GBPB (Colour Vol-II)
GBPB (Colour Vol-II)
GBPB (Colour Vol-II)
● Piracy in ShivYog is absolutely Unethical
It is being found that, few Sadhaks regularly uploading Audios Videos including Secrete
& Sacred ShivYog Deep Healing Sadhanas, globally, in YouTube or in other websites.
Publishing secrete dhyana processes in various blogs, websites… recreating ShivYog
Meditation Books like Durga Saptashati, Swadhyay etc. and distributing those among
others in various places… producing same divine items and selling… Let’s think carefully,
what are you doing unconsciously?
Babaji is doing his continuous meditation from age of 8 years old to till date. If He
wanted, He may then ultimately go to Himalayas and can meditate there for
achieving lots more unexplainable spiritual experiences, which is a lifetime dream
for every yogi, who use to think only about himself/herself. But as per Guru Aadesh,
Babaji happily giving us Initiation i.e. transferring his tap-energy as seed-form within
Disciple’s Sukshma Sharira. Just for our Ultimate Good, he happily gifting his tap-
energy. Not only that, only for his disciples meditation help, he gifting us such a high
powerful guided meditations along with lots of meditation tools only for our
spiritual Upliftment, Ultimate Good, Fulfilling Worldly Wishes… It’s a love of a
Divine Siddha Guru towards his children. And his children like disciples arrogantly
uploading all secrete things globally. Imagine would you like to always keep open
your main door for helping all nearest & dearest ones? so that, they can easily enter
your house? whenever they want to enter? Relation between Guru & Disciple always
based on Surrender, Believe & Trust. You may think that you are just trying to help
other ShivYogies. Guru given secrete guided meditation, Guru-deeksha-mantra etc.
should never be discussed with any outsiders (i.e. other than only those Guru-Bhai or
Guru-Bhagini, who already knows that, who attend that particular ShivYog Shivir).
But when you are uploading it as globally, then, along with few ShivYogies rest hues
jealous persons can be able to access them all, easily. Nobody knows, in what way
they are going to misuse of them, for their own selfish benefit? Humbleness & Ego
always remains together. One likes to gift, other likes to snatch, anyhow. After
watching hues popularity of ShivYog lots more frauds & hunters are waiting eagerly
to get little things from ShivYog, so that they can use it for their better earning
purpose. Two ways are there for becoming large. By increasing yourself or by
reducing others. Increasing their meditative-wealth is not possible by them so they
are trying to collect, somehow, somewhere & you are helping them, unconsciously.
I am writing this text only for awakening my few Guru-Bhai & Guru-Bhaginis. God
knows (for quick increasing of TRP with no such investigation) who will copy these texts
and publish in media by saying “Dr. Avdhoot Shivanand’s disciples use to upload their
secrete sadhanas globally…confessed by a disciple…” always remain alert! It’s India!
Uploading, reproducing --- audio, video, divine items, meditation books which are
already available in ShivYog Arsram’s Divine Shop or Digital Store is absolutely
Unethical. Leave the matter of Profit & Loss or the financial aspect of ShivYog
Ashram. Those who upload those CDs and DVDs which are available in the Ashram
are indirectly stopping new sadhaks from committing a Punya or Good Karma.
Because all the money that you pay to buy from Divine Shops goes to daily charity
(like oldage home; orphanage home; free shivirs; free distribution of ration, food,
cloths, books, toys, school dresses…etc. gaushala; planting…) So, indirectly you are
forbidding charity. If you really want to help other, then, purchase from Ashram’s
Divine Shop & gift it personally i.e. not openly, widely. Nothing is free in nature.
All must have to repay back, either in the form of money, or in any other form.
Just imagine a very much entertaining Funny Situation An uneducated
person (who do not ever learn “abcd…” of English Language) is eagerly telling all
others, about what blunders have been done by a student of Ph.D. on his/her submitted
Thesis Report. How Funny! Isn’t it ? Similarly, we also get Lot’s of Fun, when
somebody likes very much to criticize “Spiritual Theories” with Funny Talks, Funny
Videos etc. who do not have any little knowledge, at least abcd of “Vedic Spiritual
Cosmic Science of Ancient India”, but, getting Pure Inner Joy, after criticizing ---
“Own Pride Heritage of World Popular Ancient Indian Spiritual Science”, along
with those “Wise men of India (who are day by day being honoured by all other
Nations, who are trying very much to accelerate India in such a Wise-Level, as it was,
in the Ancient Time of oldage India)”. To a frog of a draw-well, that well is nothing
but the whole universe. Don’t ever feel proud of yourself, being an ignorant like that.
“Science” has not being invented in full. Vast & hues things have yet left to be
invented. Similarly, the branch of Science I know, should have other branches also yet
to be learn, that may be more advanced. It is expected that, a person, who likes to tell
about something, should have at least, little bit knowledge about that Subject. Isn’t it ?
Always it is preferable to do the Latest Sadhana of Latest Guru Deeksha, which
you have received by attending a Latest ShivYog Shivir. All ShivYog Dhyana are
based on purely “Guru Kripa” & “Guru Deeksha Power (i.e. transfer of Guru’s tapo-
agni to Disciple, in the form of sukshma-beeja, after being filtered by disciple’s karmik
layer & being planted in the sukshma sharira)”. Let’s try to understand. Actually, that
Particular Sadhana is nothing but a Spiritual Process of watering that beeja with
Cosmic Energy for growing it as Large Beautiful Tree with Tons & Tons of Fruits of
Divinity, Achievements, Success, Spiritual Progress, Wealth, Abundance, Health,
Cure etc. etc. (which will later make your Life-Purpose Truthful by attaining you both
“Bhog” & “Moksha”). Now suppose, later, a person, who do not attend a Particular
ShivYog Shivir, but somehow, receive Meditation Process in the form of mp3 or CD or
Note etc. of that Particular Shivir, and try to do that Particular Meditation by sitting
on Dhyana in home. Then, in that case, he/she may not be able to Experience such a
Deep Feeling, as like as, Attending-Sadhaks are Experiencing in their Daily
Sadhana, though he/she have attended same type of Shivir in earlier-time.
Let’s understand in a Scientific way. Either he/she may not receive beeja
(tapah-shakti) of such high power or he/she did not take much care about own pre-
planted beeja by watering it with sufficient Cosmic Energy with his/her previously
learned daily prescribed sadhana. Thus, ShivYog Sadhana is purely based on Grace of
“Guru-tatwa” & “Param-tatwa”. Steps & Processes are required to be followed, no
Doubt. But, it’s not such a Mandatory & Mechanical Process to be followed exactly in
same manner, everyday, everytime, everywhere. Involvement of “Concentrated-Mind
with full Emotion” is a most vital thing in these Meditations. It’s a process of
alignment of Body, Mind & Soul. Experiences in these Meditations may vary on the
basis of “Purity of Mental States” like Sraddha (obedience), Bhakti (surrender),
Biswas (believe), Bhaav (emotion) ….. etc. along with Saach-ka-sath (truthfulness).
And Purity comes by doing Daily Meditation as learned from Guru, in Latest Shivir.
Web-Content Resources (those still found in Feb 2019)
Shivyog Blogsites : blog of Sadhak Jecob Thomas
Sanatan & ShivYog : Ancient “Sanatan” was not a Religion at all. It was a Way of Life.
Earlier, in old-but-ever-green Ancient-Time (when no such man-made-religion was
exists/born/established), Grate Sanatan Yogies & Rishies shown --- path of “Divine
Universal Wisdom” along with thorough deep knowledge of “Ancient Science of
Universal Life-Giving Divine Cosmic Energy”, to whole Humanity. In that time, only one
Dharma was exists through out the world. And that was nothing but the “True-Mankind”,
with no “Cast”, no “Religion”, no “Divide & Rule Policy” and no matter of “Ego &
Hatter”. The Actual Practical Use of Healing of Body-Mind-Soul (through “Universal Life
Force Divine Cosmic Energy”, for attaining both “Bhog” & “Moksh”, to lead a Happiest
Life ever, by raising “Consciousness-Level”) was known as “ShivYog”.
Truly speaking, “ShivYog” is beyond any man-made Religion & man-made-
Cast. It’s “Ancient Cosmic Science” (the old-age Vedic-Science but still vast advance than
the present Modern Science), to know about the “Self” or “Individual Consciousness”.
Here, “Shiv” is nothing but the “Universal Ultimate Infinite Life-Giving Divine Cosmic
Energy” & “Yog” means “Union”. So, “ShivYog” implies merging of “Individual
Consciousness” with the “Universal Consciousness”. Thus, as soon as the connection
established, the Flow of Life-Giving-Cosmic-Energy from Divine Universal
Consciousness, starts raising the Level of Individual Consciousness. Thus, Healing of
“Body-Mind-Soul” take place immediately & automatically, in its Root-Cause-Level.
No matter, of which Religion, you belongs to, “ShivYog” is only for “You” &
“Your Ultimate Good”. “ShivYog” is for all, as it is beyond any Religion, beyond any such
Political Aspect. Exists till the Ancient Time, when no such Religion was established, at all.
Very Powerful, but still, such a Simplest Method, that anybody can easily do it. But this
method is not “Mechanical Process” with “Lots & Lots of Bindings & Boundaries of Dos &
Don’ts”. It is fully an Open Mind Process. Thus, the Efficiency Level of this Process
increases gradually, with the Purity Level of your “Emotion (Bhaav)”, “Mind (Mental
Concentration)”, Mental State (Subconscious Mind Activation Level upto Turiya State),
Surrender (to the Ultimate Supreme Energy, to whom, your mental connection established, during
Meditation), Believe (Faith in full), Physical Exercises (Yoga, Pranayam, Sukshma Kriya, Praan
Kriya) along with Breath (Swaans Kriya) etc. etc. And this Purity Level increases gradually
with Daily Flow of Cosmic Energy through guided Daily ShivYog Meditation.
This Process has only one major Side-Effect. And that is “Positivity in all
Aspects of Your Life”. You can be able to see the outcome of ShivYog Meditation in the
form of Cure of Diseases, Good Health, Wealth, Good Relationship, Success, Achievement,
Prosperity, Peace in Mind, Lot’s of Spiritual Experiences in Meditation etc. etc. But, still,
this Process has a Negative side also. And that is – You can’t be able to Harm Anybody i.e. you
can’t be able to Achieve any Success (as per your Expectation Level) after doing ShivYog Sadhana
with such Negative Wishes in Mind for Harming Others.
When You are doing “ShivYog Sadhana”, “Healing” takes place automatically
& the vice versa, also. As this Process is not a such Mechanical Process, Guru-Deeksha
(Initiation i.e. Transfer of Energy, from Gurudev to Disciple, for the awakening of “Consciousness
of Disciple”, from it’s Sleeping State) is an Initial Vital Factor. And this type of Initiation
(from a Self-Realised-Siddha-Gurudev) will lasts till your Last Breath (until & unless you are
being cheated by any Energy-Vampires or Cheap & Cheater Black Magicians). So, it is not
Mandatory for all to receive Same Initiation, again & again, within some time interval.
However, in Repetition of same Initiation (either in Free shivir or in Paid shivir) Purity of
Consciousness Level increases gradually. It is a matter of Feeling of Individual. So,
Repetition of Initiation, is fully depends on Disciple’s Own Strong Will.
Expected Results may not be possible to achieve, by doing a particular ShivYog
Sadhana, without receiving that particular Initiation. Because, in every Meditation, Flow
of Cosmic Energy, depends on the Grace (of the Ultimate Supreme Power & Guru & Guru-
Mandala) along with your Own Believe. And Grace can never be a Mechanical Factor. So
many Spiritual Paths are exists to reach your
Final-Destination, as per Your Wish, Faith &
Believe. So, it is advisable that, once you have
chosen a Particular One Spiritual Path, mentally
you must stick in there constantly, rather to remain
in a Pendulum-State in between the Old-Path &
New-Path. Always, “Slow but Steady Wins the
Race”. This type of Jumping, Here & There, will
give you absolutely no such Spiritual Upliftment.
Nobody had a little bit interest about the Greatness
of Local Wise Boy, Narendranath. But as soon as,
America Honoured Swami Vivekananda, whole
Indian feels Proud of Him. It was old Indian
Scenario. Today, not only America, but most all other countries like to honour “Babaji”,
for his Priceless Contribution towards the Humanity. watch reaction of Present India …
Awards & Recognitions :
• New York State Assembly Citation
July 19, 2015, 14th District, New York,
House of Representatives Proclamation
• The US Senate Recognition
August 18, 2015, The USA, Senate Recognition
• The USA Flag Honour
August 18, 2015, The USA,
In Recognition of Dedication to Healing & Teaching Others
• Message From Ministry of AYUSH
April 2014, India, Message from Ministry of AYUSH
• AYUSH Commendation Letter
May 15, 2015, India,
Member of Parliament Commendation Letter, AYUSH
• Message from Gujarat Chief Minister
June17, 2015, State of Gujarat, India, Letter of Appreciation
• HRD Minister Commendation Letter
August 31, 2015, India,
Union HRD Ministry Commendation Letter
• Message from Governor of Assam
November 30, 2015, State of Assam, India, Message
• “Avdhoot Shivanand Farming” or “AVS Farming” or “ShivYog Krishi”
Being Accepted & Recognised as one of the Financial Beneficiaries Krishi Process
under the “Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana” of Central Govt. of India.
• After doing thorough Scientific Experiments & Case-Studies, on the outcome after Flow of
Cosmic Energy on Seed, Crop, Soil etc. etc. Assam Agriculture University, Officially,
submit a Detail Experimental Report on “ShivYog Holistic Agriculture” & found, much
Beneficial, regarding “Nutritious Value of Crop”, “Human Health Compatibility” etc. etc.
Babaji always use to say, “Seek People makes Seek Nation & Healthy People makes
Healthy Nation”. All these above are few Honours & Certificates which are being offered
officially to Dr. Avdhoot Shivanand Ji (or Babaji, who known as the Father of Sacred &
Ancient Cosmic Science of Healing), for his Continuous Remarkable Services to the
Humanity regarding “Cure is Possible (Medical)” & “Poison free, Chemical free,
Healthy Nutritious Food (Agriculture)” through “ShivYog Science of Cosmic Energy”.
“Ramta Yogi, Behta Paani”. Being a Self Realised Avdhoota Siddha Maha Yogi,
did Babaji eagerly wish/ask for such Worldly-Recognitions, ever? Absolutely not.
Actually, in these cases, whosoever offered these Honours, Certificates & Degree to
Babaji, feel more Proud of themselves, while offering. And thus, the Disciples of Babaji
also feel Proud to themselves, while they found that, their Own Beloved Father like
Respected Loving Gurudev is being Truly (from Core of the Heart) Honoured by “Well
Known Recognised Higher Authorities” from most all other “Nations”, along with India.
Table of Contents
Article Page
Gratitude ............................................................................................................ 1
Piracy in ShivYog is absolutely Unethical ................................................... 2
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 3
Web-Content Resources .................................................................................. 4
Sanatan & Shivyog .......................................................................................... 5
Awards & Recognitions ................................................................................... 7
Golden Book ..................................................................................................... 13
Havan ................................................................................................................. 22
Navratri Message ............................................................................................ 28
Shivratri Message ............................................................................................ 57
Guru Poornima Message ................................................................................ 61
Babaji’s Messages ............................................................................................ 87
Paradeshwar ...................................................................................................... 93
Tips & Tricks .................................................................................................... 99
( if you think, you may skip this chapter and also ● … the texts between these
two bullets … ● because these are written by me i.e. creator of this book. )
Gyan Amrit ( ShivYog Shivir Teachings )
Rishikesh Prati Prasav Sadhana Shivir .............................................. 119
Siddha Dhyan I - II & Shambhavi Healing ........................................ 129
Pune Shivir, May 2009 ........................................................................... 135
Delhi Crystal Healing Shivir, July 2010 ............................................. 140
Mumbai Satsang (15/04/2010) ............................................................ 141
Mumbai Satsang (14/02/2011) ........................................................... 142
Article Page
Delhi Shivir January 2011 ..................................................................... 144
Goa Shree Vidya Level 3 (Hindi) May 2011 ...................................... 154
Mumbai Shiv Mahapuran - June 2011................................................. 175
Art of Dying & PPS Shivir Mauritius August 2011 .......................... 178
Delhi Shree Vidya-2 December 2011 .................................................. 184
Delhi Shivir May 2012 ........................................................................... 193
Gurgaon Navratri Shakti Sadhana Shivir February 2013 ............... 199
Delhi, Advanced Prati Prasav Sadhana, July 2013 ........................... 208
Amritashya Peyo ................................................................................... 224
Gurgaon Advait Shree Vidya Level 1 December 2013 ..................... 225
Golden Book
Q. What is the Golden Book?
A. In Physical Point of View, the Golden Book is basically your own Horoscope, that is
written by yourself. But actually, it is nothing but “Subconscious Mind Programming”
with the help of your “Awaken Conscious Mind” for establishing a neuropathway.
You are the creator of your own destiny. So, write it very carefully, whatever you want
in your life. It will manifest only the matters related to what you want to achieve in
your life, but it will not help you to harm anybody or interfering other’s Soul-Agenda
(Life-Script). Think what you actually want in your life, which will make you happy
and blissful, without harming or interfering in another’s life. Express completely
whatever you deserve, note it down in points. You have Birth Right for Prosperity,
Success and Self-Realization; this Golden Book will help you in getting those aspects.
Tips to Write
Babaji gives us the method and hope it helps those who are finding it difficult to make
their Golden Book:
Split all your desires into three groups:
i. Short-term : anything that you want to have soon.
ii. Mid-term : anything that you want to have in the next few years.
iii. Long-term : your ultimate desire.
o Write everything in the present tense,
e.g. I have.... I am..... etc.
don’t use I will... I may... I can... I should.... I would.... I could.... etc.
o Never doubt what you write or feel.
o At the same time, if there are things you don't want to hold with you or want to
release, write it elsewhere on paper and burn it off and feel that it is released as it is
burnt down. Remember, which we do not want in Life, we burn it i.e. Agni-Samadhi
& for destroying wish-fulfilled old Golden Book, give it Jal-Samadhi.
o Always write in positive way and write what you want. Do not write what you do
not want. e.g. I don't want to be sick is wrong, write it as "I am perfectly healthy"
and so on for all the things you want.
o Keep your Golden Book highly confidential and only to yourself. Never share what
is written nor do share the results of manifestation.
o May keep this Golden Book at the altar with one small Laminated Paper Shree
Yantra on top and one below (and if possible, may keep a metal Shree Yantra
MahaMeru on top, thinking of manifesting Long-Term Goal. In this case do not
disturb the energy by again & again taking out & in the Golden Book from under
that Mahameru. If really needed, do it as minimum as possible). Whenever you do
your sadhana at the altar, these yantras will be activated and they start manifesting.
o Only keeping Golden Book in proper way is not everything, you must do your daily
sadhana & have to send Shakti there daily as long as possible.
o Write your love and gratitude for Babaji and feel it all the time for all the wonderful
methods our Guru has given us to become one with Shiva. This is something that is
priceless and can be never repaid.
o You may keep your Golden Book under your pillow; under you head (by same way
one small Laminated Paper Shree Yantra on top and one below). It’s a scientific way
of subconscious mind programming. So, it’s better to write everyday clearly &
elaborately. May be your wish become clearer to you and you may need little bit
change on it or may need some more clarity on it. Whatsoever, write it daily, at least
for 21 days, just before you going asleep.
o When we goto sleep or just wakeup, our subconscious mind remain active. So you
must read that (what you write already), at that time, being mindful, with full
concentration, with emotion, with feeling.
o Now, don’t argue with your Logic Mind. Don’t clear, what to do ? read it or write
there ? how long have to read & write ? how many Golden Book have to buy ? …
all depends on these real facts how much importance do you want to give in
fulfilling your own divine wishes of your own life ? how much time you can spend
regarding this matter? Overall, do you think, it as really important for you?
It’s a Scientific Tool for establishing Neuropathway through Subconscious Mind
Programming. So that, in Turiya Abastha (when mind is fully inactive) of Dhyana,
you still can be able to seek to Supreme, what you really want in your life.
If you can effort more than one, buy…if not, don’t buy…all your own wish.
Overofall, nobody said that, you must have Golden Book or it’s mandatory for you.
Examples and Ideas of Golden Book:
Write on the first page "With best wishes and lots of love from Babaji" (Babaji had
mentioned this in one shivir). Of course, this is a great gift from him. Babaji says you
can start with very very simple and small things since they manifest faster and when
they manifest, try manifesting a little more average ones and when they start
manifesting you will start getting the confidence to manifest more complex things.
The language of your writing is not important, but, the true feeling & emotion
matters. Make the Golden Book especial. These are only guidelines here. You may
follow what your heart says about it and treat it as special as possible.
You can write it in all arenas of your life - health, wealth, relationships, home, job,
and all those things you always wanted to experience in life. You may categorize
everything into the 12 houses (
Your Attitude Money & Finances Relationships & Environments
Family & Childhood Creativity & Entertainment Work & Health
Marriage & Long-Term Partnerships Spirituality & Sexuality
Belief Systems & Faith Careers & Responsibility
Aspirations & Personal Goals Privacy, Secrets & Karma.
) of your horoscope and rewrite your own horoscope.
Babaji asks us to write about ichha not trishna (desire that involves lobh, moh,
ahankar, kaam and krodh).
o I am very happy and contended with my family.
o I love my family unconditionally and they love me unconditionally.
o I am enjoying healthy relationship with every person of my family.
o I reward myself very cooperative family members.
When it comes to relationship, Babaji has also mentioned not to write a specific
person's name (especially when things are not going well) or write you want to get
married to only that person because this action is look like Vashikaran which is
unethical. Baba further says that even if you succeed in vashikaran, the moment the
smoke of vashikaran falls off that person, he/she will get back into the mode of hate
or whatever true feelings that person actually had.
In case of divorce, Babaji says it is very important to release all those negative
reactions and emotions one has gone through and accumulated. Otherwise the next
marriage also can create similar problems because of the conditioning of the mind to
previous beliefs, traumas, experiences, etc. Prati Prasav Sadhana is recommended so
that one release all the previous negative Psychic Impressions and the Karmic Debts
and then a new relationship be manifested.
Write only the qualities that you seek in your life partner and feel it as you would
feel when you had the dream-mate. Babaji mentioned about the lady who wanted a
perfect husband and she was able to manifest a perfect husband. Soon she found out
that he was too perfect with everything including which dress to wear when, how to
keep plates on dining table... everything in perfection. Now, she was disappointed
with the same desire that she had manifested.
So, be simple, be clear and be sure of what you really really really want.
Physical Body
o I am having a very handsome & beautiful body.
o My weight is …… kgs.
o My height is …… feet.
o I am having a very Strong and Attractive Body.
o My body is always alert and very active.
o My body and all the outer & inner parts of my body are
100% healthy and 100% active.
o I love my physical body the way I am.
o I reward myself a 100% healthy Body.
o My each and every cell of the body always remains 100% Healthy.
o I reward myself with 100% active DNA for ever.
o I am very Attractive, Confident, Genuine Person.
o I reward myself, as perfect weight of …… kg.
o I am having healthy Eyes, Ears, Teeth, Throat, Neck, Hands, Shoulders, Back,
Chest, Heart, Spleen, Lungs, Pancreas, Kidney, Urinary Glands ……… etc.
all my organs are 100% healthy.
o I am very very happy to have the new ……… car for myself.
o My ……… car is of …… colour.
o I love my car very very much.
o I am grateful to my ……… car.
o I enjoy driving my car very much.
o I always go-out with my family and friends in my car.
Similarly you can mention more cars which you like to have in your life.
o I am very very lovable in the society and towards others.
o There is a very good and positive fame of me in the society.
o Everyone respects me and take care of me very lovingly.
o Everyone who ever comes into contact with me, they all helps me
to achieve my goals.
o I am having a balance of `………… in …………bank a/c no………….
o I reward myself `………… as Savings pre month.
o I attract money easily.
o I am having abundance of wealth.
You can take copy of bank pass book and you can write the bank balance amount in
that passbook and put this copy to the Golden Book current page. Mention your
bank name, your name, your account no. i.e. fully crystal clear vision.
Qualification & Studies
o I am very Intelligent in my Studies.
o The subjects, I am studying, are very much Crystal Clear to me.
o I have finished all my homeworks, right on time.
o My Concentration Power increasing, Day by Day.
o I easily can remember my study exactly, whenever I want to remember them.
e.g. draw your desired Mark Sheet and prepare the Mark Sheet as like as it is
given in school or colleges. Enter the subject name along with marks which
you want to achieve in that particular subject i.e. your future Mark Sheet.
Name : … your name …
Roll No : …
Division : ……
Standard : ………
School/College : ……………………………………………
Examination : ……………………………………………
(Board Exam/Final Exam/Semester/Mid-Term etc. )
Subject Marks
Science............... 75/100
Maths ................ 92/100
Arts .................... 80/100
Sports ................ 71/100
like this, further you can add all your subjects as per your Syllabus & Course.
Total .................. 318/400
Percentage ........ 79.50%
Grade................. …
Distinction ........ ………
o Like this, you can add the College or University, where you want to get Admission.
e.g. I am studying in …………… College/University. I am studying my 11th
Standard or B.Com from ………….
Write like, as you have already got Admission and you are now studying
there. Write these while (open eye realistic dreaming but) believing strongly.
House or Flat
o I reward myself a Beautiful house/flat in … locality (may draw a photo).
o I am enjoying the comfort of my Independent house/flat of ……. sqft.
o My flat is situated on …th floor, having … bedroom, … living room, pooja room,
kitchen room, … (full details).
o My house/flat is receiving continuous positivity from
Lord Shiv-Shiva & Sidha-Gurus.
o Whoever comes to my home they get fully Healed and Blessed.
o I always use to enjoy lot in my flat/house.
o I love my house/flat very much and I am grateful to my house.
o Seek & it shall be given. God only gives to those who ask from the god. Ask daily
twice a day. There is no rule; no discipline between you and your god, what matters
is your emotions. Keep praying to god, when your wishes are fulfilled, note down
other wishes and then start praying again…keep on doing until your overall life goal
doesn’t fulfil.
o While you read the Golden Book every time, create a mental imaginary movie video
of what you will experience at the moment of fulfilling of that particular wish
with event, situation, feeling, atmosphere … all in full details.
o Next time, while you read it, simultaneously, replay that video again in your mind
screen player. Eventually you will see that, you have a full-fledged video of your
new life! Play this video now as you read your Golden Book. Play it as often you can.
And more importantly enjoy it, feel it, in present moment. This imaginary fantasy
video is a bonus scientific idea for materialization.
o Oldage Cavemen used to apply this visualization dreaming technique in the walls of
cave for hunting such a big and ultra strong animals for eating. Actually they were
more evolved than us. Because they were pure in mind & closer to Nature. So,
Mother Nature teaches them what to do for materializing wishes/needs through
those ideas in mind.
Scientific Explanation ---
o Your subconscious mind has unbelievable enormous hues power of materialization
by attracting such needed energy from universe & giving it the required shape of
physical reality. But still, it is like an innocent servant (like a Robot), who has no such
wish of its own & eagerly waiting to fulfil the instructions of conscious mind. Now,
conscious mind is very strict, logical. It always uses to analyse coming thoughts &
never allows any illogical thoughts to enter into subconscious mind, anyhow.
o Now, seeing & hearing may give you false information, because you will first analyse
that visual & sound information depending on your previously stored believe, then
an ultimate thought will generate as a result of analysis. That may be True or False.
That is why misunderstanding happens in life.
o But, in case of emotional feeling, it is always True, thus needs no such regular logical
analyse by logical conscious mind. That is why, while you think, also simultaneously
should emotionally feel it deeply. Logical mind will thus permits that thought to
enter into subconscious mind, easily. Imaginary movie will strengthen your emotion
or bhaav. Emotion has no such logic. That is why; most dreams are unrealistic, as
conscious mind remains fully inactive while you are in a dreaming state.
o When you just wakeup, your conscious mind starts becoming active & it takes about
15-30 min. approx. for that purpose. Similarly, when you going to sleep or feeling
asleep, your conscious mind starts becoming inactive & it takes about 15-30 min.
approx. for that purpose. So, within these moments, you remain nearer to your
subconscious mind, hence, are best timing for Subconscious Mind Programming.
o Emotional thoughts are the special guest for conscious mind who never need such
permission to enter into subconscious mind. Unfortunately, whenever we remain
engaged in any painful past-event or any imaginary-worried-future, we think those
events while becoming more emotional.
o That is why Babaji always says, “Jo nehi chahiye, wo nehi sochna, wo nehi bolna. Jo
chahiye, sref wo hi sochna, sref wo hi bolna.”
o The law of life is the law of belief. A belief is the thought in your mind. Do not
believe in things that harm or hurt you. Believe in the power of your subconscious to
heal, inspire, strengthen and prosper you. According to your belief, it is done to you.
o Believe it or not, but once you start actually writing your desires, you will truly know
what you want in life (tum chahthe kya ho) and this will never be know if we keep
thinking of it. Writing down will clarify everything you want and will also help you
prioritize things accordingly. So best is to first write down on paper, then edit it,
prioritize it and then make the final entry into the Golden Books.
o The first thing that you are going to do before going to bed and immediately after
waking is read though the Golden Book and feeling and experiencing all those things
you have written. The book should also be read after your sadhana. Babaji insists
that you must read it even if you feel you have byhearted it. This is because these
new thoughts must enter your subconscious and also your superconscious mind.
o After a period of time, after constant reading and feeling strongly about what is
written, it will become a part of you. Then you can anytime bring it to your
memories and be in that field whenever you have free time like breaks, travel, or any
time you are idle.
o It is better to think and experience the Golden Book so that its content can engrave it
into your subconscious mind to manifest it for you rather than thinking and
worrying about negative things and manifesting them into your life.
o The Golden Book is now your horoscope. You have written your own horoscope.
You have written your destiny. Your belief and faith in what you have written will
strengthen your manifestation. Do not ever underestimate your powers to achieve
what you have written. Keep reading again and again and visualizing whenever
o Babaji says one should be a great architect of their life and not to waste your life by
just living with animal instincts and spending an entire life not doing anything or by
putting the excuse on destiny and fate. He says write down your destiny, plan it the
way you want it to be and achieve it for the very reason you have come to planet
earth is because you wanted to experience all the things you desire that you could
not experience in your previous life.
o A time will come when one is so contented that any mundane desires will seem of no
value when one experiences the divine and the peace, happiness and contentment
that come from it. The truth is that this is what Babaji wants all to experience and
achieve but he knows it very well that unless one's desires are deep rooted one
cannot directly achieve this supreme bliss of anandohum. So, first he says get over
with all that you want and then one will step further up to experience the state of
bliss and ecstasy that our beloved Babaji experiences today.
Finally, Some Strong Affirmations ( told by Babaji in one Delhi, Bangalore Shivir ) :
I am a Being of Light.
I am an Immortal Being.
I am the Master of my Own Destiny.
I reward myself a Perfect & Healthy Body.
I reward myself a Perfect & Healthy Mind
I reward myself very Powerful Stamina to work.
I reward myself `………… of Salary per month.
I reward myself `………… Savings per month.
I reward myself ………. House (may draw a photo, if you want).
I reward myself wonderful Good Luck! I heal easily.
I reward myself very Deep Level of Spirituality.
I release all Belief Systems which is not good for my Ultimate Good.
I release all Negative Thoughts, all Negative Psychic Impressions,
all Negative Incidents which is not good for my Ultimate Good.
I am always Successful.
I always attain my Goal successfully.
I reward myself a Loving and Caring Husband/Wife.
I reward myself with very Caring and Loving Children.
I reward myself …… % of Marks in ……….. Exam.
I reward myself ……………… Car (you may draw or stick a picture).
I reward myself `………… of Balance in ………………bank.
I am very happy.
I attract Prosperity, Love & Cooperation.
Everybody Loves Me & I Love Everybody.
I am Growing Spiritually everyday.
My Golden Book is my True Story.
Whatever I have written in my Golden Book is Happening Everyday.
I am Successful in whatever I do!
I am always remaining present in a Right Place, at the Right Moment,
among all the Right People.
I have the Power to create a Perfect Body, Perfect Health, Perfect Mind,
Perfect Emotions.
I have Full Faith in whatever I am Visualizing, will Materialize Soon.
I am doing my ShivYog Sadhans everyday in Same Time, at the Same Place.
May God Bless you all, Achieving, that Ultimate State of Supreme Bliss.
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
(5) (6)
(7) (8)
(1) Copper Havan Kund, (2) Mango/Pipal Stick, (3) Gobbar Khand, (4) Karpoor,
(5) Ghee, (6) Jau, (7) Akshat, (8) Kala Til, (9) Sugar, (10) Gur & (11) How to offer
Havan (through MahaMrityunjaya Beej Mantra)
Best to do MahaMrityunjaya Havan (if possible, just after Daily Sadhana) for Success…to
Blissful Life, as guided by Babaji, which every one can do at home, alone or with family
members, personally & everyday (if possible two times or one time in a day). It’s not
mandatory, but preferable best timing is 1) morning (while Sunrise) and/or 2) evening
(while Sunset) i.e. both Sandhya-Kaal. You may do Havan on your available time also.
Havan Items:
o Copper Havan Kund
o Mango or Pipal Stick Dried (Samidha)
o Gobbar Khand (Cow Dung Cake)
o Karpoor (Camphor)
Method of doing Havan (to be done by own i.e. Sadhaks & Sadhikas, themselves) :
Place a piece of Karpoor (Camphor) on base of Copper Havan Kund and then place
Mango or Pipal Tree thin Sticks (Samidha) on it and then again put 2-3 Gobbar Khand…
Light fire to Karpoor. When it starts burning (after Invocation of “ShivYog Life Giving
Healing Shakti” as taught by Babaji), start the Havan with 11 or 21 times of Ahuti of
Samagri through your three fingers (Thumb Finger, Middle Finger & Ring Finger) and
offer in Agni (in such a way, that you are feeding a cute loving child i.e. Yagna & Mantra
Devata, with a lot’s of unconditional love). Each time, take few Ahuti-samagri with three
fingers, recite mantra (MahaMrityunjaya Mantra or any Guru-Mantra), say “Swaha” &
offer Ahuti in Agni. In between, may also offer ghee to agni for well burning.
This divine Havan arises in the form of Smoke, which makes the whole home fully
positive and makes everyone 100% Healthy and positive. Not only you and your home,
but everyone near you and your area, be positive, energetic, loving, gets rid of any black
magic done (if, by someone). It is also useful for activating all body cells, create new
healthy cells. Also all the Divine Beings including Sthan-Devata, Vaastu-Purush,
Navagraha will feel happy and will Bless you. Decaying process of foods & vegetables will
be much delayed, for this increased positivity throughout the whole atmosphere.
Feel free to do it. Never bind yourself with unnecessary Dos & Don’ts. Main aim is to offer
with full emotion. Subh-Sthan (Place & Direction), Suddhi (Bath & Dress), Shubh-Muhurt
(exact good luck time), Upbaas (fasting)…remove all Superstitions. Just do it with full free
mind, with strong determination, with full emotion of total surrender to God & Guru.
MahaMrityunjaya BeejMantra :
“ Om Hroum Jum Saa “
This Divine Beej Mantra reciting on Babaji’s Voice is available in Ashram’s Divine Shop
(CD) or Ashram’s website (mp3) for Digital Download. This article initially posted on
ShivYog Official Facebook Page, few years ago. Here some portions are being edited.
c) In the Kitchen play this Healing Mantra while making food. The food thus prepared
will be highly energized.
d) In the Hospital Rooms, play this Healing Mantra to speed up the Recovery Process.
e) Shambhavi Sadhaks can use the Mantra in their Meditational Practice.
f) Those with speaker system throughout their home, can keep this Mantra played all
through the day on slow volume to turn the home or the workstation or any place of
their residence into a Healing Centre.
g) Listen to the Mantra as in a car audio system or using headphones while travelling in
a train or bus or auto. The mere sound of the Mantra will cause a very positive &
favourable change in your physical, emotional, mental & spiritual health.
h) The repeated chanting of the Mantra along with the CD/mp3 is the best Sankirtan
one can do. Doing such a devotional chant of this Healing Mantra will relieve stress,
heal wounds, kill negative energy & create a very strong divine energy field around
the person chanting it.
i) Those looking to materialize the wishes in their Golden Book should visualize their
written desires with this Healing Mantra played as the background music.
j) Black Magic, Spirits, Negative Entities, Negative Energies & every form of Etheric
Pollution are all cleaned completely by the continuous chant of this Mantra.
k) Pregnant women should listen to this & meditate on it for an extremely divine baby.
Lactating mothers may also use it likewise with similarly amazing results.
l) Students should play this at or near their study desk some time before sitting to
study. They will find their concentration levels shooting remarkably.
m) An innovative way to increase the healing power (only valid for healers & when
healing your own self or parents). Between two metal Mahamrityunjaya yantras,
place the photograph or a chit containing name of the ill person. And now sit for the
healing with this Healing Mantra played in the background with the yantras kept
right in front of you. The healing effect will multiply manifold.
n) When distributing bhandara, play this chant in the background to enhance the
degree of positive energy derived out of that punya.
Note : The Divine Healing Mantra in Babaji's voice is a very very powerful & a very very
Sacred Mantra. The power of it is being activated as the result of years of Babaji’s
dedicated tapa. Paying gratitude to his profound efforts every time you play it is a
must. This is like a jackpot of spiritual wealth because of the sheer unconditional
love of Babaji. Playing the Mantra is like invoking Babaji. So, unprecedented
respect for this is a must.
Finally, let us remind ourselves that without Guru-bhakti (gratitude & devotion to
the Guru), there is no Healing. Allegiance & Salutation to the Guru are most
essential for any form of Healing.
Babaji's Message to all Sadhaks, especially to those who have Learnt Healing ---
After your daily meditation, Babaji wishes that all sadhaks spend a few moments sending
light and healing to India and the Globe. Babaji reminds you how powerful this Healing
Mantra is and how grate power you have through initiation for not just to manifest
anything for yourself but also to create/manifest everything for other. Now, when the
World needs more of Healing, Food, Happiness, Peace & Prosperity, it is time for the
Sadhaks to focus towards these Positive and Divine Manifestations.
After every meditation, take a few minutes to do the following :
a) Visualize India on the world map along with normal monsoon. It can be in the form
of seeing normal rains on the fields. Visualize the map of India being well protected.
See rich crops and food in abundance. Visualize all in happiness and peace.
b) Visualize the whole map on the globe. Visualize the entire world being illuminated
and divine. You may also visualize black objects or dark substances (that represent
all negativities) to keep popping out of the illuminated world. In the world map,
visualize India is shining. Visualize everyone in Happiness, Excellent Health,
Contentment, Peace, Prosperity and in Divinity.
c) Similarly, imagine entire Mother Earth Glowing & Shining with Divine Illumination.
Visualize everything in nature including all living beings living in harmony.
The above three steps, even for a 15 minutes a day with strong visualization and intent
would contribute in Great Healing, which is the need of the hour, for the Individual, for
the Society, for the Nation, for the Globe and for Planet Earth. Be a part of Babaji's intent &
be blessed with the opportunity of doing this great help to mankind & the Guru's vision.
Healing Box :
Healing Box is nothing but a (Ludo Dice like) Six-Side-Cube-Box. Made with six pieces of
bothside Laminated Paper Yantra (either Paper MahaMrityunjaya Yantra or Paper Shree
Yantra, which are available in Ashram’s Divine Shop or nearest ShivYog Cosmic Healing
Forum, either of medium size or of small size). You have to buy & assemble Six-Yantras by
yourself with your own creativity. On upperside, there should be an opening for inserting
and extracting of some paper chits which will contain some Divine Wishes. Now, take a
paper chit, write your Name & Gotra oneside and on otherside write one wish (as like as
you write in your Golden Book). Place chits inside, keep upperside closed, keep it in Alter
and send Healing Energy in that Healing Box while doing daily meditation. It’s nothing
but a Healing Amplifying Tool. MahaMrityunjaya Healing Box is for Health related issues
& ShreeYantra Healing Box is for Wealth related issues. When any wish will be granted,
extract that particular chit & give it Jal-Samadhi. No matter of confusions exists here. If
you already can understand, then may proceed. If not, just leave it & forget. Simple.
This Mantra is not Hindu’s Official Stamped Copyright Personal Property. It’s nothing but the
Cosmic Vibration or Universal Sound which creates “Life Giving Healing Energy” for ultimate
cure. So, any human (of any religion, any cast, any gender), can recite this Cosmic Sound 365 days
a year for 24x7 hrs. If we offer Negativity to Mother Nature, then more Negativity, Anger & Hate
will return back to us. If we offer Positivity to Mother Nature, then more Positivity, Peace & Love
will return back to us. Thus, any Positive Vibration (Mantra) of any religion will produce only
positivity and nothing else. Any Human Being can recite any Positive Sound of any religion, but
showing Full Respect, as like as, he/she respect his/her own Dharmik-Heritage. What will happen ?
if Muslim, Bouddha, Christian like to dance & enjoy in Ganapati Visarjan with Hindu, saying
“Ganapati Bappa, Moooriyaaaa…”, loudly ? What will happen ? if all religious people would likes
to eagerly participate in most grate religious events like “Eid”, “Christmas”, “Durga Puja”,
“Nanak Jayanti”, “Buddha Poornima”, “Mahaveer Jayanti”… and celebrate the occasion, all
together, happily ? after praying to the Supreme in his/her own way, but remaining in the same
place, same moment, all together ? Actual Indian Culture, before 400 years of Gulami, was just like
this. “Supreme Almighty” is same. “Allah”, “Jesus”, “Buddha”, “Mahaveer”, “Krishna”, “Shiva”,
“Durga”…names may be different, according to the Faith, but still, “Naam anek, par sabka maalik
ekk”. I like my mother’s children but dislike her sister’s children. What a grate fool, I am!
What will happen ? if any Hindu would likes to do meditation inside any Church or Masjid or
Gurdwar…and would like to pray (as like as in a Sarva Dharma Sammelan temple) in his/her own
way, but sitting together with other Christians or Muslim or Sikh ? What will happen ? if any
Muslim takes a fresh bath, wear fresh cloths and would like to do the Namaaj-Prayer, sitting in an
auspicious place before “Shivalinga” or “Jesus” or “Buddha” ? To Mother Earth or Mother Nature,
all Human are same. All are her child. No such difference exists in this matter. Before leaving India,
British plant the seed of religious-disliking towards other religion inside the mind of old Indian
People (that means people of India, Pakistan & Bangladesh). So that they would like to go on
fighting with each other & the whole unity (which causes to leave British out from India) brakes
down into pieces. Thus, a chance will occur to return back again & rule these all foolish citizen.
In this present scenario, rather to regain that unity again, “Grate Selfish Indian Politicians” use to
enjoy very much after watering those seeds of “religious hate & anger for each other (which British
planted within us before leaving India)” for the enormous greed of “Power, Money, Fame…” Let’s
awaken from the sleep. Rather to be other’s controlled thoughtless Robot, let’s take your remote-
control on your own hand & at least, try to be Alive Living Being.
This “Cosmic Vibration” is for the ultimate good of the Mankind for Service to the “Humanity”,
for Service to the “Nature” & for Service to the “Universe”.
It is said that, for any Mantra Anusthan, [Total Jaap Sankhya = {(no. of characters of that
Mantra x 100000) as Jaap} + {(Jaap÷10) as Havan} + {(Havan÷10) as Tarpan} + {(Tarpan÷10) as
Marjan} + {(Marjan÷10) as Brahman Bhojan}]. If you can not be able to do rest except Jaap, then
may do equivalent no. of Jaap again to fulfil your mantra anusthan. That means for a 1-character
beej-mantra, 111110 is Total Jaap Sankhya, if I can’t be able to do Havan, Tarpan, Marjan &
Brahman Bhojan (feeding poor people) i.e. 100000 Jaap + 11110 extra Jaap. Now, the Millionaire
Question Why it is written here ? In present days everybody wants to be your Guru. No
matter whether you want to know or not, but still, that walking knowledge is ever ready for raining
on your head. If you are true follower of Babaji, then forgot Jaap Sankhya. It’s needed only for
awakening a Mantra. Babaji already gave you Alive Beej Mantra through Guru-Deeksha. You just
need to water that beej by continuous reciting, mentally or verbally. God, who is continuously
giving you all your needs from mother’s-womb to till-date, is it truthful to offer these Mantra Jaap,
by counting & counting ? Babaji always say, “Shwaso (breath) ki mala se simru (doing Jaap) main
tera naam …” No counting, no rule, only by emotion of devotion, one Mantra Jaap at the time of
inhaling & another Mantra Jaap at the time of exhaling…offer fullday non-stop mindful Jaap.
Navaratri Message
"No one is rich, no one is poor. What you see as physical wealth is the outcome of
your karmas. By doing Adwait Shree Vidya Sadhna, you can expand your horizons to get even
what you were not destined for!"
~ Dr. Avdhoot Shivanand Ji.
( 23rd March, 2012 Original-Post was Posted by
ShivYog Foundation Official Community Page on Facebook.
Here, Message-Texts are same, few Pictures are different. )
Namah Shivay,
“Durga Saptashati is not an event which took place. It continuously unfolds in
every human being at all times. Different Chapters denote different phases of the individual.
All Characters in Durga Saptashati are actually Traits and Qualities within us.”
~ Babaji at Delhi Shree Vidya Shivir, 2012.
1st Chapter (Madhu Kaitabh Vadh)
The first chapter of Durga Saptashati, involves the story of a King named “Surath” and a
Vaishya (merchant) named “Samadhi”. The king, once prosperous loses all his wealth to
invasion by a more powerful ruler. Despite this, his consciousness and attention are
constantly drawn to the kingdom, the whereabouts of his ministers and his subjects even
as he roams the forests in search of solace. There he meets a Vaishya, deprived of all his
wealth, abandoned by his sons and wife and evicted from his house; The Vaishya too is
beleaguered and haunted by the memories of his lost kinship. Both congregate at the
hermitage (ashram) of Medha Maharishi.
Both are irked and puzzled by the fact that despite knowing that attachment to grief and
sorrow is detrimental, are unable to shed the memories of their chequered past. Both seek
an answer to this conundrum of theirs from the Maharishi. The Maharishi narrates that all
this is the grip of “Mahamaya” which is nothing but a Form of Shakti.
Mahamaya originated when Lord Vishnu, engaged in his “Cosmic sleep” or “Yog Nidra”
was invoked by Lord Brahma because the demons of Madhu and Kaitabh had engulfed
the universe and could be mitigated only if Vishnu were to come back from His “sleep”.
Madhu and Kaitabh originated from Lord Vishnu’s ears when He was in His slumbering
wakefulness. Mahamaya became the factor, originated by the prayers of Lord Brahma to
awaken Vishnu from His state. Mahamaya, who had fixated Madhu and Kaitabh too, led
the two demons to ask Vishnu for any wish He desired. The Lord desired that the two
demons be slayed at His hands. But the condition from the demons was that they be killed
at a place on Earth where there is no water. Thus, Lord Vishnu slayed them on His lap.
Graphical depiction of Lord Brahma in the background with Madhu and Kaitab,
whereas in the foreground Devi is awakening Lord Vishnu.
Relevance to a ShivYogi
Madhu and Kaitabh are not devils outside but the bad qualities and vices within us. They
both originated from the ear of Lord Vishnu. The underlying meaning is that the genesis
and origin of these two bad qualities is when the sense of hearing is polluted and along
with it intention.
Madhu is false praise. One loves to inflate one’s ego by hearing all good. This inflated ego
is self destructive.
Kaitabh is uttering negative words.Talking ill of others, called “chugli” in Hindi is a
natural pass time of many people. On an individual level, hearing even constructive
criticism sounds cacophonic since the ego believes the individual to be supreme and
Madhu (Meetha bhashan or Mridu vachan) implies sweet talk meant to deceive and with
an ulterior motive. Flattery, buttering, sycophancy are all “Asuras” which can be
bracketed under the “Madhu”. Such glib talking is a vice which grows insidiously and
secretly one day consumes the individual indulging in it.
Kaitabh (Karwa bol) refers to talking impolitely as if spewing venom. Criticizing,
abusing, analyzing, passing judgements or any talk which does not have unconditional
love in it on is an overarching devil too. This will over power the individual quicker than
Madhu and is sure to lead one to hell and constant cycle of suffering and pain.
Babaji says that whenever the God in us is in a state of temporary sleep, devils are born.
And when is God asleep ? It’s when we do not engage in Sadhana. The role of Brahma is
played by the sadhak who prays to the Guru and Shiva to awaken the two within himself.
As the Param tatwa and Guru tatwa get activated, the pain and suffering inflicted by
ignorance of negativity will be terminated.
Every individual is gripped by Maya which makes the individual believe that this world is
all what is worth thinking of. The Maya does not let attachment wither away.
Every second, we are worried about what happened in our past, our family’s past, and our
friends” past. Every second we regret our actions, mourning all the sorrow that has come
in our lives. Maya is the illusion that the true identity is this physical body and all one
needs to do during one’s lifetime is work on this body, the relations of this body,
accumulate wealth for this body etc.
The one who prays to Shakti and performs Her Sadhana, gets blessed and extricated
from this bondage of Maya.
2nd, 3rd and 4th Chapters (Mahishasur Sanghar)
The second third and fourth chapters contain the anecdote of Mahishasur and his army of
beasts overpowering all devtas by finally winning a war lasting hundred years.
Mahishasur supersedes Indra Devta and by this act of dethronement becomes the
undisputed tyrannous king of the world.
Aggrieved and dejected, the devtas head to Lord Brahma with their plea to salvage the
situation for them and help regain their lost territory. Spearheaded by Lord Brahma, the
team of devtas approach Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva when both are present at the same
place. Hearing of the sorry state of affairs, Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu spawn a divine
radiance “TEJ” from their mouths and with contributions from Brahma and all devtas, this
divine radiance and glow fuses to Form a mass of blinding illumination. This mass gives
rise to “Mahadevi”. The various parts of Mahadevi are formed by individual contributions
of energies of all present. The Devi is characterized by having angelic beauty, gargantuan
size, overbearing presence and towering existence. The devtas, Lord Brahma, Vishnu and
Mahesh offer their specialized weapons to Devi who becomes omnipotent.
All devtas put in their mite and empowered the Devi with infinite mettle.
A lesson to be learnt here is that unitedly one can work wonders.
The genesis of the Mahadevi creates ripples across the universe. Perturbed a tad bit by this
happening, the cohorts of Mahishasur - “Chikshuk and Chaamar”, also vicious monsters
take turns to defeat the Devi. Mahadevi pounds them however and their army brutally.
The notorious might of the demons comes to naught. They are no match for the all
powerful Mahadevi. She drubs and pummels these monsters much to the chagrin of
Mahishasur arriving only after a sizeable portion of his devil army has been vanquished.
Mahadevi with the combined powers of all the devtas,
Lord Brahma,Lord Vishnu and Lord Mahesh was too much for the demon army
Smarting from this setback, Mahishasur, exercises his ability to manifest into various
forms. By first moulding itself into a bull, followed by a Lion, a man with a sword, big
elephant and again bull Mahishasur foxes Mahadevi and troubles her for a while. After
certain wasted attempts to exterminate Mahishasur, Mahadevi fumes. Her eyes, baying for
Mahishasur’s blood, Her roar warning the demon that his last hurrah was over, sticks Her
feet at the chest of the demon and slays it with her trident. In a vanguard attempt,
Maheshasur tries to originate again from its mouth but Devi sees it and kills it too. She
then culls the devil army of Mahishasur.
The devtas rejoice and sing paens to Her. It is then that “Mahishasur Mardini” is recited
by one and all, offering gratitude to Mahadevi and extolling Her virtues, majesty and
might for usurping the reign of the monsters.
Clearing a doubt of the devtas that despite being all powerful, why doesn’t Devi kill the
monsters at once and why the need to engage in a fight with them at all, Devi says that
when She touches the demons while killing them, it causes their ascension as She wishes
the best for all.
Relevance to a ShivYogi
There is a constant battle which is relentlessly being fought within us. The battle is
between the devils and angels. Devils and angels both are within us. When we indulge in
negative karmas, i.e. those which include rejection, hate, resentment, fear, ego, criticism,
we give fuel to the “Asuras” within us. When we follow Siddha Marg of Unconditional
love, acceptance and forgiveness shown by the Guru, we give fuel to the Devtas.
Mahishasur stands for the Human Ego. In body consciousness we immerse so much that
we forget that we are not this body. Ego, originating from the belief that we are this body
and are immortal, like Mahishasur is very clever. Ego just as Mahishasur takes different
forms at different times, in different states and different circumstances. In rulers, ego
takes the Form of superiority, among the ruled it takes the Form of playing the victim card
all the time.
Expecting others to salute you, greet you, treat you with respect is Mahishasur.
This is what we at times or rather most times do. In modern times we say there is no Asura or
Danav. But it is all within us. This is the modern day Mahishasur and we can identify ourselves
with it. Self importance is self destructive. Always be humble and considerate
Ego is like Slow Poison. It slowly and steadily harms and one day becomes the ruler in the
mind to finally lead to pain , suffering, hell like experiences, negative entities like ghosts
attaching as revenge etc.
Indra stands for the 5 senses (also called pancha indriyas). The defeat of Indra by
Mahishasur implies 5 senses succumbing to the Ego. The ego wishes to see others
working for it, others speaking well for it, others serving tasty food, others surrendering to
it etc.
The devtas are the good sanskaras and karmas. When they are activated, they lead us to
the Guru and Shiva who are the Vishnu and Shiva of the story for us. The radiance
or “TEJ” from which Mahadevi is born is nothing but the energy which we create when
we do Sadhana. It is called Sadhana Shakti. This energy, when fuses with the blessings of
the Guru, the Spiritual Masters and all Holy Siddhas is capable of creating Shakti which is
all powerful and which will slay the Ego.
5th and 6th Chapters (Dhumralochan Vadh)
The pantheons of devtas are discontented yet again after another invasion of their
kingdom by the demon duo of Shumbh and Nishumbh. Knowing of the powers of the
Devi and Her promise of descending to them and mankind at large whenever She would
be invoked, the devtas start the invocation. They bow before the powers of the Devi and
extol her infinite virtues. Meanwhile Goddess Parvati who is ablating in the holy Ganges
near the Himalayas comes to know of this plea of the devtas. From Maa Parvati’s “kosha”
or body originates the angelic beauty “Kaushiki” (one who is spawned from the kosha).
Chand and Mund, the servants of Shumbh-Nishumbh witness the grandeur of Maa
Kushiki (also called Maa Ambika) and are left spellbound.
Chand and Mund then narrate the infinite and indescribable beauty of Ambika to
Shumbh. They also tell Shumbh that having accomplished the whole world through their
clout, he and Nishumbh must accomplish and win over such a beautiful woman too since
that’s the only feather missing in their prolific cap.
Shumbh then sends his messenger Sugreev to summon the ravishing Maa Kaushiki with
the proposal of marrying him.
The messenger then conveys to the Devi that Shumbh and Nishumbh are the rulers of all
the 3 worlds --- Sky, Earth and the Nether world. They have triumphed over everything.
They have made one and all subservient to them. Shumbh and Nishumbh are indeed
merchants and connoisseurs of gems. They also consider the Devi to be a gem which is not
in their collection. Thus the messenger requested the Devi to select from either of Shumbh
or Nishumbh to be Her spouse.
The Devi retorts to the messenger Sugreev that all that he said was true but She had set a
pre condition for being a mate to anyone. The condition was that whoever beats Her in a
fight is free to take Her along.
The messenger tells the Devi that it was her illusion and over ambition that She was
keeping such imbecile and unthoughtful proposals and conditions. He also warns the Devi
that Shumbh and Nishumbh are a force to reckon with and are invincible and that a poor,
lonely woman as She wont be able to tolerate and combat their moves. Despite Warning
that She would have to face dire consequences like being dragged and pulled by Her hair
if she refuses to budge from her intransigent stand, the Devi bids the messenger adieu by
telling him that She had not thought of such a scenario before She had made Her pledge
and that she would not move from her stand, pre conditions and caveats which were very
much valid. She also tells the messenger that he should tell her viewpoint to Shumbh and
let him take any action he so wishes.
Hearing of such obstinacy of the Devi, Shumbh orders Dhumralochan, the Commander in
chief of his army to nab the Devi by her hair and bring Her to court. Resistance if offered
by any protectors for her must be thwarted with unstoppable force.
Before attacking the Devi, Dhumralochan puts forth a peaceful proposal of surrender to
Devi who spurns the order. Battle ensues between the 60,000 strong army of
Dhumralochan and the duo of Devi and Her Lion. The Lion trounces and beats the army
down-rightly. Dhumralochan too is killed in his duel with Devi.
Incensed by this, Shumbh sends the duo of Chand and Mund to assassin Devi and bring
her dead or alive to his court.
Relevance to a ShivYogi
Babaji says that Shumbh and Nishumbh are asuras which reside in us. They stand for the
bad qualities and vices of greed and lust. Shumbh and Nishumbh taking over the 3 worlds
implies greed and lust overpowering an individual. Greed gives way to avariciousness
called "Trishna" in Hindi.
The first lesson from this adhyay or chapter is that one must be satisfied with what has.
One must thank the Almighty for whatever has been bestowed upon by Him. Despite
having 99 good things in our lives, our focus invariably is on the one thing we do not
possess. We complain. We don’t create. Babaji thus wishes us to liberate ourselves from
this vicious attitude. A consciousness raised through Sadhana will want more
accomplishments but in those achievements it won’t get stuck. It will thank and succeed
to win more. Such a consciousness will always live in the Guru’s aura and constantly
enjoy the blessings of Shiva.
The second worthy thing to be noted is that whenever we shall invoke the Devi with our
soul and heart, She will come and with Her bring happiness, taking away all the sorrow,
pain and suffering. Just that the invocation has to be whole hearted and with pure
The third teaching from this is that like Devi, all women must endeavour to develop their
Inner beauty and love through Sadhana since love and care are the embellishments of a
woman, but at the same time be ready to combat any hurdle that may arrive in their
life without getting bogged down by stereotypesof being subservient to the opposite
sex. Like Shakti be “Ati Saumya Ati Raudraye” but in different situations.
The fourth noteworthy lesson is that never underestimate the power of any
individual, situation or circumstance. Dhumralochan did so and paid the price.
Thus never be complacent. Believe in your powers and keep coming good. Never let the
intensity of your Sadhana wear out thinking that yesterday was a powerful Sadhana and
today it can be taken lightly. Never undervalue any situation, dealing or scenario.
Karmas when not burnt through Sadhana can cause devastation. Hence continue
the Sadhana with greater vigour every morning you get up.
7th Chapter (Chanda Munda Vadh)
As the news of decimation of Dhumralochan and his strong and sizeable
army trickles down to Shumbh-Nishumbh, they order Chand-Mund to try
their hand at apprehending Ambika Devi. Taking advantage after seeing
Devi in a light mood, the troops of Chand and Mund try and accost Her,
some try and grab her weapons, others surround her.
Noticing these developments, Devi is enraged. Her face red with rage, Her
brows raised, overall complexion turns dark and another Devi in the Form
of Maha Kali appears from Ambika. The Goddess Kali, wearing a garland
of human heads, wielding a sword, wagging tongue, constricted red eyes
appears in a mood to slaughter everything that comes Her way. Like a
road roller She crushes and tramples over the devil army and quite
brutally so.
Onlooking such mayhem, Chand and Mund pounce on Her. Mund hurls
his chakras towards the mouth of Kali. Kali however opens Her mouth and
with teeth, glistening like 10000 Suns, crushes the chakras in a jiffy.
Next, she growls at the demons (hunkar) and leaps on Chand, beheading
him thus. On seeing this Mund barges towards Maa Kali, only to be
slashed to pieces on the floor.
Maa Kali offering the heads of Chand and Mund to Ambika Devi
who in turn gives Kali the title of “Chamunda” Devi.
Kali then offers the heads of Chand and Mund at the feet of Ambika Devi from whom Kali
originated. The latter also requests Ambika Devi that she Herself kill Shumbh Nishumbh.
Elated at such a fine display of valour and perfection, Ambika Devi blesses Maa Kali with
the name Chamunda since its Kali who is the One responsible for liberating the universe
of these dangerous demons.
Relevance to a ShivYogi
The lesson from this is that never pester a Shakti (woman) as she wields infinite power to
destroy too. It is the Shakti who has all the powers of creation but she can destroy the
devil too.
Chand and Mund are negative traits which possess the power to cause widespread havoc.
But Maa Kali has the powers to decimate them. And when we do Shree Vidya Sadhana,
we pray to Maa Kali too. So Shakti Sadhana is omnipotent and must be done without a
The “Hunkar” that Maa Kali does before exterminating Chand and Mund is analogous to
the rising of Kundalini Shakti through our Sushmana nari. Before obliterating all karmas,
Maa Kundalini rises with a “Funkar” as if to warn the karmas that their end is nigh. This
explains various kriyas which happen abruptly as Babaji initiates Sadhaks in Shivirs.
Also an important lesson is always Accord Supreme Respect to women.
The Devis which appeared are (in that order)
Brahamani or Brahmi Devi riding on a Swan. She Maheshwari Devi riding on a Cow. She is the
is the consort of Lord Brahma consort of Maheshwar or Lord Shiva
Varahi Devi which originated from Lord Vishnu
Ambika Devi then asks Lord Shiva to be Her “doot” or messenger and present the offer of
amnesty to Shumbh and his army as a last chance of redemption. Thus Ambika Devi is
also known as “Shiv-dooti” which means the one who made Shiva as Her messenger.
Lord Shiva conveys this last offer of pardon to Shumbh and his army, only to be turned
down outrightly. The army then attacks Devi. Devi makes short work of the army, killing
thousands of troops at will. Maa Kali too trounces the devil army. Similarly Brahmani,
Vaishnavi, Indrani, Narsinghi too pummel the demon army as if it were a cakewalk.
In this backdrop enters Raktabeej. He had a blessing if any of his parts were cut, the blood
droplets that would ooze out from the slashed part would give rise to as many more of his
kind like a sort of asexual reproduction method of growth.
All the devis took turns to kill and disembody Raktabeej but as this happened, more and
more blood dripped on the Earth, giving rise to more Raktabeejas.
Thus another noxious devil was overwhelmed by Devi and Her manifestations much to
the delight of the devtas and inhabitants of Earth.
Relevance to a ShivYogi
Babaji sermons in many a shivir that the asura Raktabeej is analogous to our sanchit
karmas or accumulated deeds of past and this birth.
There are 2 ways of ending karmas--- first to let them unravel and suffer them out and the
second is to burn them through Sadhana.
The first method is nothing but the vicious cycle of Raktabeeja. When we do not engage in
Sadhana and let our karmas unfold on their own, it causes suffering. In that suffering we
will be worried and troubled and generate more negative karmas which in turn again will
cause more suffering.
We give rise to more negativity if we let the karmas unfold on their own. Sadhana is thus
When a bad incident unfolds, we feel sorrowful, dejected, mournful, hateful, vengeful,
fearful, vulnerble and other such negative emotions. So unfolding of a single karma
causes accumulation of thousand more karmas, which if not cleared through Sadhana are
capable of overtaking the individual completely.
But when we do Sadhana, the negative karmas are burnt before hand and one can enjoy
life without giving birth to new karmas.
The Shakti generated after Sadhana is potent enough to drink the blood droplets of
karmas which fall down when an incident occurs and generate more “Raktabeeja
Swaroopa” karmas and suffering.
Importance of Sadhana thus is supreme. The priority of Sadhana must be above all karmas that we
do. Forget eating, forget sleeping, forget reading the newspaper, but, never forget doing Sadhana.
Navaratri Day 6, Presiding Goddess : Maa Katyayani
Meanwhile Nishumbh gains consciousness increasing his upper limbs from two to ten
thousand. He begins hurling a multitude of weapons at Devi. Devi weathers this
onslaught with ease and is equal to the barrage of attack. Finally, Devi hurls her spiked
shovel at Nishumbh, piercing his chest into 2 parts, and concomitantly a new devil rises
from the entrails of the dying body of Nishumbh. The devil forewarns Devi of her end but
with a wry smile, Devi kills this new demon too. Devi’s Lion then gorges on the heads of
all the demons killed in this battle.
