Objectives: Benefits of Outdoor Recreation Physical Health Benefits

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Nature of Outdoor Recreation

 Objectives
 In this unit, different outdoor recreational activities will be presented and discussed to
encourage a more active lifestyle that can contribute to one’s overall wellness.
 At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
 • discuss the nature of outdoor recreational;
 • describe the benefits of outdoor recreational

Learn about it!

Outdoor recreations are organized activities done during one’s free time for his or her reasons,
where interaction between man and an element of nature is present.

Recreation is taken from the Latin word “recreare” which means to be refreshed. Choices for
recreation vary from person to person. Recreational activities depend on one’s interests, pursuits,
and needs which may be reflective of one’s beliefs and level of gratification. For example, a natural
park may serve as a bonding place for a family to have a picnic, a great fitness area for a jogger,
and a place to commune with nature or meditate for others.

Learn about it!

Benefits of Outdoor Recreation

Physical Health Benefits

Being outdoors prevents a person from having a sedentary life. It allows people to move, whether by
walking, running, swimming, biking, paddling, among others.

Psycho-Emotional Benefits

Engaging in outdoor recreational activities helps people rest, relax, de-stress, unwind, and feel
revitalized. In fact, some research showed that too much artificial stimulation and time spent in
purely human environments could cause exhaustion and loss of vitality and health (Katcher & Baeck,
1987; Stilgoe, 2001).

Social Benefits

Outdoor activities are ways for families to become closer. They can be a “family-bonding activity” as
each family member participates in an activity, achieves a common goal, and goes through the same

Economic Benefits
People who have a relaxed body and mind tend to be more productive at work. This translates into
efficiency at the workplace.

Spiritual Benefits

Positive outdoor experiences can stir up spiritual values. Being one with nature brings certain
calmness to a person. It strengthens an individual as it heals, rejuvenates, and soothes the body and

*Does one need to be athletic to be able to participate in outdoor activities?


*Outdoor recreation involves much physical activity, but it does not all require one to have a certain
athletic level of skills to be able to participate. However, one needs to be physically fit to be able to
carry out the activity. For instance, bird watching requires walking to be able to go to the birds’
natural habitat to watch.

 Outdoor recreation is organized activities done during one’s free time for his/her reasons,
where interaction between man and an element of nature is present.

 Trekking to Mt. Pulag, white water rafting at Chico River, surfing at Siargao, or bird-watching
at Candaba Marsh is examples of outdoor recreation.

 There are many benefits of outdoor recreation: physical, social, psycho-emotional, mental,
economic and spiritual

 Q1

 Single Answer
 Question
 Recreation is derived from the Latin word, which means to be refreshed. What word is
iRecreation is derived from the Latin word, which means to be refreshed. What word is it?t?
 Correct answer
 recreare
 recreational
 free time
 exercise
 Explanation
 Recreare means to be refreshed in Latin word
 Report errors

 Q2

 Single Answer
 Question
 These are organized activities done during one’s free time for his/her reasons, where
interaction between man and an element of nature is present
 Correct answer
 Leisure
 Recreational Activities
 Outdoor recreation
 Hobby
 Explanation
 Outdoor recreations are organized activities done during one’s free time for his/her reasons,
where interaction between man and an element of nature is present.
 Report errors

 Q3

 Single Answer
 Question
 This benefit allows people to move, whether by walking, running, swimming, biking, or
 Correct answer
 psycho-emotional
 physical health
 social
 economic
 Explanation
 The physical health benefit allows a person to get his or her heart pumping and bigger
muscles working. It promotes cardiovascular and muscular fitness and improves the function
of the immune system.
 Report errors

 Q4

 Single Answer
 Question
 Which of the following is not a recreational air activity?
 Correct answer
 Parasailing
 Skydiving
 Paragliding
 Backpacking
 Explanation
 Backpacking is a recreational land activity
 Report errors

 Q5

 Single Answer
 Question
 What is an outdoor activity best done when you are too pressured to your environment?
 Correct answer
 watching movie
 shopping
 having lunch outside
 camping
 Explanation
 Doing camping in the forest, will get you close to nature, and to interact with it. In effect, you
will be relaxed and have peace of mind,

The 7 Principles of Leave No Trace

Aside from the fresh air and the fantastic sight of nature, the outdoors have positive effects on the
general wellness of an individual most especially if done with regularity.
Wellness encompasses the general state of a person (physical, social, psycho-emotional and
spiritual) and in the end, contribute to a better quality of life.
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to

• explain the seven principles of leave no trace;

• give proper behaviors that should be remembered when participating in an outdoor recreational

Learn about it!

The “Leave No Trace Seven Principles” is a set of universal outdoor ethics that guides people on the
appropriate activities that involve nature. It also provides the framework for making decisions in
outdoor recreations.

