Green Party of Ontario Letter
Green Party of Ontario Letter
Green Party of Ontario Letter
John Tory
Mayor of Toronto
Office of the Mayor
City of Toronto
100 Queen St W, Toronto, ON M5H 2N2
416.397.CITY (2489)
Thank you for sending your letter and your questions to the Ontario Greens. We appreciate the
opportunity to speak on these issues and we would welcome the opportunity for conversation and
collaboration in the future. I am happy to provide responses to your questions on behalf of Mike
Schreiner and the party.
Madeleine Crist
Office Manager
Green Party of Ontario
1. Will you commit to supporting the City's HousingTO 2020-2030 Action Plan, and to providing
$48 million annually in ongoing operating funding for supportive housing beginning in 2023?
Ontario Greens support Toronto’s HousingTO Action Plan and would provide operating funding to
support it.
We would build 60,000 permanent supportive housing units over the next decade, through innovative
partnerships with public, private, and non-profit housing organizations and deploy temporary and
permanent supportive modular housing projects on provincially owned land as quickly as possible.
We would also increase annual funding for women’s shelters as well as safe and accessible transitional
and supportive housing options for women and their families and increase funding for culturally
appropriate transitional housing. Overall, we would provincially fund 50% of shelter and community
housing costs while allowing municipalities to maintain management control.
2. Will you commit to providing the City with relief funding to cover its remaining $875 million in
COVID-19 operating budget impacts, principally for TTC revenue impacts and extraordinary
shelter costs?
The Ontario Greens would also ease some of the financial burdens from municipal infrastructure costs
through the creation of a dedicated $2B per year Climate Adaptation Fund for municipalities.
3. Will you commit to completing the four priority transit lines outlined above and working with
us to continue our transit progress?
Ontario Greens will commit to completing the four priority transit lines. We would also work closely with
the city to continue transit progress through a number of key steps:
● Prioritizing public transit in all transportation planning decisions
● Restoring the 50% provincial cost-share for transit operations in order to reduce fare increases
for users and increase transit ridership
● Triple the number of dedicated bus lanes by 2025.
● Electrify Ontario’s transit system as quickly as possible, including by adding 4,000 electric and
fuel-cell buses by 2030.
● Ensuring transportation decisions are evidence-based, without political interference, and include
consultation with planning experts throughout the planning process
4. Will you commit to partnering with the City on our SafeTO Plan, including providing funding
Ontario Greens believe that collaboration and consultation with municipalities is essential to have a
thriving Ontario. We are committed to making Toronto safer for its residents, which includes partnering
with the city on the SafeTO Plan. Ontario Greens will address some of the underlying causes to further
improve the safety of Toronto communities including:
● Developing a 3 digit dedicated crisis response line and health-focused crisis response teams to
respond to mental health and substance related calls
● Working with the federal government to decriminalize drug use, expanding safe consumption
sites, and including mental health and addiction care under OHIP
● Ensuring that court mental health workers are available through Ontario to divert individuals
living with a mental health and/or substance use issue out of the justice system and into mental
health and addictions services and supports
● Increase upstream investments in the social determinants of health, such as social isolation,
housing insecurity, and poverty to prevent substantial, long-term healthcare costs and severe
A major plank of the Ontario Green platform is focused on improving the state of mental health care in
the province, and treating it the same way we treat health care. For more details, see our comprehensive
plan to improve support for mental health and addictions, “Building a More Caring Ontario”.
The following commitments are including in our plan to increase access to publicly funded mental health
● Provide an immediate budget increase of 8% to community mental health sector to increase
publicly funded care
● Invest to increase mental health spending to 10% of Ontario’s healthcare budget
● Include mental health and addiction care under OHIP by offering services provided by
psychotherapists, psychologists, social workers, and other professionals
● Expand access to publicly funded mental health and addiction treatment beds
● Fully integrate mental health and addictions services into expanded Family Health Teams and
walk-in clinics, and include mental health and substance use as part of regular check-ups