Bearing testimony to such cataclysm, Shumbh calls the Devi a cheater who kills Her
opponents through the assists of Her aides like devtas, other devis, Her Lion etc.
To this Devi retorts, “O wicked and daft devil Shumbh! All the devis and devtas are not
different entities. They are all my manifestations. It is like I have deconstructed myself
and various parts of mine are engaged in war with various Asuras. Despite that if you
deem this scenario as unfair, I am ready to square up and debilitate you as One. “
Thus Ambika Devi assimilates all the demi-gods within Herself and the duel with Shumbh
begins. The battle becomes very intriguing as Shumbh puts up a good fight to all of Devi’s
Both inflict mutual damage. Weapons cannot separate the two as the battle now moves to
fisticuffs. A long drawn contest follows in the sky. Devi lifts Shumbh in the sky and
throws him to the Earth with infinite force. The savage Shumbh however stands his
ground on Earth. He then barges towards Devi to kill her and even as he does so, Devi
flings a supremely powerful trident at him. As the trident cleaves his body, his pran begin
to discharge. The death of Shumbh shakes the entire landscape of the universe.
As this happens, elation and ecstasy suffuse the universe. Rivers start to flow in their
proper directions, birds start singing, breeze starts blowing, sun radiates in its full glory,
cacophonic sounds give way to tranquillity and the shroud of darkness is removed.
Relevance to a ShivYogi
Shumbh and Nishumbh are the vices of Greed and Lust. When one is pacified, the other is
cropped up just like the asuras who fell unconscious for sometime only to arise sometime
The last line of the story reads that the normal functioning of nature is restored as
Shumbh is killed. So when through Sadhana this bad quality of greed and stealing others’
share which is present in us will subside, we will start functioning or start treading faster
towards self realization for which we have taken birth.
Desires of an impure consciousness turn into greed and avariciousness. Sense of
satiation and satisfaction eludes such a person.
Greed and lust make us so blind that even God seems unfair just as Shumbh calls Devi a
cheat. We curse God for our pain, suffering and sorrow. The 99 things that we have are of
no use. The 1 thing that we don’t is all what matters to us. We complain, crib, pass
judgments and prolong our pining.
If at all through the blessings of Shiva, we get something, we don’t thank Him and reckon
that it was due to us.
When we do Sadhana and invoke Maa Sanjeevani, She does not come alone. She brings
along all devis, devatas and the divine trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. It is
important to understand what the devis, devatas and the divine trinity stand for.
In doing Shree Vidya Sadhana which is the meditation of all aspects of the universe
encompassing every micro particle to every macro structure, we are blessed by:
o Maa Lakshmi (gain of prosperity by way of money, assets and all luxuries)
o Maa Saraswati (Divine Wisdom oozes out of us naturally and we become the scholar
of all worldly sciences too)
o Maa Kali (at a subtle level confidence builds in us which gives us the faith and belief
that we can achieve anything and everything and tide over all difficulties all by
o Lord Brahma (we become the creators of our own destiny and voluntarily so,
deciding for ourselves what will our future be like)
o Lord Vishnu (we sustain our lives enjoying everything, leading a lifetime full of
o Lord Shiva (destroying any negativity which comes our way and becoming
forgiving, simple just like “Bhola Bhandari” or Bholenath)
o Lion of Maa Durga (the rigidity to stick to resolves, the firm determination, the
courage to pounce on hurdles and bravely fight them out)
o 16 Nityas of the Moon (when one does Sadhana everyday, the presiding Devi of the
day, also called the Nitya is appeased and all through the day the shower of
unconditional love of Devi continues)
o Blessings of Sun (we become tejoymay, exuding divine energy at all times just like
the glow of 10 suns which adorn our beautiful universe)
Thus a sadhak who meditates daily, if at all encounters a difficulty, he does not fight it
alone. The whole universe fights with him as Maa Ambika is always around. And when
Maa Ambika is around, all divinity is around.
Hail the Shakti who gives us so much. Thank Her everyday. Thank the Guru who
introduced “ourselves to our Real Selves”
Chapter 11 (Praise of Maa Narayani)
After Ambika Devi eliminates Shumbh and Nishumbh, all devtas hail Maa singing her
divine glory. They extols the praises of Maa chanting aloud:
“Hey Devi Maa You are the one who alleviates all problems of your seekers. You are the
one presiding over this universe thus the name “Bishweshwari”. You are the one who has
cast her spell “Maya” on all inhabiting mother Earth. You are the one praying to whom
one can attain liberation from worldly attachments. All directions lead to you. All women
of this world are your manifestations. You alone are ubiquitous across the universe. What
can be your praise? You are above all qualities and way of expressions. You are the
highest Form of communication ---- Paraavani. You are the intellect in all creations. You
are the base on which Earth is premised. Your valour is non pareil. You are the water
element, You are the Vaishnavi, you are the one who granting all my wishes, thus hailed
as “Sarvamangala”. You are the one creating positivity and busting negativity. You are the
Goddess of virtues. You are the Brahmani, Vaishnavi, Koumari, Shivduuti, Narsinghi and
present in all consorts of powerful deities. You are the one embellished with garland of
skulls. You are the one incarnating and present in various forms as Laxmi, Lajja,
Mahavidya, Shraddha, Pushti, Swadha, Dhruva, Maharatri, Mahavidya, Medha,
Saraswati, Vara, Parvati, Mahakali, Sanyamsheela, Sarva ishwari, Katyayani, Bhadrakali.
O Mother, protect us from all threats and fears. Your noble visage with trinetra or three
eyes is beautiful. More menacing than the fire of volcano, may your trident be our
protector. May your bell which sucks out all devilish energy at its mere ring, guard us
from evils. May the incisive sword that you wield in your hands, on which writ large is
the blood of asuras, shepherd us to safety. O mother, whenever You are happy, you
become the panacea to all diseases. Those surrendering to you, never find themselves in
any Form of trouble; rather such souls help others rectify their problems.
Who else but you can debilitate such monstrous savages as Mahishasur, Chand Mund,
Shumbh Nishumbh, Raktabeej at all ? It is our request to you to likewise always
accompany us wherever we go and whoever prays to you, may you save the day for
him/her. May you help all overcome all hurdles.
You find a mention in all sciences, all studies, all scriptures. You are the ignorance too who
as Maya, foxes consciousness into darkness. You
protect from all evils and in all dire circumstances,
be they getting lost in a forest, getting caught by
dacoits or be stranded in the midst of the sea.
Devi then foretells about how She shall grace this
planet in times of crisis as drought (genesis of Her
name Shataksi), help in overpowering the
oppressive regime of Vaiprachitti for Her alias of
Raktdantika being coined. When a devil named
Durgam will be killed at Her hands, she will be
hailed Durga. The name Bheema Devi will gain
eminence when she will protect the saints in
Himalayas from all negative forces. She will be
hailed as Brahmari when she will incarnate as a 6
paw animal and secure all from the devil “Arun”.
Likewise whenever mankind will be in times of need, Devi will incarnate indeed.
Navaratri Day 8, Presiding Goddess : Maa Mahagouri
Medha Rishi, the narrator of the folklore of Durga to Vaishya Samadhi and King Surath
then avers that all that unfolds in the world is through the influence of Devi Maa and that
all must hanker after Her auspices in order that positivity per se continues to be solicited
in everyone’s life. Devi Maa as Maya will continue to transfix all who have taken birth on
this planet. However those humble enough to seek her blessings through Sadhana will be
liberated from this cycle of cause and effect.
Hearing of the legendary tales,
Vaishya and King Surath then
leave for meditation. They follow
the meditation procedure to the
hilt. They reduce their food intake
moving from cereals to fruits and
ultimately divert all their energies
to rigorous Sadhana for 3 years.
Ultimately an appeased Maa
Ambika appears before the two,
asking them to seek their wishes
from Her. The kings seeks return
of his kingdom and a kingdom for
his next birth too.
The Vaishya, disillusioned with life and the world on the whole, wishes the grant of divine
Wisdom to him, which is capable of Self Realization.
Blessing both, Devi then disappears into the air.
1. United we stand divided we fall - Not that Ambika Devi was any weak to not have
been able to combat all asuras single-handedly but the humility and modesty of the
devtas, Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh brought forth the virtue of united power. Babaji
talks about collective healing and collective chanting on the same lines. Higher level
Shree Vidya however must not be done collectively.
2. Ego, the king of vices - In all the allegorical stories of Saptashati, one trend that is
observed is that greed, lust, anger, sycophancy, criticism all stem from ego and
which became the root cause of the demise of the asuras. Thus doing Sadhana, a
sadhak shuns the word “I” and soon “Shiva” takes over. The emotion of selflessness
is born. Happiness is sought not from others but by bowing to the Shiva in others --
Namah shivay.
3. Humbleness and Gratitude -The demi-gods, Lord Shiva, Lord Brahma,Lord Vishnu
et al despite being infinite themselves do not forget to thank the Devi whenever She
defeats the asuras at their insistence. They sing hymns to Her, praise Her and pray
that may Her blessings be always with one and all exhibiting their altruism too. Thus
a thank you at all times at even slight favours is a must.
4. Sadhana the panacea for all diseases - One thing that became quite apparent after
meditating through Saptashati is that whether its the Mahishasur in us or Raktabeej
or any disease, fear, materialization of any wish, the Shakti is capable of obliterating
all sorts of devils and granting all wishes. Shakti here refers to Sadhana shakti,
generated when one practices Sadhana daily.
5. Seeking Devi - The most interesting aspect about Shakti is that in whichever Form
you worship Her, She shall come in that Form. If one complains, cribs and cries all
the time, wishes bad for others and indulges in cheating, forgery, Maa will come to
the person as “Daridra” or Penury or Poverty. She has pledged that She will never
leave Her creations. So in one Form or the other She is present everywhere.
As a Shiv Sadhak invoke Maa in Shree Chakra Form by chanting Swadhyay daily,
indulging in Sadhana daily and keeping all family members happy. If one wishes to
invoke Maa as Laxmi swaroopa, what better way than spending money on charity? Do
bhandara for the needy. Engage in Sewa. Maa is ever ready to serve devtas and people of
the world. This is the best example of the will to do sewa. Such a burning desire to help
must be there in all ShivYogis.
Extend the fast from vices to the whole year long than mere Navaratris.
Mere reading of these teachings and casting a perfunctory glance for entertainment sake
would not solve the purpose of this note. Do Sadhana daily and read the note again and
again. This is Brahma gyan. This is Babaji’s gyan narrated ornamentally in your language.
Avail yourselves of this opportunity to attain Moksha in this birth itself. Remember the
year is 2012.
Om Guruve Namah !
Om Namashchandikayai !
Jay Maa !
Namah Shivay.
14th October 2012 --- Message ---
True knowledge of the Infinite and wisdom of the Absolute can only be received by the
Guru, and for the disciple to get that, he must bow at the Guru’s holy feet. It is comparable
with a stream of water which flows from top to bottom. Thus, only when you are ready to
receive can you be given what you deserve.
The sacrosanct Durga Saptashati is neither a “Puran” nor a”Shastra”. It is the direct grace
of Goddess Bhagabati. It is the seed (base) of all Vedas. And for the Devi Upasaks, Maa
has given this power and this knowledge in the Form of Durga Saptashati. Since times
immemorial, it has been said that this knowledge is locked (keelit gyan). People think the
power of the mantra is locked. Both the affirmations are correct in their own right but the
actual truth is that in it lie, in a veil of secrecy, the secrets of Devi and the secrets of the
whole universe. And till the time someone does not meditate on Devi, these secrets remain
It is being said that, the power to unlock the infinite secrets of Durga Saptashati is vested
only in the divine troika of Maa Kali, Maa Saraswati and Maa Lakshmi.
The sadhak by remaining connected to the Goddess and undertaking a sustained effort to
follow in his Guru’s footsteps becomes eventually successful in pacifying the Shakti. And
when the Goddess is made happy, She showers unbridled grace on the sadhak.
The nine days of Navaratris are the most crucial for a Devi sadhak. Nine is the ultimate
number after which there is “Parabrahma”.
A sincere sadhak, meditating the whole year, day in and day out is given the chance to
attain this Parbrahm (final ascension) in these 9 days. These nine days of contemplation
encompass the Sadhana of the Nau durga (nine forms of Godess Durga).
But how the inner knowledge would awaken? Sumedha Maharshi said, “Anybody who
surrenders to the Mother begins his/her their inner journey.”
Then he taught the duo, secrets of Durga Saptashati and as they were learning, their level
of consciousness kept on growing.
The first day of Navaratris is the Sadhana of the Mooladhara, the presiding Goddess of the
day, being Maa Shailaputri. The second day ruled by Maa Brahmacharini includes the
Sadhana of Swadhisthan. The third day is the Sadhana of Manipura. The ruling Goddess
is Maa Chandraghanta. The fourth day is the Sadhana of Anahata. Maa Kushmanda is the
presiding Goddess for the day. The fifth day of Maa Skandamata is the Sadhana of
Vishuddhi. The sixth day is the Sadhana of Ajna. The day is governed by Maa Katyayani,
(Form of Mahishasuramardini, who has 3 various Forms— 18 handed, 16 handed or 10
handed. Maa Katyayani is the ten handed or four handed Form).
Every age saw the birth of Maha-Ashuras & it was these Shaktis who killed those demons.
The seventh day of the Navaratris is the most important one too. We call it the Maha
Saptami. Kalratri Sadhana of the Sahastrasaar chakra is done on this day. The eighth day is
the Sadhana of Maa Mahagauri, the Sadhana of merging of Higher Consciousness into
Absolute Shiva Consciousness. Lastly, Maha Navami is the Sadhana of the attainment of
the Supreme Goddess Siddhidatri.
Doing Shakti Sadhana is thus the outer knowledge being replaced by the inner
knowledge. And the Truth is the inner knowledge. King Surath had the outer knowledge
of his lost kingdom, his palace and his wealth, hence he was suffering. And merchant
Samadhi had the outer knowledge of his family, his wealth. Even after being thrown out
he was attached to the family, the illusion.
And when Sumedha Maharshi gave this wisdom of the Durga Saptashati, he taught them
the sacred Shivyog Shakti Sadhana and this is what unfolds when you do Shakti Sadhana,
the Awakened Inner Knowledge turns into Wisdom, the Wisdom in then turns into God
Consciousness which is the State of “Aham Brahmasami” or “Shivoham Shivoham”.
And that’s what they both understood through the grace of their Guru. The king got his
kingdom back and the rich merchant attained self realization as desired by him. So what
Saptashati indicates is that no matter what misery a person is in, if he moves on the path of
ShivYog Shakti Sadhana, which Babaji is teaching, he/she can easily break all the karmic
barriers and attain the ultimate success -- the success of God Realization.
We all are very blessed that Babaji is unfolding Durga Saptashati. In other words, it means
he is unveiling the secrets of Shakti Sadhana.
At the same time, Babaji is teaching us the most Sacred Beej Mantras of Chandi Path in
which every Shloka is full of Shakti and the source of all the Shakti in the Shloka is the Beej
Mantra. Shakti is hidden in a whopping 700 Beej Mantras of complete Durga Saptashati!
The Shakti Sadhana has to be through initiation i.e. Guru Deeksha and the provision for
this great deeksha our loving Guru has already created. The Shaktipaat is given by:
o Touching the worthy disciple
o The eyes of the Guru
o The voice
o The Sankalp Shakti
All the sadhaks are receiving the Shaktipaat of Durga Saptashati from Babaji through
Voice and Sankalpa.
You are the chosen one. You are the one selected by the universe to ascend. That’s why
you are chosen to receive the most Divine and Sacred Initiation.
Please make use of these Navaratris. Change your life and it can be vouched for that
during these nine days, divine miracles are bound to happen in your life. Let the grace of
Shiva and the Guru be showered in your life which will be and should be full of pure
intentions, full of pure divinity and full of the cosmic light.
Divinity loves you. The universe wants the best for you.
Experience the great healing and bliss that will begin to flow.
Paves the way for easy achievement of goals in life.
The practitioner is blessed with a sharp yet peaceful mind and he eventually reaches
to ascension after death.
The house which witnesses periodic practice of the Durga Saptashati always finds
itself in the lap of the grace of the Divine Goddess.
Shree Durga Saptashati is an ancient scripture of mythology. While the tales and fables in
this scripture, highlighting the heroics of Mother Goddess Durga, are known to all and
widely discussed in traditional culture, the real power of the scripture lies in the mystic
meditation revolving around the scripture. This secretive meditational process of Durga
Saptashati lay encrypted in a spiritual code for ages. It was kept a closely guarded secret to
avoid it falling in wrong hands. But, the merciful Healing Master Avdhoot Baba
Shivanandji took it upon himself in the contemporary times to revive this supremely
powerful but forgotten spiritual practice. Babaji reckoned that in the current milieu of
conflict, war, rebellion, strife, epidemics, incurable diseases, natural disasters,
catastrophes, pain and suffering, mankind was becoming increasingly disconnected with
itself. He felt that time was ripe to overhaul such a vitiated atmosphere with something
which could not only arrest this slide but universally resurrect a congenial environment
for good health, peace, happiness and an overall harmonious existence for all living
Thus, Babaji decoded and distillated the 13 Chapters and 700 verses of the Durga
Saptashati scripture. What came through was a very powerful gist of Beej Mantras or Seed
Syllables. Each Beej Mantra is a living entity and invokes the Goddess in some Form.
Each syllable has great sanctity and purifying capacity. There are three units in the
meditation, corresponding to the Divine Trinity of Goddesses MahaKali (Kills the vices),
MahaLakshmi (Bestows infinite material and spiritual wealth) and MahaSaraswati
(imparts great wisdom) and so the devoted practitioner is blessed with elevation of the
soul with every passing chapter of the process.
The demons which Goddess Durga overpowers in the various story legends of the Durga
Saptashati are actually all bad habits of ego, criticism, sycophancy, greed and the cascade
of misdeeds which have occupied our lives because of ignorance. As the practitioner of
this meditation follows the procedure, the intimate connection with the Goddess that gets
established kills the negativity within, helping us internalize the real essence of Durga
Saptashati which is renunciation of all kinds of devilish tendencies.
The defining element of this meditation is that it is known to be the giver of great boons.
Moreover, with Babaji having moulded such a complex, long-drawn meditation into a
succinct process, it has become tailor-made for the fast paced modern times.
The greatest asset of Durga Saptashati Sadhana is that it helps us learn the real meaning of
renunciation and detachment by guiding us towards the practical aspect of spirituality. So,
we realize through this practice that the devils of Mahishasur, Madhu-Kaitabh, Shumbh-
Nishumbh and Raktabeej are not external entities but symbolic of bad qualities within us.
Saptashati is a facilitator in us becoming aware of the fact that when we kill the bad
tendencies, we are showered with great boons, material wishes and spiritual ascension.
How can I take a part in spreading Babaji’s Divine Light for bringing ultimate peace
& happiness in painful-life of others, through Free of Charge DSS Deeksha Shivir ? ---
please see and find nearest local ShivYog
Forum and may contact with them or feel free to email to ShivYog Ashram.
During Navaratri, Avdhoota, Siddha Yogis possessed some Special and Secrete meditation
to attain Spiritual Realization which was passed on, as Initiations, to complete Disciples.
As per custom Navaratri, occurs every month, known as Mas-Navaratri. According to the
Religious Text, there are Four Navaratris appears in a year Ashaar or Varsha Ritu
Navaratri, Aashwin or Sharadiya Navaratri (Bodhan), Maagh or Shishir Navaratri and
Chaitra or Basant Navaratri (Shayan). For common people, Navaratri is only two in a year
i.e. Sharadiya Navaratri & Basant Navaratri. Rest two are known as Gupt-Navaratris.
There is a beautiful story related to Sharadiya Navaratri. Sri
Ramchandra did worship of Aadi Shakti through Durga
Puja in Sharat Kaal for the victory in the battle with Ravan.
Before that, Durga Puja held in Basant Kaal. That is why
Sharadiya Durga Puja is also known as “Akaal Bodhan”.
(As per the story, found in different Ramayana) Sri Ram
decided to offer 108 Blue Lotus to Devi. Thus, Sri Hanuman
brought exactly 108 blue lotuses from deep Himalaya after
thorough searching. For examining the devotion of Sri
Ram, Devi herself hides one blue lotus. After offering 107
blue lotuses, when Ramchandra did not found any more,
then he thought, “People use to call me as Kamal Nayana &
my eye is also of blue color. So, he Devi, I am going to offer
you one of my blue eye on you feet. Please accept it for the
completion of my puja & please Bless me as the victory over Ravan”. Then Devi suddenly
appeared infront, and holds his hands for keeping him away from doing that injurious &
grants him the Blessings of victory over Strongest King Ravan.
The Divine Place where King Surath & Samadhi Vaishya heard Durga Saptashati from
maharshi Medhos, Did the Chandi Sadhana by creating Devi’s beautiful Clay Pratima by own hand
and after long continuous deep level of Sadhana, get Blessings from Devi is being founded by
some grate Yogies, deep inside a forest in WestBengal. This divine place is full of grace of
Maa Tri-Maha-Shakti (local name Garh-Chandi), but still, very few people know about it.
Maharshi Medha’s Ashram, Aadi Shree Shree GarhChandi Mahamaya Dham.
P.O. – Bonkathi, Thana – Kankasa, Dist – Burdwan, Durgapur – 713212, WestBengal, India.
Aashram Direction : From Durgapur Station of
West Bengal. You can take an Auto, Taxi or by
availing Bus, you can reach upto Muchipara. To
reach directly upto Garh Jungle Maharshi
Medhashram, Take name of Jogibaba through
Muchipara. In case you avail bus then from
Muchipara you will get Auto, Tracker etc. to
reach at the gate point of the place and from
there you have go 5KM through Jungle to reach
the exact Place. Private or Rented vehicle is
preferable as there is no option to cross those
5KM paath through Jungle. Locally Popular
Shyamrupa Kali Temple is in the same way of this Divine Blissful Place.
Q. How to “do Navaratri Shakti Sadhana” or “Pray to Maa TriShakti” in my Home ?
A. Babaji many times explained the whole process in brief in few DSS (Durga Saptashati)
& Navaratri Shivirs. So, as per that process, explained by Babaji, himself ---
Dear Shivyogi Sadhaks,
(The process described below is only for the disciples of “Avdhoot Baba Shivanand Ji”)
o First of all, on very first day of Navaratri, find a neat & clean, pure divine corner in
your home. Place a cleaned smaller height wooden table (or chowki) as aasan. Place
red (or pink or yellow or white) color cloth on that table.
o You may keep either a nice Photo of Maa Bhagawati (Amba/Durga) or beautiful
Pratima of Divine Mother and/or may place Shree Chakra Mahameru along with
Shree Yantra on that table. This is Sthapana of Divine Mother.
o (For abahan or calling of Jyoti-swarupa MaaMahaShakti), light a diya for 2-4 hr. in
morning & 2-4 hr. in evening, upto Dashera. It would better, if you can be able to light an
“Akhanda Jyot” for continuous 21 days. Then, call & tell Mother to be sited inside the Jyoti.
♥ If you need more abundance, then may use til-ka-tel (sesame oil).
♥ or, if you much need to reduce negativity from your house, then may use
sarso-ka-tel (mustard oil).
♥ or, you may use pure desi ghee (only when you are very much sure that the ghee
is really really pure) for Spreading more Positivity allover the house.
o Take a copper pot as Kalash. Fill it with “Ganga-jal” or pure water. On top, place
five-mango-leaves and an unpeeled coconut (keeping pointed portion on top). Take a
Chunri, cover mango leaves & coconut. Take a Mouli and tied that chunri with the
neck of kalash. Give Bindi with Kumkum or Chandan on the chunri covered
coconut. Place a copper-plate on the top of aasan (near Mahameru), give few akshat
(unbroken rice seeds) on that & well-place the kasash in the middle of those rice.
Real fact is that Real devotion & believe on Guru is becoming less among most of us.
Thus, so many doubts still remain in mind, even after attending Babaji’s Crystal Clear
Guided Durga Saptashati Shivir. This is only because of our nature of comparing, to this
“emotion-based-process” with available other all mechanical “karm-kand-based-processes”.
Babaji, himself is a grate Shakti Sadhak from the age of eight, your Real Well Wisher and a
Grate Guide. He knows, what is good for your Ultimate Good. So, either believe fully on him
and follow instructions or do whatever you believe most. Doubt represents non-believe.
Actually, Dronacharya did not know Ekalabya, at all. But still, emotion of devotion,
steadiness, concentration along with continuous practice gave him such amazing power,
which was unbelievable. Once, only using seven arrows, he just stitched the mouth of a dog
with absolutely no injury & no any blood-drop-fall & kept that doggy as pin-drop-silent.
Giving alpona…offering Sapta Shasya (Jau, Til, Rice, Moong, Foxtail Millet or Kangani,
Chana, Gehu) within mud…Long & Elichi…Haldi…Coins…Bastra-abhushan…Durba…
Sugandhi…all is nothing but your karm-kand-based old mechanical believe system (which
reminds you that Mother will be happy with these Mandatory Worldly Things which you
must need to offer). Divine Mother, who is the giver of every worldly thing to you, needs
only your Bhakti, Samarpan, Love & nothing else. So, proceed, as per your own believe…
Make it as most simple process with no such karm-kand. Main important fact is to
offer your Bhakti to the lotus feet of Divine Mother with full Emotion of Devotion. For that,
purpose either listen to your own-Guru or (WhatsApp-Guru or YouTube-Guru or
Sakshat-Gyan-Swarup-Walking-Wisdom-Gurus). But never mix them up, anyhow.
o Take two suparies (areca nut). Cover one with red cotton thread (represent Lord
Ganapati) fully & another with white cotton thread (represent Guru along with Guru-
Mandal) fully. Place them on Paan-leaf anywhere near Mahameru. Those who already
learn “Nava-Abharan Pujan” from babaji, in Shree Vidya Shivir, knows it very well.
o Take four “tirkathi” or “sarkande” (made up of either brass or thin bamboo cane) and
tied them four with four stands of that wooden table or chowki with red thin cotton
thread. Also with that red thin cotton fibre thread (or with mouli), cover all four
tirkathies and tide them together. Thus make a rectangular protected area or raksha
bandhani, surround wooden table, where “Devi Maa” will come & take her aasan.
Now, take some Ganga-jal (or pure water or unbroken rice seed i.e. akshat & flower) in hand
and take some sankalpa (pre-determination) in mind…“I bow down to Gram-devata, Sthan-
devata, Kshetrapal of this place. Witnessing you all, along with my sraddha, bhakti, biswas,
& samarpan, I am going to offer this place for the Sthapana of Divine Mother. So, no other
subtle energy or negative energy can be able to enter within this place, till the end of this
anusthan”…then sprinkle that water on this red thin cotton fibre thread, surrounding that
wooden table & four-tirkathies. Also in this way, take mental sankalpa … “I am going to
japa…(any Guru-Mantra of your own choice that you already have received from Babaji as
Guru-Deeksha)…mantra, …mala daily, during each & everyday of this anusthan with no
such failure. I would like to offer all these Japa, to the Lotus Feet of my Divine Mother.”
o Now, everyday, everytime, just before starting of your sadhana take akshat,
flower, bel-tulsi-leaves in hand and offer those (on aasan, meru, supari) after calling
one by one with emotion, believe, full-surrender … first Lord Ganapati, then Guru
along with ShivYog Guru Mandala, then Shiva with Shakti, then Narayan with Maa
Lakshmi, then Bhahma with Maa Saraswati, then all the Shakti-swarupas of Divine
Mother of each aabharan of Mahameru … “As your child, I am calling you, Please come
and be sited here, in this place, accept my puja. Om Sthapayami, Sthapayami, Sthapayami”.
o Maa likes “Saptashati Chandi” very much. So, offer “Saptashati Paath” to Mother
as many times as you can (at least in tri-sandhya or at least in morning & evening).
Offer these paaths alone (or only with your immediate family members who have already
received DSS-Deeksha from Babaji), but, never in a group, these times.
[ After Ganesh Bandana, Guru & Guru-Mandala Stuti, Rudra-Vhairav Stuti, you can do
your Paath in your own way, as you know. You may start with Siddha Kunjika Stotram …
then Shaap Vomochan Mantra, only if you wish, no compulsory … at last, after Uttar
Charitra & MahaMrityunjaya Mantra, you may again repeat Siddha Kunjika Stotram, only
if you want, no compulsory. But if now you are really in grate trouble like situation, then
must do this repetition of Siddha Kunjika Stotram along with 3 times Durga 32 Names.
Lastly, just before Pranam Mantras, you may do Argala Stotra, only if you want to…
Those who had attend any ShivYog DSS Shivir, knows actual process clearly. Those who
still not taken this Free of Charge Life Changing DSS-Deeksha, will not be able to
experience the Guru-Grace, as other can, during Saptashati Paath. So, better not to do these
steps, if you are not a disciple of Babaji & already have this Durga Saptashati Deeksha. ]
o After Paath over, do your pre-determined-daily-mala-japa of the mantra (which you
have decided earlier & also received from Babaji as Guru-Mantra in Guru-Deeksha from any
ShivYog Shivir). After completion of japa, offer the whole japa along with japa-phal
to the feet of Divine Mother. May do puja with flower, garland, bel-tulsi-leaves, red/white
chandan, akshat, kumkum etc. etc. May do your aarati with Dhoop, Deep, Karpoor, Loban
Fumes etc. etc. Lastly, bow down to Divine Mother & offer your Prayer, Gratude, Pranam.
o In these days, whatever will be cooked in home, anytime, first offer it, within a
plate (thali), to Divine Mother with full of emotion … “Maa please have these Bhoog. I
am offering it to you” … then later, have those Amrit-tulya-Prasaad. However, better
to have only amrit bhojan in these days of your anusthan.
o Day after your last day of this anusthan, cut that raksha bandhani & mouli of kalash
by own hands (not by scissors). Remove all things from top of kalash. Take the
water, inside that kalash as “Charanaamrit” & also sprinkle that water on every
corner of your house. Thus, no such negative energy can be able to stay in your
home. Coconut & Rice-Seeds under the kalash will become Maha-Prasaad.
o Not only in 10days of Navaratris, but any time in a month, you can do this 21day
Anusthan. May start with Pratipad of any Shulka Paksha i.e. day after Amabashya.
Whereas, everyday in a year is lucky-day for Shivyogi for starting any good works
& every direction is good for them. No Bindings, No Boundaries, No Restrictions.
o Those who are creative, just before Navratri, may prepare a beautiful pratima of
Divine Mother, who herself is this Nature. So, use natural only substances like
Wheat, Atta, Jau, Supari, Elichi, Long, Rice etc. etc. for the Pratima & Aabir, Color
Powders produced from different Flowers, Kumkum, red or white Chandan, Haldi
etc. etc. for coloring that pratima. After Dashami over, give Bisarjan of that Pratima
in water, so that the animals of water can have that as Prasaad of Divine Mother.
Prakriti-swarupa Maa ko, prakriti me hi bisarjan.
o Who luckily received Navaratri Shakti Deeksha from Babaji, may do one mala japa
of corresponding mantra for the presiding Goddess of Maa Navadurga for that day,
(concentrating on the corresponding chakra and imagining that Devi is sited on that
chakra and blessing you), after completion of Saptashati Paath. And mentally also
can recite that mantra, whole day, concentrating on corresponding chakra & Devi.
7. Sahasrar Maa Kaalratri Gloung Hung Ayem Hreeng Shreeng Ehi Ehi Kaalratri
Aabeshaya Aabeshaya Prashphura Praphura Sarbajan
Samonghaya Samanghaya Hung Phat Swaha
8. Soul Star Maa Mahagouri Om Hreeng Gouri Rudradayite Yogeswari Hung Phat
Not only 2 times a year, but every month has a Mass-Navaratri. So a true devotee
can do this Sadhana in every month, starting from Pratipad of Shukla-Paksha.
Babaji's Message on Shivratri
by Shiv Yog Foundation
The folklore and significance behind Shivratri is explained below on this pious day of
Mahashivratri ---
Once there was a dispute between Lord Brahma and lord Vishnu. Both claimed that they
were superior. As the quarrel worsened, the universe started to lose its balance.
Just then, a Jyotirling appeared before them. It was huge and appeared as if it had no
beginning and no end. Divine chants reverberated from within the Linga .At that time,
both the gods decided that the one who would find the source of the ling would be
superior .So lord Vishnu took the form of a wild boar and started to look for the base of
the ling. Lord Brahma took the form of a swan and flew to find the head of the ling.
But as infinity has no beginning or end, their search was in vain. For many eons, they
searched but could not find the source. Lord Brahma, tired and enervated, one day saw a
flower falling down and asked whether it fell from the top of the lingam to that hapless
Ketaki or Champak flower.
The flower as we know today as “Ketaki” replied, “I do not know. From the beginning of
time I have been falling.” At that time, the Lord decided to cheat. Brahma asked the flower
to tell Vishnu that it was procured from atop the ling by him and that the flower itself was
witness to this. The Ketaki flower readily agreed. They both thus, went to Lord Vishnu,
boasted about their prowess, bragged about how Lord Brahma had reached the source of
origination of the Linga i.e. the head of the ling and how Ketaki was the witness to this
achievement. Lord Vishnu accepted defeat and bowed down to Lord Brahma but no
sooner he did bow than Lord Shiva appeared. Furious at Lord Brahma's deception, he
cursed Lord Brahma that he shall never be worshiped in temples and cursed the flower
“you shall never be used for my prayers”. At the same time pleased with Lord Vishnu’s
simplicity, Lord Shiva blessed him that from this day, Hari and Hara will be seen as one.
But Lord Vishnu prayed to Lord Shiva, to douse the anger and bless all. Lord Vishnu
prayed for wisdom. It is at this point that Lord Shiva was pleased and exclaimed,
“Whenever the physical form is taken, with it come the gunas --- the Satwik guna, the
Rajasik guna and the Tamsik guna. You fought because of the Rajasik guna, hence if the
physical form is achieved, you must strive to purify it of all the Gunas through tapa
(sustained meditation).”
Next, to usher purification in both Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma, he gave diksha to them
through his breath.
At the time of Deeksha:
o The first chant to come out was Om (Aum)
o The second to come out was the Panchakshari mantra
o The third was the MahaMrityunjya mantra
o The forth was the Gayatri mantra
o The fifth was Tatwamasi (tat tam asi) – I am that infinite
The day when Lord Shiva through his breath gave the diksha is known as Shivaratri and
any sadhak who on this day connects his breath with Lord Shiva, will receive the grace,
the diksha and the divinity of Lord Shiva.
The message of Shivratri thus is that with this physical body, come the Tamsik the Rajasik
qualities and one must purify oneself of all negativity through sadhna. All Shivyogis must
raise their level of consciousness to the level of Supreme Consciousness.
In Shastras, it is written that “Just minutes of meditation on Shivratri is equivalent to years
of meditation and the person who meditates in all the 8 pehars, attains great healing and
There are eight pehars i.e. the time when the energy is most powerful
07:00 am - 10:00 am
10:00 am - 01:00 pm
01:00 pm - 04:00 pm
04:00 pm - 07:00 pm
07:00 pm - 10:00 pm
10:00 pm - 01:00 am
01:00 am – 04:00 am
It is the day when the pace of transfer of energy from the divinity is at its peak and one
must strive to connect and get the most of the blessings from Lord Shiva and one’s Guru.
For that, Babaji says all Shivyogis must have Amrit Bhojan which is raw fruits and water
or else, if possible just pure milk.
Babaji says a Shivyogi must meditate, at these times, and do the: Swadhyay,
Shiv Panchakshari strotra, Rudrasthtam, Lingasthkam, followed by the chanting of Aum
Namah Shivay.
The whole day you will experience great healing as Babaji Himself will be in deep
meditation, connecting with the Source, blessing and healing all Shiv yogis.
The best worship of Shiva is not through any external object but through feelings of
devotion and piety from within. The first step in Shiv Poojan vidhi is to cultivate a nature
to say what you feel so that there is uniformity of energy.
The various materials offered to the Shiv Lingam are representative of the feelings we
must harbour in order to attain the divinity of Shiva.
o Water - Stands for purity. We must bring in the purity of behaviour, attitude,
emotion and purity of our deeds.
o Milk - Stands for love. In order to realise Shiva you have start loving yourself
first and then family followed by one and all. To consider yourself as
lower than others and sacrificing yourself completely for others too is
wrong. Treat yourself to the best as you deserve the best in every
sphere. Work for others but do not neglect yourself. See God as an
object of infinite love and not through the prism of fear. Don’t be
dependent on others for love. Love your own self to fulfil the need.
Accept yourself and do not nurse any expectation of seeking love from
anyone. You become the ocean of love by first loving your own self.
o Honey - Stands for sweetness. Politeness and sweetness on face, in conduct,
behaviour and mannerisms are a must. They help attract the happiness
from the universe. Happiness from within will solve all the problems
outside. Any pain in the body, cure by loving that part daily by first
smiling at it very affectionately.
o Curd - Stands for stability and mental equipoise. It also means uniformity of
divine emotion.
o Ghee - Stands for prosperity. When through true emotion of love towards
Shiva emerges, the frequency if vibration increases by itself and the
sadhaks attracts abundance and prosperity.
o Bel leaves - Stands for beauty of relations. The Bel tree was born when Lord Shiva
communed with Maa Parvati. Babaji told Ishanji before marriage that
no relation is a perfect relation. You have to put in the sacrifices,
compromises and unconditional love to make it perfect. The key to a
healthy relationship is to first mend your ways rather than expect
others to do so.
o Dhatura - Stands for the stupor of devotion and love which grows all the time
blessing at all instances.
o Aakanda - Stands for the supreme requirement of Tapa. The price you are willing
to pay to accomplish a certain goal.
Sugar-cane Juice, Ashta Gandha, Chandan, Karpur, Dhup-Deep ……… aur bhi bahat sara
samagri … par … “ Bholebaba, Karm-kaand se jyada, Bhaav se Prasann hote hay. ”
Namah Shivay,
Dear Sadhaks,
I asked Babaji, “What is Shivratri ?” He explained to me that initially when there was no
Universe, there was only the Nirakar, the Nirgun, form-less, quality-less, attribute-less
Shunya (Paratpar Shiv)
And then from that Nirakar, came the Aakar i.e. characterised by having a definite form.
When there is the form, there has to be Gunas (Sattik Rajasik Tamasik) and whenever
there are gunas there has to be the ego.
So from the formless the form originated and came ego with gunas. These characteristics
were first observed in lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma. They started fighting for supremacy
and it was then that lord Shiva appeared in the Jyotirling and proclaimed that one can
merge with Him only when one does tapa, sadhna or dhyan. “I can’t be experienced until
one purifies oneself.” And it was then that lord Shiva gave them the diksha and showed
them the path to the procedure of tapa.
So the time when lord Shiva gave the diksha, the time when all His energies are at their
peak, the time when all the gunas are most powerful, ready for tapa, is known as Shivratri.
The stories and fables are many, but this is what I was told by Babaji .
In Shastras, it is written that “Just minutes of meditation on Shivratri is equivalent to years
of meditation and the person who meditates in all the 8 pehars, attains great healing and
But 8 pehar puja is not going and ringing the bells, lighting the agarbattis, it is rather
meditating on Shiva in a profound state. From the first pehar start meditating and
continue his smaran till the last pehar.
Be in the meditative state throughout; that is doing the Sanjeevani/Shree Vidya Sadhna
with the Beej mantra as taught by Babaji in every pehar.
Eat amrit bhojan that is raw fruits and vegetables.
The first pehar will start from early in the morning at 7:00 am and there is a pehar after a
gap of every three hours. Pehar meaning when the energies are at the peak.
Babaji will be meditating throughout for all sadhaks.
Clutches of Maya
This Beautiful Story between a Guru and his Disciple, explains Maya in a very straight
and simple way. Sharing it here since it reminds of Babaji speaking about it in some
There was once a disciple of a Guru who went to his Guru and said, “Guruji, I want to live
a Spiritual Life. I want to live in the Service of God. I want to go beyond the binding
chains of this mundane, materialistic world. But, I feel that I am not quite ready. My
desires for a family, for wealth and enjoyment are still too strong. Grant me some time to
fulfil these wishes and then I will come to your holy feet”
So the Guru said, “No problem, my child. Go. Get married, have a family and earn wealth.
In ten years I will come back for you. My blessings are with you.” With the blessings of his
Guru, the man went out and quickly found a beautiful girl to marry. They had 3 beautiful
children, and the man become financially successful.
After 10 years, there was a knock on the door of their home. The man’s wife opened it to
see a haggard-looking beggar standing on the doorstep. The beggar asked to see her
husband. At first she started scolding the beggar, thinking that he was just there to beg for
money. But, the husband realized that the beggar was his Guru so he lovingly invited him
“I have come to take you away from this world of illusions now that you have fulfilled
your desire of having a wife, family and earnings. Come with me, my son, let me show
you the way to God. “But, the man looked at his Guru pitifully and he said, “Dear,
Beloved, Guru. Yes, you are right. You have given me my 10 years ever so generously and
with your blessings I have prospered. But, my children are very young and my wife is
again with child. She would not be able to handle the burden of all of them alone. Allow
me to stay another ten years until the children are old enough to care for themselves.”
A true Guru will guide you to the path, show you the light and help when help is
requested, but will never force a disciple -- against the disciple’s will -- to follow any
particular path. Thus, the man’s Guru compassionately agreed, saying, “So be it, my son.
Stay another 10 years until you feel that your mission is fulfilled.”
Ten years later, the Guru returned to the home to find a large bull-dog out front guarding
the house. Immediately he recognized his disciple in the dog and saw -- with his divine
vision -- that the man had passed away several years prior but, due to his intense
protectiveness over his family and wealth, he had reincarnated as a guard dog.
The Guru put his hand on the dog’s head and said, “My child, now that you have
regressed from a human to a dog due to your attachment to these worldly things, are you
finally ready to come with me?”
The dog licked the hand of his Guru lovingly and said, “My beloved Guruji. You are right
that it is my own attachment which has driven me to take birth as a dog, but you see my
children have many enemies who are envious of their wealth and power. These enemies
are very dangerous to my children and I must stay here to protect them. However, I am
sure that within a few years everything will sort itself out and they will be fine. Give me
just seven more years to protect them, then I am yours.”
The Guru left and returned 7 years later. This time, there was no dog out front and the
home was filled with grandchildren running around. The Guru closed his eyes and saw
with his divine vision that his disciple had taken birth in the form of a cobra, wedged into
the wall near the family safe to guard the money. He called the grandchildren of the
house, “My children”, he said. “In the wall to the right of your safe, there is a cobra curled
up in a small nook. Go there and bring the cobra to me. Do not kill it. It will not harm you,
I promise. But, just break its back with a stick and then bring it to me.”
The children were incredulous, but went to the wall where the old man had directed them.
Incredibly they saw that -- just as the Guru had said -- a cobra was curled up in the wall.
Following his orders, they broke the cobra’s back and carried it outside to the Guru. The
Guru thanked the children, threw the cobra over his neck and left.
As he walked away carrying the cobra over his neck, the Guru spoke to the cobra, injured
and aching, “My child, I am sorry for hurting you, but there was no other way. Twenty
seven years and three births ago you left to taste the material world of sensual pleasures.
But the ways of Maya are so alluring and so subtle that they trap us instantly. You have
wasted these lifetimes in the futile pursuit of material success and in attachment to people
who also are only actors in the Cosmic Drama.
My child, all here is Maya - Cosmic Illusion. It lures us into its trap, convincing us that it is
real, permanent, everlasting and significant. But, in reality, the only thing which is real is
Him, and the only true purpose of life is to get close to Him. These attachments merely
divert our attention and focus away from the true purpose of life. I had no choice but to
come to your rescue as I saw you sinking deeper and deeper into the deep clutches of
So frequently in life we think, “Just one more year” then I will cut back on my luxuries
and cut back on my time at the office. “Just one more year”. But, that “one more year”
never comes. Our intentions are good. We want to be more spiritual. We want to devote
more time to spiritual pursuits. We want to spend less, need less and serve more. We want
to be the master over our lust, anger and greed rather than vice versa. But, the power of
Maya is stronger than the power of our will. Thus, we continue to find excuses for why we
must continue to work 50 or 60 hour work-weeks, why we still have no time for chanting,
why we can’t squeeze a visit to the holy places of India into our year’s planning, and why
we must continue to satiate our insatiable sensual urges.
The only way to break free from the veil of illusion that Maya wraps around our minds is
to surrender to God and beg Him to show us the true light. The only way to break free is
to make and stick to concrete vows of how we are going to be better people next year.
Rather than saying “I will find time to chant” we must say “I will not leave for work
without sitting in meditation and I will not sleep at night without doing my nightly
Rather than say, “I will try to cut back on my expenses so that my financial needs are less,”
we must say, “I will not buy another jacket or pair of shoes [or anything] until the ones
that I have are broken, torn or no longer fit me.” Rather than say, “I will try to overcome
my anger, lust and greed,” we must commit to having daily appointments with God in
which we introspect on all the times we allowed ourselves to be overpowered by these
emotions and we must pray for strength, daily, to be remain calm, peaceful and satwic in
our lives.”
If we wait for the right time, that time will never come. The only time is now.
May the Divine bless us all with the clarity of vision to realize that the external world is
Maya and with the strength, fortitude and dedication to remove the veil and attain the
Divine Truth. Namah Shivay ...............
The Phenomenon of Guru Poornima
Happy Guru Poornima to all Shadaks!!!
Babaji has dwelt on the finer aspects of Guru Poornima. He says that it is not any ordinary
Poornima or Full moon day. Today every natural element and object of nature will exude
Guru’s energy which will provide peace of mind. The day has a very special significance
since the Shiva and Shakti energy circums cribes the planet Earth and becomes an intrinsic
part of nature and those meditating get immense benefit.
Babaji says that every ShivYogi is related to all the divine liberated beings as can be traced
back in the Siddha lineage. The ShivYogi is indirectly related to Shiv Shiva too. Any
sadhak having a Guru can never be alone as the Guru and Shiva are obliged to help him
whenever he calls them with pure intention and clear mind Babaji sermonizes.
Babaji says that even as sadhaks we tend to panic in tragic situations and never summon
the divine Guru’s powers to salvage the situation for them. He continues that in the times
to come, as sadhaks we must learn to invoke the Guru through superior methods than
scrambling to get to Babaji physically.
Babaji says a little on the procedure to invoke His energies whenever anyone is in trouble.
This he says must be done peacefully with closed eyes and then healing by the sadhak
himself must also be done.
Babaji says that Guru is a tatwa or element and not a physical being. The physical body is
just the medium for The Guru element to Guide.
The Real Invocation through “The Voice of Truth” i.e. Silence has been dwelt upon.
Namah Shivay,
Babaji has, all through maintained that “I am always with you”, almost echoing the
scriptures which proclaim that God is everywhere. But I have literally experienced this. It
happened most prominently and in a manifest manner when I was in South Africa. I had
gone to distribute food and toys in an orphanage for the deaf and mute. The children there
communicated with gestures. I remember a very special incident in which I saw a child
making obscene and expletive gestures at another child. But the other child was smiling.
So I asked my host what was happening to be told that the first boy was trying to abuse
the other boy, but the latter refused to look at the boy who is abusing with his gestures.
And that is why the boy poking aggressive gestures is getting so frustrated. The boy
would like to give a piece of his mind but till the other boy looks at him, he won’t know
what this boy is saying. The other boy had his back towards the abuses and he had his face
towards me as I was carrying the gifts for him. May be that’s why he was smiling too. And
that’s when it dawned upon me that we all have this choice. The boy chose to face me
rather than the negativity. And he was happy due to this. If he had put his back towards
me then all he would know would have been the abuse. But even though he would be
affected by the abuse, the fact that I am still there holding a goody bag for him would not
change. It all comes down to what he chose and whatever he chose, it is that very choice
which will ultimately affect him.
A Guru is a Spiritual Being who is always around us holding a goody bag in his hand. He
is like the sun which is always shining. And it is up to us if we choose to acknowledge him
or not. He is never changing. He is the ocean of unconditional love which is always
flowing like a river, unaffected by the ravages of senses. He is Nirgun or beyond good or
bad qualities and traits. If people benefit by His light, He is calm. If people walk away he
is calm.
Lucky are those who can find that Spiritual Being and live their lives with their faces
towards the happiness and divinity.
The question however remains Who is a Guru ? What is a Disciple ? Today I would
like to tell you about my experience and of those around me about the most important
elements of life.
First we must understand that, Who a Siddha Guru is and how we as laymen can know
and find the Ultimate State for Ourselves.
Many phoney Gurus have sufficed of late. But divine protection through the grace of the
Guru will be successful in tiding over this problem.
Today there are many misleading guides around. Every nook and corner comes with its
own path, with its own Guru. Some practicing vaam marg while some practicing saam
marg. Others just making a quick buck and that is why it becomes the duty of a disciple to
first prepare himself, just as you prepare yourself before a journey.
Before you start your search for the one true guide, remember that like energy attracts like
energy. If our IQ levels and morals are low, we will be attracted to a Guru of the same
nature. If we are lazy, we will be attracted to a lazy Guru. The word disciple comes from
discipline and one must become disciplined before seeking a guide to salvation.
Preparation is important.
If a man has a desire to become a neurosurgeon, and he goes to a doctor and tells him to
show him how to operate, the doctor can’t. You must have basic knowledge of anatomy
and that is why when a person develops a spiritual thirst, he should find a Guru who can
gradually bring progressive growth through discipline and purity, that is the path of a
true Guru is to bring ultimate growth in your life. He will never say “I will bypass all
basics and just work on advanced levels directly”. It is the law of nature. Stronger the
foundation, stronger the structure.
Through the grace of divinity I have come to understand that a true Siddha Guru has a
certain classification of traits. A Siddha Guru is a One who will work for your growth,
who will help you walk in the right direction, who will always shine for your benefit.
Whereas others worry about their benefit, whatever may happen to you is of no concern to
The first trait which I observed in a Siddha was knowledge. I remember when I was
young, like all boys my age I loved debating with my father. I would read a book and go
to him. But as I would talk, he would already be in the know of the contents of the book
and to my surprise, even better than me. And then He would claim that he never reads. I
started to doubt that how he had all this knowledge without reading the books. Thinking
that he must be secretly reading in the night, I started keeping a watch on him. I tried to
find out where he read his books. Day and night I spied and searched but to no avail ever.
I didn’t find Him reading at any time. Frustrated with the same, I confronted Him and
questioned Him as to how on Earth could He know everything of a book without reading
it. He smiled and told me that everything in this world has a vibrational frequency.
Just like a radio has the power to transmit waves from the atmosphere, so does this body.
He explained to me that what a poet or writer would call an inspiration or a eureka
experience is nothing but the poet or writer connecting to a part of the universe and
matching his frequency to that part of the universe guides the work of the innovator.
Babaji explained that all the knowledge is already around us, waiting for someone to
match frequency with it and transmit to the humanity and when He would read a book,
He would read what the writer had experienced when he connected to the same frequency
of the writer. That way Babaji didn’t have to learn the taste of a mango but experience that
inspiration first hand.
The siddhas are a master of frequency and hence a master of knowledge. I see people
claiming to be siddhas but failing this very first test. They may claim that they are
connected to the highest of masters, come from the longest of lineages but you see in
marketing jargon it is known as brand association or brand building. This means that
when a new product is launched in the market, the easiest way to sell is to place the
product in the hands of a superstar. People will start associating the product with
greatness of the superstar and flock to buy the product.
You will find many people using this technique by associating themselves with Gods and
Gurus of the bygone eras, claiming that they have learnt from them but you will find their
learning and knowledge is generally as empty as their hollow claims. Such people will
associate themselves with the glories of great men but not their hard work and dedication.
They stoop to such a level they may even quote “Avatar Purush” to justify laziness and
I remember reading about a company who released a new product which was an anti
histamine (anti allergic) but failed drastically. So the marketers pondered over how to get
back the investment. So they saw that the product had a side effect of drowsiness and
remarketed the product as a tonic for weight gain in children. As children would drink it,
they used to get drowsy, sleepy and as a result of inactivity gain weight.
These are marketing gimmicks. Just as the devil justified the forbidden apple to eve, many
devils try to justify and market their path to you. At such times a sadhak must be alert. He
must observe the words just as carefully and with the same precision as a jeweller
observes the diamonds. He must become a supatra, a vessel of gold, neither impressed nor
depressed. He should just stay as an observer and he must only submit if he sees truth in
the words said. Also, a sentence has many meanings but a Guru is the one who can
explain all meanings including the right one.
The second trait of a siddha is experience. A true Guru is the one who talks with
experience. It is like this. When you go for surgery, you go to an expert who has practiced
many times but not a philosopher who has not practiced but thinks on what is the best
surgery. I usually saw that when Babaji was asked advice on family matters, He was an
expert as he would talk experience. He had a conviction as whatever He would say, He
already had tried on us. Babaji was an expert in all fields.
I saw Him as an expert when He was a Husband, He was an expert in Sports being a
National Level Player, He was an expert in Academics, an expert in his Profession, an
expert Father, an expert Farmer…the list goes on. It’s as if He had the Midas touch and
whatever He would touch, became Gold and hence Spirituality for Him was not an
escape. So unlike people who could not accomplish anything in life and so dawned the
cloak of God to sustain themselves. A sadhak must examine the background of his Guru.
Only a Guru who has tasted and experienced Higher Achievement can guide you to
achieve. A true Siddha is the one who will never see the difference between men and
women because through his experience he has learned that all is energy. There will be no
special importance accorded to either men or women. He is like the sun. Whoever seeks
his energy, He is his. You will always see that a Siddha Guru will always be running an
anna shetra that is day and night people would be fed by him. When I was young, this is
the sewa which was given to me -- the kitchen sewa. And everyday I would feel proud
that so many people would eat at the ashram and one day I was boasting that almost a
500 people ate, but Babaji laughed as that was just one city. Babaji is work happens in
all cities and countries, so I could imagine how many people eat. Thanks to my Guru.
Through his experience a Siddha becomes the ocean of unconditional love and you will
always see that a true Siddha will always espouse a cause. Babaji’s cause is to serve all
who long for food, for necessities and love. Everyday children in many parts of the world
thank Babaji for toys, food and clothing. Every day, cows are rescued from slaughter and
put in a heaven which Babaji has created for them. In the Rajhasthan Gowshala there are
no walls. Just open areas where the greenest of grass are grown, where lakes are made and
trees have been planted to provide shade for the cows. The cows are never tied and are
just left to enjoy, so much happiness they get that. Many old cows also become pregnant.
Everyday so many retired people from old age homes across the globe thank Babaji for all
that is provided to them and a sadhak should see that if only such divine activities and
tranquil atmosphere with utmost emphasis on pure intention behind every such action are
happening around a man can merit him the designation of a master and true Guru. Only if
a Guru is truly experienced and has come into spirituality for the sheer reason that he
loves you, is he a master. Only if he talks his experience which is mammoth and for real,
only then is he a master.
The third trait of a Siddha is tapasaya. A sadhak must be aware of the spiritual
antecedents of his Guru. This includes who were his masters? Where did He and His
master meditate?
Most of my respect for Babaji came only because I have seen Him meditate all his life.
When I was very young, Babaji left his executive level post and started farming in
Rajasthan near Alwer, where today Babaji’s Gowshala stands. He was a master farmer.
He introduced new techniques to the locals and can be credited for the green revolution in
that area. He would research for the best seeds and methods and use them while farming.
He became responsible for inflow of much wealth and development in that area. But all
this while, He never stopped meditating. He had created a hut in which He would sit and
meditate. I remember that, I used to study in Delhi and sometimes the phone would be
from the farm helps. They would say “Come fast Baba-saab has not come out for ten days”. I
and Maa would rush to Rajasthan to feed Babaji. Sometimes the hired help would call to
say “Baba-saab dikhne band ho gaye hay jaldi aayo”.
And that was Babaji’s life. Work 100% + Tapasya 100% = 200% Life.
The basis of ShivYog today, He transformed through tap. And that’s what He teaches
today that, “I am not special. I became what I am through tapa and that tapa I will teach
to you. So you can transform the way, I did”.
A sadhak must know about his Guru --- how many years he mediated. I know that
Babaji’s tapa was started from 8 years of age. Many people of late have come to claim that
they have meditated in Himalayas. At that time get a map and ask where exactly?
Generally you will find there is no answer but if there is, go to that place and see if
something happens to you. And if doesn’t, continue your search. Babaji’s tapobhoomi is so
powerful that if you just sit where His hut used to be, you go in a state of trance, a state of
supreme bliss as if it is a portal to the highest dimension, a place so magical, so mystical,
so divine, so powerful and most of all --- tangible .
Also a true master who has worked hard will always teach to his disciples, hard work and
discipline. Just like Ramkrishna waited till Vivekananda desired Kali as much as desiring
of breath.
A true Guru will always hold purification as his priority. When I was a child, Babaji used
to heal everybody and how would I know they would get healed? They would stop
coming of they were not healed. But the trouble was that again, after a few months the
disease would recur. This was because their lifestyles did not change. What caused the
disease in the first place did not rectify. It was at that time Babaji thought He will work not
to rid these people of their disease but the cause which was their negative qualities. And a
true Guru will never give painkiller (symptomatic cure), rather he will teach a way of life.
A life of Sadhana, a life of discipline (a causative cure).
At this time, what a sadhak must make out the wheat from the chaff i.e. a true Guru
from a fake Guru. Questions must be raised as to whether the teacher is giving a magical
remedy which allows me to be lazy and a dum dum. A dishonest teacher will contend to
his disciples---You don’t change, don’t work, let this talisman or chant work for you
whereas a true Guru will compel you to ask these questions of yourself Is it a way that
can change me or transform me forever ? There are no short cuts to achieve anything and
so am I ready to pay the price for my goals ?
And once one encounters a Guru who is an epitome of learning, experience and tapasya it
is at that time that the sadhak must change. Just like the soil is readied for the seed, the
disciple must ready himself.
The first thing which I learnt is acceptance. That is the sadhak must bring these teachings
in each and every aspect of his life. For example I remember I met a sadhak who told me,
“Generally I am a good person. It is only when I am in a situation, I do become bad.” It is
like saying that, “Generally I am a good swimmer, but as I enter the water I drown”. The
teachings must be accepted as a way of life in all aspects of it. It is like this - When a river
continues to flow in a valley it becomes the path, in the same way, if I continue to think in
a manner, neuropathways are formed in the brain. That is, my thoughts become a reflex,
an unconscious behaviour like driving etc. In the same way I must follow the teachings till
they become a reflex.
After acceptance, must come surrender. Just like a scientist talks about atoms and theories,
because all his life he researched in laboratories, and if one wants and he is ready he can
recreate the experiments, in the same way a Guru talks about God, as all his life he has
researched in the lab within and if the disciple is ready he can recreate that phenomena in
that disciple. Just like we may have never seen an atom but we don’t question the books,
in the same way a sadhak once surrendered must not question his Guru. His faith is his
true wealth, he must strive to recreate the same phenomena within.
Babaji’s Guru had once told him (when he was a child) that when you go for urination,
hold the urine 5 times as it passes. Babaji did not question and just followed. Later he
found he became a master of Moolbandh and he had complete control over his lower chakras. In
the same manner, when I was young I used to get very angry and Babaji told me to
practice martial arts. I never questioned him but continued and as I became a master of the
body, I became a master of my mind and eventually a master of my emotions. Hence a
sadhak must develop complete surrender to his Guru because what we think is third
dimensional and his wisdom is multidimensional.
Finally come commitment.
Understand the fact that a plant may be shifted from one nursery to another and it will
remain a plant, but if the plant is given a fertile soil to take roots, never disturbed, only
then can it become a tree laden with fruits.
Just like a man has one wife, one mother, one father he must have one Guru, the one who
will truly purify him, the one who will be there for him always. A man must emotionally
connect to the one who loves him the most.
In every man there is a potential energy (Guru tatwa), a powerful force capable of
granting him supreme knowledge, guidance and divinity. A Guru is more than just a
guide. He is the one who awakens this potential in a man. That is why the chakra
associated with the Guru is called Ajna Chakra, the chakra of Vision. There is one thing
known as Learning and there is one thing known as Wisdom. Learning can be performed
from everywhere --- from books, from teachers etc. But the Wisdom to see the Truth can
only be achieved once the Guru awakens the tatwa within. That is why you will see many
interpretations of scriptures. A Guru is the one who can remove filters of negativities from
our perception. So I can always remain in bliss and rise above maya.
Acceptance, Surrender and commitment come from Within as Babaji claims.
Lord Dattatray is an example. He was the son of maharshi Atri and Mata Ansuya. So in
him he already had evolved DNA, much potential energy, and his Guru was maharshi
Kapil, who gave him the divine sight and activated his inner Guru tatwa, which in turn
enabled him to get the gyan from different life forms .
That one is always needed who can transform me. And once I am transformed, I can truly
understand life, and like Dattatreaya, wherever I
look, there is a lesson to be learned. A man with a
Guru is truly free. He need not go around in circles,
whirlpools of logic and maya. Once he is connected
to that one Guru his Agya Chakra can only then be
awakened, and only then with the Guru’s Grace can
Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra Granthis be dissolved
just like Ramakrishna dissolved Vivekananda’s, like
Krishna dissolved Arjuna’s misgivings, like
Matsendranath dissolved Gorakshnath’s impurities,
like kapil dissolved Dattatreya’s etc.
The process of emerging after merging.
And that is what I learnt. All my life, He was
always there. I may have deviated but now I choose
to return to Him.
The reason of my happiness, the cause of my
healing, the purpose of my life, my love, my father, my Guru, my Baba, my truth
Avdhoot Shivanand.
---------------------------------( Another Guru Poornima Message )---------------------------------
Explanation of the video of Babaji’s Direct Message on “Guru Poornima”
Namah Shivay,
Babaji elucidates the message on Guru Poornima. When darkness prevails, gloom and
dejection prevail whereas when the Guru opens the eyes and supersedes the darkness by
lighting the lamp of knowledge, happiness prevails. The first step He says is to become a
human and ask oneself, What do I want from my life? This because there has to be a
purpose to leading a life more so when one is a Yogi. Merely taking things from nature
and fellow human’s causes indebtedness if one does not believe in reciprocation. Efforts
should be made to give rather than take.
Babaji says that, one must be ready to return in lieu of whatever one takes from others. So
after self interrogation (Main chahtha kya hun?), one must also ask Main de kya sakta hun
uske badley (What can I return in exchange to what I seek?) One must own 100%
responsibility for whatever situation one finds oneself in. Blaming others is futile and
breeds diseases. It must be realized that others act only as media for happiness or pain
inflicted upon us. We attract others through our previous karmas and we have only
ourselves to blame if anything wrong or right takes place in our lives.
Babaji lays down principles of Yog ---Yam & Niyam. Yam includes Satya (Truth) Ahimsa
(Non Violence) and Asteya (Self Dependency). Telling Lies or resorting to falsity even in
jest or jokingly gives rise to and nourishes evil forces which bring upon grief and sorrow.
So we must always speak the truth to induce positive energies around us.
Ahingsa or Non-violence. Ahingsa means inflicting pain and suffering on everyone, not
sparing one’s own mother in law, daughter in law, near and dear ones. We tend to purify
ourselves superficially by abstaining from eating so many food products, not realising that
Veg and Non Veg is as per behaviour than food items. Brham hatya or killing of any being
of nature has been told to be the ugliest of crimes. The broader meaning of Brahma hatya
is killing not physically but via negative emotions and dishing out expletives. He
elaborates that one must respect the elderly, one’s own parents, nearest of the kith and kin.
Shrugging responsibility of giving love causes karmic debt and in turn causing
diseases. All the planets and astrological factors can be made favourable by giving love to
one’s own family.
Babaji dwells on the third aspect of Yam i.e. Asteya or self dependency. Never eye what is
not yours be it money, wealth or any object which you have not earned. Squabbling and
wrangles within families for inherited wealth is the sole cause of discontent. If one believes
in earning for oneself, all these fights will end. From Yam Babaji comes to Niyam or rules.