The “Leave No Trace” Seven Principles

Principle 1: Plan and Prepare

Principle 2: Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces

Principle 3: Dispose of Waste Properly

Principle 4: Leave What You Find

Principle 5: Minimize Campfire Impacts

Principle 6: Respect Wildlife

Principle 7: Be Considerate of Other Visitors

 There are seven (7) Leave No Trace Principles.
 The Philippines is a majestic place where every island is an adventure given by God to us.
That is why when it comes to practicing resources stewardship; let us always remember the
seven principles of “Leave No Trace.”

 Q1

 Single Answer
 Question
 What principle is using a lightweight stove for cooking?
 Correct answer
 Principle 2
 Principle 3
 Principle 4
 Principle 5
 Explanation
 Principle 5 is minimizing campfire impacts
 Report errors

 Q2

 Single Answer
 Question
 Taking any plants when you leave the camping site is violating what principle?
 Correct answer
 Principle 2
 Principle 3
 Principle 4
 Principle 5
 Explanation
 They are violating Principle 4 which Leave What You Find
 Report errors

 Q3

 Single Answer
 Question
 What is not a required factor of the perfect campsite?
 Correct answer
 Convenience
 Safety
 Privacy
 Comfort
 Explanation
 Convenience is not necessary for the perfect campsite as you will missing the real essence
of why you camping
 Report errors

 Q4

 Single Answer
 Question
 When selecting a campsite, you should choose a site that is what?
 Correct answer
 Close to a water source
 Near the trail.
 At least 200 feet from lakes, streams, rivers, and trails
 In an open spot to receive the morning sun
 Explanation
 When camping, it is imperative that be at least 200 feet from lakes, streams, rivers, and trails
to protect riparian areas.
 Report errors

 Q5

 Single Answer
 Question
 During the observation of meteor shower, ABC group made a distracting sound that
disturbed others. What principle despoiled by the group?
 Correct answer
 watching movie
 shopping
 having lunch outside
 camping
 Explanation
 As you doing camp in the forest will give you close to nature. In effect to this, you will be
relaxed and have peace of mind, Respect other visitors and let them have a momentous
experience as well.


One of the best but simple way to see, discover, and appreciate the intriguing underwater life is
through snorkeling. It allows one not only to grasp the amazing beauty of marine life, but swim with
them as well.
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to

• Trace and explain the origin of snorkeling;

• Describe the basic equipment of snorkeling;

• Explain the benefits snorkeling.

Learn about it!

Snorkeling is glancing through life beneath water by swimming with the aid of a snorkel and mask.
Through snorkeling, one can observe the underwater attractions for a more extended period, without
the need to continually resurface to gasp for air, and with relatively lesser effort.


• helps the overall fitness of a person

• doing the flutter kick and diving tones and trims the body

• It works out the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, ankles, hip flexors, core muscles, and shoulders
while swimming builds greater lung capacity as one is forced to hold breath underwater for sustained
periods of time.

• It increases the oxygen uptake, which is a definite indicator of aerobic fitness

• It is also an excellent cardiovascular workout as it improves heart rate and strengthens the heart

Learn about it!


Snorkeling equipment went through different innovations in time. It became more refined and more
features were added and various designs have been introduced in the market.
The basic gears needed in snorkeling are the snorkel, goggles, and fins. Other essential
equipment, although optional for some, are the floating vest and rash guard.

 Snorkeling is glancing through life beneath water by swimming with the aid of a snorkel and mask.
 Snorkeling begun on 3000BC where divers of the Island Crete in the Mediterranean used hollow
reeds to breather while submerged in water as they collected sponges.

 Snorkeling has equipment such as mask, snorkel, fins, snorkel vest, skin protection, swimming cap
and mask defogger.


Multiple Choice

What are the primary parts of a snorkel?

Correct answer

The tube-end sticks out of the water while the mouthpiece goes in the mouth.

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Single Answer

What helps keeping hair out of the snorkel and as well as the face?

Correct answer

weight belt
swimming cap
snorkeling vest
Swimming cap also helps in preventing the scalp from burning on a sunny day.

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Single Answer
What may happen if a diver fails to equalize pressure of the mask?

Correct answer

ear squeeze
mask squeeze
Mask squeeze is a condition where the soft tissues beneath the mask, especially around the eyes,
swell and discolor.

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Single Answer

Which pertains to the following statements?

1. It increases the oxygen uptake, which is a definite indicator of aerobic fitness

2. It is also an excellent cardiovascular workout as it improves heart rate

Correct answer

the benefits of snorkeling

the origin of snorkeling
the equipment of snorkeling
how snorkeling is done
These are the physical benefits of snorkeling

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Single Answer

Ruben can propel himself effortlessly in the water. What equipment helps Ruben to do this?

Correct answer

Snorkel Vest
Swim cap
Snorkel Fins can help conserve more energy and therefore, allow the snorkeler to reach farther

Canoeing and Kayaking

A great way to explore the rivers, lakes, canals, and other bodies of water is through the use of a
boat. Canoeing and kayaking are two floating crafts that may take anyone to places in the water that
are even difficult to access by any other means.
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to

• Explain the difference of canoe and kayaks;

• Describe the activities can be done in canoeing and kayaking;

Learn about it!

