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2nd Edition

The Green
Future Index
A ranking of 76 economies on their
progress and commitment toward
building a low-carbon future.
2  MIT Technology Review Insights

The Green Future Index is a research program by MIT Technology Review Insights sponsored by Morgan
Stanley, Citrix, and Iris Ceramica Group. The research was conducted through in-depth secondary research
and analysis along with interviews with global experts on climate change, green energy, and technologies
that will drive decarbonization. It measures the extent to which 76 countries and territories are moving
toward a green future by reducing their carbon emissions, developing clean energy, innovating in green
sectors, and preserving their environment, as well as the degree to which governments are implementing
effective climate policies. The writer of the report was Ross O’Brien, the editors were Francesca Fanshawe
and Jenn Webb. Nicola Crepaldi was the producer and Natasha Conteh was the coordinator.

MIT Technology Review Insights would like to thank the following individuals for their time,
perspective, and insights:

Inger Andersen, Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme, Kenya

William Collins, Director of the Climate and Ecosystem Sciences Division for the Earth and
Environmental Sciences Area, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, United States

Bill Hare, CEO and Senior Scientist, Climate Analytics, Germany

Kristin Hughes, Director, Global Plastic Action Partnership, World Economic Forum, Switzerland

Naoko Ishii, Professor and Executive Vice President, Director for Center for Global Commons,
University of Tokyo, Japan

Patrick Kinney, Professor for Environmental Health, Boston University, United States

Michael Manion, CEO and Founder, Keon Research, United States

Johanna Nalau, Adaptation Scientist, Griffith University, Australia

Dongjae Oh, Researcher, Solutions for Our Climate, South Korea

Eiji Ohira, Director, Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technology Office, New Energy and Industrial Technology
Development Organization, Japan

Bill Russo, Founder and CEO, Automobility Ltd, China

Thierry Senechal, Director, Finance for Impact, France

Rahul Shendure, CEO, CarbonBuilt, United States

Robert Stoner, Deputy Director for Science and Technology, MIT Energy Initiative, United States

Kevin Trenberth, Distinguished Scholar, National Centre of Atmospheric Research, United States

Hazel Tsui Wai Man, Officer, Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department, Hong Kong
MIT Technology Review Insights 3

01 Executive summary........................ 4 05 (Still) not easy: Green society
and clean innovation.................... 26
02 Introduction..................................... 6 Feed the world...................................................... 28

Hitting the snooze button.................................... 6 Electric avenues: EVs and the future
of mobility................................................................ 30
The Green Future Index in 2022.................... 10 California’s green innovation.......................... 32

What is different in the Iris Ceramica Group........................................... 33

2022 Green Future Index?............................... 12
Morgan Stanley..................................................... 14
06 Green policy in practice:
climate policy................................. 34
Out of thin air: Carbon capture
03 Mind the gap: Changes in this and sequestration................................................ 36
year’s rankings...............................15
07 Conclusion.....................................40

04 Developing a sustainable future:

Carbon emissions and energy
Collaboration is key to decarbonization.... 20
Nuclear power’s new, clearer future?......... 22
Long shot or moon shot?
Hydrogen’s long-term potential.................... 23
4  MIT Technology Review Insights

Executive summary

The key findings of this year’s report are as follows:

• Europe’s green leadership maintained for a second

year. In the 2022 rankings, 14 of the top 20 scorers
have remained largely in place this year. Sixteen of the

Green Leaders are from Europe: Iceland and Denmark
he Green Future Index 2022 is the second still hold the number one and two spots, and third and
annual comparative ranking of 76 nations and fourth places are now held by the Netherlands and
territories on their ability to develop a Key takeaways
the UK, which have seen significant jumps due to their
sustainable, low-carbon future for their much-improved climate policy scores. The UK (ranked
economies and societies. In this year’s ranking, 17th last year) has become particularly aggressive in
we have found that many countries may not be directing investment toward its clean energy transition:
maintaining the rate of change first brought about by nearly 36% of the country’s power came from clean
pandemic-related slowdowns and lockdowns. Moreover, sources toward the end of 2021, and Britain intends for
faced with uncertainty as the pandemic drags on, many that percentage to be 100% by 2035.
have reverted to old carbon-intensive habits to recharge
their economies. Yet, there has also been an incredible • New leaders are innovators. New entrants to the
ramp-up in the investment in renewable energy top-ranked cohort represent an additional cluster
(accounting for more than 70% of all new power of European economies, as well as South Korea,
generation in 2021) and many of the world’s leading Japan, and the United States; all three have seen
nations—including some of its largest polluters— significant rises in their innovation scores thanks to their
committed to firm dates to achieve carbon neutrality. Our world-beating green intellectual property contributions
collective efforts to establish a green future are inexorably (South Korea leads the world in green patents) and
(if perhaps more moderately than hoped for) gathering notable increases in pivoting infrastructure spending
momentum. toward clean and green projects.

In this year’s index, many countries are not maintaining

the rate of change first brought about by pandemic-
related slowdowns and lockdowns. Faced with
uncertainty as covid-19 drags on, many have reverted to
old carbon-intensive habits to recharge their economies.
Yet, there has also been an incredible ramp-up in the
investment in renewable energy, which accounted for
more than 70% of all new power generation in 2021.
MIT Technology Review Insights 5

• Many move up to the Greening Middle. The Greening • Sliders and risers. The Climate Laggards cohort
Middle includes several European countries that have includes India, which has begun to make firmer policy
made significant policy and energy infrastructure commitments to decarbonization, but its green efforts
investment gains, including Greece, which has are overshadowed by an ongoing pandemic recovery
earmarked 30% of its total EU recovery fund package plan that continues to favor traditional industries. By
for clean energy transition efforts. It also includes contrast, a couple of economies (notably Pakistan and
China (rising from 45th in 2021 to 26th in 2022), which Hong Kong) have seen increased green infrastructure
continues to make significant gains in green society investment and firmer sustainable policy frameworks,
transitions (including purchasing more than half of the raising their scores out of the lowest cohort.
world’s electric vehicles in 2021).
• Weighed down, way down. Last-ranked Climate
• Mind the gap. The steady rise of Green Leaders Abstainers have largely remained the same as 2021:
demonstrates the determination of economies with economies that either lack political will to pursue
both committed policy infrastructure and mature green green agendas (Russia, for example) or are even
innovation ecosystems. It also, however, highlights a more weighed down by their existing resource-based
widening gap between leaders with strong scores in all economies to make any real headway, especially as
pillars, and those where one or more pillars is weaker. the effects of the pandemic continue into a third year.
Several previous Green Leaders appear to have lost These include two countries that have seen their green
some momentum, including Singapore, New Zealand, agendas far overshadowed by the detrimental effects
and Costa Rica, which fell from seventh in 2021 to 20th of covid-19: Argentina (dropping from 59th to 68th this
in 2022. Costa Rica’s tumble has little to do with its year) and Indonesia (falling from 57th to 70th).
aspirations—it remains Latin America’s highest-ranked
scorer—but it has had significant climate policy imple-
mentation challenges.

T he research for The Green Future Index 2022 concluded in

January 2022, prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. That
conflict is likely to have far-reaching and ongoing implications for
the sustainability efforts of countries all around the world. While MIT
Technology Review Insights has attempted to relay the most accurate
information possible, we can expect the economic, social, and political
climate to continue to shift.
6  MIT Technology Review Insights

(IEA) estimated that global energy demand dropped 4% in
2020, while the UN Environmental Program, in its 2021
Emissions Gap report, estimated that carbon dioxide
levels dropped a record-breaking 5.4% in 20201 (see
Figure 1). All this provided valuable lessons on the impact
of shifts in human activities on carbon emissions,
particularly important in a year beset by a series of floods,
Hitting the snooze button fires, and other catastrophic extreme weather events—a
The inaugural edition of our Green Future Index, published “year of wake-up calls,” as we noted in the Green Future
in January 2021, was developed in part to explore the root Index 2021 report.2
causes of a palpable sense of optimism in the global
climate community that real progress on decarbonization Initially, it seemed that the world was taking these lessons
was being made, not only in spite of the economic and to heart. An incredible ramp-up in the investment in
societal devastation caused by covid-19, but in several renewable power is underway; the IEA estimates that
ways because of it. A world in lockdown consumed less spending on clean energy power generation was 70% of
energy, and thus released less greenhouse gases (GHGs) the $530 billion spent in 2021 on all new electricity
into the atmosphere. The International Energy Agency generation capacity globally4 (see Figure 2). However, as

Figure 1: Global CO2 emissions, 1970-2020


Fossil CO2
Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry
Global greenhouse gas emissions (GtCO2e)






1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020

Source: Compiled by MIT Technology Review Insights based on data from the UNEP Emissions Gap Report 20213
MIT Technology Review Insights 7

Figure 2: Global energy supply investment by sector, 2019-2021

2021E refers to estimated figures for 2021

Billion USD (2019)


Headline Here

























Upstream Mid/down- Coal Low- Renewable Fossil fuel Nuclear Electricity
stream supply carbon power power networks
fuels and
Oil and gas Fuel supply Electricity storage

Source: International Energy Agency, World Energy Investment 20215

2021 unfolded, several signals indicated that, instead of Finally, signals from the global scientific community and
heeding the wake-up calls and seizing the opportunities the actions of global policy bodies in 2021 served to
revealed by the pandemic, the world had collectively hit lessen collective confidence in our decarbonization
the snooze button. For one, a world desperate to get back progress, perhaps the most significant indication that the
on track economically quickly resumed “normal” modes of unique blend of urgency and optimism created by 2020’s
manufacturing and production. China, still the world’s pandemic pivot is fizzling out. The loudest and most
factory, saw its export values surge over 20% in 2021. And alarming of these signals came in August, when the United
while China continues to lead the world in clean energy Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
development and has committed to phase out coal-fired (IPCC) released the Working Group I contribution to its
power generation as part of its 2060 carbon neutrality sixth climate change report,7 in which 234 authors across
pledge, the manufacturing giant’s energy needs continue 66 countries unequivocally agreed that the 1.1 °C rise in
to grow apace. The IEA saw global energy demand the Earth’s temperature since the Industrial Revolution is
increase by 4.6% in 2021, more than offsetting the 4% due to human activity, and warned that only tremendous
drop in 2020. changes in those activities can limit its continued rise to
between 1.5 °C and 2 °C before the end of this century.
Moreover, outside of the climate impact indicators directly Once past that threshold, the report argues, humanity is
affected by covid-induced swings in transport or factory exposed to a greater risk of passing through “tipping
output, most other measures of world economic activity points,” thresholds beyond which certain impacts can no
over the last two years reveal that very little, if any, longer be avoided, even if temperatures are brought back
climate-friendly changes happened at all. These include down later on.8
evidence that the world’s enduring (and carbon-intensive)
love affair with meat consumption continued apace. The Less than three months later, the United Nations
Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics reported Framework Convention on Climate Change 26th annual
that the cattle population within the Amazon basin grew Conference of the Parties (COP) in Glasgow managed to
4.2% in 2020, and over 8% in the state of Acre, the keep the goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement meeting alive,
Amazon’s most densely forested state, which lost nearly and passed several important new agreements on areas
85,000 hectares of forest land to livestock grazing in such as sustainable agriculture and forestry. Forty
2020.6 countries signed an agreement to phase out coal from
8  MIT Technology Review Insights

Figure 3: Overall top 10 and bottom 10: The Green Future Index comparative rankings
for 2021 and 2022

Overall top 10 Overall bottom 10


1 1 Iceland 6.92 67 66 Peru 3.86

2 2 Denmark 6.55 68 59 Argentina 3.78
3 10 Netherlands 6.42 69 68 Turkey 3.71
4 17 United Kingdom 6.29 70 57 Indonesia 3.68
5 3 Norway 6.21 71 71 Ghana 3.63
6 6 Finland 6.21 72 70 Guatemala 3.49
7 4 France 6.12 73 76 Qatar 3.35
8 11 Germany 6.12 74 75 Paraguay 3.34
9 12 Sweden 6.07 75 72 Algeria 3.16
10 31 South Korea 6.03 76 74 Iran 2.67

