Quantum Mechanics Lecture Note Dr.H. Rath
Quantum Mechanics Lecture Note Dr.H. Rath
Quantum Mechanics Lecture Note Dr.H. Rath
Quantum Physics:
Elementary concepts of quantum physics formulation to deal with physical
Classical mechanics describe the motion of the particle, rigid bodies, fluids etc., under the
influence of appropriate forces.
The laws of electromagnetism, thermodynamics, geometrical and physical optics which
constituted the classical physics described the corresponding phenomenon successfully.
However, many new phenomena, such as blackbody radiation, photoelectric effect etc.,
observed during the last decade of nineteenth century and the early part of twentieth
century, which could not be explained within the framework of classical physics.
In order to explain these phenomena the concept of classical physics were modified in
favour of new revolutionary concepts. This process gave the birth to quantum physics.
Along with these discoveries, a large amount of experimental observations starting with
blackbody radiation . photoelectric effect which the classical theory failed to explain.
Blackbody Radiation
Features of energy distribution curves:
energy/unit volume
per frequency range
• In terms of wavelength:
Photoelectric Effect
• The emission of electrons from the surface of metals when a beam
of light of suitable frequency is incident on them is called
‘photoelectric effect’. Emitted electron in this process
Photo electron
Characteristics of Photoelectrons
Stoping Potential
, V0Anode = -ve and
cathode =+ve
Ip= 0
Einstein theory of Photoelectric effect:
Compton Effect
• When high frequency gamma rays pass near atomic nuclei, some gamma rays are
converted into electron-positron pair. This phenomenon is called pair creation or
pair production.
• It is an example of conservation of energy into mass which follows from the mass-
energy equivalence.
• The energy hϑ of the gamma ray photon must be equal to or greater than 2 m0c2
for pair creation to occur.
ℎ𝜈𝜈 ≥ 2𝑚𝑚𝑜𝑜 𝐶𝐶 2
de-Broglie hypothesis
Wave Packet