Canoes and kayaks may be confusing to some but it is really easy to distinguish one from the other.
Kayaking and canoeing both require a paddle for propulsion and steering. The most noticeable
difference is the structure of the boats. A kayak has a covered deck, while a canoe is wide open.
Kayakers extend legs and are seated low or sometimes on the deck. It uses a double-bladed paddle.
A canoer, on one hand, sits on a raised seat or kneels on the bottom of the boat and uses a single-
bladed paddle.

The word “canoe” originated from the Carib word “kenu” which meant dugout. Canoes were
originally made from large tree trunks. The trunks were dried for months, and then the middle part
was burned. After which, the burned part was scraped away with shells. The whole process took
“one moon” or 28 days. The more well-known version of the canoe was introduced by the North
American Indians where the frame was built from wooden ribs. The frame was covered with the
lightweight bark of birch trees and sometimes elm or cedar trees, whichever was more available to
*Basic Parts of a Canoe:

What activities can be done when one uses the kayaks or canoes?

There are varied activities where one can use the canoe or kayak. It ranges from the more relax-
paced activities like bird-watching or fishing to the extremely challenging activities on the white water

• Sea kayaking is done in open waters such as the ocean or the lake. Kayaks may be a sit-on- top or
decked design.
• Whitewater kayaking or canoeing is paddling down the whitewater rivers. A flat-bottomed boat will
help the boat spin on the water and take on the rapids for practicing various maneuvers. The
rounded bottom will involve paddling downriver from one point to a different point and usually a
distance of several miles.

• Flatwater recreation is a relaxing canoeing or kayaking where you can take a gentle paddle down a
calm river, ocean, or lake to do some sightseeing.

• Sailing is where the canoe or kayak is fitted with a sail.

• Surf kayaking is where the kayak is typically fitted with a fin, rather like a surfboard.

• Marathon racing is a lengthy race down a river using the kayak or canoe.

 A kayak has a covered deck, while a canoe is wide open.

 The word “canoe” originated from the Carib word “kenu” which meant dugout.

 The basic equipment of canoeing and kayaking are boat and paddle.


Single Answer

Which activity is done in open waters such as the ocean or the lake?

Correct answer

Surf Kayaking
Flat-water recreation
Sea Kayaking
Sea Kayaking is done in open waters such as the ocean or the lake.

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Single Answer

Which activity pertains to a kayak fitted with a fin, rather like a surfboard?

Correct answer

Surf Kayaking
Flat-water recreation
Sea Kayaking
Surf Kayaking pertains to a kayak fitted with a fin, rather like a surfboard

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Single Answer

How old and who built the oldest known kayaks?

Correct answer

About 4000 years old, built by North American Inuits

About 1000 years old, made by North American Inuits
About 2000 years old, built by North American Inuits
About 3000 years old, built by North American Inuits
The North American Inuits stretched animal skins over driftwood to make some of the earliest known
kayaks, about 4000 years old. Also, there is a beautiful example of a Hawaiian kayak on the first
floor of the Museum of the American Indian in Washington, DC.

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Single Answer

Why would you feather a paddle?

Correct answer

To lengthen the paddle

To shorten the paddle
To make the paddle lighter
To reduce wind resistance
Feathering puts the two blades of the paddle at an angle to each other. This reduces air resistance
as the paddle moves through the air on its way to the water.

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Single Answer

Where does a person's strength comes from while paddling in the flat or relatively calm water?

Correct answer

hamstring and quadriceps

arms and legs
back and obliques
Arms and shoulders
The stroke comes from a person's upper back and a rotation of the oblique muscles (the muscles on
the side of the abdomen). Using just the arms and shoulders can cause fatigue.

Scuba Diving

The discussion on this lesson, therefore, will be about providing essential information on scuba
diving, few necessary scuba diving skills, and safety measures. This will give you an advance
knowledge in case you decide to get into a scuba diving course.

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to

• Trace the history of scuba diving;

• Explain the skills needed in scuba diving;

• Demonstrate how to communicate under water

Learn about it!

The development of scuba diving became possible because of people’s interest and curiosity in
deep water, which motivated inventors to create safer means of going to greater depths.

Scuba is an acronym for Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus or SCUBA. Scuba diving
is a method where a diver uses a regulator as the breathing apparatus and a tank with compressed
air which enables the diver to breathe normally underwater. With this equipment, a diver can explore
the waters for a more extended period and at greater depths.

Purposes of Scuba Diving

• It can be for recreation where one undertakes it for the sheer enjoyment of experiencing marine life
while observing fish and other aquatic animals, taking photos and videos.

• Use for technical purposes such as cave diving and advanced wreck diving.
• It may also be done for commercial purposes.
• It is done to earn a living such as those who build underwater structures, carry out marine
maintenance, conduct surveys, or participate in salvage operations.

