you. The target must make a Dexterity Saving
Throw. For every 2x PPs (rounded down) spent this way the target receives a -1 on its Saving
Throw. On a failed save, the target takes 1d6 Bludgeoning Damage per PP spent and has its
speed halved until the start of your next turn. On a successful save, the target takes half as
much damage and suffers no ill effects. This can be imagined, at 2 PP, as a telekinetically
hurled softball sized rock, but then, at 10 PP, as a stalagmite formed and driven through one's
opponent. Requires access to earth.
*Warp Weapon - 2 PPs - Action - Range 60’ - As an Action choose one non-magical weapon
held by one creature you can see within 60’ of you. That creature must succeed on a Charisma
Saving Throw, as its will contests your own, or the chosen weapon bends and warps like a
noodle and can’t be used to attack until the beginning of your next Turn
*Warp Armor - 3 PPs - Action - Range 60’ - As an Action choose a non-magical suit of armor
worn by one creature you can see within 60’ of you. That creature must succeed on a Charisma
Saving Throw, as its will contests your own, or the creature’s AC becomes 10 + its Dexterity
modifier until the beginning of your next Turn
*Earthen Sanctuary - 5 PPs - Bonus Action - Duration
up to 1 Minute - As a bonus action you sheathe yourself
with an earthen resilience, pulling earth and rock to clad
you as armor. As your enemies attack you bits and pieces
are knocked and hewn away. You gain 30 temporary hit
points. At the end of the duration or once the HPs are
exhausted the earth and stone fall back to the ground.
Requires access to earth.
*Wall of Stone - 7 PPs - Action - Range 120’ -
Concentration up to 1 Minute - As an Action you create
a wall of stone at least one portion of which must be
within 120’ feet of you. The wall is 60 feet long, 15 feet
high, and 1 foot thick. The wall lasts until your
concentration ends. Each 5-foot wide section of the wall
has AC 12 and 100 hit points. Breaking one section
creates a 5-foot by 5-foot hole in it, but the wall otherwise
remains intact. If the wall cuts through a creature’s space
when it appears, the creature is pushed to one side of the
wall (your choice). If a creature would be surrounded on
all sides by the wall (or the wall and another solid
surface), that creature can make a Dexterity Saving
Throw. On a success, it can use its Reaction to move up
to its speed so that it is no longer enclosed by the wall.
The wall can have any shape you desire. The wall doesn’t
need to be vertical or rest on any firm foundation. It must,
however, merge with and be solidly supported by existing
stone or earth. Thus, you can use this spell to bridge a
chasm or create a ramp. You can crudely shape the wall
to create crenellations, battlements, and so on. Requires
access to earth
*Summon Stone - 9 PPs - Action - 90’ Range - Concentration up to 10 Minutes - As an
Action you summon the earth itself to your aid. At a Range of up to 90’ an earth elemental rises
up from the ground. The elemental disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when you dismiss
it. The elemental is friendly to you and your companions for the duration. Roll initiative for the
elemental, which has its own Turn. It obeys any verbal commands that you issue to it (no Action
required by you). If you don’t issue any commands to the elemental, it defends itself from hostile
creatures but otherwise takes no actions. If your Concentration is broken, the elemental doesn’t
disappear. Instead, you lose control of the elemental, it becomes hostile toward you and your
companions, and it might attack. An uncontrolled elemental can’t be dismissed by you, and
disappears 10 Minutes after summoned

Giant Growth
You infuse yourself with psionic energy to grow
to tremendous size, bolstering your strength and
Psychic Focus: While focused on this discipline
your feet and legs become thick as tree trunks
and you gain Advantage on Saves to remain
standing and not suffer the Prone condition
*Stilt Legs - 2 PPs - Bonus Action -
Concentration up to 5 Rounds - As a Bonus
Action your legs grow to 10’ tall and you increase
your Movement Speed by 1/2. You can also
move through allies or defenders without a
penalty to Movement Speed (though you might
well still attract Attacks of Opportunity). This
effect ends when your Concentration ends
*Tree Limbs - 2 PPS - Bonus Action -
Concentration up to 5 Rounds - As a Bonus
Action your arms grow to massive size and your
melee weapon attacks deal an extra 1D4
Bludgeoning Damage on a hit, while your Reach
increases by 5’. This effect ends when your
Concentration ends
*Ogre Form - 3 PPs - Bonus Action -
Concentration up to 5 Rounds - As a Bonus
Action you gain 10 temporary hit points. In
addition, your melee weapon attacks deal an
extra 1D6 Bludgeoning Damage on a hit, and
your reach increases by 5’. If you are smaller
than Large, you also become Large for the
duration growing to a height of 10’ tall and
weighing 800 pounds and take up a 10x10’ grid
area. You gain Advantage on Saves to remain
standing and not suffer the Prone condition. Your
Movement Speed increases by 1/2. This effect
ends when your Concentration ends. Note - If
you choose to remain enlarged for another 5
rounds you gain fresh temporary hit points
*Giant Form - 5 PPs - Bonus Action - Concentration up to 5 Rounds - As a Bonus Action
you gain 20 temporary hit points. In addition, your melee weapon attacks deal an extra 1D8
Bludgeoning Damage on a hit, and your reach increases by 10’. If you are smaller than Huge,
you also become Huge for the duration growing to a height of 20’ tall and weighing 4000 pounds
and take up a 15x15’ grid area. You gain +5 and Advantage on Saves to remain standing and
not suffer the Prone condition. Your Movement Speed doubles. This effect ends when your
Concentration ends. Note - If you choose to remain enlarged for another 5 rounds you gain
fresh temporary hit points
*Titan Form - 7 PPs - Bonus Action - Concentration up to 5 Rounds - As a Bonus Action
you gain 30 temporary hit points. In addition, your melee weapon attacks deal an extra 2d6
bludgeoning damage on a hit, and your reach increases by 15’. If you’re smaller than
Gargantuan, you also become Gargantuan for the duration growing to a height of 30’ tall and
weighing 30,000 pounds and take up a 20x20’ grid area. You gain +10 and Advantage on Saves
to remain standing and not suffer the Prone condition. Your Movement Speed triples. This effect
ends when your Concentration ends. Note - If you choose to remain enlarged for another 5
rounds you gain fresh temporary hit points
*Wish I Was Ocean Size - 9 PPs - Bonus Action - Concentration up to 5 Rounds - When
you stride the earth shakes! As a Bonus Action you gain 40 temporary hit points. In addition,
your melee weapon attacks deal an extra 4d6 bludgeoning damage on a hit, and your reach
increases by 20’. If you’re smaller than Gargantuan, you also become Gargantuan for the
duration growing to a height of 60’ tall and weighing 120,000 pounds and take up a 30x30’ grid
area. You gain +15 and Advantage on Saves to remain standing and not suffer the Prone
condition. Your Movement Speed quadruples. This effect ends when your Concentration ends.
Note - If you choose to remain enlarged for another 5 rounds you gain fresh temporary hit

