see Modulation (music). For other uses, see Modulation (disambiguation). Passband modulation v d e Analog modulation AM SSB QAM FM PM SM Digital modulation FSK MFSK ASK OOK PSK QAM MSK CPM PPM TCM SC-FDE Spread spectrum CSS DSSS FHSS THSS See also: Demodulation, modem, line coding, PAM, PWM, PCM In electronics, modulation is the process of varying one or more properties of a highfrequency periodic waveform, called the carrier signal, with a modulating signal which typically contains information to be transmitted. This is done in a similar fashion to a musician modulating a tone (a periodic waveform) from a musical instrument by varying its volume, timing and pitch. The purpose of modulation is usually to enable the carrier signal to transport the information in the modulation signal to some destination. At the destination, a process of demodulation extracts the modulation signal from the modulated carrier. The three key parameters of a periodic waveform are its amplitude ("volume"), its phase ("timing") and its frequency ("pitch"). Any of these properties can be modified in accordance with a low frequency signal to obtain the modulated signal. Typically a highfrequency sinusoid waveform is used as carrier signal, but a square wave pulse train may also be used. In telecommunications, modulation is the process of conveying a message signal, for example a digital bit stream or an analog audio signal, inside another signal that can be physically transmitted. Modulation of a sine waveform is used to transform a baseband message signal into a passband signal, for example low-frequency audio signal into a radio-frequency signal (RF signal). In radio communications, cable TV systems or the public switched telephone network for instance, electrical signals can only be transferred over a limited passband frequency spectrum, with specific (non-zero) lower and upper cutoff frequencies. Modulating a sine-wave carrier makes it possible to keep the frequency content of the transferred signal as close as possible to the centre frequency (typically the carrier frequency) of the passband. A device that performs modulation is known as a modulator and a device that performs the inverse operation of modulation is known as a demodulator (sometimes detector or demod). A device that can do both operations is a modem (modulatordemodulator).
[edit] Aim The aim of digital modulation is to transfer a digital bit stream over an analog bandpass channel, for example over the public switched telephone network (where a bandpass filter limits the frequency range to between 300 and 3400 Hz), or over a limited radio frequency band. The aim of analog modulation is to transfer an analog baseband (or lowpass) signal, for example an audio signal or TV signal, over an analog bandpass channel, for example a limited radio frequency band or a cable TV network channel. Analog and digital modulation facilitate frequency division multiplexing (FDM), where several low pass information signals are transferred simultaneously over the same shared physical medium, using separate passband channels. The aim of digital baseband modulation methods, also known as line coding, is to transfer a digital bit stream over a baseband channel, typically a non-filtered copper wire such as a serial bus or a wired local area network. The aim of pulse modulation methods is to transfer a narrowband analog signal, for example a phone call over a wideband baseband channel or, in some of the schemes, as a bit stream over another digital transmission system. In music synthesizers, modulation may be used to synthesise waveforms with a desired overtone spectrum. In this case the carrier frequency is typically in the same order or much lower than the modulating waveform. See for example frequency modulation synthesis or ring modulation. [edit] Analog modulation methods
A low-frequency message signal (top) may be carried by an AM or FM radio wave. In analog modulation, the modulation is applied continuously in response to the analog information signal. Common analog modulation techniques are:[1]
Amplitude modulation (AM) (here the amplitude of the carrier signal is varied in accordance to the instantaneous amplitude of the modulating signal) o Double-sideband modulation (DSB)
o o
Double-sideband modulation with carrier (DSB-WC) (used on the AM radio broadcasting band) Double-sideband suppressed-carrier transmission (DSB-SC) Double-sideband reduced carrier transmission (DSB-RC) Single-sideband modulation (SSB, or SSB-AM) SSB with carrier (SSB-WC) SSB suppressed carrier modulation (SSB-SC) Vestigial sideband modulation (VSB, or VSB-AM) Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM)
Angle modulation o Frequency modulation (FM) (here the frequency of the carrier signal is varied in accordance to the instantaneous amplitude of the modulating signal) o Phase modulation (PM) (here the phase shift of the carrier signal is varied in accordance to the instantaneous amplitude of the modulating signal)
[edit] Digital modulation methods In digital modulation, an analog carrier signal is modulated by a digital bit stream. Digital modulation methods can be considered as digital-to-analog conversion, and the corresponding demodulation or detection as analog-to-digital conversion. The changes in the carrier signal are chosen from a finite number of M alternative symbols (the modulation alphabet).
Schematic of 4 baud (8 bps) data link. A simple example: A telephone line is designed for transferring audible sounds, for example tones, and not digital bits (zeros and ones). Computers may however communicate over a telephone line by means of modems, which are representing the digital bits by tones, called symbols. If there are four alternative symbols (corresponding to a musical instrument that can generate four different tones, one at a time), the first symbol may represent the bit sequence 00, the second 01, the third 10 and the fourth 11. If the modem plays a melody consisting of 1000 tones per second, the symbol rate is 1000 symbols/second, or baud. Since each tone (i.e., symbol) represents a message consisting of two digital bits in this example, the bit rate is twice the symbol rate, i.e.
