Visvesvaraya Technological University Jnana Sangama, Belagavi
Visvesvaraya Technological University Jnana Sangama, Belagavi
Visvesvaraya Technological University Jnana Sangama, Belagavi
A Project Report
Submitted by
This is for the firm assertion of the concerned authorities that the dissertation
BRICK” has been completed by the undersigned strictly on an individual basis
for the fulfillment of the requirements for the award of “Bachelor of
Engineering” in “Civil Engineering”, under Visvesvaraya Technological
University, Belgaum during the year 2020-2021.
The investigation report and results presented in this dissertation work has
not been submitted to any other University (or) Institution for the award of any
Degree (or) Diploma.
The successful completion of any task would be incomplete without mentioning the people
who made it possible. So, it is with the gratitude that we acknowledge the help, which crowned
us efforts with success.
We are extremely thankful and indebted to my GUIDE and HOD Dr. Palakshappa K
Head, Department of Civil Engineering for his able guidance, valuable time spent, relentless
effort and constant encouragement in the entire tenure of the Project work. It will not be an
over statement that the entire journey of the research work is enlightened with his vision and
We would like to thanks our Project Co-Ordinator Prof. Praveen Suvarna for providing
their valuable guidance and supports and also, we would thank for all the staff members and
lab technicians of civil engineering department.
We take the opportunity to thank Dr. RAMIS M K, Principal, PACE, Mangaluru for
providing great environment facilities for successful completion of project. Finally, we are
grateful to our parents and our friends for their motivation and moral support during the course
of our studies.
ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................. i
CONTENTS .............................................................................................................. ii
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1
REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 18
Plastic is used in day today life. At present nearly 56 lakhs tones of plastic wastes are
produced in India per year. Plastics are generally non-degradable; they take centuries to
decay. Economic growth and changing consumption patterns are resulting in the rapid
increase in the use of plastics in the world. The consumption of plastic materials has
increased from 5million tons in the 1950s to 100 million tons in the 2000s.The amount of
plastic waste is ever increasing due to increase in human population, developmental
activities, and changes in lifestyle and socio-economic conditions. Plastic waste is a
significant portion of the total municipal solid waste. Therefore, there should be the need
for proper waste management system. Plastic are being littered and misused all over the
country and now causing threat to the nation.
Disposal of plastics in large quantity on earth surface it creates an impervious layer for
rainwater from seeping the ground, hence it decreases ground water level. And also, it is
effects on agricultural land, it creates soil pollution.
Interlock pavements is aesthetically attractive, functional, and cost effective and requires
little or no maintenance if correctly manufactured and laid. Natural resources are depleting
worldwide at the same time the generated wastes from the industry and residential area are
increasing substantially. The sustainable development for construction involves the use of
nonconventional and innovative materials and recycling of waste materials in order to
compensate the lack of natural resources and to find alternative ways conserving the
environment. The reuse of waste plastic in interlock pavement is a better solution for
disposal of plastic. Materials to be used for this project is waste plastic, sea sand, coloring
pigment. The replacement of plastic waste for cement provides potential environmental as
well as economic benefit.
Chapter 1 introduction
Ganesh, [June-2014] “Recycled plastic used in concrete paver block”. In this paper
Recycled plastic aggregate used in various proportion in concrete mix and check their
suitability. the use of waste plastic coarse aggregate in a concrete is fundamental to the
booming construction industry. The industrial wastes from plastic bottles, pallets, carry
bags; polypropylene [PP] and polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)were studied as alternative
replacements of a part of the conventional aggregates of concrete. If the plastic wastes can
be mixed with the concrete mass in some quantity without affecting the other properties in
the strength of concrete. polypropylene [PP] and polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) were
studied as alternative replacement of a part of the conventional aggregates of concrete.
Three replacement levels.10%,20%,30% by weight of aggregate was used for the
preparation of the concrete.
Dinesh et al. [2016], “Utilization of waste plastic in manufacturing of bricks and paver
blocks”, high-density polyethylene [ HDPE] and polyethylene [PE] bags are cleaned and
added with sand and aggregate at various percentage to obtain high strength bricks that
possess thermal and sound insulation properties to control pollution and to reduce the
overall cost of construction, this is one of the best ways to disposal of plastic. This
alternatively saves the quanta of sand/clay that has to be taken away from the river
beds/mines. Plastic waste is naturally available in surplus quantity, also coloring agents can
be added to the mixture to attain desired shades. This study regards the properties of the
brick which is manufactured using plastic wastes.