• Another purpose of scuba diving is those done by the military or highly qualified divers who do
underwater surveillance; mine clearing; or search, rescue, or retrieve passengers of capsized
passenger ships and other sunken vehicles.

Almost anyone can scuba dive. However, health and age are among the fundamental

1. AGE:
A child as young as eight years old can start learning in shallow waters. A ten-year-old child
can be qualified to train and be certified as a Junior Open Water Diver, while a fifteen-year-
old or older can apply for an Open Water Diver’s certificate (About Sports, 2016).

It is vital for a diver to be physically fit to be able to cope with a strenuous physical task which
may happen at an unexpected time such as maneuvering through strong current to reach a
dive site.

Disabilities do not hinder anyone from scuba diving. Many of the instructors can provide
training which designed for physically challenged divers. Further, there are diving groups
who aim to promote diving among physically challenged individuals.

For enrolling in a one-day experience course, the primary requirement is being comfortable
in the water even to the deep end of the swimming pool.

The diving equipment is what makes scuba diving different. It is what the divers use and carry that
allows them to be underwater for a longer time. The following are the essential needs of every diver
(Davis, 2007) and for discussion refer to Figure 8.6:

1. Dive Mask
2. Snorkel
3. Regulator lets you breathe under- water.
4. BCD or Buoyancy Control Device helps control the position in the water column.
5. Regulator delivers the steady supply of air from the cylinder with the right pressure.
6. Octopus is the backup regulator.
7. Weight Belt is used to counteract buoyancy.
8. SPG or Submersible Pressure Gauge shows how much of the air is left.
9. Scuba Tank.
10. Fins provide the propulsion that makes it possible to swim with lesser effort.
11. Scuba or Wet Suit.

Other Accessories

1. Dive Computer monitors the diver’s depth, time of being underwater, and the remaining time
for one to be safely down in the water.
2. Dive Lights provides the needed light as it can be dark underwater.
3. Dive Knife is used for cutting ropes, lines, and monofilament.
4. Dive Case is used for protecting the gears while travelling.

There are different skills and procedures employed from pre-diving, descending, swimming deep
under, and surfacing back.


The pre-dive entails procedures that divers adhere to. There is the detailed safety check of
equipment and readiness on the diver as well.

Pre-Dive Safety Check

A pre-dive safety check must be done before going to the water. This is performed once a diver is
wearing his/her gear and is done with a dive buddy. This is to ensure that all gears are properly
functioning. The pre-drive safety check is done with the dive buddy.


Descending to water should be done in a slow and controlled way; this is what they call the
controlled descent. It is using the lungs to drop and the BCD for making oneself neutrally buoyant.
When one is ready to end a dive, do the following:

1. Signal buddy and begin the ascent together.

2. Begin ascent while there is still sufficient air remaining in the tank. (Never wait until air supply
is exhausted.)

3. Go slowly. Check watch and depth gauge or dive computer and ascend with the rate of 30
feet per minute rate, although US Navy Dive Tables allow a maximum ascent of 20 feet or 18
meters per minute.

4. Breathe continuously when ascending; do not hold breath.

5. Make a safety stop when one reaches 15 feet for 3 to 5 minutes. A safety stop allows time to
eliminate nitrogen from the body, thus decreasing the risk of decompression sickness.

6. Extend one hand over head, look up at the surface and slowly rotate 360 degrees as one

7. Drift slowly to the surface. When on surface, inflate BCD and make the signal. Re-enter the

 Scuba is an acronym for Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus or SCUBA.

 Scuba diving is a diving method where a diver uses a regulator as the breathing apparatus and a
tank with compressed air which enables the diver to breathe normally underwater


Single Answer

What does the acronym of SCUBA stand for?

Correct answer

Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus

Self-Confidence Underwater Breathing Apparatus
Surf-Control Underwater Breathing Apparatus
Self-Control Underwater Breathing Apparatus
Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus, because its method is using the regulator as the
breathing apparatus and a tank with compressed air which enables the diver to breathe normally

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Single Answer

Who developed the universal hand signals used by the divers?

Correct answer

Recreational Scuba Training Council

Recreational Scuba Training Center
Aquatic Scuba Training Center
Aquatic Scuba Training Council
This signals are taught to every diving students and must be practiced and mastered.

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Single Answer

The most vital thing when selecting a mask is

Correct answer

Fit is the most vital thing when selecting a mask.

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Single Answer

What is the main use of a dive knife?

Correct answer

To fight sharks and other sea animals

To injure other divers
To help get untangled when need arises
None of these
The main use of a dive knife is to help get untangled.

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Single Answer

Which piece of diving equipment is the source of oxygen of a diver?

Correct answer

The stroke comes from a person's upper back and a rotation of the oblique muscles (the muscles on
the side of the abdomen). Using just the arms and shoulders can cause fatigue.

Safety Precautions in Aquatic Activities

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to

• Explain the safety precautions of aquatic activities;

• Suggest ways about safety precautions

Learn about it!