2000 bits per second. This is similar to the technique used by dialup modems as opposed to DSL modems. . According to one definition of digital signal, the modulated signal is a digital signal, and according to another definition, the modulation is a form of digital-to-analog conversion. Most textbooks would consider digital modulation schemes as a form of digital transmission, synonymous to data transmission; very few would consider it as analog transmission. [edit] Fundamental digital modulation methods The most fundamental digital modulation techniques are based on keying:
In the case of PSK (phase-shift keying), a finite number of phases are used. In the case of FSK (frequency-shift keying), a finite number of frequencies are used. In the case of ASK (amplitude-shift keying), a finite number of amplitudes are used. In the case of QAM (quadrature amplitude modulation), a finite number of at least two phases, and at least two amplitudes are used.
In QAM, an inphase signal (the I signal, for example a cosine waveform) and a quadrature phase signal (the Q signal, for example a sine wave) are amplitude modulated with a finite number of amplitudes, and summed. It can be seen as a two-channel system, each channel using ASK. The resulting signal is equivalent to a combination of PSK and ASK. In all of the above methods, each of these phases, frequencies or amplitudes are assigned a unique pattern of binary bits. Usually, each phase, frequency or amplitude encodes an equal number of bits. This number of bits comprises the symbol that is represented by the particular phase, frequency or amplitude. If the alphabet consists of M = 2N alternative symbols, each symbol represents a message consisting of N bits. If the symbol rate (also known as the baud rate) is fS symbols/second (or baud), the data rate is NfS bit/second. For example, with an alphabet consisting of 16 alternative symbols, each symbol represents 4 bits. Thus, the data rate is four times the baud rate. In the case of PSK, ASK or QAM, where the carrier frequency of the modulated signal is constant, the modulation alphabet is often conveniently represented on a constellation diagram, showing the amplitude of the I signal at the x-axis, and the amplitude of the Q signal at the y-axis, for each symbol.
[edit] Modulator and detector principles of operation PSK and ASK, and sometimes also FSK, are often generated and detected using the principle of QAM. The I and Q signals can be combined into a complex-valued signal I+jQ (where j is the imaginary unit). The resulting so called equivalent lowpass signal or equivalent baseband signal is a complex-valued representation of the real-valued modulated physical signal (the so called passband signal or RF signal). These are the general steps used by the modulator to transmit data: 1. Group the incoming data bits into codewords, one for each symbol that will be transmitted. 2. Map the codewords to attributes, for example amplitudes of the I and Q signals (the equivalent low pass signal), or frequency or phase values. 3. Adapt pulse shaping or some other filtering to limit the bandwidth and form the spectrum of the equivalent low pass signal, typically using digital signal processing. 4. Perform digital-to-analog conversion (DAC) of the I and Q signals (since today all of the above is normally achieved using digital signal processing, DSP). 5. Generate a high-frequency sine wave carrier waveform, and perhaps also a cosine quadrature component. Carry out the modulation, for example by multiplying the sine and cosine wave form with the I and Q signals, resulting in that the equivalent low pass signal is frequency shifted into a modulated passband signal or RF signal. Sometimes this is achieved using DSP technology, for example direct digital synthesis using a waveform table, instead of analog signal processing. In that case the above DAC step should be done after this step. 6. Amplification and analog bandpass filtering to avoid harmonic distortion and periodic spectrum At the receiver side, the demodulator typically performs: 1. Bandpass filtering. 2. Automatic gain control, AGC (to compensate for attenuation, for example fading). 3. Frequency shifting of the RF signal to the equivalent baseband I and Q signals, or to an intermediate frequency (IF) signal, by multiplying the RF signal with a local oscillator sinewave and cosine wave frequency (see the superheterodyne receiver principle). 4. Sampling and analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) (Sometimes before or instead of the above point, for example by means of undersampling). 5. Equalization filtering, for example a matched filter, compensation for multipath propagation, time spreading, phase distortion and frequency selective fading, to avoid intersymbol interference and symbol distortion. 6. Detection of the amplitudes of the I and Q signals, or the frequency or phase of the IF signal.