Intellectual Fortress
You forge an indomitable wall of psionic energy around your mind
Psychic Focus: While focused on this discipline a visible silver-blue halo forms around your
head, shedding dim light out to 30’, and you gain Advantage on Concentration Checks
*Psychic Parry - 1–10 PPs - Reaction - As a Reaction when you make an Intelligence.
Wisdom, or a Charisma Saving Throw, you gain a +1 bonus to that saving throw for each PP
spent on this ability. You must declare before you roll
*Psychic Trampoline - 2 PPs - Reaction - 30’ Range - As a Reaction you can try to harness
an opponent’s kinetic energy against it. An enemy within the 30’ Range who moves in towards
you must make a Strength Saving Throw or be pushed back by a telekinetic wave to its starting
point, however far that might be perhaps precluding a melee attack etc etc etc
*Psychic Backlash - 3 PPs - Reaction - 60’ Range - As a Reaction you feedback your trauma
on to your attacker. Upon receiving damage from a successful attack by a target within 60’ your
attacker takes 2D6 Psychic Damage and must make a Successful Wisdom Save or suffer
Disadvantage on its next attack against you (as he knows your pain now!)
*Psychic Dome - 4 PPs - Reaction - 20’ Radius - As a Reaction to an Area of Effect spell that
requires a Strength - Constitution - or Dexterity Saving Throw you can bring up a brief Psychic
Dome in a 20’ Radius that gives everyone beneath it Advantage on their Saving Throws against
said effect
*Psychic Short - 5 PPs - Reaction - 60’ Range - As a Reaction you attempt to momentarily
short the synapses of a creature in the process of casting a spell. If the creature is casting a
spell of 3rd level or lower, its spell fails and has no effect. If it is casting a spell of 4th level or
higher, make an Intelligence Ability Check against a DC equal to 10 + the spell’s level. On a
success, the creature’s spell fails and fizzles and it has no effect
*Psychic Redoubt - 7 PPs - Action - 30’ Range - Concentration up to 10 minutes - As an
action you create a field of protective psychic energy. Choose any number of creatures within
30’ of you. Until your Concentration ends, each target has resistance to psychic damage and
Advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma Saving Throws as well as well as Advantage
on Concentration Saves

Iron Shirt - Iron Hand

You augment your strength and constitution with sheer willpower allowing you to achieve
incredible feats of might and endure unbelievable hardship
Psychic Focus: While focused on this discipline you
sweat profusely and your veins stand out visibly on
your neck, forehead and forearms and you have
Advantage on Athletics Checks
*Iron Strike - 1-10 PPs - Bonus Action - As a Bonus
Action you infuse your melee weapon with a humming
and vibrating psychic power. If the melee weapon
attack hits it deals normal damage and an extra 1D8
Psychic Damage for each PP spent this way. You must
declare before the attack
*Iron Shirt - 1-10 PPs - Reaction - As a Reaction you
can harden your skin to an iron like quality, gaining an
additional +1 bonus to AC for each PP spent this way.
This bonus lasts until the beginning of your next Turn.
You need declare after an attack has been called
against you, but before the To Hit die is rolled
*Feats of Strength - 2 PPs - Bonus Action - As a
Bonus Action your muscles swell prodigiously and you
gain +5 to Strength Saves, Strength Checks and
Strength Based Skill Checks until the beginning of
your next Turn
*Steel Hide - 3 PPs - Bonus Action - As a Bonus
Action you gain Resistance to non-magical
Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing Damage until the
beginning of your next Turn
*Mithril Hide - 7 PPs - Action - Concentration up to 1 Hour - As an Action you gain
Resistance to non-magical Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing Damage until your
Concentration ends
*Diamond Hide - 9 PPs - Action - Concentration up to 1 Hour - As an Action you gain
Immunity to non-magical Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing Damage and Resistance to even
Magical Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing Damage until your Concentration ends
Mental Inquisition
You reach into a creature’s mind to uncover information or to plant ideas within it
Psychic Focus: While focused on this discipline your eyes burn a fiery red/orange, flickering
with baleful light, and you gain Advantage on Insight Checks
*Hammer of Inquisition - 1-10 PPs - Action - Reach out and grab a target via a Psychic
Discipline melee attack. On a successful hit the target must make a successful Charisma Saving
Throw -1 for each 2x PPs spent this way as its willpower contests your own. On a failed save it
takes 1d8 Psychic Damage per PP spent this way and falls to its knees, kneeling Prone before
you. On a successful save it takes half as much damage and suffers no ill effects
*Forceful Query - 2 PPs - Action - 60’ Range - As an Action you ask a question of one
creature that can see and hear you within 60’. The question must be phrased so that it can be
answered with a yes or no, otherwise this ability fails. The target must succeed on a Wisdom
Saving Throw or it replies with a truthful answer to the best of its ability. A creature is immune to
this ability if it is immune to being charmed
*Forceful Suggestion - 3 PPs - Action - 60’ Range - Concentration up to 1 Hour - As an
Action you make a suggestion to one creature that can see and hear you within 60’. Once the
suggestion is successfully implanted the
range is limitless so long as the target
remains on the same plane of existence.
The suggestion must be phrased as a
single, simple sentence, otherwise this
ability fails. The target must succeed on
a Wisdom Saving Throw or it pursues
the course of action you described to the
best of its ability. Asking the creature to
stab itself, throw itself onto a spear,
immolate itself, or do some other
obviously harmful act ends the spell. If
you or any of your companions damage
the target, the spell ends. A creature is
immune to this ability if it is immune to
being charmed
*Ransack Mind - 4 PPs - 10 Minutes of
Concentration - 60’ Range - While you
concentrate on this ability you probe one
creature’s mind. The creature must
remain within 60’ of you, and you must
be able to see it. You must remain as
still as possible and relatively
unmolested and staring at the creature,
boring into its mind. If you reach the
ability’s full duration without having
broken Concentration, the target must
make three Intelligence Saving Throws,
and you learn information from it based on the number of throws it fails:
- With one failed saving throw, you learn its key memories from the past 12 hours.
- With two failed saving throws, you learn its key memories from the past 24 hours.
- With three failed saving throws, you learn its key memories from the past 48 hours.
*Don’t You Dare! - 5 PPs - Action - 60’ Range - Concentration up to 1 Minute - As an Action
you bellow out your command - ‘Don’t you dare!’ - and up to 6x creatures of your choice inside a
40-foot cube within a 60’ Range must succeed on a Wisdom Saving Throw or be affected by
hesitation and uncertainty for the duration.
An affected target's Movement Speed is halved, it takes a −2 penalty to AC and Dexterity
Saving Throws, and it cannot use Reactions. On its turn, it can use either an Action or a Bonus
Action, but not both. Regardless of the creature's abilities or magic items, it can't make more
than one melee or ranged attack during its turn. If the creature attempts to cast a spell with a
casting time of 1 action, roll a d20. On an 11 or higher, the spell doesn't take effect until the
creature's next turn, and the creature must use its action on that turn to complete the spell. On a
roll of 10 or under the spell is wasted. A creature affected by this ability can make another
Wisdom saving throw at the end of its turn. On a successful save, the effect ends
*Phantom Idea - 7 PPs - 10 Minutes of Concentration - 60’ Range - While you Concentrate
on this ability you invade one creature’s mind. The creature must remain within 60’ of you, and
you must be able to see it. You must remain as still as possible and relatively unmolested and
staring at the creature, boring into its mind. If you reach the ability’s full duration without having
broken Concentration the target must make three Intelligence Saving Throws. You then plant a
memory or an idea in it which lasts for a number of hours based on the number of throws that it
failed. You choose whether the idea or memory is trivial (such as ‘I had porridge for breakfast’ or
‘Ale is the worst’) or personality-defining (‘I failed to save my village from orc marauders and am
therefore a coward’ or ‘Magic is a scourge, so I renounce it’)
- With one failed saving throw, the idea or memory lasts for the next 4 hours
- With two failed saving throws, it lasts for 24 hours
- With three failed saving throws, it lasts for 48 hours