Source: MIT Technology Review Insights, 2022

their power grids by the 2030s (though neither the United 2021, 120 countries, accounting for just over half of global
States nor China were among the signatories). Some new GHG emissions, updated their National Determined
national commitments were also made—most importantly Contribution (NDC) commitments for reducing
India’s pledge to join the growing club of countries with greenhouse gases—but only half of those NDCs resulted
net-zero carbon emissions targets. India is committed to in lowered emissions by 2030, and the report concluded
reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2070, and to that their aggregate impact is insufficient.10 Even COP26
reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by a billion tons and President Alok Sharma, in his first speech since the
generate half of its electricity through renewable sources conclusion of the Glasgow proceedings, expressed
by 2030.9 concern that agreements represented a “fragile win,”
which would be lost if pledges were not turned to
Many climate professionals feel that the depth of these concrete action this year.11
commitments, and the speed with which they are to be
honored, is largely insufficient. “Awareness is broader, but Despite the quick reversal of carbon fortune, and the
action is lacking,” says Inger Andersen, executive director relatively lackluster impact that COP26 seems to have
of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), had, there is still real room for optimism, says Robert
headquartered in Nairobi. “If we want to stay at 1.5 °C, we Stoner, deputy director for science and technology at the
have to remove between 400 and 500 tons of GHG, or MIT Energy Initiative. “While emissions fell remarkably little
roughly 55 tons a year through 2030. We absolutely need during the covid-19 shutdown, this only reflects our
to speed up, and organizations in all our primary emitting current technology adoption levels. It has nothing to do
sectors—energy, transport, buildings, and agriculture— with our carbon future—what’s being implemented now
really need to rev up their ambitions.” The UNEP’s won’t have an impact until later. I’m not going to argue that
Emissions Gap report noted that by the end of September the rate of low-carbon technology adoption is impressive
MIT Technology Review Insights 9

1.5 °C

“Awareness is broader, but action is lacking. If we want

to stay at 1.5 °C, we have to remove between 400 and
500 tons of greenhouse gases, or roughly 55 tons a
year through 2030. We absolutely need to speed up,
and organizations in all our primary emitting sectors—
energy, transport, buildings, and agriculture—really
need to rev up their ambitions.”
Inger Andersen
Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme

or satisfactory, but we live in a world full of engineers who see a faster-than-anticipated electrification of the
are actually doing stuff and not waiting for policymakers to automotive sector.” Additionally, environmental, social, and
give us a green light. At COP26, I felt that the innovators governance (ESG) requirements are quickly becoming
and private sector stepped up.” Stoner refers to advances baked into the firmament of global capital markets. The
in the development of nuclear fusion as an example. “If we value of ESG-labeled bonds grew to over $1 trillion in
make fusion work, and [make it] commercially viable within 2021,12 and are estimated to more than quadruple in value
the next couple of decades, this will provide the energy to $4.5 trillion by 2025, according to a report released by
that humanity needs to get to the stars and continue to Pictet Asset Management and the Institute of International
thrive. I think what’s happening with fusion here [at MIT] Finance in January 2022.13
and around the world is remarkable. Every time I try to cite
the number of fusion startups, I underestimate by another In the 2022 Green Future Index, we explore how much
few. I think we’re going to have demonstrated fusion within progress countries and territories have made toward their
four or five years, and we will have working fusion power sustainability goals by leveraging this wealth of innovation,
reactors within the decade. That’s very exciting and investment, and policy action. The nations of the world
potentially transformative.” may not be maintaining the rate of change first imagined
at the beginning of the pandemic and have shown a
There are many other important societal shifts taking worrisome willingness to revert to old carbon-intensive
place. Stoner also sees immense progress in many habits when faced with the risk of economic uncertainty.
aspects of consumer adoption of low-carbon solutions, But there is no doubt that our efforts are gathering
such as electric vehicles (EVs). “EV sales are now 9% of momentum.
global car sales, and that will only increase. We’re going to
10  MIT Technology Review Insights

The Green Future
Index in 2022

he Green Future Index 2022 is the second The indicator datasets were turned into ranked scores in
annual comparative ranking of 76 nations and one of two ways. For quantitative metrics, such as growth
territories (representing about 95% of global rates or values, each data point for each country was
GDP) on their ability to develop a sustainable, scaled up or down using minimum-maximum
low-carbon future for their economies and normalization to develop a range of scores across all
societies. As it was in its inaugural year, the index was countries for that indicator. For data that was largely
developed through in-depth primary and secondary qualitative or non-standard, a ranking categorization
research processes. Secondary research included the system was developed, and each country was assigned a
review of several hundred articles, research reports and score. Once all 22 indicators were scored, they were
papers in scientific literature, and news and legal analysis organized into five separate pillars. The structure of this
journals. Primary research was conducted through more second edition of the Green Future Index remains largely
than 20 in-depth interviews with global experts on climate the same as the 2021 edition, with a few indicators added
change, green energy, and decarbonization technologies. to augment its coverage of sustainable activities (see the
section “What is different in the 2022 Green Future
This research process informed our evaluation and Index?”).
selection of 22 distinct sets of country-level data to
comprise the indicators of the index. The data came from Pillar 1: Carbon emissions - This pillar measures how
a wide range of publicly available sources, including the effectively countries are curbing carbon dioxide emissions
International Energy Agency (IEA), the International overall, as well as in key sectors. The indicators within this
Renewable Energy Agency, the World Bank, the United pillar are:
Nations Food and Agriculture Association (FAO), the
• Total carbon dioxide emissions in 2019, in millions of
World Intellectual Property Organization, and the Climate
tons, relative to GDP
Action Tracker (CAT).
• Average annual change in carbon dioxide emissions
Where it was necessary to fill in gaps, we expanded and between 2014 and 2019, both in total, and for each of the
refined existing datasets by conducting additional detailed industry, transportation, and agriculture sectors
research on selected countries and consulted with global
experts. This was done in the climate policy and carbon Pillar 2: Energy transition - This pillar assesses the
finance initiatives indicators, and in new indicators added contribution and growth rate of renewable energy
to this year’s index, specifically in defining carbon capture sources, and now includes nuclear power. The indicators
and sequestration “readiness” and in developing within this pillar are:
estimates for the penetration of electric vehicles (see the • The growth of renewable energy production in giga-
section “What is different in the 2022 Green Future watt-hours between 2014 and 2019
• The percentage that energy from renewable sources
MIT Technology Review Insights 11

• A qualitative evaluation of policy action to reach stated

made up in final energy consumption in 2018
climate goals in compliance with the Paris Agreement
• The growth of nuclear energy production in giga- and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)
watt-hours between 2014 and 2019
• A qualitative evaluation of policy and regulatory frame-
• The percentage that energy from nuclear generation works to promote carbon capture and sequestration
made up in final energy consumption in 2018 efforts (CCS)

• A qualitative assessment of measures taken by each

Pillar 3: Green society - This pillar measures the efforts
country to create financial incentives for firms and
made by government, industry, and society to promote
investors to assign a cost to carbon emissions, through
green practices. The indicators measure:
the levying of carbon taxes and the creation of a market
• The number of LEED-certified green buildings in 2020, for carbon bonds and emissions trading systems
per million urban population
• A qualitative assessment of sustainable agriculture
• The percentage of solid waste that is recycled as a policies, assessing for comprehensiveness and effec-
percentage of total waste managed tiveness of implementation

• The net change in forestation between 2015 and 2020: • An assessment of the degree to which covid-19 recovery
an indicator that combines the change in acreage of stimulus packages will accelerate decarbonization,
forested land through naturally regenerated primary resulting in a “pandemic pivot” along two measures:
growth, and changes through planned afforestation
projects 1. Energy transition impact—Scoring countries by the
• The stock electric passenger vehicles per million urban proportion of stimulus spending directed at new energy
population in 2020 initiatives versus fossil fuel projects

2. Green stimulus initiatives—Scoring countries by the
Pillar 4: Clean innovation - This pillar measures the
percentage of total stimulus spending allocated to
innovation environment for building a low-carbon future,
sustainable, low-carbon key public infrastructure projects
such as the relative penetration of green patents,
(such as transport, water, public spaces, and information)
investment in cross-border clean energy, and investment
in food technology. The indicators measure:
These pillars are constructed to comprehensively
• Growth in green intellectual property, measured by evaluate each country’s green future across two
the increase in patents registered for sustainable dimensions: the progress they have made on achieving
technologies or processes and solutions between 2013 carbon reduction goals and other climate-friendly societal
and 2018, relative to GDP activities, and the ambitions that the country must achieve
• The amount of investment a country received and to maintain a carbon-neutral economy. The first four
provided for clean energy efforts between 2014 and “progress pillars” account for 60% of the weighting in
2018, as a percentage of GDP the index. The fifth pillar—climate policy—measures
the extent to which investment and policy activities
• The number of food technology (“foodtech”) startups per
are channeled into green infrastructure initiatives and
million of urban population
legislation frameworks. These factors, we believe,
collectively provide the primary impetus toward
Pillar 5: Climate policy - This pillar measures the ambition
establishing and sustaining a country’s green future, and
and effectiveness of climate policy, including carbon
thus this pillar accounts for 40% of the Index weighting.
financing initiatives, sustainable agriculture policy, and the
use of pandemic recovery spending to achieve a green
economic recovery. The indicators include:
12  MIT Technology Review Insights

Figure 4: The Green Future Index 2022 rankings world map

Top Five

1 Iceland 6.92
2 Denmark 6.55
3 Netherlands 6.42
4 United Kingdom 6.29
5 Norway 6.21

Bottom Five

72 Guatemala 3.49
73 Qatar 3.35
74 Paraguay 3.34
75 Algeria 3.16
76 Iran 2.67
Average Score: 4.82
South Korea 6.29
China Japan 6.03
India 5.27 5.45 6
Australia 4.73
Indonesia Russia 4.39 5
3.68 3.89 4


Argentina Pakistan Nigeria New Singapore United Canada France

3.78 4.18 4.65 Zealand 5.19 States 5.59 6.12
4.79 5.40
Source: MIT Technology Review Insights, 2022

What is different in the 2022 Green • Pillar 3: Green society now includes the penetration
Future Index? of electric vehicles (EVs) as a percentage of urban
In our review of scientific climate change research and population.
policy developments since the 2021 edition of the Green Electrification of transportation is increasingly regarded
Future Index,14 we determined that we needed to expand as a key element in shifting societal and economic
the indicators assessing a country’s progress on green norms toward long-term sustainable outcomes. The
future goals. These include: International Energy Agency reported that over 6.6
million EVs were sold in 2021, close to 9% of total new
• Pillar 2: Energy transition now includes nuclear vehicles—more than triple the volume in 2019 (see
energy—its growth in production and the amount Figure 5).15 Moreover, increased EV adoption not only
it contributes to a country’s overall energy offers immediate transport sector decarbonization
requirements. benefits, but it can also signal broader consumer
Most established measures of energy transition only willingness to adopt new modes of mobility less linked to
include contributions from renewable sources. But personal vehicle ownership.
nuclear power is still a factor in many countries’ low-car-
bon energy production efforts, and therefore provides a
fuller picture of each country’s green future.
MIT Technology Review Insights 13

• Pillar 4: Clean innovation—updated methodology for the emerging consensus within the scientific community
evaluating “green” patents . is that emission reductions can only be part of the
To more accurately reflect the level of climate-friendly sustainability equation. “The reality is we do actually
innovation in each country’s economy, we have revised need to capture or sequester carbon rather than just
the indicator 4.1 to reflect the accumulation of total offset it,” observes Michael Manion, CEO of Seattle-
environmental and climate patents registered between based innovation consultancy Keon Research. The 2022
2016 and 2020 as a percentage of GDP. edition of the Green Future Index incorporates scoring
and measurements primarily from the Global CCS
• Pillar 5: Climate policy now includes carbon capture Institute to evaluate each country’s policy and regulatory
and sequestration (CCS) “readiness.” environment as it relates to CCS, and the definitive plans
As the world continues its pursuit of lower GHG levels, in place to develop relevant infrastructure.

Figure 5: Global sales and sales market share of electric cars, 2010-2021

10 10%

9 9%

8 8%

7 7%

6 6%
Million registrations

5 5%

4 4%

3 3%

2 2%

1 1%

0 0%
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Others China United States Europe Global market share

Source: International Energy Agency, 2022 16

14  Partner perspective

Morgan Stanley

Supporting pioneering sustainable solutions

C limate change remains one of the great challenges of our time, and as the past two years
have revealed, the intersection between the global health crisis, the climate crisis, and
systemic social injustice has only made solving these challenges more complex.

