Q2. Give An Example of Each A. Stochastic Model B. Continuous Model C. Discrete Model D. Static Model E. Dynamic Model
Q2. Give An Example of Each A. Stochastic Model B. Continuous Model C. Discrete Model D. Static Model E. Dynamic Model
Q2. Give An Example of Each A. Stochastic Model B. Continuous Model C. Discrete Model D. Static Model E. Dynamic Model
a. Stochastic Model
b. Continuous Model
c. Discrete Model
d. Static Model
e. Dynamic Model
Systems are embedded within a larger environment, called the system environment
Static Simulation is a simulation model which has no internal history of both output and input
values that were previously applied. It also represents a model in which time is not a factor. This type of
simulation model usually has some function (f) which is made of inputs (u). Each output in this type of
simulation is dependent on the values of the function (f) and inputs (u).
Static Simulation model is run by setting parameters of the equations followed by adding values of inputs
required. The next step is evaluating the data which will produce a set of results. These results are seen as
a 'snapshot' of a system response if specified input conditions are applied. An example where this type of
simulation is used is when engineers calculate the total weight a ship can carry.
Discrete model the state variables change only at a countable number of points in time. These
points in time are the ones at which the event occurs/change in state. Continuous the state variables
change in a continuous way, and not abruptly from one state to another (infinite number of states).
Q7. What is simulation?
A system represents an integrated part of its environment; not a separate entity. The process of
imitating the operation of a system over time. A group of entities that coexist and interact, usually
towards the accomplishment of some goal.
System state represents a collection of variables that is sufficient for describing the system at
any given time. These variables are usually defined as a subset of the collective set of individual entity