*What are the important things to remember while snorkeling?
To have an enjoyable adventure in snorkeling, follow and remember the following safety.
S tay close to the shore if you are a beginner. Some beginners misjudge their capacities, and
endurance and before knowing it, they are exhausted.

N ever do it alone. Always have a buddy so that whatever happens, someone is there to help you. It
is advised to have a minimum party of three. The buddy pair to look out for each other in the water
and ashore lookout. Know where to call for help in case of emergency.

O ne up, one down. While diving with your buddy, one should stay on the surface while one is
underwater. In case the diver has problems, one can help or seek help.

R ain check! Always check the weather prediction and the weather of the sea. Wind can cause
waves to increase, which makes snorkeling challenging to do.

K now your surroundings. Know the area where you will be snorkeling. Know the tides. Be careful
around rocky shore or some marine life that may be known to be aggressive. Know the conservation
rules and regulations.

E nergy retention. Do not overestimate your limits. To avoid being worn-out, flotation device or a
simple snorkeling vest will help conserve energy.

L eave them alone! Do not touch marine life. Maintain safe distance as well. Moving them might
damage their habitats and hurt marine life. In the same way, you might also suddenly be stung,
bitten, or hurt by some marine life if you touch them. Try not to make sudden moves that will startle

What are the important things that we should always remember to be safe in kayaking or canoeing?

K now first your skills in swimming and canoeing or kayaking.

*A *void paddling alone, paddling far from the coastline or paddling in routes of ships.

Y ield to safety and know where to go in case of emergency.

A lways wear personal floatation device and other safety equipment

K eep hydrated as you will be under the sun.

C heck weather conditions.

A lways plan ahead. This includes studying the river maps ahead of time.

N ever forget to put your things in waterproof bags.

O rientations given by facilitators or leaders are essential. They tell you the rules and regulations and
safety procedures. Listen and follow them well.

E quipment should be tried and always checked. Try on new or unfamiliar things and ask questions
on the proper way of using them.

What are the safety reminders in scuba diving?

The Divers Alert Network or DAN (n.d.) described important reminders especially for new divers.
They are summarized as follows:

Before Diving

✓ Make sure you are fit to dive.

Always listen to instructor or dive guide.

✓ Plan your dive depth, time, and safety stop with your buddy.

✓ Choose dives that match your skills.

✓ Check equipment thoroughly.

During the Dive

✓ Breathe normally all the time—never hold your breath

✓ Equalize your ears frequently as you descend.

✓ Stay aware where your guide and buddy are located.

✓ Keep an eye on your air gauge.

✓ Dive within the limits of your dive computer and no deeper than 40 meters.

✓ Do not overexert yourself.

✓ Do not touch anything.

✓ Always ascend slowly from every dive.

✓ Listen to inner voice. If you feel you have exceeded your comfort level, then abort dive.

✓ When finishing descent, establish neutral buoyancy, ensure that ears are ok, check your air and
depth, tighten your weight belt if necessary, and communicate with your buddy that you are ok.

✓ Watch your ascent rate on all dives.

✓ Make a safety stop.

After Dive

✓ Stow all gear away on the boat.

✓ Debrief with guide and buddy and discuss what you can improve on the next dive.
✓ If you feel something strange, let others know.

✓ Do not fly until at least 18–24 hours. Flying is a pressurized environment and can cause
decompression sickness if nitrogen has not dissipated from body.



Multiple Choice

Which safety tip below is applicable for snorkeling?

Correct answer

Do not touch the marine life

Know the tides
make sure you are fit to dive
prepare your flotation device
Making sure you are fit to dive is about scuba diving, while prepare your flotation device is for kayak
safety precaution.

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Single Answer

A precautionary safety stop at a depth of 15 feet for 3 to 5 minutes __________.

Correct answer

is dangerous
is mandatory for dives deeper than 20 feet
prevents air embolisms
helps eliminate nitrogen in your system safely through respiration
A safety stop allows time to eliminate nitrogen from the body, thus decreasing the risk of
decompression sickness.

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Single Answer

Which of the following activity should be done before a dive?

Correct answer

Make sure you are fit to dive.

Always listen to instructor or dive guide
Check equipment thoroughly.
Breathe normally all the time—never hold your breath
Breathe normally all the time and never to hold your breathe is an activity done before the dive.

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Single Answer

How can we prevent ear squeeze?

Correct answer

pounding on your forehead

diving shallow
pinching your nose and blowing gently
wearing ear muffs
Ear squeeze can be prevented by pinching your nose and blowing gently.

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Single Answer

You are canoeing on a river with strong current. Ahead is a sweeping bend with a prominent rock in
the middle. What should you do?

Correct answer

Stay in the middle of the river.

Stay as far to the outside of the bend as possible.
Stay as far to the inside of the bend as possible.
It doesn’t matter where you are as long as you avoid the rock.
You should stay on the inside of the river bends, except in low water where the canoe would ground
on rocks. Learn how to “back ferry” your canoe around a bend, and practice it with your students
until they can do it without thinking. Every canoeing book shows how. You must master the back
ferry to safety canoe in currents.