That is why, in the race to net zero carbon emissions, forested lands remain the source of far more carbon
it is imperative that we work together to support credit sales than do agricultural fields. The Soil
pioneering solutions that facilitate cross-sector Inventory Project is using data to answer
approaches and drive systems-level changes at scale. foundational questions about soil carbon to create
a new market, in partnership with farmers. A
In 2020, Morgan Stanley launched the Sustainable database of soil carbon levels will help to inform
Solutions Collaborative1 to boost early-stage farmers in making decisions on sustainable
sustainability initiatives that will benefit from agricultural practices. This will open the possibility of
partnerships across private and public industries, and selling carbon credits by measuring soil carbon
in October 2021 the first cohort of five winning teams through app-led field methods, remote sensing
was announced2. They are a group of innovators technology, and biophysical modeling. The samples
focused on tackling distinct global problems by they collect will also help to establish the first
bringing forth new ways of thinking about health national soil carbon inventory.4
care, climate solutions, plastic waste reduction, and
ecosystem services through re-engineered Rounding out the group are mPharma, a health tech
distribution methods, technology platforms, and a startup that aims to make health care accessible and
new perspective on the importance of nature. more affordable in Africa by revolutionizing the drug
supply chain; Siklus, which is tackling the nexus of
One first-year collaborative member is SunCulture, a poverty and plastic waste in Indonesia; and Trees As
Kenya-based company working hand-in-hand with Infrastructure, an open-source platform that is
local and national governments on innovations in operating across Europe to establish nature as a
solar technology, sustainable agriculture practices, critical part of the urban infrastructure.5
and to provide access to inclusive finance that will
help farmers in sub-Saharan Africa address their The members come from across industry, nonprofits,
biggest challenges. These include finding affordable, and academia, and each of them, with the proper
accessible, clean energy to electrify their homes and support and guidance, has the potential to scale and
power irrigation to their farmland. By solving these contribute to creating the type of systemic change
problems in tandem, SunCulture is helping farmers needed to achieve a more sustainable future.
boost their crop yields and increase their incomes at a
time when the global food crisis has been exacerbated Audrey Choi
by the pandemic and climate change.3 Chief Sustainability Officer and CEO,
Morgan Stanley Institute for Sustainable Investing
Another member is the nonprofit The Soil Inventory
Project (formerly MySOC), a project out of Skidmore 1. “Morgan Stanley Launches Sustainable Solutions Accelerator to Address Global Sustainability
College and Michigan State University focused on Challenges,” (press release) Morgan Stanley, Aug. 12, 2020
2. “Inaugural Morgan Stanley Sustainable Solutions Collaborative Cohort,” Morgan Stanley, June 9, 2021
soils, where scientists say more carbon resides than 3. Audrey Choi, “When It Comes to Saving the Planet, Innovation Has To Be a Team Effort,” Fast Company,

in the atmosphere and all plant life combined. Yet July 10, 2021
4. “Inaugural Morgan Stanley Sustainable Solutions Collaborative Cohort,” Morgan Stanley, June 9, 2021
5. “Inaugural Morgan Stanley Sustainable Solutions Collaborative Cohort,” Morgan Stanley, June 9, 2021

© 2022 Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC and Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Members SIPC. CRC 3997621 3/2022
MIT Technology Review Insights 15

Mind the gap: Changes

in this year’s rankings

here have been several shifts in the rankings that that figure will be 100% by 2035, when Britain also
this year, although 14 of the top 20 scorers—a plans to reduce its net emissions levels by an ambitious
cohort we refer to as the “Green Leaders”— 78%.18 Increases in policy and investment over the last
have remained largely in place. Iceland and year have also allowed Finland to remain even year-on-
Denmark still hold the number one and two year in sixth place. In January 2022, Finland took on €217
spots, with moderately improved scores (6.92 and 6.55, million in pre-financing allocated under the European
respectively). The third and fourth place are now occupied Commission’s Recovery and Resilience Facility, which will
by the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, both of which partially go to efforts to decarbonize the energy sector,
have seen significant jumps due to their improved climate such as building hydrogen and CCS infrastructure,19 as it
policy scores. The UK (ranked 17th last year) has become works to meet 2035 carbon neutrality goals.
particularly aggressive in directing investment toward its
clean energy transition: nearly 36% of the country’s power With the exception of Ireland, all of the previous year’s
came from clean sources in the third quarter of 2021,17 and Green Leaders saw their scores increase, on average
in October 2021 Prime Minister Boris Johnson indicated over a third of a point. The new entrants to the top cohort

The UK has become particularly

aggressive in directing investment
toward its clean energy transition:
nearly 36% of the country’s power
came from clean sources in the third
quarter of 2021 with the ambition to
make it 100% by 2035, when Britain
also plans to reduce its net emissions
levels by an ambitious 78%.
16  MIT Technology Review Insights

Figure 6: The Green Future Index country rankings, 2021-2022


2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021

1 1 Iceland 6.92 8 11 Germany 6.12 15 14 Canada 5.59

The 20 countries
making the 2 2 Denmark 6.55 9 12 Sweden 6.07 16 34 Poland 5.59
Green leaders

greatest progress
3 10 Netherlands 6.42 10 31 South Korea 6.03 17 22 Italy 5.53
and commitment
toward building a 4 17 United Kingdom 6.29 11 9 Belgium 5.95 18 30 Portugal 5.51
low carbon future.
5 3 Norway 6.21 12 5 Ireland 5.85 19 60 Japan 5.45

6 6 Finland 6.21 13 18 Spain 5.83 20 7 Costa Rica 5.42

7 4 France 6.12 14 19 Switzerland 5.63

21 40 United States 5.40 28 13 Luxembourg 5.19 35 27 Ethiopia 4.96

The 20 countries
The greening middle

that are making 22 37 Greece 5.33 29 16 Singapore 5.19 36 26 Morocco 4.83

progress or
23 15 Austria 5.31 30 38 Israel 5.00 37 46 Taiwan 4.81
toward building a 24 39 Hungary 5.31 31 47 South Africa 4.98 38 20 Uruguay 4.80
green future.
25 44 Bulgaria 5.28 32 25 Colombia 4.98 39 8 New Zealand 4.79

26 45 China 5.27 33 24 Chile 4.97 40 23 Kenya 4.76

27 28 Czech Republic 5.21 34 32 Brazil 4.96

41 42 United Arab Emirates 4.76 48 29 Thailand 4.50 55 67 Pakistan 4.18

The 20 countries
that are making 42 21 India 4.73 49 33 Kazakhstan 4.48 56 49 Vietnam 4.17
Climate laggards

slow and uneven

43 53 Nigeria 4.65 50 52 Angola 4.47 57 54 Uganda 4.15
progress or
commitment 44 41 Cameroon 4.55 51 61 Saudi Arabia 4.42 58 65 Kuwait 4.09
toward building a
green future. 45 64 Hong Kong, China 4.54 52 35 Australia 4.39 59 58 Egypt 4.03

46 50 Slovakia 4.52 53 43 Philippines 4.37 60 51 Zambia 3.99

47 48 Romania 4.52 54 36 Mexico 4.23

The 16 countries 61 63 Ukraine 3.95 68 59 Argentina 3.78 75 72 Algeria 3.16

that will be left
62 69 Bangladesh 3.94 69 68 Turkey 3.71 76 74 Iran 2.67
Climate abstainers

behind in the green

future through their
63 62 Ecuador 3.91 70 57 Indonesia 3.68
lack of progress
and commitment 64 73 Russia 3.89 71 71 Ghana 3.63
toward developing
a modern, clean, 65 56 Malaysia 3.87 72 70 Guatemala 3.49
and innovative
66 55 Dominican Republic 3.87 73 76 Qatar 3.35
67 66 Peru 3.86 74 75 Paraguay 3.34

Source: MIT Technology Review Insights, 2022

represent an additional cluster of European economies green patents) and notable increases in pivoting
(Italy, Portugal, and Poland), as well as South Korea, infrastructure spending toward clean and green projects.
Japan, and the United States. All three of these
economies have seen significant rises in their innovation The steady rise of the Green Leaders demonstrates the
scores thanks to their world-beating green intellectual determination of economies to establish committed policy
property contributions (South Korea leads the world in infrastructures and mature green innovation ecosystems.
MIT Technology Review Insights 17

Several European countries have made significant policy

and energy infrastructure investment gains including
Greece, which has earmarked more than 30% of its
€18 billion EU recovery fund package for clean energy
transition efforts.

It also, however, highlights a potentially worrisome trend to fossil fuel or resource extraction industries. These
in this year’s scores: a widening gap between the leaders include countries that have been actively investing in
and those without a decent showing across all pillars, technologies and industrial transition programs to move
where their scores remain flat or begin to decrease. In the away from hydrocarbon businesses (such as the United
second cohort of scores, which we have labeled the Arab Emirates or Saudi Arabia) as well as others that
“Greening Middle,” there are several European countries remain committed to extractive industries as part of their
that have made significant policy and energy economic development (Mexico and Australia).
infrastructure investment gains. This includes Greece,
which has earmarked more than 30% of its total EU The Climate Laggards also include some notable slides.
recovery fund package (€18 billion) specifically for clean India has begun to make firmer policy commitments to
energy transition efforts.20 The Greening Middle also decarbonization and remains one of the world’s most
includes China (rising from a ranking of 45 in the 2021 active investors in renewable power generation (solar,
Green Future Index to 26 this year), which continues to most of all), including plans for India’s state coal
make significant gains in green society transitions companies to install 5.56 gigawatts of renewable power
(including purchasing more than half of the world’s EVs generation capacity by 2030.22 But such green efforts
last year), innovations, and policy formation. are overshadowed by an ongoing pandemic recovery
plan which continues to favor traditional industries. In its
In 2022, however, the Greening Middle also saw the 2022 budget, India’s Ministry of Coal will receive more
entry of several countries that had previously been funding ($2.5 billion) than its Ministry of New and
Green Future Index leaders but appear to have lost Renewable Energy and its Ministry of Environment,
some momentum in the last year. This includes countries Forests, and Climate Change combined.23 By contrast, a
such as Singapore, New Zealand, and Costa Rica, which couple of economies (notably Pakistan and Hong Kong)
has fallen from a ranking of 7 last year to 20 in 2022. have seen increased green infrastructure investment
Costa Rica’s tumble has little to do with its aspirations— and firmer sustainable policy frameworks, raising their
it remains Latin America’s highest-ranked economy and scores out of the lowest cohort—the “Climate
is widely regarded as having solid policy outlooks with Abstainers.”
regard to green economic recovery and
decarbonization. However, Costa Rica is having The last grouping in the Green Future Index, the Climate
implementation challenges. According to research Abstainers, has largely remained the same as 2021.
group Climate Action Tracker, which monitors They are a collection of economies that either lack
government action to reduce GHG emissions: “While political will to pursue green agendas (Russia, for
Costa Rica’s target meets its fair-share contribution to example) or are even more weighed down by their
limiting warming to 1.5 °C, it needs additional support to existing resource-based economies to make any real
implement additional policies and to strengthen its headway, especially as the effects of the pandemic
reduction target in order to get national emissions on a continue into a third year. These include two countries
pathway compatible with 1.5 °C.”21 that have seen their green agendas far overshadowed
by the detrimental effects of covid-19, lowering their
The countries in the third tier of the rankings we have scores: Argentina has dropped from 59th position in the
named the “Climate Laggards.” As with the 2021 edition, 2021 Green Future Index to 68th this year, and
many of the Climate Laggards have economies anchored Indonesia has fallen from 57th to 70th.
18  MIT Technology Review Insights

Developing a sustainable
future: Carbon emissions
and energy transition

he first two pillars of the index—carbon

emissions and energy transition—represent
the activities that form the cornerstones of
each country’s efforts to develop a sustainable
future. They measure the extent to which a
electricity were generated from new renewable energy
facilities, outstripping the amount of new hydrocarbon-
Key takeaways
fueled power by nearly 29% (see Figure 8). However,
continued increases in clean power generation are not
guaranteed, as they are susceptible to disruptions in the
country is successfully reducing carbon dioxide emissions commissioning of new facilities, such as pandemic-related
from its economic activities and how much it has slowdowns and weather changes lessening the supply of
converted its power infrastructure to generate electricity wind and sunlight. The latter caused renewable power
from clean sources. On both measures, there is clear generation in the UK to drop 17% in the third quarter of
evidence that the world is building on its sustainable 2021 to a four-year low.26
foundations, although less than the year before and more
slowly than the climate action community has hoped. Seven of the top 10 leaders in this year’s carbon emissions
pillar—who were also leaders in the 2021 rankings (see
In the carbon emissions pillar, there were slight but Figure 9)—are European nations that continue to
appreciable gains in the scores, reflecting overall global implement strong energy and industry transition programs
efforts to cut emissions levels: the median score in the and hold fast to their low-carbon economic development
pillar has edged up slightly from 5.63 in the 2021 edition of goals. That said, strong commitment to decarbonization
the Green Future Index to 5.67 in 2022. As mentioned, the does not guarantee steady progress. This pillar ranks
beginning of the pandemic saw radical shifts in mobility relative increase in emissions over a rolling five-year period
and overall economic activity globally, resulting in swift but as well as overall emission decreases. In several cases, the
temporary falls in emissions. The UNEP estimates that in scores of mature leaders have gone down as the rate of
the United States and Europe, countries’ 2020 carbon their emissions reduction has slowed. New entrants to the
dioxide emission levels have dropped 10% compared to leaders in this pillar include several countries that have
pre-pandemic levels in 2019, but 2021 decreases were redoubled emissions reduction efforts, including the United
half that (see Figure 7).24 Emerging economies, including Arab Emirates, where for several years the Supreme
China, Brazil, and Russia, actually saw their emission Council of Energy has been coordinating cross-sectoral
levels increase last year. efforts to lower emissions in its water, waste management,
and power sectors, and in 2022 has reset a goal of a
In terms of global energy transition, there has been a further 30% carbon dioxide reduction by 2030.31
tremendous amount of progress in decarbonizing power
grids in recent years, as growing production scale and Most of the lowest scoring performers in the carbon
technological maturity have made renewable energy emissions pillar (in both 2021 and 2022) were emerging
generation much more affordable and reliable. In the economies, many in Africa that are struggling with the
decade prior to 2020, nearly 3,700 terawatt hours of implications of their carbon-intensive economies.
MIT Technology Review Insights 19