7. Quantization of the amplitudes, frequencies or phases to the nearest allowed symbol values. 8. Mapping of the quantized amplitudes, frequencies or phases to codewords (bit groups). 9. Parallel-to-serial conversion of the codewords into a bit stream. 10. Pass the resultant bit stream on for further processing such as removal of any error-correcting codes. As is common to all digital communication systems, the design of both the modulator and demodulator must be done simultaneously. Digital modulation schemes are possible because the transmitter-receiver pair have prior knowledge of how data is encoded and represented in the communications system. In all digital communication systems, both the modulator at the transmitter and the demodulator at the receiver are structured so that they perform inverse operations. Non-coherent modulation methods do not require a receiver reference clock signal that is phase synchronized with the sender carrier wave. In this case, modulation symbols (rather than bits, characters, or data packets) are asynchronously transferred. The opposite is coherent modulation. [edit] List of common digital modulation techniques The most common digital modulation techniques are:
Phase-shift keying (PSK): o Binary PSK (BPSK), using M=2 symbols o Quadrature PSK (QPSK), using M=4 symbols o 8PSK, using M=8 symbols o 16PSK, using M=16 symbols o Differential PSK (DPSK) o Differential QPSK (DQPSK) o Offset QPSK (OQPSK) o /4QPSK Frequency-shift keying (FSK): o Audio frequency-shift keying (AFSK) o Multi-frequency shift keying (M-ary FSK or MFSK) o Dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) o Continuous-phase frequency-shift keying (CPFSK) Amplitude-shift keying (ASK) On-off keying (OOK), the most common ASK form o M-ary vestigial sideband modulation, for example 8VSB Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) - a combination of PSK and ASK: o Polar modulation like QAM a combination of PSK and ASK.[citation needed] Continuous phase modulation (CPM) methods: o Minimum-shift keying (MSK) o Gaussian minimum-shift keying (GMSK)
Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation: o discrete multitone (DMT) - including adaptive modulation and bit-loading. Wavelet modulation Trellis coded modulation (TCM), also known as trellis modulation Spread-spectrum techniques: o Direct-sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) o Chirp spread spectrum (CSS) according to IEEE 802.15.4a CSS uses pseudo-stochastic coding o Frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) applies a special scheme for channel release
MSK and GMSK are particular cases of continuous phase modulation. Indeed, MSK is a particular case of the sub-family of CPM known as continuous-phase frequency-shift keying (CPFSK) which is defined by a rectangular frequency pulse (i.e. a linearly increasing phase pulse) of one symbol-time duration (total response signaling). OFDM is based on the idea of frequency-division multiplexing (FDM), but is utilized as a digital modulation scheme. The bit stream is split into several parallel data streams, each transferred over its own sub-carrier using some conventional digital modulation scheme. The modulated sub-carriers are summed to form an OFDM signal. OFDM is considered as a modulation technique rather than a multiplex technique, since it transfers one bit stream over one communication channel using one sequence of so-called OFDM symbols. OFDM can be extended to multi-user channel access method in the orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) and multi-carrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) schemes, allowing several users to share the same physical medium by giving different sub-carriers or spreading codes to different users. Of the two kinds of RF power amplifier, switching amplifiers (Class C amplifiers) cost less and use less battery power than linear amplifiers of the same output power. However, they only work with relatively constant-amplitude-modulation signals such as angle modulation (FSK or PSK) and CDMA, but not with QAM and OFDM. Nevertheless, even though switching amplifiers are completely unsuitable for normal QAM constellations, often the QAM modulation principle are used to drive switching amplifiers with these FM and other waveforms, and sometimes QAM demodulators are used to receive the signals put out by these switching amplifiers. [edit] Digital baseband modulation or line coding Main article: Line code The term digital baseband modulation (or digital baseband transmission) is synonymous to line codes. These are methods to transfer a digital bit stream over an analog baseband channel (a.k.a. lowpass channel) using a pulse train, i.e. a discrete number of signal levels, by directly modulating the voltage or current on a cable. Common examples are unipolar, non-return-to-zero (NRZ), Manchester and alternate mark inversion (AMI) codings.[2]
[hide]v d eLine coding (digital baseband transmission) Main articles Unipolar encoding Bipolar encoding On-off keying
Return to zero (RZ) Non-return-tozero, level (NRZ/NRZ-L) Non-returnBasic line to-zero, inverted (NRZ-I) Non-Returncodes to-Zero, space (NRZ-S) Biphase (Bi) Manchester Differential Manchester Conditioned Diphase 4B3T 4B5B 2B1Q Alternate Mark Inversion Modified AMI code Coded mark Extended inversion MLT-3 encoding Hybrid line codes ternary code 6b/8b encoding 8b/10b encoding 64b/66b encoding Eight-tofourteen modulation Delay/Miller encoding TC-PAM Optical Carrier-Suppressed Return-to-Zero line codes Alternate-Phase Return-to-Zero See also: Baseband Baud Bit rate Digital signal Digital transmission Ethernet physical layer Pulse modulation methods Pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM) Pulse code modulation (PCM) Serial communication Category:Line codes [edit] Pulse modulation methods Pulse modulation schemes aim at transferring a narrowband analog signal over an analog baseband channel as a two-level signal by modulating a pulse wave. Some pulse modulation schemes also allow the narrowband analog signal to be transferred as a digital signal (i.e. as a quantized discrete-time signal) with a fixed bit rate, which can be transferred over an underlying digital transmission system, for example some line code. These are not modulation schemes in the conventional sense since they are not channel coding schemes, but should be considered as source coding schemes, and in some cases analog-to-digital conversion techniques. Analog-over-analog methods:
Analog-over-digital methods:
Pulse-code modulation (PCM) o Differential PCM (DPCM) o Adaptive DPCM (ADPCM) Delta modulation (DM or -modulation) Sigma-delta modulation () Continuously variable slope delta modulation (CVSDM), also called Adaptivedelta modulation (ADM) Pulse-density modulation (PDM)
The use of on-off keying to transmit Morse code at radio frequencies is known as continuous wave (CW) operation. Adaptive modulation Space modulation A method whereby signals are modulated within airspace, such as that used in Instrument landing systems.
