Recovery of Valuable Metals From Lepidolite by Atmosphere Leaching and Kinetics On Dissolution of Lithium

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Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc.

China 29(2019) 641−649

Recovery of valuable metals from lepidolite by atmosphere leaching and

kinetics on dissolution of lithium

Jin-lian LIU1, 2, Zhou-lan YIN1, Xin-hai LI3, Qi-yang HU3, Wei LIU1
1. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China;
2. Jiangxi Yunwei New Material Company Limited, Yichun 336000, China;
3. School of Metallurgy and Environment, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
Received 8 December 2017; accepted 16 November 2018

Abstract: The lepidolite located in Yichun, Jiangxi Province, China, was adopted to investigate the recovery of alkali metals and
leaching kinetics of lithium with sulphuric acid solution under atmospheric pressure. The results show that the recoveries of alkali
metals were achieved under the leaching conditions: mass ratio of lepidolite with particle size less than 180 μm to sulphuric acid 1.2,
leaching temperature 411 K, liquid−solid ratio 2.5‫׃‬1, and leaching time 10 h. Under the selected conditions for leaching experiment,
the leaching rates of lithium, potassium, rubidium and caesium are 94.18%, 93.70%, 91.81% and 89.22%, respectively. The X-ray
diffraction analysis for leaching residue indicates that no insoluble product forms during leaching. The chemical compositions of
leaching residue reveal that trace iron, manganese and calcium disappear after acid leaching. The kinetics of leaching process for
lithium follows shrinking core model of mixed control and the apparent activation energy is 17.21 kJ/mol. The reaction orders with
respect to sulphuric acid concentration and liquid−solid ratio are determined to be 2.85 and 1.66, respectively. A semi-empirical rate
equation was obtained to describe the leaching process. The kinetic analysis shows that the leaching process is controlled by
diffusion through the insoluble layer of the associated minerals.
Key words: kinetics; lepidolite; lithium; activation energy; leaching

Currently, majority of lithium products are extracted

1 Introduction from the primary source of surface brines in the world,
which typically contains 0.06%−0.15% Li due to the
Lithium is widely utilized in battery industry and lower production costs compared with processing cost
many other commercial products due to its fascinating from lithium ores [5,6]. With the tremendous growth in
electrochemical reactivity as well as other unique demand for lithium and price rise, many potential ore
properties. Lithium chemicals and minerals find deposits are being considered or have been developed
extensive applications in many industrial branches, such to process lithium carbonate such as spodumene
as ceramic, rubber, glass, aluminium, lubrication LiAlSi2O6 (6.0%−7.5%), petalite LiAlSi4O10 (3.5%−
industries, metallurgical and pharmaceutical industries as 4.5%), lepidolite K(Li,Al)3(Al,Si)4O10(F,OH)2 (3.3%−
raw materials [1,2]. It was reported that the use of 7.74%), zinnwaldite K(Li,Al,Fe)3(Al,Si)4O10F2 (2%−5%)
lithium for batteries and related products has been and also other solid minerals [1−7]. Spodumene is the
increased by more than about 25% per year during the purest form of those minerals containing Al and Si while
past several years. Prediction indicates that the total petalite has higher Si content. Lepidolite and zinnwaldite
world lithium consumption is expected to increase by contain Al in the same lattice with Li or Fe and also
approximately 60% from 192000 t to 307000 t of lithium contain increased contents of valuable metals, such as Rb
carbonate in the next 5 years, with the use of batteries in and Cs. Up to now, Rb is usually separated from the
upcoming electric and hybrid vehicles taking a processing of lepidolite to extract lithium because of no
tremendous percentage (40000 t) of this growth [3,4]. minerals of its own [8−10].