Interestingly, these same emissions laggards are energy in the carbon emissions pillar, but it ranks fourth in the
transmission leaders. Four African nations (Nigeria, energy transition pillar, thanks in large part to a vast
Ethiopia, Kenya, and Zambia) have some of the highest hydroelectric power network that constitutes the
scores in the energy transition pillar, and at the same time, majority of its energy generation. In December 2021,
among the lowest scores in the carbon emissions pillar. Nigeria’s Ministry of the Environment launched a
Electricity and heat generation accounts for an estimated “Deep Decarbonization” initiative in collaboration with
quarter of global carbon emissions, so efforts to transition the support of the French Development Agency,
power grids to clean energy feedstocks is an important which includes investments to broaden its renewable
precedent to decarbonization. Nigeria is ranked last (76th) power resources.32

Figure 7: Change in CO2 emissions in 2020 and 2021 relative to 2019 levels









Rest of world

Russian Federation





-25% -20% -15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10%

Source: International Energy Agency, 202225

2020/2019 2021/2019
20  MIT Technology Review Insights

Figure 8: Growth in global power generation 2011-2020, terawatt-hours

Coal 1,332

Natural Gas 1,311

Wind 1,258

Hydro 1,068

Solar 829

Biomass & Waste 250

Other 9

Nuclear -84

Oil & Diesel -137

Source: BloombergNEF, 202127

Collaboration is key to decarbonization such as expanding the use of sustainable development

Many climate observers feel that transnational goal (SDG) bonds to finance projects. Morocco aims to
collaborations are increasingly vital in the global effort to generate 52% of its electricity from green sources by
combat emissions. Unfortunately, many also find these 2025, and 80% by 2050,33 aided by an EU loan worth
efforts lacking. “At the Glasgow summit, there were €1.6 billion to accelerate energy transition efforts over
many important state-level initiatives around stopping the next five years.34 Indonesia has become a Southeast
deforestation and other nature-based solutions, but Asia regional pioneer in the use of SDG bonds, including
they all failed to establish any means of North-South a $584 UN sovereign SDG bond35 and a $150 million loan
collaboration,” observes Naoko Ishii, the director to fund the Sustainable Development Goals Indonesia
for the Center for Global Commons at the University One–Green Finance Facility from the Asian Development
of Tokyo, an initiative that works to create frameworks Bank.36 But Ishii says that in order to deepen
to govern global commons such as biodiversity and transnational collaboration, there must be broader, more
climate systems. Ishii says it is critical for the world’s integrated efforts, similar to the way Europe’s attempts
decarbonization leaders, which are largely advanced to introduce carbon border adjustment mechanisms
economies, “to recognize that the green lives they lead could create a global market for carbon. She suggests
are realized by importing goods and foods unsustainably that creating globally recognized biodiverse regions is
produced in the Global South. If we are all serious about another such tool.
reaching net zero by 2050, we need to find a way to
address the disproportionate burden borne by the William Collins, director of the climate and ecosystem
South and to create mechanisms to recognize their sciences division for the Earth and environmental
contributions through nature-based solutions.” sciences area at the Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory in California, agrees that more international
There are many avenues to facilitate more international recognition—and formalization—of biodiversity’s
cooperation on energy transition and decarbonization, contributions need to happen to speed up the pace of
MIT Technology Review Insights 21

Nigeria is ranked fourth in the energy transition pillar,

thanks in large part to a vast hydroelectric power
network that constitutes the majority of its energy

Figure 9: Highest and lowest performers in the carbon emissions and energy transition pillars:
The Green Future Index 2021 and 2022

PILLAR 1: Carbon emissions

A high score means a low emissions growth rate.


1 14 Iceland 8.06 67 54 Russia 4.60

2 10 Finland 7.32 68 50 Egypt 4.58
3 51 United Arab Emirates 7.07 69 47 Dominican Republic 4.54
4 2 Norway 6.81 70 71 Bangladesh 4.48
5 3 Sweden 6.78 71 57 Zambia 4.44
6 32 Argentina 6.77 72 76 Pakistan 4.32
7 1 Ukraine 6.73 73 70 Vietnam 4.20
8 7 Greece 6.61 74 60 Kenya 4.15
9 66 Guatemala 6.61 75 75 Ethiopia 3.44
10 5 Switzerland 6.52 76 72 Nigeria 3.00

PILLAR 2: Energy transition

A high score means that renewable energy is growing quickly and contributes a higher share of the overall energy mix.

1 1 Ethiopia 7.18 67 65 Kazakhstan 2.28

2 2 Angola 6.39 68 67 Spain 2.25
3 3 Uganda 5.97 69 50 Portugal 2.24
4 5 Nigeria 5.73 70 57 Mexico 2.11
5 14 South Africa 5.55 71 74 Russia 2.11
6 4 Cameroon 5.36 72 73 Iran 2.09
7 6 Kenya 5.30 73 64 Italy 2.01
8 30 South Korea 5.10 74 69 Egypt 1.98
9 22 Israel 5.07 75 71 Singapore 1.69
10 23 United Arab Emirates 5.06 76 76 Qatar 1.38

Source: MIT Technology Review Insights, 2022

22  MIT Technology Review Insights

decarbonization, noting that the collective promises made that there is further complication because a forest has
will only lower global temperatures one- to two-tenths of a significant value not only as carbon sink, but also as home
degree Celsius by 2100. “Many countries in the Paris to biodiversity: “We should aim at creating a global carbon
accords use the preservation of natural lands to market for sequestration. It is more challenging to create a
contribute to their carbon emissions reductions, utilizing market mechanism to measure significance of biodiversity.
direct air capture technologies which draw down carbon Biodiversity in Indonesia or the Amazon has a global
into trees and into soils. But it’s become clear that we significance, whereas biodiversity in Japan does not.”
need international scientific standards, because individual
countries are quite demonstrably using very different Collins notes that while many direct air capture
estimates for the amount of carbon that can be stored per technologies are very mature, they may prove difficult to
hectare.” Collins notes that, unlike measuring the carbon scale: “We’ve used scrubbers on coal-fired power plants
impact of burning oil or other hydrocarbons, developing for decades, but these technologies are very energy
standard scientific metrics for carbon capture is tricky, as intensive, and while they work well to clean smokestacks
the amount of carbon a forest can store is variable: “It that emit 10% CO2, they aren’t efficient when we are
really depends on the type and age of the trees, and how dealing with atmospheric CO2 at 400 parts per million,
recently the forest was disturbed.” Ishii agrees and adds which is essentially like asking someone to remove an

Nuclear power’s new, clearer future?

uclear remains contentious in climate action cheaper renewables. Secondly, we have never
circles, creating divergent opinions even honestly dealt with nuclear waste—there are no
among generally well-aligned European adequate repositories, and we don’t have the ability
Union nations, where a recent proposal to categorize to move nuclear waste safely from one place to
nuclear projects as green infrastructure has incited another.” Therefore, it is likely that “old” nuclear
outcry from such member states as Germany, technology may naturally sunset itself as long-
Luxembourg, and Austria.28 Outside of France, anticipated nuclear fusion solutions emerge.
Europe’s ambivalence toward nuclear energy is even,
in some instances, slowing its energy transition Nuclear fusion—the combining of atoms, rather than
efforts: Belgium is actively working to completely splitting them—is a century-old technology goal, in
decommission its nuclear energy infrastructure by which fusion generators will produce much more
2025,29 but because it has not been replacing energy (and, importantly, much more energy than
nuclear capacity with other clean energy quickly they consume) and with much less nuclear waste
enough, it has had the EU’s slowest rate of decrease than today’s fission-powered energy generation.
of fossil fuels in its energy mix over the last decade One promising example of this is SPARC, a
(from 78% to 76%).30 prototype fusion reactor developed by
Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS), a US-based,
Nuclear energy thus presents a conundrum for our MIT-backed startup. SPARC uses high-temperature
green future: it is a viable clean energy source, but a superconducting electromagnets, the most powerful
problematic one. Fortunately, however, current magnetic field ever created, which CFS believes
technology and adoption trends may soon change will become a fusion electricity plant that produces
this. MIT Energy Initiative’s Robert Stoner points out 10 times the power it consumes by the 2030s.
that the current generation of nuclear solutions Moreover, if successful, SPARC’s energy generation
continues to have two key challenges accelerating methods will allow for the creation of much smaller,
its obsolescence: “Firstly, nuclear is expensive and much cheaper fusion machines than most current
increasingly uncompetitive with cheaper and technologies under development.
MIT Technology Review Insights 23

“Many countries in the Paris accords use the preservation

of natural lands to contribute to their carbon emissions
reductions, utilizing direct air capture technologies which
draw down carbon into trees and soils. But it’s become
clear that we need international scientific standards,
because countries are using very different estimates for
how much carbon can be stored per hectare.”
William Collins
Director of the Climate and Ecosystem Sciences Division for the Earth and Environmental
Sciences Area, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

eye-dropper of food dye mixed into a full swimming pool.” energy production efforts. “Green” hydrogen fuel
Even more problematic, he says, it that the world’s current (produced through electrolyzers—systems that use
collective air capture capacity “in the range of a few tens electricity to break down water into hydrogen and oxygen
of thousands of metric tons per year” is woefully in a process called electrolysis—powered by renewable
insufficient to meet the task at hand. “The IPCC emissions energy) is a highly efficient energy source: it’s much more
reduction target is 10 to 20 billion metric tons per year, so productive than fossil fuels and can be quickly produced
we can only deal with one-millionth of that,” says Collins. and effectively stored indefinitely. It thus represents the
ultimate potential of clean energy—the ability to create
Long shot or moon shot? Hydrogen’s virtually unlimited amounts of clean energy that can be
long-term potential stored in fuel cells and integrated into transportation,
The growing scale of renewable energy technology has manufacturing, and other off-grid energy supply chains.
brought with it rising productivity and lowered costs. The
IEA estimates that in 2020, investments in renewable Unfortunately, scale-intensive and cost-effective
power generation capacity are four times more productive hydrogen production technology is still a long way off.
than they were in 2010. This is because the unit cost of Currently, electrolyzers are almost exclusively small
solar energy generation in 2020 was 10% less than in capacity, and their costs are estimated to halve only by
2019, and 5% less for wind generation.37 This is making 2030.39 As such, hydrogen power is currently unlikely to
the steady ramp-up of green electricity in the world’s help any country to meet its Paris Agreement
power grids, if not inevitable, then a far more reliable commitments. But the potential for hydrogen to spark a
occurrence. In 2021, China more than doubled its offshore virtuous cycle of carbon-free energy, and with it the hopes
wind generation capacity to 26 gigawatts, knocking the of a truly sustainable economy, have compelled many
UK off its top spot, and is now producing nearly half of all countries to align public infrastructure and scientific
the offshore wind electricity in the world.38 resources to take this long shot. In the United States, the
Biden administration’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs
However, while it is more present and effective, renewable Act, signed into law last November, has earmarked $8
energy generation remains a variable, and therefore billion in funding to establish multiple regional hydrogen
undependable, source of electricity—solar and wind production hubs, and another $1.5 billion to seed
sources are unpredictable, and geothermal sources don’t showcase projects which will “develop a clean hydrogen
exist everywhere, for instance. Clean energy needs to be supply chain and workforce.”40
produced and stored in more stable supply chains, which
is one of the compelling reasons that many of the world’s Japan is another country looking at achieving leadership
energy innovation leaders are ramping up their hydrogen in hydrogen technology and production capabilities as a
24  MIT Technology Review Insights

“Green” hydrogen fuel represents the

ultimate potential of clean energy—
the ability to create virtually unlimited
amounts of clean energy that can be
stored in fuel cells and integrated into
transportation, manufacturing, and
other off-grid energy supply chains.

key component of its greener future. The country has boilers. Ohira expects these technologies will contribute
seen the single largest jump in the 2022 Green Future to achieve Japan’s hydrogen cost target of $2 per
Index rankings (from 60th place to 19th), in large part kilogram by 2050.43
because of steps taken in 2021 to increase decarbonization
efforts and aspirations. Japan’s updated 2030 NDC target Although decarbonization and energy transition progress
moved up its emission reduction targets from 26% to is often slow, it will be substantial and transformative.
46%, with a stretch goal of 50%.41 Japan’s Ministry of Much of the world will have the majority of its electricity
Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) also released its sourced from clean power sources in the next quarter
sixth Strategic Energy Plan in October 2021 and has made century. The International Energy Agency’s pathway to net
substantial progress in energy investment transition. zero assumes that by 2050, 90% of world electricity
generation will be renewable—a stretch, but not
Hydrogen projects feature prominently in Japan’s efforts. unobtainable at our current rates of energy transition.44 In
“Hydrogen is key technology for a carbon-neutral Japan. It a world where most of the industrial output is powered by
has the potential to develop a low-carbon energy system clean sources, and the possibility of developing green
by integrating it into our existing energy vectors,” hydrogen and other next-generation clean fuels at scale
observes Eiji Ohira, the director of the Fuel Cell and becomes more feasible, a “tipping point” could emerge in
Hydrogen Technology office of Japan’s New Energy and our quest to attain, and sustain, a carbon-neutral
Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO). economy. This would create immense green future
He points out that while hydrogen energy itself “will not be opportunities, says Bill Hare of Climate Analytics—but it
a substantial part of Japan’s energy mix for the next will also signal the beginning of another immense
decade”—METI’s sixth energy plan estimates that transformation undertaking: “From a systems point of view,
hydrogen will generate at most 1% of Japan’s energy by decarbonizing our power system will in turn decarbonize
203042 —“it will serve as an important part of our long- our manufactured output. This will lead to a big
term energy innovation capabilities. A hydrogen supply transformation in the material flows and our supply chains.
chain can exploit synergies in our technology, But when we get to this carbon tipping point, we will need
transportation, and heavy industry sectors.” In 2021, to critically examine the energy needs of technological
NEDO allocated $210 million to research and applications like green hydrogen. We imagine the
development in fuel cells, hydrogen refueling stations (of renewables-based energy will be free once we figure it
which it expects Japan to have 900 nationwide by 2023), out, but there will still be environmental space limitations
and energy system projects. These latter projects include and a lot of political economy issues to accommodate as
the development of hydrogen transportation using we totally reinvent our public and industrial infrastructure
liquefied hydrogen and organic chemical hydrides, and platforms to prepare for this massive rollout of variable
creating hydrogen gas turbines and hydrogen engine renewable energy systems,” says Hare.
MIT Technology Review Insights 25

Partner perspective

A s a pioneer of secure hybrid work, sustainability isn’t just a priority—it’s in our nature.
We believe technology should make our world a better place to work and live. This is
why we create solutions that empower people to do their best work from anywhere and
get the most out of their resources.