He elucidates there must be a time table and orderly manner to everything that one does
throughout the day. Without rules, will power of a sadhak also declines. Rules must be
made to regulate the body, mind and emotions as per the Strong will of the sadhak and
not as Might Be comfortable to a lazy person. Rules and schedule from wake up time,
work time table etc must be made to become an achiever. Spirituality is of use only when
it is clubbed and gelled well with daily life. After laying out regulations, for one, it should
be an endeavour to consciously follow the time table and not become lazy and revert back
to a whimsy and flimsy routine. Continuing the sermon on having a fixed time table Babaji
says that having a fixed time table helps immensely as the body and mind function in
symphony for an effective Sadhana and a perfect energy filled day of sakaam karm and
achievements galore. A sound body per se can guarantee an effective Sadhana and an
unfit body wouldn’t sustain, leave alone reach God.
Wasting time in drinking tea, watching sensationalist news would get an animal birth in
the next incarnation. It is immaterial whether tragic incidents are happening or not.
Viewing them is of no purpose. Time and energy need to be channelled on the self instead
of the tea and news to ascend. Babaji also says that as a sadhak we would have to leave all
the sources of time wastage and work on our body, cornering TV and all distractions. No
pain no gain. To get something one has to give something. Babaji lays out the parameter to
see whether you are a successful or sad human being. Time table should be such that it
should elicit respect from your family.
Time is same for everyone. There are 24 hours for everyone. It’s how we utilize it that it
matters. To become successful, we will have to pay the price by making utmost efforts to
improve our self—physically, spiritually and mentally by clearing karmas through
Sadhana. If we clean ourselves, everyone around will appear clean. That is so because it is
our own reflection that we see in others. Upon cleansing karmas and making the mind
pure, Divinity, success and prosperity will follow.
Babaji has laid emphasis on the fact that if the desire is for more abundance, prosperity
and success, the Sadhana should be more. Wealth Babaji says must be acquired by
legitimate and ethical means and if got by ill means, it begets illness. As is said ill got ill
spent. Do not be rapacious and desirous of wealth overnight. Do not resort to unfair
means to acquire wealth. Whatever has been pre ordained for us, we shall get it. So the
need for squabbling over money shouldn’t arise. Money should be earned by legitimate
and proper means. Also, spend money on charity if you get wealth otherwise penury is
round the corner. Give to the world what you want from others. Give love to the family.
Start sewa from home.
Babaji says that for spiritual growth, being a human is a primary concern. Be humble as
you grow spiritually, only then will you progress towards the infinite otherwise the ego
shall consume you. If you really love God, love all its creations. Never inflict sorrow and
grief on any creation of God. He who finds peace with family at night is a real human
otherwise an animal. Babaji has said that even judging good about others is bad. Praise
others but never judge. Never compare also since everyone is unique. Never make efforts
to change and improve others. Steer clear of anger.
It becomes so easy if one focuses and leads life on a day to day basis as Babaji points
out. The Guru bows to such a sadhak who follows the teachings unbridled day in and
day out. Such a sadhak is always protected by the Guru’s Aura and Blessings.
Babaji urged the sadhaks to rise above animalistic tendencies of fight and flight. Pitching
for sadhaks to practice introversion and introspection, rather than be preoccupied in
materialism, Babaji clarified that a true disciple knows that he is never alone as his Guru is
always with him. Purification of the consciousness, he suggested was the simplest way to
send healing request to the Guru and receive the Grace Instantaneously.
Impressing upon the need to ascertain worldly and divine purpose in life, he said, “You
must write your goals without the Pashu bhaav. There has to be divinity in all your
actions, including in writing your goals.” Guru, he termed, is an emissary of God in
physical form so that there exists a mechanism for Divinity to relay their messages. Babaji
made a very strong resolution that he will never let true ShivYogis fall in the vicious cycle
of ‘Pashu yoni’ or successive animal incarnations. He pointed to the fact that karmic debt
repayment must become a priority area in every spiritual aspirant’s life. For
accomplishing this, Babaji asserted the need for performing Sankirtan first, to open the
heart centre, which is the source of kindness selfless.
Next, he prescribed sewa through money, distribution of food, by physical effort and
through healing others. Criticism is the doorway to deep darkness, said the Enlightened
Babaji, adding that three times a day one must engage in prayer, out of which at least
once, one must sit with the family for collective prayer. The combined worship of a family
at home, he said, would help release overall stress, illnesses, doshas, develop family
bonding and understanding. He summed up his crisp sermon by calling upon all the
seekers to forge an envelope of divinity in their lives such that darkness stays miles apart,
not only from them but their families too.
indirect manner. Baby Ishan’s words also led me to develop the bhajan ‘Ae Din bandeya’.
So when we sing this today, the inspiration is the baby Ishan.
I get so many requests everywhere I go, telling me that “Oh Babaji I have so many
unresolved issues with XYZ in my family”.
I have only one thing to tell them as the perfect solution - Just Give Love.
Then they tell me, “But Babaji XYZ throws tantrums. What to do then?”
I have only one thing to tell them as the perfect solution - Just Give Love.
Then they tell me, “But XYZ has views counter to mine. XYZ always indulges in
I have only one thing to tell them as the perfect solution - Just Give Love.
But then they tell me, “But Babaji XYZ is disobedient. XYZ never listens to my orders.”
I have only one thing to tell them as the perfect solution - Just Give Love.
Again they tell me, “But Babaji the youngster gets angry and rebellious, the in-law is
uncooperative, the husband criticizes, the wife suspects and on and on and on”
I have only one thing to tell them as the perfect solution - Just Give Love. Because this is
the only solution I know and this is the solution which is the most effective.
In another instance, a few years later Ishan, a little older now, was scanning me with X-ray
eyes as I was sharing this teaching of unconditional love with some sadhaks.
Later in the day, after that session with the sadhaks, Ishan started arguing with me on
some issue. He completed his argument with:”Come on tell me what you want to say?”
I felt angry as to how did he speak to me like this?
And the innocent boy Ishan reminded me: “ Just Give Love “.
So this is how unconditional love fostered the relationship between me and my son. Ishan
has taught me all the teachings of ShivYog in the most practical way.
And to continue the story, after Ishan’s reminder of “Just Give Love”, I shared an
affectionate moment and a good laugh with him. GuruMaa scolded Ishan for talking to his
father like that but I sprung to his defence, saying he became a medium to install in me
this beautiful teaching.
Thus, my son has always been a great motivator to me. He has unconditionally loved me,
appreciated the noble work, my Sadhana and every good deed. His words have kept me
going from strength to strength.
Whenever I have been a little lazy or even a little careless, Ishanji has been like a shadow,
an alter ego, as if telling me every time - “Father I always appreciate when you do good
deeds. You always motivate me.”
After such memorable and life-changing incidents, the spark that I saw in him, I taught
him a lot.
Why I share with you such a long letter is that these are some of the practical experiences
from my own life which I want you to know. Because I want you to understand that your
family members too are here with you to give and receive love. They are here to help you
grow. Don’t see the wrong side of incidents. The lessons from those incidents must be
your only focus.
To succeed in every situation of family life, you have to practice
1) Just giving love and receiving love.
2) Doing good deeds together.
3) Moving together on the path of ascension and helping each other grow in every way.
I want all ShivYogis to relish family bonds because they are the greatest teachers of
spiritual tenets. Your family can teach you what rituals cannot.
Father - Son
Father - Daughter
Husband - Wife
Guru - Shishya ------- all have so much to teach us. We must cherish these
relationships and spend quality time each day to nurture them.
I’m showing you the path which I treaded. And I want you to benefit in the same way as I
did. Many of the teachings that I speak of today are an outcome of a father-son
So, pledge right now never to waste your time in trivial fights, digging up petty issues,
pointing out fingers, playing blame game and doing anything which unnerves any
member of your family.
From today, a new mantra I give to you all - “Just Give Love”. And don’t just chant this
mantra. Practice giving love to master it.
Finally, more than running after powers and Siddhis, what will lead you to ascension is
following every relationship with the bolster of unconditional love. And one fine day you
will realize that you have become one with the universe. The stage of Aham Brahmasami.
Bless You!
Namah Shivay
Your Baba.
Namah Shivay!
Life is beautiful. And it’s beauty unfolds as early as in the womb of the mother. Some
babies come easily into this world, but some are naughty and bringing them to this world
requires a good amount of effort. They can’t come easily even though for nine months the
mother’s body has prepared, even though the mother has tried her best and even though
the family waits with a bated breath, the baby won’t come out easily.
At these times, a specialist is called. A specialist for the naughty children. He helps usher
them to the world waiting for them outside, he lovingly guides them out of the mother,
disconnects the umbilical cord, cleans them, prepares them so they may survive, they may
be happy, they may brave the new world which awaits them. And then as the baby is out,
the specialist does not stake any claim or credit for bringing the baby to the world. He
selflessly gives the baby back to the mother so that she may love him and as the mother
kisses her child, he the specialist, the helper, the angel, slowly walks away for there is
another naughty child somewhere who needs to be helped out.
And, like the naughty child I too once needed deliverance, after many years, my soul
was ready to be delivered, the good inside me wanted to be born. Many find their own
way, but just like so many others, I was the one who was lost in the darkness, stumbling,
shouting, praying, pleading and seeking to be delivered. And when all seemed lost, he
came, my angel. He showed me the path, out of this maze of ignorance which I had
created for myself. He wanted nothing in return. What can a child give anyways?
He was selfless, held my hands and very playfully guided me like the river guides the fish
to the ocean. I swam with him, I danced with him, I was inspired by his aura. Mesmerized,
I followed him, till the day came when I was delivered. My family was overjoyed as now
they saw a new me, a powerful me, a great me. And as I saw my day in the light, he
gracefully withdrew, just like the sun withdraws into the clouds. But now I know the day I
open my window he’ll be there. He has always been with me. I am a part of him today. I
know he is the all powerful, the all-knowing, the one I love the most, my guiding light, my
saviour. He is - my Guru.
Guru Poornima signifies the day when I give homage to the one who gives me the means
and the path to reach the destination as also the code which keeps me honest on the way.
You see, people may ask Why a Guru? I’ll find my own way.
But what you do not realise is that the law of survival of the fittest is applicable only on
animals. Natural gifts may help you to a certain point. That too if you are in a jungle and
you are bigger and faster and stronger than all the animals.
When it comes to humans, natural gifts are nothing but a minor advantage. The
situation is akin to having a sword to sharpen and there is an iron surface on which you
will do so. But, the two are kept ten feet apart from each other.
You see raw iron must also be forged, it has to be sharpened. And the more you sharpen
the sword, the more effective it becomes.
That is why a child is not born a sports star or a singer. He may have natural talents on
the surface or deep within. But the raw talent needs to be refined. To do that, it has to
be brought on the surface by a master. A man who knows the path – the Guru. It is he
who brings all our talents on the surface.
And the master who brings God on the surface is called a Siddha Guru.
Many are born as mortals. But few die as immortals. And those who become gods while
they live, have the honour to meet a true master, the master of Rama, the master of
Krishna. And to share a secret with you today, your very own master - Babaji is part of
that great GuruMaandal.
You see, the work of the Guru is like that of the farmer. Just like the farmer, first the
Guru rips you apart like the field needs to be ploughed. This part is difficult. Many
sadhaks out of ego cannot take it. The karmas are too strong. Their coloured perception
makes them think that Babaji is being rough on them and is scolding them. At these times
the better the farmer, the more thorough is the cleaning he will do. It would seem he is
destroying the land. But he is just preparing, as only when the ground is stripped bare can
a beautiful orchard be planted.
I had also come to my Guru like a wild jungle, filled with animalistic tendency. But he
was an artist. He had handled so many before me. It was a beautiful dance. A tango if you
will. But every one cannot take that dance as their ego will simply not allow. I was lucky.
But let me be honest. He was hard on me. For a while, subtly savage also, but you have to
be wild if you are entering a dense forest and believe me, I was dense in every way.
I remember first came the body. I was trained from dawn to dusk in every martial art
imaginable, till my body would be on the verge of a total breakdown. I was made to hear
sermons till my head would ache and if that wasn’t enough, at times I was given a good
dressing down, made to do menial tasks. But I realize now that they were menial just in
my head. Today, I know all work is God’s work. I wish I was this wise then. But I would
sit thinking why does he say like this?
He says pyar ka sagar but why can’t he love me? He says forgiveness. Why does he not
forgive me?
And I would break.
Today I know what was breaking then wasn’t breaking at all. It was hatching. I had to
hatch. I was in the egg of my ego for so long. But many can’t take it. But some day in
some life, you have to take it. Only then can you evolve. The ego may bring the logic of
disbelief. But you don’t need to believe. Just like your disbelief in gravity will not make
you float, believing does not matter. All you need to do is understand. Understand that it
is good for you. I am glad I did. Because after that comes the easy part, the best part when
the plants the seed. At this time, the Guru will become unconditional. He will give and
give and give. But this is also the preparation for the final part, the most important part.
Only a fraction of the genuine seekers make it to this part. The ones who do, immortality
awaits them. You see after the farmer has planted the seeds, he spreads the fertilizers and
then the crop grows on a massive scale. Results begin to show. Gains of healing unfold.
Power and glory are at the feet. However, at this stage too the ego may be prove to be a
deterrent. People say now why do I need the farmer? To hell with the farmer, the Guru.
But that is the most dangerous mistake. A mistake to which the best of us are not immune.
A man without a destination is not a man at all.
So, let him give you the destination, but more than that, receive the path he has crafted for
you to achieve your goals. The path which is true to our time and our generation, the path
which has not been corroded by the rust of generations, a path which is free from the
dilution of time, a fresh path just for us.
Receive it. After all, it is your True Inheritance.
But remember, a Siddha does not just give a path. He gives a code with it. If path is the
car, code is the key, a code to keep our car working. And in the true sense, to keep us
And as we respect The Code, the Master will guide us into the light.
This Guru Poornima, all ShivYogis must commit to change.
We cannot continue doing the same thing and expect different results.
I urge you to understand time is less and so much needs to be done. So much needs to be
taught to you. And he is working so hard. Day and night he meditates to give.
All I say is let not a drop of his love be wasted. I want you to receive it all. From today,
help me help you.
And together, we shall walk into the light, into a world where all is Divine. Where love
prevails and laughter is the motivator. Where good health is the only truth. It is in that
world where they all are waiting for us the Divine GuruMaandal.
Till then, this is the prayer I give to you. A prayer to keep you connected. I thank the
Siddhas for all the miracles which have manifested in my life till today. And I thank them
for all the miracles which are to manifest in my life from today.
Blessings and love to you all.
May you all achieve what I have, through His Grace.
Namah Shivay!
Ishan Shivanand.
---------------------------------( Another Guru Poornima Message )---------------------------------
2014 fbMessage for all Shivyogi Disciples
Thank You!
---------------------------------( Another Guru Poornima Message )---------------------------------
Dear Sadhak,
You are never alone in the time of your need. Along with the God, I am next to you,
always, sending you unconditional love, healing energy and patiently awaiting your
request for help even if a little.
A mere thought or even a passing one puts me into action on your behalf. Listen in
stillness for my guidance, which comes to your Heart, Mind & Body. My Messages always
speak of the inexplicably large love I do to you.
I always view you as truly you are : Very Positive, Completely Loyal, a Magnificent
Being of Light, Ultimately Blissful. The Shivyogi.
Together we can see solutions to each of your so called problem. I shall always, in peace
Guide you through the dark phases in your life and quickly bring you back into the light.
And I will always be able to help you. Feel good about your self and I will keep on
reminding you of the good experiences of your Life and will create more and more good
experiences. I can assist you in making wonderful Decisions and finding the answers.
I am you father, Guru and the Ascended Master Guide. I love you unconditionally and
eternally whenever you will read this mail, I will be right by your side for I am with you
Listen to the falling rain and listen to rain drops.
Namah Shivay.
------------------------------------( “ Tum Chahte Keya Ho ? “ )------------------------------------
Guru ki Baani, Unhi ki Jawani
♥ Guru Pajan hay aatma pujan. Sansarik bidhi bidhan me maan lagana. Swayam ko pujna.
♥ Sab me, uss Shiv ko hi dekhna, pashuo me bhi.
♥ Haar haal me khushi! Aab rona dhona nehi. Yeh nehi kahna, “I am fed up and disgusted.
Bring the happiness from within. Outer happiness is only a way of expressing the
inner joy so use it that way.”
♥ Tumhare emotions tumhe iss sharir ke madhyam se uss Parabrahma ko anubhab karne ke liye
diye hay. Uss Sachchidananda ko anubhab karne ke liye diye hay. Inhe galat disha me nehi
lagana. Direct your feelings and emotions towards God and not towards animal
tendencies of lust, fear, anger, resentment, hate, jealousy. Pashuo ki bhati Alpha male
nehi banna. Dadagiri nahi karna. Nehi to Sthool Sharir me hi atke rah jayoge. Aur chourashi
lakh bar pirit hoge!
♥ Create for yourself and leave jealousy. Dusre ki sukho se tanab aur irsha karne balo ke
bichaar, ek truck ke pichhe para maine. Uss par likhha tha “Main Sukhi Tu Pareshaan, Mere
Bharat Mahan!”
♥ Sraddha, Bhakti aur Biswas tumhare Dharna Shakti ko prabal karenge. Sraddha, Bhakti aur
Biswas aapne aap par, aapne Guru par, aur uss Parameswar par jo tumhe sabhi kuch dene me
saksham hay.
♥ Urdhwareta hi, Siddhamarg par chalne ka supatra hota hay. Apne karjo se mukt ho lena. Karj
yani reen --- jo tumhare mata-pita ke prati hay, jo tumhare bhai-bandhuo ke prati hay, jo
tumhare pati-patnio ke prati hay. Iss reen mukti ki prakriya ko aapne se hi shuru kar dena.
♥ Tumhara uss byakti ke prati bhi reen hay jisne tuhare liye kabhi kuch kiya. Par uss ke liye, wo
particular Physical Body ke pichhe naha dhoke parna mat, reen mukti ke liye. Wo
sharir to ek madhyam hay, jiske sahare prakriti se kuch tum tak pohucha. Prakriti se
mila reen, prakriti ko hi loutana hoga. Ek rup se mila, aur ek rup ko loutaya, koyi
farak nehi parta. e.g. kabhi kabhi eysa koyi byakti tumhe gift dete hay, jisko turant hi
aur kuch return-gift dena uchit nehi hoga. To, uss sthiti me, ussi gift-mulya ke
equivalent food/cloth/ration … garibo ko daan karo. Reen mukti bhi hoga, punya bhi
milega. Par iss punya-kaam ko, maan me reen mukti ke bhaavna lekar nehi karna.
♥ Tumhare panch shariro ke tum reeni ho. Din prati din wo-sabhi, dibya urja ko tumhare liye
ekatrit karke usska sanchar karte hay! Issliye unki pushti karna bhi tumhara uttardayitwa hay.
Pran-kriyaye pratidin karke aapne Pran-Sharir ke karje se mukt hona, aur Sadhana karke aapne
baaki ke shariro ki reen mukti karna. Aatma-Sakshatkaar ko prapt karna hay, to sabse pehle
aapne Pancho-Shariro ki reen mukti kar lena. Nehi to sab kuchh bekaar hay.
♥ Aapne jeevan me Niyam banao, aur wo Niyam hi tumhe Unnat bana denge. Sadhana ka
Niyam, Seva ka Niyam, Sankirtan ka Niyam, Byabhaar ka Niyam, Bhojan ka Niyam … pehle
har cheese Niyam-purbak karo, tab batlao aapneko “Shivyogi”.
♥ Jivan me khushhali chahte ho to Satsang (Satya ka Sang) karo. Aur Satya keya hay? Wo Shiv
hi Satya hay, baki sab Mithya (i.e. maya or illusion) hay. Issliye uss Shiv ka gungaan karna.
♥ Work less accomplish more. Jeevan me har karya nipunta se karne ka prayas karna. Aur jyse
jyse sadhana karoge, kaam aapne aap hi banne lagenge. Kisi bhi karya me hath daaloge, jhat se
safalta purbak purna ho jayega. Jab chatana nichh ki hogi, to haar kaam me jyada jyada samay
lagega. Aur koyi guarantee nahi ki wo kaam, sehi se ho jayega.
♥ Ichha karna, par ye kabhi nehi kyahna “Unke paas to saab kuch hay, mujhe bhi wo saab
chahiye.” This is not creating but complaining and a ShivYogi never complains but
♥ Gyanmay Sharir se sanchit karm, sadhana ke dwara jab bhasm ho jate hay, to Bhahma Gyan,
Ashta Siddhiya aur Nau Nidhiya aapne aap sadhak ke pichhe dourti hay.
♥ Guru koyi bahar nehi hay, wo tumhare bhitar byatha hay. Usse jano, usski awaaj suno. “Gu”
matlab “Andhakaar” aur “Ru” matlab “Prakash”. Bhishan agyaan ki andhakaar me jo Gyaan
se prakashit kar de, woh Guru hay. Aapne jeevan me Guru abashya banana. Ek adarsh jarur
banana. Isse tumhari urja ko ek disha milegi ki mujhe eysa banna hay.
♥ Sadhana ki gehrayi me, Guru ko
bulao – “He Gurudev, main mere
Ajna Chakra me aapko aasan deta hu.
Aap kripa karke, aapna assan grahan
kijiye. Mere chetna ka bikash kijiye.
Aapke aur aapke GuruMandal ke
saath sthayi rup se mera sampark
sthapna kar dijiye. Hamesha mere
saath hi rahiye, aur mera maarg
darshan kijiye. Mujhe itni Shakti
dijiye ke main aapki nirdesh ko samaj
pau, aur ussko aapne jeevan me aapna
saaku.” Bahaar, Guru ek physical
form hoga, par tumhare andar wo
tumhara hi Guru-tatwa hay.
♥ Sharir ke kisi bhi organ me, ya kisi bhi part me agar dard hay, to ye issko indicate karta hay ki
the Organs are seeking Love. Tum aapne sharir ke prati jagruk hi tab hote ho, jab dard hota
hay, yaa chout lag jati hay. Aapne sharir se prem karna sikho. Love Energy aapne sharir me
revolve kiya karo. Charity begins from home. Unconditional love pehle sayam se karna
sikho. Sadhana se, Chetna ko uthao, Guru-tatwa ko jaagrit karo, pancho-tatwa ko suddh karo.
● “Never be a Victim of Circumstances; Always Create Ideal Circumstances”
A Shivyogi never laments his fate. There is no whining or moaning the fate which
befalls us. Everything is attributable to us. We are 100% responsible for whatever
happens in our lives. As Shivyogis we cannot curse others for our predicament or rue
our own actions. As ShivYogis we write down every trait and every circumstance of
our lives. From our behaviour to how events unfold for us, the Golden book is our
Janam patri. We create excellence for ourselves. We have the power to choose and we
choose the best.
● Mastering Reflex Action of Success: Two Engaging Incidents Involving Babaji
There are 2 kinds of actions that we can execute ---
1) Conscious action
2) Reflex action
The former is under our control but the latter is the instant response to a stimulus such
as the automatic removal of the finger upon touching a hot object. Reflex action is
generally known to be involuntary. Babaji said that we can also manoeuvre the reflex
action. When we follow an action continuously everyday, it comes to us automatically.
We don’t have to put in an effort to perform it. An example is driving a car.
● The mechanism of Reflex action
Babaji dwelt on the fact that practicing something good everyday acclimatizes the
body to perform that action automatically. The electrical impulses in the brain get
stimulated towards the action as it is performed every day making a reflex action of
conscious actions.
Marshal arts like Judo, Taekwando and Karate often involve the same punching and
kicking exercises everyday. Sports persons, be it cricket football, table tennis or those
in any other sport too practice daily. Ideally one would believe that those who have
accomplished great feats in their respective sports should not practice because they
know how to play. But Babaji said this is not how it is. The practice is done daily so
that the actions enter the subconscious by formation of a neuropathway so that a
conscious action of perfection becomes a reflex action. So every time the need arises,
the brain will send impulses of the action which has been fed to it and on the physical
level, the correct action will automatically be performed.
Similarly, maansik mantra jaap creates neuro-pathway on the physical as well as
etheric level and as the Shree Vidya mantra is installed in the subtle bodies, things
start falling in place. Therefore, the rule of Sadhana is to be made and followed
devotedly. Same time and same place everyday.
To elucidate better, Babaji cited two instances from His own life.
1) Ishanji and others had gone out to a Bowling alley. As everyone took turns to
direct their shot in the alley, Babaji watched in appreciation. He wished to try His
hand at it. So Babaji was explained the technique of rolling the bowling ball
down the alley. At first try the ball was a “gutter ball” meaning it was a very
wayward try and the ball instead of rolling down the bowling floor went astray.
This happened twice.
Then Babaji went back and closed His eyes. He visualized a perfect throw with
the perfect technique. He created an instantaneous neuropathway. Such is His
materialization and concentration power that this time when he slid the ball
down the bowling alley, the ball took down all the 12 bowling pins resulting in a
“Strike” only to leave all other players gasping in amazement of seeing a first
timer hitting a strike in the third try itself when the previous two had gone so
horribly wrong. From then on, all of Babaji’s rolls were “Strikes”.
After the creation of a Neuro Pathway, every time Babaji struck Gold.
2) Watching two table tennis players slugging it out, Babaji wished to join. One of
them handed over the racquet to Babaji. As the opponent served,
Babaji couldn’t play and missed the point. Next, Babaji was given to serve the
ball. He tried but it was a very wayward and lackadaisical attempt. The return
hit from Babaji went off the table. Encountering this poor show, Babaji excused
Himself for a minute. He imagined Himself turning the ball like a professional,
serving the ball right and hitting returns like a professional, thus creating a
neuropathway. He then held the racquet and asked the boy to start again. This
time Babaji returned with the ball taking an unbelievable spin, a hallmark of a
professional Table tennis player. His serve too swerved a high degree leaving the
boy shell shocked. Babaji who was barely managing to keep the ball on the table,
had suddenly developed a knack for astonishing plays.
Through the aforementioned incidents Babaji’s intention was not to narrate
miracles that He had sprung up. Rather He wanted the sadhaks to understand
that through Sadhana, the brain power can be made so strong that
neuropathways can be created at the drop of a hat. For years on end, Babaji has
developed the practice of creating neuropathways by sitting for meditation daily
at fixed timings and directing His energies towards a particular task every day.
This has developed the Central Nervous system so much that it has become
attuned and ready to perform any task to perfection with just a visualization
needed. This explains work less accomplishes more. And in His words, ”Aur maje
ki baat to ye hay ki Shree Vidya Sadhana tumhare Central Nervous System yani
Spinal cord aur Brain ko itna teebra aur kushal bana degi ki kisi bhi karya me tum haath
daloge to woh safal hona hi hay, beshak uss karya ki jaanch (depth knowledge on
situation based proper quick action), tumhe pehle se aati ho, ya na aati ho.”
● Jiss par kripa hogi, usske bheetar sadhana ka ananta bhaav aur Seva karne ki atyant
ichha swatah hi jaagrit hogi.
Babaji contended that the mere opportunity to perform service to all is granted by
nature when the blessing of the divine is there. He added that there is nothing like a
“good sewa” or “bad sewa”, “oonchi sewa” or “neenchi sewa”. In his words, “seva to
seva hay. Ussme koyi uchh nichh nehi hoti. Wo murkh hay, jo seva ko chhoti, aur dusri ko bari
batata hay. Ashram me to sabhi Paramatma ke bande hay. Sab saath me milkar seva karte hay.
Chahe wo aarthik rupse aamir ho, ya aarthik rup se gareeb.”
● He also said that Sewa, charity and donation must be done with a feeling of gratitude.
Another key point on Sewa which he emphatically pointed out was, “Seva ki bah-bahi
kabhi nehi karwoyana. Isse tumhara punya ksheen ho jayega. Seva ki punya tumhari adhyatmik
unnati me kaam aayenge. Inhe encash nehi karna.”
● Food Habits
Babaji had this to tell all Shiv sadhaks who might still be in the thrall of addictions: to,
“Baba ki baat mankar” Substitute ---
1) Gutka with Amla candy. The candy of the Wonderfruit- Amla
2) Alcohol with Ice Cream Soda. Substituting alcohol was never this appealing.
3) Tea with Tomato Soup. The good old home made Tomato Soup should
supersede “Bed Tea Bad Tea”
4) Cocktail with mocktail involving Nimbu Paani or Orange Juice. Babaji called this
“Orange Juice on the rocks”. Babaji said, make Lemon Mocktail and if possible
attach a cut Lemon on the glass for the complete experience.
Also Babaji said, “Bachcho ko bhi, Anna daan karna. Bachche Narayan ke rup hote hay. Sabhi
bachcho ko bitha ke, ek ek karke bhojan baatna, aur bhojan dete samay maan hi maan me kehna
--- Babaji, ye lo. Kiu ki Baba, har uss bachcho me byaapt hoga, jisko tum bharpet khilaoge. So,
Baba ko khilana hay to, Narayan seva karo.”
● Upbaas
Babaji said that in order to purify the body at all levels and at all koshas it is essential
that all Shivyogis fast or perform upwaas. He elaborated that upwaas didn’t mean
stuffing up with food and staying hungry afterwards. The real meaning of upwaas is
uparwale ke saath baas or residing with the Almighty. When we eat copiously, all the
vasnas or desires in us get activated and aroused. But when we fast, the senses are
ready to be directed as guided. The senses need something or the other to work on all
the time and so during the fast when the senses are not engaged in any desire, they
can be easily directed to the divine.
Upbaas me uss Shiv ke nyaare pyaare banke hi rayhna. Aur paribaar ko bhi isska hissa banana.
Upbaas wale din, iss tarha ke gaana ka maja nehi lena “Inhi logo ne … Inhi logo ne … Inhi
logo ne, le liya …” Babaji said.
Fasting of the 4 bodies must be done daily through praan kriyas and Sadhana and that
of all the 5 bodies once a week. On the day of the fast of 5 bodies, this routine should
be followed:
1) Quietening the mind
2) Having only live food like raw fruits and raw vegetables throughout the day.
3) 3-4 cycles of Pran kriyas followed by Shree Vidya Sadhana and then Chanting.
4) Spending the whole day listening only to bhajans, mantras, watching Babaji’s
videos and following the cycles.
Once a week if this routine is followed, it would result in the detoxification of the
body, mind and soul. Healing will automatically start. At first, aches and pains will
come to the surface but resist them, tolerate them. If this stage is crossed, spiritual
growth will result and that too exponentially so. Involve the family in this “fasting
Such a fast will be successful in curing all ailments, unaccomplished tasks and
problems. If done for a week this would be like attending a shivir.
Babaji cited the case of a politician in Bhuj who had liver cancer and who lived on a
natural diet comprising milk (fresh milk extracted from a cow on the spot), pure
cheese (made from the same milk) and Gau mutra or Cow urine for 3 complete
months. His cancer was cured. That is the power one gains on eating natural foods.
Manush Tan pawaya” Babaji says that the mere prospect that you have got a human
body is reason enough to rejoice. The human body has been given to you to clear
the unresolved issues by forgiving enemies and all who might haveve inflicted
pain on you earlier. Just let them go. Pray for their well being. Do not talk ill of
them. Do not wish bad for them. All this is maya and nature’s way of balancing.
This birth should be used to end all animosity, misgiving and misunderstanding
with one and all.
Parameter to gauge whether you’ve really forgiven someone = if you wish the best
for the person whom you had a grudge with earlier.
17) Accept everyone the way they are. Start with yourself. Nature has made everyone
unique. Respect everyone’s soul agenda. Respect the difference in all. Do not try to
change things. Acceptance means agreeing to the behaviour of all. “Sabhi ko
swikaar karo jyse bhi sab hay. Jab koyi aake bolega --- Babaji, agar mara pati khane me
nakhre karta hay, to bhi? Main kehta hu Yes, to bhi. Khira, bhindi, tamatar ko eksaath
swikaar karte ho ki nehi? Ye thori bolte ho ke, tamatar, kash tu sakhat hota, tribhuj aakaar
me hota. Sristi ki rachna ka aadar karo. Ussko naman karo. Ussko namaskar karo. Ussko
niharo. Ussko aapnao.”
18) Unconditionally love all. Be it your mother in law or your daughter in law. No
condition in love. “Yeh nehi kehna, meri saas muje aadesh hi deti rahti hay. Khud to
kuchh karti nehi, issliye main usse prem nehi karunga. Surya se kuchh sikhho. Woh sabko
samyak rup se roshni pradaan karta hay. Ye thori kehta hay ki, phalana manushya mero ko
gaali deta hay to meri roshni uss par kam paregi. Pyaar ke saagar bano. Anant ho jayo.
Tu Pyaar ka Sagaar Hay …”
19) Abstain from listening to songs with such negative lyrics like “Goli maar bheje me
…” Because, they unconsciously send a wrong message to the subconscious.
20) To achieve any goal in life, raise your vibrations more than the goal. Meaning that
through Sadhana become worthy of accomplishments.
21) Do not let situations influence you. A person on encountering failure develops the
feeling that He is going to be failure every time. A sour relationship makes one
believe that every time things will go awry. A failed business venture resulting in
a loss results in the pre conceived notion that loss is the norm. We seal our fates
our own selves. No one else is to be blamed for the misery in our lives. We jump to
conclusions and judgements all too soon. Babaji says never judge. Take failure as a
stepping stone. Moreover why talk about failure? Doing regular Shree Vidya
Sadhana and writing the Golden book can
never result in success eluding you.
This was all what Babaji spoke. Gratitude to Babaji, for
these pearls of wisdom. Go through them every time
you need to send out a stark reminder to your mind …
especially on “Guru Purnima Day”, at least.
● Serf ek ordinary simple sishya banke ryah mat jana. Agar
kuch banna hi hay, to ek sad-sishya ban kar dikhao. Jo Guru
ki teachings ko aapnata hay, jeevan ke har more par sref aur
sref Guru ke bataye huye raaste par hi chalta rahta hay,
hamesha Guru aadesh ka paalan karta rahta hay … Mana ke
Babaji, Dronacharya ki bhati kabhi bhi udaaseen nehi honge,
par tum Ekalabya ki tarha ek ekanishtha-sishya bane raho. ●
Guru Bakyam -- Param Bakyam
“Once you choose what you want, refuse to believe what you don’t want – Reject it!”
“God/Nature never punishes you. Rewards and Punishments are the creations of your
“When you give, enjoy the feeling of giving and don’t wait to get something back.”
“Every creation is your mind’s projection. If problems & sufferings come, what you are
projecting is wrong; change the projection.”
“Take simple food every day. Avoid junk food as they have lesser life force energies.”
“Believe in yourself. Never doubt your own capabilities. Visualize and create Strong
“You do not know other’s Soul Agenda, then why do you want to change others? They
have their own Soul Plans & Lessons to learn.”
“Learn to acknowledge the Chakras & Body Organs.”
“Pain is a Manifestation of Guilt either from the Current or Past Life.”
“Every act of a sadhak should be a holistic act. Loving your family members should be
a holistic act. Love without conditions.”
“Once you accept a Guru then there are no worldly formalities or rituals. No garland,
no shawls - these are all symbolic.”
“What you do not like release and what you want create.”
“Always try to find a reason to be happy, a reason to celebrate - and you start attracting
happiness, wealth and abundance.”
“The world does not change after ShivYog, but our perception of the world changes.”
“In one sadhana many lifetime karmas are burnt.”
“Make yourself so positive that the house becomes positive.”
“A true disciple will be silent with his Guru and not verbal. The disciple will take in his
Guru’s consciousness.”
“Create the situation in your mind, stop trying to convince others. Do not think
negative. Create.”
“No matter whatever condition you are in - you have the power to reach the condition
you are seeking - seek and it shall be given.”
“Whatever best you get, you must share. And whatever bad you get, you learn from it
and burn it in the Shiv Agni.”
“You become what you think about all day long.”
“You can achieve anything you want in life if you help others achieve what they want
in life.”
“Just have faith in me. Don’t ask questions.”
“What is yours none can take it from you. What’s not yours, how much ever you
struggle you cannot snatch from anyone.”
“Never eat food without offering your gratitude. Always thank all who contributed in
bringing the food in that form to you.”
“Every incident in life is not the reality but the projection of your mind.”
“The Golden Book is your horoscope; it is high time you write your own horoscope.”
“Anyone bringing problems or hurdles in your life means you have karmic debts to
clear with that person.”
“Sadhana should be hidden. If revealed then the gains can be lost.”
Namah Shivay.
Karva Chauth - the ShivYog way
November 2, 2012
Many people are baffled and disdainfully question the importance of the fast observed by
wives for their husbands on “KarvaChauth”. They experience a sense of superiority and
take pride in their modernity and intelligence but what they don’t understand is that our
culture had a very holistic and deep touch to it and if we begin to follow afresh our
traditional Sanskrit, then the richness inherent in our culture will create a tangible change
in the society.
Our tradition brings grounding in a person. The culture is like the roots. And the stronger
the roots in the human being are, the higher he can go as a tree towards the richness of the
Marriage is a holy relationship standing for unbridled love. A good marriage is the
synonym of balance, where the work of the husband is to protect and create a habitable
and ambient setting in a home for the wife, care for and sustain the family, and also to be a
pillar of knowledge and protection. And the wife must take care of the household which
the husband creates. The wife must be a pillar of intuitiveness and wisdom. To help and
complement her husband, the wife must become a symbol of divinity so she can pass on
her values to the generation ahead. Only then can the relation be a symbiotic one, leading
to overall growth of both husband and wife.
Addressing her lovingly as “Pran Ballabhe” (one dearer than life itself) Ishanji is always the doting
spouse to Kavitaji. It is Ishanji’s contention that without Shakti, Shiva is Shava and that Kavitaji’s
existence and presence to him like any wife for her husband is indispensable. And in his words “So
to the one who is life in my every cell ,to the one who is the love in my heart, to the one
who is the twinkle of my eye, I call my dearest of the dear Pran Ballabhe.” Kavitaji on the
other hand can’t thank Ishanji enough for accepting her as his life partner. She lovingly calls her
“Pran Naath” (lord of life) and leaves no stone unturned to help and play a perfect wife to him and
midwife to ShivYog. Both have taken a cue in leading a happy marital life from Babaji and Guru
Maa and have not forgotten the vows and teachings Babaji taught them at marriage time and at
their reception.
Babaji says that we should learn and endeavour to imbibe in ourselves, all the Good
things of nature. Each animal protects and sustains his family; each bird creates a nest for
his partner. Nature at all times remains in harmony.
The essence of ShivYog is the “Attitude of Gratitude” and keeping in mind the same
precept, as the husband takes responsibility and works hard to tend to the wife, the wife
too must in gratitude create a beautiful and a “divinity-conducive” environment and take
care of his needs.
A ShivYog blessed home is a participative household and like the two wings of the
plane, the wife and husband work together and complement each other. If the wings of
the plane are uneven, not matching, it will crash. Just like them if the efforts of the wife
and husband are selfish, the “Grahsti” or the family will crash and disband.
Today, many advertisements show a husband presenting a barrage of gifts to the wife and
she is shown to be all smiles. Seeing such ads evokes an instantaneous expectation in the
ladies. What the advertisers don’t show and what is left unsaid in such ads is the fact that
the husband must have worked so hard to get the bevy of gifts.
The latest ad of a popular jewellery brand featuring Amitabh Bachchan and his wife Jaya Bachchan
exemplifies the commercial dimension that the divine festival of Karva Chauth has assumed of late.
Husbands wish to wash their hands off the responsibility and marital obligation by mere buying of
expensive gifts. Wives on the other hand weigh their love in carats and crores. Such materialization
is inimical to the very purpose and existence of the occasion as is explained below.
It must never be forgotten that everyone has to repay all the karmic debt. It follows from
this that through her actions, the wife must become deserving of all treasures and through
his efforts, the husband must become deserving of her love and gratitude.
And so in such a context, our culture comprises a loving tradition of Karvachauth - a
duration when the wife gives the most divine gift to her husband. It is a symbolic gift
but the most useful one is the great and powerful gift of prayer where the wife shows
her gratitude by praying to God for her husband’s well-being and then she keeping a
The magic of fasting is so scientific and effective that even a person with grudges, having
short temper upon fasting finds the anger disappearing, the aggression is vanishing. Such
a person rids himself of all his vasana and as he purifies the consciousness moves
upwards towards divinity.
Fasting leads to purification, I remember once a man came to Babaji for healing to which
He agreed on the condition that the person would first have to feed the birds and only
after the birds eat will he eat and come to Him. The man had karmic baggage but he was a
devoted disciple, agreeing to his Guru’s order. As directed, he went to feed the birds and
even as he dispersed grain seeds on the road, to his dismay the birds did not come.
(Babaji used to tell me that if you have too much karmic baggage then even if you put
food to eat, the birds won’t come, ants may eat the grains, they might rot, but birds
won’t come).
For three days, the birds did not eat the grains and true to his Guru’s directions, he too did
not eat. And finally the third day, the birds came and ate. And then only he ate that is after
three days of fast. He then came to Babaji to receive the healing.
Babaji explained to me that Fasting Burns Karmas and a Guru can never say directly. He
speaks in riddles so as not to interfere with the karma. As the man listened to his Guru
and unknowingly fasted for three days, he became purer and better prepared to receive
the grace.
So as the wife fasts for the whole day, she purifies herself, prepares herself to connect to
the divinity and when her purity in the night time is at the peak, when her consciousness
is risen, when she is connected with God, it is at this time that her prayers are most
She prays to the Infinite for the well-being of her husband. This, she does as an attitude of
gratitude, as a symbol of her love and respect and it is at the same time when the wife has
prayed so much for his well-being that the husband also must, in attitude of gratitude
show his love in the form of compassion, care and of course some very lovely gifts.
Babaji says that on this day the husband, as the wife prays for him all day, must send
lovely messages, talk a few times on the phone, give a nice gift. In short, just be the best
husband like your Baba. And the wife must like a true sadhika keep total fast all day.
Don’t just sit and watch TV but chant and pray for your husband’s well-being. Do the
Shree Vidya Sadhana for him and be the best wife like Guru Maa.
The archetypal alliance of Babaji and Maa inspires all to have a spouse who aids in
furtherance of our spiritual journey.
Today is a day of love, a day of Shiv and Shakti and so spend the day sharing and creating
a most beautiful, most divine, most wonderful relationship.
Karva Chauth Greetings and lots of Blessings from Babaji and Maa.
Namah Shivay
Ishan Shivanand
------------------------------------( )------------------------------------
Namah Shivay! If its Babaji’s day, can it be that there is no message or teaching for His
beloved pupils ? In his special message to the sadhaks from Mauritius, where He is
conducting yagyas for the welfare of that nation, Babaji sheds light on how excessive logic
can wreak havoc on one’s faith. It was Babaji’s desire that ShivYogis take this important
lesson in their spiritual life – the lesson of understanding the wrong from the right when it
comes to making offerings to God.
In order to fulfil this desire of His, under the heavy influence of Mahamaya or the worldly
delusion, a seeker told Babaji, “I feel guilty whenever I present offerings to God. Such as
those made to Shiv-Lingam. The milk, the fruits, the honey, curd, bel leaves etc. I feel all
are a big waste. I would rather give to some other needy person. I want everyone to be
Babaji retorted that firstly logic must be consistently applied. We never think of the poor
when we spend lavishly on luxury restaurants, pizzas, burgers, ice-creams. And splurging
on junk food is something we do almost on a daily basis. Why doesn’t the logic of feeding
the needy occur then? Once a year we offer the milk and other consecrated items to Shiv-
Lingam and all of a sudden the do-gooder in us comes to the fore with a skewed logic that
the offerings are a waste and they must be diverted for other purpose. Why the double
standards of preaching about wastage in Shiv Lingam offerings on the one hand and
turning a complete blind eye to the colossal wastage of food in parties, marriages, social
gatherings, professional meetings on the other ? Where is the activist in us when trash bins
after social functions are full to the brim with food left over by the attendees? Every day
we waste so much food in our home, almost as a routine. All this without an iota of
remorse or the much vaunted guilt that shows up only during the Lingam abhishek.
Where does the awareness of “waste” and “better utilization” go when almost all our
friends, relatives, acquaintances drain down buckets of food ?
The whole dire scenario of global hunger can be sorted out if we just learn to ensure that
heaps of unconsumed food does not go down the drains after our merriment in
restaurants and parties.
Secondly, society follows the rituals out of greed and fear. Just because some priest tells us
that offering xyz to so and so God will give wealth, good job, rid us of evil eye of others or
some such easy boon, that we rush to temples to further our request. The intention is
impure. The underlying reason to offer is “I will offer something to God and God will do
this for me”. But, if we see things not happening the way we wish them to, we curse God.
We doubt the rites of offering to Almighty.
This argument of “wastage” and “better utilization” is only an excuse, a pretext, an object
of hiding then, to disguise our own shortcomings of impure intention.
Primordial ShivYogi Guru Adi Shankracharya said the real ritual is to visualize pouring
all the ingredients to your own self. Because you yourself are the “Ling roop”. The
“Sarvashreshth Abhishekam” of the “Sarvashreshth Lingam” is that done on your own
self through the power of emotion. The outer act is done so that the process is complete.
What we are doing outside is what we are doing inside. God only wants your intention,
not the items.
Thirdly, while having the pizza or burger, it does not occur to us that we should give one
slice to the poor. We shoo away the poor when they seek something from us even as we
are entering into restaurants.
While shopping for expensive shampoos and lotions, we never think that we should
distribute some to the poor. While living in a palatial mansion, we never think that one
room I should reserve for the poor. All the misplaced logic emerges only when a petty
poly pack of milk is being poured out of devotion to the Almighty.
The lesson is not that you should donate a slice of your pizza or lotions to the poor. The
teaching is that in every action; perform your best without having any doubt or guilt.
When worshipping, do not harbour miscued, misplaced and unfounded logic. Just as you
totally immerse in the moment when partying or enjoying with your loved ones, without
logic, nurture the same attitude when remembering the Almighty.
Banish guilt while interacting with the Supreme. Banish logic. Steer clear of a misdirected
sense of self-righteousness when offering anything to God.
Geetanjali Shivanand ji adds, “Insaan ke liye bhi karo. Bhagbaan ke liye bhi karo. Sab ke liye karo
Proportionately karo. But never be guilty for anything either while doing for Insaan or Bhagbaan.
Haar hafte karo, roj roj karo. Gareeb bachcho ko khilao. Do your best for the needy. Give your best
while worshipping.”
Ishan Shivanand ji sums up, “Babaji and sister dear have said everything so beautifully.
I just want to conclude by stating that for humanity’s evolution, purity of emotion is the
only solution. This is Babaji’s birthday message for the entire sadhak’s world over. Lots
of gratitude for the wishes and double the blessings to all.”
A Message from Babaji (to all ShivYog Sadhaks Seeking Healing) :
March 17, 2017 ·
"Today I want to give you a very Important Message. Your Baba loves you. He has always
taught you the path of Purity, the path of choosing the right thing in life which will be for
your Ultimate Good. Your Baba wants to see you Happy, Healthy, Successful and
Prosperous and ultimately see you Ascend. For attaining that State of Bliss of Self
Realization and before that the Worldly Perfection, I have taught you ShivYog Sadhana,
given you Shaktipat and connected Your Consciousness to the Cosmic Consciousness. So
much effort is being made to help you learn the ultimate ShivYog Sadhanas which will
help you release your Sanchit Karmas that are responsible for every disease, every
suffering and every drawback in life.
I have also given you Deeksha to remain connected with your God and with the Guru
Mandala. If you need Healing, seek Healing from the Guru, seek Healing from the God.
Do the Sadhana, do the self healing. Pray to your Guru, pray to your God. Just invoke the
ShivYog Healing Shakti, invoke the ShivYog Healing with Peace and Purity and your
Guru will come. Believe me, we all come with the Power of the Universe. You just have to
Call and Surrender to the Shakti.
At the same time, there are certain points I want all my disciples to know.
1) Number One, your Guru does not Approve of any Social Media Group - Facebook
or WhatsApp - to accept Healing Requests. If you are part of any such group, please
stop it immediately. Close the group, exit the group, delete the group.
2) Number Two, I have not Empowered any Sadhak to Perform Healing in a Group
or do Multiple Healings together.
3) Number Three, ShivYog Healing is only for either Self-Healing or Healing your
Immediate Family, with which you have karmic connection, karmic responsibility.
So if at all someone needs Healing, let the Immediate Family Members do it.
4) Number Four, Sharing Your Photograph, Name and Other Personal Details is
allowing an Unknown Person to Enter Your Energy Field, to Invade Your Aura. Do
Not Allow Anyone to Enter Your Consciousness.
5) Number Five, you do not know at what Karmic Level the person receiving your
Personal Information is. So why to establish a Karmic Connection with him? And
now you don't even know whether the other person is an Energy Vampire taking
your Information to Harm you whereas you are thinking he/she will benefit you.
6) Number Six, I am travelling almost every part of India and the world in the
upcoming year to teach you ShivYog Sadhana in Free Shivirs, so that you may learn
about Healing your own life and if needed, your Family Members. You must take
this opportunity to learn the Wisdom and absorb the ShivYog Cosmic Healing
Nectar by yourself and not be Dependent on anyone.
7) Number Seven, every suffering is Karmic and only you can release the karmas which
you have created that are responsible for your suffering. No one else can burn your
Karmas. No Unknown Person can take your energy in his hands and do Magic of
Liberating you from Your Karmas. It is only through the Guru's Blessing and
God's Grace that you can come out of the Karmic Web by Performing Shubh Karma
of Sadhana and Sewa and Cut your Karma.
Do the Sadhana daily, purify yourself, burn your Own Karma and suffering will
release. Healing will take place as an outcome of Karmic Release. Only you can do
that. No one else can Release your Karma. Be Independent. Follow the Path Shown
by Your Guru.
8) If you have a medical condition, seek Medical Attention from a Qualified Doctor.
You would be Lucky if you could find a ShivYog Doctor. Another Good Option
can be to visit a Natural Cure Centre.
9) Remain Connected with your Guru, Remain Connected with your God,
Remember, ShivYog Healing is only for your Own Self and your Immediate
Pray to your Guru. Have faith in your Guru Bhakti. Your Guru is always Ready to
Help You.
Bless you!
Namah Shivay
------------------------------------( )------------------------------------
Make this Shivanand Day as a landmark to attain unbridled success in life, use the Guru's
Energy to fulfil your Soul Agenda.
The message for all seekers in this Shivanand Day is that, You are Shiva - Shivoham
You are Shiva. There is Shiva within you. The purpose of our birth is to know and awaken
this Shiva.
That shiva will be brought forth when you drop the stories of the past, live the present
moment to perfection & shed the worries of the future. When there will be no impurity
left, when you will outgrow the 5 vices, you will realise the shiva within you.
I want to give you a message that shiva loves you a lot. He wants that you live a
wonderful life.
At every stage, at every moment he is with you, guiding you, protecting you.
“The Real You” has created this Physical Body to listen to the Message of Shiva.
Your purpose of Incarnation is to experience Satchitanand - the ultimate bliss of the
infinite one.
Paradeshwar (Shivalinga)
As per Babaji, Mercury must need to be more purified for awakening its Consciousness
Level upto Shiva Consciousness. As per ShivYog, Paradeswar Shivalinga is a best
connector of our Aatma-tatwa with Param-tatwa. Hence, it is a best meditation tool or
meditation partner, use for receiving enormous Healing Energy & also for attaining quick
Turiya State while in meditation.
But it will only be possible, when one made this, only for himself/herself and must not
make for commercial income purpose or gifting purpose. Why? Because, this process,
itself is nothing but a deep continuous meditation, where full mental concentration of the
maker is involved. Thus, the final output will always remain connected (sukshma roop se)
with the mind of the maker along with his/her immediate family members i.e. his/her all
loved ones. It is not just a mechanical process for proceeding.
Thus, as soon as, he/she will connect his/her consciousness with the final output (i.e.
Paradeswar Shivalinga) in meditation, very soon will achieve the Blissful State (depending
upon the Purification Level of Mercury along with his/her Pure Intension in the form of Sraddha,
Bhakti, Biswas, Samarpan…) by receiving lots of Healing Energies, directly from Universal
Mind or Divine Universal Intelligence through that Paradeswar Shivalinga.
This process is a small drop of water from the sea of “Vital Deep & Vast Scientific Chapter
of Alchemy Process of Old Indian Ancient Cosmic Science”. So many processes are there
for making Paradeswar Shivalinga through eight Sanskar of purification. The simplest
process-chart is given here only for the Shivyogi Sadhaks/Sadhikas (i.e. disciples of Dr.
Avdhoot Baba Shivanandji or Ishan Shivanandji, with no such full detail description.
Shivyogi Sadhaks/Sadhikas are advised to (1) purchase the corresponding DVD from
Ashram, either from nearest Shivyog Forum or direct through online; (2) hear that DVD
many times; (3) note down the important facts; (4) and then may proceed only when you
are feeling confident; (5) may prepare this in group as continuous mantra-japa is involved,
but your own main materials & other’s main materials should never mixed-up together.
Once again, must listen to your Guru for receiving His Grace, which will play a Vital
Roll while purifying Mercury. This process is not for commercial use purpose. It is only
for your own Spiritual Upliftment. Think deeply & logically. It’s a best Meditation Tool &
will serve as more beneficial for the maker of that, as because of the mental connection
involved. If you do not make it & receive as gift or purchase it, then whenever you will
do meditation for yourself, the maker will receive hues Healing Energies.
How to Proceed ?
Day 1 …
Make Aamla Kanji
1 moothi rice - unpolished rice, ½ moothi kulthi ki dal,
1 moothi bamboo leaves, 6 ltr water
Boil everything and keep it in an earthen pot for 3 days to ferment.
Keep Chanting …Shambhavi Guru Mantra… (which you already have received in
Deeksha from Babaji) as long as you can with full mental surrender. For rest of the
day, either may play Babaji’s Chanting Audio or other (who is involved in
this sadhana process along with you) may chant the mantra, while you are taking
rest. Mantra Vibration or Recitation must go on for 24 x 60 x 60 seconds in each day.
Day 4 …
Now mix everything and then filter the mixture through a cloth. Aamla Kanji is
now ready. Keep the cloth safe for future use. Keep Chanting …
Pare ki Shudhi
Filter the mercury with a cloth. May use idli-maker grinding machine for mixture.
Now in the morning, mix Tartaric Acid ka Ghol with mercury and mix the same in
the idli grinder. When the tartaric acid becomes black, absorb the same with
blotting paper. Add new tartaric acid liquid and repeat the process till evening.
Give machine a break for half an hour after 1 hour.
At evening, boil the mercury with Aamla Kanji for 1 hour on low heat. Use a tawa
and put sand over it. Now keep the mercury drowned in Aamla Kanji and heat the
same for 1 hrs.
Keep the mercury in Aamla Kanji over night. Keep Chanting …
Prepare Trifala Quath as explained.
Day 5 …
Mix mercury with Trifala Quath and grind the same in the idli grinder. When trifala
become black, replace the liquid with fresh liquid and keep on grinding till the
evening. Give machine a break for half an hour after 1 hour.
At evening, boil the mercury with Aamla Kanji for 1 hour on low heat. Use a tawa
and put sand over it. Now keep the mercury drowned in Aamla Kanji and heat the
same for 1 hrs.
Keep the mercury in Aamla Kanji over night. Keep Chanting …
Prepare Gokhur Quath as explained.
Day 6 …
Mix mercury with Gokhur Quath and grind the same in the idli grinder. When
gokhur become black, replace the liquid with fresh liquid and keep on grinding till
the evening. Give machine a break for half an hour after 1 hour.
At evening, boil the mercury with Aamla Kanji for 1 hour on low heat. Use a tawa
and put sand over it. Now keep the mercury drowned in Aamla Kanji and heat the
same for 1 hrs in a stainless steel bowl.
Keep the mercury in Aamla Kanji over night. Keep Chanting …
Prepare Black Chitrak Quath as explained.
Day 7 …
Mix mercury with Black Chitrak Quath and grind the same in the idli grinder.
When Black Chitrak become black, replace the liquid with fresh liquid and keep on
grinding till the evening. Give machine a break for half an hour after 1 hour.
At evening, boil the mercury with Aamla Kanji for 1 hr. on low heat. Use a tawa &
put sand over it. Now keep the mercury drowned in Aamla Kanji & heat the same
for 1 hr. in a stainless steel bowl.
Keep the mercury in Aamla Kanji over night. Keep Chanting …
Prepare Dhatoore ka Quath as explained.
Day 8 …
Mix mercury with Dhatoore Quath and grind the same in the idli grinder. When
Dhatoore become black, replace the liquid with fresh liquid and keep on grinding
till the evening. Give machine a break for half an hour after 1 hour.
At evening, boil the mercury with Aamla Kanji for 1 hour on low heat. Use a tawa
and put sand over it. Now keep the mercury drowned in Aamla Kanji and heat the
same for 1 hour in a stainless steel bowl.
Keep the mercury in Aamla Kanji over night. Keep Chanting …
Prepare Aloe Vera Quath (Juice).
Day 9 …
Mix mercury with Aloe Vera Quath and grind the same in the idli grinder. When
Aloe Vera juice become black, replace the liquid with fresh liquid and keep on
grinding till the evening. Give machine a break for half an hour after 1 hour.
At evening, boil the mercury with Aamla Kanji for 1 hour on low heat. Use a tawa
and put sand over it. Now keep the mercury drowned in Aamla Kanji and heat the
same for 1 hour in a stainless steel bowl.
Keep the mercury in Aamla Kanji over night. Keep Chanting …
Prepare Garlic Quath (Juice).
Day 10 …
Mix mercury with Garlic Quath and grind the same in the idli grinder. When Garlic
juice become black, replace the liquid with fresh liquid and keep on grinding till the
evening. Give machine a break for half an hour after 1 hour.
At evening, boil the mercury with Aamla Kanji for 1 hour on low heat. Use a tawa
and put sand over it. Now keep the mercury drowned in Aamla Kanji and heat the
same for 1 hrs in a stainless steel bowl.
Keep the mercury in Aamla Kanji over night. Keep Chanting …
Prepare Lemon Quath (juice).
Day 11 …
Mix mercury with lemon Quath and grind the same in the idli grinder. When lemon
juice become black, replace the liquid with fresh liquid and keep on grinding till the
evening. Give machine a break for half an hour after 1 hour.
At evening, boil the mercury with Aamla Kanji for 1 hour on low heat. Use a tawa
and put sand over it. Now keep the mercury drowned in Aamla Kanji and heat the
same for 1 hrs in a stainless steel bowl.
Keep the mercury in Aamla Kanji over night. Keep Chanting …
Day 12 …
Deepan Sanskar
Dip the mercury in cow urine and heat it on low heat for 1 to 3 days
Day 14 …
Dip the mercury in Aamla kanji and lemon juice and heat it on low heat for 1 day.
Day 15 …
Dip the mercury in Senda Namak Ghol and heat the same on low heat for 1 day.
Day 16 …
Bhandan Sanskar
1) Mix copper sulphate and Senda namak in a thick platic tub or in a motor &
2) After mixing well, add the mercury to the mix and keep on mixing. Do this
near the window as there will be smoke coming out of it. Mix water as and
when needed.
3) When this is mix well, add aluminium to the mix. Aluminium will get
dissolved and there will be more smoke coming out. Once the aluminium is
dissolved, add more aluminium and keep on grinding in motor & pestal.
4) Keep on adding aluminium till no more aluminium is being absorbed. Keep
on adding water in between.
5) After the while, the solution will trun semi solid. Now wash this under
running water and separate the mercury from solution.
iii. Black Chitrak - take black chitrak equal to 1/16 part of mercury. One night
before making the quath, put the chitrak in water over night and then next day
powder the same. Put the same in 5 litres of water and then boil the same till
the water becomes half i.e. 2.5 litres. Now filter the same with the cloth. Black
Chitrak Quath is ready.
iv. Dhatoore - take dhatoore plant with the roots and wash the same. Now grind
the plant in a motal and pecel (hamam dasta). Now take a polythene and keep
the grinded plant in it and sprinkle some fine fitkaree over it. Keep the same in
the sun for 4 hours. Now filter the juice of the plant through the cloth.
v. Lemon Juice - Squeeze lemons to produce 2 ltr of lemon juice and then filter the
same with a cloth.
vi. Garlic Juice - squeeze garlic to produce full 1 ltr of garlic juice and filter the
same with a cloth.
vii. Aloe Vera Juice - peal the aloevera and then grind the same and filter with a
cloth of produce 1 ltr of aloevera juice.
Ashta Rudra
Bhava, Sharva, Rudra, Pashupati, Ugra, Mahadev, Bheema and Ishan.
Ashta Bhairav
Ekadash Rudra
Aja, Ekapaad, Ahirbrurdhna, Pinaki, Aparajita, Tryambak, Maheshwar,
Brishakapi, Shambhu, Har and Ishwar.
Om Namah Shivay
Aghorebhya atha ghorebhyah ghora aghortarebhyah
Sarvatah sharva sarvebhoh namaste rudra rupebhyoh
Om Hroum Jum Saa
Some Tips & Tricks
Say confidently “… No …” to all those unwanted Walking-Knowledge who are trying
to interfere in your sadhana. Obey only to the Instructions of your Guru, which you have
already received in latest ShivYog Sadhana Shivir (that you had attended last). Do your
own “Durga Saptashati Paath” or “Shree Vidya Saptashati Paath” or “Shree Vidya
Sadhana” or “Kharagmala Paath” or “Nava-Abharan Pujan” … exactly in the same way,
as your Own Consciousness have already learned directly from your Guru in the latest
ShivYog Shivir. No matter, how much you can be able to recall from your own memory.
Surrender to Guru-Grace, he will look after rest all. Never try to continue in a way with
Exactly Strict & Correct Mechanical Processes. ShivYog Sadhana is not a Step By Step
Mechanical Process. All depends on your Pure Intension and Grace of Guru & Supreme.
Thus, Bhaav & Surrender is over all Factors. Only gathering some knowledge by
somehow & doing Sadhana confidently is not sufficient at all in ShivYog. Without Guru-
Deeksha & Guru-Grace, success in any type of Shakti Sadhana never can appear in life.
Just before doing daily ShivYog Shree Vidya Sadhana or Shambhavi Sadhana, may do
this Meru-Bindu-Tratak-Sadhana, only for few minutes. For that purpose, Meru Bindu (tip
of Mahameru) should be parallel to your third eye. Meru should be placed in proper way
on red/pink cloth with a perpendicular Shree Yantra, behind the Meru. First with ShivYog
breathe, be calm & relaxed. Then, do continuous tratak on the Bindu Point, till, tear
appears in eye. If tear comes, close your eyes for some time. Then again repeat the process.
At the same time, mentally recite either “Kreem” (for getting success in life), or
“Shreem” (for receiving abundance in life), or “Aayem” (for achieving true divine wisdom),
or Shree Vidya Mantra (for Blessings of Maa Lalita Tripursundari on all aspects of life).
Breathe should be in a harmony and exhale-time may be twice than inhale-time. [If you
still not receive Shakti Deeksha from Babaji then please never do this Tratak Sadhana.]
After few days, you may experience some semi transparent video clippings before third
eye or may hear some musical sounds or some different types of feeling or beautiful smell
(depending upon your purity level of mind)… whatever your experience may be, never
share it with anybody, directly or indirectly. Never become afraid, if suddenly Meru
become vanished infront of your eye or it turned into a Brightest Beautiful Calm Jyoti
only. Within a few seconds, it will return back to its original shape. Actually when your
mind will be in a completely thoughtless state, then you will see the Actual Truth (i.e. each
& every particle of the whole universe is made-up of only light and nothing else).
After completion of your sadhana, always use to cover Mahameru with chunri or
red/pink cloth. Those, who have some Eye Infection or Eye Power Problem, may first
consult with their Doctor, before doing this (and also for any type of) Tratak Sadhana.