Manha et al. [May 31,2016] “Strength and Behavior of Concrete Contains Waste Plastic”,
This paper presents a method of strengthen concrete by the addition of percentages recycled
waste plastic [polyethylene]. almost 126 samples of concrete are prepared, the concrete
Strength [compressive, splitting tensile and flexural strength] are investigated along a time
interval of 7 to 28 days using 1%, 3% AND 5% from fine aggregate recycled waste plastic
[polyethylene]. It is found that when waste plastic bottles increased from zero to 5% of the
Chapter 2 Literature Review
sand in mix, the compressive, tensile and flexural strength decreased by the ratios of
12.81,10.71, and increase by 4.1% respectively at 7 days age and also these concrete
strengths decrease by the 7.93,28.6 and 23.6% at 28 days age.
Koli et al. [June 2016] “manufacturing of pavement block by using waste glass material,”
this study looked at the feasibility of waste glass inclusion as partial FA replacement
systems. Properties of concrete incorporating waste glass as partial substitution for FA
amounts of 15%, 30%, and 45% were investigated. The waste glass material used was
obtained waste collectors. The results obtained show clearly that glass enhances the
compressive strength properties of the final concrete product. The study indicated that
waste glass can effectively be used as fine aggregate replacement [up to 45%] without
substantial change in strength.
Shanmugavalli et al. [Feb-2017] “Reuse of plastic waste in paver block. The aim of this
project is to replace cement with plastic in paver block and the cost of paver block when
compared to that of convention concrete paver block. At present nearly 56 lakhs ton of
plastic waste is produced in India per year. The degradation rate of plastic waste is also a
very slow process. Hence the project is helpful in reducing plastic waste in useful
this projects we have use plastic waste in a different proportion with quarry dust, coarse
aggregate and ceramic waste. The paver blocks were prepared and tested and the result
were discussed.
Manish et al. [Nov-2017] “Critical review on types of bricks type 14: plastic and bricks”.
Brick is one of most common masonry units used as building material. Due to the demand,
different types of waste have been investigated to be incorporated into the bricks. There has
been a considerable imbalance between the availability of conventional building materials
and their demand in the recent past. On the other hand, the laterite quarry waste is
abundantly available and the disposal of waste plastics (PET, PP, etc.) is a biggest
challenge, as repeated recycling of PET bottles poses a potential danger of being
transformed to a carcinogenic material and only a small proportion of PET bottles are being
recycled. This paper deals with manufacturing process, materials used as well as the testing
method of plastic sand bricks.
Chapter 2 Literature Review
Lairenlakpam et al. [March 2017] “Manufacturing bricks from sand and waste plastic” the
present work is performed to manufacture bricks or building blocks from sand and waste
plastics. The bricks are produced by mixing waste plastic and sand after heating at 200oC.
Two specimens of bricks, one with sand waste CDs; another with sand and waste water
bottles are produced and tested for some physical and mechanical properties. the sand-
plastic bricks are lightweight and present a waxy surface. The results of sand plastic bricks
are compared with those of traditional local bricks. It is observed that sand plastic bricks
have low water absorption, low apparent porosity and high compressive strength.
Chapter 2 Literature Review
Dixit et al. foundries for the metal-casting industry generate by- products such as used
foundry sand. Applications of foundry sand, which is technically, sound, environmentally
safe for sustainable development. In this study, partially replacement of Cement (PPC 53
grade cement) in paver block by used foundry sand for determining the change in the
compressive strength of paver blocks and cost of paver block. Partial replacement of cement
(PPC 53 grade cement) in bottom layer in different percentage as like 10%, 20%, 30%,
40% and 50%. The compressive strength, flexural strength has been determined at the end
of 7, 14 and 28 days and water 5 absorption test has been determined at 28 days. The paper
also shows the cost comparison per block for the paver block mix proportion.
KEYWORDS: Various Test, Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) Used Foundry Sand, Paver
Block, Cost.
Varma et al. concrete paving blocks are ideal materials on the footpaths and roads for easy
laying, better look and finish. In this paper, a parametric experimental study for producing
paving blocks using waste steel aggregates (the form of rounded bearings of size 6.35 mm)
is presented. Waste steel bearings are added in concrete of paver blocks in various
percentages. Rubber pads are also used below the paver blocks. Impact strength of paver
blocks with various percentages of waste steel aggregates and using rubber pads is
investigated. Test results show that combination of using rubber pads and adding various
percentages of waste steel aggregates in paver blocks gives up to 50% more impact strength
than ordinary paver blocks.