Nomadic Mind
You dispatch part of your psyche into the great collective of knowledge comprised and
possessed by all living things, hoping to glean insights and power
Psychic Focus: Whenever you focus on this discipline, you are so distracted and lost in interior
thought that it requires your Concentration, and you can pick a Skill or Tool and gain +2 on
Checks with it until you lose Concentration or your focus ends
*Wandering Mind - 2 PPs - 10 Minutes of Concentration - 1 Hour Duration - You enter a
deep contemplation. If you are able to maintain Concentration for the full 10 minutes, without
undue interruption and in relative stillness, then you then gain Proficiency with any Tool, Kit,
Gaming Set, Musical Instrument, Vehicle or in one of the following Skills: Animal Handling,
Arcana, History, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Performance, Religion, Sleight of Hand, or
Survival. If you are already Proficient in the Skill then you gain Specialization. The benefit lasts
for 1x hour Duration with no further concentration required
*Familiar Face - 2 PPs - Action - 90’ Range - Concentration up to 10 Minutes - As an Action
you can make your own face familiar to a chosen non-hostile creature within Range. You
yourself are unaware of how the target perceives you, but he recognizes you as an associate, a
friend, an acquaintance. It matters not that you might be too short or too tall, as he is focused on
your face. For the duration, you have advantage on all Charisma Checks and Charisma Skill
Checks directed at that creature. To discern that you are disguised, a creature can use its Action
to inspect your appearance and must succeed on an Intelligence Check. The affected creature
will only make a save of its suspicions are aroused, i.e., ‘What do you mean you don’t
remember last night’s card game Uncle Milly?’
*Find Creature - 3 PPs - 1 Hour of Concentration - You cast your mind about for information
regarding the whereabouts of a specific creature. You enter a deep contemplation. If you are
able to maintain Concentration for the full hour required, without undue interruption and in
relative stillness, then you gain a general understanding of the creature’s current location. You
learn the region, city, town, village, or district where it is (DM’s discretion). If the creature is on
another plane of existence, you instead learn which plane.

*Item Lore - 3 PPs - 1 Hour of Concentration - You carefully study an item. You enter a deep
contemplation. If you are able to maintain Concentration within 5’ of the item for this abilities full
hour required, without undue interruption and in relative stillness, then you gain the benefits of
an identify spell cast on that item. You also might learn some associated lore about the
examined item. Make a History Check as if you were Proficient (Specialized if you are already
Proficient) and consult the table below:
DC10 - General information about the item - ‘This signet ring belonged to a powerful member of
the Court of Neverwinter’
DC14 - Specific information regarding the item - ‘This signet ring belonged to Duke Alimno of
the Court of Neverwinter’
DC18 - Important details regarding the item - ‘Any document with a wax seal impressed by this
signet ring would carry the full weight and authority that Alimno wielded in life though he is dead’
DC22 - The items full history - ‘The signet ring was given to Alimno by Archduke Halick the
Empyrean of Waterdeep who was Alimno’s lover and would do anything for his memory!’
*Séance - 4 PPs - 10 Minutes of Concentration - 10’ Range - You hold a séance within 10’ of
a creature’s undead remains summoning forth a psychic ectoplasm that coalesces in the air as
a vague resemblance of the creature in life. This Ritual takes 10 minutes, but can be shortened
by 1 minute for each ally who takes part in it, to a minimum of 1 minute. Once summoned you
can ask the corpse up to five questions. The corpse knows only what it knew in life, including
the languages it knew. Answers are oftentimes brief, cryptic, or repetitive, but the corpse is
under a compulsion to try and offer a truthful answer. This spell doesn't return the creature's
soul to its body, only its animating spirit. Thus, the corpse can't learn new information, doesn't
comprehend anything that has happened since it died, and can't speculate about future events
*Psychic Speech - 4 PPs - Action - 1 Hour Duration - As an Action you attune your mind to
the psychic imprint of all language. For a 1x hour Duration, no concentration necessary, you
gain the ability to understand any language you hear or attempt to read. In addition, when you
speak, all creatures that can understand a language understand what you say, regardless of
what language you use
*Borrowed Eyes - 7 PPs - Action - 120’ Range -
Concentration up to 1 hour - As an Action you can
attempt to see and hear through the eyes and ears of
another. First you must select a target within Range and
then that target must make a Charisma Save to contest
your will. If the creature fails it is unaware of your attempt
and you can look and hear through it until Concentration is
broken. If it succeeds it becomes aware of the attempt at
psychic intrusion. Once the connection is established range
doesn’t matter so long as the target remains on the same
plane of existence. You cannot see through your own eyes
or ears while observing through the target’s. You can switch
back and forth between your own senses and that of the
target as a Bonus Action. Any creature with Truesight sees
a luminous, intangible orb about the size of a fist on the
target's forehead while the ability is functioning

By analyzing information around you, from subtle hints to seemingly disconnected facts, you
learn to weave a string of probabilities in an instant that give you extraordinary insights
Psychic Focus: While focused on this discipline you constantly mumble equations and
possibilities to yourself, making normal conversation impossible, and you have Advantage on
Initiative rolls
*Precognitive Strike - 1-10 PPs - Bonus Action - As a Bonus Action you can look far enough
into the future to land an unerring strike, placing your weapon where the target will be. Add +1 to
your next to hit roll for each PP spent this way. You must declare before rolling the To Hit die
*Precognitive Hunch - 2 PPs - Bonus Action - Concentration up to 1x Minute - As a Bonus
Action you open yourself up to receive momentary insights that improve your odds of success;
until your Concentration ends whenever you make an attack roll, a Saving Throw, or an Ability
Check, you roll a D4 and add it to the total
*All-Around Sight - 3 PPs - Reaction - As a Reaction in response to an attack hitting you, you
can impose Disadvantage on that same attack roll, possibly causing it to miss. You can declare
after the attack successfully hits
*Danger Sense - 5 PPs - Action - Concentration up to 8 Hours - As an action, you create a
psychic model of reality in your mind and set it to show you a few seconds into the future. Until
your Concentration ends you can’t be Surprised, attack rolls against you can’t gain Advantage
and you gain a +5 bonus to Initiative rolls
*I’ve Seen This Battle Play Out Already and We Win - 7
PPs - Reaction - As a Reaction when you roll initiative, you
can use this ability to grant yourself and up to five creatures
of your choice within 60’ of you a +10 bonus to their
Initiative rolls
*Alternate Timeline - 9 PPs - Reaction - You see time
unfolding in front of you, and you don’t like what you see,
not one bit, and you want a do over! As a Reaction you can
use this ability to stop and reverse time a half-a-second,
allowing whatever event you halted to happen again,
hopefully with better results.This allows for a reroll of
whatever Action you interfered with, whether it be an attack,
an Ability Check, A Saving Throw etc etc etc