The main & serious problem with present new generation is that they use to
grownup with themselves own, with no such proper guidance from elder side, regarding,
what to do, in what situation? what are the good thing for our mental & emotional healthy
growth, that we must inherit? what are the bad behaviours, that we should not do, for our
own healthy mental & emotional growth purpose? what our actual scientific cultural
heritage is? what are the things we have from ancient age, in our own spiritual path, for
that we should feel proud of ourselves? what is the actual meaning of the word “Respect”?
how to show respect to an elder & any wise person? whom to believe & whom not? what
is True & what is False? what is actual spirituality & what is a superstition? what is meant
by “Independence”? how we receive this? why should we properly respect Independence?
……… so many doubts are there, which have no answer. Hence a strong mental insecurity
complex is building up, which gives a message frontier is not a well thing for me. And
that is why they are so angry, impatient, arrogant etc. etc. for protecting themselves from
imaginary strangers. The elders (including parent, teacher, all) also do not know their own
culture or forgot totally due to so fast busy schedule of mechanical life. Approx 500 years
ego, just before Mughal attack, Indian Culture including Ancient Cosmic Science was
World Famous (e.g. Nalanda Biswavidyalay). Elders had developed strong inner power
for attracting more & more energy of wealth from the divine universe. That is why, India
was known as country of Golden Crop. No matter, how many outsider attack due to ego
& greed, but still, India was a Golden Country. Mughal & British was not only strong but
was most intelligent also. They not only destroyed books of old ancient science, but
successfully incorporate meaningless religious superstitions in our deep inner mind, along
with lots of religious-hate for each-other among Indians, so that, all those higher spiritual
power became completely dormant. In this way, we easily became fully dependent ideal
slave of them all --- physically, mentally & emotionally. Still now, so many years after
Independence, we are nothing but a Slave, unconsciously. Slave of Politicians, slave of
Religious Superstitions, slave of Own Stressed Mind … so on … Also the foods that we
use to eat are with lots of chemical, poison & pesticide which continuously damaging our
Human Body Inner Mechanism and hence caused a much Disturbed Hormone Secretion,
resulting Stress & Anger. When we remain as a slave of our own Anger, then our Inner
Wisdom become completely helpless, because that time Anger controls our every actions.
Now the millionaire question, why these all unrelated things are written here ? for time pass ? ---
No. Time has come to be awakened. As lots of Indian Saints including Babaji, come
forward for awakening all those Dormant Inner Power which our Elders had and we
forgot totally. We have to awaken those Genes of our DNA again for our own benefit &
better Human Life. But that is not the all. We, the Present Generation, must have to fill-
up this approx. 500 years gap. We have to pass on our Own Scientific Spiritual Ancient
Culture to our children & have to ensure that they must also pass on this wisdom to
their children. We must have to develop this responsibility among us, Subconsciously.
Duty of a responsible ideal journalist is to investigate first and then produces the true
report found through that thorough investigation. Duty of an ideal Critic is to find out the
strong & weak points based on their own believe. No such investigation is involved in this
matter, but they have vast knowledge on the subject, which they are analysing. Their
actual aim is to motivate others, not to hurt anybody. Due to lack of luck, true journalists
can not get a responsible job and few professionals are doing the job of a critic with joy &
with no such proper investigation & for quick increasing of TRP (no matter it comes by
trueway or not). What to believe & what not ? Never divert your mind. Develop a stronger
connection with your own Guru’s Wisdom and also remain confident on yourself.
So many present here & there looks like a Grate Saint. How to know, who is True & who not ?
No such guarantee is there that --- audio through ear & video through eye will provide us
exact true message about what is going on. Why? because, these audios & videos will
further be processed through our central nervous-system and after that a perception-result
will come-out depending upon our own past believe system. This is the main reason of
misunderstanding with our loved ones. But in case of feeling or anubhab, it uses to
provide us correct messages. Our mind can be attracted easily by some experts through
their attractive attitude (video) and lovely logical speeches (audio), as, from childhood we
are not so much educated with science of our own inner mechanism. All our perceptions
and decisions are thus depends on audios and videos. We became like blind-insects and
attracted towards the bright-fire and burned (cheated).
Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose invented Radio Signal as a first inventor. But because of
some Indian Greed Higher Authorities, this invention became valueless. As per their
mentality Country-Pride was nothing, but ego was everything. By any mean, eligible
scientist Jagadish Chandra Bose must not be recognised worldwide it was their aim of
life. This mentality still exists in India. However this is another issue. If you study his
research, if you can talk with his assistants, then you will found --- “Trees have Life” was
not the end of his research, at all. If he would live few years more, then he will prove
scientifically that everything in this world including rock, iron … also are alive. Babaji is
telling this truth from so many years. Everything in this world emits vibration. Human
mind and human consciousness is very much stronger than any mechanical machine,
exists in this world. Whenever you are hearing something interesting from any saint look
like person, just close your eyes, mentally try to connect with him, simultaneously hear the
speeches. Liking good & feeling good are totally different things. Try to focus on your
felling. If you felling peace, calm then may be the messages coming to you, is true.
See any picture of Devadidev, Vishnu, Brahma, Lalita Tripursundari, Buddha, Mahaveer,
Guru Nanak, Amba, Jesus, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Makka Madina, Ramkrishnadev & Maa
Sarada, Swami Vivekananda, Bhagawan Nityanandaji, Shirdi Sai Baba …lots more… one
thing is common in all the picture calm, quite & peaceful. Same energy attracts same
energy. Maximum time, mentally with which we shall remain attached, in our behaviour,
reflection of that, should be found. It’s a Universal Truth. If a person is expressing loudly,
that he/she is very near to God and actually attached to God (so closely that, sometimes often
he/she use to personally invited in the Private Tea-Party of God)--- then watch his/her
behaviour very closely. Does he/she use to remain as calm, peaceful? or by nature,
remains very much angry? often raining his/her speeches of malice, greed, criticism …
etc.? Always Higher Energy flows higher to lower direction. If that person is really
mentally connected with God, then his/her behaviour must be as divine as like God’s
Energy. And all knows that God is Wise, Calm, Quite, Peaceful, Healing Energy.
God is divine and beyond any human-perversity like anger, greed, malice, criticism, deep
wishes for experiencing worldly-things etc. etc. So, watch the behaviour and speeches of
that person carefully, think logically, feel closely from heart and then decide yourself. All
would be Cristal Clear to you how much milk in how much water? Lastly, most vital
point by encashing your Past-Life-Good-Karmas, you may be able to successfully
collect any worldly things, anyhow from anybody, but Grace & Blessings can never be
collected in this way, as they are beyond any worldly-attachments. No matter, how clever
you may be, but, only innocent child like person is permitted to enter into the Kingdom of
God. Your greedy-wish for collecting divine good valuable things, somehow, anyhow,
may attract you towards a fraud. Why? Because, shame energy attracts shame energy.
Puja cum Sadhana Room ( as per ShivYog way )
First of all, find an auspicious pure clean corner (or a separate quite & calm room) in your
house, anywhere (best, if in North-East corner). It’s just an idea, not a hard & fast rule to
be followed. It’s fully upon you, whether you will follow it or not. Your Puja Room is
nothing but the enormous “Positive Power Booster Divine Energy Vortex” for you. So,
never ever increase the population of Dev-Devies in Puja-Aasan, because it may cause
disturbance in energy pattern. Shree Yantra Mahameru is the ultimate saakaar-form of
Supreme Universal Female Energy & Shivalinga is the ultimate saakaar-form of Supreme
Universal Male Energy. Lakshmi, Narayan, Kaali, Durga, Shiva, Surya, Saraswati, Brahma
… all remains in Shree Yantra Mahameru. Keep a Sumangal Yantra also in Puja-Aasan.
Laminated Shree Yantra & Laminated Mahamrityunjay Yantra is needed as a tool for your
ShivYog Sadhana, as well as, needed for over all Energy Pattern Correction. Red, pink
white, yellow cloths may good for Puja-aasan. Always keep this place neat & clean.
Do your daily Puja-cum-Prayer in your own way but with lots of emotion of devotion
with flower, bilwa-tulsi patra, akshat, chandan, kumkum etc. Offer kumkum in Shree
Yantra Mahameru with three fingers (thumb, middle & ring finger) starting from Bindu to
Bhupur-three-circles along with the recitation of mantra “Shreem”, 11 times. Siddhi-data,
Buddhi-data, Bighna-Vinashak Shree Ganesh may help you achieving success in Puja or in
sadhana. Nothing in ShivYog is compulsory. You may skip, if want. You may keep photo
of Parameshwar MahaMrityunjaya & Parameshwari Maa Lalita Tripursundari, as they are
the Supreme & source of all God & Goddess. Other than Hindu, instead of these 2 photos
& Ganapati, may keep religious photo, symbol, speech … etc. as per their own believe.
Guru is the connector between you and your deity. You do not know the path to meet
your deity, but, your Guru knows. Never, keep photo of you Guru in Puja-Aasan if
He/She is not a Self-Realised Soul. A Self-Realised Soul has no such worldly expectations,
as, He/She already merged with God. If you appreciate, then may follow, if not, reject the
idea & forget, simple. It’s not a matter of debate with your old believe system. If you think,
only you are correct, then that might be Universal Truth for you. No ShivYogi will interest
in debate. However, if Guru is alive, never offer Puja to him/her. You should offer your
puja to the Supreme God only. Call your Guru & request him/her to help you for
establishing the connection with your God, your Deity. For requesting your Guru, you
may keep his/her photo, but, must under aasan of Supreme God. Tratak on Guru’s picture
helps in awakening your own Guru-tatwa. However instead of Guru’s Picture, you may
keep Guru-Paduka also. As per Babaji, “Puja, Guru ka nehi, Bhagawan ka hona chahiye.”
Better to receive Deeksha from a Self Realised Guru. Never ever treat your Guru as just a
physical form only. Purpose of that physical-body was for awakening your consciousness,
inside you. After proper Guru-Deeksha, your Guru also remains within you, in sukshma-
roop, as your awakened Guru-tatwa, within your Ajna-Chakra. So, imagine your Ajna
Chakra, call your Guru there and pray or request him/her in any urgency occur. Only
Guru-tatwa can merge a water-drop Aatma-tatwa, within maha-saagar Param-tatwa.
Morning 1hr. + evening 1hr. = 2hrs of daily minimum Sadhana is very important for your
Healthy Body-Mind-Emotion. If you are a Smart-Phone, ShivYog Sadhana is the Charger,
which flows charging energy from Divine Universal Consciousness towards Individual
Consciousness and charged it up for better performing in every sector of life. Which thing
is more important in your life? is totally upto you. If you give only importance to work,
you will only earn with no such guarantee that you are going to enjoy the abundance in
full or not. If you also give importance to Sadhana, then you shall remain Healthy, Cure,
Charged-up, Peaceful, Stress-free … i.e. ever ready to both income & enjoy the abundance
in full. Sadhana (along with Pran Kriya, Sukshma Kriya and Physical Exercises) in a fixed
time, at a fixed place is better for you. But if you are in outside home or travelling, then
may do your Sadhana on your own private woollen-aasan, anywhere.
Shree Yantra Mahameru & Shivalinga is the Energy-Vortex-Generator for you and your
home. So, they are for all, irrespective of any religion. Here no concept of religion is there.
ShivYog Sanatan is beyond any type of religion. Keep a Mantra Chanting Sound Box in
low volume for generating 24x7hr. healing energy vibration. Light a lamp (symbolise agni-
tattwa) & keep water (symbolise jal-tatwa) in a copper vessel. After path over, always
keep Durga Saptashati book, Shree Vidya Saptashati book, Swadhyay book, your mala for
mantra japa etc. near Mahameru. May keep your Golden Book (which contains Long Term
Goal and most vital wishes to be fulfilled) in aasan (under a Himalayan Cluster Crystal).
May keep a single small stamp-size-photo of any of your family member between two
metal yantras and keep in this energy vortex for better healing. Per member photo, needed
two metal yantras each. Metal Mahamrityunjaya Yantra for health purpose & metal Shree
Yantra for wealth purpose or any other healing reason. Write his/her Name & Gotra, on
opposite blank side of the photo, before keeping it between two metal yantras. May also
keep Mahamrityunjay Yantra Healing Box and/or Shree Yantra Healing Box, in this place.
Whatever you keep there, is not the all thing. You must have to do your daily sadhana
along with your required essential karmas. These are the tools, will help you achieving
your goal & success. Always keep in touch with your Guru, mentally, emotionally.
Among all above points, do whatever you can, but, never ever feel guilty if any thing left.
How to Mantra-Jaap
If you are counting Mantra Japa using your thumb and other four fingers, then, try not to
touch the finger-tip and also the joint-lines of a finger. Use the middle portions between
joint-lines of a finger. Proceed according to the following picture. If you are right handed,
may use right hand for counting. For every 12 count of right hand, keep next count in left
hand. In this way 12 x 9 = 108 count will be done. For keeping count of multiply of 108,
you may use seeds, flowers etc. e.g. you plan to do 10 mala japa. So, keep 10 flowers
infront of you. For each 108 count over, replace one flower from there, in another location.
Used in conjunction with a mantra, a mala is composed of 108+1 beads and typically worn
around the neck. Malas can also be found in 54+1 beads or 27+1 beads varieties and are
used for meditation when the meditator plans to recite a mantra for long period of time.
Malas are made of four different components --- beads, a cord, a tassel and what is known
as a Guru Bead or Meru Bead. When using a mala for meditative purposes, you should
never skip over the Guru Bead. You may use whichever hand is most comfortable. Using a
Rudraksha Mala may be good for the ShivYogies. It would be better, if your all time
wearing mala and mantra japa mala are separate. Mala can be placed on any finger except
for the index finger. Use your thumb to count each bead throughout your meditation.
Your thumb should allow you to easily move through each bead that is held by one of
your fingers. Simply use the pad or nail of your thumb to pull each bead toward you and
cycle through your mala. Once you have chosen your Guru Mantra for recitation, begin by
pulling one counting bead toward you. Use your thumb to pull the bead and let the mala
slide over your third finger. Each counting bead you pull should correspond with one
recitation of a mantra. The Guru Bead should not be use for counting and it should not be
crossed over. Instead of crossing, using your fingers, flip the mala around Guru Bead (i.e.
turn it in such a way, that Guru Bead will remain just below your thumb). And proceed in
this way in same direction. Remember, each mantra recitation or meditation should
continue until you reach the Guru Bead. Use a small cotton bag, which will fully cover
both your japa-hand and the japa-mala, while mantra japa. After completion of mantra
japa or meditation, simply remove the mala and put it in a clean and safe place.
In Kundalini Yogic Meditations, each finger corresponds with a particular quality. The
index finger is for wisdom, knowledge, and prosperity; the middle finger is for patience;
the ring finger is for health, vitality, and strengthening the nervous system; and the little
finger is for intelligence and communication. However, as index-finger use to show Ego,
it should never be used while mantra japa using mala.
ShivYogi ------ is not a
Particular type of Religious
Disciples of a Particular
Guru in the world, but,
any Person who gets &
accepts the path of Divine
Light of Illumination in
Life by the Grace of
his/her Spiritual Guides,
Guru & Deity. “Shiv” is
not the Particular Deity but
symbolizes the Supreme
Universal Cosmic Divine
Energy, who controls
every single action of the Universe & “Yog” implies merging of Individual Consciousness
within the Universal Divine Consciousness. Being a ShivYogi, we should never remain as
a selfish like only luckier ones will receive Bless, like us. It’s become our own duty to
tell-about that Path of Light of ShivYog to our soul-group-members, loved-ones, relatives,
friends, colleagues, life-partners etc. even to all our Respected Intolerable Enemies also.
Whether they will choose it or not? will be their own decision. But, we should inform
them, at least. Whenever any wrong incident happened in life, all starts telling loudly. But
whenever a good thing happens in life, most remain calm & quite. That is why a true
seeker never can reach in proper divine place & thus, be cheated by cheaters, in the name
of spirituality. No need to tell a Lie. But if you ever really achieve something good after
accepting ShivYog in your life, then must tell others Proudly & Loudly.
The Main Theory is -- Same Energy Attracts Same Energy. That means, mentally we are
going to accept only those things, which are similar to our Energy Thought Pattern &
based on our Own Past Subconscious Believe System. So, observing the mental reaction
upon a given situation, we can easily understand the Energy Pattern of that person. Now,
(after telling them about the Divine Path of Light, that you get by grace in your Life and)
observing the expression/reactions, you may be able to understand these -----
Persons of Type-1 : Their Energy Patterns are very much Positive, may even more than
you. Earlier, they did not know anything about this Divine Path but, by nature, they are
just ready to accept the Divinity. Encourage them with the Divine Path of Spirituality &
they will accept that very soon in their Life. So, be a Medium for their Illumination &
receive much more Blessings from their Spiritual Guides along with Guru Mandala.
Persons of Type-2 : Their (present situation may be the result of their Prarobdho-Bhoga
i.e. Past Negative Actions of Present-Life or Past-Lives, but their) Energy Patterns are
Positive by nature. They will go to accept the Divine Choice provided by you, in their Life,
after few reminders & will always feel proud to be a part of that Divinity. Their Spiritual
Guides will always Bless you, because your action makes their Tasks much more easier.
Persons of Type-3 : Their Energy Patterns are Positive by nature. But as per their Present
Subconscious Believe System, they use to or like to spend much more time in Thinking.
Because of their past bitter experiences, they generally use to hesitate for accepting or
incorporating a different type of Unknown Future Plan within their Present Life Style.
After spending so many Time in Thinking, they would like to remain Unchanged.
Actually, they need a little Push & little more encouragement. If they are your really
loved ones, then must try your best level to test them the Divinity, at least once in the Life.
Persons of Type-4 : You may be surprised after seeing their Deep Attention towards your
observation on Divinity & you may also feel very lucky by hearing the sound “Wow!”.
That’s all. You shall never see any farther progress in future from them. Actually, they do
not know, why they are on this Earth & what their purpose of life is. Their Energy Patterns
are Neutral by nature. Though, they do not dislike that path of divinity, but they do not
feel any such necessity for any further change in their Present-Life or Believe-System. So, it
would be better not to waste your valuable time and energy level by working hard
regarding influencing them towards the Divinity. Nothing can be able to Influence them in
their Life, except themselves own. Pray to God for their Ultimate Good.
Persons of Type-5 : Observe the expression or reaction like -- “Aabbe, Paakaa Kiu Raahaa
Hay Yaar!” Their Energy Pattern is Negative by nature. No such treatment exists for the
“Frog of the draw-well (kuye ki mendak)”. They believe that all worldly-things are at their
finger-tip. They always feel that, whatever they use to tell/feel/know/think/believe is
nothing but the Universal-Truth & nothing can exists beyond that and it should be
accepted by all others. By nature, they just dislike any type of interference in their present
life from any third person. So, never make them Bore, any more, by telling them about
your own Divine-Feeling. Let them, remain in their own draw-well. Mentally, Pray to
God for the rising of their Consciousness Level & Growth of Spirituality.
Persons of Type-6 : Their Energy Patterns are beyond the Negative Level. Subconsciously,
these types of persons always obey Three Golden Rules throughout their whole Life
Me, Myself & Mine (along with the strong bonding with their own Believe System). By
nature, they can not be able to tolerate your lectures on divinity for a single moment. They
will either become angry or may ridicule you openly like a Joker or tell others about your
Grate Foolishness or may criticize you strongly etc. etc. Leave them in their own world.
Reaction of talking regarding your believes on your divine path with them may be the
cause of birth of negative emotions within your Aura. So, it is better to avoid this. While
meditating, pray for rising of their Consciousness, at least, up to the Humanity Level.
Persons of Type-7 : Their Energy Patterns are Extremely Negative. Subconsciously, this
type of persons uses to feel very very proud in their present situation with diseases,
poverty, enemies, stresses, pains etc. By nature, they can not be able to tolerate your
Lectures on Divinity anymore & they always would like to avoid or run away from that
place where such Divine-Lectures are going on. Leave them in their own world. Never
ever harm them, by telling about your Divine-Experiences. While meditating, pray for
their Ultimate Good, rising of Consciousness Level & proper harmony in their life.
Persons of Type-8 : Their Energy Patterns are super most Negative. Subconsciously, these
types of persons always remain engage in their own world of Suffering & Frustration. By
nature, they have absolutely no such time to listen your Lectures on Divinity. To them, it is
nothing but a Bogus Thing. So, never ever Disturb them regarding telling about – What
the Divinity is, because It would be of No Use. While meditating, pray for rising of their
Consciousness Level. Only Grace can Bless & make a change in mind of Persons of Type 4–8.
You may try your best level, but, only few luckiest ones will get a chance to test your
shown Divine Path. After experiencing once in the life, it would be their own decision
whether they want to remain in that Path in future or not. Never interfere in that decision
anymore, because we are not permitted to do any such actions, which are against their
Soul-Agenda. Everyone come on this Earth with some pre-defined-tasks-to-do based on
their own past-sanchit-karmas. Leave them on their own way. You may pray to God for
their Ultimate Good, but never interfere in their Final Decision, directly or physically.
Life style of present emotionless stronger logic-minded intellectual modern people is just
as mechanical i.e. robotic in nature. Those highly experienced eyes have already seen so
many Feature Films on Virtual Reality along with boring HD-Animations. Suppose,
watching stressful & painful lifestyle, Devadidev Mahadev, himself, appeared in a board
meeting and give them a small Sanjeevani Plant. What would be the Divine Conversation?
Devadidev Mahadev : Dear children! Take this divine Sanjeevani Plant. Place it in your
garden. Each & every part of this divine plant, including smell also, will cure your every
type of pain from body, mind & soul. No matter how old that pain was. Bless You.
Beautiful Madam : Excuse me, Please. Whosoever you may be… every type of pain will
cure? every type? Strange! That means my headache also? will it? & acidity? are you sure?
Employee (this frog of a draw-well knows everything of this whole universe. At least, he
himself strongly believe that) : You are Mahadev, right? I heard about you from my grand-
mother in my childhood. I also have heard about the serial “Devo ke Dev Mahadev”. It was a
very popular serial of LifeOK Channel. TRP was…… However, earlier, to whom, you gave
this Plant, are they all cure now? Do you have any proof? Can you show us report now?
Does your organisation registered? Do you have any ID, any Authorised Licence?…
Intellectual Boss : Hurry Please! A very important board meeting is going on. Let us
consult first, after meeting, then we shall inform you. Okkeeey! till then ... Thank you!
This is the present scenario of mentality of Gyan-Briddha (highly experienced) Society. In
this age, when you shall try to describe that through meditation “Cure is Possible”
then a miracle will happened. 3rd eye vision of your frontier will awaken suddenly and
he/she will found exactly all the animals of a large zoo together within your single body.
You have to keep lots of tolerance. First, you have to become a walking miracle, through
ShivYog Sadhana. Then everybody will, listen to your speech carefully. These are not their
fault, also. Here & there, so many frauds are eagerly waiting for hunting. In this frustrated
situation, finding a “True Divine Path” by own, is like searching a needle in haystack.
As a Shivyogi, disciple of Babaji, we all are the luckiest ones, as we are blessed with this
Cosmic Healing Power. Jyot se Jyog Jagao. As per Babaji’s wish we should come infront and
take initiative steps for spreading this Divine Light to as many new houses as possible,
through Free Shivirs ----- “Saraswati Deeksha”, “Durga Saptashati Deeksha”, “Kisan Shivir”…
Q. What will need for that? what can we do? money involved? what shall we gain? etc. etc…
Never think that you are doing anything. Let’s wish & just surrender. All will be
done by Siddha Guru Mandala by making you a medium. Tension lene ka nehi, dene ka.
Initially decide whom to invite, mentally. Tell them. Try to motivate them for testing
this True Divinity, at least once in the Life, but, never push or force them so much.
According to the response, arrange for a room. If you can be able to manage room, no
rent cost will need. Though it is a free shivir, never arrange it in open air. Because it
includes Secrete Deeksha for only those seekers who are eagerly going to attend this
shivir, but, not for those, who will enjoy by watching the drama. So, while programme
will going on, except true seeker, nobody should present there. As a disciple, when
you will show full respect to you Guru, only then, others will also show respect.
Cost may need for the arrangement of showing DVD on screen. If you can be able to
manage 1) sound box, 2) screen/TV, 3) laptop/PC/projector --- then no rent cost will need.
Cost need for arrangement of Prassad & that may be cooked as very simpler way.
Cost need for the meditation books, which are required for continuing the sadhana
from the very first day, uninterruptedly. After purchasing from Ashram, either you
may gift those, or guest should buy those, or guest should online download those by
themselves. Whatever may be…… be sure new sadhaks must do sadhana after shivir
over. Later, farther encouragements may need from your side. Because, its may like
those patient who first day take prescribed medicine…two days rest…take few
portion of medicine…one week rest…final decision is this doctor knows nothing.
Contact with nearest ShivYog Forum. They will guide you properly. Or you may
contact with Ashram directly through email. As Deeksha-DVD can never be handed
over to anybody, some Authorised Person will 1) come to place of Shivir with that
DVD, 2) will play that in the shivir & 3) will return back that DVD after shivir over.
In that room, arrange a Puja Offering Aasan for calling of Universal Divine Mother &
Father, who are beyond any religion. So any person of any gender of any religion
from 12yrs of age to up can attend this Free Shivir. Lit a Dia, on that Puja Aasan.
Before shivir starts, tell them little things about ShivYog & Babaji along with the
advantages of that Shivir i.e. educate them with minimum knowledge. Otherwise after
shivir end, they may humbly request you for further Babaji’s Shivir of Satyanarayan
Brata Katha or Santosimaa Brata Katha, just like in this way, as soon as possible…
Every Student must need calm & peaceful mind, good marks, sharp memory with easy
understanding & recalling of subjects, remarkable achievements in all fields, definite aim
of Life etc. Saraswati Deeksha will helps them a lot. Shree Durga Saptashati Shivir is must
needed for neutralising each & every negative force, negative karma, negative energy
which are continuously disturbing us in the form of poverty, failure, pain & diseases etc.
Maa Durga is Universal Divine Mother i.e. Mother Nature, irrespective of any religion.
Anybody of any religion can pray to Jyotirmayi Jyoti-swarupa AdiParaShakti. Actually,
Kisan shivir is required for every people of India including farmers. Why? 1) if poison less,
harmful pesticide chemical less, nutritious, testy, genetically more compatible to human
body crops will produce; 2) if milk will be harmful hormone less fully nutritious, 3) if
fishes of water; vegetables, fruits & flowers of garden; cow, duck, hen, buffalo, goat like
domestic animals & birds of farm will remain healthy, fully cure & nutritious, 4) if Nature
become normal then, who will be benefitted? Country-men! So we should organize as
many “ShivYog Kisan Shivir (Indian Government Recognised Paramparagat Krishi Paddhati)” as
possible, to train our farmers, milkmen, gardeners, fishermen, poultry-farm persons etc.
So many Sadhaks or Sadhikas are still exists, who are not so much aware about what a
ShivYog Forum actually is? As they already attend, that is why they are aware about what
a blissful experiences can anyone achieves in each sessions of a ShivYog Shivirs. But that is
the only main interest to them. Thinking of them all, some benefits of ShivYog Forums are
described below. You shall laterally feel or experience that, every episode of a ShivYog
Forum is exactly like a real Shivir, where Babaji or Ishanji is sited infront of us, physically.
o Regular one day in a week, approx. 2 hr. of connection, with Babaji or Ishanji.
o Real Shivir like experience with lots of Blessings & Grace.
o Every week new meditation task for next 7 days. Rare & secrete Shukshma & Pran
kriyas. Pranayams for control of Low & High blood pressure. Kriyas for long life.
[Those never can be discussed openly with any others, who are not ShivYog Forum
Members. It’s a Guru Aadesh. A Trust should be there between you & Babaji. As you
show your interest on Guru’s speech & join the forum. So only you are eligible for
these. Receive & enjoy those Bliss. Those, who are still thinking, let them think more.
Never distribute anything to them regarding Meditation & Kriyas.]
o Meditations for releasing stress, phobias & negative psychic impressions. Time to
time different sadhanas like Pratiprasav, Siddha healing, Shambhavi healing etc.
o Increased self confidence. Happier life & happier relationships. Peace of mind. Power
of goal manifestation through high powerful collective Sadhana.
o Prime membership for 1 year. 50% Discount in all Live Shivirs for one year including
front seating category for all shivirs for 1 year.
o Over of all a positive atmosphere in a gathering of few positive minded sadhaks and
sadhikas, who are always ready for helping each other through inspiration, support.
Hence a new strength develops in mind, for fighting with all stresses throughout the
whole week. Rising of Individual consciousness along with collective consciousness.
What happened? Still thinking like a Type-3 Person? Stop thinking now & become a
ShivYog Forum Member, as soon as possible. But, it has one disadvantage. It’s not paying
money & getting benefit relationship. It’s a pure Guru-Shishya relationship, where feeling
of full surrender on Guru must be needed in mind. If you think, you have this, you are
welcome in ShivYog Forum. Open website
and find your nearest ShivYog Forum. You may contact with them for clearing all your
doubts & for doing enquiries. However, you may open a new forum also, if you want.
----------------------------------------( ShivYog Farming, why? )----------------------------------------
Thousands of farmers today practice ShivYog
Farming or ShivYog agriculture and have them-
selves come forward with the amazing result on
not only their crops, but also on their soil, cattle
and family. ShivYog Farming is completely free
and does not incur any costs but connecting
with the divine powers of Mother Nature brings
multiple benefits. Application of old Indian
Ancient Cosmic Science (projecting life giving
divine cosmic energy, life giving solar energy &
life giving celestial sound vibration) on crops &
fields brings over all positive change in nature.
Some of miracles practically found are ---
o Two to eight times (even more) increase found in crop yields.
o Farmers reduce dependency on fertilizers and chemicals to enhance their crops, thus
saving them a great deal of unwanted expenses.
o Farmers can reduce and nil the use of pesticides, chemicals to protect their crops.
o Crop produce yield will only manifold increase.
o The quality of seeds improve drastically that spouts healthy crops and further
reproduces better quality seeds, thus reducing the costs on buying expensive seeds.
o Soil fertility increases and becomes more productive.
o Requirements for artificial fertilizers are reduced and well managed with natural
fertilizers from nature. It is found that, water level of field increases.
o The produced seeds are genetically human body compatible and more nutritious.
o Farmers are saved from the ill effects of chemicals and pesticides on their bodies.
o Farmers nourish themselves with the prana from nature and are able to improve
health and work efficiency.
o Consumers of food are saved from deadly diseases arising from the toxic effects in
the grown food. Help provide the world with more of nectar food that is rich in
prana or the life-giving force.
o Horticulture production flourishes as fertility of trees magnify and fruits become
juicier, tasty and full of life-force energy.
o The cattle remain healthy and protected from illness.
o The fertility rate in cows increase and they are able to give better quality milk in
larger quantities as their lactation period increases.
o The almost extinct bees, birds and butterflies mainly responsible for cross-pollination
are revived.
o Water contamination happening through the contaminated waters from the fields
flowing into the rivers and causing arsenic poisoning is prevented, also protecting
aqua life. Mother Nature is becoming human friendly and fully natural.
o The ancient wisdom has always proclaimed “Jyaysa Ann, Waysa Mann” meaning “As
the food, so the mind”. Pure and satwik food makes the mind also pure and thus
eradicates all mental and emotional disturbances.
o Farmers may download free app in Android phone from
for free ShivYog Sadhana, Babaji’s guidance & lots more.
With this type of mentality, one actually closes all the doors of inner mind. Hence Grace
can not be able to enter in his/her inner deep mind, whereas simultaneously all other
sitting nearer to him/her are being flooded with Blessings. If anyone have this type of
commercial mentality (person of type 6), better he/she should not come in ShivYog. Peysaa
sara doob jayega. In the name of Guru-Deeksha, most gives only some letters for reciting
(known as Guru Mantra). But, Babaji & Ishanji give that Guru Beej Mantra as in awakened
power energy form. What we have to do is to recite the mantra for increasing its power
from seed state to a large tree state for receiving fruits of wished achievements.
Evolution is a continuous process. Power of Guru is also increasing day by day along with
all his disciples. Methods of dhyana becoming more easier but much more powerful than
before. In earlier days, that process may be appropriate related to the mentality, purity,
energy level of those disciples. At presents, methods may be different. So what? Am I
felling the Grace or not? --- should be the only factor to be consider in mind. Believe is the
vital thing in ShivYog. Those untold mental speeches were “Earlier you told something, now
you are telling another thing. How can I trust you in this way? I have given lots of money for this
shivir. Am I looking a foolish donkey? Am I come here to hear all this false bogus things?………”
With this type of mentality, nobody can receive God’s Grace. Now, why do you all are
reading this? for time pass? --- A chance is there, that, this type of mentality exists near
you and trying hard to convene you for making his party stronger with population. Robot
has no mind like a human. If a commercial intellectual robot will go near Guru, he/she
will gain nothing. Whereas, if a human will go near a Siddha Yogi with emotion of full
surrender, then he/she will achieve lots & lots of wisdom. But these types of words are
completely valueless to a strong logic minded intellectual. To them it’s nothing but a fraud
like activity and nothing else. Now, decide by yourself, what do you want? Doubt? or
God’s-grace? If you are interested in “Peysaa Vasool”, then there is no such guarantee that
your money will be utilised fully. If your aim is God’s-grace, then you will gain lots more,
which may not even be expected, but, can be able to experience physically in the form of
Cure, Health, Wealth, Peace etc. --- as like as, all other Shivyogis throughout the world.
Many hunters exist in this world, especially in India, to whom disciples are nothing but
the best arrangement of their luxurious life style and for enjoying abundance. They know
some black magic tricks for making disciples fool. Thus, by showing some miracle they
become everything of disciple. Babaji is not the alone, but lots of such Siddha Guru exists,
who are the Self Realised Soul, who have no such worldly expectations, who are beyond
any worldly attachments, who do not want anything from disciples, who always want
only to give blessings & healing to the disciples. Whereas “Blessings”, “Grace”-- this type
of odd uncommon words can never be found in the dictionary of black magicians. All are
watching accelerating popularity of ShivYog, not only in country but internationally also,
whole world wide. All of them want to know, exactly what are the magic tricks, that are
using in ShivYog for easily making people fool (as per their dictionary “Devotion” means
“Foolishness” & “Surrender” is a special type of Hypnotising Magic Tricks). They are thus,
eagerly waiting for something to get from ShivYog. It may be their strong wish, that few
Sadhaks provide them secrete ShivYog Meditation Process unconsciously by uploading it
globally, after purchasing from Ashram’s Divine Shop. They are thinking that it is only
my unconditional love. I become so kind, that, I am helping other Shivyogies… but
unfortunately unconsciously they are helping in those black magician’s businesses.
A real Self Realised Siddha Guru will always give, never want anything. Never be like a
Greedy one. Babaji told, never go to any fraud who would like to snatch your power,
which is Babaji’s own tap-shakti, which Babaji give to you during Guru-Deeksha time.
No barrier is there in ShivYog. Shiva & Babaji is not like a don, “idhar aa to sakte ho, par jaa
nehi sakte”. You may go to any saint for receiving his/her Grace or Blessings. But still, if
you are not like greedy but devotional, then you yourself will feel that, your inner mind is
fully saturated with Guru-grace. Hence, no such wish left to get anything extra from other.
Irrespective of Religion, any student should do Saraswati Mantra Sadhana. It’s Babaji’s
love for the children. With this sadhana (after deeksha), a student will become sharp in
mind. He/she can be able to understand any new chapter more clearly and also can be
able to memorise that for longer period of time. Day by day, they become wise and of
good character with strong inner power for fighting against any odd situation. They
become well aware about which is good, which is harmful for them, which is the main
purpose of this present life. Hence, backbone of new generation will be harder & stronger.
If you are facing any type of negativity in life in the form of bad relationship, cheated
by others, pain, sorrow, diseases, poverty, enemy……… then you must do ShivYog Durga
Saptashati Sadhana. You must surrender fully to the Universal Divine Shakti. She is
Mother Nature, who can destroy any type of demon or karmas of your life, which are
disturbing you regarding fulfilling your true wishes. If you found that all doors are closed,
remember ShivYog DSS Sadhana will definitely opens-up the best divine doors for you.
Babaji told us many many times to meditate by sitting inside a copper Pyramid. Along
with the other available divine items of Ashram, this Pyramid is nothing but a divine tool
for achieving deepest state of meditation and also for receiving enormous healing. Using
copper hollow pipe, make for yourself, as shown in the picture, in such a way that you
must feel comfort sitting inside. If possible make three or four slide of Pyramid covered
with copper plate (three fixed & one door with arrangement of proper ventilation). Think
about a Cosmic Energy Vortex 900 towards base of Pyramid & meets on a point on axis
this hues energy booster point is known as King’s Chamber. May keep 5 Himalayan
Pencil Crystals in 5-corners for best healing. If you are planning for a big pyramid room
in garden, then may consider Height : Base ratio as of 2 : 3 (or 7 : 11 for more accuracy)
and your meditation-aasan should be at a height of (H÷3) from pyramid-base-center-point.
As a Shivyogi, as a disciple, you should be as like as Ekalabya of Mahabharata. Devotion
towards Guru, Concentration, Determination, Continuous regular Practice, Full Believe on
Self that “I can do it myself, Guru-Grace is always with me, Guiding me, Helping me all
the time to Go Ahead.” … in a single word “Self-Disciplined-Soul”. These divine qualities
will actually opens up your inner doors of inner mind & thus Ancient Wisdom can be able
to enter to your inner mind for helping you regarding fulfilling all your Divine Wishes.
It’s like a sadhana. While you are trying hard to be a best disciple, other may try hard to
convince you that you are in a wrong path. It is nothing but the “Test” of the “True Wish”,
“True Determination”, “True Emotion of Devotion” of a “True Disciple” by Siddha Guru
Mandala. Actually, scientifically, in real meaning, it must be needed to check by Universal
Consciousness that whether this Individual Consciousness is Ready to enter in Higher
Dimensional Divine Sukshma World or not. Kaanuun of the Mother Nature in this
Sukshma World is very very (very to the power infinitive very∞ times) strict. Any
Lower Vibrational-Being, never be allowed to enter into Higher Dimension. He/she
should raise vibration by releasing of karmas through the path shown by Self-Realised
Siddha Guru or by some Higher Dimensional Divine Beings.
When we use to throw a pebble in a calm lake, we can see the waves are generating on the
upper surface of the water and spreading… few times after that lake become calm again.
Reaction of our Action (i.e. bad-karma & good-karma) in “Sukshma World of Karma” is
not like that. Here a wave generated and go on spreading by multiplying its power… after
a certain period of time, that wave, returns back to its source with intensity 1000 times.
That is why it is said It will return back by manifold 1000 times, what you will give to
the Nature. But, if you are covered by Divine Protection of Guru & God’s Grace, then
return force of past bad karma never can damage your future life events, so rudely.
Any one in India can talk like a totta. No matter, he/she knows nothing about the topic,
but they would like to talk & talk & talk, especially in Social Media, to show other how
educated & wise am I. It may be return of a past bad karma of me, so that I had to read
some reviews of some “Indian Grate Totta” while searching “ShivYog Shivir Teachings &
Shivir Notes” through Google. After reading those review of ShivYog, just one funny
event comes in my mind --- “Bheyss ke aage been baajane se keya hoga? naa to wo Saap ki tarha
nachega, aur na Mayur ki tarha. Thori der been shun ne ke baad, wo yaa to ulti karega, yaa gobar
dega. Wo saara negative review parke mujhe eysa hi feel huya. Saara ka saara, yaa to ulti hay, yaa
gobar.“ Same energy attracts same energy. Thus, shame energy attracts shame energy.
The Millionaire Question (1) Who are they? (2) Why I am telling you all these things?
(1) We, the disciples of Babaji, use to love our Father like Guru, very very much. In our
Dream-World of Unconditional Love, we think that all others also love him like us. But the
current scenario is not like that. A large scale of grate-wonder-Indian-being(!?!) use to hate
Dr. Avdhoot Shivanand (along with all his family members) soooooooooo much.
Most Astrologer & Pappu Jyotishi as their customer-looting-business (through
fear of Shanir Saare-Saati, Dhaaiya, Kaal-Sarpa, Bakra Gati, Mani-ratna ……) closes
with a big taala. As most Shivyogi awakens through eye-opening scientific ancient
provochans of Babaji to overcome these all superstitions. Through Daily Meditation,
they can be able to release karmas and thus, achieve success in fulfilling of desire –
which was told impossible, earlier, after seeing the Kundli. From the Astrological
point of view, releasing of karmas will loose the power of those obstacles which were
disturbing in receiving the good energies from 9 planets. Those obstacles are nothing
but our own Karmas (either of this-life-past-karmas or past-life-sanchit-karmas).
Greedy People, who are connected to hues-benefit-business of Chemicals & Killing
Poisons related to agriculture, used for slow-poisoning of all country-men. They and
their all pet like supporters, industrialists, journalists, chemists etc. etc. Illness of
country-men (including their own family members) & most suicide cases of farmers
have no value to them. ShivYog Krishi is choupating their farmer-looting business.
Few hues-money-collecting & customer-looting Greedy Healers of different other
kinds of Healing Methods. A True Healer always has the True Power to Heal. So
many different types of healing methods are exists. Among all of them medically
(in medical field), physically (fulfilling of true worldly desire), Krishically (in field of
agriculture) effect of ShivYog’s scientific methods proves as the Best Result Giver,
till date, throughout The Whole World.
Greedy ex-Shivyogies. It is true but few old shivyogies either become self declared
Guru or become Pet (like disciple) of Black Magician, Energy Vampire. So, as their
present Guru hate Babaji, they also hate ShivYog. But still, they would happily like to
supply secret meditations and ancient ShivYog knowledge to their present Guru,
after collecting somehow from the brand new sadhaks of a particular ShivYog Shivir.
Completely Logic Minded Intellectual Wonder Creatures of India. Seeing them,
one can understand how intelligent and powerful the Mughal & British was,
actually. From 500 years ago till date, they successfully plant the hues tree of hate
& disbelieve in the inner mind of most Indians towards their own wise-elders, their
own ancient heritage, monks, their own culture etc. etc.…so that high consciousness
level of old Indians at the Golden Age of Nalanda Viswavidyalay, slowly transmuted
into low level collective consciousness. Thus Peace in mind, Health, Wealth, Golden-
crop & full Respect towards Guru along with all Wise-Indian-Elders of an Indian
transmuted into Anger, Illness, Poverty, Poisonous-crop & very strong mentality like
“Yeh sare Sadhu-Baba log sab, cheater hota hay. Agar aapna bhala chahte ho, to inse dur hi
raho. Mere maammma paapppa ne mujhe bar bar saabdhan kiya hay. Kaha hay ki --- mere lal,
mere pile, mere hara dhaniya, agar chaho to dhumpaan karo, daru piyo, drags lo, ganja kha ke
raaste me pare raho aur mere bansh-ka khaandaan-ka naam roshan karo. Par, ye Baba log sab
aachhe nehi hote hay, to unke pass kabhi nehi jaana.” Present scenario is that, most people
of other country know very well that most Indians use to hate their own original old
culture. And they can not tolerate any Indian Wise persons. Hearing their wise-
provochans, they react like an allergic-attack. Overall, they hate Ancient Wisdom.
And this type of mentality become Genes in their DNA. They become frog of a draw-
well. And they can tell anything to prove they & only they are 100% correct.
It’s just like that A person, once in a life was cheated by a monk like dressed
cheater. Now, at present, every monks & wise persons are nothing but a cheater to
them. It is fully illogical, foolishness and nothing else, a ridicules bogus mentality.
Some Copy-Cat Organizations. Babaji teaches us ancient wisdom science more than
30 years. Suddenly you will found so many organisations teach ancient Shambhavi
process. Think logically, where they were before? Though their customer-looting
business knowledge learned from ShivYog Shivirs but still they hate Babaji. Because
of hues population of ShivYog, their nets do not get so many fishes (fool-customer).
TRP accelerator Critics. Few Indian Wonder Creatures enjoy to business on other’s
Helpless Situation. And for that, they can do anything. No principal, no rule. Just
copy anything from anywhere & paste anywhere, in any arrangement. Criticise with
funny cartoon & watch the fun. I am writing here after collecting these Teachings of
ShivYog Shivir only for my GuruBhai & GuruBhagini. But there is no such guarantee
who is reading this book, just now is not a ShivYog Hating Wonder Creature.
Spirituality hating people. Some grate creatures of large India are born for hating
spirituality. Spiritual talks are like hot charcoal to them. They just love to hate it.
“Food-Sex-Shelter” like worldly animal like life with “frog of a draw-well” mentality
is their only super qualities. They like just it & they are ever-ready to reject any single
logic regarding “Spirituality & Gods Grace are Essential for Inner-Growth of Self”.
Spiritual egocentric people. Main khush, tu pareshan. Mera Guru, tera Guru se Mahaan.
Saturated Mind Disciples will never argue, never fight with anybody. They remains
happy by sitting inside the ship of Guru (Guru naam ki jahaaj par) on the river of their
spiritual believe system (their organization along with the principals). They also know
very well that, all rivers will meet the same ocean (Nirgun Niraakara Shabdarup –
Parabrahma). They use to like their path & principals very much but never hate other
spiritual paths and other Gurus. Hating is a quality of low graded people. If mentally
they are real sad-sishya of a True Siddha Self-Realised Guru, then their mental state
& consciousness will be much higher than these low graded qualities like anger, hate,
greed, selfishness, ego etc. etc. They always use to remains in Peace (har hal pe khushi).
A True Disciple mentally remains so pleased towards Guru, that even no such need
feels in their mind, to go near another Guru, though they fully respect all Gurus. A
True Shivyogi is also like that. He/she is mentally full saturated with Guru-Grace
and hence feels no such need to go to any other place for receiving better or different
sadhana or deeksha. Though, they respect all Siddha Yogies, Monks, Gurus, Saints…
e.g. Go to any disciple of “Isha” or “Art of Living”. Ask about spirituality. They
will never provide you Secrete Dhyan, Secrete Gyan & Guru-Mantra (till the moment
when you become their GuruBhai or GuruBhagini. If you receive a particular deeksha, they
will give you related thing privately i.e. not openly, publicly). But, they will help you a lot.
They will tell you from the core of their heart --- how good, how pure, how ancient,
how sacred their organization is. Intention is fully Pure & full of Love. The True
Divine Light of Peace, they get by the Grace of Guru, they would like to share that
path with you. So that you can be able to make your purpose of this birth as truthful.
Just information. Just a little convince but no pushing, no force for joining. Final
decision will always be your own will… These are the characteristics of the disciples
of grate Guru. None of them will tell you that never go to ShivYog, very high
price, never waste you valuable money in this way, shivyogies are rude, they directly
misbehaved with new sadhaks in shivir, prices of divine items are also very high,
what a hues collection in a single shivir, that Guru will hypnotise you etc. etc. bogus
things… Never! None of them will tell you anything of these, for a single time.
Similarly, if you ask any true Shivyogy, he/she will tell you lot more but never will
tell you that never go to “xxx”, come to “ShivYog”. “zz zz zz” is fraud, never
waste your money there. ShivYog is only for you. Hurry, join us, do not waste your
valuable time with so many thinking… But if somebody is providing you this types
of messages, then, think logically their mental state would be of how lower category?
Most Intelligent Indian Wonder Creatures. A true example of “frog of a draw-well”.
Irrespective of religion, most country-men including Higher Authorities, Scientists,
Doctors, World Famous Organizations of most other countries are offering honours
to Babaji & Ishanji. So what? Whole World may become fool, but these Wonder
Creatures of Indian? They are super most clever. They just don’t believe these at all.
(2) If you can be able to identify some of these wonder creatures of India, then you
should always keep yourself much more distant with them along with their Ultis &
Gobars. Always remember “Prevention is better than Cure”. So, remain confident about
yourself & never let your mind in a pendulum state I am right … Am I right? … No,
No, I am right… this will damage your Spiritual Growth & also creates Meaningless
Mental Stress. Let them speak rubbish, but you never involve in these.
You may think, if I keep quite, they will prove True (as per “Hitler theory”, tell a false 100
times confidently, it will become True). But still never argue. You never can win by
fighting with these unethical logic minds. They can say anything, anytime, anywhere. Just
continue your daily meditation. And then, share & spread your Worldly & Spiritual
achievements electronically. Let the world know your achievements through ShivYog
Meditation after applying ShivYog Principals in daily life. Be truthful. Make yourself
such bigger, that they would found themselves Lilliput & thus stop their “bhow bhow”.
o If you already receive deeksha from Babaji or Ishanji, then continue your daily
sadhana, regular basis, as you are guided by latest ShivYog Shivir or latest
Shivyog Cosmic Healing Forum episode. Never let any other, to guide you.
o Never try to have rabbit like speed in you spiritual path. Remember, “Slow but
Steady, wins the Race”. Greed for collecting best meditation process in mind, may
attract sudden frauds towards you. Keep believe on yourself own. Never run over
behind the physical form of Babaji or Ishanji. Connect with their wisdom digitally
ShivYog Wisdom Official Facebook Page (,
YouTube Channel “shivyogchannel”. Mentally always remain connected with Real
Babaji (the siddha-soul, who is much more powerful & beyond that physical body
which you see all the time) through your daily meditation. Call him, ask for help.
o In so many Forum Episodes, and so many Shivirs, Babaji told you many many
times that never do collective Durga Saptashati in any electronic media Group like
WhatsApp, Telegram …etc. If any Group insists you, leave that Group.
o Durga Saptashati Shivir, Kisan Shivir etc. are free of charge ShivYog Shivir. If
anybody asking money from you regarding anything like fooding, lodging etc.
then immediately informs ShivYog Ashram ( Money collecting from
sadhaks is strictly prohibited. In India, whenever anything gets more respect &
attention, cheater’s business starts. It’s an automatic process. “Durga Saptashati
in Haridwar, open to all, @5,999`“……… Think logically, then react accordingly.
o If anyone again again asking meditation process, bhajans… then, either he/she
urgently need that for his/her CopyCat-Guru, Black-Magician-Guru or he/she
do not have least respect towards Babaji, thus asking publicly. Guru se mila Gyan,
Guru se mila Dhyan aur Guru se mila Mantra kabhi bhi openly distribute nehi karte.
o Babaji & Ishanji loves you all very very much. If any such serious things are there
to share with you --- then they will tell you directly, through Shivyog Wisdom
Official facebook Page, Ishanji’s Facebook Page, ShivYog main website etc. etc.
Babaji never authorised any sadhak to inform other Shivyogies about what Babaji
really wants at present. So, think logically, cross-check, only then react accordingly
against message like “Babaji said,…” on whatsapp, facebook, telegram…etc. etc.
You may see “Babaji’s Messages” section, from this book, once again (Page - 91).
However, in Vol-III, Ishanji+Gurumaa’s Answers against Sadhak’s Questions
you will get a Cristal Clear idea about all these matters.
These are the words of Babaji of various ShivYog Shivirs, which are collected after
searching of various BlogSites, related to “ShivYog Shivir Teachings”. All these Articles
were written for sharing the Major Teachings Imparted by Babaji. As per Babaji, what
we hear is, according to our Own Perception & Level of Consciousness. Therefore,
while writing these Articles, Understanding & Perceptions may appear into Play,
according to that. But, still, Guru-Kripa Played the Vital Role, in all these projects.
“Names of Sadhaks” along with “Date & Place of Sharing or Posting” are not given here.
o Love means non-duality. But we say we love someone and hate someone. In-fact
both are biased, isn’t it? Love isn’t dependent to particular thing or person, if it is
then it is duality and in every duality opposite is bound to come. Love is without
discrimination, it is the essence of soul … it is the totality of the existence.
o Infatuation is emptiness and become suffocation afterwards. Infatuation is like
eating too much food and later on feeling stomach is paining and vomiting all the
eaten things. And later on feeling … it was scary!
o The main cause of any physical /emotional problem is lack of giving and receiving
Unconditional Love. Just try to give unconditional love to everyone and feel and see
the difference in your relations, success and prosperity. Unconditional love unleashes
the divine energy where all the differences and hatreds vanish. And one feel
comfortable and loving everywhere.
o The more you think the less you will vibrate, only listen the language of Silence.
When one starts thinking and thinking, one’s connection from universal intelligence
is cut, the beam … that flow of light that was coming from infinite, gets disconnected
and vibrations of thoughts starts taking place. Less thinking or no-thinking helps to
get connected with infinite energy. And this infinite energy is Shiva, the God itself
and the language of silence.
o Everything is Bhaav (intentions)….”Bhava Re!” Babaji says “Bhaav Re!” more
frequently; Bhaav is the word for intentions. And they matter a lot, they create
Karma; good intentions will produce good Karma and wrong intentions will produce
bad Karma. “Karma + Bhaav = Karmayog” this is the proper meaning of Karmayog,
our Karmas are decided by our Bhaav. So, Bhaav needs to be pure and positive.
o Negative emotions create darker energy and darker energy only created chaos and
destruction. Emotions are energy itself, and negative emotions are bound to create
darker energy and this energy only brings all sorts of unwanted things in life and
problems in success, prosperity and realization.
o Vaak Siddhi depends upon pure intentions. Vak means speech, Vaak siddhi means
whatever one speaks turn to be true. Yes, God only gives power to those who have
pure intentions and the feelings of harmlessness to everyone.
o Live in the body but remain in your identity. Babaji says this body is not our
identity, Babaji often sing a song in Hindi “Ek din Bandeya . . . . .” --- that means “one
day I’ll leave the body and will not return back” but truth is that, there is no death
and a siddha exists everywhere even after leaving the body. The message Babaji
wants to convey through that song is: nobody knows when to leave the body they
why not to give unconditional love to each other.
o Whatever you create inside you project outside or world is what you create inside.
This world is the reflection of our memories. Babaji says even our each cell has its
own mind and intelligence, and whatever we think and feel gets stored in every cell.
And the world is just the projection of our memories. If memories are good world
will be good and if memories are bad world will be bad. Even these unwanted
memories are the cause of unwanted mental or physical diseases.
We can create better feelings and thoughts and can replace our unwanted memories
with the newer ones and can create the world we want. For healing (before
replacing) the unwanted memories Babaji tells to each of his disciples how to use
God’s Healing Energy.
o Learn to communicate with yourself. This is the reality check … this is the check of
our emotions and feeling, this is the check how much pure and impure we are. This
is the check of “Who am I ?” this is the check of divinity that exists in each of us.
Until one learns to communicate oneself, one can’t be a genuine person.
o The more you are ignorant the more you will suffer. Ignorance has less alternates
and options in life and more over it takes away the understanding and intelligence.
And an ignorant person can be manipulated, used and thrown away. To put away
ignorance the best and fast option is to raise the consciousness by consistent
meditation or sadhana.
o Feeling of Guilt is the worst emotion. Yes it is, and it kills life but there are methods
and techniques to keep the learning from the guilt but to remove its effects on life.
The Sadhana and teaching Babaji tells have the solution of everything.
o We are spiritual being come here to have human body experience. This body is not
the reality, this is just the matter and when a consciousness (soul) desires to get some
experience then this body is formed. And a soul will keep on coming in the physical
plane until it experiences all the desired things.
o Jisko tumse lena, ya, tumhe dena hoga, wohi tumhare jeewan me aayenge (People
come in life due to debit and credit of Karmas). Here the cycle of karma moves and
it will keep on rotating until it gets balanced. And to make this balance the ways are
of unconditional love, gratitude and forgiveness.
o Day and night are just symbolic. The sun moves and a day and night take place. But
in real there is no day and no night, if one goes to certain height above the sun and
earth then the feeling of day and night just get lost.
Moreover when one gets higher and higher consciousness the feeling of day and
night also get lost. That’s why in Gita Krishna says to Arjuna that Yogi never sleeps,
because a consciousness never gets tired and that Yogi remains awake 24×7.
o Reaction is according to stored Psychic Impressions. Reactions are memory based,
the type of memory we will be having that type of reactions we will give. So when a
person gives bad reaction, that poor fellow is driven by his memory.
o Everything magnifies after death in thousand folds, if you are blissful you will
feel it in thousand folds…or if you are in pain you will also feel it in thousand
folds. After death we live in astral body, and whatever good or bad we think start
creating at the same moment. If one thinks negative then real looking negative
projection will manifest, and if one thinks positive then good looking positive
projection will manifest.
o Have Pure Bhaav (intentions) & automatically your Chakra Granthi (Knot) will
openup. Babaji says pure intentions are very necessary to grow in spirituality. All the
chakras open itself once you get pure intentions.
o Accept the way everyone is and accept the way you are. “Accept the way everyone
is” means not to disturb in other’s soul-agenda, for what they come to experience in
this earth plane. And “accept the way you are” means before taking birth a soul
decides each and everything,
e.g. which type of body, which type of location, parents, type of experience etc. Now
to regard and live up to that choices a soul has made convey “accept the way you
o Satoguni Ego is most dangerous. On a spiritual path a Sadhak also gets divine
powers and knowledge which an ordinary people do not have. The Ego for those
powers and knowledge is dangerous because it stops the spiritual progress and later
on those powers and knowledge are also gone.
o Do nishkam seva and you will not be entangled in karmic connections. Nishkam
seva means service without any expectation of give and take, it means do and forget.
It helps a lot in not to making new karmic connection as well as solving old karmic
o If you do Dev (divine) karma in morning and Sakam (fruitful) karma in daytime…
then you will sleep in peace at night. Dev karma means karma for spiritual
progress, let it be meditation, healing others, helping others or doing any sorts of
work which makes you blissful. Sakam karma means karma for livelihood, like doing
jobs/service to earn money.
o Whatever you do in daytime that conscious remains in nighttime also, so choose
whatever you want to do in daytime. If you do good things in day time, you will
sleep with satisfaction. Otherwise, wrong acts of daytime turns in nightmares or
insomnia. Here good things means, which gives you positive energy and wrong acts
means which give you negative energy.
o Bad karmas decay vital force. Bad karma creates negative energy and this energy
ruins our vital force or say prana, that is essential for both spiritual and materialistic
success. A study of most successful people shows that they learn to maintain and
develop their vital force.
o Remain in Self (Nirguna) and you can create anything…but in Saguna form you
can’t create anything. Nirguna is the formless state and Saguna is the form. When
we do sadhana/meditation and merged with God Consciousness, that time we make
ourselves Nirguna and from that Nirguna state we can create anything due to having
access in ether element. But while we are remaining in Saguna form, we vibrate with
less frequency and can’t create as we can within Nirguna state.
o Saguna is duality, Nirguna is non-duality. Saguna, that is a form and a form always
represent to duality. And formless that is Nirguna always represent to non-duality.
A soul is called to be Nirguna and the body is called to be Saguna but during
Sadhana when we merged into God consciousness at that time Sagun also becomes
Nirgun. There are siddhas who completely turn their body into light (formless).
o Duality contains pain. Because in duality the opposite is bound to come, somebody
is my friend, somebody is my enemy, I love somebody, I hate somebody, I am
beautiful & I am ugly – are the sign of duality. When we accept the way things or
people are without any judgments, duality ends.
o Changes only come by Sadhana. Because Sadhana is only the way to get higher
consciousness and from that higher consciousness anything could be created or
changed easily, and until consciousness improves no good changes will occur.
o Real test come among people. If you go to mountains and live alone, you will never
know what kind of things you still need to overcome and when you come among
public you are being pulled and pushed in different ways, then you better know how
much you have improved or still needs to be improved.
o Do practice of silence, remain in state of silence, then you will be in tune with
spiritual guides. Babaji says everyone is born with spiritual guides but when we are
not in silence we do not maintain the needed vibrations to get tuned with spiritual
guides. And when we are silent, we vibrate with higher rates and can get tuned with
spiritual guides. In-fact our spiritual guides are always with us vibrating with higher
frequency, but due to not having same frequency we hardly acknowledges them.
o Just learn to react in happiness. Happiness is very powerful positive force and when
you react with happiness you can make other person cool down immediately. As
well as, it can help you and other person not to create unnecessary Karmas.
o Refuse to believe what you do not want in your life …erase that and project what
you want. Yes this is miracle mantra, Babaji says “you are the creator of your own
destiny” and “just think what you want in your life”. Whatever we think it starts
creating, if we think good we get good; if we think bad we get bad.
o Early morning, when you wake up just open Anahata (Heart) Chakra and send
“Unconditional Love” to everybody including incidents of your life. Unconditional
love is the energy and feeling which can make anything better and in-front of this
energy everything turns to be friendly and favorable. And it gives a rocket speed in
spiritual progress.
o The person who is not doing sadhana, then everyday he/she is wasting time in
doing outside projection. The people who left doing sadhana know this fact, if we
do not use our mind in good work the mind will find anything … no matter of what
kind it is. Mind needs to be busy in good things otherwise it may keep you busy in
unwanted projections and sufferings later on.
o Golden rules to follow:
Unconditional Love
Don’t Judge Anyone
Haar Haal me Khushi
Be mast i.e.Trankilo in Spanish
No Irritation
o Daily Sadhana helps you open the Dasham Dwar. You identify is that, “you are the
creator” and “you are the divinity”. Bring an intention in your prayers that tumhare
dwara sabka bhala hi ho…sada punya karma ho and sahi raaste se hi dhan arjit ho.
o If you do wrong to others then you add to the karmic load and the cause and effect
cycle of karmic debit and credit goes on.
o Pray to your Guru, hey gurudev, mere sanchit karmo ko bhasm kar mujhe anandit
kariye and please help me establish myself in the state of satchitananda.
o Prati prasav dhyan is an effective way of distressing yourself. You go into deep
Samadhi that is very close to God. Your antaratma knows everything of your past,
present and future. It is connected to your Guru and all spiritual guides. In Sadhana,
you could hear their voices as answers to your queries or any problem you facing.
Step slowly into your mental realm of past memories and release each one…leading
you to the blissful AatmaGyan. You must instruct your Body and Mann to listen to
you (the self) and ask them to release all negativity.
o False identity is always acquired. True identity is achieved and gained and realized.
You got to work on yourself only to discover your true identity.
o Your path has to be that of…. Jigyasu Gyani Shishya Sadhak. A Sadhak is
always established in the State of Bliss.
o Bhakt ban ne ka sabse aasan tareeka --- adopt simplicity, no complications (complication
means inviting dukh), har haal mein khushi and always be in the present moment.
Prati prasav Sadhana is done mainly to get you back to the present moment and to
make you simpler.
o All 5 bodies need to be aligned properly.
o Never judge a person but the power of being non judgemental will be achieved when
you get rid of your negative karmas, sanskars and psychic load.
o Criticism leads to an unnecessary increase in your present karmas so stay away from
it. It leads to irritation, sadness and low energy.
o Signs of spiritual growth - if you are keeping happy and enthusiastic, you look for
positivity only and ignore the negativity in people.
o Don’t live life unconsciously like a drunkard.
o A sadhak is one who lives with purity. Those happy at the last moment of this
lifetime, those really happy with their lives are surrounded by divine powers at the
last moment otherwise negative identities hover around them and they witness them
all. A person living with negativity whole life leaves body through the mooladhara
chakra and death is accompanied by excretion and urination. His miseries and all
negative feelings are magnified a 1000 times after death. He tries to affects all those
whom he disliked or has grudge against in his lifetime by trying to contact them. But
such a soul makes very high frequency sounds which cant be heard by human body.
There is thus no one to pacify him and all the negativity creates a Pret body around
the soul. This is the bhog yoni which involves huge suffering and miseries.
o Swarg & Narak are experienced in this body only, not after death. Your life is a
reflection of what life you would have when you leave the body. Have faith in God
that he would always do good to you and have a feeling that whatever comes to me I
welcome it. Develop this bhaav….Haar cheez bhaav re..! Shanka or doubt hoga….to
problem hogi hi… Your imagination converts into reality…..shankaalu soch & negative
karmas & sanskars invites problem in life. Live life bindaas, happily, no shanka!