Nataraja et al. interlocking Concrete Block Pavement (ICBP) technology has been
introduced in India in construction, a decade ago, for specific requirement namely footpaths
and parking areas etc. Now ICBP is being adopted extensively in different uses where the
conventional construction of pavement using hot bituminous mix or cement concrete
technology is not feasible or desirable. In this investigation, various properties such as
compressive strength, split tensile strength, bending strength and water absorption of paver
blocks consisting of crushed granite, unconventional materials such as Kadapa and broken
paver for various percentage replacements of coarse aggregate are studied as per IS
15658:2006. Key words: IS 15658:2006, ICBP, Kadapa, broken paver aggregate.
Chapter 2 Literature Review
In this study to find plastic pavement that they possess high compressive strength with
various mix proportions are made and they are tested using compressive testing machine.
The mix proportions were show in the tabular column (table 3.1)
1 1 3
2 1 4
3 1 5
1) To study the performance of waste plastic and sea sand in interlock pavers.
2) The main objective of this review is to determine the suitability of waste voltaic
bottles and polyethylene bags in the development of pavement blocks for
3) To find the compressive strength of plastic paver blocks.
Chapter 3 Problem identification
Chapter 3 Problem identification
WASTE PLASTIC: Waste plastic is defined as any plastic product which is produced
from industries such as carry bags, pouches or multi-layered plastic pouch or sachets, etc.
which have been discarded after use or after their intended life is over. These plastics can
be made to different shapes when they are heated. And it exists in the different forms such
as furniture plastic bags, cups, food and drinking containers, and they are become waste
material after use. If they are not recycled then they will become big pollutant to the
environment as they not decomposed easily and also effects on percolation of water in to
the soil.
4 Elongation 3-700 %
Chapter 3 Problem identification
RIVER SAND: Fine aggregates are basically sand own from the land or the marine
environment. Fine aggregate generally consists of natural sand or crushed stone with most
particles passing through a 9.5mm sieve. Fine aggregates are interring granular materials
such as sand, gravel or crushed stone that are an end production the own right. They are also
the raw materials that are essential ingredients in concrete. For a good concrete mix,
aggregate need to be clean, hard, strong particles free of absorbed chemical or coating of
clay and other fine materials that could cause the deterioration of concrete.
Chapter 3 Problem identification
COLORING PIGMENT [ RED OXIDE]: Iron (III oxide or ferric oxide is the inorganic
compound with the formula Fe2O3. It is one of the three main oxides of iron, the other two
being iron (II) oxide (FeO), which is rare, and iron (II, III) oxide (Fe3O4), which also occurs
naturally as the mineral magnetite. As the mineral known as hematite, Fe2O3is the main
source of iron for the steel industry. Fe2O3 is ferromagnetic, dark red, and readily attracted
by acids. Iron (III) oxide is often called rust, and to some extent this label is useful, because
rust shares several properties and has a similar composition. Toa chemist, rust is considered
an ill-defined material, described as hydrated ferric oxide. Iron (III) oxide which can be used
as a pigment in the name of “pigment brown 6”, “pigment brown 7”, “pigment red 101”, the
properties of red oxide is to make coloring to the paver blocks. They are red, odorless and
their density is 5.26 g/cm^3 their melting point is also at 2851-degree Fahrenheit.
Plastic mix interlock pavers: waste plastic can convert into useful and valuable building
Waste material used: Plastic bags, water bags, plastic film, containers- the correct type is
low density polyethylene (LDPE).
Product: Interlock pavements.
Data from the work done procedure:
1. Select the proper plastic wastes: It is important to select the proper type of plastic, in
different types of plastic melt and burn at different temperatures. Water bags, non-woven
plastic shopping bags and plastic film are usually made of LDPE. It is important to note
that use of other types of plastics could be harmful to society, make sure that plastic waste
is clean and remove the materials that are not LDPE, including other plastic if it is not sure
if something is LDPE, leave it out.
Plastic bags: A plastic bag, poly bag or pouch is a type of container made of thin, flexible,
plastic film, non-woven fabric or plastic textile. Plastic bags are used for containing and
transporting goods such as foods, powders, ice, chemicals and waste and it is common form
of packaging. Because of environmental and litter problems, some locations are working
towards a phase out of light weight plastic bags. Looking to the global issue of pollution
by post-consumer plastic waste, research work has been focused on consuming this waste
on massive scale in efficient and environment friendly manner.
Melting Barrel: To make the melting barrel, cut a simple oil drum in half and attach three
legs made of rebar, with the legs attached. The ideal height of the barrel is 50cm and 80cm
wide. Make the burner big enough that can hold a good amount of liquid plastic but not so
tall that it is tricky to mix. Sink the legs into the ground it will make the barrel more stable
for mixing.