Foundation item: Project (2015BAB06B01) supported by the National Key Technology R&D Program of China; Project (2014CB643406) supported by the
National Basic Research Program of China
Corresponding author: Zhou-lan YIN; E-mail:
DOI: 10.1016/S1003-6326(19)64974-5
642 Jin-lian LIU, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 29(2019) 641−649
Several methods have been developed to obtain and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission
lithium from all solid lithium minerals. Partial processes spectroscopy (ICP−AES) method were also used to
used in the below mentioned reports are subjected to a interpret the results of leaching experiments.
two-stage (roasting and leaching) treatment with
aggressive media such as sulphuric acid, hydrochloric 2 Experimental
acid, lime, sodium and potassium salts and calcium
sulphate at elevated temperature to obtain a water- 2.1 Materials
soluble lithium salt [11,12]. However, the leaching The lepidolite was provided by Jiangxi Province of
process of lithium with pyrometallurgical methods China. It was ground in a ball mill and sieved to less than
consumed a large amount of energy, and SO2 emission 180 µm before it was used as the samples for the
has received considerable attention due to more stringent leaching tests. The chemical composition of the
environmental restrictions. These drawbacks of the lepidolite is listed in Table 1 and the XRD pattern is
roasting process limit their applications worldwide. Acid shown in Fig. 1. The lepidolite sample that can be used
leaching is suitable for the recovery of valuable metals in this investigation is a fairly pure crystal as indicated
from complexes, especially low-grade ores with high by 2.12% Li, 1.25% Na, 6.50% K, 1.21% Rb, 0.20% Cs,
contents of Si and waste rocks tailings [13−15]. The 14.26% Al, 4.46% F, 50.78% SiO2 and containing 0.24%
main advantage of the acid leaching is that the Mn, 0.14% Ca, 0.13% Fe as impurities. The raw material
production of SO2 can be avoided during the leaching contains primarily lepidolite (K(Li,Al)3(Si,Al)4O10-
process compared with the conventional method. (F,OH)2), albite (NaAlSi3O8) and quartz (SiO2). All
For the production of lithium carbonate from chemicals used in the experiments are analytical grade
lithium minerals, two main alternatives have been reagents. Deionized water was used to prepare solutions
proposed in recent years, including roasting leaching for the experimental procedures and also for all the
(RL) and acid leaching (AL) directly [16,17]. Compared
analytical tests.
with the AL process, the RL process has a shorter
roasting and leaching time. CHEN et al [18] reported that
Table 1 Chemical composition of raw ore (mass fraction, %)
the α-spodumene was roasted at elevated temperature of
Li Na K Rb Cs SiO2
1323 K for 30 min for crystal transformation and then
2.12 1.25 6.50 1.21 0.20 50.78
leached for 120 min to ensure lithium salts into the
Al F Fe Mn Ca
lixivium more efficiently. The leaching of lithium from
granite by using sulphuric acid was carried out in an 14.26 4.46 0.13 0.24 0.14
autoclave above 533 K [19]. The acid-roasting method
applied in lithium ores such as spodumene has been
reported during the past years [20].
The effects of heat treatment on the lithium leaching
rate have been intensively studied [21]. However, there is
a lack of detailed investigation about kinetic of lithium
recovery from lepidolite. Despite the hydrometallurgical
process has emerged as a promising technology for
lithium leaching from lepidolite, it has not been
commercialized worldwide. Leaching of lithium in
sulphuric acid is complicated and it is not surprising
that the reaction kinetic for the system has not been
reported [22].
The purpose of the present research is to
recommend results on the characterization and leaching Fig. 1 XRD pattern of lepidolite
of lepidolite by diluted sulphuric acid. The factors
studied were temperature, reaction time, acid 2.2 Experimental process
concentration, liquid−solid (L/S) ratio and particle size. The leaching experiments were implemented in a
Through analysis of the above factors, we established the 1000 mL three-neck flask glass reactor connected with a
controlling kinetic model of the reaction process. This condenser pipe and agitated by a mechanical stirrer. The
model can provide a scientific approach and a theoretic reaction temperature was maintained to be constant in an
basis for the mechanisms of leaching lithium from oil bath heated by an electric heater. All the experiments
lepidolite at optimal performance and reagent were conducted in batches with 200 g lepidolite. Firstly,
consumption. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurement a specific amount of diluted sulphuric acid solution was
Jin-lian LIU, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 29(2019) 641−649 643
added into the reactor. The solution was heated up to a Aluminium, iron, manganese and calcium exist in
specified temperature under stirring. Up to temperature lithium minerals of lepidolite. They will also react with
stabilization, a certain amount of lepidolite was added sulphuric acid in the leaching solution, and the reactions
into sulphuric acid solution to initiate the reaction. 2 mL are as follows:
of sample solution was withdrawn from leaching solution Al2O3(s)+3H2SO4(aq)=Al2(SO4)3(aq)+3H2O (3)
at specific time and filtered for analyzing the FeO, MnO, CaO(s)+3H2SO4(aq)=
concentrations of all valuable metals. After reaction, the (Fe,Mn)SO4(aq)+CaSO4(s)+3H2O (4)
slurry was separated by vacuum filtration and the
leaching residue was dried in an oven at 313 K. The most common process involves the leaching of
mixed alkali metals from the original minerals by
2.3 Analytical methods prolonged leaching time, and mixed alums are developed
The leaching process was followed by sampling of by reacting an aqueous solution of aluminium sulphate
solution at a chosen time interval, and then measured the and the corresponding Me2SO4 includes potassium,