Pulse-amplitude modulation
Principle of PAM: (1) original signal, (2) PAM signal, (a) amplitude of signal, (b) time Pulse-amplitude modulation, acronym PAM, is a form of signal modulation where the message information is encoded in the amplitude of a series of signal pulses. Example: A two-bit modulator (PAM-4) will take two bits at a time and will map the signal amplitude to one of four possible levels, for example 3 volts, 1 volt, 1 volt, and 3 volts. Demodulation is performed by detecting the amplitude level of the carrier at every symbol period. Pulse-amplitude modulation is widely used in baseband transmission of digital data, with non-baseband applications having been largely replaced by pulse-code modulation, and, more recently, by pulse-position modulation.
In particular, all telephone modems faster than 300 bit/s use quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM). (QAM uses a two-dimensional constellation). Use in Ethernet Some versions of the Ethernet communication standard are an example of PAM usage. In particular, the Fast Ethernet 100BASE-T2 medium (now defunct), running at 100 Mbit/s, uses five-level PAM modulation (PAM-5) running at 25 megapulses/sec over two wire pairs. A special technique is used to reduce inter-symbol interference between the unshielded pairs. Current common 100 Mbit networking technology is 100BASE-TX which delivers 100 Mbit in each direction over a single twisted pair one for each direction. Later, the gigabit Ethernet 1000BASE-T medium raised the bar to use four pairs of wire running each at 125 megapulses/sec to achieve 1000 Mbit/s data rates, still utilizing PAM-5 for each pair. The IEEE 802.3an standard defines the wire-level modulation for 10GBASE-T as a Tomlinson-Harashima Precoded (THP) version of pulse-amplitude modulation with 16 discrete levels (PAM-16), encoded in a two-dimensional checkerboard pattern known as DSQ128. Several proposals were considered for wire-level modulation, including PAM with 12 discrete levels (PAM-12), ten levels (PAM-10), or eight levels (PAM-8), both with and without Tomlinson-Harashima Precoding (THP). Use in photobiology The concept is also used for the study of photosynthesis using a PAM fluorometer. This specialized instrument involves a spectrofluorometric measurement of the kinetics of fluorescence rise and decay in the light-harvesting antenna of thylakoid membranes, thus querying various aspects of the state of the photosystems under different environmental conditions. Use in electronic drivers for LED lighting Pulse-amplitude modulation has also been developed for the control of light-emitting diodes (LEDs), especially for lighting applications. LED drivers based on the PAM technique offer improved energy efficiency over systems based upon other common driver modulation techniques such as Pulse Width Modulation as the forward current passing through an LED is relative to the intensity of the light output and the LED efficiency increases as the forward current is reduced. Pulse-amplitude modulation LED drivers are able to synchronize pulses across multiple LED channels to enable perfect colour matching. Due to the inherent nature of PAM in conjunction with the rapid switching speed of LEDs it is possible to use LED lighting as a means of wireless data transmission at high speed.
See also
Amplitude-shift keying Carrier Sense Multiple Access Pulse-code modulation Pulse-position modulation Pulse-width modulation Pulse-density modulation Pulse forming network Quadrature amplitude modulation 8VSB [hide]v d eLine coding (digital baseband transmission)
Main articles
Return to zero (RZ) Non-return-tozero, level (NRZ/NRZ-L) Non-returnBasic line to-zero, inverted (NRZ-I) Non-Returncodes to-Zero, space (NRZ-S) Biphase (Bi) Manchester Differential Manchester Conditioned Diphase 4B3T 4B5B 2B1Q Alternate Mark Inversion Modified AMI code Coded mark Extended inversion MLT-3 encoding Hybrid line codes ternary code 6b/8b encoding 8b/10b encoding 64b/66b encoding Eight-tofourteen modulation Delay/Miller encoding TC-PAM Optical Carrier-Suppressed Return-to-Zero line codes Alternate-Phase Return-to-Zero See also: Baseband Baud Bit rate Digital signal Digital transmission Ethernet physical layer Pulse modulation methods Pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM) Pulse code modulation (PCM) Serial communication Category:Line codes
Analog modulation AM SSB QAM FM PM SM Digital modulation FSK MFSK ASK OOK PSK QAM MSK CPM PPM TCM SC-FDE Spread spectrum CSS DSSS FHSS THSS See also: Demodulation, modem, line coding, PAM, PWM, PCM Pulse-position modulation (PPM) is a form of signal modulation in which M message bits are encoded by transmitting a single pulse in one of 2M possible time-shifts. This is repeated every T seconds, such that the transmitted bit rate is M/T bits per second. It is primarily useful for optical communications systems, where there tends to be little or no multipath interference. Synchronization One of the key difficulties of implementing this technique is that the receiver must be properly synchronized to align the local clock with the beginning of each symbol. Therefore, it is often implemented differentially as differential pulse-position modulation, where by each pulse position is encoded relative to the previous , such that the receiver must only measure the difference in the arrival time of successive pulses. It is possible to limit the propagation of errors to adjacent symbols, so that an error in measuring the differential delay of one pulse will affect only two symbols, instead of affecting all successive measurements. Sensitivity to multipath interference Aside from the issues regarding receiver synchronization, the key disadvantage of PPM is that it is inherently sensitive to multipath interference that arises in channels with frequency-selective fading, whereby the receiver's signal contains one or more echoes of each transmitted pulse. Since the information is encoded in the time of arrival (either differentially, or relative to a common clock), the presence of one or more echoes can make it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to accurately determine the correct pulse position corresponding to the transmitted pulse. Non-coherent detection One of the principal advantages of PPM is that it is an M-ary modulation technique that can be implemented non-coherently, such that the receiver does not need to use a phaselocked loop (PLL) to track the phase of the carrier. This makes it a suitable candidate for optical communications systems, where coherent phase modulation and detection are difficult and extremely expensive. The only other common M-ary non-coherent modulation technique is M-ary Frequency Shift Keying (M-FSK), which is the frequency-domain dual to PPM.