Hiking and Trekking

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

• discuss the nature of hiking and trekking;

• self-assesses health-related fitness (HRF) status, barriers to physical activity assessment,

participation, and one’s diet;

• analyze physiological indicators such as heart rate, the rate of perceived exertion and pacing
associated with MVPAs to monitor and/or adjust participation or effort; and

• observe personal safety protocol to avoid dehydration, overexertion, hypothermia, and

Hyperthermia during MVPA participation.

Learn about it!

The Yosemite Decimal System (YDS) describes mountain terrains according to the techniques and
physical difficulties encountered during the climb. The National Climbing Classification System (Cox
& Fulsass, 2003) describes the overall nature of a climb in terms of time and technical difficulty by
taking the following into account: length of climb, number of hard pitches, difficulty of hardest pitch,
average difficulty, commitment, route finding problems, and overall ascent time. It is often called the
“commitment grade.”

See trail class and description in Table 9.1.

Hiking is done on man-made road or well-made trails with shorter distances, which sometimes only
takes a day or two to cover.

Trekking, on the other hand, is more rigorous such that it is done over a variety of terrain and takes
a longer period to hike and thus, entails more days and nights in the outdoors. In other countries,
backpacking, trampling, or bushwalking are other terms used for treks. Locally, the term “organized
climb” is a term that may also mean trekking.

Preparing for a Hike or Trek

A. Physical Conditioning

 Nutrition
This is also important in the preparation. On top of the list of things, we need to plan for the
fuel for our bodies—food.
 Calorie Requirement

Uphill hiking for an hour with a 10–20 lbs. Backpack load can use up and approximately burn 443
calories. If you weigh 130 lbs, you can burn 528 calories. If you are 150 lbs that would be 613
calories used up and this ratio increases as you weigh more (NutriStrategy, 2015).

So, plan for the food supply, so one has a cushion of extra food in case of an emergency. In
planning the food for trekking or hiking, it is essential to consider the following:
 calorie requirement for the activity

 manageability to load, carry, store, and cook the food

 duration of the activity

 Hydrating the Body

The water requirement of the human body depends on the temperature and our energy expenditure.

B. Trip Planning

Planning is necessary to any activity. Most activities end up unsuccessful and even disastrous due
to poor planning or, worst, no planning at all.

C. Hiking Essentials

 Backpack
A loaded backpack should not exceed 25%–30% of the ideal body weight. Organizing things
makes a difference in the load while hiking.

 Footwear

Trekking requires long walks and shoes are the most important equipment at this point.
Other Hiking Essentials

• First aid kit

• Water – experienced mountaineers’ advice:

 1 liter can last for 2 hours with moderate trails and moderate sunlight, best to have 2–3 liters.
Best to use hydration packs which can be kept inside your pack and from which you can just
sip through a valve.

• Trail food – energy food that is light to carry and easy to eat on the trail such as dried fruits, mixed
nuts, raisins, and oatmeal bars

• Topographic map and compass - on clearly marked trails in the city and state parks these will not
be necessary, but they can be lifesavers in the back country.

 Extra layers and rain gear

• Firestarter and matches

• Multi-tool or knife

• Flashlight or headlamp and extra batteries

• Sunscreen and sunglasses

• Insect repellant

• Camera/binoculars

• Cellphone/two-way radios

• GPS/altimeter watches

• Extra batteries for mobile

devices/memory card

Note: sleeping essentials will be discussed in the next chapter about camping

Basic Hiking Skills

A. Setting a Hiking Pace

B. Establishing Your Rhythm

C. Taking Breaks

Health Benefits of Hiking or Trekking

Walking up and down trails, mountains, and hills will definitely make the heart pump harder to keep
up with the oxygen demand and thus increase the blood flow to the muscles and brain.
The tropical forest, hills and mountains are best places to go for an outdoor recreational activity on
land. Hiking is done on well-made trails and comparatively shorter distances while trekking involves
walking in more rigorous and varied terrain and usually longer distances. Backpacks and shoes are
the most basic need these activities. Physical preparation maybe needed when one goes for a long
trek as this involves a more intensive physical demand on the body. In hiking and trekking,
establishing the pace and rhythm are important skills that one needs to learn.


Single Answer

Who was the first Filipino who completed the Seven Summits of the World?

Correct answer

Romeo Garduce
Dale Abenoj
Erwin Emata
Janet Belarmino
Aside as mountaineers, Romeo Garduce is also a scuba divemaster, writer, motivational speaker,
TV host and IT professional.

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Single Answer

Which is the sport defined by Britannica as the attempt to attain high points in the mountainous

Correct answer

Climbing mountains embodies the thrills produced by testing one’s courage, resourcefulness,
cunning, strength, ability, and stamina to the utmost in a situation of inherent risk.
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Single Answer

When choosing a hiking path, which is the best factor to remember?

Correct answer

Choose a hard hiking place and go.