Psionic Restoration
You wield psionic energies to revitalize and heal others and yourself
Psychic Focus: While focused on this discipline you
glow with a faint golden light, shedding dim light out to
30’, and you gain an amount of Temporary HPs equal to
your Intelligence Bonus at the beginning of each of your
*Mend Wounds - 1-10 PPs - Action - As an Action you
can touch one creature and and restore 1D8 HPs for
each PP spent this way. This ability has no effect on
Undead or Constructs
*Restore Life - 2 PPs - Action - As an Action you can
touch one creature currently on Death’s Doorstep and
restore it to life with 1 HP
*Restore Health - 3 PPs - Action - As an Action you
can touch one creature and remove one of the following
conditions from it: Blinded - Deafened - Paralyzed -
Poisoned. Alternatively you can remove a Disease from
one creature
*Healing Blanket - 5 PPs - Bonus Action - As a
Bonus Action you can radiate out a restorative wave
centered upon yourself. Up to 6x allies that you wish to
effect in a 30’ radius receive 1D8 HPs. This ability has
no effect on Undead or Constructs
*Restore Vigor - 7 PPs - Action - As an Action you
can touch one creature restoring 20 HPs and removing
one of the following: Any reductions to its Ability scores
- One effect that reduces its HP Maximum - 1x level of
Psychic Assault
You wield your mind like a weapon, unleashing salvos of pure psionic energy that tear apart
your enemy’s mind
Psychic Focus: While focused on this discipline your mind
produces a high pitched, irritating ringing noise, that can be
heard like an annoying mosquito by anyone in a 100’ radius
and you gain a +1 bonus to Damage rolls with telekinetic
Psionic Talents that deal Damage
*Psionic Blast - 1-10 PPs - Action - 90’ Range - As an
Action make a ranged Psychic Discipline attack on a target
within a 90’ Range. On a successful hit the target takes 1d8
Psychic Damage per PP spent this way.
*Mind Spike - 2 PPs - Action - 90’ Range -You drive a
disorienting spike of psychic energy into the mind of one
creature you can see within range. The target must make an
Intelligence Saving Throw. On a failed save the target takes
2d6 psychic damage, and the first time it makes another
Saving Throw before the end of your next Turn, it must roll a
D4 and subtract the number rolled from the save
*Ego Whip - 3 PPs - Action - 90’ Range - As an Action
choose one creature within Range. The target must make a Charisma Saving Throw as it
contests your willpower. On a failed save the creature takes 3d8 psychic damage and is filled
with self-doubt, leaving it able to use its Action on its next turn only to take the Dodge,
Disengage, or Hide action. On a successful Saving Throw it takes half as much damage and
suffers no ill effects
*Id Insinuation - 5 PPs - Action - 90’ Range - As an Action
choose one creature you can see within 90’ of you. The
target must make a Charisma Saving Throw as it contests
your willpower. On a failed save the creature takes 5d8
Psychic Damage and it goes into a fury as its id runs
rampant. On its next turn it only gets its Action and
Movement and it must use its Action for a melee Attack if
possible. If no enemy is in range however, then it uses the
Dash Action to close range. On a successful save it takes
half as much damage and suffers no ill effects
*Psychic Wave - 6 PPs - Action - 60’ Cone Range - As an
Action you unleash a devastating cone of pure psychic
energy with a 60’ Range. Each creature in that area must
make an Intelligence saving throw, taking 8d8 Psychic
Damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one
*Psychic Crush - 7 PPs - Action - 90’ Range - As an
Action you create a 20-foot cube of psychic energy within
90’ of you. Each creature in that area must make an
Intelligence Saving Throw. On a failed save, a target takes
8d8 Psychic Damage and is Stunned by crippling psychic
pressure until the beginning of your next Turn. On a
successful save a target takes half as much damage and
suffers no ill effects
Telepathic Contact
Your Telepathy is a power unto itself and you can use it to communicate more effectively and
even influence the minds of others you contact
Psychic Focus: While focused on this discipline you must keep at least one free hand up to
your forehead or temple at all times, like an antenna of sorts, this means that you cannot wield
two weapons - two-handed weapons - etc, and creatures with whom you communicate
Telepathically (per your 1st level Ability) gain the ability to communicate back with you
*Telepathic Intrusion - 2 PPs - Action - 30’
Range - Concentration up to 1 Minute - As an
Action you can attempt to read the thoughts of a
creature. Each Turn until your Concentration ends
you can focus your mind on any one creature that
you can see within 30 feet of you.
You initially learn the surface thoughts of the
creature - what is most on its mind in that moment.
The next Turn, as a further Action, you can attempt
to probe deeper into the creature’s mind. If you
probe deeper, the target must make a Wisdom
Saving Throw. If it fails, you gain insight into its
reasoning (if any), its emotional state, and
something that looms large in its mind (such as
something it worries over, loves, or hates). If it
succeeds, the spell ends. Either way, the target
knows that something is probing into its mind and
can use its Action on its Turn to make a contested
Intelligence Check; if it succeeds, the spell ends.
You can continue to try and bore down deeper and
deeper each turn, with the target gaining a +1 to
their Intelligence Check for each Round after the
2nd, and the information further revealed up to the
DM’s discretion
*These Are Not Your Droids - 2 PPs - Action - 30’ Range - Duration of 5 Minutes - No
matter how ridiculous your statement, you use telepathy to make it g*d’s own truth in your
target’s mind. As an Action you target one non-hostile creature you can communicate with
physically and via telepathy. The target must make an Intelligence Saving Throw. On a failed
save the target believes one spoken statement of your choice for the next 5 minutes. This is a
statement and not a command, i.e., ‘These are not your droids’ - ‘I’m a fellow traveler’ - ‘The
building is on fire’ etc etc etc. The statement can be up to ten words long, and it must describe
you or a creature or an object the target can see. On a successful save, the target is unaffected,
and you can’t use this ability on it again until you finish a Long Rest. A creature is immune to
this ability if it is immune to being charmed
*Telepathic Link - 3 PPs - Bonus Action - Duration of 10 Minutes - As a Bonus Action you
forge a telepathic link among up to 6x willing creatures of your choice psychically linking each
creature to all the others until the 10x minute duration ends (or you can choose to end it at any
time for no cost). The targets can communicate telepathically through the bond whether or not
they have a common language. The communication is possible over any distance, though it
cannot extend to other planes of existence
*Puppet Strings - 4 PPs - Action - 60’ Range - As an Action you target one creature you can
communicate with via telepathy within Range. The target must make an Intelligence Saving
Throw. On a failed save, you choose the target’s Movement and Action on its next turn. It’s
actions are limited to: Attack - Dash - Disengage - Dodge - Help - Use an Object. On a
successful save, the target is unaffected, and you can’t use this ability on it again until you finish
a Long Rest. The creature is absolutely aware of the fact that it is being controlled and might
react poorly once it is free from control. A creature is immune to this ability if it is immune to
being charmed
*Psychic Grip - 5 PPs - Action - 60’ Range - Concentration up to 1 Minute - As an Action
you target 1x creature you can communicate with via Telepathy within Range. The target must
succeed on an Intelligence Saving Throw or it is Paralyzed until your concentration ends. At the
end of each of its turns, it can repeat the Saving Throw. On a success, this effect ends
*Psychic Domination - 7 PPs - Action - 60’ Range - Concentration up to 1 Minute - As an
action you target 1x creature within Range. The target must succeed on an Intelligence Saving
Throw, or you choose the creature’s Actions and Movements on its Turn until your
Concentration ends. At the end of each of its turn the target can repeat its Saving Throw ending
the effect on a success. A creature is immune to this ability if it is immune to being charmed
*Not How I Remember It - 8 PPs - Action - 60’ Range - Concentration up to 1 Minute - You
attempt to reshape another creature’s memories. You can target 1x creature with whom you can
communicate with via telepathy within Range. The creature has to make an Intelligence Saving
Throw. If you are fighting the creature, it has advantage on the Saving Throw. On a failed save,
the target becomes Charmed by you for the duration. The Charmed target is incapacitated and
unaware of its surroundings, though it can still hear you. If it takes any damage or is targeted by
another spell, this spell ends, and none of the target’s memories are modified. While this charm
lasts, you can affect the target’s memory of an event that it experienced within the last 24 hours
and that lasted no more than 10 minutes. You can permanently eliminate all memory of the
event, change its memory of the details of the event, or create a memory of some other event.
You must speak to the target to
describe how its memories are
affected, and it must be able to
understand your language for the
modified memories to take root. Its
mind fills in any gaps in the details of
your description. If the spell ends
before you have finished describing the
modified memories, the creature’s
memory isn’t altered. Otherwise, the
modified memories take hold when the
spell ends. A modified memory doesn’t
necessarily affect how a creature
behaves, particularly if the memory
contradicts the creature’s natural
inclinations, alignment, or beliefs. An
illogical modified memory, such as
implanting a memory of how much the
creature enjoyed dousing itself in acid,
is dismissed, perhaps as a bad dream.
The DM might deem a modified
memory too nonsensical to affect a
creature in a significant manner. A
Remove Curse or Greater Restoration
spell cast on the target restores the
creature’s true memory
Third Eye
You create a third, psychic eye in your mind, which you cast out into the world allowing you to
see auras and much more, greatly enhancing your senses
Psychic Focus: While focused on this discipline your eyes roll into the back of your head and
you have Advantage on Perception Checks (you continue to see as normal despite the fact)
*Assess Foe - 2 PPs - Bonus Action - As a Bonus Action you
analyze the aura of a single creature within sight and learn its
current AC & HPs as well as any Immunities, Resistances and
*Read Moods - 2 PPs - Bonus Action - As a Bonus Action
you can learn a one-word summary regarding the emotional
state of up to 6x creatures within sight, i.e., Happy - Confused -
Angry - Violent - etc
*VIew True Selves - 3 PPs - Bonus Action - Duration of 1
Hour - As a Bonus Action you can study 1x creature’s aura
within sight, giving you all of the information of the above 2x
abilities, plus whether it is under the influence of any magical or
psychic effects. While this ability lasts you have Advantage on
any Insight or Charisma based Skill Checks made against the
creature until you lose Concentration
*Tremorsense - 3 PPs - Bonus Action - 60’ Range - Duration of 1 Hour - As a Bonus Action
you gain Tremorsense and so are sensitive to vibrations in the ground and can automatically
pinpoint the location of anything that is in contact with the ground and within range. You must
yourself remain in contact with the ground, and the creatures must be moving in order for this
ability to work. As long as the other creatures are taking physical actions, including casting
spells with somatic components, they’re considered moving. This ability lasts until the 1x hour
duration ends (or you can choose to end it at any time for no cost)
*Zone of Truth - 4 PPs - Action - 60’ Range - 15’ Sphere - Concentration up to 10 Minutes -
As an Action you create a psychic zone that guards against deception in a 15-foot-radius sphere
centered on a point of your choice within range. Until your Concentration ends any creature that
enters the area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there glows a deep red aura when it
lies. This aura is only visible to you
*X-Ray Spex - 5 PPs - Action - Concentration up to 1 Minute - As an Action you gain the
ability to see through objects that are up to 1 foot thick within 30 feet of you. This sight lasts until
your Concentration ends
*Truesight - 7 PPs - Bonus Action - Range 120’ - Duration of 1 Hour - As a Bonus Action
you gain the ability to see things as they actually are. For the duration you are imbued with
Truesight, you can also see secret doors, even those hidden by magic, and you can see into the
Ethereal Plane. These abilities extend out to a Range of 120’ and lasts until the 1x hour duration
ends (or you can choose to end it at any time for no cost)