PPM vs. M-FSK PPM and M-FSK systems with the same bandwidth, average power, and transmission rate of M/T bits per second have identical performance in an AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise) channel. However, their performance differs greatly when comparing frequency-selective and frequency-flat fading channels. Whereas frequency-selective fading produces echoes that are highly disruptive for any of the M time-shifts used to encode PPM data, it selectively disrupts only some of the M possible frequency-shifts used to encode data for M-FSK. On the other hand, frequency-flat fading is more disruptive for M-FSK than PPM, as all M of the possible frequency-shifts are impaired by fading, while the short duration of the PPM pulse means that only a few of the M time-shifts are heavily impaired by fading. Optical communications systems (even wireless ones) tend to have weak multipath distortions, and PPM is a viable modulation scheme in many such applications. Applications for RF communications Narrowband RF (radio frequency) channels with low power and long wavelengths (i.e., low frequency) are affected primarily by flat fading, and PPM is better suited than MFSK to be used in these scenarios. One common application with these channel characteristics, first used in the early 1960s, is the radio control of model aircraft, boats and cars. PPM is employed in these systems, with the position of each pulse representing the angular position of an analogue control on the transmitter, or possible states of a binary switch. The number of pulses per frame gives the number of controllable channels available. The advantage of using PPM for this type of application is that the electronics required to decode the signal are extremely simple, which leads to small, light-weight receiver/decoder units. (Model aircraft require parts that are as lightweight as possible). Servos made for model radio control include some of the electronics required to convert the pulse to the motor position the receiver is merely required to demultiplex the separate channels and feed the pulses to each servo. More sophisticated R/C systems are now often based on pulse-code modulation, which is more complex but offers greater flexibility and reliability. Pulse position modulation is also used for communication to the ISO/IEC 15693 contactless smart card as well as the HF implementation of the EPC Class 1 protocol for RFID tags. Pulse-width modulation From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An example of PWM in an AC motor drive: the phase-to-phase voltage (blue) is modulated as a series of pulses that results in a sine-like flux density waveform (red) in the magnetic circuit of the motor. The smoothness of the resultant waveform can be controlled by the width and number of modulated impulses (per given cycle) Pulse-width modulation (PWM), or pulse-duration modulation (PDM), is a commonly used technique for controlling power to inertial electrical devices, made practical by modern electronic power switches. The average value of voltage (and current) fed to the load is controlled by turning the switch between supply and load on and off at a fast pace. The longer the switch is on compared to the off periods, the higher the power supplied to the load is. The PWM switching frequency has to be much faster than what would affect the load, which is to say the device that uses the power. Typically switchings have to be done several times a minute in an electric stove, 120 Hz in a lamp dimmer, from few kilohertz (kHz) to tens of kHz for a motor drive and well into the tens or hundreds of kHz in audio amplifiers and computer power supplies. The term duty cycle describes the proportion of 'on' time to the regular interval or 'period' of time; a low duty cycle corresponds to low power, because the power is off for most of the time. Duty cycle is expressed in percent, 100% being fully on. The main advantage of PWM is that power loss in the switching devices is very low. When a switch is off there is practically no current, and when it is on, there is almost no voltage drop across the switch. Power loss, being the product of voltage and current, is thus in both cases close to zero. PWM also works well with digital controls, which, because of their on/off nature, can easily set the needed duty cycle. PWM has also been used in certain communication systems where its duty cycle has been used to convey information over a communications channel.