Choose a hike that is easy and work up to the harder hikes as your ability progresses.
Choose the hardest hike you can find.
Let someone else choose for you
You know your body best and your capabilities. So you don't ruin the hiking experience for everyone
else choose a few easy hikes first and let your body adapt while you work up to the harder hikes.

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Single Answer

What is the best outfit to wear when hiking?

Correct answer

a suit and tie

several thin layers
jeans and a tee shirt
shorts and a tee shirt
As you hike your body temperature will rise and fall. Having several layers allows you to adjust
without too much difficulty.

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Single Answer

What should you do in the case of a thunderstorm when you are on top of a mountain?
Correct answer

To Catch up with hikers within the group.

To take shelter under a tree.
To descend as quickly as possible by running.
To leave poles and metal objects behind.
In the mountains, thunderstorms are dangerous. In the case of a storm, we recommend keeping
away from other walkers and isolated trees, getting rid of poles and any metal objects, and above all
else, not to run.


At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

• discuss the nature of camping;

• self-assess health-related fitness (HRF) status, barriers to physical activity assessment,

participation, and one’s diet;

• sets FITT goals based on training principles to achieve and/or maintain HRF;

• analyzes physiological indicators such as heart rate, the rate of perceived exertion and pacing
associated with MVPAs to monitor and/or adjust participation or effort; and

• observes personal safety protocol to avoid dehydration, overexertion, hypothermia, and

Hyperthermia during MVPA participation.

Learn about it!

There are two types of camping:

1. *Frontcountry *camping, sometimes also called “car camping” is camping on planned

campgrounds where it is close to a vehicle, with certain amenities (such as bathrooms and stores)
and emergency aid.
Origins of Camping

Camping has been around for a long time. Native Americans used tents as shelters as did armies
who were on the move. But it was only around 100 years ago that camping was thought of as a
recreational activity.

**Thomas Hiram Holding* is considered as the father of modern camping (Ryalls, A. & Petrin, R.L.,
2016). He was a British traveling tailor whose passion for camping was developed as a child.
Together with his parents, they used to cross the United States in a wagon train heading for Oregon
Territory. So at a very young age, he learned the ways of camping. In the 1880s, he took a canoe
and went on a camping trip in Scotland.

Preparations for a Camping Trip

1. Identifying the participants in the activity.

(Names, contact information, and health information are needed. For emergency purposes, one
should keep the information of the participants.)

1. The date, location, and itinerary are the next items to plan.

(Camping in the backcountry is usually part of an organized climb or trek. Thus, it is normally done
with a mountaineering club or with a trekking tour group.)

Essential Things to Bring when Camping

1. Clothes

Other Camping Essentials

Skills Needed When Camping

1. Washing Dishes

2. Campfires

3. Sanitation of Campsite

*Safety Measures When Camping


To stay safe while camping:

Check all equipment. Check weather conditions. Check and study locations and map.

Awareness of surroundings
Map out emergency plans.

Protect self from sun, coldness, and insects. Stay hydrated and avoid overexertion to have enough

Include fire safety practices in orientations.

Never walk alone, never approach wild animals, and never feed the animals in the mountains.

Go back and review and follow the Leave No Trace Seven Principles.
Another way of enjoying nature is camping. There are two types of camping, frontcountry and
backcountry. The essential equipment for camping are clothes, sleeping bag and mat, tent, pots and
eating utensils. Each type of equipment has different styles to choose from depending on the nature
of activity, weather, and climate conditions. Basic camping skills include learning to wash dishes in a
camp, building campfires and keeping sanitation such as digging cat holes.


Single Answer

Who is considered as the "Father of Modern Camping"?

Correct answer

Thomas Hiram Holding

Thomas Edison
Alexander Fleming
Dick Kelty
Thomas Hiram Holding was a British traveling tailor whose passion for camping was developed as a
child. He wrote the first Camper’s Handbook in 1908.

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Single Answer

What is the best way to dispose of human waste?

Correct answer

burn it
dump it in a river or lake
bury it in a cathole
hide it beneath a large rock
Human waste needs to keep away from people, animals, insects, and water. Bury it in a cathole to
make sure this happens. The hole should be four to eight inches deep in topsoil. Dig it in a remote
spot at least 70 significant steps (about 200 feet) away from water, camps trails, and ravines down
which rain down. The hole should be filled in after use and the spot disguised.
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Single Answer

What is the best way to prevent hypothermia?

Correct answer

Move vigorously.
Dress in several warm layers.
Pound some hot buttered rum.
Eat hearty snacks every 30 minutes.
This way, when the temperature rises or drops, one can either take off or add layers of individual
garments. These layering methods are Base Layer, Insulating Layer, and Wind or Rain Barrier

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Single Answer

Which of the following is the best thing to do with your camping trash?

Correct answer

Pack it out
Bury it at least eight inches deep
leave it in a place not visible from the trail
Burn it
Pack it in, pack it out. If you see trash that someone else carelessly left behind, be kind and a pact
that out too.