Narak jite jee hota hay…aagar manasthiti narak tulya ho to…!
o Learn to Forgive for mukti…forgiveness implies that the other person is not the
reason for your sorrow; your ignorance is the reason. You pray for him..forgive
him..and apologise also…..this way all ethric bondages get released…get free from
all bondages…And practice UnConditional Love. Give lots of UCL (UnConditional
Love) to your family..thats why you all are born together since you didn’t give it to
them in your previous life…they all were there around you.
o Whatever comes in life is to give something to you or take something from you. The
issue to be resolved is – how much love you can give to a person and how many
moments of happiness can you give to that person.
o Be thankful to your family for even a few minutes of happiness they have ever given
to you no matter how you feel they are. We see our reflection in everyone. No one is
good or bad. Resolve issues with your family members first. Practice UCL,
Forgiveness, Gratitude and a non judgemental attitude. This would release all
negative sanskars. Being non judgemental is important otherwise the negative
karmas of the one you are judging would add up in yours as well.
o Everyone has their own thinking, needs, soul agenda. They are right at their place
according to there mann and sanskars. If something they do is not conforming with
you, it does not mean they are wrong. Just be concerned about your own karmas.
o Jesus Christ said - it doesn’t matter what you take in, but what you giveout is, really
o Do nachiketa dhyan meditation. Even listening to it would dissolve your karmas
slowly…….and as you develop shudhh bhawna….you become the real ShivYog
sadhak….follow the path of Sadhana, seva and sankirtan henceforth. Nishkaam seva
is the fastest way of dissolving karmas and increasing purity levels.
o Jaisa emotion, vaisa hi rog
1. Fear effects lungs and stomach
2. Anger effects heart leading to blockages
3. Resentment effects kidneys
o Swarg and Narak are thus experienced while being in the body itself. If one can
associate the disease with any incident of past life during prati prasav dhyan and
Sadhana…then it can be healed completely if one does the Sadhana properly.
o All that your mann eats whole day..that needs to be flushed out too by Sadhana. Both
internal and external cleansing are required. Mann moves towards aatma as vikaars
keep reducing leading to self realization. Clear this debt daily. All Kriyas give the
power to digest the kripa/blessings in Sukshma sharira. So, must do Kriyas before
sadhana or followed by Sadhana.
o Feel everything before you say it out..then it has maximum impact.
o Open your blocked doors through the prati prasav Sadhana..instruct your body and
mann and let them purify. Mantra chanting releases the darkness. Feel UCL and
practice it towards yourself, your body and mann….all organs would regenerate
once you start doing it.
o Learn a lesson from your life so far…or in case you recollect any past memories…ask
yourself what lesson you have learnt…and accept all your faults…only then you can
change the path of your life.
o Always remain connected to the Cosmic Powers.
o Sarva siddhhi kaal- point of release and transformation- whre there is no breath- a
standstill- no mann- it is same as the moment after death when time stops. If one can
experience this while being in the body itself then karmas are released and life
becomes better. Sarva sidhhi kaal thus comes either during deep dhyan or after
death. There is nothing called as death. It is just a process of going from one
dimension to another. Try to experience the point in Sadhana and one can surpass
death while being in the body.
o Your mann is like a mountain that stands in between when the manthan (churning)
is going on to dig out amrit between the devtas and asuras…..when the devtas and
asuras are merged with the serpent of our consciousness…the churning leads to the
state of Samadhi….the mid point between inhalation and exhalation…where theres
no birth…no death…mann is stable and sthir…and all 10 dwars are opened.
o Reach the level where everything good follows you instead of you running after
things. Anant par dhyan lagao. Nothing up nothing down. Concentrate on sushumna
and do yatra in it daily. Granthi bhedana hoga…bhedan of ignorance, ego, hatred and
all malices.
o This is mrityu Sadhana of being free from all karmas. Do it daily. Love this Sadhana
since it is anmol and do anything to get it done in the course of your day. It will lead
to a complete transformation in your life.
o Don’t use electric lights in pooja room and meditation room. Use earthen oil lamps
o Soul retrieval was done: all humans have 8 pranas. They keep reducing as connection
breaks with God and one follows wrong path in life. Mostly, 5 are left in all. One
must try and develop purity of all 8 pranas and recollect them all by Sadhana.
o Intellectual hoke Sadhana nehi ki jaa sakti…be a sadhak and take gyan.
o Jeevatma karmas= mother’s karmas + father’s karmas + karmas of past lives.
o There is nothing called as an Issue. Your hold on things makes them issues.
o There is nothing incurable in this universe. Shiv se bari koyi sadhya nehi hay. He is
above all medical sciences. Believe in everything that is happening to you.
o Whats yous is your good deeds- they protect you- not money and material. No one
can take away your good deeds from you.
o Place Shree Yantra in every corner of the house…esp in front of and above the
computer and electronic devices. Use Antahkarna yantra under the mattress and
under your aasan. Place Shree Yantras all around in your Pooja/Meditation Room.
o Parabrahma Om JyotirLinga AatmaLinga BrahmandLinga GyaanLinga
PranLinga PanchabhootLinga ( AakaashLinga VaayuLinga AgniLinga
JalLinga PritthiLinga ).
o According to his punyas, the soul creates the body of nimna-koti-deva or kinnar or
gandharba or yaksha or devta…but all these are only bhog yonis. No karma is
possible in these. Once the punyas are over, again human birth in mrityulok.
o The jeev that leaves body restlessly would not get a higher yoni if it couldn’t purify
itself. Don’t neglect any aspect else life is wasted.
o In each of 84 lakh yonis, our karmas are cut gradually whereas through Sadhana,
they are cut all at once! Jeevatma takes human birth again after 84 lakh yonis again to
learn a lesson. Why……? Because God is kind enough to let it complete the journey
towards aatmagyan. That’s why tulsidas says…bare bhaag manush tan paava.
o Jyotirlinga se mantro ki dhwani nikli :
Om Namah Shivay
Gayatri Mantra
MahaMrityunjay Mantra
Om Tatwamasi
o Rishis say, uss cheez ko apne andar grahan karo jise khaate hi bhookh lage. Keep the flow
on. Don’t get stuck and constipated.
o Science is based on qualitative changes, not quantitative repetitions. Even Einstein
talked about growth.
o The real significance and meaning of dhyan is not what you see in it, but what has
changed in your life after dhyan and how things have changed.
o Create stuff in your life by your imagination power. Believe in the changes
happening in and around you. Always imagine and feel that all has been corrected in
your life.
o Take care of your reactions while dealing with your immediate family. Just give love
wherever you sense there is negativity. You just need to switch on the light bulb to
ward of darkness in a closed room.
o Your Family Condition decides Graha Shaanti and Grah Doshas. Take care of this.
Mother - Moon
Father - Sun
Life Partner - Shani
Guru or Teacher - Brihaspati.
Just bring good intentions in all relations to make them harmonious. Play navgrah
shanty mantra every morning and Om or MahaMrityunjaya Mantra throughout the
day in the house at low volumes….or any mantra as per your wish.
o How to clear Rishi debt? By guru seva. Confess your faults in front of Guru picture.
Talk to him about it and say that you wouldn’t repeat it ever and would get better in
life. Follow the path he has shown. Be worthy and absorb what He says. Follow it
religiously then.
o Don’t mix your own thinking with what the Guru teaches. You won’t gain much this
way. The purpose of a Guru coming into your life is to ward off the darkness in your
life…He is the Light. Give your negativities to him. Let him make your life the way
He wants. Surrender! Listen to your inner voice. That’s Him!
o Do shraaddhs for ancestors but without any stupid notions and false beliefs. There
should be No Picture of the departed souls in your house on display. Photo is earth
element and if displayed, the jeevatma gets stuck over there and takes away life force
energy from those in the house and from the whole place. Give the pictures jal or
agni Samadhi. Also, once a year feed the hungry for pitras. But don’t go too much
after pitras…just let them rest wherever they are. To resolve collective karma of the
family, make yourself strong and pure enough that you can take care of the whole
family karma! It’s all in your hands.
o Learn from each and every experience in life to dissolve the cause and effect cycle.
Create a desire, the path will be unfolded in front of you. Why you are here? What
you wanted to gain? Have you got it or not? Ask yourself. Be a seeker.
o For making temple at home..make it preferably in shape of a pyramid. Don’t make it
in NorthEast direction. SouthEast is Preferable…or it could be parallel to any of the
four directions.
o You only earn two things in life- Blessings & Curses. If you feel happy seeing a
successful person and bless him, you are blessed too..a 1000 times.
o We take numerous births and in each we have a family. The roles may change
relations may change. So relations are nothing..just maintain what you have with
unconditional love…leading to detachment. Follow forgiveness. Pitralok is a
dimension of illusion and ignorance. Jeevatma is taken to pitralok after leaving body
because of attachment. Don’t eat food offered to pitras as its energy becomes zero
once you offer it to them.
o You must become financially and spiritually independent …living life 200% thus.
Ultimately by end of lifeterm in human body, Vasudev Kutumbakam should be your
o Jeevan mein sabhi rasto ko anubhav karo. ShivYog ko prapt ho. Just give give give. Don’t
wish to take. No expectations from anyone, even not from your direct family. Apne
karm ko dekho. Doosro ke karm ko nahi. Let others do what they are doing. Rise up
above all moh maya and be the light.
o You may become a maharishi while remaining in a family, while remaining in job.
Karm karo aur mann ko saans or mantra ke saath jor do…! You may merge “Prati Prasav
Sadhana” with “Shambhavi Sadhana” or “Shree Vidya Sadhana”. For that, before
Sadhana, call your Isht and Gurumandal.
[ Truth & False, Love & Hate, Respect & Dislike --- always remain together, like two brothers.
When one is Up, other remains down & when one is down, other rises Upward. This event is
being found especially in India, where both Blind-Respect & Extreme-Dislike are found in hues
quantity, in people, against any common well known personality. Especially towards a Saint,
who already offered his/her whole life & continuously offering free Services to the Humanity, to
the Nature & to the Universe. Most people use to wait for hearing the news --- when any Saint
will be caught for the dishonesty & then can be able to say that, “In sab logo ke sath to…”
It happens only because of more attachment towards a human-body-nature. It’s wrong. Your
attachment should be with his/her “Teachings of Life” only. That’s it, nothing else. If just few
of those teachings attract your mind, then first choose few & apply those teachings in your life.
Wait for sometime. Honestly follow the instruction/guidance & see the result. If you think it is
acceptable, then accept that teaching. Otherwise just discard it and forgot the matter. Clear
your mind. Mentally, never be attached with the physical action & reaction of any Saint. If
he/she is not a Self-Realised-Soul, then the physical action & reaction may be as like as an
ordinary human with worldly attachment of food-sex-shelter. It’s a natural phenomenon.
When an oil-lamp is there in a dark night, be attached with the light. Never search for the
darkness under that lamp. For your ultimate good along with mental health, always remain
attach with acceptable good quality & don’t be attached with the human-nature. What you will
offer to the nature, nature will return you back, 1000 times of that. So, never ever wait long for
“yeh kab phansega ?”… Because, then, nature will keep watching & waiting -- when you shall
be in an Accidental Wrong Position & other people will enjoy your Helpless-Situation. ]
Siddha Dhyan I - II & Shambhavi Healing
Q. What do you want to achieve in the Siddha Dhyan I - II & Shambhavi Dhyan and
Healing Shibir?
A. As per, ShivYog Principles, one has to come with the clear goal in professional as well
as personal life, meaning one has to come with the clear cut Goal/Aim in this Shibir.
Q. What does one wants in life through this Sadhana? in terms of both aadhyatmic as
well as Social Life?
A. As per beloved Guru Baba Avdhoot Shivanand Ji, one must pray to god to dissolve
the Karmic Karmas of a person that is called Niskam Sadhana and pray to Lord Maha
Mrityunjaya as well as Siddha Guru’s to neutralize the negative energy or Karmas
which are hindering your progress in this Janam.
One must not be trapped into Sakam Sadhana which would also result into a positive
or the work that one wishes to do would be done, but one has to be ready for the
ultimate result which may not be positive if one does or tries to do Sakam Sadhana to
get the result he/she wants.
Do not try to do anything which would result into negative karma of a person.
16. You have to awaken yourself from within if you want enlightenment.
17. Constantly chant Om Hroum Jum Saa in the daily life.
18. Life force energy to control through Sanjeevani Shakti or breej.
19. “Sa shiva soham hamsa, Hamsa shiva so hum, Soham hamsa Shiva”.
20. Concentrate on dhyan with mind and body.
21. Keep shraddha & driasta bhav at all the times.
22. Communicate to God but no complaints while doing pooja/sadhana.
23. Work, self and family to fragment in the daily life-distinguish.
24. One should have faith/confidence in shiva then you should have positive energy
flowing at every time and day.
25. Positive energy with positive emotions.
26. Belief system in horoscope to be disbelief for the best results.
27. Keep sam-bhab at all the times as Lord Krishana says in Bhagabat Gita.
28. One should always be in Sat-Chit-Anand, this is what is our mul-prakriti, which we
must always remember.
29. Be very happy at all the times internally as well as externally.
30. Sanchit karma controls our action.
Our action controls our karma.
Our karma controls our mind.
Hence we need to focus on mind in totality.
31. We need to create neuro pathway by thinking positive and create patterns of neuro
pathways. And give positive inputs to the mind and start giving the emotions and
feeling to the body that we want to create in life.
32. No negative thinking, feeling, emotions, expressions, attitude and exclusively past
experience which we really remember in our daily life.
33. Resolve or relieve the issues at the very moment and time only so that you do not take
them in the next janam/birth.
34. Learn to forgive others and forget others whom you do not want. One should do the
Niskam Seva/Selfless Service in life. Song in the praise of Lord Shiva, Sankirtan to do
every day.
35. Full family to do the pooja to avoid any vaastu-dosh or kundli-dosh or any negative
energy which prevails at our home.
36. Communication with Bramhand. No such words for communication, internal feelings
to vibrations which goes to the Higher Dimension. Mind-to-Mind communication.
37. When we create any feeling, it goes to Bramhand and our Shukhshma Sharira feels the
same and then it comes back as result.
Feelings >>> Shunya-Aakash >>> Sub-Atomic-Particle >>> Atom >>> Cell >>>
Nerves >>> Tissues >>> Sub-System >>> System >>> Human
38. Use of pendulum for measuring any energy but one should keep in the mind that the
pendulum is not going to decide our life at anytime.
39. Use Shree Yantra, Maha Mrityunjaya Yantra and Vaastu Yantra.
40. Bartaman saaswat hay jo universe ko bakhubi samjhata hay.
41. Healing the body, mind and soul, learn with the enjoyment, enrichment. Learn the
lesson with experience to align with nature.
42. Shiv – ananta & you – to align with him i.e. to align with infinite, one can achieve
everything in the world.
43. Chetna need to increase towards Higher Dimension, then Cosmic Consciousness and
ultimately to Shiva Consciousness.
44. Positive energy neutralises the karma which tries to defy the human body.
45. “Sat Chit Ananda” is the “Turyatit Awastha” in the dhyan.
46. One must know how to disconnect with the issue or problems rather than concentrate
on cosmic consciousness.
47. What we think goes to universe and comes back to you on the earth and it definitely
happens to a man.
48. One should do sadhana everyday to dissolve the daily karma’s.
49. To do the abhyas with drishta bhaav – positive thinking only and try to analyse the
same. No more logic mind here please, just try & feel it.
50. Ved and Upanishad in the cosmic world which is present in each and every human
51. Do not become fanatic and see the things with open mind.
52. Sanjeevani Shakti Prabah /Shakti /Mantra – jo jeeban dene wali hay, bo shakti.
53. Astral world – the laws are more powerful than this world.
54. Param atma ka hum ansh hay, so we have to align with shiva.
55. Cause and effect is the only one that applies to us when we try to curse or do
something or anything wrong to anyone, this is being continued for so many years.
56. Always remain with inner joy and happiness.
57. Soch se karma payda hota hay and then it becomes prarabhdha bhog.
58. Everything is pre-decided on the higher dimension before we came down to this earth
to experience what we had decided/desired on a higher dimension.
59. Prakriti/nature decide and give everything that we had felt or desired for.
60. Shiva maha puran – if one does sadhana of shiva everyday then your karmic layers get
dissolved through the sadhana.
61. Do not align with anybody’s wrong action or bad karma to become part of his
prarabhdh bhog in this life.
62. This has been created in the past life which we had pre-programmed to experience in
this life.
63. Lord Duttatreya – learn a lesson with each and every human being that you come
across and try to learn as a student.
64. Lord Mahabir – released all the incidents by learning the things that we should and
discard the remaining.
65. Collective Chanting.
66. In Golden Book, “Kam ho gaya likhna hay”, for materializing that work.
67. Maha Mrityunjay – for illness
68. Shree Yantra – for any other work which is not getting solved.
69. One must become a channel (nimmitwa) for removing the dukh and dard of other
people by this way we can uplift ourselves to a higher level of adhyatmic unnati.
70. When you do 9 lakh chanting of beej mantra then shuddhi becomes of – Prithhi Tatwa
When you do 9 lakh chanting of beej mantra then shuddhi becomes of – Jal Tatwa
When you do 9 lakh chanting of beej mantra then shuddhi becomes of – Agni Tatwa
When you do 9 lakh chanting of beej mantra then shuddhi becomes of – Vayu Tatwa
When you do 9 lakh chanting of beej mantra then shuddhi becomes of – Akash Tatwa
71. Siddha Guru is the divine force who guides us for aadhyatmic unnati.
72. During shukhshma yog, kurma kriya, Sanjeevani pranyam and vajrasan, our accuracy
is much more important than the speed.
73. As soon as the idea is released, the belief goes away with that if negative belief.
74. Surrender is the best medicine for doing healing and asks guru’s permission for doing
the healing.
75. Enjoy the modernization but please get connected to the ancient wisdom for our well-
being and achievement of our goal.
76. As our body requires food, same way the 5 tatwa requires food of sadhana.
77. Sukhshma body requires sadhana then it becomes very powerful, once the sukhshma
body becomes powerful then has the capacity to release the negative karma or karmic
layers of human being no matter how bad it could be.
78. You should know how to use it and for the benefit of society and family.
79. Bhaavna – is very important when you do sadhana everyday or when you enter in the
80. Sansaar & aadhyatma both shiva can give you if you do sadhana properly.
81. He gives us what is really good for us and he gives more than what you expect from
82. Shiv kripa apne jeevan me utaro.
83. Sanjeevani Sambhavi is capable for getting the best results that you want or need in
few days and not in weeks or months.
84. When you greed or sorrow then your body throws negative energy, please Avoid it.
85. Please remove ego centric behaviour if you are a person of that type.
86. Do healing with man and forget it as soon as you are there.
87. Positive thoughts are like diamonds.
88. Do the tatwa shuddhi for our body refinement.
89. You are the creator of your own destiny.
90. No bad mouthing, negative talk, criticize anyone internally or verbally.
91. If you give dan, you get blessed.
92. You should be able to concentrate on the sadhana. Do the sadhana the same way
rather than just going here and there through mind.
93. Everything is a projection of our mind. Every incident in our life is created by our own
thoughts and feelings.
94. Do not lie and not even in joking manner also, because it becomes karma.
95. Karma starts with shoch and to feeling and then energy.
96. Just think what you desire or what you want or require.
97. Sadhana need for family, sanchit karma, future, seva, dhyan and dharma.
By thinking positive about the things that you want to materialize in the life, start feeling it
and see it as if the same is with you.
Now this feeling which is positive goes to the divya lok and comes back to you with the
positive result as you have thought about the positive and if you hate some one or curse
someone you can get the same treatment from the patal lok as this is a negative energy
which is created while you were thinking about someone.
As the process of communication with diyva lok is vibration (spandan) and this positive
vibration would result into the positive result of the things that we are thinking.
7 Chakras, 7 Lokas (Paatals of the Universe) & 7 Tatwas Position within our Body :--
1. Sahasrar Chakra – Shiva Lok
2. Agya Chakra – Siddha Lok
3. Visuddhi Chakra – Jan Lok
4. Anahat Chakra – Maahar Lok
5. Manipur Chakra – Swarga Lok
6. Swadhishthan Charka – Bhurva Lok
7. Muladhar Chakra – Bhu Lok or Earth
There are 72,000 naris that are linked with chakras. These nadis carry energy to all
parts of the body.
Chakras/naris are in prana sharer. A set of organs are attached to each chakra
which in turn govern those set of organs also.
Disease comes in the prana sharer before entering the physical body.
Chakras govern the rajasic, tamasic and satwik gunas.
After one overcomes desire, ego emerges. Once desire (lust) and ego is conquered
then emerges anger.
Desire = Mooladhara
Ego = Manipura
Anger = Ajna
Mooladhar Chakra Swadhisthan Chakra
● Sahasrar Chakra - Om - Lalitamba Parameswari, Devadidev Parameswar
● Agya Chakra - Om - Hakini, Ardha Nariswar
- Hang - Hansbati
- Kshang - Kshamashakti
● Vishuddhi Chakra - Hang - Rakini, Sada Shiv
- Ang - Amrita
- Aang - Aakarshini
- Ing - Indrani
- Eeng - Ishani
- Ung - Uma
- Uung - Urdhakeshi
- Ring - Raddhita
- Rring - Lrisha
- Ling - Lakara
- Lring - Lrasha
- Eng - Ekpada
- Oing - Isharya
- Ong - Omkarini
- Oung - Oushadhatmika
- Ang - Ambika
- Ah - Aksharatmika
● Anahat Chakra - Yang - Kakini, Ishan Rudra
- Kang - Kaalratri
- Khang - Khatita
- Gang - Gayatri
- Ghang - Ghanta Dharini
- Uang - Aruna
- Chang - Chanda
- Chhang - Chhaya
- Jang - Jaya
- Jhang - Jhankarini
- Eung - Gyanrupa
- Tang - Tankhasta
- Thang - Thakarini
● Manipur Chakra - Rang - Lakini, Briddha Rudra
- Dang - Daamari
- Dhang - Dhankarini
- Nang - Nangkaari
- Tang - Tamasi
- Thang - Sthanari
- Dang - Daksha
- Dhang - Dhatri
- Nang - Nanda
- Pang - Parvati
- Phang - Phetkaarini
● Swadhisthan Chakra - Bang - Shakini, Vishnu
- Bang - Bandhani
- Bhang - Bhadrakali
- Mang - Mahamaya
- Yang - Yashaswini
- Rang - Rama
- Lang - Lambodari
● Mooladhar Chakra - Lang - Dakini, Brahma
- Bang - Barada
- Shang - Shashani
- Shang - Shandhabati
- Sang - Saraswati
The Anahata Chakra (12 Petals)
Most important and powerful chakra.
Love, purity, gratitude.
Center chakra – chakra of balance. If unbalanced gives rise to anger. Fights.
Love creates energy (electricity) Heart is the most electrically charged organ.
Love (energy/electricity) is transmitted through both hands and legs help in
A ShivYogi's Yatra –
Nar se --------- Narayan tak
Finite se ------ Infinite tak
Sadhak Acharya Upadhaya Siddha Arhihant Shunya
Aakash = Arhihant
Vaayu = Siddha
Agni = Upadhaya
Jal = Acharya
Pritthi = Sadhak
In the beginning, there was shunya and in the shunya there was a sound – OM.
~ From Shunya, Aakash tatwa (Ether) was created.
~ From Aakash tatwa, Vaayu tatwa was created.
~ From Vaayu tatwa, Agni tatwa was created.
~ From Agni tatwa, Jal tatwa was created.
~ From Jal tatwa, Pritthi tatwa was created.
(you can trace back the path now from Pritthi to Shunya)
All that produces electricity acts as a magnet. Static electricity causes depression,
chaos, mental problems (computers, transformers, etc.)
Alternating current (cellphones, batteries, etc.) influences organs.
All things in nature are symmetrical (geometrical). Healthy bodies are in
ratio. This is called the Golden ratio. Aligning with the golden ration is aligning
with nature. Ancient temples and pyramids are made with it.
Ancient architecture uses all five elements which help in the Golden ratio. All five
elements have certain geometrical shape.
o Prithvi is associated with square (solid, earth)
o Jal is associated with circle (ripples, bloating)
o Agni is associated with triangle (fire)
o Vaayu is associated with spiral (whirling)
o Aakash is associated with infinity.
The MahaMeru is made of Golden Ratio : When such yantras are used, no static energy
radiation, infrared, vibrations etc. can effect.
o Guru – Jupiter
o Life Partner – Saturn
o Servants – Rahu/Ketu
o Business – Budh
o Mother – Moon
o Father – Sun
All the above doshas can be corrected by UCL (UnConditional Love).
Delhi Crystal Healing Shivir, July 2010
Attended Crystal Healing Shivir in New Delhi, 2-4 July, 2010 along with few Shivyogi
Sadhak friends of me. Around 10:30-11:00 am, first day, Babaji came and he took us
holding our little fingers into the world of Crystals and gave us the sacred and ancient
science of Crystals which the Holy Siddhas and Superior beings had known for ages. Here
are few points from the shivir that were worth noting :--
1) Crystals are not just stones, but are actually beings as they too have consciousness
just like us. But they lack body like us and are of very very pure Consciousness.
2) Crystals although having consciousness, lack the Will of their own unlike Humans
and thus act as per their surrounding or the person holding it.
3) Copper + Crystals are very powerful combination to attract Divine Energy into it.
4) When buying Crystals, always buy rough ones and if possible buy original
“Himalayan Crystals” as they have maximum Piezo Energy.
5) Himalayan Crystals are as hard as Diamonds.
6) The Art of using Crystals is very Ancient and was first used in Atlantis & Lemurian
Civlizations who were masters of them and also lead to their destruction. Babaji
narrated many stories about Atlantis & Lemurian Civlizations and their use of
crystals in their living style of 24 hours of daily life.
7) The Current Himalayans is the Atlantis land and was underneath the sea for
millions of years before the axis shift of the earth raised it to where it is right now
and thus the crystals found from the Himalayans, most of them are Atlantis ones.
Babaji told us how during communication with them he discovered many of their
secret and the work they were assigned to during those days. Fantastic stories.
8) 4 Types of Crystals are advised by Babaji to be helpful in Healing namely:
a) Himalayan Quartz
b) Amethyst (third eye activation)
c) Rose Quartz (anahat activation)
d) Black Turmoline
9) Crystals due to lacking a will of their own, during Sadhana, if you ask the crystal to
raise its vibrations, and when you end your sadhana, even though you come out of
Sadhana and back to normal vibrations, the crystal will remain at those levels as it
lacks its own will and so, crystals form excellent Meditation Partners or Spiritual
Energy beamers into our house.
10) Never keep Crystals in closed places, plastic etc. treat them as Human beings as
they magnify the kind of energy given to them. Any negative energy sent to
Crystals, come back magnified. Choice is yours.
11) The Food for Crystals is Herbal Agarbattis also called “guggul” in Hindi. To cleanse
the crystal keep it under natural water such as rain or flowing tap. And atleast once
a week, feed it guggul smoke. They love it and see how much positive energy they
give back.
12) Crystals are extremely protective of their masters/handlers and will always take up
the problem upon themselves and even crack sometimes but will save the Master/
Handler/Owner of the crystal.
13) Some Crystals come for a purpose into your home and will automatically leave
when their job is done.
14) Crystals are very divine and pure souls. He mentioned the names of many crystals
and many stories of his with crystals of his early days and also how you and
crystals get attracted and how this shivir is an initiation into the mysterious world
of crystals.
15) Once you have crystals, and you do sadhana with them, more esoteric ones will
come to you from mysterious sources.
Now, some non-crystal news:
Ishan bhaiya to get married on 6th August 2010. Greetings & Congrats to Ishan
Bhaiya and Kavitaji.
Babaji hinted that he will be slowly withdrawing from taking much Shivirs and in
future, most shivirs will be managed by Ishan Bhaiya, Geetanjali didi & may be by
Guruma, also.
Namah Shivay.
------------------------------------( )------------------------------------
The Answer is that when you create the feeling of Unconditional Love, Gratitude,
Nishkam Seva, you create a higher vibrations, which leads to increase in raising
Vibrational Frequency Level according to Mother Earth towards 4th Dimension.
So everyone is thinking according to their consiousness level. So, always be happy. Create
Unconditional Love and Gratitude towards everyone. Utmost important is to release all
your Sanchit Karma's & Physic Impressions which create disturbance in your way of life.
Ek Din Bandeya, Hay Urr Jaana, Palake Aana Nehi
Hoooooo Bandeyaaaa, Palatke Aana Nehi,
Manav Janam, Anmol Hay Bandeya, Einnu Gavana Nehi
Hoooooo Bandeyaaaa, Einnu Gavana Nehi …
Agar manushya jeevan liya hay to usse puri tarha khulke jiyo, pyaar ke sath. Keya pata kal
koyi urr jaye to phir yeh mauka mile ya nahi ? Isiliye jeete ji aapne parivarvalo ko pyaar
dena, kushi create karna, aapne priyo jano ke sath. Sabhi ke sath pyaar se jeevan ko jeena.
Is jeevan ko anmol banana. Naa ki byarth.
So think on the satement "Happiness is the State of Mind" and always remain Happy and
in State of Bliss.
------------------------------------( )------------------------------------
Babaji started the satsang with the Ganapati Sankirtan, everyone joined with Babaji’s
Rhythm and enjoyed the sankirtan. Babaji told the importance of Valentines Day. It is
important that first you understand the importance of Valentines Day. The story goes
around the Saint who was forcefully kept in jail by the police on demand of people. The
Saint use to write a Letter to 10yrs old Daughter of the Jail. The Saint’s Letter was
consisting the Divine Message to the small girl and at the end of the every letter the Saint
use to write “From – Your Valentine” which means your “Ideal”.
Nowadays Valentines Day has been misunderstood by our Teenagers. Valentines Day is
for everyone who so ever is your Ideal Master whom you think that particular person is
my Ideal or Guru or Guider etc. So if you want to say Happy Valentines Day, then wish
everyone including your Mom, Dad, Brother, Sisters, Relatives and everyone whosoever
has came into your life and from one whom you have learnt something good in your life.
Similary in ShivYog you are the creator of your own destiny, you need not to be worry
about your weakness; your present condition is not because of your physical body. Just
bring this ShivYog Theories in your Life and you will live your Life 200%.
Babaji told story from Shivmahapuran. Once there was a Rakshas or Asur who did lots of
Tapasya and then when Lord Shiva appeard, the Asur prayed Lord Shiva to grant him the
Boon that when ever he keeps his hand on anybody’s head that particular person will
burn and become Bhasm. So Lord Shiva granted this boon and blessed the Bhasmasur.
Bhasmasur wanted to test the wish, he granted. So, he thought to first let’s test on Lord
Shiva himself. So, he started moving his hand to keep on the Lord Shiva’s head, as soon as
he moved his hand, Lord Shiva started running away from Bhasmasur and while running
and running Lord Shiva met the Narayan Hari. Lord Narayan Hari asked Lord Shiva why
you are running and why that Asur is following you? Lord Shiva told Narayan Hari about
whole incident then Narayan Hari said, OK & turned into a Beautiful Angel like Girl.
Bhasmasur saw the girl and felt very pleasing with the beauty of girl. Then the girl says
that she is a good dancer and also teaches dance. Bhasmasur says he too want to learn
dance and to dance like her. The girl does some dance moves and Bhasmasur follows the
same, in one of the dance move where girl suddenly keep her hand on her and Bhasmasur
follows same steps & puts his own hand on his head & immediately burns & gets Bhasm.
Similary Babaji’s message is that the Lord Shiva is our Soul, Lord Narayan Hari is our
Consciousness and Bhasmasur is our Mind. We are continuosly creating various thoughts
through our mind and trying to Bhasm someone. Our mind is the creator and our mind is
the destroyer. “Maan Hi Karta, Maan Hi Bhogta”. Your mind is the machine which is taking
wishes i.e. Life Force Energy from your Soul i.e. Lord Shiva and started creating and
making it into physical reality. We are creating the Diseases, Bad Luck, Failure, Fear etc.
unknowingly for ourselves. Your physical body is made up of trillions of Cells and it is
said that your each Cell contains hues memory. Through ShivYog you can create what
ever you want to achieve in your life and where ever you want to reach in your life. Now
you no need to say that I am useless, I am facing failure, I am poor etc. You will refuse to
accept the word unachievable. ShivYog sadhak’s says everything is achievable in Life.
“Jeevan me Asadhya Kuch bhi Nehi Hay”. Life will be full of Happiness, Success, Healthy
living and full of unconditional Love. Just feel the Shiv-Shiva within you. Feel them in
every cells, organs, and every breath. Siddhas says “Sabh Kuch Bhaav Re”, emotions are
everything. You can create everything with your emotions. Merge your emotions with the
Sanjeevani Shakti then it will materialize into reality. ShivYog starts with “Tum Chahate
Keya Ho” it means that, Babaji is remembering you that, what is you really want to
achieve in your life. What is the main purpose, you have came to this planet Earth, is to
experience whatever is good for you. But unknowingly, I create what I don’t want for my
self. ShivYog is knowingness, knowingness in fully about your real I.
The introduction you give about yourself that I am Mr. … and … is your’s false I, it means
you are thinking that you are this body. In ShivYog we say that, I am not this body but this
body belongs to me. You are the Ultimate. You have taken birth with this physical body to
experience the good on this planet earth. When you become something you becomes
nothing, and when you becomes Nothing you are Infinite. The whole universe is within
you and you can create everything within you. So know the importance of ShivYog and
follow with full gratitude, emotionally and happily. Always shower your Unconditional
Love to everyone. “Har Haal me Kushi”
Delhi Shivir January 2011
One of the major focuses in Delhi Shivyog shivir was on doing things in totality. When I
say totality, it means when your body, mind and soul are in synchronisation.
Babaji in mass healing session said swadhaya
is a sound therapy. The vibrations which
comes out the mantra chanting heals the
body and mind and helps in connecting with
your higher self. When you chant Namah
Shivay, it leads to purification of the five
tatwas (earth, water, fire, air and sky) of
which the body is made.
If the tatwas are impure they lead to many
disturbances in life. If we talk in terms of
health, then if earth element is impure then a
person would be having muscular and bones
related problems. Impurities in the water
element leads to reproductive problems and the kidney related problems. If agni tatwa is
imbalanced then a person would have digestion problems. Impurities in the air element
would lead to respiratory and heart problems. Throat problems, ear problems and
confusions are related to the imbalances in the akaash tatwa. He said don’t take mantra
chanting lightly. Don’t think "How backward. How can I chant Namah Shivay? What will
people say?" Don’t think "My voice is not nice." Just chant. It is very very scientific. It is
soon going to be a trend very soon.
Now the point is how to chant? Don’t be mechanical. Totte (parrot) ke ram ram japne se use
moksha nahi milta. Do it with emotions. Emotions are the biggest assets given to you. It is
the bridge between your conscious mind and subconscious mind. Be happy and do it with
an inner smile. Involve each cell of the body. Involve all your five bodies and the higher
self and then chant. Let your each cell of the body chant. Babaji made us practice the
chanting in this way everyday.
This is to be done for every moment in your life. When you speak bring the feelings first.
Don’t just speak. Speak with feelings. When you practice this it will bring you closer to
your higher self. People now are highly disconnected with their higher self as there is no
sync between their feelings and words.
I heard Brahmakumari sister Shivani speaking on this. She very well explained this. She said the
thought has the energy and your words have the energy. When you speak something and think
something there is a conflict in energy. The listener will listen to your words, but the thought
energy is also transmitted to the other person, which the subconscious mind records. In a
relationship if you keep on saying something through your logic mind and feel something else, the
inner conflict leads to problems in a relationship.
So when you speak, be a Genuine Speaker (involve your feelings and speak). Don’t just
speak mechanically. Babaji gave an example, "If there is a person who has a lot of
knowledge but speaks without feelings then the listener will not feel good, might even feel
irritated. And if there is a person who may not be have immense knowledge but speaks
with full emotions then that person will definitely touch the listener’s heart. He said speak
slowly. Bring in your feelings. People who speak fast, the feelings are missing. If you
practice this every time, you will stop making mistakes. When your focus will be on
feelings then you will be able to listen to the inner wisdom which is always there to guide
you. If you are going to speak bad, the inner wisdom will stop you. Babaji also explained
there are two things -- logic and inner wisdom. Real Shivyogi always follows the inner
wisdom and not the logic.
Same principle applies in other things as well. When you laugh, laugh completely. Let
your each cell laugh. (Babaji explained this by imitating and showing how people laugh
superficially, and the way he just did that was super-duper hilarious). Whatever you do,
do in totality. When you write, write with feelings (time to recheck whether I am writing
with feelings or not). When you meditate, bring in the emotions of Shradha and Bhakti.
This emotion will open you up and connect you to the higher dimensions. Do your
Sadhana with emotions and the results will be miraculous. He emphasized that do the
invocation with deep feeling of gratitude as this energy is being given to you out of the
sheer unconditional love of the Siddhas. You have not done tapasya to receive it.
Gratitude to Babaji for imparting all this knowledge to us in such a simple manner.
Diabetes – the Major Reasons and the Cure.
In this shivir, a new medical research was undertaken by Dr. Chaudhary and his team
with Babaji’s consent. This time the focus of research was on diabetes. India has the most
number of diabetic patients. The study goes like this - Sample size of 100 people were
taken divided into 4 sub samples – 25 people who are diabetic and non shivyogis, 25
people who are healthy shivyogis, 25 people who are diabetic and taking regular
medicines (shivyogi) and the fourth one 25 people who are diabetic and not taking
medicines and handling it only by diet control and other methods (shivyogis).
The blood samples of these groups were taken on the first day of shivir and 8th day of
shivir. This study will continue for 6 months. Babaji in mass healing requested only those
people to come forward who are committed that they will practice ShivYog as the blood
samples will be taken again (as the duration of the study is 6 months). This study will
continue in Mumbai shivir as well. The result as expected was really positive. 66% diabetic
patients showed significant improvement in their condition.
Babaji in one of the sessions very lovingly explained the reasons behind diabetes and why
it is more prevalent in India. The emotions of jealousy and judging others too much are
the major emotional reasons behind the same. Other than this, important factor is food
habits of Indians and lack of sleep.
Babaji explained all this again with great humour. He said in India the thing is the families
are closely knit. He told that one of the sadhaks said that if we invite our close family
members, the number goes upto 250 or so (4-5 real brother sisters, their spouses, their kids,
their kid’s spouses, their spouses family, etc., etc.). When you meet and you see what all
they have, what all have others achieved in their lives, then the emotion of jealousy arises.
Babaji said “A woman came to me, who was worried that there was stagnancy in her
growth. I asked here what happened. She said “We have Mercedes car but my brothers-
in-law have BMW. My husband gives lot of money to his sisters and we are not growing."
I asked here, "Do you get sleep at night?” She said, "No Babaji.” I then asked her, “You
must surely be having diabetes.” She said, “Yes Babaji.”
Dr. Chaudhary also mentioned that lack of sleep too is one of the reasons behind it. So
Babaji to this responded to do Shree Vidya Sadhana before sleeping, to read the golden
book and say to yourself repeatedly "I reward my self with Deep and Sound Sleep ……"
(say this with feeling and soon you will feel that you are going in that deep sleep) and
then sleep. This way you will be in deep relaxation and your higher bodies will be in
higher dimensions when you sleep.
The more you look at other people and get jealous you are inviting diabetes for you.
(comes Babaji’s one of the favourite dialogues “uski kameez meri kameez se safed kaise”)
Everybody gets things according to their karma (Babaji says “usda karm ude naal, te mera
karm mere naal”). He also explained that this emotion of jealousy is unconsciously put
into us from childhood. From the very beginning parents put pressure on their children to
come first in the class. Now there are 40 students in the class, all can’t come first. If the
child has not come first, he/she looks at the other child who came first and feels jealous.
Instead of focusing on your self and studying, the focus is uske mere se zyaada marks na
aa jaye. Earlier the exams used to happen annually so one time jealousy in year. Now a
unit test every week. “Why don’t we teach our children to set targets such as - I'll bring
95%. Why coming first in the class is the target?” This unconsciously-fed behaviour grows.
Solution to this obviously is purify your self with meditation, Focus on Self and Back to
basics – Tum Chahte Kya Ho?
Now coming to the food habits. He explained by example. There is a car. The petrol tank is
full with petrol. I drive that car for 1 km and again go to the petrol pump to refill it. What
will happen – the petrol will overflow. If it will not drop out of the car then it will
overflow inside and spoil the seats and other parts of the car. This is what we do with our
bodies. We eat and stuff our stomach. No physical movement, no work and again eat and
overflow our stomach with food. Stomach is a small organ. Half of it is needed to be filled
with food, one fourth with water and one fourth with air. Whenever food comes in front of
you always ask “have I earned this food?” “Have I done the physical exercise, praan
kriyas and Sadhana today to earn it?” (by earning it means through physical efforts and
not monetarily earning it). Babaji said that in the breakfast break they brought bread
pakora for me to eat and he did not eat that. Subah se kiya hi kya hay (what have I done
since morning), I am sitting here. In order to earn a bread pakora I need to take 6 to 7
rounds of this hall.
Another problem which is specific to Indians – the Indian ladies (mothers and wives),
their aim seems to make their family eat. “O ji aadhi roti aur kha lo”. (Have another half
bread) Yahan pet (stomach) already overflow ho raha hay and they want you to eat more.
Secondly, we are too attached to the cooked food and there is too much variety in food.
He specifically said eat well but don’t add too much of variety in one meal. If you are
eating subzi and roti, don’t eat rice with it. If you are having daal and rice, don’t add roti
to it. This will improve digestion. When he was in ashram, there used to be three sessions
of praan kriyas and meditation. There was no concept of breakfast. If at all he had to eat he
had fruits. Lunch was around 12 noon and last meal of the day around 5 pm.
In Tatwa Shuddhi (CD available in Divine Shop), Babaji explained that “It is your belief
system that cooked food is good. Why don’t you create a new belief system that Amrit
Bhojan is good for you.” If one eats light and easy to digest food, then less energy is
consumed in digestion, digestion improves and it gets easier to go in deep dhyan. Babaji
also added that if you want to have tea, have Jasmine tea once a day.
Listen to you body language. Always ask before eating – have I earned this food?
The Markandey Bhawan, Chattarpur complex has been witness too many a Delhi shivir
since over last 3 years, none better than the latest one which saw Sadhaks from far-flung
regions as London, Australia, Canada and The States fly down to the Indian shores.
Though every successive shivir seems to be better than the preceding one, it wouldn’t be
wrong to call this shivir a notch above many held earlier at this serene place.
Babaji and Gurumaa in the presence of Lord Shiva and the Universal Mantra emanating
from Shiva made for a pretty picture during the 10 day duration of the shivir
Essence of the Shivir
The positives, which are pertinent to all Shivyogies, were goal materialization and
awareness towards whatever one does.
Golden book for Goal
Babaji emphasised that as a thumb rule all Sadhaks must write the golden book everyday.
The short term goals must be written everyday until they come to be true. Before going to
sleep a sadhak must invoke the higher powers to inundate his goal and after visualizing
the happiness upon accomplishment of the goal, one must write it in the book on a
different page all over again to doze off dreaming about that for the night.
Also he advised all to be a tad more creative and ornamental while writing the wishes. He
laid special emphasis on the phrase "I reward myself with..................." in every wish a
sadhak should write.
For example "I reward myself with a very healthy liver"
In his words "The wish should be a burning desire, only then can it be a reality.
Mechanically praying even with eyes closed is of little use. Shiva has endowed emotions
on His children to experience delight and add zing to life. So seek with emotion and work
towards the goal with unbridled zeal until it is a reality"
An amazing incident so happened that:
On the second day of Shambhavi, as people took turns to ask their doubts and questions to
Babaji, a sadhak shared that the previous night he had written in the Golden book that "he
talked to Babaji during the shivir on mike", much to the applause of the crowd. Babaji too
cited this as a classic case of instant wish materialization.
Benefits of Seva
Babaji dwelt on the need to tender service to fellow beings on the planet for one's own
prosperity. Not veering any further, He gave his own instance as a case in point. He told
the sadhak gathering about his early marriage and with that, inculcation of the "won’t to
give". He broadly described how Gurumaa used to prepare a surfeit of rotis and food for
the destitute and the penury-stricken. He went on to add that the enormous shower of
prosperity, abundance and speedy spiritual growth was a result of such philanthropy.
That He is able to initiate so many people, bless so many simultaneously with Sanjeevani
power and the divine energies that follow him was a consequence of regular Seva which
Gurumaa and he had done in the olden days. He attributed the proliferation of ShivYog
and divinity through him to the almighty whose agents he deigned to serve in the by gone
times. He reminisced how he his early wish to put a smile on children's face had
manifested into "The Children of God" project which had become a worldwide
phenomenon in no time.
Prana Kriyas
Continuing the practice of teaching new Pran Kriyas at every shivir since Kurukshetra
shivir, Babaji perked up the senses and extra sensory areas by following a routine of
physical kriyas taught by the sages for longevity and sustainability of zest in the
rigmarole of life.
The master himself exhibited the techniques and ways of performing these kriyas with such alacrity
that every attendant by the end of the shivir knew them by heart.
He harped time and again that doing the exercises on a daily basis would lead to
reduction in sleep requirement and accruement of bio-ethics energy levels leading to
incisiveness in whatever one does. Also he said that the sacred techniques would expedite
the spiritual growth and healing processes.
The disciples were all happy to learn the tricks of the trade by practising them along with the divine
powers and in the presence of The Guru himself.
For greater focus, the kriyas would be a great complement to the 2 morning and evening
meditations and help one accomplish goals faster. He implored everyone to learn these
and imbibe them in the daily lifestyle to rid oneself completely of diseases.
Gurumaa like all other sadhaks followed and matched Babaji, kriya for kriya.
6 months of these Kriyas, done daily result in "kaya kalp" which means complete
transformation of all the body cells into rejuvenated and health ones. Any disease if
present shall perish too. Such results will come on the caveat that these will have to be
done daily without a miss. The effect will be evident and benefits would become
tangible in the first 21 days itself.
Doing these kriyas results in "DNA Structure Control" which means that the sadhak gains
control over every cell of his body and by virtue of which he gains the ability to
communicate and command any and every cell of the body. And so like Ishan Shivanandji
one can command one's body to stay warm and roam in chilly conditions in cut sleeves.
Criticism causes lowering of vibration and hence that should be done away with to extract
maximum benefit of these exercises.
The 3 Sooksham (subtle) Praan drift away as we drift away from the soul. These kriyas
along with Unconditional Love, Gratitude and Forgiveness help bring the 3 subtle sub
bodies of the Pranamay Kosh back with the 5 sub bodies. Unison of the 8 Prans creating a
complete being whose wishes materialize at the drop of a hat.
Contraction of subtle bodies takes place on experiencing negative emotions.
He deliberated on a very essential fact adding that "You’re not the body. This body is
yours. Learn to communicate with it. Learn to request to it. Learn to command it"
Babaji underlined that the fact that the aliment of the Annamay Kosha is Food. But this
does not mean we should ingest anything and everything that comes our way. He said
that in the times of yore, disciples getting deeksha used to eat only "Amrit Bhojan". Amrit
Bhojan means natural and uncooked food. He added that eating Amrit bhojan increases
the healing powers and "Pran Shakti" thereby accentuating the meditativeness manifold.
During his times he used to eat "Aanaaj" or wholegrain only once i.e. around 5-6 pm and
retire for the night at about 7 to get up at 3am the next day. The whole day used to go in
meditation and eating only raw fruits and veggies.
But he said that in these fast paced times one must look to Amrit Bhojan at least once a day
if not all the time to nourish the body completely. Taking Kosher food, he said was
extremely beneficial and crucial for enhancing life force energy in the body.
Sugar, he stated is white poison. It only caters to and satiates the tongue and taste buds
and does nothing to alleviate bodily growth except that it might add to the adipose.
Instead he suggested incorporating Orange and other fruits which are rich in natural
sugars, glucose and sucrose giving the body an instant energy source.
Also he impelled all to inculcate Curd and Beans in their diet.
The emphasis of the shivir was on Diabetics but Babaji said everyone should follow these
healthy food patterns.
Concept of Earning One's Food
Babaji propounded the wonder theory of Earning One's Food.
He elaborated that whenever one sits to eat anything one must ask oneself these questions:
Have I earned what I am about to eat?
Have I worked enough to warrant more food?
During Bhandara or food sessions in shivirs, before taking an extra serving,
interrogate as to whether all the pran kriyas and meditations have been done
properly by me? Did I commit my 100%?
If the answers to all the above questions is “Yes”, then only one should indulge in eating
any food item, or else retract.
The main aim of such an exercise as stated by Babaji is that one must expend energy
before taking anything. The situation is analogous to refilling of petrol in a car.
The petrol is filled only when the previous filling is emptied i.e. the tank is empty. If petrol
is filled on a full tank, the petrol would leak and get wasted. Likewise if we, humans
forcefully eat out of the sheer motive of tongue appeasing, it is an exercise in futility. The
extra food is waste. The body does not require it; it’s an extraneous entity and is a
prospective haven for diseases as Diabetes, High Blood pressure, Sugar et al.
So one must push oneself physically especially in these times when sedentary lifestyles
have become a norm than an exception.
As in umpteen other instances during the shivir, yet again Babaji led by example.
On the 6th day of the shivir, the Bhandara had "Bread Pakoras", a delicious delicacy of
Northern India. During the break Babaji was offered these Pakoras. The Pakoras were
scrumptious and too good to be missed. The fragrance of the freshly cooked Bread
Pakoras was extremely enticing.
But as Babaji asked himself whether he had earned them by way of requisite amount of
physical activity, the answer was a big No. His conscience told him that he would’ve been
liable to eat them had he taken 5-6 rounds of the complete venue. So he traded the lip
smacking bread pakroas for a very healthy substitute in peanuts, which are full of proteins
and other essential nutrients.
Interesting Incident
In yet another incident Circa 2nd day of Siddhya dhyan, Babaji had a very interesting
anecdote to narrate. The previous day, in the breakfast session, the menu consisted of
Poha, a dish made of rice. The much maligned Poha.
The sadhaks didn’t appreciate the preparation too much as the caterer had served it cold
and some complained of a stale flavour. Babaji when he came to know of this immediately
changed the menu for breakfast, the next day. The menu now was a lip smacking array of
pakoras which all ate with glee and in excess amounts. In the session succeeding the
pakora breakfast feast Babaji laughed and made everyone laugh in equal measure. He
chuckled, chortled and was very amused at how things panned out. He said, "Aaj pakore
bare swad the. Nahi? (everyone was thrown into peels of laughter including Babaji and
Gurumaa) Gurumaa mujhse keh rahi thi ek kha ke to dekho. Kal ka poha aajeeb tha. Keya ye poha
banaa dete hay tarke warke laga ke. Pohaa naam hi aajeeb hay. Hatwa hi dete hay Poha ko. Par
khaana aaj swaad tha to sabhi ne zyda kha liya (second round of hillarious laughter follows).
Kal poha ke bahaane kam to khaya tha.
The Gobi pakoras were mouth watering and sadhaks who are advised to eat frugally
during deeksha sessions ate by the truckloads.
He narrated both these incidents in the succeeding sessions much to the mirth, applause
and astonishment of the sadhak gathering.
Replacing this unhealthy and sinful indulgence.
e.g. (Bread Pakoras) with (Peanuts)
This is what we call the Siddha way of approach to life i.e. Babaji's way.
Important teachings in brief
The most important teaching was that, the body will try and resist any change in the
timetable that will be required to accommodate the Sadhnas and Praan Kriyas. If
resistance is strong ask yourself Tum Chahtey Kya Ho?
1. In Kurukshetra, some new sadhaks had griped that they had their own Guru-mantra
and they were comfortable with mantras other than those which Babaji had taught
and so taking cognisance of that fact, Babaji gave mantra Deeksha for the "Universal
Mantra…Om”, which in his words is the genesis of every mantra.
The mool point of the shivir as per Babaji wasn’t mantra or technique for spiritual
ascent but bhaav (feelings) in :
a) Swadhyay (Meditational Chantings),
b) Nishkam Seva (Self-effacing Service) and
c) Sadhana (Daily Meditation)
2. In Swadhyay, Babaji was very particular about bringing to the fore, the feeling of
gratitude and love for the divine beings, who are the lynchpins of our ascension and
who help us in our spiritual journey i.e. The Guru, Shakti and Shiva.
The Swadhyay, he contended must be done daily to rid the house of the sadhak of all
the negativity. In the same vein he added that chanting “Namah Shivaya” loudly
aides and expedites "Panch Tatwa Shuddhi" i.e. purification of the 5 elements viz.
Sky, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Distortion and turbulence in these 5 elements is the
root cause of all diseases. These 5 elements correspond to the 5 chakras which are:
YA Sky for Vishuddhi
(Disturbance causes ailments like Cough and cold, thyroid problem etc.)
VA Air for Anahat
(Disturbance causes ailments like Heart disorders, Lung diseases etc.)
SHI Fire for Manipur
(Disturbance causes ailments like Stomach disorders, Diabetes, Sugar etc.)
MA Water for Swadhisthan
(Disturbance causes ailments like stones in Gall bladder, Urinary infections etc.)
NA Earth for Mooladhar
(Disturbance causes ailments like Joint pains, Muscular disorders etc.)
So chanting of Namah Shivaya rids one of all ailments and keeps us at a safe
distance from disease.
3. Babaji explained that whatever we do with our conscious mind, feeds into the sub
conscious mind with time. This is called mind mapping. The feelings we emote while
in our senses i.e. at the conscious level i.e. being awake are fed into the subconscious.
In other words emotions are the bridge from the conscious to the subconscious. So
be happy and divine all the time for your sub conscious to be fed knowledgeable
The Golden book works on the same principle of feeding the sub conscious with
the emotion of achievement of the goal so that it manifests into a reality. 5 bodies
obey subconscious.
4. Gratitude: Babaji strongly dwelt on the fact that one must be highly grateful for the
Sanjeevani Healing Power that one has got. Moreover one must be extremely
humble and polite while doing the invocation as the Sanjeevani is not our creation.
It has been inherited to us and that too by the "Tapobal" or Meditational Strength of
someone else (ShivYog Siddha Guru Mandala).
Yet another time Babaji was at the forefront to guide all his disciples. The way he expresses
his gratitude to the divine powers who have given him every competence of the universe was
proof enough of how all the sadhaks must be deeply thankful for the spiritual growth that they
have embarked and also how they must thank the Goddess Sanjeevani and Babaji for the
healing capabilities endowed to them.
5. If people have started to be rude to you, if people seem doughty to you, if you see
many flaws in everyone, there is a need to bring forth a change within. Extend the
period of meditation. Seek Guru's presence. The external world is how we are
internally. The people and environment around us is a reflection of our state of mind.
A calm and peaceful state of being will be characterised by concordat family and
friends and an amiable environment all around. That Bringing about a Change,
Internally Changes the External Happenings is best demonstrated by the fact that
during a shivir we get some good news or some stuck work clears. It happens
because we clear our karmas and change internally. One is well off practising this at
home too. Whenever you feel low, unite your 5 bodies, go deep in meditation, seek
forgiveness and project that alls well and you’re happy. Send Unconditional Love.
6. Everyone must do their own work themselves as far as possible instead of asking
others to do it.
7. At the time of death no degree, no amount of wealth, no amount of good experiences
would be recalled. What would matter are the incomplete wishes, unaccomplished
feats and unattended relationships. So mend all these for speeding the access to
communion with the almighty i.e. Shiva otherwise death too shall be as disconcerting
as the life gone by. So write in the Golden book whatever you want in life, be they
healthy relations, healthy bank balance, loving family or a successful career. Leave
nothing unheeded. Seek 200% life. Live everyday as the last because one day there
will be no tomorrow and there is no barter system with Yamraj (God of Death) to
exchange a prolonged life span for materialistic achievements.
8. There is a famous saying that it takes all sorts to make a world. It means that one
must never correct anyone. Every being is unique and diversity is essential, world
would be incomplete if everyone were alike. So accept everyone the way they are.
9. Express sweetness of every quality of every being and highlight positive traits of
family members.
10. Be mindful of all karmas. Remember ShivYog is knowingness. Always keep your
eyes wide open, mind alert and think before you speak or act. Ask yourself which
energy will this action of mind brew?
11. The body will resist any change in the timetable, controlled by the karmas. So if
you don’t feel like doing Sadhana or kriyas ask yourself "Main chahta keya hu?"
12. Feel every emotion and then say anything. There is no power in blabbering. Head
redirects to logic and heart to inner wisdom as the latter encompasses the soul. So
stay away from logically explaining mistakes of others. Logic can prove anything as
13. Prolonged meditation causes a state of stupefaction similar to a drunken state as the
ambrosial nectar starts to flow from the Bindu chakra but hate, jealousy, anger, fear
and resentment cause squandering of this nectar and the state of stupor soon
diminishes as the logic mind takes over.
14. Though very very implicitly, Babaji did mention Meditation a must for ascension
into the impending 4th Dimension.
15. Disease isn’t punishment but a signal an indicator and a reminder that somewhere,
something is wrong with the system and the need is for rectification. Allopathic
gives excuses like heredity for the causes of diseases which are beyond their scope.
But in actuality, all diseases are attributed only to negative emotions.
16. Change yourself daily. Improve everyday. Commit yourself to improve your
behaviour and love towards others every passing day. Every morning you wake up,
say to yourself that you’re a better person than what you were yesterday and you
will strive to improve with every passing hour.
17. One must take vicarious pleasures in others’ success instead of being jealous and
envious. The number of Diabetes patients has skyrocketed in India, particularly in
South over the last two decades primarily due to a feeling of negative competition
between communities and in families where a woman having a BMW becomes
superior to the one having a Mercedes. A BMW an equally Swish Mercedes.
Remember, these instances of one upmanship will lead us far away from our souls
as one day when the divine teaching that "every being is you and you are every
being" will dawn upon us, we will realise that no amount of atonement can penance
for the grievous mistakes we have committed. So bask in others' glory than being
jealous. Enjoy everyone's success as your own.
18. One must commit to everything. Commitment to family, commitment to the
employers, commitment to siblings, commitment to spouse, commitment to
household work and commitment towards Sadhana Seva and sankirtan which will
ultimately lead one to committment towards Shiva.
19. Fix Shree Yantras and Mahamrityunjay Yantras in a room inhabited by a sick
person. Vaastu Yantras must also be fitted for a Faster Healing Process.
20. The Chakras of the Pran Shareer contract and close on computer radiation exposure
and since computers and gadgets have become indispensable, wearing a metal Shree
Yantra is a must.
21. The Mahameru heals people around it and opens the chakras of sadhaks who
remain in its vicinity.
22. In a normal human, 96% of the body remains dormant and at the most 4% is
working. We let the 96% redundant body rule over us. Practise of doing everything
with the other 96% of the body must be done every single day.
23. We all are Sons of a Creator and not of a Judge, so we must endeavour to emulate
our Father in channelizing our energies in constructive purposes instead of judging,
upbraiding and rejecting others.
Goa Shree Vidya Level 3 (Hindi) May 2011
Namah Shivay, not that Goa Shree Vidya 3 English was any less, just like that the Hindi
Shivir was always the more awaited one for the simple reason that Hindi is established on
the Devnagri script which is the language of the demi-Gods or devtas. Babaji summed up
this juxtaposition of the 2 Shivirs on the first day of the Shree Vidya Hindi level 3
impeccably when he disclosed that if the joy of nature ... was revealed by a drizzle in Goa
at the beginning of the English Shivir, the torrential downpour at the start of Hindi level 3
was proof enough of the ecstasy of “Bhole Baba” at the arrival of the rich sadhak brigade
from all corners of the pious country that’s India and the prospect of the commencement
of a Higher Level Shivir in Hindi. Babaji hailed sadhaks attending the Hindi Shivir as
“Grown-ups” on the path of spirituality vis a vis others of their ilk.
The mere prospect of Babaji addressing the sadhak gathering at Shree Vidya level 3 Hindi
as "now adults" on the path to self realization speaks volumes of the magnitude of the
deeksha being imparted in the holiday city of Goa. Prati Prasav Sadhana and Shree Vidya
level 3 English saw nuances of ShivYog being reiterated yet again. The focus all through,
has been on bringing about purity in oneself as Babaji asserts that when the false ego of the
“I” recedes, Shiva takes over. The vices are removed through Guru Bhakti and dedicated
Sadhana everyday.
Day 1 --- Highlights
“Alpa bhojan, aur alpa bol”
Babaji said that food must be ingested only and only when hungry and in a
proportion such that it is lesser than the total eating capacity. The pran or life force
energy which streams through the astral body or Pran Shareer is perturbed or
enhanced depending on the food we intake. So eat natural food such as raw fruits
and vegetables and if cooked food is to be had, it must be consumed within two
hours of its preparation. Just as food is to be had frugally, speaking must be also be
restricted. Utter sparingly and only when necessary. Talking and blabbering without
an end and uselessly dissipates the positive energy created through Sadhana. Always
utter positivity and create happiness.
“Apne ahankaar aur aapni kamiya par vijoy paa loge to asim aur vishal anand ka abhiuoday
Sharir ek beej samaan hay. Iska astitwa chhoroge, to hi briksh utpann hoga! Sharir bodh se
upar utho. Swayam ko jano. Energy ka flow ek hi direction me hona chahiye. Tabhi
sansaarik aur adhyatmik upalabdhiyo ko hasil kar payoge. Mann me shanka nehi rakhna. Ek
hi disha me ussko sancharit karna.
Yaad rakhho shabd sarbopari hay. Galti se bhi aur majaak me bhi apshabd nehi bolna.”
Maa Lalita Tripusundari, who is the presiding Goddess of the Shree Vidya Mantra is
worshipped by all Holy Saints and Siddhas from whom we derive our blessings and
who are our source of Spiritual Guidance.
“Jo Shree Vidya Mantra, tumhe praapt ho rakhha hay, usse naam-dhan samajhna. Bare
bhagyashali ho tum sabhi – ki eyse dhan ke swami banne jaa rahe ho. Har swass me iss
mantra ko basa lo. Rom rom me iss mantra ko sthapit kar lo. Aatma Sakshaatkaar phir
mushkil nehi.”
Stretch & Sweat Exercise daily. Perform physical activity and induce sweat in your
body. Also don’t forget Pran Kriyas. Howsoever, unpleasant it may seem and
whatever be your frame, jog daily. This was what Babaji prescribed for all sadhaks as
a means to induce sweat to open up the body.
“Tumhare Sushumnaa maarg me teen granthiya hay. Sanchit Karma aur Ku-Sanaskaar inn
granthiyo me atak jaate hay. Guru Brahma-Granthi khol deta hay aur Vishnu-Granthi kholne
ke daayitwa tum par chhor deta hay. Moksh ki maarg par ye siriya hay. Sraddha laao apne
bhitar aapne sadhana ke prati, aur phir dekho, ye granthiya keyse khulni shuru hoti hay.
Fight & Flight tendency ko chhor dena. Bher-chaal tumhari adhogati ka karan banti hay.
Larna nehi aur ahankaar nehi laana. Chaahe dussra, kuchh bhi kare, yaa kuchh bhi kahe.”
Babaji also told all the sadhaks that those who create a din during meditations would not be
entertained because after doing regular Shree Vidya 2, sufficient purity level that is attained by a
sadhak and which is enough for such ugra kriyas to not take shape. He exhorted all sadhaks to do
Sadhana daily so that all impurities are purged.
Nari ka kartyabya hay, aapni Aatma aur Prem khaane me daal kar, uss bhojan ko aapne hato
se banakar, tatha ussi ko pakaate huye, Guru-Mantra uchchaaran kar, Prasaad swarup
paribarteet kar, parivaar ke sabhi sadasyo ko tripti dilana. Sabhi parivaar jan, eysi divya seva
ke liye, sadyeb aapna aabhar prakat kare. Aur Ghar ki Nari ko, Devi saman rakhhe.
Food made and served in such a manner by the woman of the house will accrue
benefits unseen on the health of the family members. From start of cooking to end of
serving to all family members (including yourself) mentally chant mantra or any
bhajan continuously; also think of only Divine Mother’s Grace, at that time. Keep
yourself in a happiest state. When you are cooking food, it contains not only the
physical ingradients you are seeing but also contains the projection of your mind
status of that moment. May think about only Maa Annapurneswari’s Grace, and thus
food will become her Prasaad & taste of food?......will be very pleasant & very testy.