[edit] History In the past, when only partial power was needed (such as for a sewing machine motor), a rheostat (located in the sewing machine's foot pedal) connected in series with the motor adjusted the amount of current flowing through the motor, but also wasted power as heat in the resistor element. It was an inefficient scheme, but tolerable because the total power was low. This was one of several methods of controlling power. There were others some still in usesuch as variable autotransformers, including the trademarked 'Autrastat' for theatrical lighting; and the Variac, for general AC power adjustment. These were quite efficient, but also relatively costly. For about a century, some variable-speed electric motors have had decent efficiency, but they were somewhat more complex than constant-speed motors, and sometimes required bulky external electrical apparatus, such as a bank of variable power resistors or rotating converter such as Ward Leonard drive . However, in addition to motor drives for fans, pumps and robotic servos, there was a great need for compact and low cost means for applying adjustable power for many devices, such as electric stoves and lamp dimmers. One of early applications of PWM was in the Sinclair X10, a 10 W audio amplifier available in kit form in the 1960s. At around the same time PWM started to be used in AC motor control [1] [edit] Principle
Fig. 1: a pulse wave, showing the definitions of ymin, ymax and D. Pulse-width modulation uses a rectangular pulse wave whose pulse width is modulated resulting in the variation of the average value of the waveform. If we consider a pulse waveform f(t) with a low value ymin, a high value ymax and a duty cycle D (see figure 1), the average value of the waveform is given by:
As f(t) is a pulse wave, its value is ymax for . The above expression then becomes:
This latter expression can be fairly simplified in many cases where ymin = 0 as . From this, it is obvious that the average value of the signal ( ) is directly dependent on the duty cycle D.
Fig. 2: A simple method to generate the PWM pulse train corresponding to a given signal is the intersective PWM: the signal (here the red sinewave) is compared with a sawtooth waveform (blue). When the latter is less than the former, the PWM signal (magenta) is in high state (1). Otherwise it is in the low state (0). The simplest way to generate a PWM signal is the intersective method, which requires only a sawtooth or a triangle waveform (easily generated using a simple oscillator) and a comparator. When the value of the reference signal (the red sine wave in figure 2) is more than the modulation waveform (blue), the PWM signal (magenta) is in the high state, otherwise it is in the low state. Delta Main article: Delta modulation
In the use of delta modulation for PWM control, the output signal is integrated, and the result is compared with limits, which correspond to a reference signal offset by a constant. Every time the integral of the output signal reaches one of the limits, the PWM signal changes state.
Fig. 3 : Principle of the delta PWM. The output signal (blue) is compared with the limits (green). These limits correspond to the reference signal (red), offset by a given value. Every time the output signal reaches one of the limits, the PWM signal changes state. [edit] Delta-sigma Main article: Delta-sigma modulation In delta-sigma modulation as a PWM control method, the output signal is subtracted from a reference signal to form an error signal. This error is integrated, and when the integral of the error exceeds the limits, the output changes state.
Fig. 4 : Principle of the sigma-delta PWM. The top green waveform is the reference signal, on which the output signal (PWM, in the bottom plot) is subtracted to form the error signal (blue, in top plot). This error is integrated (middle plot), and when the integral of the error exceeds the limits (red lines), the output changes state. [edit] Space vector modulation Main article: Space vector modulation Space vector modulation is a PWM control algorithm for multi-phase AC generation, in which the reference signal is sampled regularly; after each sample, non-zero active switching vectors adjacent to the reference vector and one or more of the zero switching vectors are selected for the appropriate fraction of the sampling period in order to synthesize the reference signal as the average of the used vectors. [edit] Direct torque control (DTC) Main article: Direct torque control Direct torque control is a method used to control AC motors. It is closely related with the delta modulation (see above). Motor torque and magnetic flux are estimated and these are controlled to stay within their hysteresis bands by turning on new combination of the device's semiconductor switches each time either of the signal tries to deviate out of the band. Time proportioning Many digital circuits can generate PWM signals (e.g. many microcontrollers have PWM outputs). They normally use a counter that increments periodically (it is connected directly or indirectly to the clock of the circuit) and is reset at the end of every period of the PWM. When the counter value is more than the reference value, the PWM output changes state from high to low (or low to high).[2] This technique is referred to as time proportioning, particularly as time-proportioning control[3] which proportion of a fixed cycle time is spent in the high state. The incremented and periodically reset counter is the discrete version of the intersecting method's sawtooth. The analog comparator of the intersecting method becomes a simple integer comparison between the current counter value and the digital (possibly digitized) reference value. The duty cycle can only be varied in discrete steps, as a function of the counter resolution. However, a high-resolution counter can provide quite satisfactory performance.
[edit] Types
Fig. 5 : Three types of PWM signals (blue): leading edge modulation (top), trailing edge modulation (middle) and centered pulses (both edges are modulated, bottom). The green lines are the sawtooth waveform (first and second cases) and a triangle waveform (third case) used to generate the PWM waveforms using the intersective method. Three types of pulse-width modulation (PWM) are possible: 1. The pulse center may be fixed in the center of the time window and both edges of the pulse moved to compress or expand the width. 2. The lead edge can be held at the lead edge of the window and the tail edge modulated. Spectrum The resulting spectra (of the three cases) are similar, and each contains a dc component, a base sideband containing the modulating signal and phase modulated carriers at each harmonic of the frequency of the pulse. The amplitudes of the harmonic groups are restricted by a sinx / x envelope (sinc function) and extend to infinity. On the contrary, the delta modulation is a random process that produces continuous spectrum without distinct harmonics. Applications Telecommunications In telecommunications, the widths of the pulses correspond to specific data values encoded at one end and decoded at the other.