concentrations of Li, K, Rb and Cs by an ICP−AES rubidium and caesium sulphates in a stoichiometric
method. Fluorine and aluminum were determined with a proportion partially, and then all the soluble mixed alums
fluoride ion selective electrode and titration, respectively. decrease with the increased atomic number [24].
Fluoride and aluminium were determined three times to Me2SO4(aq)+Al2(SO)3(aq)+24H2O=
obtain the average values. Relative standard deviations 2MeAl(SO4)2·12H2O(aq) (5)
were found to be within ±0.5%. The leaching rates of
Therefore, at the end of dissolution reaction, the
valuable metals were calculated using the following
leaching residue consists mainly of quartz and albite. All
volume correct formula [23]:
metallic elements are dissolved to form metallic sulphate
i −1 i −1
and mixed alums in the solution.
(V0 −  Vi )cLi,i +  Vi cLi,i
i =1 i =1
Xi = (1)
c 3.2 Effect of experimental parameters on leaching
m Li
100 process
As valuable metals and silica exist predominantly in
where V0 is the initial volume of the leaching solution
the lepidolite, all alkali metals, aluminium and trace of
(mL), Vi is the volume of the sample solution i (mL), cLi
iron, manganese, will dissolve into the leaching solution,
is the content of lithium in the lepidolite (mass
and thus the leaching rates of these metals will reflect the
fraction, %, dried solid), cLi,i is the concentration of
leaching extent of lepidolite.
lithium in sample i (g/L), and m is the initial mass of
3.2.1 Effect of initial acid concentration
lepidolite (g, dried solid).
The effects of initial acid concentration on the
leaching rates of alkali metals and aluminium were
3 Results and discussion
studied by varying mass ratio of acid to lepidolite over
the range of 0.6‫׃‬1−1.6‫׃‬1, maintaining the reaction
3.1 Chemical reactions during process leaching
temperature at 411 K, 2.5‫׃‬1 of L/S ratio, particle size less
Up to now, the mechanism of reduction dissolution
than 180 µm and 10 h of reaction time.
for lepidolite in sulphuric acid solution remains unclear.
As can be seen in Fig. 2, when the mass ratio of
The lepidolite is only partially dissolved and reacted with
acid to lepidolite is no more than 0.8‫׃‬1, the leaching rates
sulphuric acid to form alkali metal sulphate and
of alkali metals are less than 70%, which is due to lack of
aluminium sulphate during acid leaching, and the
sulphuric acid in the slurry. When the mass ratio
amounts of alkali metals and aluminium in the residue
increases from 0.8‫׃‬1 to 1.2‫׃‬1, the leaching rate of lithium
are very low. Only a trace of Fe and Mn in the minerals
increases significantly. The lithium leaching rate
are dissolved into the leaching solution, which have little
improves from 92.71% to 97.99% when the mass ratio
influence on the acid consumption, leaching rates of all
increases from 1.2‫׃‬1 to 1.6‫׃‬1. The leaching rate
valuable metals, lithium concentration in leaching
improvements of alkali metals and aluminium are
solution and the product composition. The effect of the
probably due to the increase of H+ activity that will result
recovery of lithium on the leaching kinetic plays a
in subsequent reaction of valuable metals in the residue.
significant role in the following discussion. The main
But higher mass ratio will increase the consumption of
chemical reactions during leaching may be expressed as
H2SO4 and reduce the concentration of valuable metals
in the resultant solution. Therefore, a mass ratio of 1.2‫׃‬1
Me2O(s)+H2SO4(aq)=Me2SO4(aq)+H2O (2) is employed in order to optimize the leaching process.
where Me are alkali metals, which can react with 3.2.2 Effect of L/S ratio
sulphuric, chlorine and nitric acids. The effects of L/S ratio in the range from 1.5‫׃‬1 to
644 Jin-lian LIU, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 29(2019) 641−649
rates of alkali metals and aluminium were investigated in
the temperature range of 351 to 421 K. During these
experiments, the L/S ratio was maintained to be 2.5‫׃‬1,
the mass ratio of acid to lepidolite was 1.2‫׃‬1, particle size
was less than 180 µm and reaction time was 10 h.
The results are shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen that
the leaching rates of valuable metals increase with
increasing temperature, alkali metals are readily leached
at 351 K or lower temperatures. With the increase in the
reaction temperature from 351 to 411 K, lithium leaching
rate increases from 59.13% to 94.18%. The economical
leaching rates of potassium, rubidium and caesium are
93.70%, 91.81% and 89.22% when the temperature is
411 K, respectively, and the leaching rates of all other
Fig. 2 Effect of initial acid concentration on leaching rates of alkali metals are lower than that of lithium. Also, it is
valuable metals (411 K, L/S ratio 2.5‫׃‬1, particle size less than clear that the maximum leaching rate of aluminium is
180 µm) 82.63% at 411 K, and then decreases with further
increasing temperature. The low dissolution of
4‫׃‬1 on the leaching rates of valuable metals were studied, aluminium at higher temperature is probably due to
maintaining the mass ratio of acid to lepidolite at 1.2‫׃‬1, precipitation of Al−F complexes. The fact that the
reaction temperature at 411 K, particle size less than leaching rates of alkali metals and aluminium increase
180 µm and 10 h of reaction time. with the temperature increasing may be attributed to the
As can be seen in Fig. 3, increasing the L/S ratio intensive diffusivity of sulphate.
from 1.5‫׃‬1 to 3‫׃‬1, an obvious increase in the leaching
rate of alkali metals is obtained. The leaching rate
increases from 80.08% to 92.72% for lithium and from
77.11% to 87.37% for other alkali metals, with the
increase of L/S ratio from 1.5‫׃‬1 to 2.5‫׃‬1, while the
recovery of aluminium increases by about 13.12%. When
L/S ratio of 4‫׃‬1 is used, a lithium leaching rate of 97.75%
can be obtained, as can be expected, a further increase in
L/S ratio from 2.5‫׃‬1 to 4.0‫׃‬1 has little impact on the
leaching rates of alkali metals. Therefore, the L/S ratio is
kept constant at 2.5‫׃‬1 for the subsequent experiments.