You can alter substance into pure mind and spirit, granting yourself immateriality and even
access into the far realms of pure energy and idea
Psychic Focus: While focused on this discipline your very physical form seems to flicker
moment to moment in and out of existence and you gain a +1 bonus to AC
*Insubstantial Weapon - 1-10 PPs - Bonus Action - You cause a weapon (or ammunition in
the case of a ranged weapon) in your hand to pass in and out of materiality for a snap second
so that it passes through armor or hide as easily as butter. For each 2x PPs spent this way add
+1 to your To Hit roll. If you hit, you can choose to leave your weapon lodged deeply where it
struck, and the target incurs an automatic weapon Damage roll each turn thereafter unless he
spends an Action pulling the weapon out. If you leave a weapon behind it is, of course,
unavailable to you. You must declare before the attack
*Intangible Body - 2 PPs - Reaction - As a Reaction you can quickly fade from existence even
as your opponent’s weapon strikes, giving yourself a momentary +5 bonus to AC against that
attack and that attack only
*Flash Transport - 3 PPs - Bonus Action - 30’ Range - As a Bonus Action you become pure
luminous spirit for an instant and flash across the battlefield, teleporting up to 30’ to an
unoccupied space that you can see. While, even briefly, in spirit form you shed light like a bright
lantern - radiating bright light for 30’ and dim light for an additional 30’
*Phasing Form - 4 PPs - Bonus Action - Concentration up to 1 Minute - As a Bonus Action
your body shifts in and out of the Prime Material Plane becoming blurred, shifting and wavering
to all who can see you. For the duration, any creature has Disadvantage on attack rolls against
you. An attacker is immune to this effect if it doesn't rely on sight, as with blindsight, or can see
through illusions, as with truesight
*Luminous Body - 5 PPs - Bonus Action - Concentration
up to 10 Minutes - As an Action you transform into a cloud
of pure luminous mind and spirit. While in this form your only
method of movement is a flying speed of 20’, you can enter
and occupy and pass through the space of another creature
without penalty, and you gain Resistance to all non-magical
damage. You are Immune to the Prone condition. You gain
Advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving
throws. You can pass through small holes, narrow openings,
and even mere cracks. You can't fall and remain hovering in
the air even when stunned or otherwise incapacitated. While
in this form you cannot talk or manipulate objects, nor can
you attack or cast spells. It requires another Bonus Action to
resume physical form. While, even briefly, in spirit form you
shed light like a bright lantern - radiating bright light for 30’
and dim light for an additional 30’
*Arc Light - 7 PPs - Action - 500’ Range - As an Action
you transform into pure mind and spirit and jump like an arc
light spanning the gap from your current location to any
other spot within range. You arrive at exactly the spot
desired. It can be a place you can see, one you can
visualize, or one you can describe by stating distance and
direction, such as ‘200 feet straight downward’ or ‘upward to
the northwest at a 45-degree angle, 300 feet.’
You can bring along objects as long as their weight doesn't
exceed what you can carry. You can also bring one willing
creature of your size or smaller who is carrying gear up to its
carrying capacity. The creature must be within 5 feet of you
when you transform. If you would arrive in a place already
occupied by an object or a creature, you and any creature
traveling with you each take 4d6 force damage and move 5’
to the side or otherwise the jump fails. While, even briefly, in
spirit form you shed light like a bright lantern - radiating
bright light for 30’ and dim light for an additional 30’
Psionic Feats
A list of available Feats specific to the Psyker:

*Adamantium Mind
Your mind constantly resides inside a mental fortress of adamant will.
*Your Intelligence Ability Score increases by +1
*You gain Advantage on Concentration checks

*Expanded Psionic Powers

You tap deeper into your psionic potential drawing out a new Power.
*Your Intelligence Ability Score increases by +1
*You can also select 1x Power from a Psionic Discipline that you have not yet mastered. You
cannot select a Power that you already know, or one that requires a Psionic Limit greater than
that which is currently available to you