Pulses of various lengths (the information itself) will be sent at regular intervals (the carrier frequency of the modulation). _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ || || || || || || || || Clock | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | __| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____ _ __ ____ ____ _ PWM Signal || | | | | | ||| || | | | | | ||| _________| |____| |___| |________| |_| |___________ Data 0 1 2 4 0 4 1 0 The inclusion of a clock signal is not necessary, as the leading edge of the data signal can be used as the clock if a small offset is added to the data value in order to avoid a data value with a zero length pulse. _ __ || | | | PWM Signal | | __| |____| Data 0 ___ _____ _ _____ __ _ | | ||| | || | || | | | | | ||| | || | || |___| |__| |_| |____| |_| |___| |_____ 2 4 0 4 1 0
Power delivery PWM can be used to adjust the total amount of power delivered to a load without losses normally incurred when a power transfer is limited by resistive means. The drawback are the pulsations defined by the duty cycle, switching frequency and properties of the load. With a sufficiently high switching frequency and, when necessary, using additional passive electronic filters the pulse train can be smoothed and average analog waveform recovered. High frequency PWM power control systems are easily realisable with semiconductor switches. As has been already stated above almost no power is dissipated by the switch in either on or off state. However, during the transitions between on and off states both voltage and current are non-zero and thus considerable power is dissipated in the switches. Luckily, the change of state between fully on and fully off is quite rapid (typically less than 100 nanoseconds) relative to typical on or off times, and so the average power dissipation is quite low compared to the power being delivered even when high switching frequencies are used. Modern semiconductor switches such as MOSFETs or Insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) are quite ideal components. Thus high efficiency controllers can be built. Typically frequency converters used to control AC motors have efficiency that is better than 98 %. Switching power supplies have lower efficiency due to low output voltage
levels (often even less than 2 V for microprocessors are needed) but still more than 7080 % efficiency can be achieved. Variable-speed fan controllers for computers usually use PWM, as it is far more efficient when compared to a potentiometer or rheostat. (Neither of the latter is practical to operate electronically; they would require a small drive motor.) Light dimmers for home use employ a specific type of PWM control. Home-use light dimmers typically include electronic circuitry which suppresses current flow during defined portions of each cycle of the AC line voltage. Adjusting the brightness of light emitted by a light source is then merely a matter of setting at what voltage (or phase) in the AC halfcycle the dimmer begins to provide electrical current to the light source (e.g. by using an electronic switch such as a triac). In this case the PWM duty cycle is the ratio of the conduction time to the duration of the half AC cycle defined by the frequency of the AC line voltage (50 Hz or 60 Hz depending on the country). These rather simple types of dimmers can be effectively used with inert (or relatively slow reacting) light sources such as incandescent lamps, for example, for which the additional modulation in supplied electrical energy which is caused by the dimmer causes only negligible additional fluctuations in the emitted light. Some other types of light sources such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs), however, turn on and off extremely rapidly and would perceivably flicker if supplied with low frequency drive voltages. Perceivable flicker effects from such rapid response light sources can be reduced by increasing the PWM frequency. If the light fluctuations are sufficiently rapid, the human visual system can no longer resolve them and the eye perceives the time average intensity without flicker (see flicker fusion threshold). In electric cookers, continuously-variable power is applied to the heating elements such as the hob or the grill using a device known as a Simmerstat. This consists of a thermal oscillator running at approximately two cycles per minute and the mechanism varies the duty cycle according to the knob setting. The thermal time constant of the heating elements is several minutes, so that the temperature fluctuations are too small to matter in practice. Voltage regulation Main article: Switched-mode power supply PWM is also used in efficient voltage regulators. By switching voltage to the load with the appropriate duty cycle, the output will approximate a voltage at the desired level. The switching noise is usually filtered with an inductor and a capacitor. One method measures the output voltage. When it is lower than the desired voltage, it turns on the switch. When the output voltage is above the desired voltage, it turns off the switch.
Audio effects and amplification PWM is sometimes used in sound (music) synthesis, in particular subtractive synthesis, as it gives a sound effect similar to chorus or slightly detuned oscillators played together. (In fact, PWM is equivalent to the difference of two sawtooth waves. [1]) The ratio between the high and low level is typically modulated with a low frequency oscillator, or LFO. In addition, varying the duty cycle of a pulse waveform in a subtractive-synthesis instrument creates useful timbral variations. Some synthesizers have a duty-cycle trimmer for their square-wave outputs, and that trimmer can be set by ear; the 50% point was distinctive, because even-numbered harmonics essentially disappear at 50%. A new class of audio amplifiers based on the PWM principle is becoming popular. Called "Class-D amplifiers", these amplifiers produce a PWM equivalent of the analog input signal which is fed to the loudspeaker via a suitable filter network to block the carrier and recover the original audio. These amplifiers are characterized by very good efficiency figures ( 90%) and compact size/light weight for large power outputs. For a few decades, industrial and military PWM amplifiers have been in common use, often for driving servo motors. They offer very good efficiency, commonly well above 90%. Fieldgradient coils in MRI machines are driven by relatively-high-power PWM amplifiers. Historically, a crude form of PWM has been used to play back PCM digital sound on the PC speaker, which is driven by only two voltage levels, typically 0 V and 5 V. By carefully timing the duration of the pulses, and by relying on the speaker's physical filtering properties (limited frequency response, self-inductance, etc.) it was possible to obtain an approximate playback of mono PCM samples, although at a very low quality, and with greatly varying results between implementations. In more recent times, the Direct Stream Digital sound encoding method was introduced, which uses a generalized form of pulse-width modulation called pulse density modulation, at a high enough sampling rate (typically in the order of MHz) to cover the whole acoustic frequencies range with sufficient fidelity. This method is used in the SACD format, and reproduction of the encoded audio signal is essentially similar to the method used in class-D amplifiers. Pulse-density modulation Pulse-density modulation, or PDM, is a form of modulation used to represent an analog signal with digital data. In a PDM signal, specific amplitude values are not encoded into pulses as they would be in PCM. Instead, it is the relative density of the pulses that corresponds to the analog signal's amplitude. Pulse-width modulation (PWM) is the special case of PDM where all the pulses corresponding to one sample are contiguous in the digital signal.
