AWR Reports - 10 Steps To Analyze AWR Report in Oracle
AWR Reports - 10 Steps To Analyze AWR Report in Oracle
AWR Reports - 10 Steps To Analyze AWR Report in Oracle
As you have Generated AWR Report in Oracle, Next task is to Analyze AWR Report in Oracle. By Reading AWR
Report you can easily solve issues like Slow database, high wait events, Slow query and many more. Though It's a
lengthy report but Analyzing or Reading relevant part of AWR Report can help to troubleshoot issues in easy and
fast manner.
AWR stands for Automatically workload repository, Though there could be many types of database performance
issues, but when whole database is slow, then there are two possibilities.
1. Collect Multiple AWR Reports: It's always good to have two AWR Reports, one for good time (when database
was performing well), second when performance is poor. This way Remote DBA can easily compare good and bad
report to find out the culprit.
2. Stick to Particular Time: "Database is performing slow" will not help anymore to resolve performace issues. We
have to have a specific time like Database was slow yesterday at 1 Pm and continue till 4Pm. Here, DBA will get a
report for these three hours.
3. Split Large AWR Report into Smaller Reports: Instead of having one report for long time like one report for
4hrs. it's is better to have four reports each for one hour. This will help to isolate the problem.
In case of RAC env. generate one report for each instance. Once, you have generated AWR report. Now, it's time of
analyze the report. Since, AWR report is a huge report and area to look into AWR is also depends on problem to
problem. Here, I am list most common area for a DBA to look into which will give a clear picture of the issue.
Steps to Analyze AWR Report
1. Database Details:
After getting an AWR Report This is first and Top part of the report. In this part cross check for database and
instance and and database version with the Database having performance issue.This report also show RAC=YES if
it's an RAC database.
2. Host Configuration:
This will give you name, platform CUP, socket and RAM etc. Important thing to notice is number of cores into the
system. In this example there are 12 CUP's in Cores.
You can find, DB time is very large as compared to Elapse time, which is not a concern. Check if you have taken a
report for the time having performance problem. If yes fine, other wise take a report for performance problem time.
4. Load Profile:
Here are few important stats for a DBA to look into. Fist is "DB CPU(s)" per second. Before that let's understand how
DB CUP's work. Suppose you have 12 cores into the system. So, per wall clock second you have 12 seconds to work
on CPU.
So, if "DB CPU(s)" per second in this report > cores in (Host Configuration (#2)).
means env is CPU bound and either need more CPU's or need to further check is this happening all the time or just
for a fraction of time. As per my experience there are very few cases, when system is CPU bound.
In this case, machine has 12 cores and DB CPU(s) per second is 6.8. So, this is not a CPU bound case.
Next stat to look at are Parses and Hard parses. If the ratio of hard parse to parse is high, this means Database is
performing more hard parse. So, needs to look at parameters like cursor_sharing and application level for bind
variables etc.
Here, first of all check for wait class if wait class is User I/O , System I/O, Others etc this could be fine but if wait
class has value "Concurrency" then there could be some serious problem. Next to look at is Time (s) which show how
many times DB was waiting in this class and then Avg Wait (ms). If Time(s) are high but Avg Wait (ms) is low then
you can ignore this. If both are high or Avg Wait (ms) is high then this has to further investigate.
In the above screen shot, most of the resource are taken by DB CPU = 64% DB time. Taking resource by DB CPU is
a normal situation.
Let's take an example, In which event is "log file switch (checkpoint incomplete) " which has high waits, huge Time
(s) and large values in Avg Wait (ms) and wait class is configuration. So, here you have to investigate and resolve
log file switch (checkpoint incomplete).
Host CPU, Instance CPU and Memory Statistics are self explanatory. Next is RAC Statistics, I did not find any issue
in these stats most of the time.
Because this is cumulative time i.e. In this case SQL execute elapsed time is taking 89% of DB time, which includes it
sub parts like parse time elapsed, hard parse elapsed time etc. So, if you find Hard parse time elapsed is taking more
%. So investigate further so on and so forth.
This report shows, system is 62 and 70% idle at time of report taken, So, there is no resource crunch at system level.
But if, you found very high busy, user or sys % and indeed this will led to low idle %. Investigate what is causing this.
OS Watcher is the tool which can help in this direction.
Next, very crucial part of AWR report for a DBA is SQL Statistics. Which has all sql query details executed during
report time interval.
We will explore few of them, To understand, how to analyzed these reports. Let's start with
In this report, look for query has low executions and high Elapsed time per Exec (s) and this query could be a
candidate for troubleshooting or optimizations. In above report, you can see first query has maximum Elapsed time but
no execution. So you have to investigate this.
In Important point, if executions is 0, it doesn't means query is not executing, this might be the case when query was
still executing and you took AWR report. That's why query completion was not covered in Report.
From above stat, look for queries using highest CPU Times, If a query shows executions 0, this doesn't means query
is not executing. It might be same case as in SQL queries ordered by Elapsed time. The query is still executing and
you have taken the snapshot.
However, There are so many other stats in AWR Report which a DBA needs to consider, I have listed only ten of them
but these are the most commonly used stats for any performance related information.
Please share you view about this article, Does it helps you to understand, How to analyze AWR Report.
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