*Kinetic Slam

Your Telekinetic skills are second to none. When

you use the Telekinetic Shove Psionic Talent, you
unleash it as a much more powerful blast of
psionic power than you would normally.
*Your target suffers a negative modifier to his
Strength Save to remain unmoved equal to your
Intelligence Ability Modifier, i.e. a target saving
against a Psyker with an Intelligence Ability
Score of 17 would suffer a -3 to their save
*If the creature strikes a solid object while still
being shoved it suffers 1D6 Bludgeoning
Damage for each 10’ so moved

*Mind Devourer
You are a psychic leech. Whenever a creature
within 10’ of you that had an Intelligence Ability
Score of 6 or higher dies, you can expend your
Reaction to draw in its psionic power.
*Regaining 1d4 Psionic Points plus its
Intelligence Ability Modifier
*Mind Over Matter

You have trained your mind to push your body to

exceed its capabilities in times of need.
*As a Bonus Action you can add your current
Proficiency Bonus to a Strength - Dexterity or
Constitution Ability Check
*If you are already Proficient in the above then you
would gain momentary Expertise
*As a Reaction you can add your current Proficiency
Bonus to a Strength - Dexterity or Constitution Saving
*If you are already Proficient in the above then you
would gain momentary Advantage

*Psionic Cannon

You are particularly adept at channeling your psychic energies into instruments of Ranged
*If your Psionic Talent Die is available and you use a Ranged power that deals Damage by
rolling dice, you can channel additional psionic energy allowing you to roll your current Psionic
Talent Die and add the number rolled to the total
*If your Psionic Talent Die is available and you use a Ranged power that deals Damage by
rolling dice, you can use psionic energy to shape the ability, making it more potent. When this is
done, you can choose to reroll any number of those dice one time each. When you do so, your
Psionic Talent Die decreases by one die size. You can declare after the Damage dice are rolled
*If your Psionic Talent Die is available and you use a Ranged power that deals Damage if a
target fails a Saving Throw, you can use psionic energy to shape the ability, making it more
potent. When this is done, you can choose to roll your current Psionic Talent Die against the
Saving Throw Roll, subtracting the number rolled. When you do so, your Psionic Talent Die
decreases by one die size. You can declare after the Saving Throw is rolled
*Psionic Healer

You are particularly adept at channeling your psychic energies to heal others and yourself.
*If your Psionic Talent Die is available and you use a power that restores HPs by rolling dice,
you can channel additional psionic energy allowing you to roll your current Psionic Talent Die
and add the number rolled to the total
*If your Psionic Talent Die is available and you use a power that restores HPs by rolling dice,
you can use psionic energy to shape the ability, making it more potent. When this is done, you
can choose to reroll any number of those dice one time each. When you do so, your Psionic
Talent Die decreases by one die size. You can declare after the healing dice are rolled

*Shared Minds

You can share the burden of your mind with another willing subject. While touching the two of
you must perform a 10 minute psychic ritual in order to bond. The bond lasts until your next
Long Rest. Once bonded:
*Yourself and the subject can communicate as if via the ‘Message’ cantrip though no V-S-M
components are required
*You gain Advantage on Concentration checks so long as the subject is within Range (120’) and
not themselves Concentrating already
*You may Concentrate on up to 2x things at once so long as the subject is within Range (120’)
and not themselves Concentrating already
*You and the subject share all Psychic Damage received, and can possibly share the ill effects
of any spell or Condition requiring a Wisdom - Charisma or Intelligence Saving Throw so long as
the subject is within Range (120’). Note - you each get to make saves separate of one another