“Ghar me kisi bhi kaarya ke liye noukar ityaadi na rakhhe. Bartan dhone ke liye phir bhi chhut
le sakate hay, par in kaaryo ke liye parivaar ke sadasyo ka hi chayan Kare,
1. Khaana banaane ke samay ---
Bhojan me, bhojan banaane baale ka bhaav aur urja aa jaati hay. Isliye mantra jaap karte
huye ghar ki stree bhojan banaaye aur bhaav yeh rakhhe ki iss bhojan ko khaane baala
tripti paaye, khushi paaye aur Praan Shakti me briddhi paaye.
2. Khaana parosane ke liye ---
3. Paalang thik karne ke liye ---
4. Ghar ki cheeso ko saaf karne ke liye ---
5. Bachcho ki dekh rekh ke liye ---"
The mere presence of and touch of a person is a means of transfer of energy and so if
impressionable kids under 5 years of age are left at the mercy of maids, the children
will inculcate and imbibe in themselves the qualities of the caretaker maid.
When a mother lovingly touches her child, what she is doing apart from the obvious
is transfer the seeds of unconditional love, good energy and positive vibrations
which a maid can’t ever do since the latter is not biologically and etherically
connected to the child and love of the motherly kind can never emanate from her.
Touch is also a way of communication.
"Jab bhi tum kisi aur ke banaye huye bhojan ka paan karte ho, to usske aabhaari aur karazdaar
ho jaate ho. Bhojan pakaane baale ko dhanyabaad prakat karne ke saath saath prem bhi dena,
aur kisi bhi prakaar ki seva kabhi bhi dene se mukarna nehi. Kisi ko khaana khilaana ek bahut
baraa soubhaagya hay. Jisse kaarmik len-den jhat se poore hote hay."
Babaji also dwelt on the fact that infatuation and attachment to fellow humans,
worldly objects and desires brings about downfall and hence one must dispense with
them. Attention must at all times must be on the Supreme father---Shiva.
"Sabhi ko anant prem karna. Isse kahi phasoge nehi."
"Ek chees yaad rakhna ki tum iss duniya me apni aadhyaatmik yaatra karne akele aaye ho.
Praan chhoroge bhi akele. Samaadhi ki sthiti me bhi akele hi hoge. Tumhaare jeevan me jo log
aayenge unako aapnaa sahayaatri samajhanaa aur kisi se bair nehi rakhnaa. Nehi to ek rootha
huyaa yaatri, aur kayi yaatraaye phir praarambh karwaane ki kshamta rakhta hay. Apne
jeevan me kshamaa kar dena yadi kisi se bhi mann-mutaab rakhha hay to. Kshama ka arth hay
doosre ke hit ki kaamna karna. Yah bhaav kabhi nehi laana --- dekha mere se paanga liya thaa
to bura hua. Achchhaa huya. Kshama ka sabse saral upaay hay kisi ki bhalaayi ki kaamnaa
karnaa. Har saadhana ke pashchaat apne shatruo ki mangal kaamna karnaa aur shatru shabd
apni barnamaalaa se nikaal dena. Sab, Shiv ki santaan hay."
We are traversing on the spiritual journey alone. All those who are around us are co
passengers who will part with us one day. So it is imperative to love them as much
for the duration they’re accompaniments with us and showing care at the same time
knowing well that no one is permanent with us. We are spiritual beings on a
humanly trip to Mother Earth. The Guru will guide us throughout. We must
surrender to Him. He is Who will remain with us throughout our journey since it’s
His supreme soul which has chosen us as its protege
Be content with life. Thank Shiva for every breath you take.
Negative emotions such as anger, hatred, jealousy, resentment and fear accumulate
in various organs and regions of the body and give rise to deadly diseases such as
diabetes, cancer, tumour, lung disease etc.
Day 3 --- Highlights
Namah Shivay, the third day of the Shree Vidya level 3 Hindi Shivir in Goa saw
Babaji imparting the deeksha of Durga Saptashati to all the sadhaks. Some very very
rich words of his have been quoted in the note verbatim. And as during other level 2
shivirs, Babaji reiterated for the umpteenth time that for growth on the Siddha Marg,
abstinence from non vegetarian food, particularly beef, pork, smoking and drinking
is a sine qua non. These small or big (as the case may be), sacrifices have to be made
for the consciousness to rise above the Mooladhar chakra. At the end of the day
everything that we are doing comes to naught if we don’t take a step ahead in our
spiritual journey, for which we have taken birth.
“Aatma ka ghar hay yeh sharir. Iss sharir ko mandir swaroop banaana. Mandir keyse banega
sharir? Saadhana karke. Praan Kriyaae karke. Agyaani ki aatma bhatakati hay. Agyaani ki
aatma gaana gaatl hay aawaara hoon........aawaara hoon.........yaa gardish me hoon,
aasmaan ka taara hoon.........”
The body is the soul's abode. It must be kept like a temple. Hence good food and
pran kriyas are a must to make this abode temple of a residence for the soul.
Otherwise an unfit body induces the feeling of revulsion on the part of the soul. No
soul wishes to stay for long in an aching body and no soul can come out before its
destined period. So keep your body fit and working all through your lifespan.
“Shree Vidya Sadhana ke maarg me jeevan ke har pehloo par jaagrit rehnaa hay. Jeehwa ke
swaad me mat doob jaana. Maasaahaari bhojan to poori tarha se tyaag dena. Pork, Beef, Red
Meat to khaane ki sochnaa bhi mat. Baaki, agar khaate ho to aahista-aahista usko chhor dena.
Moksh ke maarg me tyaag bari cheez hay. Issko sikhho.
No eating pork (as it contains decaying energy lots more, which is not good for
Human Body) if you wish to reap the benefits of Shree Vidya Sadhana! Food should
be tejomay i.e. full of Praan Shakti or Life Force Energy.
Red Meat (especially mammals, as they have lots of emotions & at the time of slating,
those hormone secretions due to fear of death, stacked in meat which is not good for
us) must be a forbidden entity and mustn’t be hailed as an edible item at all.
Cigarette puff will lead your soul to leave in a huff. Quit smoking. Nature is ready to
give everything to a Shree Vidya Sadhak. And don’t offset the balance of nature by
insidiously killing yourself since you too are an integral part of Nature!
A for Apple and not Alcohol. To a ShivYogi the word Alcohol in itself must be an
anathema. Steer clear of this poison. You have taken birth after so many incarnations.
Bade bhaag manush tan paawaa. Do not waste this lifetime immersing in the false
pleasures of belittling your senses. The body has been given to do Sadhana and attain
the Infinite and not to digress in obnoxious practices. Quit this right away!
Cow is the last birth (among 84lakhs birth-yoni) before the soul manifests into a
human. It is a very pure animal. Eating it is tantamount to booking a berth in
purgatory. Cow is an animal of very high level of positive energy. And as per
alchemy process after slating, that’s transmuted into very high level of negative
energy. That is actually harmful for human body. A Shree Vidya Sadhak only knows
one way i.e. that of purity and consuming beef is a total antithesis to this thought.
So no and Pork no Beef! ( )
“Tum Baba se puchhte ho --- Babaji, ham aapko keya de sakte hay? Main to sab Bholebaba se
le leta hoon, to yehaa main keya maangu tum logon se? Par yadi kuchh dena hi chaahte ho to
laayo, apni buri aadate mujhe de do. Hey Shree Vidya ke Sadhako laayo aapni cigarette pine
ka buri aadat. Laayo aapni sharaab pine ki buri aadat. Laayo apni sabhi vaasanaaye. Shree
Vidya ke maarg ka sahi maayne me anusharan karna chaahte ho to maasaahaar chhor do,
sharaab, cigarette sab tyaag do aur uss anant Shiv ke nashe me doob jaayo."
Even if goaded and pestered by friends or colleagues or peers, one must stay firm.
Addictions on the path of spiritual realisation must be kept at bay, however much
pressure the peers may apply. Say no to drinking because with this habit, any
meditation done is futile.
“Uss Shiv ki tarhaa Yogi bano. Eysaa aanokha Yogi hay wo ki aapne hi kapaal ke amrit ke
nashe me vileen rehta hay. Shiv Yogi matwaala, mera Shiv Yogi matwaala; Piye bhaang ka
peyaalaa mera…… Shiv Yogi matwaala. Log samajhte hay sharaab ka paan to Bhagwaan Shiv
bhi karte hay to yeh paap nehi. Aare agyaani, jiss sharaab ka wo paan karte hay, wo koyi
baahaar se nayi laa jaati. Wo to bhitar ke kapaal se (brahma-randh ke niche, pineal gland
se), amrit-varsha ki boonde hoti hay. Shivyogi uss bhaang kaa paan kare. Baaki sab to
tumhaari senses ko khatam kar dengi. Aapni vaasnao aur swaad ke bandhi nayi banna. Be
your own master.”
Ever noticed why always Lord Shiva's portrait is made with eyes partially closed?
This is so because Shiva is always in the state of stupor as if drunk. But this state of
inebriation is that caused by valium secretion by the Pineal gland and not by
consumption of liquor as wrongly perceived by people at large
“Yadi koyi tumhe gaali deta hay aur tum usse gusse me aakar gaali bharaa jawaab dete ho to
karm lagta hay. Tum Shree Vidya ke Sadhak ho, ab aur karm sanchit naa karo. Koyi gaali de
to, bare pyaar se usko naman karna. Kshama karna. Usme bhi Shiv ka ugra roop dekhna. Shiv
ke uss roop ko bhi namaskaar karna. Eysa karne se aur karm ikatte nehi karoge aur
aadhyaatmik vikaas gati se hoga.”
“Tumhaari energy aur Bhagwaan ki energy equilibrium me flow hoti rehnaa chaahiye. Par
apne vikaaro me ham itnaa lipat jaate hay ki hamaari energy God Energy tak pouch hi nehi
paati. Eysa hone par hi kartaa bhaav aata hay. Issi kaaran ahankaar ki utpatti hoti hay. Aapni
main ke pichhe nehi bhaagna. Aapni bhaavna shuddh rakhna aur sab uss Parameshwar par
chhor dena. Karta purush ek hi hay. Guru Naanak ji bhi to yehi kehte the --- Ek Omkaar
Satnaam…… Kabhi yeh nehi sochnaa, main nehi hota to isska keya hota? Yaa phir, meri
bajaah se aaj woh insaan itnaa sukhi hay. Tum sirf nimit bano aur uss Karta Purush ko
dhanyavaad dete raho ki --- He Prabhu, tumne mujhe itnaa saksham banaaya ki main kisi ki
seva kar sakaa aur kisi ka mere kaaran bhalaa ho saka. Mujh par kripa itani ho ki main sabhi
ke kalyaan ka kaaran banu. Eysa bhaav rakhhoge to kabhi karm dosh lag hi nehi sakataa.”
The energy interflow between us humans and God must never cease. The
equilibrium must be maintained at all stages. This can happen only when one stays
in the state of yog or communion with the Almighty at all times. This in turn can
happen only when intention is kept pure
“Karmo ki parte tab charti hay jab tum aapne aap ko dukh dete ho, rooth jaate ho, gussaa karte
ho, doosre ko dukh dete ho, doosre se irshaa karte ho, doosro ki khaamiyaa aur galtiyaa
highlight karte ho.”
Never judge anyone.” Never find faults in others. Work to improve the faults in
yourselves and help others iron out their shortcomings.
“Shree Vidya Sadhak ke mukh se jo vachan nikle wo eyse ho ki sunne vaale ko nihaal kar de.
Sikh dharam me kitni sundartaa se kaha geya hay --- Jo Bole So Nihaal…Sat-Shree-Akaal.
Eyse shabd bolnaa, ki doosre sune to unhe shaanti aur sukh ki anubhooti ho. Mantra hi
Maheshwar hay.”
The desire to attain self realisation must be as much as the desire to breathe. This
Babaji explained with the help of an excellent example. He said when you are
drowning, the intensity of desire to get oxygen and breathe should be the intensity of
desire of all ShivYogis to attain Self Realisation.
Day 4 --- Highlights
Babaji compared our vertebrae with “Sumeru parvat”. This mountain was a centre
point in the primordial landmass when Gondwanaland existed. Although there are
many mythological interpretations on it, in this context, suffice it to say that the
vertebrae are the cornerstone of our lives. Without their existence, we wouldn’t be
living. If the human body is a computer, the petals of the chakras are its microchips.
Emotional turbulence of any kind causes negativity getting engraved in the
vertebrae. It is along the vertebral column that our Sushumna nadi runs. And it is
from the spinal cord in the vertebral column that all impulses of the body are
generated. When negativity sticks to the column, which is the source of energy
transfer, the body gets diseased since all the channels of energy originate at the
Vertebral column.
Hatred---The arch nemesis of humans.
Babaji said that hatred is caused by the following factors:
1. Expectations When we expect others to do something for us or when we live
in the hope of a certain kind of behaviour of others towards us, certain kind of
respect towards us and anticipate a particular attitude to us as per the image we
have made of the person in our minds and when the aforementioned aspects
are not fulfilled, it induces a feeling of revulsion and hatred which chokes the
Anahat chakra. He pointed out that one must be a free person. No expecting
from anyone. No creating boundaries of Karma for either yourself or others.
2. Inferiority Complex Whenever a person belittles us or rises more than us,
we feel envy. The root emotion of envy is hatred. Love can never breed
jealousy. It is repulsion and deep disgust which evoke jealousy. Babaji said that
contentment with whatever you get and gratitude for the same to Shiva will
help one overcome such a vice.
3. Superiority Complex Most of the times we are pining for the object which
the other person has or possesses rather than materialising good for ourselves.
The classic case of Uski kameez meri kameez se safed kyun demonstrates this
mentality to the hilt. We feel we must be bigger than others, richer than others
etc. We do not think we should be happy. We think we must be ahead in any
and every respect vis a vis others. We compare. We envy. We sulk. We curse
God. This is wrong.
We should never need to be jealous of others. We envy even a muffler and a cap. We
are not content with what we have. We always wish to peep how others are faring in
life and whether we are equal to their wealth or lagging behind. This competition is
misplaced and unfounded says Babaji. Attention at all times must be only towards
what is our own. We must thank God for what we have and work to expand more
rather than vie with others.
Babaji said, “Aasteya ka paalan hona chaahiye. Nazar tumhaari sirf tumhaari hi
upalabhdhiyo par honi chaahiye. Doosre ke paas kitnaa hay aur mere paas to kam hay, eysi
soch ab chhor do,”
No statement can be as self destructive as this one. Never utter such words. This will
nullify hours of Sadhana, Sankirtan and seva all at once.
“Kisi se nafrat karnaa adhogati ka kaaran banta hay. Sabhi ko prem karo aur sabhi me uss
Shiv ko dekho. Itane saksham bano ki shikaayat karne ka moukaa hi na mile tumhe. Uss Shiv
ka dhanyavaad har ghari karnaa. Ussi se sab chal raahaa hay. Ussi se sab mil raahaa hay. Wo
hi dene waala Bhola Bhandaari hay. Tum maang ke to dekho. Supaatra ban ke to dekho. Log
kehte hay Bhagwaan dete nehi. Main to kehtaa hoon tum maangte hi nehi. Ishwar ko yeh nehi
bolo --- He Ram, mujhe parosi ki jeyse gaari de do. Tum khud keya chaahte ho wohi bolnaa.
Parosi ke jeyse bolne me bhaavna ashuddh hay. Kuchh upalabdhi ho to dhanyavaad dena. Issi
se sampannataa aayegi aur briddhi hogi.”
Gratitude throughout the day at all times to the Almighty is a must for a ShivYogi
who is a blessed being by virtue of purity. This will help trigger satisfaction in
whatever we receive
“Urdhagati ka upaay bahut saral hay. Shaanti rakhho aur santosh rakhho. Shaanti kebal
moun hone ki nehi. Main mann ki shaanti ki baat kar raahaa hoon. Mann ashaant hoga to
kuchh bhi phalibhoot nehi hoga.”
We have become so depraved that a small purse, a hairstyle or an accessory becomes
a source of envy. This animal tendency Babaji says we must leave right away if we
don’t wish to acquire the birth of an animal in the next incarnation.
”Tumhaare jeevan ka laksh uss anant ko praapt karne ka hona chaahie.”
”Jab bhi Sadhana ke liye beytho to saare issues resolve karne ki bhaavna se beythna. Sabhi ko
maaf kar dena aur prem karnaa.”
Resolve all issues in this birth to attain self realisation in this birth itself. Say Sorry.
Forgive everyone. Love everyone unconditionally. Accept everyone the way they are.
”Aapne jeevan ki har ghatna ko ek anubhav ki tarhaa lena aur lesson learn karnaa. Jeevan me
kuchh bhi ghatit ho to yeh sochnaa ki yeh ghatnaa meri adhyaatmik unnati ke liye aabashyak
thi. Iske hone se mujhe kuchh laabh huyaa hay jo mere vikaas me yogdaayak hoga.
Gyaani wo jo knowingly sab kuchh kare. Gyaani wo jo aapni saas se lekar expected salary
ke baare me aware ho. Sab kuchh ussi ki sankalp shakti se phalibhoot ho. Gyaani wo jisski
golden book usskaa bhaagya ho.
Agyaani wo, jise usske karmo ka phal hi maaloom na ho. Agyaani wo, jo bhaagya par sab
chhor de. Agyaani wo, jo jeevan ke har pehloo se anjaan rahe. Agyaani wo, jo jeevan ko ek
bojh samjhe. Agyaani wo, jo aalas aur anyo vikaaro ko gale lagaaye. Shivyogi agyaani waale
ek bhi avgun nehi rakhtaa."
Gateway of Life and Death.
Between our Mooladhaar chakra and Swaddhisthaan chakra, lies a gateway of give
and take. It remains open till the time the cause and effect cycle continues. There is
something you have received from someone. You have to give back that. Not only in
monetary terms but also anger, jealousy, hatred, pain etc. In one birth you receive
these from someone, in other births you give them back. So letting go is essential to
break this chain. When one attains Self Realisation, this gateway closes.
"Sadhana tumhe antarmann ke kareeb lekar jaayegi. Antarmann wo jagaah hay jahaa abbhi
sochaa, aur agle hi kshan phalibhoot hoga. Siddh log tabhi to, kuchh bhi sankalp lete hay, to
woh tat-kshan phalibhoot hota hay. Kiu ki woh antarmann me uss parinaam ko ghatit kar dete
hay. Antarmann ke sameep aayo. Baahirmann itnaa shaktishaali nehi. Baahirmann to indriyo
ke bash me aakar vinaash bhi maang saktaa hay. Sadhana karo, tumhaari jeevaatma expand
karegi. Isse tum Nar se Naaraayan ki yaatra aasaani se kar paayoge."
The Antarmann is so potent that all desires are fulfilled when resolution is taken
through it. To reach this realm of mind, deep meditation and purity is required. But
for ShivYogis who meditate regularly, reaching this stage isnt too difficult at all
Babaji harped on the fact that the type of birth we get is dependent on the desire that
we have. As humans, under the influence of worldly lures, we elicit animal
tendencies and eventually which accrue to result in us taking forms of animals with
those qualities in our subsequent births. For example a person who asks others for
money, food etc. for free becomes a stray dog in his next birth that has exactly these
We have come to understand mind as brain. Whenever someone pronounces the
word mind, we instantly recall the brain. But no mind is not the brain. Body, mind
and soul are different aspects of our humanly existence. Of late scientists have
discovered that the human heart has a strong electromagnetic radiation. Heart is
actually a deep state of mind. The brain too is a part of the mind.
In the heart lies the seat of the soul (“Hriday ki gupha me, angusth maatra jyoti ke roop
me, Jeevaatma bass karti hay”).
Children are virtual recorders. Till the age of 3 years, their intuitive powers are active
but the worldly influences polute their mind and closes their clairvoyant faculties.
Children hear their parents utter everything and slowly imbibe in themselves, those
negative talks. Parents must talk positive, not only before their kids but also
otherwise because kids are sensitive to energy and catch negativity even in that
Children may not convey it but they witness and store every negative trait easily in
themselves which leads to the downgrade of their emotions and they acquire a
worldview which is sinister and paranoid. They learn to react to situations in the
same way as their parents
How Siddhas calculate the births remaining for achieving Self Realisation.
Babaji revealed that just like we can compute the age of trees by counting the cambial
rings in the cross section of their barks, similarly Siddhas can compute the number of
births left for the final self realisation stage. The belly button or nabhi is surrounded
by subtle rings which clairvoyant beings can see. The more the number of rings, the
more will be the number of births remaining. Unresolved issues increase the number
of rings. Sadhana helps reduce these rings.
If we cut the bark of a tree through its cross section, we see such rings, using which
we can estimate their age. Likewise, in Humans there are rings around the navel
region which help adjudicate the births remaining before the soul will be liberated.
The rings increase when the unresolved issues and negative emotions increase.
Sadhana helps reduce these rings.
Day 7---Highlights
Namah Shivay, after a brief hiatus of 2 days, Babaji finally spoke on the 7th day of
the Shivir at Goa. The primary thrust area of Babaji was the borrowed belief system
prevalent in India and the abominable prospect of even sadhaks lapping it up.
“Dhaarna Shakti” Babaji said is the strongest means to achieve any goal in life. He
also explained the reason for preference of Goa for holding unique shivirs which is a
startling fact about Goa known only to a handful in this world. Also find in the
updated note a word on “Late Sleeping and Late Rising” and Babaji’s answer of a
sadhak’s peculiar query on losing weight. And as written innumerable times on this
page, Babaji reiterated why Sadhana must never be done on the bed.
Why Goa? for Higher Level Shivirs? especially Shree Vidya Shivirs?
Apart from the inevitable reasons as perfect arrangements, relaxed atmosphere,
celebratory ambience and blissful atmospherics, Babaji enunciated as to why He
prefers to keep Goa as a venue for special shivirs. It is interesting to note that the first
ever Shree Vidya level 2 Shivir was also held in Goa.
"Dekhho, Goa ki bhoomi bahut shuddh bhoomi hay. Itne divya mandiro ka vaas hay ihaa par.
Kintu bahut kam, balki ab to kisi ko yeh nehi maaloom, ki Portugal invasion se pehle ihaa
Shree Vidya ke prakaand pandito ka nivaas huyaa karataa tha. Par phir dhire dhire sab lupt
ho geyaa. Ihaa, Goa me hi ek Gokarna naam ki jaagaah hay jaahaa ke saamudri hisse ka
aakaar Om ki taraah hay. Jeyse kailaash me Om Parvat hay, beyse hi ihaa par yeh Om ke
aakaar ka saamudri hissa hay. Bhagwaan Shiv ka dakshin me sthaan Goa hi hay. Iss jaagaah
me Shree Vidya Shakti shuru se hi thi. Kintu ab wo bilkul bilupt ho geyi thi aur issko punah
jaagrit karnaa aabashyak ho gayaa tha. Tabhi Bhola-baba ki lila se issko jaagaane ka maarg
khulaa aur aap log jo aaj ihaa sadhana karke iss bhoomi ko aur paavan banaa rahe ho, ye sab
uss Shiv ki hi kripaa hay.”
Take every incident in life as a chance to learn a lesson and vow to never repeat the
mistake otherwise no point of taking a lesson.
Be non judgemental.
"Golden book zarur likhnaa nehi to dishaahin hokar dar dar thokre khaate huye bhatak
jayoge. Aapne vichaaro ko, aapni soch ko, aapni sadhana ko ek dishaa pradaan karo. Likhho
tum keysaa jeevan chaahte ho. Chuko mat. ……Maanav Janam Anmol Hay Bandeya.........
Eynu Gawaana Nei, O Bandeya……"
Shunning The Belief System
1. When the wish that you aspire for is common to the conscious, subconscious
and ingrained in the belief system it will definitely materialize.
2. Jeevan me goal banaayo aur aapne se puchho what is the price I’m ready to pay to
achieve this goal?”
3. “Shuruwaat me Mt. Everest par jin logo ne charne ka prayaas kiya unko choti tak
pohuchna naamumkin laagaa. Kaafi log to iss baat ko shunkar dar gaye aur koshish bhi
nehi ki uss par phir charne ki. Kintu jab pehlaa byakti chaar geyaa uss uchai tak, to yeh
naamumkintaa ki galat dhaarnaa, vishwaas me badal geyaa. ShivYog ke Shree Vidya
Sadhako, main tumhe itnaa bataanaa chaahtaa hoon ki wo Aatma Saakshaatkaar bhi iss
janam me naamumkin nehi hay. Aapni soch ko badlo. Baba tumhaare saath hay.”
Once the trail to the top of Mt Everest was blazed, the belief that Everest was
insurmountable broke and it led to a host of trekkers and mountain climbers
scaling the peak in contrast to the widely held negative belief earlier. Babaji too
says that Enlightenment, that too in this birth is not difficult. Babaji is showing
the way. We just have to follow His path
4. “Udhaari ki baate aur belief system par biswas karnaa chor do”.
Don’t lead life on the perception of others.
5. “Aapni ek sakaaraatmak soch rakhho. Aur soch eysi ki koyi ghatna usse tor naa paye.
Koyi bekti usse hila naa paaye. ShivYog ka asali maaynaa hi tumhaari aapni pehchaan
hay. Yeh jaano ki tum Anant Shiv ho. Saansaarik andh-bishwaas aur galat soch me mat
paro. Jeevan ko saarthak banaayo.
6. Ek baar ki baat hay ek bekti tha, woh itni bhaari gaay ko utha leta tha. Log heyraan hote
the. Ek din kisi ne aakar usse poochhaa, bhaayi tum keyse itni bazandaar gaay ko uthaa
lete ho? To haas kar kehne lagaa --- mitra, jab main chhotaa tha to iss gaay ka janam
huya. Jab yeh bachhra thi tabhi se isse main har roz uthaata tha. Yeh bari hoti geyi par
meri isko roz uthaane ki aadat nehi geyi. Phalswaroop ab main isse bachhra samajh kar
utha leta hoon. This is the power of the belief system and regularity. Jeevan me ek
persistence laayo. Ek kaaryashaili banaayo aur uss par amal karo. Har roz ek hi samay
par apnaa har kaarya karo. Tumhaaraa sharir aadi ho jaayega. Sadhana me niyam ka
paalan karnaa aur bhi phaldaayi hay. Ek hi samay par sadhana karke dekho. Tum khud
mere paas aayoge ki haa Babaji bahut phark hay anushaasit jeevan me aur anushaasan-
hin zindegi me."
A sadhak, an aspiring model on the mike raised a query that his wishes weren’t
materializing despite his writing in the present tense in the Golden book and that
modelling as a profession had work ethics totally opposite to the ideals of ShivYog.
He also raised the bogey of explicit stuff and surreptitious “emails” which had to be
sent and received. Babaji looked at him from a distance for a moment, as if reading
his past, present and future. He then said ---
“Beta tumhaari bhaavnaa aur belief system thik nehi hay. ShivYog ke siddhaant har pashu
me aur har insaan par thik beythte hay. Dhaarna layo. Tumhaari bhaavnaa ashuddh hay aur
tum kuchh aur soch kar beythe ho. ShivYog ko samjho. Bholebaba ki kripa lo, sab email aane
lagenge. Bless you, beta shuddhi ki aabashyakta hay. Sadhana karo. Namah Shivay.
Bed par beyth kar kabhi sadhana mat karnaa. Jab ham sote hay to etheric waste emit karte
hay. Bed par sadhana karne se woh energy aapki energy ko khaayegi aur sadhana ka laabh
nehi mil paayega.
Bichaar shuruwaat me aayenge, par jeyse jeyse shuddhi hogi, woh aapne aap hi gaayab hone
Prakriti se kitnaa kuchh shikhne ko hay, manushyo ke paas. Kabhi snail dekhaa hay? Usski
khaasiyat hi yeh hay ki yadi koyi usse chhu de, to woh apne sharir ke chhidra se andar chalaa
jaata hay. Ussi prakaar jab bhi koyi vipatti aaye to haa-haakaar machaane nehi lag jaana. Uss
snail ki tarhaa apne bhitar chale jaana. Baahar ki har rukaavat, har mushibat, har kathinaayi
ka samaadhaan baahaar nehi, tumhaare bhitar hi hay. Sadhana hi har samasya ka samaadhaan
hay. Tum anant ho. Tumhaare bhitar woh anant chhupaa huya hay. Woh sadhana se hi
baahaar aayega. Aapko Dhyaayo, Aapko Bhajo, Aap me hi Aapke Ram, Aap Hokar Rehte Hay.
Baastav me yeh mann ya sharir, tumhaara astitwa nehi hay. Tum woh Sat Chit Aanand ho,
jisske paas har mushibat ka hal hay. Apne aasli roop ka darshan karne hay to sadhana karo.
Saare kasht aur rog thik honge. Apne aasli ‘main’ se milkar to dekho.”
The snail on encountering any encumbrance or threat to its life by any external force,
takes refuge in the shell. We must take such subtle cues from nature and endeavour
to look within rather than looking for succour outside. Happiness is not the external
world but in within the Infinite self contained in us infact which is the real us. The
only way to meet this real self of ours is to contemplate and meditate
Losing Weight
How this topic was raised is a very interesting story being narrated here exactly how
it unfolded.
In the question answer session, a lady on the mike came and said, ”Namah Shivay,
Babaij. Babaji, mujhe slim hona hay. Mujhe sushumnaa naari ke jitnaa paatlaa kar do.” (This
sent everyone, including the lady in peels of laughter).
In the same jocular vein Babaji replied, "Tumhe Sushumnaa banaa to du, par aas paas
iraa pinglaa ko bhi to laani parengi, usskaa keya karu?” (This raised the tenor of the
proceedings and rip roaring laughter reverberated across the hall).
On a serious note Babaji had these points for anyone planning to lose weight:
1. Eat less but do not starve. Do not skip meals.
2. Earn your food. Ask yourself whether you have burnt enough calories and
digested the previously eaten food that you merit a morsel of the next one?
3. Exercise and go beyond your limitations every day. Induce sweat through
vigorous exercise.
4. Write down the weight that you wish to attain in your Golden book in the
present tense and start believing that you are already ____kg.
5. Ask yourself what is the price I’m going to pay for losing ___kg of weight. Am I
ready to exercise more? Am I ready to give my taste buds a relief? Am I ready
to eat less but healthy?
Exercise and sweat daily. If you like music with exercise what better than
Mahishasur Strotra in Babaji's voice to charge you up?
Discipline in Life
1. Mera yeh ek kathan aapne kaamre me likh kar lagaa lo – “Every day I have to become
better & better. Every day in every way I’m becoming better than yesterday.”
2. "Har roz jab bhi utho to prayaas karnaa ki --- kal ke mukkaable aaj tum aur achchhe
insaan bano.
3. Netra khulte hi shaiyya tyaag diya karo. Paase palatnaa aur aalas karnaa tumhaare liye
nehi hay.”
A ShivYogi is never seen wallowing on the bed after he's awake. Also whiling
away time & time wastage are not traits which are associated with a ShivYogi.
4. “Raat ko jaldi shone aur sabere jaldi uthne ka prayaas karo. Ekdam se parivartan nehi
hoga. Chhote chhote target rakh kar chalo. Jeyse yadi abhhi subhaa 7 baje uthte ho to kal
se subhaa 6:30 baje uthne ka prayaas karnaa. Eyse dheere dheere badalaab laayo.
5. Jeevan me niyam banayo aur un niyamo ka paalan karo. Wohi niyam tumhe banaa
6. Bring consistency and regularity in life.
“Yeh nehi ki ek din to 4 baar sadhana aur ek din to bilkul hi nehi.
Aur Baba se kabhi yeh sawaal nehi karnaa ki --- Babaji ham Sadhana, Praan Kriyaaye
aur Sankirtan ko kitnaa samay de, ek din me? Aajkaal kisi se puchho keya karte ho din
bhar? to log kehte hay --- timepass. Ek Shivyogi kabhi eysi baat nehi karegaa. Yadi
tumhaare paas samay hay to yathaa-sambhav apne liye samay nikaalo. Par haa, din me
2 ghante to zarur rakhnaa aapni adhyaatmik unnati ke liye. Baaki yadi aur samay hay
to usse isstemaal karo, timepass bilkul nehi karnaa. Samay ka durupoyog kabhi nehi
No competition with others. Competition with only your own self.
“Koyi bhi kaam pending nehi rahnaa.”
Babaji ended on a very sweet note when he said ---
“Level 1 Shree Vidya ka to yeh tha ki bhaayi, karo na karo, tum par hay.
Level 2 ki tumko CD banaa kar de di, ki bhaayi koyi taklif na ho aur roz sadhana ho saake.
Level 3 me ab tumhe khud hi jeeti-jaagat-CD banaakar bhejunga. Jaahaa beythoge, bahi
dhyanastt ho jaayoge. 2 min. me samaadhisht.”
deeksha to all.
3. Claiming to teach a new siddhi, healing and feeling chakras, group sadhnas,
striking their forehead while greeting someone, touching forehead etc.
4. Offering lessons of Shree Vidya in far less means than what Babaji’s Guru
dakshina is.
The motive of printing all this over here is not to issue a charge sheet or look out
notice. Just that this is a very very serious threat to all sadhaks and all must be aware
of such a nuisance that has cropped up which can affect anyone.
Many sadhaks narrated today that they have been duped of lakhs of rupees and
more importantly have reported aches, strange occurrences, lack of meditational will,
loss of Sadhana shakti etc.
Also there is not just this solitary threat. A multitude of such unsocial elements and
miscreants have penetrated across face book and are propagating their malicious
designs in the name of Babaji. Some sadhaks are running their parallel shivirs,
conning people without an end. A very close look needs to be taken at the goings on.
Beware of the happenings around you. Trust only official channels of
The solutions which Babaji suggested were ---
1. To the aroused and enraged sadhaks sitting in the auditorium, Babaji said ---
“Dekho shivyog ka maarg ahinsaa ka maarg hay. Maar pit aur gussaa daanav prakriti
hay. Iss samasyaa ka samaadhaan ussko kossna, gaal dena, maarnaa nehi hay. Apne
kukarm woh khud bhogega. Karm ke ghare me buri bhaavnaa vaala eysa girtaa hay ki
janmo janmo tak bhatkne ke elaava kuchh bachtaa nehi. Ashuddh bhaavnaa hi adhogati
ka kaaran bantaa hay. Yehaa par sadhak ka lobh hi dosh ka kaaran hay.”
2. No Sadhana in groups. “Kabhi bhi Shree Vidya Sadhana group me naa kare.”
3. “Tumhaari anumati ke bina koyi bhi tumhaari sadhana ka phal tumse nehi chhin saktaa.
Kisi bhi bekti ko apnaa Agya Chakra, Sahasrar Chakra aur Bindu Chakra chhune nehi
dena. Aapkaa sar to ko bhi na chhuye. Parivaar jan, mandir ke chhote-mote porohit aur
naayi ka to bhaav nehi hoga Shakti chhinne ka.
4. Iss samay poore bishwa me tumhaare Guru ke elaaba aur koyi Adwait Shree Vidya
deekshaa nehi de sakataa. To agar koyi tumse yeh kahe ki aayo main tumhe Shree Vidya
deekshaa du to meri iss baat ko yaad karnaa.
5. Jab main tumhe dil kholkar shakti de raahaa hu to tumhe baahaar jaane ki keya zarurat
hay? Baba apne bachcho ko anant prem kartaa hay aur apnaa jeevan unhi ki seva me
lagaataa hay. Meri maano yadi tum prati din sadhana karte ho aur niyam purbak
ShivYog ke sabhi siddhaanto ka paalan karte ho, main tumhen guarantee detaa hu ki
issi janam me Aatma Saakshaatkaar hona hi hona hay. Kahaa bhaagate phirate ho? Kin
paakhandiyo ke lobh me aa jate ho?
6. Yadi koyi bhi tumhe yeh kehtaa hay ki Babaji ka message dena hay to kabhi
vishwaas nehi karnaa. Mujhe yadi koyi bhi message dena hoga, to main
swayam tumhe officially baataaunga. Kaahaa suni par ekin nehi karnaa.”
Babaji knew of the presence of 3-4 people in the auditorium who were accomplices of
the person in question and who had registered themselves under false aliases. He
told all the sadhaks these 3-4 people were given the task to relay this energy to the
black magic practitioner. But in the next session Babaji told that he had nullified all
the evil designs and intentions of all those sitting with the most impure intention in
the auditorium and who were the partners in crime with the person. But Babaji said
there was one among those whom He couldn’t mellow because that person had sold
his soul to the evil and that without such a person’s permission, any interference
would tantamount to poking the nose in nature.
Babaji told the sadhak gathering,
“Pehle ke zamaane me jagyo hote the to ek bande ki duty hoti thi jagyo vidhipurvak
sampanna karwaanaa aur ek ki duty hoti thi jagyo ko karnaa. Tumhaaraa Baba tumhaari
jagyo roop sadhana me dono ka bhaar sambhaalataa hay.”
There were also serious issues of phoney and perverted people cheating and
harassing the women in the society. Practices like revealing of spiritual growth
through navel gazing, smelling the body and other such abominable acts must be
done away with.
Babaji said that we must find a company of ‘normal’ people i.e. those who have an
iota of common sense and rationale and who do not believe in superstition. The
society, particularly the women must direct their faith in the real masters like Babaji
rather than looking for shortcuts to giving their life a nonexistent and superficial
Today people with nefarious intentions are rampant and repose your faith only in
the true teacher who is tested and who doesn’t foment non sensical beliefs and asks
you to do anything which is objectionable by any means.
Remember the real litmus test of a saint is whether he bases his philosophy on fear or
divinity. Never ever fall for tall and outrageous, nay absurd claims which target your
anxiety rather than devotion. God can be got only through love and happiness and
not through fear and phobias.
Be a persevering individual and be content with what you get. Do not loiter around
in search for easy solutions. Do Sadhana. Burn your karmas and follow the Guru’s
teachings. That is the only way to attain moksha. Do not give in to baits and traps.
If you are reading this, you are lucky enough to possess a human body and a Guru
like Avdhoot Shivanandji. Never again will such a golden opportunity throw itself
upon you and plead to have it seized. This is the time. This is the age. Sadhana is the
only way to make life peaceful, tranquil, prosperous and happy.
Young girls must be very careful of what they are offered to eat outside because in
the guise of offering sweets, many abhorrent practices are given execution to. So
prefer eating only home food.
“Apne ghar ko aashram banaa kar rakhho jahaa sadhana seva aur sankritan ho, jahaa sabhi
sadasyo belongingness, happiness, respect aur love ko experience kare. Apne parivaar ko
yeh gaanaa zaroor gaakar sunaanaa haste hue. Ghar me yadi tumse koyi laraai kare to bare
prem se yeh soch kar kshamaa kar dena, ki inkaa soul agenda warrior banne ka hay.”
“Aa chal ke tujhe main leke chalu ek eyse gagan ke tale,
jahaa gam bhi na ho, aasoo bhi na ho, baas pyaar hi pyaar pale, ek eyse gagan ke tale………”
“Sadhak bano to ghamand nehi laanaa. Ek saamaanya jeevan jeeyo aur kisi se apni sadhana ke
baare me zikar bhi mat karo.”
Babaji also portended the sadhaks that after November he will mostly be doing
shivirs in the coastal areas to balance the energy.
Babaji pointed out that Nepal is on the verge of being a very prosperous region
because already it is a Shiv Bhoomi and with the rising Shree Vidya sadhaks, it was
set to be amongst the riches.
“Jahaa bhi yeh Shree Vidya-3 Sadhana hoyegi, waahaa ki bhoomi surakshit ho jaayegi. Aur ab
kisi taantrik ityaadi ko apne paas bhi bhatkne nehi dena.”
“Pooja ka maaynaa samjho. Jab bhi tum kisi ki pooja karte ho to usse apnaa bhaav de dete ho.
Issi kaaran main kehta hu ki sirf Bhagwaan Shiv, Maa Durga aur Bhagwaan Narayan ko
dhyaana. Inhi me poora brahmaand vyaapt hay. Inhi se sabaki utpatti huyi hay. Guru to
sharir roop dhaaran karke sirf tumhaara maarg-darshan karne aaya hay.
Guru ko namaskaar karnaa, uskaa dhanyavaad karnaa. Guru ki aarati, poojan
ityaadi in sab me nehi parnaa. Guru ko sirf ek maadhyam samajhnaa, tumhe Shiv se
milaane ka. Usse sharir samajh ke pichhe nehi bhaagnaa.”
Babaji also said that henceforth He will be giving Sanjeevani shakti only to the
doctors and would ask them to sync their allopathic practices with Sanjeevani shakti
for an enhanced healing effect.
“Jo log healing karte hay unako main yeh bataana chaahungaa ki issko karte samay kabhi yeh
bhaav nehi laana ki tum kisi ko thik kar rahe ho. Bhaav yeh laana ki tum Maa Aadyaashakti se
praarthana kar rahe ho aur wo apni divya urja se sab kar rahe hay. Kuch thaan kar healing
nehi karnaa. Kuchh sadhak kehte hay, nehi main to thik karke hi dam loonga. Eysa kabhi nehi
karnaa. Prakriti sabko thik karti hay. Tum apnaa kaam karnaa. Kuchh zabardasti nehi karnaa.
Vinamra bhaav se sirf praarthana karnaa aur saaraa bhaav uss Maa Sanjeevani me daal dena,
jo sarba daayini hay."
Babaji contended that it has been proved through clairvoyance that when prayer is
done before eating food, the life force energy of the food increases exponentially. He
also added that before starting our food, we must offer it to Shiv-Shiva, the mother-
father of the universe. At times what people do is offer the food to their ancestors.
This must never be done since this sucks the life force energy out of the food.
When the whole family offers the food together to the Almighty because of whom
the family is able to have it in the first place, the life force energy shoots up a
thousand fold says Babaji.
“Jesi tumhaari energy hogi, veysi hi ghatnaaye tumhaare saath hongi.”
“Tumhaare mukh se niklaa shabd kabhi kisi ko aaghaat na pohuchaaye”
Hugging as a form of greeting to friends, acquaintances etc. during shivirs has been
forbidden by Babaji because the evil forces are out to pump out all energies through
Shree Vidya sadhaks. Moreover libidinous characters have mushroomed in the name
of “catching up” with friends. Beware of such a form of greeting and steer clear of
wishing people this way.
In the year 2012, both positive and negative energies have become powerful. So it is
very easy to imbibe negativity as it is to inculcate positivity.
“Shree Vidya Mantra se upar koyi mantra nehi hay, to kahi idhar udhar mat douraanaa
mantro ke pichhe. Iss mantra me sabhi mantra samaaye huye hay. Laalach nehi karnaa. Ek
santushti ka bhaav lekar ke aana. Shuddhi karna mann ki, Sadhana dwaaraa aur sab mantra
swatah hi tumhe aa jaayenge.
Jeyse mata pita apne bachcho ka kheyaal rakhte hay, ussi prakaar tumhaara Guru tumhe buri
shaktiyo ke asar se bachayegaa. Par tumhe bhi ek waadaa karnaa hoga ki tum kabhi bhi lobh
aur laalach me aakar kisi bhi mailividya ke tantriko ke paas nehi jaayoge aur jyotishiyo ko bhi
bhaagya ityaadi dikhaane nehi jaayoge.
Apna bhaagya swayam rachit karo. Golden book me likhho tum chaahte keya ho. Sadhana se
shuddhi karo, Prakriti tumhe sab kuch dene me saksham hay. Bhagwaan Shiv tumhe sab
kuchh dene ko aatur hay. Tum Supaatra ban kar to dekho.”
Kal 3-4 bekti, jo ashuddh bhaavnaa se yehaa beyth ke urjaa le rahe the aur jinhone jaakar
taantriko ko apni Shakti de deni thi, unme se ek reh geyaa tha. Kiu ki ussne apni Kundalini
Shakti, kisi aur ko samarpit kar di thi. Wo bekti kisi aur ke vash me tha. Usski swayam ki
ichchhaa nehi hay kuchh bhi. Ab to usse koyi aur control kar raha hay.”
Yesterday a lady came on the mike and said, “Namah Shivay, Babaji. Baabaji meri kamar
me bahut dard rehtaa hay aur main zyaadaa der ke liye beyth bhi nehi paati.” Babaji replied,
“Chalo beta sach sach khelte hay.” (All sadhaks including the lady started grinning).
Then Babaji through his omniscience asked, “Beta sach sach bataayo tum apne bhaiyo ko
saksham nehi samajhti, tumhaaraa kuchh bhi kaam karne ko?” The lady started smiling.
Babaji said, “Bataayo beta sach hay ki nehi?” The lady conceded on prodding, “haaji
Babaji”. Babaji smiled and said, “Beta unhe laayek samjho. Prem karo. Sabhi ke saath
milkar kaam karo. Kisi ko asaamaarth nehi samjho.” Then Babaji looked towards the lady
almost as if eager to reveal something more and averred, “Ammaa, ek aur baat bol du”
The lady smiled and nodded in agreement. To this Babaji said, “Tum jisse pyaar karti
ho, usse shadi kar lo, khushi aur sukhi rahogi.” The lady blushed deliriously and very
shyly thanked Babaji, bringing a smile to the face of all. All the sadhaks were
mesmerised by Babaji’s clairvoyance, wit and sense of humour.
Babaji will not be giving healing powers anymore to the sadhaks because of the
rampant misuse and wrong diversion of the healing techniques. Healing must be
done within the same house only. No seeking healing from outside.
“Apni sadhana praarambh karne se pehle apne Guru ko dhanyabaad dena. Kiu ki yeh uss
Guru ka tapobal hay jiss kaaran aaj tum sadhana sikh paaye ho aur shakti li paaye ho. Guru
ne hi beej ko briksh me paribartit kiyaa, jisske phal tum khaa rahe ho. Sadhana se poorv Guru
se nibedan karnaa ki --- He Gurudev main aapse praarthana kartaa hu ki aap mera maarg-
darshan karo, meri rakshaa karo, mujhe Kaam, Krodh, Moh, Lobh aur Ahankaar se mukti
dilaayo. He Gurudev main aapkaa aawaahan kartaa hu.
Jab manushyo mukti ke dwaar par hota hay to maayaa usse phir pakarati hay. Prakriti usski
pareekshaa leti hay. Yadi to tum pareeksha me fail ho jaate ho to tumhaare sanchit karm aur
bhayankar roop me tumhaare paas lout aate hay. Isliye uss Shiv ka naam lete rehnaa aur
Kaam, Krodh, Moh, Lobh aur Ahankaar ko apne nikat nehi aane dena.
“Aksar sadhak yeh galati kar jaate hay ki paanch kadam chalte to hay moksh ki or kintu tin
kadam aage chalte hay, aur do kadam pichhe. Issi kaaran baadhaaye aati hay aur aatma
saakshaatkaar hone me samay laagta hay. Apni energy ko ek hi disha me divert karnaa. Uss
par Brahm ko hi paane ka laksh rakhnaa.
Aajkal moksh bhi baraa fashion ban gayaa hay. Aajkal to log moksh ko bhi kayi prakaar se
bechte hay -- Deluxe, Super deluxe, Siddha course, Buddha course. Yeh sab dhong hay.
Sachchaa Guru wo jo naam dhan de, aur eyse bare bare daabe karne ki bajaay tumme ek
sundar roopaantaran laane ka vachan de.
“Ek baat gaath baadh lena ki jeevan me shortcut nehi hote. Koyi bhi sansaarik ya adhyaatmik
upalabdhi ko haasil karnaa hay to taap aur parishram to karnaa hi hoga. Aasaani se kuchh
nehi milega. Mehnat karni hi hogi. Pasina bahaana hi hoga. Sadhana karnaa hi hogi. Yadi
tumhe koyi yeh kahe ki paise deke tum uchch ki sadhanaye sikh sakte ho to kabhi bishwaas
nehi karnaa. Siddh maarg me koyi chhotaa raastaa nehi hota. Lagan, Shraddha, Bhakti aur
Niyamitta apne jeevan me laakar dekho. Mehnat ka phal hamesha mithaa hota hay.
Roopaantaran dheere dheere hi aayegaa. Instant results ki apeksha nehi karnaa. Sahaj pake so
Tum sabhi ab Shivanand ke Shishy ho.” (This line said by Babaji drew a rapturous
response and for at least the next 10 minutes, the claps and applause did not abate).
“Yeh ab tumhaaraa aakhri jeevan hay. Ab bhataknaa nehi. Sadhana lagaataar karte jaanaa.
Shree Vidya Mantra ka nirantar jaap karte rehnaa jisse ki karm tezi se kaate. Iss mantra me
apaar shakti hay. Bari shraddha aur aadarapurbak isse karnaa.
Har Sadhana ke baad sabhi ke liye praarthanaa karnaa. Yeh maangna ki sabkaa kalyaan ho,
sabhi ka utthaan ho aur sabhi ki aadhyaatmik unnati ho.”
Babaji strictly warned the sadhaks from going to astrologers, soothsayers, and
magicians etc. to predict their future or some other purpose. From now Babaji
Himself is our Vaastu expert, our astrologer, our clairvoyance expert etc.
After Shree Vidya 3, Babaji said that all the sadhaks in Goa have become saadhus on
the verge of spiritual realization. Only a test separates them from reaching the
Ultimate now. The test is winning over the senses and rising above worldly
The pooja altar must not have an energy interference. There must not be any clutter
or unwanted dirt or objects near the pooja altar.
Babaji said that although all sadhaks must practice Shree Vidya Sadhana twice daily,
those sadhaks residing in coastal areas as Mumbai must practice it thrice daily
because they will bear the first brunt of any disturbance and turbulence in energy in
the sea
------------------------------------( )------------------------------------
Ishanji was all smiles as he looked at new rules set for him and Kavitaji.
While giving the Shree Vidya Sadhana, his emphasis was on the fact how Men
should respect their wives.
He said all stages of a girls life are forms of the goddesses like as a child she is Bala
Tripursundari and so on and Men must respect them as they respect the
Now Kavitaji was all smiles.
As ShivYogi we must do sadhana of both Shiv and Shakti, Srishti chakra (creating
positivity) and Sanghar chakra (exterminating negativity), Mritsanjeevani and
Shree Vidya. We must learn to strike a balance in our lives.
Couples wishing to conceive a child must follow these things for a divine child to
grace their lives :
1. Must for one year leave alcohol and non veg.
2. Must do regular Sadhana and Swadhay for a year.
3. Must do Physical Exercises and Pran Kriyas for a year.
4. In this one year, the husband and wife must not fight and live lovingly
5. The husband in this year must become a man and take the best care for his
6. During the 9 months, of pregnancy the husband must ensure all the needs of
the wife are met and should ensure at the same time that she is the happiest.
7. At the time of mating, extreme feeling of arousal gets to all. Real yogi is the one
who directs his energy towards the higher chakras. Instead of Swadhisthan
chakra direct energy from Anahat chakra. This should be taken as a very holy
and divine act and not as a means to seek sexual pleasure.
In the same way, to achieve a perfect spouse we must do tapasya or deep
meditation, ditto for achieving a divine child.
In this manner if the ShivYog couple do the sadhana for one year, after this the child
conceived will be a devta of highest spiritual energy, health and perfect stars.
Babaji said that such a time is coming when the people who vibrate with him will
merge with that energy, and those most stubborn will drift apart.
Brahma-Muhurta aur Sandhya-Kaal –-- shone me nehi gaawana.
This is a very divine period and all sadhaks must utilize it properly. Do not waste
your mornings and evenings in sleep. Dedicate it to sadhana and dhyan.
Alasya nehi karna
Babaji said that even a small thing as brushing one's teeth must not be overlooked.
Sadhana must be done after being completely pure ---- physically and of course
Whereas ShivYog teaches one to traverse on Saam Marg (right path to divinity), not
doing small tasks as cleaning one's teeth and sitting for sadhana is Vaam marg
(treading the wrong path).
Babaji said that a ShivYogi must not indulge in ego. In all Purans (scriptures), all the
asuras (demons) were Maha tapasvi (spiritually ahead and ascetic). And their end
came about when they exhibited ego which imploded them.
A ShivYogi must not eye what is not his, a ShivYogi sees that god consciousness in
all. There is then no question of development of ego.
Babaji said that when a sadhak grows, Manthan or churning of the jeevatma or
bodily attached soul commences. In the meanwhile many things are released. The
halahal vish (deadliest intoxicant) in the form of negativism, vices etc. are some such
which are and must be released for ascension.
Sadhaks were extremely happy to get initiated
If the sadhak gets stuck in his aches and pains and failures the Manthan or
(churning for soul purity) will cease and stop.
Babaji continued, after the first stage, comes the Pralobhan (Avariciousness). Loads
of luxuries and riches start to flow in the sadhak's life as the first stage is crossed. If
the sadhak gets stuck in all these enticements or pralobhans, the manthan stops.
Thus, said Babaji that a ShivYogi must learn to live a Simple Life.
He said, "Why waste on Diamonds when you can invest on Gold?"
"Why waste on Tagheur when u can enjoy a Tissot? Why waste on Rolls Royce when
you can enjoy a Honda?"
A man he said must not be blinded with Money because there is no end to this
He said the marketing agencies exploit in such manner as to appeal to the greed.
The same pen comes out as limited edition with a few more zeros in the price tag.
He called it "Sickly Behaviour".
Enjoy life but do not get stuck or blinded by the market gimmicks.
Also the sadhak if continues with the sadhana crosses these hurdles to encounter the
next hassle of umpteen spiritual powers coming concomitantly with purification as
part of the Manthan.
Manthan of the ShivLing gives the 9 rasas and so does manthan or churning of a
It is at in this time that the sadhak must refrain from egoistic behaviour, and work
towards developing love, in the form of respect, humbleness, gratitude and if done
so, the Amrit or Nectar of Samadhi will flow.
Jagran (wakefulness), Swapn (dream), Turiya (deep meditation) are different stages
to be reached as a Yogi. Methods are dharna dhyan and samadhi. Just as to learn to
walk one must first crawl, to reach the top floor one must start from the ground, in
the same way to reach samadhi one must practice dhyan, and to sit in dhyan one
must master his dharna shakti.
What Babaji always says "Sab kuch tera Bhav re" was reiterated, yet again. He told to
be connected to the present.
Emotions create an awareness. Babaji said "become aware of all the processes
happening in and around you, this awareness will connect you to the infinite and the
moment you connect, every thought is bliss, every breath is meditation, every
moment is turiya.
------------------------------------( )------------------------------------
Art of Dying & Prati Prasav Sadhana Shivir Mauritius August 2011
o Babaji started the Shivir with his usual good humour and said that he had heard
that many had been frightened by the name of the Shivir and had not registered for
the course. He stressed that it was important to learn about the art of ascension... we
all have to die...the body dies but the Soul never dies.
o The Shiva consciousness is our own consciousness in the pure form. One has to
purify. And purify so as to reach to the Christ consciousness, The Buddha
Consciousness or Shiva consciousness.
o To attain Higher Consciousness we have to go within and attain transparency.
o There are always 2 choices -- the path of illumination or the path of darkness. The
vortex of illumination or the vortex of darkness.
o If transparency is there one is automatically projected into the vortex of
illumination. What you are inside is what you are outside -- this is transparency.
o There should never be any manipulation.
o Do sadhana to find the wisdom that exists within you.
o Always help others achieve what they want in life.
o Never analyse Saints.
o Babaji narrated the story of Nachiketa.
Nachiketa's father desiring a gift from the Gods announces that he is going to
do a Great Yagna and that he will be giving away many cows (which are old
and useless) not much to win him anything.
Here Babaji explained the meaning of donation in ShivYog. You give the best
of the best to make the person receiving it happy. Do not give old stuff as
donation because then you are just getting rid of things and that is why
ShivYog is not accept donation.
Cook plenty of good food and watch the people enjoy. Pamper the people and
make them feel important that is donation and don't go calling on every roof
that I have given this or that to boost the ego. It should be done discreetly.
So, Nachiketa wanting the best for his father & said I am yours too. So to
which God will you offer me? After being pestered thus, the father in a fit of
anger said to him that I shall offer you to Yama (Yama is the God of Death).
So Nachiketa went to the house of the God of Death but he wasn't there. His
wife was there and told him that Yama will be back in Three days. Nachiketa
decided to wait. He waited for three days without eating or drinking (Babaji
here said that he was meditating waiting for the God of Death which made his
consciousness becomes purer).
When Yama arrived, he was very sorry that his guest hadn't eaten or drunk
anything while waiting for him. So he told him that he would grant him 3
wishes. Nachiketa, with an Attitude of Gratitude asked for peace for his father
and himself to which Yama accepted. Then Nachiketa asked about the Sacred
Fire Sacrifice to which Yama also agreed. Last nachiketa wanted to know the
mystery of what comes after death. He told Yama that he had heard that in
Heavens nobody was sick there was no sadness, nobody dies... I want to learn
that secret... to which Yama was reluctant. He told Nachiketa, I can grant you
many many years of life and any material gains if only you won't ask about
that. To which the boy answered then, after so many thousands of years you
will still come and get me... No! No other boon would do. He had to know.
Yama was secretly pleased with such a disciple.
The Yama taught Nachiketa how to perform the three yagnas of youthfulness,
the 3 steps to raise consciousness where disease, sorrow and fear will not
bother you and that is ---
1. Unconditional Love
2. Gratitude
3. Forgiveness
Every misery of life comes from the lack of these 3.
o The heaven is not a place it is a state of consciousness just as the hell is a state of
o However you have feeling when you are in the body. And these emotions are
multiplied a thousand of times when you leave the body.
o Anyone who has committed suicide because of some pain or fear will live that same
pain and fear a thousand times more intensely after leaving the body.
o In Tibet the body remains for 40 days and the priest prays and makes sure the soul
finds another body by telling the jeevatma you are a being of light and the soul will
create a situation like the heaven.
o The samskara remains even after a person leaves the body.
o Someone who leaves from the mooladhara and knows only the basic acts of
survival such as sex, food and shelter will still be hungry in the astral body, will still
need sex so as soon as he sees a bird or an insect mate the Soul, jeevatma is
desperate and will rush to be born again and satisfy himself.
o Below the mooladhara there are even lower realms.
o There are 3 knots that have to be pierced for the soul to leave through the higher
The Brahma Granti
The Vishnu Granti
The Rudra Granti
o The God will forgive all your sins but your central nervous system will not.
o When you want to receive God never say that you are a sinner. Due to ignorance
you might have done many mistakes but you are always forgiven.
o Meditation is not a ceremonial thing. Wherever you are get connected.
o Always two choices in life : the illumination and the darkness.
Gratitude - always concentrate on the vortex of illumination and think of only
the good that the other has done.
Forgiveness - Liberation of Collective Karma, Collective Miseries. When you
are not forgiving you are stuck with that person. Animosity starts when there
are expectations.
o It is the mind that decides and thus enters into a contract with the soul to make
things happen.
o True forgiveness is to be able to pray for the well being of that person who has hurt
o The Guru whether dead or alive always comes to meet you when you die and he
shows you the light by reassuring you.
o Yama is the teacher. Yama is not the reality but only Shiva is the reality. When you
become Shiva there is no death.
o Rituals for the dead do not help them but the best way to make them happy and
ascend is to cook plenty of food once a year and have it distributed to the poor and
none of the family members should have this.
o 365 days is equal to one day in the astral plane of Pitra Loka. So it’s like you are
giving food to them everyday.
o Artificial respiration doesn't help the soul but keeps it attached to the body.
o A dying person should either have the Mahamritunjaya mantra, the Gayatri mantra
or the Hanuman chalisa recited so that he can leave in peace and this peace is
multiplied a thousand of times when he is out of the physical body. Then he will
easily rise to the light.
o Do not curse anyone for anything. If a swindler takes money from you just be
happy that you have repaid a karmic debt and forget about the situation otherwise
the curse comes back to you many times.
o Purify the mind from anger, jealousy and all unresolved issues.
o Every incident happens so that we can learn a lesson so if we take it with a good
state of mind that yes I have learnt a lesson and have a good reaction to the incident
then there is no accumulated karma.
o No one saves us but ourselves
o Give love to all around us … animals, plants, people…
o The physical world has three gunas.
o Tamoguna originates from ignorance which leads to extremes, slothfulness and
inertia. Death in tamoguna gives birth among animals.
o Rajoguna originates from desires and attachments which lead to anticipation and
attachments to results and uncontrolled passion. Death in rajoguna gives birth
among people.
o Satoguna originates when pure knowledge illuminates that person. It leads to peace
and happiness. Death in satoguna gives birth to higher dimensions.
o With non-dual mind, one who is full of devotion towards God soon crosses these
three gunas.
o We exist in multidimensional planes.
o Depending on our level of purity, our level of consciousness our higher self also
reaches into higher realms and each time we shift to the vortex of darkness our
higher self moves further down and when we are happy, forgiving, doing seva and
good work our higher self also moves further up towards the Gods.
o Planets are an illusion everything is within us. We have to learn to tap into the
knowledge from within.
o All who are born highly in society with all comforts were higher beings. If they add
on to puniya karma as they do a lot of good work their higher selves move further
up in the higher realms but on the contrary if they use their position crush others
their higher selves move down. That is the ascension/dissension process and
the Self can move up or down. Never judge anybody only give Unconditional Love,
Forgiveness and Gratitude.
o Being born is very tricky because we forget that we came back to learn a lesson and
if we earn bad karma we go down.
o Only human beings can decide/choose. The Gods and the spiritual guides cannot
decide from a given choices.
o If a divine being is born he will take birth in a very good environment where
spirituality prevails and with a lot of comfort.
o If a divine being starts acting as a spiritual guide his evolution will only depend on
the good work that the one he is guiding is doing.
o As the person being guided progresses, more evolved beings help the person
towards spiritual growth which help in worldly growth.
o The person listening to gut feeling is always guided by higher beings.
o Grand parents often act as Spiritual Guides and they ascend depending on the
evolution of the human.
o In ShivYog the Duru becomes the Spiritual Guide because his Higher Self is there.
o If a person lives life 200% that is 100% spiritual life and 100% worldly life the
consciousness reaches the swadhisthan.
o Divide the day into 3 category:
Deva Karma - Purification of the consciousness giving light to the soul.( Early
morning meditation)
Sakam Karma - Work hard. Give 100% of yourself and when you achieve do
the punya in the outside world as selfless service.
Santi Karma - Night time spend happy moments with the family
o Your family is the soul group which has reincarnated and they have to learn a
lesson together to resolve issues of many life time.
o Keep checking the thermostat whether you are in the vortex of illumination or the
vortex of darkness.
o You will keep going to the vortex of darkness but now you know that you have to
learn a lesson and jump back into the vortex of illumination.
o The trick to erase anger is to sing here Babaji sang the song ---
" Jab koyi baat bigar jaaye
Jab koyi mushkil aa jaaye
Tum lena Shiv ka naam …Namah Shivay
Na koyi tha na koyi hay, mere Shiv ke Siba
Tum lena Shiv ka naam …Namah Shivay "
o The conscious mind is aware of good, bad, happiness, unhappiness that is the
superficial mind
o The subconscious mind is deep inside, an extension of the soul.
o Whatever you want will come to you but you must be ready to pay the price -125%
o It is the involvement of the time spent in making the project successful, how you
are visualizing and then it is the physical action.
o Here Babaji gives the example of a professor who has to deliver a course the next
day. He opens the book on the eve looks at the course he has to deliver, then goes to
sleep and deliver to his students the next day....This Babaji says is only giving
o If on the contrary he opens the text, visualizes his students, finds ways to deliver
the course so that a maximum of students can benefit from the course then deliver
the to the students its a 125% involvement.
o Karma yogi does not delegate. Before delivering a project you have to be inside of
yourself, take a feel of it then deliver. Choice is yours either you take a project and
make it 125% one or you don't take it at all.
o Most people do things at 20% this is why there are more mediocre people around.
o A Shivyogi has to decide what kind of creator he wants to be. Visualise how much
benefit you are going to deliver and make sure the person get a maximum of benefit
from what you are giving.
o No work is small.
o Have no ego, no dependency.
o Everybody has the same time but stride is different.
o Whatever you are doing take it with a very very high stride.
o We know that there are 3 states of existence the beginning (Brahma), The
sustenance (Vishnu) and the destruction (rudra)
o Only the physical aspect is destroyed but consciousness always remains.
o A Shivyogi believes in 2 more states ---
Ascension that reaches the higher beings
Ascension that reaches towards Gods
Then no death occurs.
o In raising consciousness, a Shivyogi continues raising his consciousness until the 5
bodies merge at the same frequency. That happens only when you live in the
present moment, only purification is there, total detachment is there and helping
others unconditionally is there. Then the Sada Shiva helps for Self Realization to
occur and you merge into the light. If lessons remain unlearned you have to come
back again.