Fig. 4 Effect of temperature on leaching rates of valuable

metals (L/S ratio 2.5‫׃‬1, initial acid concentration 50%, particle
size less than 180 µm)

3.2.4 Effect of particle size

The effects of particle size on the leaching rates of
alkali metals were studied. These experiments were
conducted at 411 K, mass ratio of acid to lepidolite 1.2‫׃‬1,
L/S ratio 2.5‫׃‬1 and reaction time 10 h. As shown in
Fig. 5, the leaching rate of lithium increases with the
particle size decreasing, but the particle size plays a
Fig. 3 Effect of L/S ratio on leaching rates of valuable metals minor role in the leaching process. The maximum
(411 K, initial acid concentration 50%, particle size less than leaching rate of lithium reaches 85.89% when the
180 µm) particle size is above 380 μm, whereas 95.12% lithium is
extracted when the particle size is less than 96 µm. The
3.2.3 Effect of temperature leaching rates of other alkali metals are presented in
The effects of reaction temperature on the leaching Table 2. The results show that the leaching rate of
Jin-lian LIU, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 29(2019) 641−649 645
lithium is the highest, and that of caesium is the lowest The chemical compositions of leaching residue are
of all the alkali metals. The leaching rates of alkali listed in Table 3. The results indicate that alkali metals
metals are both up to 88.86% when the particle size is and trace amount of Fe, Mn and Ca disappear after the
96−180 μm. The leaching rates of alkali metals increase leaching experiments. These results suggest that no
gradually and then keep almost constant with the insoluble product forms during the leaching processes.
decrease of particle size. It is necessary to grind the
lepidolite and sieve to less than 180 µm before leaching Table 3 Chemical composition of residue (mass fraction, %)
in order to improve leaching efficiency. Li Na K Rb SiO2 Al F
0.12 0.85 0.28 0.01 50.78 3.07 1.85