*Sixth Sense

You cannot explain it, but you have an innate understanding of how to move and where to stand
in order to have the world fall in your favor. As long as you are conscious you can substitute
your Intelligence Ability Score Modifier in place of your Dexterity Ability Score Modifier in these
circumstances. Note - This is Intelligence in lieu of Dexterity not in addition to:
*Dexterity Saving Throws
*Initiative rolls
*To figure your AC
*The Steel Guard
3rd Level - Duergar Psyker
Psychic Talents: Protective Field - Psi-Powered Leap - Telekinetic Shove - Telekinetic Strike
Psychic Talent Die: D6
Psychic Abilities: Telekinetic Hand - Telepathy - Psychic Surge
Psychic Disciplines: Iron Shirt-Iron Hand - Telepathic Contact
Psychic Points: 6
Psychic Limit: 2 Points
Psychic Powers: Iron Strike (1-2 PPs) - Iron Shirt (1-2 PPs) - Feats of Strength (2 PPs) -
Telepathic Intrusion (2 PPs) - These Are Not Your Droids (2 PPs) - Telepathic Link (3 PPs)
Feats: None
Armor & Weapons: Plate Mail - Longsword - Throwing Axe
The Steel Guard are the elite soldiers of the Duergar.
Formidable fighters whose natural strength is bolstered
by their significant psychic power. Generally a squad of
Steel Guard will be mixed into a full company of Duergar
warriors. There they serve as military leaders and
ethical examples to the other soldiers.
Impassive but implacable in their duties and in their
destruction. They command unwavering loyalty, if not
out of respect, then out of fear, as they can probe the
true intentions of their soldiers via Telepathic Intrusion.
Your ideal situation is to command a heavily armored
and armed squad of your 6x best soldiers, via your
Telepathic Link, so that they coordinate as a single,
silent but deadly force. Your own blows amplified by
your Telekinetic Strike. Your enemies pushed back with
Telekinetic Shoves. If an enemy were to manage and
strike you or an ally you merely shrug it aside with your
Protective Field.
If you need to get in deep, behind the enemy forces, or if
you need retreat for a moment to reform the lines and
organize a defense, you can make a Psi-Powered Leap
over enemies and allies alike.
You can call on your innermost psychic reserves, utilizing Iron Shirt-Iron Hand - to take a blow that
would have killed a lesser dwarf, or to land a blow with your hammer so hard that it shakes the
caverns of the Underdark itself. If necessary you can spend yourself completely, using your Psychic
Surge to move faster than a mortal should, attacking in a flurry of hammer-strikes that lay low even
the most tenacious of enemies. You are steel, inside and out!
*Tomás de Torquemada
5th Level - Variant Human Psyker
Psychic Talents: Protective Field - Psi-Powered Leap - Telekinetic Shove - Telekinetic Strike
Psychic Talent Die: D6
Psychic Abilities: Telekinetic Hand - Telepathy - Psychic Surge
Psychic Disciplines: Mental Inquisition - Psionic Restoration - Third Eye
Psychic Points: 12
Psychic Limit: 3 Points
Psychic Powers: Hammer of Inquisition (1-3 PPs) - Forceful Query (2 PPs) - Forceful
Suggestion (3 PPs) - Mend Wounds (1-3 PPs) - Restore Life (2 PPs) - Restore Health (3 PPs) -
Assess Foe (2 PPs) - Read Moods (2 PPs) - View True Selves (3 PPs) - Tremorsense (3 PPs)
Ability Scores & Feats: Psionic Healer - Mind Devourer
Armor & Weapons: Plate Mail - Two Handed Great Sword
‘Tomás de Torquemada Spain’s first Grand Inquisitor in the Spanish Inquisition.Owing to his
widespread use of torture to extract confessions, and advocacy of burning at the stake those
deemed guilty, Torquemada’s name has become synonymous with cruelty, religious
intolerance and fanaticism.’
You minister to your flock with love and an iron will and absolutely zero compassion. There is no
room for error, and those that do err, or stray from the path, do not last long. You see to the dispatch
of enemies within, and enemies without, with the same quiet fervor and unforgiving determination.
You are feared and admired by your acolytes, who wade into battle with you, shoulder to shoulder in
tight formation, obeying your every unspoken, telepathic command.
Your favored tactic is to command those who dare face you onto
their knees in submission with Forceful Suggestion or Hammer of
Inquisition, so your soldiers then finish them off, while they kneel
before you prone and helpless. You provide aid to your allies,
healing them as needed with Mend Wounds - Restore Life - and
Restore Health, sewing together their flesh with your own strong
mind. Your healing powers are elevated by your Psionic Healer
Feat. You lay low your enemies with a Telekinetically empowered
Greatsword. You toss the infidels casually aside with your
Telekinetic Shove. As the wicked die around you their psyches
only serve to feed your power via the Mind Devourer Feat.
After the battle your psychic abilities become even more useful
as you drill into the minds of captured enemies via Forceful
Query and Read Moods to extract information about troop
movement and battle plans. You gain confessions via View True
Selves. And then, and then, you force the confessions from your
own troops who showed doubt or cowardice and deal with them
accordingly. You cull the weak and the nonbeliever so that the
flock remains healthy.
*Ḥasan-e Ṣabbāḥ
8th Level - Githzerai Psyker
Psychic Talents: Protective Field - Psi-Powered Leap - Telekinetic Shove - Telekinetic Strike
Psychic Talent Die: D8
Githzerai Abilities: Cast Shield - Cast Detect Thoughts
Psychic Abilities: Telekinetic Hand - Telepathy - Psychic Surge - Psionic Replenishment
Psychic Disciplines: Celerity - Nomadic Mind - Transubstantiation - Telepathic Contact
Psychic Points: 22
Psychic Limit: 4 Points
Psychic Powers: Rapid Step (1-5 PPs) - Bounce Back (2 PPs) - Agile Defense (3 PPs) - Surge
of Speed (4 PPs) - Wandering Mind (2 PPs) - Familiar Face (2 PPS) - Find Creature (3 PPs) -
Item Lore (3 PPs) - Seance (4 PPs) - Psychic Speech (4 PPs) - Intangible Weapon (1-4 PPs) -
Intangible Body (2 PPs) - Flash Transport (3 PPs) - Phasing Form (4 PPs) - Telepathic
Intrusion (2 PPs) - These Are Not Your Droids (2 PPs) - Telepathic Link (3 PPs) - Puppet
Strings (4 PPs)
Ability Scores & Feats: Dual Wielder - Sixth Sense
Armor & Weapons: Studded Leather - Brace of Daggers - Heavy Crossbow
‘Ḥasan-e Ṣabbāḥ - The Old Man of the Mountain - made
young men human weapons, who gave up their earthly
existence for the promise of an eternal life. Hasan sent them
out to kill high-profile victims. Whoever took action against
the Ishmaelites, from then on, had to expect consequences.’
You believe in the pacifist Githzerai ideology, but you believe the
other Githzerai are too weak to impose that ideology on the
worlds. Only peace as implemented by power will ever work. And
so, you’ve taken it upon yourself to set the worlds right. All the
worlds. Woe to any who impose your will, even other Githzerai, as
your students and yourself will see to their undoing. Your
assassins are never seen coming, but they leave their deadly
mark so that no one dares make such a mistake again.
Your ideal situation is to locate your prey via Find Creature - Item
Lore and Seance rituals. Once located you infiltrate unseen, your
skills bolstered by Wandering Mind and your identity masked by
Friendly Face. You move undetected with a combination of Flash
Transport, Surge of Speed, and Rapid Steps as you pass like a
blur in the night. If a door needs open or a lock unlocked you can
either figure it or force it using your Githzerai Read Thoughts
Ability, Telepathic Intrusion, These are not your Droids, and
Puppet Strings. You’ve even been so cold before, as to use
Puppet Strings to force victims into gently closing and locking the
rooms, in which they are assassinated.
When it’s time for the kill you prefer it face to face. You rush in as a literal blur utilizing Phasing Form.
You pull poisoned daggers from a brace and leave them behind one after another, sunk deep in your
opponent’s body as Insubstantial Weapons. If the first strike fails to mortally wound you are more
than capable of a prolonged fight defending yourself with your Githzerai Shield Ability and
Insubstantial Form.
You leave as you came, unseen, the dagger riddled corpse, your calling card.

*Uri Geller
12th Level - High Elf Psyker
Psychic Talents: Protective Field - Psi-Powered Leap - Telekinetic Shove - Telekinetic Strike
Psychic Talent Die: D10
Githzerai Abilities: Cast Prestidigitation
Psychic Abilities: Telekinetic Hand - Telepathy - Psychic Surge - Psionic Replenishment -
Tower of Iron Will
Psychic Disciplines: Nomadic Mind - Telepathic Contact - Psychic Assault - Intellectual
Psychic Points: 35
Psychic Limit: 6 Points
Psychic Powers: Telepathic Intrusion (2 PPs) - These Are Not Your Droids (2 PPs) - Telepathic
Link (3 PPs) - Puppet Strings (4 PPs) - Psychic Grip (5 PPs) - Wandering Mind (2 PPs) -
Familiar Face (2 PPs) - Find Creature (3 PPs) - Item Lore (3 PPs) - Seance (4 PPs) - Psychic
Speech (4 PPs) - Psionic Blast (1-6 PPs) - Mind Spike (2 PPs) - Ego Whip (3 PPs) - Id
Insinuation (5 PPs) - Psychic Wave (6 PPs) - Psychic Parry (1-6 PPs) - Psychic Trampoline (2
PPs) - Psychic Backlash (3 PPs) - Psychic Dome (4 PPs) - Psychic Short (5 PPs)
Ability Scores & Feats: Max Intelligence Ability Score - Psionic Cannon - Kinetic Slam
Armor & Weapons: Platemail - Shield - Longsword -
‘Magicians, long irked by Uri Geller's alleged ability to
bend spoons, repairwatches and read minds through
paranormal powers, have taken off their white gloves
and branded the Israeli “psychic” an outright fraud
who uses conventional magicians' tricks to mislead
the public.’
You’re misunderstood.
You're an outcast from the Elves who loathe you and
whom you likewise loathe. The Fae World doesn’t
understand you, and even other adventurers, misfit groups
willing to accept you, don’t understand your powers,
labeling you either a wizard or a charlatan. Regardless,
you are a very useful man, and so they make room for you within their ranks - Magician - Conman -
And you’re here to help in so long as it helps yourself. You oftentimes use your innate Elven
Prestidigitation to further along the rumor that you are a powerful wizard indeed. But honestly, there
isn’t much you can’t do though you haven’t the slightest idea how you do it. And what you can’t do,
you can figure out with a Precognitive Hunch, or fake well enough, what with an Intelligence Score of
Your ideal situation is not to fight at all honestly. You’re not a brave man. Not that you are incapable
mind you, clad in mail and wielding a longsword backed by Kinetic Strikes, you are formidable on the
battlefield, but rather because you are a man who prefers options. You are a swiss army knife of
options. Using your Nomadic Mind there is little that you cannot do or know given sufficient time. You
connect your allies via Telepathic Contact. You protect the party with an Intellectual Fortress. If
forced into direct confrontation you still prefer to maintain your distance, tearing your foes’ minds
apart with Psychic Assaults until your Psychic Points run out.
You hammer away with Psionic Blasts and Psychic Waves further enhanced by your Psionic Cannon
Feat. If concerned about your waning Psychic reserves you can hang back and slam enemies with
your Telekinetic Shove or slam them with objects wielded by you as a Telekinetic Master. If you need
to disable an enemy or enemies you have choices between Ego Whip, Psychic Grip, Psychic
Trampoline and Id Insinuation. Woe to the actual Sorcerer who dares cast spells at you and receives
a Psychic Short in exchange.
You’re an Adventurer’s Adventurer, until you deem the Adventure has run its course, at which time
you more often than not, run yourself.

