Template - Letter of Intent - Simple Version
Template - Letter of Intent - Simple Version
Template - Letter of Intent - Simple Version
The purpose of this letter is to express our intent to purchase Subject Property with a Title Deed
that is good and transferrable, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances.
Property Description – Subject property is located at address, with built-up floor area of ####
square feet, herein described as "the Property".
Earnest Money Deposit – Upon signing this Letter of Intent, subject to Seller approval of this
offer, the Buyer will pay an amount of #### (in letters), equivalent to 10% of Purchase Price, in
the form of a cheque to be held in escrow with Real Estate Agency Name until transfer date.
Earnest Money Deposit Cheques of Buyer will be cashed in the favor of the Seller except in the
case of failure to perform Seller’s obligations under this Agreement.
Remaining Balance –#### (in letters), equivalent to 90% of Offered Purchase Price at closing
upon transfer of Title of Deed to the buyer.
Final Settlement - Final Settlement, otherwise known as date of transfer of Title of Deed to the
Buyer, is set at Thirty Five (35) days following the date of signing the Purchase and Sale
Agreement, or at such time as mutually agreed upon by the parties hereto with good faith to
accommodate any time required by the Developer, government agencies, and the Lender to
process and deliver documentations pertaining to this deal.
Brokerage Commissions – Both the Buyer and Seller has engaged Real Estate Agency Name
(herein, "agent"), as the agent, and both agree that it is the Buyer's / Seller’s obligation to pay
agent a #### percent (#%) commission based on the purchase price at the time of settlement.
Risk of Loss - All risk of loss to the Property shall be borne by the Seller until the date and time
of settlement.
Proration - Rents, and other income and expenses pertaining to the Property will be prorated as
of the close of the final settlement date.
The terms expressed in this Letter of Intent will become null and void if not accepted within
seven (7) days from the date of this letter. If you accept our proposal, we will proceed to enter
into a Purchase and Sales Agreement within seven (7) days of acceptance.
During this period Seller agrees to discontinue any third party sale negotiations.
Buyer’s Name and Signature Agent (with Registration Nbr.) Seller’s Name and Signature