Proctor 2010
Proctor 2010
Proctor 2010
With distance education courses requiring you to write an exam, you have the option to write your exam(s) on campus or to obtain a proctor. If the student chose to obtain a proctor, it is the students responsibility to arrange for a proctor who is acceptable to the course instructor. This person should be identified in sufficient time for the course instructor to assess the students selection. Assessing the proctor authenticity takes 5 business days and cannot be arranged at the last minute. Possible proctors might be identified from the following categories of employment: Lawyer Accountant Minister, Priest, or Rabbi University Professor Doctor or Dentist Director of Human Resources School Principal School Teacher To help avoid the possibility of conflict of interest issues, a proctor cannot be a family member or relative, a classmate, co-worker, immediate supervisor, or a friend. The student must provide: the name of the proctor place of employment and job title mailing address street address (for courier delivery of exam) phone number fax number e-mail address Send the completed proctor form to the course professor no later than three weeks prior to writing the exam, and preferably one month prior. Any expenses associated with the proctoring are the responsibility of the student.
Saint Marys will arrange for and pay for the courier delivery of the exam to the students proctor. It is the students responsibility to pay for the return of the exam to Saint Marys University by courier or some other secure delivery mode which has been approved by the University. The usual exam time frame is three hours. Exams are to be written in a suitably quiet location without access to reference or study materials or electronic devices except as designated by the course instructor. The proctor will be asked to sign a statement attesting to the terms and conditions of the examination, and to return the exam in a timely manner according to the procedures identified by Saint Marys University. The student will arrange for the proctor to provide the information requested on the form below and will forward this to:
Proctor Contact Information: Please print. Name _____________________________________________________________ Occupation ______________________________________________________________ Company or Institution ____________________________________________________ Mailing address___________________________________________________________ Business address (if different from above)_____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Phone number_____________________ Fax number_____________________________ E-mail address____________________________________________________________