A 3-Page Tableau Cheat Sheet
A 3-Page Tableau Cheat Sheet
A 3-Page Tableau Cheat Sheet
Shortcuts &
ALT+F+E+I Export to image
Bookmark: .tbm file in the Bookmarks folder contains a single worksheet of the Tableau repository
ALT+F+E+P Export to packaged workbook
Calculated Field: New field created by using a formula to modify the existing fields in data source
CTRL+N New workbook
Crosstab: Text table view to display the numbers associated with dimension members
Te r m i n o l o g i e s
CTRL+O Open file
Dashboard: Use dashboards to compare and monitor a variety of data simultaneously
CTRL+P Print
Data Pane: Displays the fields (divided into dimensions and measures) of the data sources to which Tableau is
CTRL+S Save file
File Short Cuts: Data Source Page: A page to set up your data source consists of − left pane, join area, preview area, and metadata
A powerful Data visualization and Business intelligence tool with a ALT+A+C Create calculated field Extract: A saved subset of a data source that can be used to improve performance and analyze offline.
strong and intuitive interface. No coding knowledge or experience ALT+A+B Describe trend model Filters Shelf: Used to exclude data from a view by filtering it using measures and dimensions
Connect to data sourceBuild data viewsEnhance
needed to work with Tableau. ALT+A+U data viewsWorksheetsCreate
Edit calculated field Format Pane: Contains formatting and organize
settings that control the entiredashboardsStory
worksheet, as well as individual fields in the view
Data Short
Telling Cuts: ALT+A+L Edit trend lines
Level of Detail (LOD) Expression: A syntax that supports aggregation at dimensionalities other than the view level.
Data Operation ALT+A+F Filter
Marks: A part of the view that visually represents one or more rows in a data source. A mark can be, for example, a
ALT+D+A Automatic updates CTRL+1 Show me!
bar, line, or square. You can control the type, color, and size of marks
ALT+D+D Connect to data ALT+A+S Sort
Marks Card: A card to the left of the view, where you can drag fields to control mark properties such as type, color,
CTRL+D Connect to data source ALT+A+M+F Stack marks off
size, shape, label, tooltip, and detail
ALT+D+C+D Duplicate data connection ALT+A+M+O Stack marks on
Pages Shelf: Used to split a view into a sequence of pages based on the members and values in a discrete or
ALT+D+A Extract Get started with Tableau continuous field
ALT+D+C+P Properties of data connection
• Tableau is BI software Rows Shelf: Used to create the rows of a data table, also accepts any number of dimensions and measures
ALT+D+R Refresh data
• Allows users to connect to data, visualize data and create Worksheet: A sheet to build views of the data
F5 Refreshes the data source
interactive and sharable dashboards. Workbook: Contains one or more worksheets
F9 Run query
ALT+D+U Toggle use extract Design Flow
F10 Toggles automatic updates on and off
Connect to Data Source Build Data Views Enhance Data Views Worksheets Create and Organize Dashboards Story Telling
ALT+D+P+D Update dashboard
ALT+D+P+Q Update quick filters FURTHERMORE:
ALT+D+P+W Update worksheet Tableau Training and Certification - Tableau 10 Desktop Course
Ta bl ea u -Des k top Data Sources
Types Work Types Work
Filter Dimensions Applied on the dimension fields. Multiple Values (List) Select one or more values in a list.
Filter Measures Applied on the measure fields. Multiple Values (Dropdown) Select one or more values in a drop-down list.
Data Sources Filter Dates Applied on the date fields. Multiple Values (Custom List) Search and select one or more values.
File Systems CSV, Excel, etc. Single Value (List) Select one value at a time in a list. Single Value (Slider) Drag a horizontal slider to select a single value.
Relational Systems Oracle, Sql Server, DB2, etc.
Single Value (Dropdown) Select a single value in a drop-down list. Wildcard Match Select values containing the specified characters.
Cloud Systems Windows Azure, Google BigQuery, etc.