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Single Answer

What is the best way to make a noise signal to call for help?
Correct answer

Scream at the top of your lungs.

Use a stick to bang on a tree trunk.
Blow a signal whistle.
Shout the word "help" three times each minute.
Blow a signal whistle - A signal whistle is designed to produce a sound that will carry a long distance
without much effort on your part. Yelling help or screaming will exhaust you quickly, and the tone of
your own voice is desperately calling for help will make you feel scared.


At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

• discuss the nature of orienteering;

• observe personal safety protocol to avoid dehydration, overexertion, hypothermia, and

hyperthermia during MVPA participation; and

• demonstrates proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and equipment.

Learn about it!

*Orienteering *is an outdoor activity where participants’ goal is finding the various checkpoints (with
the specific sequence) in a pre-set course using an especially created detailed map and the
compass to navigate in unfamiliar terrain.

The beginnings of orienteering can be traced in Scandinavia where it was part of the skills that the
military needed to learn. Orienteering started in 1886 as a military word that meant “crossing
unknown grounds” using maps and compass. The website of Orienteering Australia (“Brief History,”
n.d.) concisely narrates the significant events in orienteering history. Take a look at the timeline of
orienteering and have a glimpse of how this military training activity evolved into an outdoor
recreational activity.
The two basic things that are used in orienteering are the map and compass.

A map is a two-dimension representation of a three-dimension surface.

Figure 9.3. Sample Orientation Map and Legends
The orienteering compass is basically used in the same way but with added features which will
make navigation easier.
However, during the event, participants also bring with them the following:

1. Whistle that is used when a participant needs to call someone for help

2. Map bag or any clear plastic bag that comes in handy in protecting the map in case it rains.

3. Red pen in case the participant needs to mark the map for his/her own purpose although
maps given prior to the event are already pre-marked with the course.

Orienteering may be done as a non-competitive outdoor activity or a competitive sport. The objective
is finding all the control points indicated on a map given to the participants. In the sample map
(Figure 9.6), the circled locations are the control points, and the indicated number specifies where to
go to first. The triangle indicates the starting point and the double circle as the finish line.

Two of the more popular forms of orienteering:

1. Score-0 –is a fixed time limit is given for the participants to visit as many control points as
possible in any order. Each control point has a point value and the participant earning the
highest number of points wins.

2. Point-to-point orienteering, participants must visit all the control points in the sequence
indicated on the map in the fastest time possible. Whoever finishes first, wins.

Pace and Pace Factor in Navigation

Pace factor is a way of computing or determining how many paces you need to travel between two

However, one could always estimate how many paces would it have covered if one walks on the
Navigation Skill 1: Estimating Distance to Travel using the Map

Navigation Skill 2 and 3: Precision and Rough Map Reading

Navigation Skill 4 & 5: Precision and Rough Compass Reading

Orienteering is another activity that can be done outdoors. This is an activity where participants’ goal
is finding specific locations in a pre-set course using the compass and the map. Reading map and
using a compass are therefore two important skills which one needs to learn to be able to navigate.
Specific orienteering skills which need to be learned are precision and rough map reading, precision
and rough compass reading and distance estimation by measure and pace.


Single Answer

What will indicate the starting point of a course?

Correct answer

double circle
A triangle represents the start, and then each control point is shown by a circle. The finishing point is
represented by a double circle, one within the other.

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Single Answer

What map part measures distance?

Correct answer

Orienteering maps are all scaled. The scale is a ratio where 1:25,000 means that 1 unit distance on
the map is equal to 25,000 units of distance in the real world. The widely used scale in orienteering
competition is 1:15,000 and the 1:10,000 scale.

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Single Answer

To attest that the map's circled location has been found and visited, the orienteer must do
something. What does the orienteer do?

Correct answer

To bring back one of the pebbles found in a basket

To take a picture of the spot
To sign a book at the location
To punch a card
Each control flag location has a bright red plastic device with some sharp metal teeth. The orienteer
uses this punch to amaze the pattern made by the teeth onto a control card box which parallels to
the control site is being visited. At the finish, the card is passed over, and the punch patterns verified
for the correct control sites.

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Multiple Choice

What are the goals of point-to-point orienteering?

Correct answer

To use a compass and map to find the checkpoints as quickly as possible.

To record the secret letter, name, or word onto a record sheet to prove the point was located
To score as many points as possible in a given amount of time.
To use a compass and map correctly.
With the point-to-point orienteering, participants must visit all the controls points in the sequence
indicated on the map in the fastest time possible and records the given clues. Whoever finishes first,

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Correct Order

Arrange the following statements to have a step-by-step procedure on how to use a compass.

Correct answer

Find North
Orient your map
Set a Direction (without a map)
True North versus Magnetic North
You can navigate a compass for various reasons and in many ways. Its applications range from
finding north to navigating unmarked wilderness and finding your position.

The answered outline how to the use a compass in its most used way, finding north and setting a

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