Celebrate Life :
A Shivyogi does everything with Consciousness. While eating, be conscious of every
morsel, of taste texture everything. While going to sleep, say consciously that I am
going to have a very very deep relaxing sleep and that I will wake up at 5 o'clock. Stay
in full awakened Consciousness all the times.
Delhi Shree Vidya-2 December 2011
Namah Shivay, to all the Divine Beings. The Note is made in a manner that it will be a
Virtual Shivir for any sadhak reading it owing to the minutes of Babaji's Teachings that
it covers. Read on for an e-shivir which does not need any registration and which has
knowledge and facts that can never be "Googled".
Parameter to judge One's Spiritual Level
If one possesses these traits then one can assume that one is progressing towards the right
direction i.e. of being an urdharetah.
1. No manipulation as a means to achieve any end.
2. Aasteya or having an eye only at what is written in one's destiny and working to
make a perfect and prosperous life instead of peeping into others' wealth wishing
for a pie in it and eventually resorting to petty manoeuvrings to snatch what is
3. Willing to let go of negativity. No detachments to any painful incidents of the past
and proceeding with a clean slate after the shivir by performing ablutions in Guru's
Sadhana shakti to wash away all the karmic layers.
4. Highlighting the good qualities in all.
5. Happiness in every state. Creating goodness in life instead of complaining over
trivial matters.
Miscellaneous Points
Before starting any Sadhana, bow before the Guru, thank Him and dedicate the
Sadhana at the lotus feet of the Guru. ("Guru tatwa ko samarpan, Guru ke Charan
Paduka me samarpan")
Babaji gave the Prarambhik Deeksha mantra to the sadhaks who attended the level
one lasting 2 days.
Babaji highlighted a vice of all sadhaks Sraban, Sankirtan and Manan of
negativity. We hear criticism of something or someone that is Shravan (careful
listening) of negativity. We then spread this criticism far and wide in the name of
gossip which is Sankirtan (collective chanting) of negativity. Lastly after
committing the aforementioned follies we contemplate on the negativity with
utmost concentration which can be called as Manan (deep rumination) over the
Listening, Spreading and Thinking (Sraban, Sankirtan and Manan) of any kind of
negative talk brings about the fast descent of the Kundalini Shakti (serpent power
which symbolizes our consciousness) which Babaji raises painstakingly through a
Shivir. It is for the same reason that after a few months, the divinity of a shivir
seems to wear off. Never even be a part of malicious and defamatory conversations
even if they involve decrying the policies of the government because Shravan
results in incidents entering the sub conscious mind which in turn becomes the root
cause of misery.
See good in everything.
For all Shree Vidya 2 sadhaks, Babaji will arrange orientation programs to prepare
the sadhaks for Shree Vidya 3 since in the level 2, lot of things remain unsaid.
Special cards will be issued to all upon filling of a form.
Infatuation to any object is a reaction.
Be like a batsman in cricket who comes to the crease even after getting dismissed in
the previous one. Never get bogged down with difficulties. Be resilient. Remember
that "Anything that doesn’t kill you makes you stronger."
A minimum of 45 minutes of chanting is a must daily.
When in problem do not think about the problem. Think of Shiva and the problem
will be alleviated on its own.
Fear is caused by falsity so never lie and the emotion of fear will be exterminated
from life forever.
The people who are calm and tranquil i.e. possessing sambhaav will be unaffected
by diseases. Those engaged in hurting others, talking ill of others, ill of society etc.
will fall sick as soon as any disease becomes widespread in the region which they
Do not try to correct or change others. Be an example for them to follow.
A Shree Vidya sadhak should be duty bound.
As a male he must respect women and treat his wife to abundance of love and care
non peril.
As a female she should cook herself for everyone and arrange the house. Cooking
and adding her emotions into the food so that love between she and her family
members burgeons.
As a father he should go "all out" to help impart good education and all the
resources to his children.
As a child, he/she must study hard, revere his elders and perform the duty of
attaining wealth of knowledge to earn means to livelihood one day.
As a sadhak, gratitude to The Guru who bestowed Brham Gyan to him is a must.
Thank he must, also to everybody who helps him by any means and try to
reciprocate to the best of his abilities.
Babaji is running from pillar to post to spread the divine wisdom of the holy
siddhas. Since the last 3 months He has not stayed in the Gurgaon Ashram, His
physical abode for more than 3 days at a stretch and rest is the time taken for the
journey via airplane from one shivir location to the other. He is working
relentlessly for 30 days. He does Sadhana at night now. Sleeps almost zilch. All for
the love of Humanity.
The year 2000 was, as predicted by Nostradamus, an apocalyptic year,
The siddhas however descended on this dimension and formed a protective shield
of energy in the form of Shree chakra and ushered it towards ascension.
As a consequence of this, 21 December 2012 will be the Ascension Day when
earlier, purportedly 2/3rd of the world population was to perish.
Destruction on that scale has now been precluded.
In every relationship, try to be a Friend first. Never harbour any expectation.
Never be angry and rise above bodily pleasures.
Never judge and criticize anyone. Every soul has its soul agenda and has come on
the planet to learn lessons from the time spent here and one has no right to
intervene in other beings' karmas.
Avdhoot means zero or nothing. When one becomes nothing i.e. having no limits,
no boundaries, no attachments, no measure of bliss, one becomes advait or One
with the Almighty. The term for such a being is Avdhoot.
As a Shree Vidya sadhak never let people touch your Forehead or head region since
if you regularly do Sadhana, you will generate enormous divine energy and it will
be transferred to unwanted channels. Avoid body contact with others. Never let
people touch your feet and whenever possible do not touch others' feet.
Proliferate happiness and Sadhana Shakti and not your sorrows.
Why does Babaji always say Create and never Complain ?
When we immerse ourselves in sorrow and become a Moaning Minnie perpetually, our
Aura is besieged and surrounded by a "Body of pessimism" which eventually attracts
bad luck, poor fortune and all adversities that the world has to offer.
Any form of blessing sent to such a person is warded off by the sheath of negativity
which flanks the Aura. Moreover such an energy layer attracts more of such energy and
life becomes the proverbial "living hell". Complaining also increases prabdha bhog
and Sanchit Karma! That is why Babaji goads all to never complain.
When there is an air of tranquillity around, anything can be created through will power.
Doing 45 minutes of chanting which Babaji calls "Babaji Bhajan Singing" or BBS
opens the chakras and energy flow throughout the body is streamlined which keeps
diseases at bay.
Senses have been given to us not to succumb to our desires but to reach divinity
and become One with The Ultimate. The ears to listen to satsang and sankirtan,
the eyes to experience God in the form of pleasant sights which are the reason of
joy, the mouth to chant Shiva's name. So its upto the individual to make use of
these endowments of nature i.e. Indriyaan or Senses.
Spirituality in the current times has become of 3 types:
1. Fear based - Example being "forward this message to 5 people otherwise
Shani Maharaj will obliterate you."
2. Greed based - Example being "Chant this mantra 108 times a day to get
instant relief from problems." This does not clear prarabd bhog i.e. it does not
alter the destiny in any way. Dejection if it is negated in one way, would take
another form and come to trouble again.
3. Devotion based - This includes doing everything in the name of God and is
the most superior of the three. The only drawback is that people tend to get
Following the principles of Yam and Niyam is very essential if one is to progress
high in spirituality and be liable for higher meditation deekshas. Babaji dwelt on 3
of the salient aspects of Yam-Niyam:
1. Satya - Never indulge in blowing your own trumpet. In Doing this, not only
does one fuel one's ego, one lies about hypothetical achievements to win
applause from others. Bragging and boastfulness leads to nowhere. Always
tell the truth because it is after being untruthful that one sows seeds of fear
in oneself. When there is no falsity, the emotion of fear is nixed.
2. Ahingsa - Babaji said that similar to herds of animals, humans also impose
their strength on weaker ones. He used the term "alpha male" to describe this
tendency. The root cause of Aggression is fear of being superseded.
3. Aasteya - The Father of Indian Healing also laid stress on the need to acquire
one's own means keeping in mind morals. There is ample for everyone. Do
not try to grab what is others'. Earn your possessions yourself.
Babaji's Quotes
Motive of your birth is not delving into outward incidents but being a mere witness
to them.
Develop so much Unconditional love within yourself through Sadhana that
expectation of love from the outside ceases. Have a giving nature vis a vis
everything in life. And "giving" encompasses love also.
Attachment to matters is a sign of weakness. Be strong enough to let go. Stay
detached. Don’t think about incidents too much.
A ShivYogi always witnesses the Action and overlooks the reaction. Brahma Gyan
is detachment from an action.
Sambhaav or uniform perception of each incident. Always radiate unconditional
Prem ka sambhaav hona abashyak hay! Never be selective in love. Love everyone
despite any misgiving that may be there in your mind.
Kuchh log kehte hay ki mere pitaji to samajhdaar hay. Main unko prem karunga. Mata meri
thori kam aachhi hay, to unhe itna nehi karunga. Yaa phir --- Mere pitaji to bare daante hay.
Unhe main pyaar nehi karta. Maa kuchh nehi kahti, to main unse hi pyaar karta huin!
Never be Selective in Love. While Giving Love, No Logic. Just Give Love.
Negative emotions in us come to the fore since the consciousness is stuck in
Connection to Shiva and Guru is broken the moment intention becomes impure.
Kabhi kisi se irsha ka bhaav mat rakhna. Aapne laksh ki or agrasar hona. Jo unnati kar rahe
hay, so kare. Tum sref aapne gantyabya ko dekho. Help others achieve their goal while
simultaneously accomplishing yours but if otherwise, Prakriti eise byakti ka bikash rok
deti hay. Be happy with others in their moment of glory and success. Never compete
with others. Competition should only be with your own self.
Kuchh log mujhse kahte hay Babaji, main to dusre ke bhala me mara gyaya. Yeh bakya
agyani ka hay. Mujhe batao, auro me tum bhi aate ho ke nehi? Yaad rakhho, yeh sharir tum
nehi ho, yeh sharir tumhara hay. Tum to wo jyotirmay aatma ho. So, kisi ka hit karne
nikalna, to aapne hit jarur kar lena. Gulam nehi banna.
Power struggle and lobbying for your group is the preserve of the close hearted.
Develop your inner voice by meditations so that the Guru element gets activated
and everything that you do is in consonance with nature's laws.
Guru bahaar se nahi milta. Woh to tumhare bhitar ka Guru Tatwa ka bahaari rupantaran
hay. Brahma Gyani Guru ka aarth hay ki Guru Tatwa prabal hay. Jab andar wala bahaar
aayega to such hi sukh hoga.
Dukh me simran sab kare, Sukh me kare na koi,
Jo Sukh me simran kare, to dukh kahe ko hoi…
A ShivYogi always sustains the attitude of gratitude and thanks God even in
difficult circumstances for giving him the courage to fight so adversity does not
linger around him.
The person who is really confident and powerful is unaffected by threats and brow
beating since he knows that others cannot harm him. So always remember that
aggression and anger is a sign of weakness.
Main to bahut aachchha byakti hu, magar duniya to bahut buri hay. Mujhe khaa jaayegi.
Yeh ek adham byakti ka soch hay.
Always give love to all and more importantly keep your intention pure. Never
judge, criticize and analyze others. See qualities in all.
Sraddha aur bhakti ke bhaav aapne liye bhi lekar aao. Aapne ko aadar se rakhho, kiu ki aap
Narayan banne ki yaatra prarambh kar chuke ho. Aap Shree Vidya ke Brahma Vidya ke
sadhak ho. Iska matlab yeh bhi nehi, ki duniya bhar se aapne bakhyan gaayao, aur pyar
chhuyao. Har Samay binamra ryehna.
Worship the Shiva within. Worship the Guru element, the God element.
Jeevan dhyanya ho jaata hay, yadi –
o Ek bhi gay ki seva le li jaaye.
o Ek bhi bachche ki parai ka jimma utha liya jay.
o Ek bhi gareev ki larki ka ghar basa diya jay.
Dena sikhho. Niskaam seva karo. Karm katenge.
Dosti karni hay to uss Shiv se karna. Sansaarik dosto me byaar to aanaa hi hay. Jab dost
tumhari baat nehi shunega, tumhare ichchha anusaar nehi chalega, tab wo dushman ban
jayega. Magar Shiv se dosti karoge to sab tumhare mitra satah hi ban jaayenge. Aur mouj ki
baat yeh hay ki, eisi dosti me lagab nehi, bairagya rahega.
Bhagya rachayita bano, bhagya-baadi nehi.
entails speaking and meaning the same
thing. So a person saying something
and in reality having a different take in
the mind is doing what Babaji calls
as “Mithya Bhashan”.
The third one and also the most lethal
has the potentiality to cause births and
re births. An example can be feeling of
rage which one decides to withhold.
This accumulates inside to spawn
diseases. So never even think negatively. Just be a witness to every situation. Smile
over situations.
to fulfil our worldly duties and dedicate ourselves to our profession with utmost
zeal. All day long we must persevere at our workplaces. We must enjoy also.
But when at home, we must switch off and completely immerse ourselves in
divinity, totally detached from the goings on of the day that was.
Significance of a Shivyogi is being a Maharaj
A Maharaj is king of the infinite. It is for the same reason that even saints with a
dishevelled look are called "Maharaj". This is so because they have reached The
A ShivYogi must not settle for being a Raja because the desire for being one is
driven by Ego. Maharaja on the other hand is limitless. Maharaja Janak in the epic
Ramayana was a paragon of an individual. Babaji said we must strive to be like
him. He enjoyed Bhog and Moksh both.
"Worship Gods and not any Individuals. Not even Shivananda."
Babaji opined that it is time ShivYogis worship only Gods and not humans. He
envisaged a meditation room having a Pooja altar with only Shiv Linga and
Guru's photo, if you wish to keep, do so one level below but not with Meru and
Linga. The photo however can be hung on walls or elsewhere.
“Agar tum Shivanand ki tasveer rakh rahe ho, alag se aapne puja sthal par, iska matlab hay
ki tum mujhe Shiv se alag samajh rahe ho. Agar Shivling rakh liya, to usme main bhi
bidyamaan hunga. Kiu ki, Shivanand se Shiv ko alag nehi kiya jaa sakta.”
Have a clean Pooja altar with no crowding of deities. However Tratak on Guru’s
Picture just before Daily Sadhana will help Disciple for quick establishing of Divine
Connection with Siddha-Guru-Mandala.
"Beech ka maarg kuchh nehi hota! Either you are infinite or you are finite."
Babaji harped on the fact that if there is Yog, there can’t be contrasting behaviors.
“Kabhi Bhay kabhi Aatma-biswas, kabhi Biswas kabhi Shanka, kabhi Prem kabhi
Ghrina pal me tola, pal me masha! Yeh tum andhakaar ki sadhana kar rahe ho,
jiska phal hay yeh sab. Agar biswas ek hi prakaar ke aa rahe ho, to samajh lena,
Yog ho raha hay.” Agar bastav me sadhana ho rahi hay, to yeh sab hoga :---
Disease free life, healthy relationships, unparalleled success, abundance, prosperity,
ever lasting happiness, no void in life.
A ShivYogi is ---
1. Flexible and Youthful
2. Possessing Excellent Health
3. Bubbling with Enthusiasm
4. Brimming with Energy and Confidence
5. Has a "Reflex Action" of Success
Select one thing in life. Uniformity in emotions will lead to uniformity in the
endocrine secretions and establishment of a homogeneous energy and atomic
configuration of cells around which will have development of iron will as its
Reflex Action of Success
Babaji shed light as to how instinct is stronger than action. An example to
understand this is that when we touch a very hot object the hand is automatically
pulled away at a speed with which we don’t generally move the hand. Likewise
when through Meditation we enhance our Nervous system, the instinct or reflex
action starts to take over our normal course of behaviour. The sub conscious, starts
to listen to the inner voice and forges a connection with the supreme powers and
whatever action we perform is a reflex action.
Any activity we lay our hands into, turns into a success. Being victorious becomes a
reflex action i.e. it becomes a triumph even before we realize it. Whatever we touch
turns into Gold. In other words we attain The Midi’s Touch.
“Jis din Titli banoge, uss din uraan bharoge.”
Babaji cited the example of a butterfly which during the course of its life span,
undergoes drastic metamorphosis from being an egg to becoming a butterfly.
Egg ---Larva---Pupa---Caterpillar---Butterfly
But as humans we are born in one form and remain in one form.Without doing
Sadhana throughout our lives we seek another chance at Salvation at our death.
Avoid this. Lead a meaningful life by balancing both career and divine activities.
Babaji implored all to evolve and activate the inner powers by meditation and in the
busy time table of ours, eke out time to educate ourselves of the powers within
instead of a stagnated state throughout one's life.
Electromagnetic Field around every Individual
There exists a field of radiations around every human being. The types of radiations
depend on the vibrations around the person. The vibrations are in turn governed by
our emotions. One type of radiation attracts some more radiation of its kind. Har
haal men khushi would mean the energy and vibrational field around a person
would remain that of successful positive vibrations and would in turn attract more
of success.
Expanding the electro magnetic field will change the atomic configuration and
ambience around the person. And this expansion can be brought forth by giving
more and more love through the heart. All sadhaks must practice this.
“Haamesha khush ryahna, aur baachcho ki tarha bane ryehna”.
Babaji said that in adverse situations also we must radiate unconditional love so
that the vibes around us remain balanced. "If energy around you is in the shape of a
Shree Chakra, you will create happiness in all aspects of life", said He.
“Jihwa dosh se bachna.”
Say things that emit positivity “Eyse bachan bolna, jinse aatmo suddhi ho.”
Never utter words which bring yours and others energy down “Bachan me kisi ki ahit
ka bhaav kabhi naa laana. Jo bhi bachan kaho, yaa suno, usme Bhagawan ka baas ho. Agar
kahi agyanta me, galti se, apshabd bol hi diya ho, to usse kahi adhik baar sankirtan kar lena.”
Intention behind speaking should be good.
“Jab jiska maan mayla hoga, wo khushi lega kisi ki majak ura kar. Baba ne kaha hay --- Haar
haal me Khushi. Magar aasli khushi wo, jo Chitt tak pouhche. Kisi ki khilli ura kar, tum
haas to loge, magar yeh baat waysi hay – jyayse phaansi par kharish karna. Majaa to aata
hay, par phaansi aur mota ho jaati hay, aur khoon nikal aata hay.”
3. Rockstar ---
Babaji was shown the movie and He ordered its closure when He saw that the
driving force of Janardhan was sorrow.
“Sawa ghanta picture chalayi! Wo dadi-dadi ban ke gaana bajaane laag gyayaa, aur bara ban
gyaya, dukh se pirit ho kar! Main kehta huin, agar tum sukh me ryah kar gaana gaao, to
tum keya ban jaayoge? Haar haal me khush ryeh kar safalta prapt karo. Yeh safalta, dard
wali safalta se kahi saktishali aur maan ko shanti dene wali hogi.”
Showing the way as to how better singing is done by exuding happiness while
[ Along with this Shivir, rest most Shivir-Notes were posted in ShivYog Wisdom, official
facebook Page … in Notes section … ]
Delhi Shivir May 2012
Namah Shivay, Chattarpur is a de facto homestead of Babaji and when the shivir is in
Delhi, a land privileged to be Babaji’s physical dwelling, the description too needs to
be special. In keeping with the aforesaid words, the following write up will be a
veritable shivir for those who didn’t attend it. For those who did, it will be a welcome
recall of all of the divine Wisdom with which Babaji Graced the legion of sadhaks from
not only Delhi but, foreign shores too.
As a foreword to the note, a special anecdote which Babaji Himself narrated on the 5th day
of the shivir about the establishment of Markandey Bhawan by Sant Baba Nagpalji is
being included.
The inner consciousness recognizes every disease and with immediate effect, begins
the diagnosis, nay healing. But we have moulded ourselves such that we have
become far removed from our soul and inner consciousness, consequently having to
bear the brunt of disease, weakness, laziness and other such insidious maladies.
Familial values have all but forgotten. Dining together has given way to the
decadent “personal space” which in reality is the root cause of unprecedentedly high
cases of depression, reported across the globe lately. There is an alarming need to
head back to the roots of our supreme Indian culture.
Sit together with the family. Thank Maa Annapuneshwari for the privilege that you have of
getting tasty food with so much ease and happiness all through the day. Pray that may
all humans get to eat four square meals a day. Invocation of Maa Sanjeevani can also be done
and the request to Maa sanjeevani to flow through the food will heighten the life force energy
of the food.
Learn lessons from every incident. Do not repeat mistakes. The super conscious
which is God residing in you, knows that committing a mistake the second time over
means doing it deliberately. Seek forgiveness for your actions with a promise and
vow to never repeat them. This is called taking lessons from incidents of life.
The Guru can only show the path. Treading on it is the prerogative of the disciple.
The need to undertake short term, medium term and long term goals is immense for
any sadhak aspiring to attain self realization.
Root cause of every disease is psycho somatic.
The emotions of helplessness, suppression of one’s voice and deep resentment cause
Arthritis. So always let others have a say. For example at times it is seen that the
patriarchal head of the family doesn’t allow the womenfolk to express themselves.
Always sustain happiness and unconditional love. Only humans have the power to
choose their emotions, so choose unconditional love and happiness.
The characteristic of dhyan is in us from the day we are born. Just that it is directed
to the Infinite when the Guru enlightens.
Jo kano ka kachcha hay, usske andar madhu-kaitav namak asuro ka baas hay.
Arthat, burai sunne par udaas, aur wah-bahi sunne par prafullit hone wale byakti
ko ghor tap ki abashyakta hay.
Rise above attitude change on hearing good or bad. Very often we wish to know who said
what about us or most of the times we are eager to find someone who sings our praises. Babaji
says steer clear of such practices. Both of them foment ego.
Never have the intention of manipulation.
You can become a devta only when you become a human being first.
Acknowledge your mistakes. Promise and pledge not to repeat them. Only then can
you become a good human. But if you do not own up your faults and continue with
them, you are comparable with an animal.
Try to be like the flower of Lotus. Be unfettered and unrestrained. The worldly vices
should not influence you.
Do not view the world through your prism. Just follow the Guru’s advice. Help
nature, Unconditionally Love all and Accept all.
When one sails with the nature and surrenders to the Guru smile like this automatically
adorns the face and everything falls into place.
The flow of Bio-etheric energy in the Pran shareer is responsible for the proper
functioning of the physical organs in our body. If any organ is diseased, it means
there is lack of Bio-etheric energy at that point in the Pran Shareer. Sticky, Black
Energy at this point is because of some Karmic Factors. Karmas in the Gyanmay
shareer control the vibrations of the Manomay shareer which in turn control the
energy in the Pran Shareer and ultimately the physical result of this process is seen as
a disease in the physical body.
The four stages of life as stated in our scriptures Brahmacharya, Grihastha,
Vanaprastha and Sannyas. Babaji opined that do the best irrespective of the ashram
you’re in. Know your duties as a student, as a husband, as a wife, as a mother, as a
father, as a grandfather etc.
Lead life in a flexible way. Forgiveness is the best virtue to imbibe flexibility within.
For a flexible object, free fall won’t be as hurtful as it would be for a stiff object. So if
as a person you’re stiff, a closed person, a snob, arrogant, its time that you open up
and inculcate the cheer through Sadhana and seva.
Positive Reactions to even Negative Situations will turn the negativity to positivity.
Have a strong belief within yourself that you will be successful in whatever you do.
Babaji emphasized on the role of music in providing an impetus to Spiritual Growth.
He said every individual note in the octave of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni Sa
corresponded to each chakra. He also asked those involved in music to practice this.
While singing Sa, do the dhyan of Mooladhar, then Re at Swadhisthan. So on and so
Sa - Mooladhar
Re - Swadhisthan
Ga - Manipur
Ma - Anahat
Pa - Vishuddhi
Dha - Agya (or Ajna)
Ni - Sahastrasar (or Sahasrar)
Sa - Jyotirmay chakra (Soul-Star above Sahastrasar)
For an even better experience, substitute
Sa with Na
Re with Ma
Ga with Shi
Ma with Va
Pa with Ya
Dha with Om
Ni with Om
Sa with Om
Keep the tune same. Meaning the way you sing Sa, the same way sing Na.
Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni Sa … Sa Ni Dha Pa Ma Ga Re Sa
Na Ma Shi Va Ya Om Om Om … Om Om Om Na Ma Shi Va Ya
Octave and reverse octave to be sung like this:
Mooladhar Swadhisthan Manipur Anahat Vishuddhi Agya
Na Ma Shi Va Ya Om
Sahastrasar Jyotirmay Chakra
Om Om
It turned out to be an eye-opening two days for the gents and ladies in Delhi at the
Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga run by the Government of India, Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare, Department of Ayush. As student after student posed riddle-
like questions, Babaji was at his responsive best, answering all of them with nonchalant
ease and quite convincingly too. Babaji infused immense pride in all the Yoga students
and teachers listening to him with rapt attention. He said Ayush is set to not only reach
new heights itself, but to take Indian wisdom to the world. The representative of the
institute reciprocated the honour bestowed on him and his wards by inviting Babaji to
devise an academic course in ShivYog in the institution for it to prosper even more with
Babaji’s Blessings.
The students were in awe of Babaji and addressed him as “Sir”. They were content that all
their questions evoked convincing answers from the self realized master, who went out of
his way to explain the ShivYog concepts in the terminology and language of the young.
Babaji declared that on Monday, he had initiated the students in the basic ShivYog
meditation and devoted 7 years of his meditational energy in the process to the students.
The Babaji-Student Q & A - Interaction
1) Gender Bias - Shooting down myths and debunking deep-seated superstitious
stereotypes, Babaji out-rightly rubbished the notion of disallowing women to meditate
during the five days of every month. Coming down heavily on those who fanned such
nonsensical beliefs, he also questioned the logic of discrimination between male and
female in conduct of rituals or spiritual practices. This was a clear reference to practice
of not granting permission to women to chant certain mantras in some societies.
2) Night Time, Bad Time? To a question on whether performing meditation at night is
inauspicious since some people believe negative energy to be prevalent at that time,
Babaji retorted, “Please do not believe in hear-say. There is no mention of such a thing
in the vedas or purans. This Koi Puran selling myths must never be believed. ShivYog
meditation is the phenomenon of the highest dimension. It inspires you to give up
limiting beliefs of time and space. Whenever you do the Sadhana, the energy
automatically becomes positive. And its not about day or night. You are infinite. The
infinitely luminous sun is infinite. When its day here, it is night time in some other
part of the world. Sun is there all the time. There is no question of negativity or
positivity at any time. It is your thoughts which make or break you. Where you
meditate, darkness cannot exist. Be the illumination. Stop reposing faith in limiting
3) The ShivYog Advantage - When asked what edge does ShivYog provide over other
forms of Yogic practices, Babaji explained that ShivYog combines the best of the best
from the Indian Yogic practices and takes the experience to a new level by adding the
upliftment of the consciousness to them. The “Ras” or flavour in every activity said
Babaji lay hidden. Only a risen consciousness could experience it, he added. This was
the best aspect to ShivYog. The person who comes on the first day of a ShivYog
meditational programme returns as a completely different person on the last day. The
thoughts, the attitude, the behaviour all change with the enhancement of the
consciousness level and activation of subtle perceptions.
4) Breathing for Accomplishment - Responding to the query that how could breath be
kept deep and yogic at all times, Babaji said, “Shallow Breathing is the trait of a person
in haste. Such a person is bound to err often. There will be no perfection or feeling in
what he does. Whereas a sagacious person, who is full of wisdom will have a gravitas,
a weight in his voice. Whatever he will say, he will strike a chord with the listener.
Every sadhak must duly think, feel and then utter anything. You are a Yogi. There has
to be earnestness, sincerity and purpose in your speech. Don’t just blabber all the time,
without thinking, without seeing the response of the listener, without measuring the
words. Be aware. ShivYog is awareness. Be calculative.”
5) Time Taken for Self Realization - When a keen student asked Babaji how long it
would take to activate all Chakras and attain Self-Realization, Babaji said, “Time is the
phenomenon of the third dimension. Self-Realization is the phenomenon of the
Highest Dimension. In the Higher Dimensions, it is the intention that decided what
you get and when you get. That is why, I say live a life with objectives clearly laid out
each day. Repeatedly practice perfection. Do the best in the world first. In your
journey, live life 200%. 100% worldly life & 100% spiritual. Self-Realization will come
quite easily if you practice this. But I would rather request you at a young age to focus
on achieving perfection at everything you do. Hardwork, goodness & patience are
6) Lessons from Mistakes - A student enquired from Babaji how it was possible to find
positivity in the face of negative turn of events in life. Analysis and negativity seem
necessary at times, she put forth. Clarifying to the student, the knowledge incarnate
Babaji asserted, “Dear child. ShivYog says that mistakes, negativity and analysis are
unimportant in life. The thing which matters is what lessons you have derived from
the setbacks.”
7) Age & ShivYog - An old teacher at the institute raised a question, seeking answer to
the conundrum in his mind that in spirituality whether age was a bar or whether there
was a specific age that one has to start from. The incisive Babaji delivered the most
prudent reply. “Jab jago tab sabera. The moment you decide to awaken, the wisdom
will dawn upon you. Have you heard of the incident where a 90-year old man decided
to learn martial arts and despite his late realization and belated intention went on to
win a black belt? So you see the journey begins the moment you decide. Physical age
should never be a barrier.”
Gurgaon Navratri Shakti Sadhana Shivir February 2013
Just three days left for the opening of the shivir and the Leisure Valley Grounds were
being prepared for another mega event – Babaji’s Navratri Shakti Sadhana Shivir. A huge
crowd was expected as this shivir was a new offering from Babaji and moreover, this was
the first shivir that Babaji was to grace after a long time in secluded Sadhana. Soon, with
just three days left for the shivir to begin, heavy rains lashed Gurgaon and it rained
heavily; in a way it never happened during monsoons also. The whole ShivYog team were
engaged in every way and left no stone unturned. When things were done, with just a day
left, the rains poured again and did not stop. The dark clouds were announced by news
channels to be around for the next 3 days – which meant a wet season into the first two
days of shivir too! Though these sudden change of climatic events was totally unexpected,
ShivYog sadhaks seva team yet made quick plans and did every to protect the seating
grounds, using JCB to excavate the sandy soil that had become mucky, and finding means
to pump water out of the grounds and wondering what rain proof solutions could be
Back in the ashram, Babaji was in His usual calm self, even discussing important things in
His usual smiley mode. Leave aside the thought of the next day event, it appeared as
though for Him there were no rains itself.
The final night passed with the rain unwilling to stop and at the same time sadhaks too
unwilling to stop. Next day, evening 4 p.m. was the scheduled shivir time and it was
morning but still dark and raining. With weather forecast not showing any mercy,
everyone just continued to do whatever they needed to do to keep things to the mark.
Then, something mysterious began happening. At around 12 noon, suddenly the sun
showed up and within an hour the entire sky was blue! People who anticipated that the
program would begin late because of the weather were surprised to see Babaji walking
into the stage at the destined time.
As Babaji walked in, a group of folk singers from Haryana performed a rich cultural song
with two little boys dancing to the traditional beats of the huge drums on the stage.
Babaji was applied the tilak and worn the traditional pagari. It seemed Babaji was enjoying
the performance of the rural artists. Close to 15,000 people had gathered to be a part of this
sacred shivir, to receive initiation and learn the Navratri Shakti Sadhana.
As the music died down, Babaji began with the words, “A ShivYogi never complains, but
creates…” This He pointed out to the sudden worries that had sprouted in the minds of
everyone due to sudden changes in weather.
Baba said that the Divine Mother had been certainly taking test of ShivYogis with this
unexpected downpour. He laughingly mentioned, Mother said, “Watch how sadhaks will
come running to you worried about the situation” to which Babaji replied that He was
sure that ShivYogis would be firm and that how many times ever the ground would be
flooded, they would attempt to make it dry, be it day or night. Then with a glee Baba said,
“….but when I saw it rained even overnight, I said, Maa, now I am not complaining but I
am praying; please stop it now.” There was a huge laughter. Then He added that the seva
sadhaks had passed this test 100/100 to which there was a roar of “Har Har Mahadev”
and applause. Babaji added that during these days of confusion, not even a single time
did any seva sadhak come to Him and talk about the climate or what was to be done, but
silently did what had to be done. He blessed all the sadhaks who had brought in this
powerful wave of devotion and trust.
And, so began the shivir with the bhajan to Lord Ganapathy “Vighna Vinashak Ganapati
After that, every single day the shivir went on for five hours filled with bhajans, teachings,
stories from scriptures and their in-depth meaning, the subtle meaning of Durga Saptshati
Paat and teaching of the Navratri Shakti Sadhana. Mass shaktipat took place along with
healings at the end of every day as Babaji initiated and raised the vibrations for the benefit
of all present.
Babaji even exclusively did the “Mata Ki Chowki” on the first and last day, even ordering
CDs to be made on the request of people gathered who wanted to take home back with
them and replay the magic of this “Mata Ki Chowki” in Babaji’s voice and form.
Every night ended with the thousands being served with the bhandara (holy food) with
the help of the seva team.
Following are the pearls gathered from the entire Shivir, Day - 1
God can be reached with simplicity and bhaav and not any show-offs.
My Sadhana has been for don’t know how many years, but whenever when I threw
away wisdom and focused on my bhaav, I went into Samadhi.
If you feel that you and God are separate, then God can never be found.
You will find God every single day if you are able to live in the strong feeling that
God is always with you, that whenever you call She will come, that you don’t have to
get worried, that whatever is happening in your life is happening for your ultimate
good and for you to learn from it.
To explain this in depth, Babaji narrated a story. A poor farmer once approached a
pandit, who had fooled him saying He meets with Lord Shiva everyday. The farmer
always had this strong urge to see Lord Shiva and when asked how could he also
meet God, the pandit dismissed him off saying one has to offer the Lord bhog (meal
offering) before having his meals. The simpleton taking the pandit’s advice seriously
went to the temple near his farm and sat besides the Shiva Linga and before eating
his food, he offered a share of it to the Lord. For him offering bhog meant that the
Lord would himself come in person to partake it. Nothing happened. The simple
farmer continued toiling his farm without eating food as He wondered why the bhog
remained untouched and why the Lord was not coming. This went on for days, but
on the fifth day Lord Shiva appeared from the Shivalinga and sat besides him. The
farmer was very happy and at the same time angry and asked the Lord what took
Him so many days to come whereas He would come to the pandit everyday. The
Lord pleased with his utmost simplicity promised him that He would come everyday
to have food. The farmer immediately excitedly asked the Lord to have the rotis and
onions that was kept for him stating that the Lord would not feel hungry. When the
farmer met the pandit, he expressed his gratitude to him for helping him know how
to meet God, to which the pandit was perplexed and asked what was he talking
about. The famer revealed all that had happened and also added that currently he
was even bringing more quantity of food with double-roti so that Lord Shiva was
contended and that after the Lord ate, he would eat his meals. The pandit told him
that since so many years he was regularly involved in the worship of Lord Shiva, but
he never even had a glimpse of Him and here is this farmer who actually sits and
eats food with him. Babaji mentioned here that the farmer thought it was the offering of food
that made the Lord come but in reality it was his very simple, sincere yet strong bhaav of love
and belief that made even the Lord of Lords come to him.
I am telling you what ShivYog is. Merging with the infinite. ShivYog is your
emotions and intentions. If your intentions are intense and pure then you will
certainly meet Him.
Once I went to a place where there was a temple of Lord Shiva that was built by the
pandavas and on top of the mountain was a Siddha’s cave. A villager went to the
Siddha and pleaded that he too wished to become like him. The Siddha asked them
to close their eyes and sit besides him and that they would get the wisdom. The
villager asked how would he ever be able to know that he has received the wisdom.
The Siddha picked up a small stone and asked him to keep it in his mouth and that
the day the stone would become mishri (candy), he would know that he has received
it all. A few years passed and his wisdom eventually increased. The Sadhana (of
merging) had given him everything.
I repeat again – all the wisdom of scriptures and mantras are within you. When your
sense organs turn from outward to inward you begin receiving it.
My Guru had told me not to read books; but that I am the book myself and that I
have to go within. The wisdom includes the wisdom of merging with the infinite. I
got the wisdom. I did not read books but only did Sadhana and did noble deeds as
advised by my Guru.
If you ask a learned person what is the noblest pious deed he may ask you to take a
dip in the Ganges, go on pilgrimage, etc. … these also are good deeds for sure but
what my Guru told me was that the noblest action (karma) was to feed the hungry.
You only have to bring in the sincere bhaav, He is the doer, He will provide with
A real devotee of God is not the one who eyewashes, who read four holy verses, who
rings the bell, but a true ShivYogi is the who gets involved and assists in the welfare
of the creation of the creator with full of love.
Get involved in Go Seva; I am not talking religion here but I am talking to you about
spirituality, about ShivYog because the cow is involved in the balance of nature and
you helping cows means you are automatically helping this process.
You who are doing Shakti Sadhana will see a constant change in your thoughts and
behaviour and reactions to incidents in daily life.
My dear ShivYog sadhaks, be persistent in your Sadhana and if you wish to increase
your energies, change your attitude (emotions) towards Sadhana and the Divine.
That is shraddha, bhakti and vishwaas (trust, devotion and faith) towards God.
Start conversing at least first, start asking at least. Don’t ask once and leave, be
consistent in your emotion and prayers.
This should be our bhaav, but our bhaav instead is on ‘How can I trouble that
person? How can I make others feel inferior? How can I show others how powerful I
Now after you learn how to organize Mata Ki Chowki, go and enjoy it. Organize
Mata Ki Chowki in your localities. You have been organizing DJ parties and drinks,
now organize Mata Ki Chowki.
I strongly request you to quit alcohol. This is one major cause of downfall and
negative energies get dominant with it.
Dedicate 2-3 hours out of your 24 hours in purifying your Self with Sadhana, seva
and sankirtan.
Take His name in these hours atleast because God knows for the rest of the hours
what all do you speak and what all your think with your mind. And, thinking and
speaking inferior things is invoking the evil.
Innumerable Siddhas have come into your life since so many lifetimes and all of
them have come with just that one purpose that you don’t wander off the path and
that you finally merge with Him.
Day - 2
Evil energies are hidden in alcohol.
Give your children the wisdom and show them the way. You be the example. If you
yourself drink alcohol and tell your children to refrain from it, how will they
Little children are our future. Let them not move towards this intoxication but
towards being intoxicated in God.
Do Mati Ki Chowki and give Prasad. Till now you must have given a lot of parties
and satisfied the asuras, now call on the Divine Mother and make Shiv-Shiva
Mata Ki Chowki is the remedy for clearing all types of doshas and your homes will
become a divine place where only auspicious tasks will be done.
Quarrels that happen without any meaning and people wonder why they fight
without intending to fight which was because you were deviating from God,
deviating from your inner self. If you really want power and peace connect with your
inner self, become one with God.
Powers do not come from outside, but from within.
After Mata Ki Chowki, everyone sit down and do Durga Saptshati in a simple way.
Simple means without involving all the beginning mantras and shaapo-dwar, but
directly beginning with the Siddha-Kunjika stotram and then chapters 1 to 13.
It is Mother’s blessings itself that in such a short span this beautiful book of Navratri
Shakti Sadhana manifested. I bless the sadhak from Hyderabad who took quick
notes, sent materials through the cell phone and in 24 hours 10,000 books were
You will be receiving higher deeksha of this higher Durga Saptshati Sadhana in this
When you offer Mother food (bhog), do not fall much into rituals of sprinkling water
and acts of the kind, but bring in your deepest bhaav (emotions and feelings) and
with loving persistence offer the bhog. Then, the food that was offered to the
Mother, mix it into the bhandara (food for the gathering). Then feed lovingly all
those who are attending the satsang.
The biggest merit you gain is from feeding the hungry, the poor. Rise above caste
and creed.
No one is big, no one is small. When God does not differentiate why do you?
Whenever you have something auspicious at home, do Mata Ki Chowki in this
manner and offer the blessed food to all.
In this way, Mother’s bhajan, Shiva’s bhajan, Krishna’s bhajan – start doing their
chowkis. Trust me, as you keep doing this, in a year’s time if you do not see the
changes in growth and prosperity, then you can say “Babaji, you did not say the
right thing.”
And when someone would ask you the secret of your success, then you share with
them too that they too do Mata Ki Chowki in their homes in the prescribed manner
with whatever best bhaav they can. You will see only blessings showering.
As you do ShivYog Sadhana, your outer vision starts changing. Vision then gets
fixed on the Divine. Then one understands that everyone is the same.
Do this practically within the family and see. After doing Durga Sapshati Sadhana,
look into the eyes of the family member who you feel is negative. As your look
deepens, you will start seeing God. Why just humans, even you will see the same in
an animal’s eyes too. If not a family member, do the same in the mirror. You will
gradually begin to see the real You.
Whoever one may be, however mightily one may be, when one does Sadhana and
goes deeper and deeper, one will start seeing.
Every ShivYog sadhak must rise above the “I”ness.
I was rapidly giving Shree Vidhya deekshas and people were rapidly evolving, but
in the process I forgot that with the rise of energies, also were active the “Madhu-
Kaitabh” (Madhu demon of craving for praise and attention and Kaitabh – demon of
reaction to criticism)
Durga Sapshati has to be done first to purify. I won’t back off from my promise for
intensive Sadhana but first you have to clean your consciousness and clean your
sankalp shakti so that you don’t create anything wrong for yourself.
If you have to get something higher you have to first become worthy for it because
until this is clear, your vessel will remain small and how much ever blessing are put
into it, you will waste it.
My intention and aim is that you evolve and self-realize in this lifetime itself.
Durga Saptshati intensives are being organized in our ashrams. Only those who are
sadhaks (true sadhaks) should go the ashrams and do the Sadhana, if not, please do
it at home itself.
In ashram all kind of people are there – of all castes – all tittles – king to pauper, but
when you enter ShivYog ashram, you have only one caste or religion – you merge
and become Shivananda!
In the 6-day Durga Sapshati intensives, all you will have to do is get your own
asanas. No cook. You will have to cook together, eat together and spend time in the
ashram doing these intensives. After a week, when you leave, you will notice that
you have changed. As you change your fortune changes.
Play Mata Ki Chowki at all times and you will see the mind becoming purer.
I see sadhaks always worrying more about their loved ones. They feel depressed
when their loved ones are depressed. They show me their photos on the cellphones
…… Baba doesn’t need to see photos because Baba has some advance technology to
se the pictures that you have already created in your mind. When you think of them I
have already seen them. I would just pray to the ever-compassionate Mother to bless
them. I don’t do anything then but Mother takes care of them.
A true disciple will never expect anything from anyone but will take only from Him
(pointing up). If a beggar begs from another beggar then both beggars will remain
A sufi saint once went to the king to beg. When he entered the King was in prayers on his
knees with his hands extended up. He was praying to God to safeguard his palace, to prosper
the kingdom, make him a good king, and so on. The sufi saint watched him for a moment and
then turned and walked away. The king saw this and approached him, “I was in prayer, please
let me know how may I help you. You may ask for whatever you want.” To this the saint
replied, “I had come to you with a lot of expectation but you also turned out to be a beggar.
What can a beggar give a beggar? I will ask from Him itself.”
My Guru blessed me at the age of 8 and made me rich with the blessing of the name
(mantra)… Babaji sings Swasadi maala nal simran mai tera naam.
Learn from the birds about detachment. The birds look after their young ones till
they are able to fly and protect themselves. Once they fly they don’t remain attached
to each other.
Some moments of the Mother’s blessings can enhance so many lifetimes and you are
sitting here for so long. Only the one who receives it will know.
Man’s foremost weakness is to listen to one’s own praise. Man strives to gather and
buy so many things just because of that expectation of praise.
Second main weakness is when someone criticizes, one is then bent upon finding
ways to bring that person down in some or the other way. These both are the asuras
of madhu and kaitabh (madhu – the demon of expectation of praise and glorification and
the kaitabh – the demon of reaction on criticism.)
Someone comes to you and says, “Uncle/aunty, you are sooooo good!” The madhu
becomes active. Now, the person says, “Uncle/aunty, that person is bad and said so
and so about you…” and you run to bring that person down. You are not running
but it is the kaitabh within you
Whenever you get tempted to do something to get attention or praise (or self-
glorification) or to take credit for someone’s work, take the Mother’s name.
If someone complains to you about someone and you begin to even harbour negative
thoughts about harming them in any way, immediately take Mother’s shelter and
When Baba asks “Tum chahthe kya ho?” (what is it that you want) bring the bhaav of
the desire to become pure, to spread love, to help all, serve all, to pray for everyone
to be blessed… But then, instead of continuing to maintain this bhaav at all times,
you deviate from the main goal and fall into all these ignorance and create your own
Those in Mother’s shelter cannot be touched by Maya.
Whose mind is always pure cannot be defeated, cannot be miserable or have
Everywhere you see around including the television, you will see Madhu-Kaitabh.
Why are you seeking outside oh Shivyogis? No remedies are outside.. they are not in
rings and anushtaans (observance of a ritualistic practice). Until you are lit from
within, no external remedies will help. If you ever want to do an anushtaan, light a
lamp in your heart.
What does man do? Wake up in the morning, eat breakfast and go out in quest of
fulfilment, eat lunch and then dinner and then sleep. Same things an animal does.
But now-a-days, it has worsened more than the pashu bhaav (animalistic
tendencies)…. Get up in the morning, check the stock market, read the newspaper,
eat fast foods and junk food, in the evening settle down for drinks. None of the
animals do these. Neither do they worry about stocks, not they eat junk food, nor
you will find any animal in the gutter (drunk). Life is disgracing worse than animals.
Attitude of gratitude must prevail if you want a good life. You get a payment or
some thing and you say ‘thanks’ but how many times have to said thanks to God,
who has given you so much – body, life, family, everything!
Day - 3
Every month also there is Navratri, that is, the 9 days of ‘Maas Navratri’ every month
and if possible you can make these 9 days blend into your life and be blessed.
All who are sitting here in the Mata Ki Chowki, Mother says that when you need her
invoke her and she shall come and help you. Words may be mine but the Mother
assures this.
Mother says that she is in every particle of this creation but when an intense devotee
calls her, she takes a form.
Whenever you want to do satsang, burn a lamp for the Mother and sit together.
Meditate on Her and pray to her. Pray to the Guru and invoke Him. Meditate of
Lord Ganapathy and invoke His presence. Invoke Lakshmi Narayan and call them.
Meditate on Shiv-Shiva and pray, “Hey Lord Shiva, Mother Parvati, I bow to you
and pray that You come..” and install them in the Meru/idol. Pray to Navdurga and
install Her. “…I invoke Dus Mahavidhya Shakti and pray that all your 10
Mahavidhya shakti get installed here. We have all gathered here to receive your
blessing and grace. Take away our pains and worries…”Sadhana twice a day will
keep purifying you. When you deviate from Sadhana and live such lifestyles you
develop very bad ego – the mahishasur.
In my travel around the globe, I see all types of egos – from the ‘I’ to the spiritual ego.
Regular Sadhana finishes off the sadhak’s “I” i.e. ego.
The ego adapts itself – even the poor have ego of being so poor.
Then, there is the ego of taking pictures and putting it up everywhere so that one is
The ego keeps changing form like the mahishasura changed forms from buffalo to
tiger (symbolic) when attacked by the Mother.
When the “I”ness begins to crop up in a sadhak, know that Mahishasura is aroused.
Invoke the Mother immediately.
All are not happy with what they receive but they become more unhappy looking
around at those who have received more than them.
It is all in your bhaav – if you bhaav is pure then you will have a beautiful life and if
impure, then one makes life hell.
Rakta beej (blood seed, that according to the mythology is the demon who on every blood
drop multiplied, who was destroyed by Maa Durga, is the symbolic representation of karmic
multiplication of every seed sown, seed meaning every karma or act) is prarabdh karma.
Just as the rakta beej multiplies, same happens when one does a karma that creates
another karma and thus multiplying the prarabdh bhog.
God does not punish you. The difficulties that you have in a life are not punishments
but are indications that you are going wrong and to take heed, to not be lost in bhog
and material pleasures at all time, not to be immersed in false glories and name and
You cry and fret and fume and should out your miseries out to the world, but the
ignorance is such that you don’t do tapas.
The more the difficulties, the more should be the Sadhana, prana kriyas, sankirtans,
good deeds, but we rather cry and exhaust ourselves in complaints.
Work towards daily living but out of the 24 hours spend 2-3 hours in Sadhana and
nourish your prana.
Who are you to change others? If you have to change anyone, change yourself.
Until you attain self-realization work on yourself.
How can I see other’s negativities and shortcomings when I am myself filled with it?
Accept everyone the way they are.
Jab koi baat bigad jaaye…. When things are fine, take His name and it will remain
fine. When things go wrong, take His name and it will become fine.
Don’t settle for small things but ask for the biggest.
I remember my earlier days when I left home telling my mother that I am going
towards the Himalayas and she gave me money, but I refused telling her that He will
take care.
I remember those days when I used to eat food, like puri-sabzi, little by little,
preserving the food for days together. Never did the food get spoilt or would one
fall sick eating that food. Today, if the food is more than a day old, people sniff the
I remember those days often (with moist eyes)… the scent of the earth, the moments in
solitude, the wilderness… but the problem is I love you also & you keep pulling me.
Don’t get bored with life. People buy everything, eat everything and finally try out
everything and then get bored with life… fed up with life. This is because they
sought only little things. Long for Him and connect with Him.
Some say they are karma yogis and what is the need for meditation. Karma yog does
not just mean digging the earth but closing your eyes and contemplating is also
karma yog. Karma yog is not just checking shares and balance sheets but it is also
going within, lighting up within and checking your balance sheet of karmas. Karma
yog is not just organizing parties but also organizing Mata Ki Chowki.
Let your child become independent. Guide them but let them live and learn. There is
a saying that the things that don’t kill you make you stronger.
Golden Book is not a magic box I have given you. It is a mean to give you direction
but if you do not have deep desire from within then even if you write a 1000 times it
will not work. To know what to write, you first have to identify what you really
want and what you have come on earth to do?
All ShivYogis must live their life as though it was their last day.
Ask yourself everyday if anything has been left pending and if so, work on that talks
on priority.
If failure comes, don’t sit there and brood and get disheartened, but find the root
cause of it and what was the lesson in it for you and work towards rectifying it.
A true ShivYogi is the one who learns a lesson from every incident or failure.
I was told in my childhood that there is a diamond in every failure. Great is the one
who finds the diamond. Average is the one who justifies for every failure.
Consider yourself lucky or fortunate when you become the medium in spreading the
Durga Saptshati (through shivirs). The more it reaches to people, the more it would
benefit all and the more fortunate you can consider yourself.
Do not leave your roots, your culture because in this Indian culture is deeply rooted
the wisdom, simplicity and truth.
Learn to say ‘NO!’ with confidence.
When someone offers a cigarette saying “sab peethe hai” (everyone smokes), you just
say, “baaki sab bhed bakri hai, anek hai, sher ek hai.” (Cows and sheep are always
many in number, rare is a tiger amongst them.)
There is no harm in learning from children. Become friends with them. Why do kids
run out? Because they want friends and if you cannot be their friends they will
constantly seek friendship outside. If you can be their friend, they will not seek
outside as they will love your company.
First earn the right to scold children. It’s certainly not that only you can scold;
sometimes receive from them also.
The ‘teen’ age is the age to build your adulthood. In teenage is engraved the
foundation for adulthood.
If they live like labour during the teens (13 to 19 years) with hard work and saying
“NO!” with confidence, then in their adult life, they will live like a king. And, if they
live like a kind during their teenage, they will live like a labour in their adult life.
Do not become a Hitler, beat or scold them. They get broken, sometimes for their
entire life they can remain broken. It is a great sin to do so.
Praise them when they do good work and they will look forward to do good work
With scolding’s, they hide in their cocoons and not come in front of you and your
family will start breaking.
An ignorant will start expecting or judging when a person comes in front of them;
not necessarily at their physical presence but also in thoughts.
Everyone is aware of darkness but ask the sun about darkness. The sun will ask,
“What is that?” and that is because the sun does not know what darkness is because
everything that comes in it’s presence is lit up. The sun never even tries to drive
away darkness because when darkness comes in front of the sun, it just becomes
light. A ShivYogi should be like the sun who can never see anyone’s darkness and in
whose presence every the darkened ones become light.
People come to me and say, “I have a problem. Please listen to me.” I say do the
Durga Saptshati but they will say, “That is okay but please listen to my problem.”
What is the use of listening to the depth and width of your problem? That is why I
don’t meet anyone.
Spread the light by which people can start loving each other.
The biggest religion is humanity.
You get up at home and run towards temples. Make your home itself a temple. If
you are able to do this, then I can call you my disciples. Never, never, never bring
harshness in your tone (voice and speech). People who hurt others cannot be my
Whether a disciple knows or not, the Guru knows that the person is his disciple. The
Guru will never go and say that he is his disciple but will wait for him to walk on the
Guru’s path before accepting him as his disciple.
------------------------------------( )------------------------------------
Teachings : Day - 1
1. Ishanji proposed the concept of sadhaks becoming Supaatra. He elaborated that
Supaatra meant “Swarn-Paatra” or the utensil made of Gold.
2. He urged all the sadhaks to imbibe in them three qualities of Gold viz.
a. Superconductivity of energy- When energy is passed through gold, it allows
100% of it to pass through without even 1% dissipation. That means if you
supply 100 Volt electricity on the one side of a gold rod, you will receive 100
Volt on the other side too in contrast to other metals in which you may get 90V
or 80V or 40V depending upon the conductivity.
Likewise, Ishanji said that he wants sadhaks to be superconductors of energy.
Whenever the Guru’s Shakti or teachings be given to them, they must not waste
the energy or teachings. The sadhaks must imbibe all the teachings as it is in
their life and the energy that they receive mustn’t be wasted in negative
emotions of anger, greed, lust, ego, resentment, criticism etc.
b. Malleability- Gold as a metal can be moulded into any form as seen by the
various forms and designs of jewellery in the market.
So like the yellow metal, Ishanji said he wants sadhaks to be happy always and
at all costs. The sadhaks must be ready to be happy in any circumstance just as
gold is ready to be carved in any shape from its original form.
c. Anti corrosive nature- Gold in pure form is rust proof and is also unaffected
when subjected to any corrosive material.
Ishanji said that we are born with our destiny but through tapasya (Sadhana)
we can rectify. So nothing in our destiny can corrode us. Through Sadhana we
can iron out all the imperfections in our life.
3. Gods are often seen wearing surfeit amounts of gold, not because they are obsessed
with gold, but because they have incorporated in them the superior qualities of
gold. The raw gold that is you has to be distilled in the tapoagni of Shiva to be fully
purified and known really for what you are.
4. Ishanji drew an analogy of the prime characters of Ramayan with a human being.
The Sita is our hidden potential which has been abducted by the Ravan or the bad
qualities in us, the Rama is us and the Hanuman is our mind which has forgotten its
5. For spiritual seekers, inquisition, curiosity and questions must centre around topic
which will lead to their spiritual upliftement. The answers to questions like whether
Shiva resides in Kailash Mansarovar or what diet Nandi, the holy cow of Shiva have
will not help you attain spiritual growth even if answered by a saint. So asking such
questions will neither help you nor the saint.
6. The horizons of ambitions and desires in life must be widened. In India, by the time
one is 60, the wishes sound like “I want to see my grandson married before i die”. In
contrast, people in the West have expectations even at 60 to compete in the Iron Man
competition which entails running, cycling and swimming for over 100 kms.
7. The focus in life must be towards what will be best for you in the long run. Dedicated
situations and places are meant for specific purposes. For example, expressing
dissatisfaction at not being treated to lip-smacking food of the 5-star quality at shivirs
is unreasonable and absurd. The success of a shivir must be measured in terms of the
amount of karmas you have burnt by undertaking as dedicated a Sadhana everytime
the Guru guides. For high class there are restaurants.
8. Aeroplanes are always flown at high altitudes because at lower altitudes, they will
encounter strong opposing frictional forces of atmosphere which will impede the
pace of the plane and will result in delay in reaching the destination. Likewise, the
aeroplane of your life must be flown, rising above the impurities and lures of this
materialistic world which act as obstacles to smooth spiritual flight. Eternal
happiness or ”Har haal mein khushi” attitude will hasten the speed of your spiritual
aeroplane. Every person, whether atheist or religious is undertaking his journey to
reach God.
9. Being an atheist is a luxury because even atheists in times of distress turn to a higher
power when their luxury ends.
10. As spiritualists, you are all like an ice berg in an ocean. The Guru, through the Agni
of his tapa melts you down, purges all your negative karmas and helps the ice berg
that is you to melt and merge in the Infinite Ocean of bliss which is Shiva.
11. Practices like astrology is akin to seeing a mirror and moving on. A mirror is meant
to see any anomaly or imperfection in your way of presentation so that you can
rectify yourself upon seeing it. However when we allow the astrologer to readout
and predict our destiny what we are essentially and inadvertently doing is looking at
our face in the mirror, noticing an abnormality and moving on without a correction.
Sadhana thus is the necessary rectification.
12. On Siddha marg, everyone must realise that our father is infinite. In His lap we must
rejoice and demand the best of the bet from Him, settling for nothing less.
13. The biggest energy triggers all the other energy to resonate with its frequency. So
become such an infinite bundle of positive energy of happiness and joy that any
other person who may be a bundle of negative energy finds solace in your presence.
14. Don’t assume your disease as your God by bemoaning it all day and don’t also
assume God as disease by staying away from it. Make Shiva your God by chanting it
all day. This will distinguish you as a “ShivYogi” than let you languish as a
15. Evolution is a continuous process. There mustn’t be stagnancy in life. As students of
spirituality, your aim must no stop at Self realization. Lord Shiva is the Yogi of Yogis
and yet He continues to meditate, refusing to let complacency and saturation come in
the way of His perpetual state of meditation. Babaji too is a classic example of not
sitting on one’s laurels and evolving and learning every day.
To his surprise, eventually 3000 turned up by means of “Babaji’s sifaarish” as he
called it (to the laughter of the sadhak gathering) and so the last ditch arrangements
meant teething troubles. Close to one session he had to throw his voice rather
sharply in order to be heard all through Markandey Bhawan.
So as he awaited rectification of the problem, he invoked Lord Krishna to his rescue
through the sankirtan of “Shree Krishna Chaitanya”. And voila! The next session was
hassle free.
Lord Krishna has always been the “go-to God” in times of crisis as all came to realise
yet again through Ishanji’s rescue act.
1. Steer clear of implanting baseless thoughts in yourself and in others. Never also
implant doubts in other people’s minds by spreading hearsay and speculation.
2. Ishanji described the 3 types of detachments viz.
a. Manda Vairagya (Mild detachment)- When people momentarily renounce
worldly possessions and take to worship as a measure to cure their ailment,
pain, suffering, poverty etc. When the intention is fulfilled, the worship is
b. Teevra Vairagya (Intense detachment)- Such a phenomenon is seen in a person
who doesn’t have either pain or happiness. He is neutral. Spirituality in this
case is a means to pass the time. When there is any allurement, the person will
be distracted by it, leaving behind the worship. Basically this is spirituality is a
leisure or hobby.
c. Teevratara Vairagya (Complete detachment)- This happens when there is no
pain and suffering and despite happiness, the person does not stop
remembering God. This is the ideal case.
3. God helps those who help themselves.
4. We must ask ourselves that what are we really inclined towards in life - happiness or
anger? When one joke is narrated several times we dont seem to find it effective in
evoking laughter. We get frustrated and angry. However when an abuse is hurled at
us several times, the abuse only grows in its potency to cause damage on us. This
tendency of ours speaks volumes of what emotion we have more within us.
5. When you sow seeds of an emotion, that emotion will grow manifold to become your
habit. It is like tuning into a frequency on radio. Upon tuning, the sound is amplified
and clear signal means louder sound. Follow the same principle and fine tune the
frequency of Shiva in yourself. Make an effort to look for the signal of positivity
even in times of negativity because there is positivity in all situations of life.
6. Nature has the habit of giving a second helping of anything you seem to be
devouring. For example if you are constantly complaining, what nature will give you
is more reasons to complain. This is so because nature sees it as you enjoying the
7. Everything we see in this world was once a mere thought in the mind. The thoughts
are thus overly powerful. Watch your thoughts.
8. We commit the same mistakes again and again and expect the result to be different.
Change needs to be ushered in yourself first for any other positive change in life.
9. It is very easy to unconditionally love the whole world but toughest to apply this on
your own family. This is so because we stay with the outside world for a finite
period when we can wear the mask of pretence. It is however only in the family that
one can find conditions not to love. Overcoming them and loving the family
members is an onerous task but who better than Babaji to look upto?
10. To measure the spiritual growth in a person, just observe the attitude of his family
members towards him. As true test of unconditional love is from family members.
11. It is said that a hungry man is an angry man. And likewise when the soul is hungry,
bereft of Sadhana, Irritation or restlessness seeps into our conscious mind.
12. Sow the seeds of love everywhere and you shall receive a bumper crop of affection
from anyone and everyone wherever you go.
13. The finitude of man means that happiness appears only in whatever is not within
your limits. That means the mind craves for things which we dont have or are yet to
possess. Ishanji cited the hindi maxim of “ghar ki murgi daal baraabar” to justify this.
14. Happiness must be subjective. It must not be objective. It must not centre around a
particular object. It must be perpetual at all times.
15. If the following facts are kept in mind that there are 84 lakh incarnations, the soul is
eternal and takes another body after leaving a body then it must also be true that
there is nothing called heaven and hell. In reality heaven and hell are scenarios in
our lives while we are alive. Life is heaven when everything falls in place. Owing to
god grace and it is hell when nothing comes off, there is relentless pain and suffering.
16. Whether there is life after death may be debatable but what is unquestionable is the
fact that we die so many times in our lives and there are innumerable births in the
course of our life spans. For instance when you overcome a bad quality in life
through the Guru’s grace, it is like a new birth for you. And every time you criticize,
frighten, hate, are jealous, a part of you dies. Biologically all our cells are in a
continuous state of regeneration and so new cells are being formed even as you read
this and so that means a new birth.
17. Jiss bidhi rakhe uss bidhi rahiye and har haal me khushi do not mean that being happy in
disease, pain or suffering but not to dig a hole for yourself and wallow in self pity.
Create conditions which are fruitful and positive.
18. Grihastha life or family life is a constant mirror for your spiritual growth. The
reaction to your presence is indicative of the progress you have made in meditation.
19. Do not try to imitate Babaji’s physical attributes. Emulate his example in seeking
God through emotion, His zeal to do Sadhana.
“Bettered half” to “bitter-half”
Referring to the fact that girls upon leaving their ancestral homes are wrongly taught
to toe the husband’s line without a shred of dissent, Ishanji cited his own example to
add a tinge of humour to the teaching. He said that upon marriage his wife Kavita
was all tutored to be subservient to her husband and for a few months Ishanji
rejoiced in the fact. But he jokingly lamented that Babaji spoiled Kavitaji and now he
had to be mindful of and surrender to the whims and desires of Kavitaji.
Experiment and browse with a spouse
Ishanji while imparting the teaching of generating natural interest in meditation said
that wherever our interests lay, we tend to give that activity rapt attention.
He said that sports enthusiast husbands while watching a cricket or football match
must allow their spouse to sit beside them to test their interest. So even as 22 men
chasing a football might be keen contest for you, your wife is bound to offer
comments like “Why are all these 22 guys running after 1 ball? Why doesn’t anyone
give them one football each so that they don’t have to run so much”.
Likewise wives must make their men sit beside them while watching a chic flick.
This is bound to evoke loathsome comments on the bizarre narrative of the movie
and preferences of females.