Empowerment starts with helping our customers embrace Our solutions also help organizations extend the lifespan of
hybrid work by transitioning to long-term flexible work devices by three to seven years just by moving computer
models that not only reduce their carbon footprint, but also workloads off individual devices and into the cloud. This is
make work more accessible for every employee. critically important because of the 50 million tons of
electronic waste produced each year, only 20 percent is
Citrix solutions enable people to securely access their recycled3. The more life we can get out of our devices, the
apps, desktops, and data from wherever they are, which more we can reduce this massive waste.
facilitates more people working remotely and fewer people
commuting to the office. Transportation emissions alone Another way we help organizations reduce their carbon
account for 10 percent of greenhouse gas emissions footprint—and costs—is by helping them shift from
globally and 28 percent in the United States1. But people less efficient on-premises data centers to highly efficient
who work remotely in the U.S. avoid emitting 3.6 tons of public clouds. Neste, the world’s leading producer of
transportation-related emissions—that’s equal to planting renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel, is one step
91 million trees2. closer to its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2035 by
reducing the number of on-premises servers using Citrix
Because our solutions eliminate the need to store apps and cloud services on Google Cloud Platform.
data on people’s individual devices, organizations can shift
to more energy-efficient data storage solutions. These are These are just a few examples. We believe being ethical and
some of the reasons why the University of Cambridge transparent is the only way today’s organizations can effect
chose to partner with Citrix. change. Prioritizing environmental sustainability isn’t just
good citizenship—it’s good business. Together with our
Steve Hoensch, the university’s head of frontline services, partners and customers, we’re committed to making work
needed a solution to reduce power consumption for the more equitable and sustainable for all.
university’s 15,000 desktops. After deploying Citrix Virtual
Apps and Desktops, he told us, “Moving people from a Tim Minahan
450W desktop PC that’s powered 24/7 to a Raspberry Pi EVP, Business Strategy and Chief Marketing Officer,
that’s running between 5W and 15W brings a substantial Citrix

Additionally, Hoensch added, “We were looking at the Sources

1. United States Environmental Protection Agency’s “Carbon Pollution from
environmental cost of people needing to drive here just to
access their files, do their work, then drive home again,
getting stuck in the regular rush-hour traffic. Enabling 2. Adie Tomer, “America’s commuting choices: 5 major takeaways from 2016 census
data,” The Brookings Institution (blog), Oct. 3, 2017
people to work securely and easily from home is another
big factor in reducing our carbon footprint.” 3. “A New Circular Vision for Electronics Time for a Global Reboot,” The Platform for
Accelerating the Circular Economy (PACE), January 2019
26  MIT Technology Review Insights

(Still) not easy:

Green society and
clean innovation

cores in the next two Green Future Index
pillars—green society and clean innovation—
Leaders in the green society
measure progress toward somewhat higher- pillar are overrepresented by
Key takeaways
order sustainability objectives, such as efforts
to transition nations into sustainable nations, many in Asia, that
economies through low-impact modes of living, and the
development of scientific and technological innovations
have managed to incorporate
that can ensure these climate-friendly habits last. strong civil planning and
Leaders in the green society pillar are overrepresented by
societal development goals
nations, many in Asia, that have managed to incorporate into policy, regulation, and
strong civil planning and societal development goals into
policy, regulation, and public infrastructure spending (see public infrastructure spending.
Figure 10). The top two in the pillar include the world’s
best-ranked recycling economies, Singapore and South
Korea, both of which routinely expand policy programs to although there are some glimmers of hope. In its 2020
encourage better waste management. In June 2022, report on forest loss, the UN Food and Agriculture
South Korea, working to mitigate the waste impact from Organization estimates that the world has lost forest land
Asia’s largest café economy and the rise in takeaway equivalent to the size of Libya since 1990, although the
and delivered food brought on by the pandemic, plans to rate of decline has significantly slowed, from 7.8 million
introduce a deposit return scheme for all disposable hectares per year in the 1990s to 4.7 million hectares
coffee cups and other single-use beverage containers.45 annually from 2010 to 2020.47 Unfortunately, most of that
Singapore is contemplating similar legislation as part of its loss continues to come from climate-vulnerable
growing efforts to enact “extended producer economies in South America or Africa (see Figure 11), the
responsibility” schemes to enforce recycling. Yet, these two regions from which the majority of our lowest-ranked
efforts are hard, even for Green Leaders. Ireland, which green society countries come.
ranks third in the green society pillar, is facing an
“extremely challenging” battle to expand its recycling rate The fostering of green innovations—Pillar 4 in the
from 22.5% in 2019 to 55% by 2030, according to a recent index—also proved tricky for many economies, including
report from the country’s Environmental Protection countries that take both innovation and decarbonization
Agency.46 seriously. A combination of factors in this pillar rank
countries not only on their ability to cultivate scientific
Reforestation efforts and attempts to expand the discovery around environmentally conscious technologies
protection of primary growth woodlands, marine areas, and solutions, but also their willingness to invest in green
and other biodiverse resources are also proving tricky— energy and infrastructure efforts across their own
MIT Technology Review Insights 27

borders (or play host to those efforts). Perhaps agendas. This last category of countries includes
unsurprisingly, therefore, geopolitically isolated Iran ranks resource-rich places like Saudi Arabia and Australia. The
lowest in the clean innovation pillar, as do many latter’s climate change isolationism—it failed to sign the
economies that are either unable to develop or attract coal pledge at COP26—is in large part rooted in the
green technologists (Peru and the Philippines, for country’s economic dependency on carbon-intensive
example) or are overly focused on domestic economic exports (mineral fuels were more than a quarter of

Figure 10: Highest and lowest performers in the green society and clean innovation pillars:
The Green Future Index 2021 and 2022

PILLAR 3: Green society

A high score means a better overall performance in the indicators covering green buildings, recycling, forestation,
and low meat and dairy consumption.


1 3 South Korea 7.04 67 65 Romania 3.91

2 1 Singapore 6.84 68 71 Brazil 3.83
3 2 Ireland 6.79 69 61 Angola 3.81
4 8 Germany 6.54 70 72 Ukraine 3.79
5 7 United States 6.51 71 67 Algeria 3.78
6 17 Iceland 6.44 72 55 Zambia 3.73
7 4 Taiwan 6.43 73 68 Nigeria 3.71
8 5 Philippines 6.29 74 73 Pakistan 3.60
9 6 Czech Republic 6.26 75 70 Kazakhstan 3.57
10 13 Canada 6.22 76 74 Argentina 3.17

PILLAR 4: Clean innovation

A high score in this pillar means a higher relative number of green patents, investment in cross-border clean energy
initiatives, and investment in foodtech.

1 2 Finland 7.67 67 69 Romania 4.09

2 16 Iceland 7.29 68 55 Australia 4.06
3 37 Sweden 7.23 69 42 Saudi Arabia 3.91
4 1 Singapore 7.18 70 10 Uruguay 3.87
5 24 Netherlands 7.06 71 59 Guatemala 3.34
6 27 Norway 6.87 72 72 Iran 2.89
7 9 France 6.8 73 66 Slovakia 2.62
8 64 South Korea 6.73 74 53 Taiwan 2.56
9 28 Belgium 6.66 75 52 Malaysia 2.50
10 63 Japan 6.53 76 75 Algeria 1.00

Source: MIT Technology Review Insights, 2022

28  MIT Technology Review Insights

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that

the world has lost forest land equivalent to the size of Libya
since 1990, although the rate of decline has significantly
slowed, from 7.8 million hectares per year in the 1990s to
4.7 million hectares annually from 2010 to 2020.

exports, and agricultural products over 10%). But also our growing global production capacity continues to place
scoring low on this measure is Israel, which is a clear pressure on natural resources and climate (the
global leader in foodtech innovation but has not devoted agriculture industry collectively contributes to between a
a significant amount of its climate change development fifth and a quarter of global GHG emissions), yet the
efforts to either growing its overall stock of climate bounty this creates still does not adequately feed us all.
innovation IP or investing in overseas initiatives. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated in July
2021 that 9.9% of the world’s population—811 million
Feed the world people—were undernourished in 2020, a sharp rise from
Climate challenges have also placed urgency on the need 2019’s 8.4% level.49 WHO estimates that nearly one-in-
to develop more efficient means of agricultural production five people are hungry in Africa, one of the world’s
and distribution by leveraging fast-advancing digital, fastest-growing agricultural production centers, and a
industrial, and biological technologies. This is for an region particularly susceptible to climate change-induced
ironically (and tragically) interdependent pair of factors: extreme weather events.

Figure 11: Annual forest area net change, by decade and region, 1990-2020

1.2 1.2
0.4 0.3
0.2 0.2
-0.2 -0.2 -0.1
Million hectares per year



-3 -2.6

-4 -3.4

-5.1 -5.2

Asia Oceania Europe North and Central South Africa

America America

1990-2000 2000-2010 2010-2020

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 202048

MIT Technology Review Insights 29

As reported in the 2021 Green Future Index, transitioning affordable, and scalable meat substitutes. Plant-based
the world’s food economy toward more sustainable meat companies such as Beyond and Impossible have
modes of production, distribution, and consumption is been investor darlings as they attract burger-loving
proving difficult. Reducing appetites for carbon-intensive converts, largely in high-income countries. Another
meat and dairy is incredibly hard, particularly in countries avenue for protein transitioning is ramping up production
with high-income economies. Of the 20 worst-scoring and consumption of marine protein, as it is eight-to-10
countries in this category, all but two are high-income times less carbon-intensive than beef. Investment in
economies (and most are in the overall Green Leaders marine environments, such as seaweed beds or mangrove
cohort) where average protein consumption per capita forests, produces a decarbonization multiplier effect of
exceeds 100% of daily nutritional requirements (see sorts: scaling up natural environments acting as “carbon
Figure 12). This is why much attention in “foodtech” circles sinks” as well as new sources for low-carbon nutrition.
has been focused on efforts to produce sustainable,

Figure 12: Highest and lowest performers in the meat and dairy consumption indicator:
The Green Future Index 2022

INDICATOR 3.4: Meat and dairy consumption

A higher score in this
indicator means 1 Nigeria 10.0 57 Belgium 3.4
lower meat and dairy
2 Ghana 9.9 58 Poland 3.2
3 Bangladesh 9.9 59 Austria 3.0
4 Cameroon 9.7 60 Kazakhstan 2.9
5 Indonesia 9.7 61 United Kingdom 2.7
6 Ethiopia 9.6 62 Germany 2.7
7 Zambia 9.4 63 Norway 2.6
8 Uganda 9.0 64 Sweden 2.5
9 Angola 9.0 65 Denmark 2.4
10 Guatemala 8.6 66 United States 2.2
=11 Egypt 8.3 67 France 2.1
=11 Kenya 8.3 68 Argentina 2.0
13 Peru 8.2 69 Australia 1.9
14 Thailand 8.2 70 Hong Kong, China 1.8
15 Paraguay 8.2 71 Netherlands 1.8
16 Morocco 8.2 72 Luxembourg 1.5
17 India 8 73 Switzerland 1.3
18 Philippines 7.9 =74 Finland 1.0
19 Iran 7.9 =74 Iceland 1.0
20 Malaysia 74 =74 Ireland 1.0