3.4 Kinetic analysis

Kinetic modelling yields comprehensive informa-
tion regarding leaching mechanisms. In a fluid−solid
reaction system, if the mixed lepidolite ore particles are
considered as nonporous particles, and the ore grains
gradually shrank and the product layers form around the
unreacted grains during the leaching process of alkali
metals. The heterogeneous non-catalytic reaction for
lepidolite may be kinetically interpreted by using the
shrinking core model (SCM) while other models such as
homogeneous, grain and pore models are usually applied
to the porous solid−liqiud system [25−27].
Fig. 5 Effect of particle size on leaching rate of lithium (411 K, Figure 5 indicates that the diffusion through the
L/S ratio 2.5‫׃‬1, initial acid concentration 50%) liquid film surrounding a solid particle does not act as a
rate-controlling step under the particle size less than
Table 2 Effect of particle size on leaching rate of all elements
96 μm. Therefore, only diffusion through the product
Particle Leaching rate/%
layer and chemical reaction on the surface of the
size/μm Lithium Potassium Rubidium Caesium
unreacted core should be carefully considered when
>380 85.89 84.90 81.75 77.11 discussing the controlling step. According to Eq. (2), the
250−380 90.55 89.40 85.65 84.78 leaching reactions are irreversible reactions, and the
180−250 92.5 91.69 86.86 85.37 leaching process can be described as two independent
96−180 94.14 92.47 88.86 96.55 models, based on the SCM of which liquid film diffusion
<96 95.13 93.44 90.04 98.93 control is neglected.
Assuming that lepidolite has a spherical geometry
3.3 Morphology of leaching residue and the process is controlled by the surface chemical
The mineralogical composition of the lepidolite reaction, the integrated equation of the shrinking core
after sulphuric acid leaching was examined by XRD. The model can be given as follows [28]:
corresponding XRD pattern in Fig. 6 shows that the
1 − (1 − x)1/ 3 = kr t
primary phases of leaching residue are albite 
(NaAlSi3O8) and quartz (SiO2).  kM s (6)
kr = aρ r cA
 s 0

where x is the lithium leaching rate, t is real leaching

time, kr is the apparent rate constant calculated from
Eq. (6), k is the kinetic constant, Ms is the relative
molecular mass of solid, cA is the acid concentration, a is
the stoichiometric coefficient of reagent in reaction, ρs is
the density of the solid, and r0 is the initial radius of
Similarly, if the leaching products form on the
surface of the unreacted grains and the volume of
products is the same as that of the reacted solids, the
particle size will keep constant and the radius of the
Fig. 6 XRD pattern of leaching residue particle is equal to r0 during leaching [26]. If sulphuric
646 Jin-lian LIU, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 29(2019) 641−649
acid concentration is constant during leaching, the rate of
reaction can be expressed as

 2 2/3
1 − 3 x − (1 − x) = kd t

 (7)
2 M s DAeff
 kd = cA
 a ρs r02

where DAeff is the diffusion coefficient in porous

product layer.
According to Eqs. (6) and (7), when the chemical
reaction and outer diffusion are the rate controlling step,
a plot of 1−(1−x)1/3 vs time is a straight line with a slope
of kr. On the contrary, when the leaching process is
controlled by inner diffusion through the solid product
Fig. 7 Plots of 1−(2/3)x−(1−x)2/3 vs time at different
layer, a plot of 1−(2/3)x−(1−x)2/3 vs time is a straight line
temperatures (L/S ratio 2.5‫׃‬1, initial acid concentration 50%,
with a slope of kd [28,29]. Equations (6) and (7) are often
particle size less than 180 μm)
used to describe the process when it is controlled by
chemical reaction or diffusion in nonporous liquid−solid
system. controlled by diffusion through the insoluble layer of the
associated minerals.
3.5 Empirical kinetic equation The apparent activation energy Ea was determined
In order to determine the controlling step and carry based on the Arrhenius equation:
out kinetic analysis in this work, the SCMs with surface Ea
ln kd = ln A − (8)
chemical reaction and diffusion through product layer, RT
Eqs. (6) and (7) were evaluated. The left sides of these where A is the pre-exponential factor. Arrhenius plot of
expressions are plotted with respect to the leaching time ln kd vs T −1 for lithium leaching data is shown in Fig. 8.
and then the dependency models on the kinetic data are The apparent activation energy calculated from the slope
evaluated with correlation coefficient (R2) values. The of the line is 17.21 kJ/mol at 351−421 K.
slops of these plots are the apparent rate constants (kr and
Experimental data were substituted into Eqs. (6) and
(7), and correlation coefficient (R2) were calculated, as
given in Table 4. The results indicate that the dissolution
controlled model (Eq. (7)) is fitted with the data better in
the range of experiments and the correlation coefficients
(R2) are greater than 0.96. Figure 7 shows the good
fitting obtained by plotting 1−(2/3)x−(1−x)2/3 vs time at
different temperatures. In addition, the type of reaction
does not confirm to surface chemical reaction and the
correlation coefficients (R2) are lower than 0.96. It is
then illustrated that the kinetic data are fitted with the
shrinking core model, in which the leaching process is
Fig. 8 Arrhenius plot for lithium dissolution from lepidolite
Table 4 Correlation coefficient (R2) of two kinetic models at
different temperatures
A similar fitting plot of 1−(2/3)x−(1−x)2/3 vs time
T/K was obtained at initial different sulphuric acid
1−(1−x)1/3 1−(2/3)x−(1−x)2/3
concentrations c0 and shown in Fig. 9(a). From the slopes
351 0.9496 0.9910
of the straight lines shown in Fig. 9(b), the apparent rate
371 0.9654 0.9907
constant (kd) values were determined and a plot of ln kd
381 0.8784 0.9959
vs ln c0 was obtained to determine the order of
401 0.8403 0.9943 dependency with respect to the concentration of
411 0.9333 0.9637 sulphuric acid. The reaction order with respect to the
421 0.9137 0.9983 concentration of sulphuric acid is 2.85.
Jin-lian LIU, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 29(2019) 641−649 647