He called the non challenge of females in the first case and that of the males in the
second case as Gwaachi gaaye behaviour. A gwaachi cow is often found on
highways which even on continuous honking of the cars looks quite at ease and
doesnt understand the urgency of situation, engrossed as she is in her tranquil ways.
Such param samadhi like dedication and engagement he said must be allotted to
God to attain greatest results in spirituality.
Parroting a misleading tone
To explain the value of supplication to spirituality than humming the God’s name
ineffectually all day long, Ishanji narrated the tale of two parrots Ram and Shyam
who used to chant the Almighty the whole day.
So when one fine day, the owner of two female parrots who was fed up with the
females uttering flirty ideas the whole day, he was told that the two female parrots
must be caged with the pious Ram and Shyam as in their company they would find
some character. So the flirty female parrots were caged with the overly religious
parrots Ram and Shyam. One of the female parrots asked out Shyam who had his
eyes closed and was chanting god’s name. He opened his eyes and told Ram, “Hey
Ram see.” Ram said, “What happened?” and Shyam replied, “Bhagwan ne humaari
akhirkaar sun li.”
Likewise, as humans we continue telling the beads of our rosary all day and
whenever an opportunity to commit a sin comes our way, we firmly grab it. Such
bhakti is of no use. Spirituality must be such that it can be applied to life.
1. Ishanji asked Babaji of the best mudra to attract the most positive energy in
meditation. He thought the answer to it will be Shambhavi, Chinna or Shiv-Shakti.
To his surprise, Babaji told him that that the hand gesture while shrugging which
indicated the power to let go was the mudra one must be in all the time. This way
you are unperturbed by any criticism, fear, heater, jealousy and all vices.
2. Man draws his own limitations. For example it is very convenient to pin the blame
for your disease on your ancestors like in case of diabetes. However, regular Sadhana
and exercise if done can negate all effects of genetic transmission of disease.
3. It is difficult to sustain a disease than it is to stay healthy. To acquire or sustain any
ailment you have to think so negative all the time and be lazy and lethargic. To
remain healthy however you just need to keep doing simple things in life with
4. We ought to push ourselves from the inertia of the comfort zone of a disease. Very
often it occurs to us that disease is the norm and being healthy is an exception. The
first contamination Ishanji said can be by mistake, however how you react to it
compounds or stifles the disease.
5. We take so much pride in narrating about our diseases to others that we make it a
neuropathway by repeatedly talking about the pain. Also, we commit the same
mistake again and again to make it as a neuropathway.
6. Once the mind is conditioned to think in a manner, the tendency enters the
subconscious and it follows the popular hindi cinema catchphrase “Ek baar jo maine
commitment kar di, fir to main khud ki bhi nahin sunta”. The diseased organs
often utter this phrase when you make it a habit to wallow in self pity.
7. Children are impressionable and anything can be fed in their belief system and so
be extremely careful while uttering anything. Even the words “teri bimari mujhko
lag jaye” has grave consequences if said perpetually.
8. Men must not try to put up a brave face every time to shield their ego. They must
allow an outlet for their pent up emotions. Men who don’t cry go bald.
9. In our society we have been conditioned to believe that money is bad and the rich are
ethically and morally poor. This is exemplified by portrayal of rich-men in
bollywood movies of the 90s when Richie Rich was shown to be wicked. The
financially poor was shown to be rich at heart and he used to thus elope with the
daughter of the rich.
10. Inferiority complex breeds a volatile society as the turmoil in various countries
shows. Try to give to have-nots what you have today. It will grow manifold for you.
11. Even in times of distress we must not get pessimistic. We must utter positive always
and at all costs.
12. Compassion or Karuna has 2 meanings. One is to show sympathy and perceive the
other as battling undue hardship. The other meaning is to exhibit unconditional love
& care towards someone. So every emotion too has 2 sides to it. Embrace purest side.
13. The treatment of a mother to a child is same as the treatment of nature to humans.
There are 2 ways in which a mother interacts with her child --
a. Aversive conditioning- To make the child learn a lesson on what is wrong
for him, the mother admonishes him whenever he goes wrong. This acts as a
deterrent so that he doesn’t repeat the mistake.
b. Reinforcement reward- Whenever he does something right or accomplishes
a goal successfully, he is duly rewarded. The reward is to incentivise good
work so that he may know that whenever he will successfully attain
something a reward awaits him.
Likewise, nature teaches you a lesson whenever you go the wrong way so
that the lesson acts as a deterrent for you and it rewards you upon
committing good deeds. In both cases, mother and nature should not be
assumed to be sadists or altruists. Both help you reap what you sow. But we
don’t seem to learn the lessons despite the deterrents of diseases. So when
lighter punishment like say pain in the knees fails to jape any impact on you
changing the bad emotions, nature gives a harsher deterrent of arthritis.
Disease thus mustn’t be construed as a punishment. It just an indicator of
the fact that somewhere you are going wrong.
14. Every human being has among the 5 senses, one sense which is very strong. So, a
person with strong sense of vision will be seen praising a charcoal designs on a
canvas which to an ordinary person will be like haphazard criss crosses.
A visually strong lady will ask her husband to show her his love, an audibly strong
lady will ask her husband to speak out or sing his love towards her, an aromatically
strong lady will ask her husband to make her smell the aroma of his love etc.
Likewise, a visually strong sadhak will see light during Sadhana as experience, an
audibly strong sadhak may hear something in dhyan or to him sankirtan seems to be
the best part of remembering god, an aromatically strong sadhak will like to light
many incense sticks to create a divine atmosphere, an epicure who appreciates food
will identify Lord Ganesha with Ladoos, Lord Hanuman with Boondi etc.
We must understand that senses are controlled by the mind. We must rise above the
mind. We must just witness the experience because the experience in itself is not
spiritual upliftement. It just an indication of something happening. When the minds
tamed and happiness is in every condition, any experience becomes a good
experience, whether that is of good smell, good taste, good sound etc. What matters
is the emotion of contentment, which is also permanent.
And he too began weeping. And so seeing him, the girl now started crying louder.
Babaji saw this. He walked upto Ishanji, chided him, scolded him and asked him to
be quiet and took along the crying child. Ishanji was really upset at this.
In the tea of his sorrow was mixed the sugar of violence. Later, he went to Babaji and
complained to him, asking why he scolded him when he was crying. He was crying
at the plight of the poor girl. Babaji told him, “Son, you came here to spread joy. Your
motive wasn’t to spread sorrow. And what were you doing was the total opposite of
why we have come here.”
Ishanji learnt a great lesson in not spread sorrow progressively. He exhorted all the
sadhaks to shun the practice of extending the “shoulder to cry” and being a part of
the sorrow of others. He said that doing this is futile. The solution to darkness is not
fighting with darkness but lighting a lamp. Likewise, the solution to sorrow is not
battling sorrow but replacing it with happiness.
1. Ancient man was a hunter-gatherer who used to forage on fishes, fruits, wild animals
etc. With passage of time, evolution took place. And so he moved on to make a more
civilized society. Likewise, when we run to astrologers, soothsayers for auspicious
dates, simple solutions to life’s conundrums, we are no less a hunter-gatherer. A
Shivyogi hails from a civilized society. He does not roam in the forest of this world to
look for solutions to problems. He rather looks within. He meditates and invokes the
power of the all powerful Shiva to alleviate his problems.
2. Whenever people come to Babaji asking for auspicious dates to solemnize a wedding
or some such occasion, Babaji gives random dates. He just prays that may Shiva be
there at the prescribed date and the time automatically turns into a propitious one.
Even for the marriage of Ishanji, Babaji envisaged a random date which when tallied
later, turned out to be an excellent match of favourable planets and time. He believes
in sowing the seeds of conducive and auspicious environment every second of life
by staying connected to Shiva.
3. Ishanji asked Babaji that who is God, where is divinity and who is a Guru and Babaji
said whichever thing you worship the most becomes your God, wherever you seek
peace of mind becomes a divine refuge for you and Guru is the person whom you
obey the most. So the ultimate creator remains you yourself.
4. Be self motivated in life. Don’t look for temporary pleasures. Do not look for
temporary incentives to undertake any task. It is seen that even those looking for
spirituality, do so as a form of escapism. Such people “try out” every place but find
salvation in none because they are there just for temporary kick. They get bored of
every thing in life. This is often known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Syndrome when the mind cannot stick to one thing and focus for long.
5. While going to Old Delhi, Ishanji once saw a crow forking out a fish in his beak and
flying up only to encounter vultures, other crows poking their beaks at him in order
to snatch the fish from him. Done in by persistent poking, the crow decides to drop
the fish. Ishanji said that likewise, we keep holding on to our vices and keep on
enduring pain and suffering. If we drop the fish, symbolic of our bad habits of fear,
hate, jealousy and anger, the vultures of negativity will stop twinning at us.
6. If you want to socialize with some one, do so with God.
7. The greater the amount of devotion and love you have towards your Guru and the
Infinite Shiva, the more obstacles free your life will become. Even if any hindrance is
about to come, the Guru will do the utmost to shield you.
8. To create positive for yourself you must first activate yourself through Sadhana.
9. All the four yugaas are not outside. They are not a time period as is widely known.
They are within you.
a. Satyug : The person who is 100% aware & positive
b. Dwaparyug : 75% positive & 25% negative
c. Tretayug : 50% positive & 50% negative
d. Kalyug : 25% positive & 75% negative
The person with kalyuga prominent within him, sees negativity even in positivity.
Statements like yah hay to aachha par … isme yeh kami hay. Even in the best of
things, such people will find faults. In a goldmine they will find coal. The power to
choose remains with us thus. The kalyugi person will create 25% and destroy 75% …
so even as he does something good, the negativity overpowers that good.
Whenever we complain, Kalyug enters our body and destruction starts. But the
power of emotion that has been given to us can lead us to create positive also. We
can create Satyug for us and we can create Kalyug for ourselves.
10. If you cannot love yourself, you cannot love others or love God.
11. The best worship of SHIVA is not through any external object but through feelings
of devotion and piety from within. The first step in Shiv Poojan vidhi is to cultivate a
nature to say what you feel so that there is uniformity of energy.
12. The various materials offered to the Shiva Lingam are representative of the feelings
we must harbour in order to attain the divinity of Shiva.
a. Water- Stands for purity. We must bring in the purity of behaviour, attitude,
emotion and purity of our deeds.
b. Milk- Stands for love. In order to realise Shiva you have start loving yourself
first up, and then family followed by one and all. To consider yourself as
lower than others and sacrificing yourself completely for others too is wrong.
Treat yourself to the best as you deserve the best in every sphere. Work for
others but do not neglect yourself. See God as an object of infinite love and
not through the prism of fear. Don’t be dependent on others for love. Love
your own self to fulfil the need. Accept yourself and do not nurse any
expectation of seeking love from anyone. You become the ocean of love by
first loving your own self.
c. Honey- Stands for sweetness. Politeness and sweetness on face, in conduct,
behaviour and mannerisms are a must. They help attract the happiness from
the universe. Happiness from within will solve all the problems outside. Any
pain in the body, cure by loving that part daily by first smiling at it very
d. Curd- Stands for stability and mental equipoise. It also means uniformity of
divine emotion.
e. Ghee- Stands for prosperity. When through true emotion of love towards
Shiva emerges, the frequency if vibration increases by itself and the sadhaks
attracts abundance and prosperity.
f. Bel leaves- Stands for beauty of relations. The Bel tree was born when Lord
Shiva communed with Maa Parvati. Babaji told Ishanji before marriage that
no relation is a perfect relation. You have to put in the sacrifices,
compromises and unconditional love to make it perfect. The key to a healthy
relationship is to first mend your ways rather than expect others to do so.
g. Dhatura- Stands for the stupor of devotion and love which grows all the
time blessing at all instances.
h. Aakra- Stands for the supreme requirement of Tapa. The price you are
willing to pay to accomplish a certain goal.
thought that Ishanji had done a trick on her. So she decided to reverse the car and go
back. But her irrational mind did not allow her to forget the incident.
She had a belief that Ishanji had done some magic on her and before long, she
encountered that every thing in her life began going wrong. When Ishanji came to
know of it, he pleaded innocence saying he had just played a small mischief and he
was too small to know magic. Ishanji then went to Babaji who told him that people
have a very strong belief system and create bad for themselves even if the situation
isn’t bad.
What Ishanji did was an innocuous prank but what the lady interpreted was that he
had done some magic. Her belief in magic was so strong that she plotted her own
down fall in her mind. Likewise, Babaji said that emotion is the strongest tool a
human has. He can destroy himself through bhaav and he can also create a bright
future for himself. Strong belief must be on Shiva and not on magic or superstition.
A good lesson it was thus for Ishanji in having relentless devotion and a strong faith
in God.
When unswerving faith spawned disbelief
Another experience, drastically opposite to this was of a sadhak who had boarded a
flight from Nagpur to Dubai and was chanting the Durga Saptashati when to his
utter disbelief he encountered Maa Durga’s image appearing on the screen. He did
the Paath 3-4 times, Trishti and Lalita Sahasranaam once but he found that the image
just didn’t go. Even when he was about to debar, he found that the image did not
disappear. The lesson in it for everyone is that we must repose unstinting faith in
God because God will never desert us even if we may choose to forget him. Your
experience and the things you feel in Sadhana, the blessings you receive upon
meditation are felt directly by those who have blind faith in higher powers. Devotion
and bhaav thus are aspects which transcend even scientific thinking. The picture
being talked about is displayed below and was sent to Ishanji by that sadhak.
1. You must have a strong belief in your Guru that he is someone capable of giving
you happiness.
2. It is our habit to be more satisfied with gift wrapped things. We love the idea of
someone prescribing us something. We have greater believe in tangible things. This
was proven in an experiment done on a few diabetics by Ishanji when for a week
daily he made the sadhaks do pran kriyas and gave them early morning on empty
stomach a herbal concoction. The results were seen almost immediately in a week
with 100% improvement rate in all.
3. Ishanji made it a habit to perform a pranam to the sadhaks before leaving after every
session. He explained why he did so. He said that he performed pranams before all
to let all know that they were infinite. He bowed before the infinite capacity and to
the Shiva within all which they had to awaken through Sadhana and Guru bhakti.
4. No one is born as God. Tapa is necessary first to control the mind and to clear the
karmic baggage. Even Lord Krishna when he incarnated as a human had to take
deeksha from his guru and do tapa to attain a hallowed status.
5. Highlighting the same rule in his and Babaji’s life, Ishanji said that Babaji too
progressed from being a human once to a siddha later. He also dispelled the myth
that as a siddhaputra he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. On a lighter note
he called it “Rudrkash in his mouth”. He added that every spiritual accomplishment
can be overhauled only through tapa as he too did and does every day.
6. Ishanji said that consider it the biggest compliment if someone calls you a child. Be
like a child but do not be childish.
7. Every situation and circumstance in life will give you reasons to rejoice and reasons
to complain. Even when you buy a top class vehicle, you can complain and be
dissatisfied, wishing for something better. You can also however, pay gratitude to
God for the simple things in life which fall right. You have the power to choose. You
can either look for deformations in the moon or cherish the beauty of it.
8. Unconditional love and Sadhana will give you the peace of mind. This peace will be
like a fire extinguisher at your disposal always. So even if you land yourself in a
soup anytime, you can salvage the situation through your calm mind.
9. Babaji to sadhaks is like a 24x7 helpline. Whenever you are in trouble, just invoke the
services of Babaji through devotion and emotion. He will most certainly come and
solve the problem. The efficacy of this exercise depends on the amount of trust and
faith you have in your Guru.
10. Attraction to negativity will always be there. But remember that during the rainy
season when a bulb is lit anywhere, there are innumerable flies which are attracted
automatically. But little do the flies realise that a toad or a lizard is always hidden
nearby to catch the flies when they come running for the bulb. Likewise every
materialistic attraction and the temptation to commit a sin is like a bulb.
11. Learn to say no with confidence. Exercise your will if someone tries to foist
negativity on you. Don’t resign to your fate. Reaction to every incident in life is upto
12. Lessons from Bhagawat -- Ishanji said that two prominent instances in the epic are
great teachings for us in how to nip a potential big problem in the bud.
In the first instance he said that Kans was a good fellow, courteous and chivalrous
enough to drive the chariot of his sister Devki when she got married to Vasudev. The
tide turned when even as he was driving the couple to their palace, Akaashvaani
presaged death at the hands of the 8th offspring of Devki and Vasudev.
Kans sought to kill Devki there and then to cancel the possibility of his demise at the
hands of her son. But Vasudev convinced Kans to not kill her instantly in exchange of
Vasudev bringing the sons to Kans personally. So as promised, Kans was given
Devki and Vasudev’s first child after the birth.
But the innocent baby evoked an avuncular and motherly feeling in Kans and he
returned it to Vasudev thinking that it was the 8th child that was a threat and he
should let the others live.
But in came Narad ji and incited Kans to kill this one too as it would be too risky to
risk his life if he showed mercy to any of the children. He planted a fear psychosis in
Kans’ mind. That changed Kans and he turned brutal from then on. And one wrong
decision of listening to Narad led to his ultimate slaying by Lord Krishna. Had he
avoided Narad, he could’ve gone one to become a Krishna bhakt.
In the second instance, Draupadi laughed at and taunted Duryodhan when he fell in
the court. This triggered revenge in Duryodhan and the seeds of Mahabharat battle
were sown.
In these instances, had Kans shooed away Narad and Duryodhan not taken umbrage
of Draupadi laughing, big battles and hue and cry could’ve been easily avoided. But
what prompted the two to take the wrong step was their karma, their wrong
What both these incidents teach us is the fact that we can easily solve our problems
and not let small matters in life flare up to major issues by merely ignoring people
who approach us with inflammatory and derogatory content said by a third person
against us. We are very eager to listen to someone who brings to us information on
others portraying us in a negative light. We must steer clear of people who indulge
in “chuglee”. Also, incidents will occur in your life. But do not react adversely to
them. Life is bound to throw surprises and incidents at you. But do not be carried
away by vices. Do Sadhana and watch your intention always. Do not react adversely
to situations in life.
Don’t let others frighten you with their talks. Have belief in your Guru and your
13. Ishanji also said that forbidding women from doing pooja during monthly cycles is
spreading of fear psychosis. Maa Bhagwati is also feminine energy. We do not stop
worshipping her at some stages in a month. Likewise, a woman is a living
manifestation of devi and must be allowed to perform Sadhana daily without any
doubt or label of impurity because she is the power from where creation originates. If
a woman is labelled impure, then nothing in this world is pure because every thing
has originated from a mother.
14. Don’t be compelled by others to react in a certain manner to situations in life. Don’t
give your trigger to others. Don’t let others decide how you react to situations in life.
Be your own master. Have a uniform emotion of unconditional love and pure
15. If you do not stray from the path shown by the Guru, He will protect you at all stages
in life.
16. Babaji does say that we must learn something from everyone. This doesn’t mean that
you start learning negative traits from anyone you meet. Don’t make multiple
Gurus of negativity. Segregate the good from the bad, the wheat from the chaff. Be
the connoisseur of good habits and positive energy and settle for nothing less.
17. Don’t be eager to know what others think of you. You just keep good intention and
unconditional love always. People with malicious intentions are like Trojan Horse
viruses. If a pen drive is infected with a Trojan virus, opening any file in it will lead
to the virus affecting the whole computer. Likewise if you let others speak out the
wrong things someone else said about you, you are opening the files in an infected
pen drive. It will lead you to be instigated and you will commit sin. Your Guru is
always with you but this doesn’t mean that you take undue advantage of this fact. If
you have life insurance, it doesn’t mean that you can jump in front of a bus.
18. Be immune to negativity. You are laced with the honey of your Guru’s tapa. You are
bound to be hounded by flies but be wary. If at all anyone comes to defile your
positivity, learn to say no with confidence. Ishanji suggested that use the mobile
phone to pretend as if you are busy and then run away from such a person. Citing a
current Bollywood movie, Ishanji appealed to all sadhaks to “Bhaag Shivyogi bhaag”
if you encounter any “chuglikhor”.
Shivir Diary ( Interesting and humorous tales from ground zero )
When it rained love
While explaining to the married sadhaks that fighting like WWE was not the answer
to minor issues in life, Ishanji cited the example of Babaji. Once Guru Maa asked
Babaji the trickiest question a spouse can ask. Do you love me? Babaji said nodded
his head in affirmation. Then Guru Maa asked how much. It was then that Baba j
sung the song “Listen to the Falling Rain ……… with every Drop of Rain I Love
You More ………”
Had it been any other couple, a fisticuff was sure to have developed at such
questions. The husband would’ve gotten tedious answering such questions and the
wife would’ve construed it as dwindling of the love of her husband.
Ishanji told that he now understood the significance of Agam-Nigam shashtras in
which Maa Parvati and Shiv Ji took turns to ask each other questions. The complete
shashtra is in the form of a conversation and interaction between Shiva-Parvati.
Ishanji said that it is not that either Lord Shiva or Maa Parvati have some doubts or
have half knowledge. Both have in them the whole wisdom of the universe. Just that
they forge a conversation for the benefit of humanity, to explain to man the nuances
of leading a happy life.
Likewise he said that it wasn’t that Guru Maa did have a morsel of doubt that Bab ji
loved her or not. Just that she wanted the little Ishan sitting beside to learn how to
tackle difficult situations in relations and when he shared this with all the sadhaks,
now the sadhaks too could benefit and learn the nitty gritties of unconditional love.
When the healing machine required healing
Once a conference cum workshop of healers was called by a Russian energy scientist.
An invite was sent to Babaji and he happily accepted it. The Russian scientist had
come with a machine which could measure the healing energy in a healer. He
wanted to prove that after every session of healing, the energy of the healer declined
as it was finite. A healer can give as much energy as much is there in him.
Coincidentally, of all the healers sitting, the scientist called Babaji.
Babaji was asked to heal a person. Once he performed the healing, the scientist
approached him to measure his energy. To his surprise he realized that the energy
within Babaji had multiplied 10 times. The scientist dismissed it as a technical fault in
the machine. So now he called 10 people and asked Babaji to heal them all and after
the healing of those 10 people he will measure Babaji’s energy.
The Father of Indian Healing has even put the healing energy machines to shame as narrated by
Ishanji in the shivir.
As the healing ended the scientist approached Babaji to measure his energy. And as he
switched on the machine to measure the energy, the needle pointed to the highest value
and then gave zero value, only to short circuit later. The energy in Babaji had increased so
much that his machine could not measure it and it corrupted. From next year on, the
scientist didn’t call Babaji as he had proved his thesis wrong.
Ishanji who was a witness to all this, asked Babaji what the scientist wished to prove.
Babaji said that the scientist was right to an extent. He was talking about other healing
practices in which the energy is finite. As a ShivYogi Babaji said He was connected with
the infinite Shiva and had unlimited supply of the highest healing energy and which only
grew on giving healing to others.
It turned out to be a great incentive for Ishanji to connect to the infinite, merge with the
infinite and emerge infinite.
Similarly he appealed to all sadhaks to try to connect to Shiva and once through their
emotion and devotion they did so, all the pain and sufferings in their life would vanish.
What was needed was total surrender and faith and also the belief that Shiva is more
powerful than the pain and suffering.
Ishanji gave a rich account of himself all through the shivir with his beautiful teachings,
divine healings and with the richness of his words. He outgrew himself in this shivir. It
was almost as if the two life sized placards of Babaji and Guru Maa placed beside Ishanji
on the stage were continuously pouring their blessings on him and his mouth was the
medium per se. The messages seem to coming from the cosmos to which he had connected
with at the beginning of the shivir. Such discipline, such sense of humour, such innocence,
such mischief, such veiled swipes at our vices, such unique ways and incidents to explain
to all the sadhaks that Shiva is supreme and all else is futile etc. all will be indelibly
imprinted in the psyche of of the sadhaks forever. And as is valid for every shivir, the
amount of blessings you received was proportional to the feelings of profound love you
could elicit in yourself for the Guru and for the Almighty. At the end of the shivir, the
sadhaks found out through Ishanji that the answer to all their problems ironically lies in
a question. The question was Tum chahtey kya ho?
The sadhaks of New Delhi will always cherish such a salubrious shivir in the times to
come. All hail Ishan Shivanand ji! Namah Shivay.
------------------------------------( )------------------------------------
Gurgaon Advait Shree Vidya Level 1 December 2013
Maa Lalita Tripursundari graced the ubersacred Advait Shree Vidya Sadhana in which Babaji
schooled Durga Saptashati on a Subtler Level.
Namah Shivay! The first ever Advait Shree Vidya Sadhana Level 1 shivir held in
Gurgaon turned out to be a rip-roaring success. Babaji’s grace was lapped up by the
seva sadhaks who used these blessings to pull off a shivir on a mammoth scale with
The 10000 odd sadhak gathering, when meditated together with Babaji, helped up the
positive vibes which led to arrangements seeing an upturn with every passing day.
Just adjacent to the shivir pandal was a mela (fair). Babaji said let us also hold a divine fair here. He
thus made the sadhaks enjoy as much if not more than the children having fun at the adjoining fair.
So, on the one hand there was the big wheel swing and on the other Babaji had made the chakras of
the sadhaks just as huge as the big wheel. On the one hand children were dancing to the tunes of
jingles, one the other the kundalini of the sadhaks was dancing to the tune of the Shree Vidya
Mantra. All around there was stark symbolism which couldn’t have gone unnoticed.
Before beginning the shivir note, it will be pertinent to mention here that all through the
shivir, Babaji’s focus was on a mantra for spiritual evolution. He made all the attendees
pledge that every morning they will say it aloud to themselves:
“Every Day, in Every Way, I will become Better, Better & Better.”
The Haryana folk troupe of performers complete with drums, cymbals and high pitch
singers seem to be making it a habit of coming up with grandiose welcomes to Babaji
whenever a shivir is held in Gurgaon and this time it was no different. Babaji reciprocated
the sonorous welcome accorded to Him by electrifying the atmosphere with His blessings
and healing voice. The love of sadhaks was palpable. The greatness of the Avdhoot too
was there for all to see. The assembly had stood up to welcome Him, clapping, crying with
love, smiling and with folded hands accepting His divine providence. First timers were in
awe of the stature of the Awakened Shivanand ji and the affection He enjoyed with the
masses. All this, the great soul has nurtured and earned by healing and praying for hours
on end for the whole of humanity. No wonder then that He has become the apple of so
many eyes.
On the opening day, a late start did not prove to be a dampener as the divinity that
engulfed the venue upon the arrival of Babaji, made the wait worth it. With a string of
bhajans, Babaji totally fixated one and all with the glue of Devi Maa.
Extraneous aspects aside, this note endeavours to present to you the teachings of the shivir
as they were delivered by Babaji. So for those who did attend the shivir, here comes an
encore. For those who didn’t or couldn’t, the Guru wants you to live the experience
virtually. Whatever the case, All is His grace and divine will for us all. Gratitude to Him.
Teachings in Short
God is all pervasive. He is not restricted to a particular place, human, object, book,
religion or relic. There are no limitations to His ubiquity.
Of all the 84 lakh incarnations that a soul is said to take, the human birth is the
luckiest. It is only as a human that you have the power to activate the God within
you and break through the cycle of karma (karma bandhan) by meditating and doing
regular seva.
Think big. Make life useful. Preoccupy yourself with so much divine and holy work
that there is not even a single unproductive second in your 24 hours.
All kinds of meditations and means of worship are like rivers which ultimately lead
to the sea of Shree Vidya.
Your words and actions mustn’t lower the happiness index of any place or person.
Babaji said that these days it has become a new normal instead to up the “sorrow
index” by indulging in talking about others, shunning them, highlighting their bad
habits, shouting at them and establishing your supremacy over others.
Babaji also regretted the fact that the practice of keeping a part of every meal for a
cow, a dog, a crow a pandit etc. has faded into oblivion.
He said that despite rising incomes, the lack of happiness was owing to the fact that
we have ceased to share the fruits of our happiness with other beings of nature. He
also attributed the lack of tolerance, rising crime rate and the tendency to pick up a
fight at the drop of a hat to the miserly nature of ours.
Christmas is at our doorstep and the X-mass spirit states that we must not cut corners and be
miserly while giving to others. We must have a big hand. We must share our wealth with the
The siddha exclaimed that national progress could only be ushered when there is a
pervasive sense of overall happiness which is when every person gets adequate food
to eat and all his needs are taken care of. A pure collective consciousness is also a
precursor to eradicating all kinds of epidemics and natural disasters, he told the
sadhaks. An added benefit of sharing the fruits of your joy is that it multiplies your
Urging the sadhaks to imbibe in them a helping nature, Babaji advocated the need
for all to make their possible contribution in the running of the nature’s cycle.
He opined that two prevalent trends of the modern times were also the two practices
which the learned sages have cited as signs of doomsday.
He stated the two spiritually worrisome trends of :
1. Living away from Mother Earth (high rise condominiums).
2. Uncontrolled variety in and experimentations with food (veg and non veg) and
straying from the staple diet of cereals, grains and pulses.
Babaji pitched for having a fixed eating routine with same kinds of foods every day.
Dissimilar foods at odd times on a regular basis upsets the body rhythm, so vital for spiritual
Babaji said that when we eat a fixed and good balanced diet everyday, the body
consciousness understands how to ingest it, digest it and assimilate it. There is a
pattern to the process. But when every day every meal is different in the ingredients
and manner of cooking, it is a sure shot way to suffering. Such eating habits are far
removed from those envisaged for a spiritual seeker.
With the sphere of “Management” as a profession witnessing a massive jump and a
sizeable chunk of the population getting into it, Babaji felt that the need for
management of the affairs of the inner self was more important than companies,
firms, people etc. He felt that if one hasn’t managed one’s own body and senses, it
was futile to be engrossed in managing the world. He emphasised on the need to
manage the Life force energy (Praan), the mind (man) and body (shareer) in that
order. This can be done through regular yog asanas, pran kriyas and Sadhana.
To complete this journey to Self-Realisation, it is most essential that we inculcate in
ourselves the attribute of witnessing (drishta bhaav). Equanimity of emotion is
necessary at all times. Babaji insisted, “Don’t get too excited in joy and dont get
overly saddened in sorrow. Happiness and dejection are two sides of the same coin.
One has to rise above happiness and gloom to reach the Cosmic Bliss.”
Babaji said that the temporariness and illusory nature of life is best learnt when
compared to the shadow of a full moon in the tranquil water of a lake at night.
Mesmerised by the beautiful shadow of the moon in the lake, we begin to assume that the
moon is in the lake. Likewise, mesmerised by the razzmatazz, glitter and pleasures of this false
world, we begin to assume that this is permanent. We get the impression that we are
permanent here and worldly comforts are everything and ever lasting.
It seems that the moon is somewhere in the lake. But as soon as something falls in the
lake, there are ripples and the moon’s reflection is disturbed. And as soon as it is
morning, the shadow will not appear even if the water in the lake is static. Likewise,
we get immersed so much in this world’s lures that we assume that the attractive
world is permanent for us. We begin to wrongly think that we are permanent here
and everything around us will remain the same. We presume that the world as we
see it is the reality.
The Guru throws a pebble in the lake, creating ripples, and we are awakened from the slumber
to realise that it was the shadow of the moon. This refers to the fact that the Guru guides us
that the world as perceived through the five senses gives a very skewed picture of things. He
shows us that all this is temporary. The charm of the materialistic joy is transitory and
ephemeral. It will end in sometime.
As we are gazing in amazement at the moonlike-charm of the worldly pleasures, the
Guru arrives and throws a pebble in the lake to demonstrate that the thing that we
are staring at is not the moon but its shadow in the lake. He explains to us that enjoy
the shadow of the moon but do not assume it to be the moon. Also, he details that
this shadow of the moon is till sunrise (death) so why waste time in something which
isn’t permanent? The Guru gives us a reality check. The pleasure and picture of the
beautiful moon is good to enjoy but one must be so engrossed in it that all else is
As we walk on the way shown by the realised Master, we become aware of the true reality in
contrast to the perceptual reality of old. We find out that the moon is in the sky. The lake is
just the medium for its image to be reflected temporarily. We also notice that the sky is dark
for only a finite period. The moon and its shadow will perish as soon as it is daytime.
Applying the analogy to our lives, we find out that this world is merely a place to attain
spiritual realisation by giving unconditional love to everyone. We realise the transience of the
worldly joys, relations and comforts. The Guru also guides us that there is more to life than
eating, sleeping and working. The Guru directs us towards our real soul agenda - that of
Nirvana through Sadhana, seva and sankirtan.
Tree plantation is the best way to release heavy karmas of the past. Planting a tree is
like giving birth to a human since trees too have soul. One who plants trees enjoys
the endless blessings of devtas.
Babaji has always worshipped trees. No wonder, wherever he goes, dense foliage follows him.
Be aware to any karma you do. Identify which of the 5 vices is prominent in you.
Work on it. Every day plan to evolve. Plan to become a better person. Shun ego.
Challenge yourself to become better every morning.
Never leave the good deeds which help you achieve success in life. Never stop the
noble work.
Don’t find reasons to cry. Do not blame others for your misery. Life is a lesson to be
learnt. And a divine lesson at that. Associate with God and all your sorrow will go.
It’s like sun’s glare and luminosity doesn’t know what darkness is. So when you
connect with the infinite bliss of Shiva’ you wouldn’t know what suffering is.
The aim of your birth is not to experience pain and dismay. Neither is it to inflict
pain and dismay on others. Realise the higher goal you have been sent with. You are
privileged enough. Help those who aren’t.
With the holiday season looming large, Babaji warned the sadhaks of immersing
themselves in pleasures which may wean them away from Sadhana. He denounced
the luxuries which make humans less productive & lazy and loathed the trend of
“sinful indulgence” or ultra luxurious facilities. He cited the instance of drinking
and over-eating on board a palatial train service in the country as a classic case of
extravagance which corrupts.
Your existence is not permanent here. Your soul is on a holiday on this planet.
Realise and fulfil your soul agenda or reason of existence. Babaji said that following
the Guru’s teachings will lead you to your soul agenda without you even having to
find it out it.
Do not see bad in others. Because in others we see our own reflection. In highlighting
the bad qualities of others, we activate those very bad qualities in our own selves.
All karmas must be done with a holy purpose so that work ethic of life becomes
holistic. Pure intention must precede all actions, thoughts and deeds.
Nurture a pleasing, smiling and cheerful persona. Do not harbour seeds of negative
emotions so that they become trees of misery later on.
Purity of emotion before any thought, action or utterance at all times is vital.
Live for yourself. Let the satisfaction, achievements, success, joy, prosperity,
abundance in your life be to make you happy rather than to impress others or to
make others jealous. Competition must only be with your own self. All your energy
must be directed and centred around making yourself a better person. No looking at
Attachment is caused by extreme love and extreme hatred. Babaji stressed on the
need to do away with the attitude of “extremes” in life. Love, whether with the child,
mother, father, husband or anyone for that matter must liberate than tranfix. Dont
make relationships indispensable to your existence. You have come alone and will
depart alone. Having said that, Babaji was quick to add that it doesn’t mean you will
stay away from your family. Shower unconditional love, care and affection on them
at all times. Accept them the way they are. Secondly, do not hate anyone. Hatred is
the characteristic of devils. In loathing and shunning someone we get attached to
their karmas and so bring their suffering too on us.
Babaji has led by example at all times and His family vouches for the Unconditional Love that
he has showered on them at all times. Despite experiencing superlative and indescribable love
from His family, Babaji has stayed rooted to the fact that the real relation and association is
the one with Shiv-Shiva. This trait he has passed on to Ishanji also.
Babaji mentioned his own example to illustrate how Sadhana detaches one from
greed. At Alwar, where today there is Babaji’s expansive Goushala (cow shelter), in
his formative years, Babaji meditated for close to a decade. He had bought 16 cows.
He always prayed that may His lands expand to acres. Spending good money on
cows, Babaji thought of opening a dairy business by milking them. In Sadhana
however, he realised that he was being greedy. So he now planned to abandon all the
land he had acquired all these years. But Guru Maa told him that since had
performed so much Sadhana over there, the place was too precious to forego. She
deemed it to be ready as a place for some very divine activity. It was then that the
idea of opening a cow shelter struck and today there are hundreds of cows there.
The vast swathe of this Alwar land was all Babaji’s and he thought of expanding it even
more, only to realise in meditation that he was being greedy and even if the land under his
occupation expanded, it would not help him grow spiritually in any manner. In fact the greed
and ego associated with it would denote his spiritual energy.
Many people used to disown their cows when they became incapable of giving milk.
But Babaji provided shelter to all the cows. Not only shelter, selflessly, he ensured all
the needs of the cows are met and they get princely treatment, with 4 complete meals
and freedom to stroll in the vast green lands. Such unconditional love has made all
the cows lactating. Even those who were disowned for not capable of being milked.
Not that it matters to Babaji.
A loving pat, joyous coos and uttering with much affection sweet nothings to cows has
resulted in the docile creatures loving Babaji like their own calf. When in Alwar, it is difficult
to make out who is expressing more love - Babaji for cows or cows for Babaji. The 5-star
treatment accorded to the cows at Alwar Goushala which Babaji lovingly calls Goulok Dham.
He said he invited all the sadhaks to the Alwar ashram for seva if they had time. He
added that any visitor to the place is greeted by the horde of cows which runs
towards you at the entrance, almost as if saying “we welcome you to a place which a
siddha has made a paradise for us”.
Babaji also mentioned how he made Ishanji and Jitendraji serve the cows and pick up
cow dung with their bare hands. They used to baulk at the prospect at that time but
they thanked Babaji later because the selfless service paid them rich dividends as
Babaji had told them earlier.
Never wish bad for others. Never curse anyone. Doing so, you yourself will receive
a thousand times more curse. What you sow for others, you reap for yourself a
thousand fold.
Babaji said that cleanliness is next to godliness. He exhorted all the people to help
clean their homes, the places of worship and if possible the temples. Because it is
from the holy places that we derive our positive energy and if that is only dirty, then
the process is distorted at the start. He said that all ShivYogi must :
a) Never use plastic bags.
b) Never litter the roads or any place.
c) Never answer the nature’s call in the open.
We draw so much from Mother nature and so it ill behoves us to dirty it. Nature is
also a form of Devi and spoiling it would mean disrespecting the Devi whom we are
trying to please through Sadhana.
Discipline of “satwik niyam” that is Sadhana, seva and sankirtan at fixed times
daily will help a sadhak transcend the karmic cycle of cause and effect and end the
rut of birth and death.
In times of happy news, do not be overjoyed and in times of grief do not go in a shell.
Maintain an equanimity of emotion. Always be thankful to the Almighty. Shiva
wants positive change always. Every incident in life whether good or bad is a
blessing of Shiva. Accept it as a rite of passage. As a stepping stone to your higher
spiritual evolution. Find out the teachings and lessons in incidents rather than what
the incident was.
Meditation, done every day as part of a fixed routine, will release past incidents and
establish one in the state of “Present” or nitya ki stithi.
Positive karmas have the power to avert gravest of the grave problems in life.
Positive karmas are constituted by:
a) The amount of meditation you do & subsequent energy you generate (tapobal).
b) Your good deeds of charity, donation and kindness to plants, animals and
fellow needy humans.
Like the churning of the sea (samudra manthan) in Bhagavat Purana to divide the
nectar of immortality between the asuras and devtas, our spiritual journey too is a
churn. In our native state we are impure and to reach the divine, we need to churn
ourselves through yog asanas, pran kriyas and meditations. In the first step of
purification, our bad habits, misdeeds and vices come out. That explains the release
of emotions during Sadhana. Sadhaks must not stop at this stage and take pleasure in
the emotional release. One must stay stoic and maintain a very calm temperament
even during the release. The emotion of just witnessing the automatic release process
must take stage.
As one is freed of the impurities, comes the second step. At this stage, the sadhak is
blessed with worldly prosperity, abundance and the riches. It is very crucial at this
stage not to be lost in the lure of the lucre. One must carry on with the Sadhana
under the guidance of the Guru. The Guru teaches detachment despite all the
worldly comforts.
The guidance of the Guru helps one stay level headed and not get lost in this
unbridled wealth. Then comes the third and final stage when the nectar of
immortality is extended to the devotee. This is nothing but Moksha and can happen
only after persistent efforts of giving up:
1. The fixation with sorrows, unforgiving nature, weaknesses of body (diseases),
mind (regulating it through Sadhana and pran kriyas) and soul (religious
devotion to the Guru) in the first stage of release.
2. The untold and infinite wealth, worldly luxuries, comforts attained after the
primary step of refinement.
If you are successful in feeding animals and more importantly birds, thank your
good deeds because birds have a very strong sense of etheric smell and are receptive
to the karmas of humans. So there are cases where you can spill tons of grains and
the birds will not come to eat them. And there are cases where you spread a handful
of grains and all the birds will flock to feed on them.
Birds too want a share of Guru Maa’s unending love. Speaks volumes about Her spiritual
Teachings in Long
Kriya Mann Sanchit Karma Jagrit Mann (Soch) Karma Shailee
Babaji said that the karmas decide happiness or sorrow in life. Whatever we think
(vichaar) about repeatedly in our mind (kriya mann) gets stored as a psychic
impression (sanchit karma). The accumulation of many of these psychic impressions
then governs our active thought process (jagrit mann, soch) which finally leads us to
act (karma shailee). So, we can conclude that our thoughts and emotions decide
what kind of deeds we perform. And thoughts can be regulated through Sadhana
which also cuts the sanchit karmas, breaking the vicious cycle of thoughts and
Watch what you desire. Babaji held that as ShivYogis, and as regular sadhaks, we
will see an exponential improvement in our ability to materialise life as we want it.
However, it is imperative that we understand the difference between need and
greed. True satisfaction can only be got through deeds which bring about satiation of
the soul (aatmatushti). Such deeds include loving your family, helping others,
donating to the poor, efforts to contribute to environment, feeding animals, birds etc.
Babaji has always batted for holistic karmas. He Himself too has undertaken the path of
actions which leads to the satisfaction of the soul than the senses. Feeding monkeys is one of
such actions.
Some people erroneously believe that criticising others or taking revenge will bring
about satisfaction and peace. Such actions may superficially appear to be causing
happiness but burn you from inside. They add to your long list of negative
Giving a “piece of mind” to others takes away your “peace of mind” rather than making you
light, said Babaji.
Also, any wish arising out of the 5 major vices of ego, greed, attachment, anger and
sex is bound to lead to spiritual downfall.
Babaji mentioned that one must enjoy life to the fullest by fulfilling all the
materialistic wishes. But all this must be done keeping in mind that your stay as a
human is limited and time is too less to get lost in materialism. Consider life like a
movie. Enjoy it but don’t consider it as the truth and without an end.
Brands are spiritually bland
Denouncing the “brand culture” emerging in the society, Babaji likened it to the
demon Mahishasur. Elaborating on the same, the siddha said that we buy branded
products to show the world our “one-upman-ship and high class”. He highlighted
the twin drawbacks of buying only branded products.
Profligacy with worldly riches must never be encouraged. The hard earned money is Maa
Lakshmi, Babaji said, adding that one must buy only as per need and not as per greed.
Firstly, he said such practices fuel our ego. And it is the Mahishasur of ego that we
are trying to kill by performing Sadhana everyday. So it is a waste of a part of
Babaji asked sadhaks to give up their obsession with brands.
Secondly, Babaji said that money was Devi Lakshmi and must never been shown off.
One must get utmost value for the hard earned money, one obtains after slogging it
out at work place for 30 days. Spending has always to be done wisely and at the best
bargained price.
Thirdly, Shivanand ji commented: “Buy the Product not the Brand”. He added,
“Uttam se uttam bastu lena aapne liye. Koi bhi brand ho. Par mann me dikhaawe ka,
Ahamkaar aur Abhimaan ka bhaav kabhi naa aabe.”
Buying brands to earn name and fame is an erroneous concept, Babaji told sadhaks. The
illusory highs one reaches on winning praises leads to steep fall from the state of holy
tranquility attained through Sadhana. He asked the sadhaks to buy products and not brands.
He further stated, “Mann me yah bichhaar kabhi naa aabe – ki mari cheese dekh kar, meri
khub baah-baahi ho. Kiu ki yadi tum eysa karoge, to Sadhana Shakti ksheen hogi. Seva se
kamaye hue punya, samapt honge. Ek taraf to tum pratidin prarthana kar rahe ho, Maa
Bhairavi se ki --- he Maa, mere bhitar ki Mahishasur aur Madhu-Kaitabh ko bhakshan karo ---
aur bahi, dusri aur tum dikhabe-baaji ki nib rakh rahe ho. Guru ki bachan yaad rakhho. Saral
ho jayo. Sansaarik lobh mayaabi hay. Chakaachoudh me atak nehi jaana.”
Mind & Action Bow & Arrow
Babaji underlined the fact that the mind is dynamic. It witnesses a constant influx of
thoughts. These thoughts are governed by the past karmas and psychic impressions.
The thoughts compel us to act.
Babaji exhorts sadhaks to come out of the web of thoughts by engaging in Advait Shree Vidya
The mind can thus be considered as a bow which is ready to fire the arrow of karma
so that you act to launch that karma. Shree Vidya meditation makes you the
commander of this bow and arrow. You can control the mind when you seek the
blessings of Maa Lalita Tripursundari. A sadhak is able to control the bow and the
arrow with equal finesse once he follows the path of Sadhana, seva and sankirtan
shown by the Guru.
An arrow of a karma once launched cannot be stopped. However, what can be done
is that the path of that arrow is changeable. For that Sadhana shakti is needed.
A devotee who engages in good karmas, divine karmas and noble deeds, finds that a
major problem or major unfortunate occurrence seems obvious but in the nick of
time, it is diverted.
It almost seems that the problem wasn’t meant for you. It is like the path of an
approaching asteroid or comet is diverted. Babaji said that this is why he says that at
all times you should be involved in humanitarian work. Because you never know
which strong karma is about to strike you and which good deed of yours helps
negate it.
Sadhana makes sailing easy in difficult Soul Agenda
Remarking that at times the going in life may not be easy because of some bad
karmas of the past births, Babaji said that the omnipotent Shree Vidya Sadhana
makes the sailing smooth even in these circumstances.
He gave an example of a boy who came to Him to narrate his story. The boy was
unable to understand why he had faced rejections to his marriage proposals from
multiple girls. Babaji could see that as a girl in some birth, the boy had rejected many
boys and indulged in all sorts of wrong practices, exploitation, criticising
relationships etc. In this birth, his soul had come with the agenda that may he
experience what he did with others as a girl. Siddhas by virtue of their purity are not
allowed to narrate the problem and solution directly. So, Babaji asked him to do seva
and perform regular Sadhana. Also, Babaji had asked him to stop cursing girls or
boys or any relationship. So the boy learnt the lesson, realised his soul agenda and in
a matter of months, he got an excellent match.
The world’s a stage and we are all puppets
Babaji explained that He had stated this example to make the sadhaks understand
that we all are puppets dancing in the stage of this world. We puppets are being
controlled by the invisible strings of our karmas. The youngster in the above story is
clueless as to why he is experiencing repeated rejections to marriage proposals.
When he meditates, the Sadhana shakti eliminates the causative karmic influence
triggering this chain of events.
Often we do not have any control over incidents that take place in our lives. This is because
our life is being run by invisible strings of our past karmas which create incidents for us to
learn lessons from.
So humans are puppets. The controlling strings of these puppets are the invisible
sanchit karmas.
If karmas are very large in number, there are endless strings and one will continue to
be driven by unknown factors. Life will take arbitrary turns which will seldom bring
happiness. It is here that the Guru bhakti and Shree Vidya Sadhana help the hapless
puppet to come out of this web of difficulty. The Sadhana cuts these strings of
karmas and so we stop being puppets and start being humans who can plan and do
things in life according to our free will.
What comprises a Child’s Destiny?
Babaji has always maintained that a husband and wife must follow a path of truth
which entails meditating together everyday, doing charity work for the poor and
needy and chanting mantras or swadhyay together. In addition to strengthening
their spiritual bond, what their joint divine deeds do is lead to a very radiant and
holy child as a blessing from the Almighty. Babaji said at least a year of such noble
deeds must precede conception of a progeny.
He elaborated that a child’s destiny is comprised of three destinies.
Child’s Destiny = Previous Birth & Karmas of the child + Father’s Destiny
+ Mother’s Destiny
Words always become a reality
Babaji asserted that each and every word that we utter becomes a reality. If a person
is burdened with loads of past karmas, his words will become a reality later but it is
for sure that someday they will manifest into a reality.
Babaji cautioned the sadhaks to weigh their words before uttering them because everything
that we imagine and say becomes a reality. If not today then tomorrow. If not tomorrow then
some day else. But it surely will manifest into reality. And as a ShivYogi, the utterances have
to be extra divine. No room for any remarks which are even slightly negative, not even
This teaching, Babaji said, is all the more important for ShivYogis since regular
Sadhana, seva and sankirtan cuts karmas at a rapid pace. As this happens, the need
to watch and monitor what we say increases too. Because as the karmas decrease, the
materialisation power enhances. So even if in anger, as ShivYogis we utter something
very objectionable, it will materialise. This will lead to the cycle of birth and death
continuing. One mindless comment, even if it is like “You are mad”, “You are an
animal” etc. will one day become a reality. Be very very careful and aware of what
you say even jokingly.
He said, “Jiske karm bandhan adhik hay, uski kahi huyi baat bhi ek din satya hogi, jab woh
aapne karm se mukt hoga. Aur he Shivyogio, tumhare karm to pratyek din Sadhana me jwal
ke bhasm ho jaate hay, to tumhare Sankalpa Shakti to itni teebra ho jaayegi ki, tum sochoge
baad me, aur ichchhaye pehle hi purna ho jaayegi. To tumhe bhoolkar bhi, majaak majaak me
bhi kuch eysa nehi bolna, jo kabhi phalibhut ho to dushparinaam ho. Kiu ki yadi eysa huya to
yaad rakhna, tumhare hisse me bhi uss abhishaap ka ek ansh aayega. Aadhyatmik unnati ke
shikhar ko prapt karna hay to apshabd aur katu bachano ko aapne nikat bhi nehi aane dena.
Mann me bhi kuch bura nehi sochna, yaa karna. Hamesha ye bhaav rakhna, ki sabka bhaala
ho. Kisi ne tumhe dukh pouhchaya hay, tab bhi ussko bura nehi kehna. Kiu ki eysa karna, phir
ek karm pyayda karega, aur dowaraa se karm ka paaiyaa chal parega. Aur keya maalum, tab
Shivanand tumhe sikhane ke liye ho naa ho… ”
The photographic reel that is life
Babaji said that in its journey, the soul is like a new brand photographic reel. It is
totally blank. As the soul enters a body, it comes in the thrall of the five senses and
the imprints of the karmas begin to get embossed on the reel. Also, the incidents in
life must be perceived like a movie. The stories, characters, happenings in it are all
fiction. But we get so attached to the movie of our lives that we think it is happening
to us. Babaji affirmed that life is nothing but a fictional film unfolding before us. The
movie is being projected using the photographic reel of the karmas. It is thus only a
The surroundings are a movie theatre and life is a movie of which we are lead characters.
Existence becomes so much more meaningful when the photographic reel of karmas
is made blank yet again. This can be done only by Shree Vidya Sadhana which
removes all the karmic imprints on the photographic reel of life. When the reel
becomes fresh and completely blank again, then the reel stops playing incidents. In
that scenario, you become the governor of what you want to see in your life. A good
movie (blissful and divine life) or bad movie (replete with acrimony, sorrow and
Senseless senses
Babaji insisted that the mountain of problems bursts on us because we let the senses
dictate terms to us.
He added that the sense of taste was the strongest and lashed out at the practice of
binge eating. He did not mince words in condemning the fast food culture which has
come to occupy a very prominent place in our lives.
Symbolism used to project that the damage being done through “Diet” variants of soft drinks
is less must be done away with. Babaji deplored the practice of having cold drinks and even
their mellowed down flavours.
Babaji made light of the fact that people try to show that they are not “totally
indulging” by token measures like consuming “Diet” versions of soft drinks (to
indicate that they’re consuming less sugar), low fat burgers, “Healthy Pizzas” etc.
The siddha informed the sadhaks that eating junk food (particularly microwaved
and fried) not only leads to depletion of spiritual energy attained with so many hours
of Sadhana, pran kriyas and chantings but also upsets the hormonal balance and
peace of mind.
Babaji noted that fast food chains had evolved over the course of the past few years to appeal to
the health conscious people. The rising awareness about fried and processed food causing
hazardous stomach and other diseases has led the food joints to devise new ways to attract
foodies. So we have “low fat”, “low calorie” potato fries, burgers, rolls and other extremely
harmful fried items. Babaji impressed upon the sadhaks to stay away from such gimmicks of
selling junk in the garb of “health foods”.
He further stated that eating junk food made one weak, vulnerable and more
inclined to committing sins. He concluded that humans were part of nature and are
best suited to natural food. Artificial, mechanised and processed food is not meant
for us. It is just a means to satisfy the taste buds.
Babaji laughed at the prospect of “Health Pizzas”. He contended that the terms “health” and
“pizza” cannot co-exist. He urged the sadhaks to desist from microwaved and fried foods. Eat
only as much your stomach can digest. Do not succumb to your taste buds, said Babaji. For
achieving good health, mind and spiritual thoughts, food laced with life force energy is must.
This includes raw fruits.
He held that, “Jihwa ke swaad ko saadhna bhi, ek tapasya hay. Sadhana ke parjay hay ki tum
apni indriyo ko aapne adheen koro, naa ki swayam indriyo ke aadheen ho jaao. Yeh nehi ki
tasty burger pizza ki photo dekhi, aur mann dol gyeya. Mann hi ko to kaabu karna hay, chetna
kaa staar barha ke. Aur yadi mann ki hi sunte rahoge, to sadhak kyese banoge? Issko saadhoge
kyese? Ghar ka bana huya pizza, burger khane ki adat daalo. Ghar ka bhojan hi swaadist
banana sikhho naa! Baahar ki mulko ne khub tumhe khila liye. Aab samay hay ki tum aapne
ghar ka Bhartiyo Bhojan prasiddha karo. Tum Puri-Chhoole… ityaadi, biswa bhar me
prasiddha kar do (this drew a laughter of approval).”
He added, “Samay par bhojan karne ki aadat daalo. Aur utna khaao ki pacha sako. Swaad
swaad me jyadaa bhi nehi khana. Saatwik Bhojan – jyese ki Phal khane ka bhi niyam banao.
Prakritik bhojan me hi Pran Shakti hay. Issi me Pran Urja ki bharmaar hay. Sadhana me yadi
sehi maayne me aage barna chahte ho, to bhojan ke yeh niyam bhi sadhne honge. Aur haa,
yaad rahe Shree Vidya Sadhak ko kabhi bhi Beef aur Pork nehi khana chahiye.”
Babaji went on to say that apart from eating, the other function that the mouth serves
for us is to relay our thoughts through speech. He cited a Jesus saying which states
that “What goes in your mouth is important but what is of more consequence is what
comes out of it.” He said that sadhaks must never utter words which cause hurt to
other people. “Put a price on your words. Be very selective in what you say. Don’t
just blabber endlessly. Don’t waste your time talking nonsense.”
Paying the debt
Babaji made it clear that the moment we take birth, we become indebted to our
mother. Likewise, as we grow old, we associate with more and more people. We seek
their help in so many ways. So we become indebted. And being indebted one can
never be supreme. Although there is no “amount” to be paid back, the intention to
pay back must be utmost. Babaji outlined 4 broad debts which every human being
becomes burdened with.
1. Pitra Reen - This debt includes the unplayable debt of the parents and
ancestors. Firstly the mother and then the father. Also this includes the wife.
Paying back : You owe your existence to your parents. They are the reason why
you are here on this planet in the first place. One must accept the parents the
way they are while working to make them as happy as may be possible. Fulfill
the duty of being a good son/daughter by serving your parents in every way
possible. From serving food to handing them a glass of water to massaging
them it can be any gesture. Thank them at every given opportunity. Hug them
Babaji said, “Aapne Mata Pita se aalingan (hug) karo. Unko baatao aur jaatao ki tum
unse kitna pyaar karte ho. Unse hug karke kaho – I Love You Mom/Dad. Yeh nehi
sochna ki mere Mata-Pita dante hay, yaa aachchhe nahi hay. Tum bas prem dena. Sneh
For husbands, wife too is a part of pitras. Your wife is someone who at the time
of marriage left her home, etheric ties with her home, her parents, her siblings
etc. You become indebted to your in-laws for rearing and caring their daughter
selflessly just so that one day they could wed her to you. It is the biggest
offering (kanya daan).
“Tumhare ghar me jab dusre parivaar se kanya aati hay to tum Reeni ho jaate ho. In
baato ko samjho. Ye Dahej aur Gift lena, in sab prapancha se upar utho. Khud itna
Samarth rakhho ki, kisi ki aage haath phailaane naa pare.”
Quarrels and verbal jousts do not help in any manner in paying back the debt of either
the wife or the husband. A jovial and caring atmosphere all the times is what Babaji
prescribes for couples.
Babaji said that by paying gratitude to the wife, being sincere to her, accepting
her the way she is and making her happy, you can pay back her debt. He
specifically mentioned that making her happy does not mean giving her loads
of gifts and money. Love is beyond materialism, he added. Wives too he said
must understand this. For their part, they must diligently discharge their duty
towards their husbands with love and take pride in serving their husbands with
2. Guru Reen - If the parents give you the biological birth, the Guru gives you
your spiritual birth and becomes your spiritual parent.
Paying back : A Siddha Guru needs nothing from your material offerings. He is
altruistic and is same as Shiva. All He desires is that you follow His teachings in
totality without tinkering them to suit your needs. The debt of the Guru is paid
every time you perform Sadhana, sankirtan and feed a small child, a poor
person, a deserted old person, help someone in need, lovingly pat God’s
creations, comfort a distraught soul, plant a tree and satiate a hungry soul.
By performing afforestation, Ishanji serves two purposes with one action. Firstly by
planting the saplings, he gives birth to new life, which in turn supports thousands of
lives and secondly planting trees helps him clear his Guru debt.
Babaji also said, “Aur Swayam ko nehi bhoolna. Agar tum aapne aap ko dukh dete ho
aur har samay dukhi rehte ho, tab bhi tum Guru Reen ko nehi chukka rahe ho. Har haal
me khush raho. Tum khushi khushi Aatma Sakshatkaar ko prapt kar lo, yehi Guru ke
janm lene ka aarth hay.”
3. Dev Reen - Hidden angelic powers of demi gods are always protecting us,
blessing us and ensuring our smooth spiritual journey. We are thus beholden to
the devtas who every morning bless us with positivity.
Paying back : Performing Sadhana during the Brahma-muhurata (morning 4am-
8am) clears one of this form of debt. Also, doing regular charity and helping
others is also a means to pay back this debt.
4. Prakriti Reen - From the time we get up to the time we sleep, we are utilising
nature’s bounty. We are surviving out of the oxygen, fruits and vegetables from
the flora, the water from the rivers and oceans, the land of the planet (which is
also the reservoir of so many minerals, metals, elements, mines, oil etc.) , the
skies give us the rains, etc. Everything around us has its origin in nature.
Therefore one of our obligation is towards the holy and selfless nature.
True Christmas spirit is all about thanksgiving to the nature and God Almighty
because of whose bounty we can afford to smile. Babaji says it is time to spread that
spirit of sharing your love.
Paying back : Environment is not outside us. Nature is not separate from us. We
all are a part of it. We must help make it better. Or at least not spoil it. Strewing
garbage on the streets, littering at any given spot, answering nature’s call at any
given place, using plastic bags, wasting electricity, water and energy, hurting
animals, birds and killing any of the God’s creations all comprise a sin. We
must do our level best to give back to Mother Nature by whatever means we
have. And truth be told, as a ShivYogi, we have all sorts we have all the
capabilities to do our bit for the environs of this holy planet.
Babaji conveyed that even mere acknowledgement of the things we take from
others pays a part of the debt. So as a routine, Babaji asked the sadhaks to do
this every day immediately after getting up from the bed:
“Uthne ke saath hi, mann hi mann, ek ek karke, sabko dhyanyabaad karo.
Sabse pehle pritthi tatwa ko pranaam karo. Namaskaar karo aur dhyanyabaad
karo. Pritthi tatwa me tumhare neeche ki Jameen, tumhara Dhan, Aishrya,
Sampannata aur sabhi Sansaarik Upalabdhiya aati hay.
Phir apne Mata-Pita, ssare Pitra, Pati/Patni ko --- namaskaar karo, pranaam
karo aur dhyanyabaad karo.
Uske pashchat aapne Guru ko puri sraddha aur bhakti se pranaam karo,
namaskaar karo, dhyanyabaad do. Guru se yeh kaho ki --- He Gurudev, main
aapko aashwasan deta hu ki jo Brahma-Gyan aapne mujhe diya hay, main
ussko puri tarha se aapne jeevan me sammilit karunga. Main aapko
dhyanyabaad karta hu.
Aant me aapne Isht (deity) ko, Devi-Devtao ko, pranaam karo, namaskaar
karo aur dhyanyabaad do. Unse kaho ki --- He divya Shaktiyo, mujhe
aashirwaad dijiye ki main aaj ke din, dher saara punya kar paayu.”
Quotes of the Shivir ……… as Babaji Delivered Them
“Log kehte hay ki --- yadi Bhagawan hamare bheetar hi hay, to hamare bheetar itne kasht kiu?
Itni byathaa kiu? Itne rog kiu? Itni byadhiyaa kiu?
Iss baat ko eyse samjho --- ki agar tumhare paas Air Conditioner hay, aur tumhe bahut garmi
laag rahi hay, to tum keya karte ho? Keya AC ko koshte ho? ki tu hay… phir bhi mujhe garmi
lag rahi hay! Yaa phir jaake usska Button ON karte ho, taki cooling shuru ho jaaye?”
Bayse hi tumhara jo Antar hay, wo AC hay. Aur saare Dukh aur Peera gargi hay. Iss garmi
se grasit ho kar tum kehte ho ki – mere bhitar AC hay, phir bhi mujhe garmi kiu laag rahi
Hey Shivyogi, tumhara Guru uss mechanic ki tarha hay, jo tumhare bheetar ke AC ko sehi
karne hetu aayaa hay. Guru ki sharan me aayo. Woh AC-mechanic-rupi-Guru tumhe
tumhaare-bheetar-birajmaan-Shiv-ke-AC-ka-Button ON kar dega. Tumhare AC-ka-Plug uss
Anant-ke-AC-se jor dega. Phir naa peera rahegi, naa hi rog, aur naa hi abgun.
Sadhana tumhe andar se saadhegi, Seva tumhara Ahankaar mitayegi, aur Sankirtan
tumhari Mannasthiti ko paribartit karegi, Prem aur Karuna ka bhaav utpann karegi. Durga
Saptashati ka Dhyan Sankirtan sabhi maylividyao se mukt karega.
Bayse parampara yeh hay ki kebal supaatra ko hi Shree Vidya Deeksha di jaati hay. Kintu
main aap sabhi ko bahut bhagyashali samajhta hu, ki Maa Bhagabati ka eysa aadesh hay ki
sabhi ko supaatra bana diya jaaye. Kiu ki jab agyanta ki parte Sadhana-ki-Shakti se bhasm ho
jaati hay, to bykti swatah hi supaatra ban jaata hay. Tum Guru ki sharan me aaye ho to, Guru
aapni-Shakti-ke-madhyam-se tumhe Andhakaar-se-Prakaash-ki-aur lekar aayega hi. Bass,
Guru ka haath nehi chhorna. Aur yadi Guru ke dikhaye maarg ka anusharan kar liya, tab sref
Deeksha ke supaatra nehi, phir Moksh ko dharan karne ke liye bhi supaatra ho jaayoge.”
Having amassed so much spiritual wealth, Babaji has reached a point where He is so brimming
with love that He dares to redefine spiritual beliefs. Giving a new meaning to the term “Supatra” is
only one of such path breaking and righteous views of His.
By the end of the shivir, Babaji had empowered and electrified the sadhaks with the shakti of Maa
Durga so that they can go to the world and glow like bulbs and be known as world beaters.