Source: MIT Technology Review Insights, 2022

30  MIT Technology Review Insights

“Transportation is the largest single driver of fossil fuel

energy consumption outside the manufacturing sector.
The push for electrification of transportation is motivated,
first and foremost, by energy security.”
Bill Russo
Founder and CEO, Automobility Ltd

Transitioning food industries to alternative forms of but one with potentially important lessons for the rest of
protein is further complicated by long-simmering tensions the world. The take-up rate of EVs in China was prodigious
between proponents of small-scale organic growing in 2021. Average monthly sales now make up 12% of total
methods and industrial-scale agriculture. Organic beef passenger vehicles sold, and the 3.3 million EVs bought in
production is kinder to livestock, but free-range cows China in 2021 (over three-quarters of which were
produce much more methane than those raised in more produced by domestic automakers) represent just over
industrial conditions. This conundrum is particularly felt in half of all new electric cars sold worldwide that year50 (see
New Zealand, a country that is taking many conscientious Figure 13). However, the real transformative power of
steps toward a green future but is nevertheless China’s new mobility space is going to come in the form of
challenged by its economic dependence on beef a complete and systemic reimagining of the country’s
production. Kevin Trenberth, a climate scientist with the mobility sector, according to Bill Russo, CEO of
University of Auckland and Distinguished Scholar with the Automobility Ltd, a Shanghai-based new mobility strategy
US National Centre of Atmospheric Research, notes: and investment advisory firm. He believes China’s
“There’s been quite a lot of focus on methane in New policymakers are driven to electrify mobility by the
Zealand and good research about how to reduce methane knowledge that “transportation is the largest single driver
emissions from cattle. But this works a lot better in more of fossil fuel energy consumption outside the
industrialized markets like the US, where there are feed manufacturing sector, and the push for electrification of
lots and cattle are housed in barns in winter. All of New transportation is motivated, first and foremost, by energy
Zealand’s cattle is free-range, so it’s hard to control diet security.” This, Russo notes, has also informed broader
and feces deposits, which means that, inevitably, the main systemic efforts to develop longer-term solutions,
means of reducing methane is to reduce overall numbers “particularly hydrogen energy and fuel cell electric vehicle
of livestock.” This is a difficult proposition for New Zealand technologies.” While many potential hydrogen applications
when its competitors, such as Australia and South are not relevant for personal and public mobility, he
America, have much more scale and are often less believes that centralized planning objectives have linked
committed to climate objectives. the two to provide much-needed scale to China’s overall
“new energy” scientific and industrial development efforts.
Electric avenues: EVs and the
future of mobility However, it is in the secondary objective of China’s
The 2022 green society pillar was enhanced with a new transport electrification project that its real transformative
indicator, which measured each economy’s efforts to power lies. While China leads the world in EV ownership,
incorporate electric vehicles into its respective Russo points out that overall personal vehicle ownership
transportation grid. Electrifying mobility is as essential to per capita is very low when compared to other high- and
encoding sustainability into our societal structures and middle-income countries, and he believes this will continue
behaviors as ramped-up reforestation efforts, recycling, or to be the case. Indeed, overall automobile sales have been
more energy-efficient buildings. steadily declining in China since 2017. This transition is
useful for China on two fronts. First, it gives China an
China’s recent adoption of EVs is not only a significant and opportunity to wean itself off foreign technology, and the
growing part of the country’s decarbonization strategy, focus on EVs allows China to reset the race for new
MIT Technology Review Insights 31

Figure 13: New electric vehicle sales in China, May 2020-December 2021

(‘000 units)

400 600
YoY Change 383
Monthy Sales 357
505 500
321 450

250 271
327.4% 256 350
226 300
200 200 250
179 194.0%
160.0% 200
160 164.4%
240.0% 134.9% 150
138 187.7%
150 104.9%
109 110 139.3% 148.4% 100
82 104.5% 50
67.7% 49.5%
-23.5% 25.8% 0

0 -100
May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Sources: Compiled by MIT Technology Review Insights based on data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, China Passenger Car Association,
Automobility, and MIT Technology Review Insights estimates, 2022

mobility intellectual property. “China’s traditional internal consumption of personally owned vehicles will emerge, and
combustion engine auto industry doesn’t have the same the aspiration to own a vehicle will go away, increasing the
legacy [as in the West], so its firms are not intellectual notion of mobility as a service. This makes EVs more
property leaders,” says Russo. Second, the fact that productive, and when you increase the productive utility of
individual vehicle use is slowing supports sustainability the vehicle from 5% to 40%, it significantly reduces the
objectives, and as EV growth rises, it allows China to number of vehicles you need to serve that mobility.” This,
fundamentally rethink mobility. “EVs are not just creating a he believes will usher in China’s “Mobility 2.0” era: “smart
secular shift, but a generational shift as to what ‘owning’ EVs with autonomous or early-stage drive-assistance
mobility means,” says Russo. Younger consumers in technology, which will be developed in parallel with the
China, unlike their counterparts in many other markets, electrification of transportation.” The result, Russo believes,
are not buying the priciest, highest-performance models. will be nothing short of a radical scaling up of sustainable
Russo notes the biggest EV in China is the modest Wuling transportation in China. Given the country’s prodigious
Hongguang mini EV, which is priced at around $5,000. “I efforts to build up export manufacturing competency in
think we are going to see the demographics of EV shifting other climate-friendly technologies such as wind and solar,
to a younger, more environmentally conscious China’s EVs will likely soon start having similar impacts on
demographic,” Russo adds. many other countries’ green futures as well.

EV consumption habits, therefore, will start to further

disrupt mobility, Russo explains. “More alternatives to the
32  MIT Technology Review Insights

Even though California is a large contributor to the

climate crisis—generating around 1% of global emissions—
it also has a uniquely powerful green innovation cluster
with policy direction, regulation, and scientific resources.

California’s green innovation has a uniquely powerful green innovation cluster, a

Broad-based and multifaceted innovation efforts to solve confluence of policy direction, regulation, and dense
the complex challenge of lowering carbon emissions often academic and scientific resources that is “making our
gain traction when they are “clustered” in an economy. economy as green as humanly possible.” His own
And with proper regulatory oversight and coordination, laboratory has a portfolio of carbon capture and
they can be impactful. This can be seen in many of the sequestration experiments, which include weathering,
world’s prodigious foodtech clusters, particularly in Israel crushing, and burying rock, “which will not only increase
which, despite its population of less than 10 million, has soil health, but it will, if it gets stashed down to a meter
the world’s third-highest number of foodtech-related below the surface, store the carbon for 1,000 years.”
startups. These startups draw on decades of agricultural Other projects include efforts to develop remote carbon
science innovation invested in the country’s early quest for sensing of soil and extracting carbon dioxide from
food security, and the industry now has dozens of leading sea water.
firms developing sustainable solutions in alternative
proteins, carbon-efficient food distribution, and More broadly, California’s forestry and agricultural sectors,
technologies that reduce the use of pesticides and in response to both the state’s decarbonization goals and
fertilizer. An example of the latter includes Save Foods, its pernicious wildfires, are continuously searching for the
which uses biochemical carbon-neutral processes to best mitigation strategies. These are to make “carbon-
reduce fungus and the need for fungicides, notably in neutral technologies cost efficient and harmonious with
Israel’s citrus sector.51 other existing technologies, like producing biofuels from
field gleanings, or taking trees that we are cutting down to
William Collins, director of the climate and ecosystem reduce fire risk and turning them into bio parks and
sciences division for the Earth and environmental biofuels,” says Collins. Taken together, he says, “this will
sciences area at the Lawrence Berkeley National give California, and the United States, a basket of
Laboratory in California, believes that, while his state is a solutions that are cost equivalent to each other, and this is
large contributor to the climate crisis—he estimates the first major step” toward a broad-based sustainable
California generates 1% of the world’s emissions—it also economy.
MIT Technology Review Insights 33

Partner perspective

Iris Ceramica Group

ince we began producing high-end ceramic surfaces over 60 years ago,
environmental sustainability has been one of our main priorities. We believe that
ethics, technology and aesthetics must share the same path, strengthening each
other along the way.

With production sites in Italy, Germany and the United Our ceramic materials are also eco-compatible, made
States, we are investing in research, innovation and from superior raw materials and colored with natural
sustainable development, not just to support our agents, and we recycle and reuse the scrap. Our
manufacturing activities and the creation of pioneering eco-active ceramics take just two years to offset the
ceramic surfaces, but also to promote and safeguard nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions required to produce them.
the unique relationship binding humans and nature
throughout the world. Energy transition is another crucial frontier for the
company. Building a sustainable world is an ambitious
This principle has been part of our DNA since the 1960s, challenge, which is epitomized by our construction of the
when my far-sighted father, Romano Minozzi, chairman world’s first green hydrogen-powered ceramics
and founder of Iris Ceramica Group, coined the equation production plant, launching a new chapter in the history of
economy=ecology, indicating that the way to move the ceramics industry.
forward is an economy collectively serving humans and
the environment. The new facility, which will be opened by the end of 2022,
represents extraordinary eco-innovation. It will include a
Ceramics are one of the noblest materials found in nature photovoltaic plant, with 2.5 MW power output, installed on
and include some of the world’s most high-performing the roof of the facility; it will be combined with an
technical and mechanical properties. But they require electrolyzer and a storage system for the renewable
energy-intensive production processes.  hydrogen produced on-site. Initially, we will use a blend of
green hydrogen and natural gas, immediately reducing
Our commitment to environmental sustainability is also CO2 emissions.
demonstrated by our investments in industrial plants
equipped with regenerative thermal oxidizers, which Ultimately, the plant is designed to run on 100 percent
reduce the emission of volatile organic compounds green hydrogen, a renewable energy that will pave the way
(VOCs) and odorous particles to almost zero. Moreover, to produce zero carbon emissions ceramics. This will be
in the plant in Vetschau, Germany, a 2.4-megawatt peak a key factor in achieving our carbon neutral goal by 2050.
(MWp) photovoltaic system covers a surface of 50,000
square meters on the roof, reducing more than 2,000 As we continue to tackle challenges and embrace
tons per year of CO2 emissions. opportunities with the same determination we have
always shown, we will also continue to promote that
extraordinary sustainable beauty that ceramics can
offer the world.
1,052 tons per year
The planned reduction of CO2 emissions in Federica Minozzi
absolute terms, with the approach of blending 50 Chief Executive Officer,
percent hydrogen and 50 percent natural gas. Iris Ceramica Group
34  MIT Technology Review Insights

Green policy in practice:

climate policy

he climate policy pillar is the Green Future Most of the leaders in
Index’s most heavily weighted, at 40% of the
overall rankings. This reflects our view that the the climate policy pillar
indicators that measure and rank aspects of a KeyEuropean
are takeawaysnations, a
country’s climate regulation “toolkit” reveal the
most important elements of not only what is guiding a testament to the “Green
country’s decarbonization today, but what policy
frameworks will ensure that its economic and societal New Deal” framework
development will continue steadily toward a carbon-
neutral future in the decades to come. The climate policy
the EU is putting in place
pillar contains several indicators: how well-aligned a to become the world’s
country’s climate-related policies are with its Paris
Agreement commitments, what steps it has taken to
first decarbonized
foster carbon management practices within its industrial economy by 2050.
economy and financial sector, and what percentage of a
country’s total investment in energy and other public
infrastructure is directed at green projects.
concerning indications that Europe’s environmental tax
As with the 2021 Green Future Index, most of the leaders base is slipping. A recent European Environmental Agency
in this pillar are European nations (see Figure 14), a report found that while the EU generated €330 billion in
testament to the “Green New Deal” framework the EU is such taxes in 2019, the share of environmental taxes as a
putting in place to become the world’s first decarbonized proportion of its total tax revenues has slipped slightly over
economy by 2050. Leading this pack is Denmark, which in the last two decades, from 6.6% in 2002 to 5.9% in 2019.53
December 2021 saw the successful sale of $762 million in
green bonds raised to fund the country’s ambitious At the bottom of the climate policy pillar’s ranks are a
energy transition programs. Denmark expects that number of emerging economies that, for the most part,
roughly a quarter of its sovereign debt issued in 2022 remain dependent on hydrocarbon or other resource
will be in the form of green bonds.52 Europe’s efforts to extraction industries that largely have not been able to
fund its decarbonization involve a world-leading set of muster either the political will or the financing to pivot their
environmental taxes and carbon trading programs, recovery efforts toward more sustainable activities. These
although efforts to create a globally impactful taxation include Argentina, which—while having enacted a Climate
regime through its Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Change Law in 2019 (the same year it declared a climate
have yet to be finalized. Moreover, there are some emergency, the implications of which are still threatening
MIT Technology Review Insights 35

Figure 14: Highest and lowest performers in the climate policy pillar: The Green Future Index
2021 and 2022

PILLAR 5: Climate policy

A high score means a stronger relative performance in the climate policy, carbon pricing, suitable agriculture, and
pandemic pivot indicators.