*André René Roussimoff

15th Level - Goliath Psyker
Psychic Talents: Protective Field - Psi-Powered Leap - Telekinetic Shove - Telekinetic Strike
Psychic Talent Die: D12
Psychic Abilities: Telekinetic Hand - Telepathy - Psychic Surge - Psionic Replenishment -
Tower of Iron Will - Telekinetic Master
Psychic Disciplines: Giant Growth - Intellectual Fortress - Iron Shirt-Iron Hand - Psionic
Restoration - Crown of Sorrow
Psychic Points: 45
Psychic Limit: 7 Points
Psychic Powers: Mend Wounds (1-7 PPs) - Restore Life (2 PPs) - Restore Health (3 PPs) -
Healing Blanket (5 PPs) - Restore Vigor (7 PPs) - Iron Strike (1-7 PPs) - Iron short (1-7 PPs) -
Feats of Strength (2 PPs) - Steel Hide (3 PPs) - Mithril Hide (7 PPs) - Psychic Parry (1-7 PPs) -
Psychic Trampoline (2 PPs) - Psychic Backlash (3 PPs) - Psychic Dome (4 PPs) - Psychic
Short (5 PPs) - Psychic Redoubt (7 PPs) - Stilt Legs (2 PPs) - Tree Limbs (2 PPs) - Ogre Form
(3 PPs) - Giant Form (5 PPs) - Titan Form (7 PPS) - Crowned in Sorrow (1-7 PPs) - Call to
Inaction (2 PPs) - Visions of Despair (3 PPs) - Dolorous Mind (4 PPs) - Suicidal Tendencies (5
PPs) - Trail of Tears (7 PPs)
Ability Scores & Feats: Max Strength Ability Score - Adamantium Mind - Shared Minds
Armor & Weapons: Studded Leather Armor - Greataxe
‘My way's not very sportsmanlike’ - André the Giant
And indeed it is not, your way, very sportsmanlike, not
at all. But that’s okay, as you are a simple man of
simple pleasures. Though possessed of prodigious
psychic powers you’ve never possessed a
commensurate intellect. The pleasure that looms
largest for you is tearing your enemies apart with your
bare hands and your mighty axe. Oh, and terrifying
them by way of your Giant Growth and Crown of
Your ideal situation is to assume Titan Form, towering
fully 30’ above the battlefield, and then begin in with the
crushing and the stomping, and the stomping and the
crushing. Your already immense blows are further
fueled by Iron Strikes and Telekinetic Strikes. You can
swing your Greataxe for upwards of 90 Points Damage.
And, don’t forget, that your Goliath Powerful Build
allows you to act one Size larger, meaning you can
wrestle dragons if you wish fueled by Feats of Strength.
While Concentrating on your Titan Form you use your
Shared Minds Feat to grab ahold of a subservient
lackey’s mind and put it to good use Concentrating on
your Crown of Sorrow. With your gigantic head
wreathed in flames you stride through the battlefield laying waste to all before you and causing the
remainder to flee via Trail of Tears.
You can easily shrug off physical damage via your Temporary Hit Points - Iron Shirt - and Mithril
Hide. You are almost impervious to magic with a combination of resistances via Psychic Parry and
Psychic Dome. Psychic Short the unfortunate wizard who tries harm you. If someone does manage
to hurt you make them pay for it with a Psychic Backlash. If badly damaged then heal thyself with
Mend Wounds - Restore Health and Restore Vigor.
Live to stomp, and stomp, and stomp again!

20th Level - Lich Psyker
Psychic Talents: Protective Field - Psi-Powered Leap - Telekinetic Shove - Telekinetic Strike
Psychic Talent Die: D20
Psychic Abilities: Telekinetic Hand - Telepathy - Psychic Surge - Psionic Replenishment -
Tower of Iron Will - Telekinetic Master - Consumptive Power - Psychic Body
Psychic Disciplines: Crown of Despair - Earth Bender - Psychic Assault - Telepathic Contact -
Third Eye - Nomadic Mind
Psychic Points: 64
Psychic Limit: 10 Points
Psychic Powers: Crowned in Sorrow (1-10 PPs) - Call to Inaction (2 PPs) - Visions of Despair
(3 PPs) - Dolorous Mind (4 PPs) - Suicidal Tendencies (5 PPs) - Trail of Tears (7 PPs) - Earthen
Spike (1-10 PPs) - Warp Weapon (2 PPs) - Warp Armor (3 PPs) - Earthen Sanctuary (5 PPs) -
Wall of Stone (7 PPs) - Summon Stone (9 PPs) - Wanderin gMind (2 PP) - Familiar Face (2 PPs)
- Find Creature (3 PPs) - Item Lore (3 PPs) - Seance (4 PPs) - Psychic Speech (4 PPs) -
Borrowed Eyes (4 PPs) - Psionic Blasst (1-10 PPs) - Mind Spike (2 PPs) - Ego Whip (3 PPs) - Id
Insinuation (5 PPs) - Psychic Wave (6 PPs) - Psychic Crush (7 PPs) - Telepathic Intrusion (2
PPs) - These are Not Your Droids (2 PPs) - Telepathic Link (3 PPs) - Psychic Grip (5 PPs) -
Psychic Domination (7 PPs) - Not How I Remember It (9 PPs) - Assess Foe (2 PPs) - Read
Moods (2 PPs) - View True Selves (3 PPs) - Tremorsense (3 PPs) - Zone of Truth (4 PPs) -
X-Ray Specs (5 PPs ) - Truesight (7 PPs)
Ability Scores & Feats: Max Intelligence Ability Score - Max Constitution Ability Score -
Kinetic Slam - Psionic Cannon - Adamantium Mind
Armor & Weapons: None (None Needed)
The trumpet shakes with great discord. An agreement broken;
lifting the face to heaven; the bloody mouth will swim with
blood; the face anointed with milk and honey lies on the ground
- Nostradamus
Is it all just madness, the prophecies you mutter, alone astride your
great throne in your empty hall? No one knows. No one dares
question you. There is only your will, and your will alone, and your
many servants obey that will, whether it be the wit of wisdom or a
font of madness itself.
It is easier to say what you can do than what you can’t. You haven’t
known a real threat in so long that you’ve no ideal situation. All
threats are easily dealt with. All problems are easily managed.
In a single round you might, as a Telekinetic Master, throw your 1000
pound throne, as if it were paper, at an opponent, and then follow
that devastating physical blow with a Psychic Blast with Max
Damage 100. On your next turn you might Summon Stone, causing
the hall’s very floor to rise up and fight for you as an elemental force,
while you paralyze your opponent in your Psychic Grip. Perhaps you
are bored and want to watch a gladiatorial combat and so have your
enemies fight one another via Id Insinuation and Psychic
Domination. Perhaps you just sit and consider things for awhile from
the Astral Realm. Perhaps you just never bother to return?
Perhaps you have already faced these enemies before, defeated
them, and sent them packing, replacing the memory of the
confrontation via Not How I Remember It. You’ve lived so long
perhaps you yourself have forgotten.

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