Fig. 10 Fitting of experimental data according to Eq. (7) at

Fig. 9 Fitting of experimental data according to Eq. (7) at different L/S ratios (initial acid concentration 50%, 411 K,
different initial acid concentrations (L/S ratio 2.5‫׃‬1, 411 K, particle size less than 180 μm): (a) 1−(2/3)x−(1−x)2/3 vs time;
particle size less than 180 μm): (a) 1−(2/3)x−(1−x)2/3 vs time; (b) ln kd vs ln(L/S)
(b) ln kd vs lg c0
The value of k0 can be calculated from the straight
Similarly, the straight lines of 1−(2/3)x−(1−x)2/3 vs line in Fig. 7 to be 1.18. Consequently, Eq. (11) can be
time were obtained at different L/S ratios and shown in described as the kinetic expression to interpret the
Fig. 10(a). The experimental kd values were determined dissolution of lithium from lepidolite in sulphuric acid
and ln kd vs ln(L/S) plot is shown in Fig. 10(b). It is solutions.
calculated that the reaction rate is proportional to the
2 1.18
power of 1.66 for L/S ratio. 1− x − (1 − x) 2 / 3 = 2 c02.85 rL/S
exp[−17210 /( RT )]t
3 r0
The control factors of leaching temperature,
sulphuric acid concentration and L/S ratio were applied (11)
to developing the kinetic model. According to the above
results and Eq. (7), the apparent rate constant kd can be 4 Conclusions
expressed as follows:
k (1) The recovery of alkali metals from lepidolite and
kd = 02 c02.85 rL/S
exp[−17210 /( RT )] (9) the leaching kinetics of lithium were investigated in
sulphuric acid at atmospheric pressure. The results show
By the above analysis, comparing Eq. (7) with that the recoveries of alkali metals were achieved under
Eq. (9), the kinetic model of lepidolite leaching by the leaching conditions: mass ratio of acid to lepidolite
H2SO4 can be described as follows: 1.2‫׃‬1, leaching temperature 411 K, L/S ratio 2.5‫׃‬1,
2 particle size less than 180 μm and leaching time 10 h.
1 − x − (1 − x) 2 / 3 =
3 Under the selected conditions for leaching experiment,
k0 2.85 1.66 the leaching rates of lithium, potassium, rubidium and
c0 rL/S exp[−17210 /( RT )]t (10)
r02 caesium are 94.18%, 93.70%, 91.81% and 89.22%,
648 Jin-lian LIU, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 29(2019) 641−649
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刘金练 1, 2,尹周澜 1,李新海 3,胡启阳 3,刘 伟 1

1. 中南大学 化学化工学院,长沙 410083;2. 江西云威新材料矿业有限公司, 宜春 336000;

3. 中南大学 冶金与环境学院,长沙 410083

摘 要:研究产于江西省宜春市的锂云母矿在硫酸体系常压浸出过程中有价碱金属元素的提取,建立该反应过程
中锂的溶出动力学方程。结果表明:在粒径小于 180 μm 物料与硫酸质量比为 1.2‫׃‬1、温度为 411 K、液固比为 2.5‫׃‬1
的条件下浸出 10 h,锂、钾、铷和铯的浸出率分别为 94.18%、93.70%、91.81%和 89.22%。浸出矿渣的 X 射线衍
逐步消失。锂的浸出动力学行为符合混合控制的收缩核模型,反应的表观活化能为 17.21 kJ/mol,硫酸浓度和液
固比相应的反应级数分别为 2.85 和 1.66。得到半经验速率方程以描述整个浸出过程。动力学分析结果表 明,浸
(Edited by Wei-ping CHEN)

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