1 2 Denmark 8.12 67 59 Kuwait 2.59

2 4 Netherlands 7.85 68 53 Argentina 2.53
3 22 United Kingdom 7.64 69 62 Ecuador 2.40
4 2 France 7.36 70 72 Uganda 2.16
5 5 Iceland 7.23 71 71 Qatar 2.09
6 9 Spain 7.22 72 69 Ghana 1.95
7 11 Poland 7.11 73 65 Turkey 1.69
8 14 Germany 6.99 74 75 Paraguay 1.63
9 11 Canada 6.74 75 74 Guatemala 1.51
10 7 Norway 6.65 76 73 Iran 1.30

Source: MIT Technology Review Insights, 2022

the country with droughts and wildfires today)—continues reducing its carbon emissions by 7.3 million tons over
to use subsidies and other policy tools to support its fossil those five years (or 18% of its total) and lowering per
fuel sector. Such subsidies, however, could be phased out capita carbon emissions from 6.2 tons to 4.5 tons. Hong
as a condition of a recent $45 billion International Kong’s greatly improved decarbonization progress was a
Monetary Fund loan negotiated in January 2022.54 primary reason why the territory jumped to 45th place in
its overall Green Future Index ranking this year. In
Building deeply impactful long-term climate resilience October 2021, Hong Kong published its Climate Action
through policy action is difficult. Challenges in Hong Plan 2050,55 which sets an agenda to reduce the
Kong, for example, serve to illustrate these difficulties. territory’s carbon emissions by 50% before 2035 and to
The Hong Kong government’s Environmental Protection achieve carbon neutrality before 2050. Strategies to
Department noted to MIT Technology Review Insights achieve these goals include “net-zero electricity
that at 64th place in the 2021 Green Future Index, Hong generation,” where the government intends that zero-
Kong’s rank “may not truly reflect its actual green carbon energy for electricity generation will be between
performance and commitment.” Indeed, between 2015 60% and 70% by 2035. Hong Kong’s pragmatic and fast
and 2020, the percentage of coal in the fuel mix was policy work is yielding short-term results, but its long-
reduced from half to less than a quarter of the total, range policy commitment to sustainability is still lacking.
36  MIT Technology Review Insights

Out of thin air: Carbon capture and sequestration


ichael Manion is CEO of Seattle-based “Blue” carbon reduction efforts, focused on natural
innovation consultancy Keon Research, maritime ecosystems, are seen as a way to capitalize
which works with a number of firms to on the world’s oceans’ already central role as our
develop carbon capture solutions. Manion believes largest carbon sink (oceans absorb at least a quarter
that a shift away from offsets and toward the use of of the world’s GHG produced annually, and as
carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) will reported in MIT Technology Review Insight’s 2021
increase over the next decade, not so much because Blue Technology Barometer, recent scientific
of technology innovation (he points out that many research suggests it could be as high as one-third).58
CCS technologies are now more than two decades
old), but due to innovations in business models. “I’m always a fan of letting nature do its job,” says
His team is working on using electrochemistry Manion. “Self-assembling biology is much more
processes to convert carbon dioxide into raw scalable than anything we can build, and algae, for
materials that can be used to store hydrogen or other example, is a great way to pull carbon out of water.”
forms of energy, such as “buckyballs” or carbon But there, again, the challenge of extracting carbon
onions, all with “interesting materials properties for completely and efficiently into a permanent stored
use into other materials to strengthen them or to state persists: “We still need to expend energy to
provide electrical conductivity,” Manion explains. By remove the water from the algae and then extract the
building out portfolios of various carbon materials, he carbon, ideally using nature and photosynthesis to do
believes a marketplace can be developed around the job so that we’re not having to burn more coal to
them, rather than finding a core application. “Our pull the carbon out. There are pretty good solvent
thinking is, instead of us trying to think of the best use technologies coming through, and metal organic
for these, it’s to put out a massive catalog of materials framework technologies with good kinetics, but
into the world and let the market come up with they’re still not economic at scale.”
applications,” he says.
Many CCS technology projects seek to address the
As the economics of more industrial CCS efforts still scale issue by looking to applications that can replace
present adoption challenges, many in the climate carbon-intensive production processes for high-
community are looking to nature-based solutions to volume materials, such as steel or, as in the case of US
play a larger role. And indeed, efforts to preserve or CCS startup CarbonBuilt, concrete. The company
enhance primary growth forest, peat bogs, retrofits existing concrete production infrastructure
mangroves, and seaweed beds in order to increase with direct air capture capabilities to reduce
their carbon absorption potential are gaining traction. emissions, and then “cures” concrete blocks with
MIT Technology Review Insights 37

steam and carbon dioxide to store the carbon Companies can also hide carbon-intensive projects
permanently. Rahul Shendure, CarbonBuilt’s CEO, behind ill-defined or overly broad categories,
explains, “the concrete industry has the right balance explains Dongjae Oh, a climate finance researcher
of being big enough, permanent enough, and with Solutions for our Climate, a Seoul-based
economically important enough to be a sector where nongovernmental organization that works to reduce
CCS efforts will have significant impact, sooner rather Korea’s economic exposure to carbon-intensive
than later. It’s not that getting CO2 into concrete is industries. “While Korea has made significant
easy, but it’s a lot easier than many other applications.” investments in renewable energy, our collective
investment in the oil and gas industry over the last
Taken as a whole, therefore, the current state of play decade has been $127 billion, dozens of times
in CCS technology is casting doubts on the ultimate greater than our spending on renewables.” Oh
impact it will have on our green future. “I don’t believe attributes this to two factors: “The productivity of
that CCS has a significant role to play in the fossil Korean renewables companies is low, and many of
fuel space,” says Bill Hare, CEO of Climate Analytics, our most important industrial sectors, such as
positing that developments elsewhere in the clean shipping and shipbuilding, have high reliance on the
energy space may have passed by CCS. “The oil and gas value chain.” As a result, he says, Korean
economics [of CCS] are not at all good, particularly hydrocarbon firms are often given a lot of “green”
given the cost reductions in renewables storage and leeway. Oh gives the example of South Korean
other technologies that would replace carbon- energy firm SK E&S, which tried to secure export
intensive feedstocks. Very little has developed in the credit financing earmarked for green projects in a
CCS space over the last 15 years, while the real cost $3.6 billion offshore gas field project in northern
of renewable energy technologies has dropped Australia, “as the project uses CCS technology to
dramatically and keeps dropping.” Hale sees reportedly reduce gas emissions by about 16%”
continued divergence of these two technology despite its overall extreme carbon intensity.
development trajectories making it difficult for CCS
to be cost-effectively deployed, even in carbon- One of the ways policy regimes could fairly and
intensive production processes like steel. “Five years accurately account for each product or service’s
ago, if you’d asked me, I would have said, ‘yeah, carbon footprint could be through democratizing
steel’s a scenario where you might need CCS.’ Now, information. In theory, this could be done using the
green hydrogen looks like it’s going to be cost internet of things (IoT), where IoT-enabled data
competitive with metallurgical coal for steel making transmits the carbon footprint of a container of
within the decade, so that space has narrowed.” shoes or powdered milk along every link along the
supply chain. Bill Hare reckons this “would provide a
Yet, while fostering CCS capabilities is widely good market signal, and I think it’s a great business
recognized as an important policy component, the opportunity if you can get it right. But there will likely
constant introduction of new and maturing be a number of different competing platforms to do
technologies and practices into policy frameworks this using very different numbers. You already see
opens these policies up to the risk of “greenwashing.” this in the offset space, in the climate benchmark
As regulators and policymakers attempt to codify space, in the supply chain reporting base. You could
these evolving concepts into classification systems be forgiven for believing that there are parallel
that allow financiers and developers to access funds universes out there where mathematical rules are
marked for green projects or tax breaks, definitions different.” Added to this complexity is the fact that
can get stretched and argued over. Resulting there are 190 different signatory countries “with
disputes can potentially delay progress on climate many different things going on,” he says “It’s not
change initiatives, as is happening with the current going to be easy, but it would be very important, and
European debate over whether nuclear and natural an interesting thing for the scientific community to
gas investments qualify for green financing. buy into and bring some firepower to bear on it.”
38  MIT Technology Review Insights

One of the clearest messages that have come out of

the “post”-pandemic reevaluation of global climate
action is that nations also need to ramp up efforts to
remove carbon and other greenhouse gases from
the atmosphere, largely through carbon capture and
By 2035, only 10% of Hong Kong’s electricity will come “Adaptation is inevitable, and countries need to get
from renewable sources, only rising to 15% beyond that.56 foundational assumptions in place to make effective
decisions and provide effective policy guidance. Much like
While its energy transition policy is not sufficiently a 12-step program, policymakers must first accept that
farsighted, Hong Kong’s Climate Plan 2050 does show this is happening—that climate change has to be taken
some vision in placing significant attention on climate seriously as a national policy issue—and then determine
adaptation—that is, putting in place infrastructure and what can be done about it.” In the most progressive
processes to mitigate the impact of climate change- instances, this involves incorporating risk management
related weather events and natural disasters, such as practices, such as in New Zealand, where recent
building sea walls to combat the effects of tropical storms legislation required climate risk to be incorporated into
and rising sea levels. National adaptation plan frameworks corporate governance. “There’s a lot of movement on
were first introduced in COP proceedings at the 2010 climate risk in the private sector,” Nalau says, which is a
Cancun summit, although many advanced economies, benefit for governments, as private sector risk practices
beginning with Finland in 2005, had already put them in help manage complexity. “Climate mitigation is, in a sense,
place, according to Johanna Nalau, a climate adaptation pretty straightforward,” she says, as well-established
scientist at Australia’s Griffith University. While vulnerable metrics and processes exist to measure emissions
emerging economies have largely struggled to put reductions. “With adaptation, it’s a completely different
adaptation frameworks in place (the UNFCC reports that ballgame: there are all kinds of intertwined factors that
as of the 2021 Glasgow summit, COP 26, fewer than 30 contribute to adaptation. How do heat waves impact our
developing countries and territories had submitted plans57), health system? How can we start preparing communities
Nalau notes that the 2021 COP proceedings created a to build capacity in hospitals? When sea levels start rising
global goal development program that should begin to dramatically and you have more intense hurricanes, how
create standards and best practices, such as adopting a do you make sure that homeowners in vulnerable
risk-management approach to climate resilience. communities can still have insurance?”
MIT Technology Review Insights 39

One of the clearest messages that have come out of the “While Korea has made significant investments in
“post”-pandemic reevaluation of global climate action is renewable energy, our collective investment in the oil and
that, despite gradually rising nationally determined gas industry over the last decade has been $127 billion,
contribution commitments on reducing carbon dioxide dozens of times greater than our spending on
emissions (or rather, because they are only gradually renewables.” Oh attributes this to two factors: “The
rising), nations also need to ramp up efforts to remove productivity of Korean renewables companies is low, and
carbon and other GHG from the atmosphere, largely many of our most important industrial sectors, such as
through carbon capture and sequestration. The 2022 shipping and shipbuilding, have high reliance on the oil and
Green Future Index was modified to reflect this by adding gas value chain.” As a result, he says, Korean hydrocarbon
to the climate policy pillar an indicator that assessed each firms are often given a lot of “green” leeway. Oh gives the
country’s “CCS readiness” on a policy, technology, and example of South Korean energy firm SK E&S, which tried
infrastructure level. This assessment rewards economies to secure export credit financing earmarked for green
that have a robust collection of needed assets—that is, projects in a $3.6 billion offshore gas field project in
mature manufacturing and agricultural industries that, northern Australia, “as the project uses CCS technology
while carbon-intensive, also serve as useful platforms to to reportedly reduce gas emissions by about 16%” despite
test and scale capture and sequestration methods, as well its overall extreme carbon intensity.
as a regulatory framework and innovation ecosystems
that promote their use. The United States is this indicator’s One of the ways policy regimes could fairly and accurately
top scorer, as befits the country that arguably serves as account for each product or service’s carbon footprint
the grandfather of CCS (thanks to 1963’s landmark Clean could be through democratizing information. In theory, this
Air Act) and still is host to many of the world’s most could be done using the internet of things (IoT), where
compelling CCS innovators (see section “Out of thin air: IoT-enabled data transmits the carbon footprint of a
Carbon capture and sequestration”). All the other top 10 container of shoes or powdered milk along every link
scorers—largely European countries, along with China along the supply chain. Bill Hare reckons this “would
and Japan—share the traits of having large, developed provide a good market signal, and I think it’s a great
multi-faceted carbon-intensive industries together with business opportunity if you can get it right. But there will
policy regimes geared toward getting producers to invest likely be a number of different competing platforms to do
in carbon scrubbers for their smokestacks or lessen the this using very different numbers. You already see this in
release of GHG in the fertilization and planting of crops. the offset space, in the climate benchmark space, in the
supply chain reporting base. You could be forgiven for
Yet, while fostering CCS capabilities is widely recognized believing that there are parallel universes out there where
as an important policy component, the constant mathematical rules are different.” Added to this
introduction of new and maturing technologies and complexity is the fact that there are 190 different
practices into policy frameworks opens these policies up signatory countries “with many different things going on,”
to the risk of “greenwashing.” As regulators and he says. “It’s not going to be easy, but it would be very
policymakers attempt to codify these evolving concepts important, and an interesting thing for the scientific
into classification systems that allow financiers and community to buy into and bring some firepower to bear
developers to access funds marked for green projects or on it.”
tax breaks, definitions can get stretched and argued over.
Resulting disputes can potentially delay progress on
climate change initiatives, as is happening with the current
European debate over whether nuclear and natural gas
investments qualify for green financing.