2. Melt-light a small fire under the metal drum and gently heat it and add the plastic waste.
As it warms up it will reduce in seize. Light the plastic at the top using a small flame to
Chapter 4 Results and conclusion
help it melt down to make sure fire does not get to heat. Keep adding gently at the side of
the melted plastic until it melts down to a black liquid keep adding plastic until have around
20cm depth of melted plastic.
Sand: The strength of the floor tile depends on the mix with sand. Laboratory test indicates
that the optimum mixture is three parts of sand to one part of LDPE (3:1), and it is strongly
recommended that can try different proportions. Try starting with 50:50 sand. Try to
starting with 50:50 sand: plastic and then increasing the proportion of sand 60:40 and 70:30
for best result. A mix of 75:25 works well for floor paving tiles to be used in home
compound. Usually, the tiles contain more sand than plastic, because the plastic serves as
a bonding agent to hold the sand together. One standard rice sack of plastic with around
200 plastic bags (weighing around 205kg) makes one paving slab.
Fine aggregate: Fine aggregate are basically sand own from the land or the marine
environment. Fine aggregate generally consists of natural sand or crushed stone with most
particles passing through a 9.5mm sieve. Fine aggregates are interring granular materials
such as sand, gravel or crushed stone that are an end production the Specific gravity of e
own right. For good concrete mix, aggregate need to be clear Specific gravity of n, hard,
strong particles free of absorbed chemical or coating of clay and another fine material that
could cause the deterioration of concrete.
Design procedure
Chapter 4 Results and conclusion
Plastic proportion
When plastic is heated at 140°F to 160°F it is melted into a liquid form and this liquid is
calculated in ml. If ½ kg of plastic bags is heated up to 450ml of liquid is obtained.
Similarly, the mix proportion plastic ratio is denoted by liquid(ml).
In order to check the workability of the plastic mix we made a trial-and-error method. After
some trails it is found that by fixing plastic liquid quantity constant and the quantity of fine
aggregate keeps altering. Finally, a designed mix of excellent workability is obtained.
3. Mix
Keep mixing thoroughly until all the plastic has melted and there is a consistent black
liquid. Sometimes LDPE lumps can remain even at very high temperatures. Stirring and
heating must continue until all lumps are removed and a homogenous paste is obtained,
since they affected the strength of the material. This can take up to 20minutes. Do not let
the liquid get so hot that it burns strongly- it will not work as a building material if this
happens. A few flames from the liquid acceptable and add sand until required mixture and
keep mixing so that the plastic, which acts as a binder, is very well mixed in and looks like
grey cement.
4. Mould
Prepare the mould by making sure it is very clean, with no pieces of plastic on it from
previous mouldings, and well oiled.
The mould can be whatever shape you wish- they are constructed in the same way as
moulds for concrete floor tiles. If the walls of the mould are more than 4cm deep however,
the material will stick to the sides and not come out properly.
5. Set
Chapter 4 Results and conclusion
Allow the hot mixture in the mould to set for a few minutes, repeatedly shaking the mould
to loosen the edges (a rocking motion works well and keep trying to lift the mould. When
mixture has hardened enough that the slab will not collapse, remove the mould and leave.
It should harden in around 2 hours. Experiment with different amounts can be used for
different purposes- slabs, tiles and bricks.
6. Marketing
Tiles made in this way are as strong as concrete paving tiles. If product tested and certified
as an approved construction product, can be able to market it to local building companies
as well as directly to customers.
The tests are required to determine the strength of specimen and there for its suitability for
the work. Out of many tests applied to the paver, this is the utmost important which gives
an idea about all the characteristics of specimen. By this single test one judge that whether
specimen has been done properly or not.
1 Trial 1 15
2 Trial 2 16
3 Trial 3 13
Chapter 4 Results and conclusion
Ganesh Tapkire. Sathish Parihar, Pramod Patil, Hemra, R. Kumavat (2014). Recycled
Plastic Used in Concrete Paver Blocks. International Journal of Research in Engineering
and technology,3(09). Issue:9|NCETCE-2014, ISSN:2319-1163|ISSN: 2321-7308
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waste glass material”, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications,
Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2016 61 ISSN 2250-3153
Manhal A Jibrael, Farah Peter, “Strength and behavior of concrete contains waste plastic”,
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Manish Kumar Sahu, Lokesh Singh, “Critical review on types of bricks type: plastic sand
bricks”, International journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Volume-5,
Issue-11, NOV.-2017, ISSN :2320-2092
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2015, Volume 2, Issue 6 JETIR (ISSN-2349-5162).
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