Other Sources ODBC Tableau Charts
Data Extract Type Description
• Extraction of data is done by following Text Table (Crosstab) To see your data in rows and columns.
Me u → Data → E tract Data.
Heat Map Just like Crosstab, but it uses size and color as visual cues to describe the data.
Applying Extract Filters to create subset of data
Highlight Table Just like Excel table, but the cells here are colored.
To add more data for an already created extract
Data → E tract → Appe d Data fro File Symbol Map Visualize and highlight geographical data.
• •Relational
Extract History Operators Filled Map Color filled geographical data visualization.
Menu - Data → E tract Histor Pie Chart Represents data as slices of a circle with different sizes and colors.
Joining Operators
Data Blending
Horizontal Bar Chart
Stacked Bar Chart
Represents data in horizontal bars, visually digestible.
Visualize data of a category having sub-categories.
• Creating a Join • Preparing Data for Blending
Side-by-Side Bar Chart Side by side comparison of data, vertical representation.
• Editing a Join Type • Adding Secondary Data Source
Treemap Similar to a heat map, but the boxes are grouped by items that are close in hierarchy.
• Editing Join Fields • Blending the Data
Circle View Shows the different values that are within the categories.
Operators Side-by-Side Circle View fields) Combination of Circle view and Side-by-Side Bar Chart
• General Operators • Relational Operators Line Chart (Continuous) Several number of lines in the view to show continuous flow of data, must have a date.
• Arithmetic Operators • Logical Operators Line Chart (Discrete) This allows slicing and dicing of the graph, graph not continuous.
Dual Line Chart Comparing two measures over a period.
LOD Expressions
Scatter Plot Scatter plot shows many points scattered in the Cartesian plane
• Fixed LOD , Include LOD and Exclude LOD Histogram A histogram represents the frequencies of values of a variable bucketed into ranges
Gantt Chart It illustrates a project schedule.
Bullet Graph Two bars drawn upon one another to indicate their individual values at the same position in the graph
• Computed Sorting: Directly applied on an axis using the sort
Waterfall Chart It shows where a value starts, ends and how it gets there incrementally
dialog button.
• Manual Sorting: Rearrange the order of dimension fields by FURTHERMORE:
dragging them next to each other. Tableau Training and Certification - Tableau 10 Desktop Course
Tableau Desktop Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet (V1 - 04/2020)
New workbook Ctrl+N Command+N Show Me! Ctrl+1 , Ctrl+Shift+1 Command+1
New worksheet Ctrl+M Command+T Add the selected field to the sheet Enter or double-click Return or double-click
Managing workbooks, sheets, and files
Authoring views
Open Help F1 Control+Command+question mark Place selected field on Columns shelf Alt+Shift+Y Option+Shift+Y
Smaller cell size Ctrl+B Command+B Open the Drop Field menu Right-click+drag to shelf Option+drag to shelf
Copy a field in the view and place it Ctrl+drag Command+drag
Resizing rows
Zoom in to a point in the view Double-click, Ctrl+Shift+click Double-click, Shift+Command
(if not map, requires zoom mode) +click Skip forward one page Ctrl+period Command+period
Zoom out from a point on a map Ctrl+Shift+Alt+click Shift+Option+Command+click Skip backward one page Ctrl+comma Command+comma
(if not map, requires zoom mode) Connect to data source Ctrl+D Command+D
Zoom out Shift+Double-click Shift+Double+click Activate the find command in the Data pane Ctrl+F Command+F
Zoom in to an area in the view Ctrl+Shift+drag Shift+Command+drag Refresh data source F5 Command+R
(requires zoom mode if not map)
Run data updates on a view F9 Shift+Command+0
Zoom in and out on a map Scroll Scroll
Toggle automatic data updates on and off F10 Option+Command+0
Drag a row and scroll through a long list Click+drag to bottom of Click+scroll
simultaneously pane+hold
by Raphael Teufel, InterWorks