Companies can also hide carbon-intensive projects

behind ill-defined or overly broad categories, explains
Dongjae Oh, a climate finance researcher with Solutions
for our Climate, a Seoul-based nongovernmental
organization that works to reduce South Korea’s
economic exposure to carbon-intensive industries.
40  MIT Technology Review Insights


espite seemingly promising emission- use of electric vehicles signals more of a transition to
reduction changes in 2020, the world’s entirely new modes of low-carbon mobility than a
progress toward our collective green future Key takeaways
replacement of its internal combustion engine passenger
slowed in 2021 as countries attempted to car fleet. So, too, will multifaceted green development
return to “normal” modes of economic ecosystems, such as in California, the UK, or in Japan’s
activity. Moreover, many of the changes to which emerging hydrogen cluster, bolster our collective efforts
countries have agreed over the last two years are still not to create a global clean-energy economy.
considered substantial enough in relation to the Paris
Agreement. As such, most countries are still scrambling As we’ve seen in 2021, it is extremely difficult for nations
to increase carbon reduction commitments and are highly and societies to commit to greener ways of life. This is
unlikely to meet their current self-imposed targets. true even when every climate-related disaster serves as a
stark reminder of the ramifications of fossil-fueled
But this does not at all imply we should consider the battle progress, and the global pandemic showed us that we can
against climate change lost. Rather, we should recover a quickly and efficiently transition to new ways of living and
glimmer of optimism from the incredible amount of working. High-income areas of the world (and,
climate-friendly activity taking place globally, from the increasingly, the emerging world as well) will still consume
incorporation of sustainability agendas into economic far too much meat and dairy for decades to come,
development policy and regulations to the development compounding our methane gas problems and contributing
of scalable and impactful technologies and processes to the destruction of our most important sources of
to reduce (and increasingly, extract) carbon dioxide biodiversity and carbon sinks. Even with the COP26 coal
and other greenhouse gases, and the commitment to pledge, much of the world will still be burning coal to
financing for climate-friendly outcomes. supply power to its increasingly urban populations for a
quarter-century or more. These challenges will serve to
Promising advances in new energy generation complicate efforts to shape societal and economic
(particularly the long-anticipated progress in nuclear behavior toward climate-friendly outcomes and, as the
fusion) and CCS technologies, together with rapid growth 2022 Green Future Index shows, countries that struggle
in alternative protein food production and the takeup of to implement any of these dimensions can quickly slip in
EVs, will create opportunities for future escalation of their progress. Yet, as many countries—both Green
green practices, and virtuous development cycles will Leaders and emerging Greening Middle countries—have
emerge once these technologies and solutions come to shown, those countries that can maintain a solid
maturity. We see examples of these shifts occurring as commitment to change across all the pillars of their Green
Europe deploys Green New Deal policy levers and Future will achieve substantial, and hopefully indelible,
transnational collaboration to effect a permanent shift to progress.
sustainable economic development, or as China’s growing
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GFI 2022 Footnotes

1. UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre, “Emissions Gap Report 2021,” United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Oct. 26, 2021, https://www.unep.org/resources/
emissions-gap-report-2021, page 17.
2. “The Green Future Index 2021,” MIT Technology Review Insights, https://mittrinsights.s3.amazonaws.com/GFI/Report2021.pdf, page 5.
3. UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre, “Emissions Gap Report 2021,” United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Oct. 26, 2021, https://www.unep.org/resources/
emissions-gap-report-2021, page 17.
4. “World Energy Investment 2021,” IEA, June 2021, https://www.iea.org/reports/world-energy-investment-2021, page 7
5. “World Energy Investment 2021,” IEA, June 2021, https://www.iea.org/reports/world-energy-investment-2021, page 7
6. Sarah Brown, “Cattle boom in Brazil’s Acre spells doom for Amazon rainforest, activists warn,” Mongabay, Jan. 7, 2022, https://news.mongabay.com/2022/01/
7. “Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,”
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Aug. 9, 2021, https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg1/.
8. “Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,”
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Aug. 9, 2021, https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg1/.
9. Arabinda K Padhee , Anthony Whitbread, “Indian agriculture: The route post-CoP 26,” DownToEarth (blog), Jan. 18, 2022, https://www.downtoearth.org.in/blog/
10. UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre, “Emissions Gap Report 2021,” United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Oct.r 26, 2021, https://www.unep.org/resources/
emissions-gap-report-2021, page 16.
11. Matt McGrath, “Climate change: ‘Fragile win’ at COP26 summit under threat,” BBC News, Jan. 24, 2022, https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-60115969
12. Sara Velezmoro, “Global sustainable bond issuance hits record $1 trillion in 2021,” FinanceAsia, Jan. 25, 2022, https://www.financeasia.com/article/
13. “ESG-labelled bond issuance poised to explode in coming decade – Pictet/IIF study,” (press release) Institute of International Finance (IIF), Jan. 20, 2022, https://www.
14. “The Green Future Index,” MIT Technology Review, 2021, https://mittrinsights.s3.amazonaws.com/GFI/Report2021.pdf.
15. Leonardo Paoli, Timur Gül, “Electric cars fend off supply challenges to more than double global sales,” International Energy Agency (IEA), Jan. 30, 2022, https://www.iea.
16. “Global sales and sales market share of electric cars, 2010-2021,” IEA, Feb. 1, 2022, https://www.iea.org/data-and-statistics/charts/
17. “Energy Trends December 2021,” Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, Dec. 23, 2021, page 1, https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/
18. Roger Harrabin, “All UK’s electricity will come from clean sources by 2035, says PM,” BBC News, Oct. 4, 2021, https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-58792261.
19. “NextGenerationEU: European Commission disburses €271 million in pre-financing to Finland,” European Commission (press release), Jan. 21, 2022, https://ec.europa.
20. Paul Tugwell, “Greece Eyes Green Energy Shift With $21 Billion in Projects,” Bloomberg Green, May 27, 2021, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-05-27/
21. Climate Action Tracker’s (CAT’s) “Costa Rica Country Summary,” CAT, https://climateactiontracker.org/countries/costa-rica/.
22. Ruchira Singh, “India’s state coal companies target installing 5.56 GW renewable power by 2030,” S&P Global Commodity Insights, Nov. 19, 2021, https://www.spglobal.
23. Tanvi Deshpande, “Budget 2022: India’s new climate pledges await funding push,” Business Standard, Jan. 30, 2022, https://www.business-standard.com/budget/
24. UN Environment Programme, “The Heat is On: a world of climate promises not yet delivered,” UNEP, 2021, page 36, https://www.unep.org/resources/
25. UN Environment Programme, “The Heat is On: a world of climate promises not yet delivered,” UNEP, 2021, page 36, https://www.unep.org/resources/
26. Plamena Tisheva, “UK’s renewables share drops to 35.9% in Q3 2021 on slow winds,” Renewables Now, Jan. 5, 2022, https://renewablesnow.com/news/
27. Nathaniel Bullard, “Technology Drives a Power Transition,” Bloomberg Green, Dec. 2, 2021, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-12-02/
28. Samuel Petrequin, “EU wants to allow natural gas, nuclear in green investment,” Associated Press, Feb. 2, 2022, https://apnews.com/article/
29. “Nuclear Power in Belgium,” World Nuclear Association, January 2021, https://www.world-nuclear.org/information-library/country-profiles/countries-a-f/belgium.aspx
30. European Commission, “Fossil fuels in gross available energy: 70% in 2020,” Eurostat, Feb. 16, 2022, https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/-/
31. “Media office: Dubai aims to cut carbon emissions 30% by 2030,” i24News, Feb. 6, 2022, https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/middle-east/
32. “Environment Minister Explains How Nigeria Will Achieve Net Zero,” Nigerian Tribune, Feb. 3, 2022, https://tribuneonlineng.com/
33. “Morocco targets 80% renewable energy by 2050 with technological evolution in energy storage, green hydrogen, and decreasing energy costs, says GlobalData,”
GlobalData, Feb. 7, 2022, https://www.globaldata.com/morocco-targets-80-renewable-energy-2050-technological-evolution-energy-storage-green-hydrogen-de-
34. Benoit-Ivan Wansi, “MOROCCO: EU to invest €1.6bn in energy transition by 2027,” Afrik 21, Feb. 11, 2022, https://www.afrik21.africa/en/
35. “The Indonesian SDG Bond: A Leap Towards Financing the SDGs,” UNDP, Oct. 6, 2021, https://www.id.undp.org/content/indonesia/en/home/presscenter/arti-
36. “$150mn ADB Loan to Support Green Recovery in Indonesia,” Tempo.co, Feb. 16, 2022, https://en.tempo.co/
37. International Energy Agency, “World Energy Investment 2021,” IEA, June 2021, page 15, https://www.iea.org/reports/world-energy-investment-2021.
38. David Vetter, “China Built More Offshore Wind In 2021 Than Every Other Country Built In 5 Years,” Forbes, Jan. 26, 2022, https://www.forbes.com/sites/
39. Abhinav Chugh, Emanuele Taibi, “What is green hydrogen and why do we need it? An expert explains,” World Economic Forum, Dec. 21, 2021, https://www.weforum.org/
40. James P. O’Brien, Stanislav Sirot, Matthew I. Martin, and Rebecca Matey, “United States: Hydrogen technology receives substantial support and funding under the
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act,” Lexology, Feb. 11, 2022, https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=a9a9ef5f-d8b9-4d49-8364-5d9253895848.
41. Climate Action Tracker, “Japan,” Climate Action Tracker, Feb. 10, 2022, https://climateactiontracker.org/countries/japan/.
42. Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, “Outline of Strategic Energy Plan,” METI, October 2021, https://www.enecho.meti.go.jp/en/category/others/basic_plan/
pdf/6th_outline.pdf, page 12.
43. Reginald Davey, “Japanese Hydrogen Production: Electrolysis Fueled by Power from Chinese Offshore Wind,” AZO Materials, Dec. 13, 2021, https://www.azom.com/
44. “Net Zero by 2050: A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector,” International Energy Agency (IEA), October 2021, https://www.iea.org/reports/net-zero-by-2050.
45. Ng Wai Mun, “Plastic to go? All eyes on world’s first compulsory deposit return scheme for takeaway cups in South Korea,” Eco-Business, Jan. 11, 2022, https://www.
46. Lauren Boland, “Targets for recycling plastic packaging will be ‘extremely challenging’ - so how do we do it?,” TheJournal.ie, Jan. 22, 2022, https://www.thejournal.ie/
47. “Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020,” Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, May 2020, https://www.fao.org/3/CA8753EN/
CA8753EN.pdf#page=6, page 6.
48. “Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020,” Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, May 2020, https://www.fao.org/3/CA8753EN/
CA8753EN.pdf#page=6, page 7.
49. Joint News Release, “UN Report: Pandemic year marked by spike in world hunger,” World Health Organization, July 12, 2021, https://www.who.int/news/
50. Chris Randall, “China counts more than 3 million NEV sales in 2021,” Electrive.com, Jan. 11, 2022, https://www.electrive.com/2022/01/11/
51. “Israel’s Largest Fresh Produce Exporter, Mehadrin, to Use Save Foods’ Treatments,” Save Foods, Inc., (press release), Feb. 7, 2022, https://www.globenewswire.com/
52. Nikolaj Skydsgaard, “Denmark’s first green bond sees strong demand,” The Jakarta Post, Jan. 20, 2022, https://www.thejakartapost.com/business/2022/01/20/
53. “Europe’s environmental taxes in decline, despite potentially crucial role,” European Environment Agency (EEA), Feb. 7, 2022, https://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/
54. Agustin Geist, Nicolas Misculin, and Adam Jourdan, “Argentina strikes breakthrough deal with IMF in $45 bln debt talks,” Reuters, Jan. 28, 2022, https://www.reuters.
55. “Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2050,” Hong Kong government agencies (published policy plan), October 2021, https://www.climateready.gov.hk/files/pdf/
56. Zoe Low, “Hong Kong to phase out coal as a power generation source by 2035, Carrie Lam pledges in policy address,” South China Morning Post, Oct. 7, 2021, https://
57. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, “NAPS from developing countries,” UNFCCC, https://www4.unfccc.int/sites/NAPC/Pages/national-adapta-
58. MIT Technology Review Insights, “The Blue Technology Barometer,” MIT Technology Review, https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/01/05/1040367/

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