Description In a pulse-density modulation bitstream a 1 corresponds to a pulse of positive polarity (+A) and a 0 corresponds to a pulse of negative polarity (-A). Mathematically, this can be represented as:
where x[n] is the bipolar bitstream (either -A or +A) and a[n] is the corresponding binary bitstream (either 0 or 1). A run consisting of all 1s would correspond to the maximum (positive) amplitude value, all 0s would correspond to the minimum (negative) amplitude value, and alternating 1s and 0s would correspond to a zero amplitude value. The continuous amplitude waveform is recovered by low-pass filtering the bipolar PDM bitstream. Examples A single period of the trigonometric sine function, sampled 100 times and represented as a PDM bitstream, is: 01010110111101111111111111111111110111111011011010101001001000000100000 00000000000000001000010010101
An example of PDM of 100 samples of one period a sine wave. 1s represented by blue, 0s represented by white, overlaid with the sine wave. Two periods of a higher frequency sine wave would appear as: 01011011111111111111011010100100000000000001000100110111011111111111110 11010100100000000000000100101 or
In pulse-density modulation, a high density of 1s occurs at the peaks of the sine wave, while a low density of 1s occurs at the troughs of the sine wave. [edit] Analog-to-digital conversion A PDM bitstream is encoded from an analog signal through the process of delta-sigma modulation. This process uses a one bit quantizer that produces either a 1 or 0 depending on the amplitude of the analog signal. A 1 or 0 corresponds to a signal that is all the way up or all the way down, respectively. Because in the real world analog signals are rarely
all the way in one direction there is a quantization error, the difference between the 1 or 0 and the actual amplitude it represents. This error is fed back negatively in the process loop. In this way every error successively influences every other quantization measurement and its error. This has the effect of averaging out the quantization error. Digital-to-analog conversion The process of decoding a PDM signal into an analog one is simple: one only has to pass the PDM signal through a low-pass filter. This works because the function of a low-pass filter is essentially to average the signal. The average amplitude of pulses is measured by the density of those pulses over time, thus a low pass filter is the only step required in the decoding process. Relationship to biology Notably, one of the ways animal nervous systems represent sensory and other information is through rate coding whereby the magnitude of the signal is related to the rate of firing of the sensory neuron. In direct analogy, each neural event - called an action potential - represents one bit (pulse), with the rate of firing of the neuron representing the pulse density. [edit] Algorithm
Pulse-density modulation of a sine wave using this algorithm. A digital model of pulse-density modulation can be obtained from a digital model of the delta-sigma modulator. Consider a signal x[n] in the discrete time domain as the input to a first-order delta-sigma modulator, with y[n] the output. In the discrete frequency domain, the delta-sigma modulator's operation is represented by
Here, E(z) is the frequency-domain quantization error of the delta-sigma modulator. The factor 1 z 1 represents a high-pass filter, so it is clear that E(z) contributes less to the output Y(z) at low frequencies, and more at high frequencies. This demonstrates the noise shaping effect of the delta-sigma modulator: the quantization noise is "pushed" out of the low frequencies up into the high-frequency range. Using the inverse Z-transform, we may convert this into a difference equation relating the input of the delta-sigma modulator to its output in the discrete time domain, y[n] = x[n] + e[n] e[n 1] There are two additional constraints to consider: first, at each step the output sample y[n] is chosen so as to minimize the "running" quantization error e[n]. Second, y[n] is represented as a single bit, meaning it can take on only two values. We choose for convenience, allowing us to write
e[n] = y[n] x[n] + e[n 1] This, finally, gives a formula for the output sample y[n] in terms of the input sample x[n]. The quantization error of each sample is fed back into the input for the following sample. The following pseudo-code implements this algorithm to convert a pulse-code modulation signal into a PDM signal: // Encode samples into pulse-density modulation // using a first-order sigma-delta modulator function pdm(real[0..s] x) var int[0..s] y var real[-1..s] qe qe[-1] := 0 // initial running error is zero for n from 0 to s if x[n] >= qe[n-1] y[n] := 1 else y[n] := -1 qe[n] := y[n] - x[n] + qe[n-1] return y, qe // return output and running error
Applications PDM is the encoding used in Sony's Super Audio CD (SACD) format, under the name Direct Stream Digital.