SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL-Practical Research 1
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL-Practical Research 1
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL-Practical Research 1
A. Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC)
Design a research project related to daily life
B. Objectives:
1. Narrow down a general topic into a smaller one
2. Identify possible research problems
3. Plan a research project useful to daily life
Before you design your own research project, you must have first a working research
title. Thus, you begin your research work with a problem or a topic to work on.
When finding the right research paper topic, let’s consider this:
1. To write your title, you must start with a topic. There is actually no such thing as a
single best topic. It is easier to jot down three topics of your choice, or even five,
instead of selecting one single topic. Soon you will realize there is wisdom to this
2. Identify problem situations. At home, there are problems that you dwell on.
Examples are relationships, money matters, unemployment, infidelity and more. In
school, you would hear students complain about failing grades, teachers’ teaching
strategies, limited allowances, school facilities and equipment and a lot more. You can
move to the larger community and look into problems on politics, prices of
commodities, and other concerns.
For sure, if given the opportunity, you would help in any way you can to ease people
out of these problems. These are already your sources of a topic or topics of
3. Consider your passion or interest. Your interest in a topic may be caused by your
rich background knowledge about it and by its unfamiliarity to you. Your real interest
in a subject pushes you to research, investigate, or inquire about it with full
enthusiasm, motivation, and energy.
4. Make sure you have enough resources for your topic. This means finding a topic
that is discussed not just on websites or blogs, but more so on books, articles or even
5. Pick a topic that is timely and relevant. The topic is relevant if it yields results that
are instrumental in societal improvement. It is timely if it is related to the present.
6. Check references from the library. Visit your library to check the availability of
reading materials on your chosen topic. Do not hesitate to ask your librarian for
7. Be ready with your personal resources. Assess your research abilities in terms of
your financial standing, health condition, mental capacity, needed facilities, and time
allotment to enable you to complete your research.
8. Master the skill of finding the right research topic. Unfortunately, not all topics you
are interested in may be that easy to write about. It becomes even more difficult if
there is not enough research material about the topic you’ve chosen. When
confronted on what research paper topics to do, find a broad subject first, then narrow
it down.
The following are research topics to be avoided:
1. Controversial Topics
These are topics that depend greatly on the writer’s opinion. Facts cannot support
topics like these.
Example: The Extent of Filipinos’ Faith in God
3. Hard-to-Investigate Topics
A subject is hard to investigate if there are no available reading materials about it and
if such materials are not up-to-date.
Example: Labor Unions before the Coming of Christ
4. Broad Topics
Topics that are too broad will prevent you from giving an in-depth analysis of the
subject matter of the paper. The solution to this is to narrow or limit the topic to a
smaller one.
Example: Lack of Self-Confidence (Broad)
Better Topic: Lack of Self-Confidence in Adolescents: Root Causes, Manifestations
and Intervention (Narrowed)
6. Vague Topics
A. Practice Task 1
What to do:
A. On your notebook, write the title that appears to be the best in terms of narrowing down a
broad topic.
1. ______ Symptoms of AIDS
______ Physical Symptoms of AIDS
______ Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS
Practice Task 2
Narrow down each of the following general subjects to make each a good research topic.
2. School
a. ________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________
4. Government
a. ________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________
Plan your research by following the five steps in research design. Write your answers inside
the boxes.
Create a short poem, drawing, or a music script expressing your thoughts and feelings about
planning your own research.
Express Yourself!
Baraceros, E.L. (2016). Practical research 1. Manila: Rex Book Store Publishing House Inc.
Cristobal, A.P. & Cristobal, M.C.D. (2017). Practical research for senior high school. Quezon
City, Manila: C & E Publishing, Inc.
Jerusalem, V.L., Garcia, M.D.R., Palencia, J.M. & Palencia, M.M. (2017). Practical research
1: Basics of qualitative research. Sampaloc, Manila: Fastbooks.
Matira, M.D. (2016). Practical research for the 21st century learners. Sampaloc, Manila: St.
Augustine Publications, Inc.
Prieto, N.G., Naval, V.C., & Carey, T.G. (2017). Practical research 1. Quezon City, Metro
Manila: Lorimar, Publishing Inc.
Prepared by:
Layout Artists:
Practice Task 1
1. Symptoms of AIDS
/ Physical Symptoms of AIDS
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS
2. World Ideologies
Feminism in the Digital Era
/ Feminism in Nick Joaquin’s Latest Novel
3. Communication Skills
/ Pre-Writing Strategies
The Writing Process
4. / Russian-Plate Service
Food Serving Techniques
Hotel and Restaurant Management
5. Philippine Transportation System
Manila’s Transportation System
/ Metro Manila’s LRT/MRT Systems
B. Use numbers 1 to 5 to show the order of these topics if you narrow them from general to
the most limited topic. Number 1 being the general topic and 5 as the most limited one.
6. 1 Man’s Personality
5 The Right Lobe of the Brain
2 The Five Aspects of Personality
3 The Intellectual Aspect of a Person
4 Brain Components
Practice Task 2
Answers may vary but you may refer to these sample answers.
1. General subject: Bullying
NARROWED _______Cyber Bullying____________
Narrowed further _______Manifestations of a Cyber Bullying Victim______
2. General subject: Online Gaming
NARROWED ________Mobile Legends__________
Narrowed further ________Effects of Playing Mobile Legends______