Seminar Report 2021-22: IT in Space
Seminar Report 2021-22: IT in Space
Seminar Report 2021-22: IT in Space
If space has always has been enigma for mankind then the moon has always
served has the first post any attempt at understanding deeper space. We know have
the access to even faster computers we have need in order to study there larger
planets. Requirements and information technology in space has increased drastically
over the last decade. The technology the in the space sector have remained more or
less unchanged for long time.
A satellite is an object that has been intentionally placed into orbit. These
objects are called artificial satellites to distinguish them from natural satellites such as
Earth's Moon. On 4 October 1957, the Soviet Union launched the world's first
artificial satellite, Sputnik 1. Since then, about 8,900 satellites from more than 40
countries have been launched. Of those, about 1,900 were operational, while the rest
had exceeded their useful lives and become space debris. In terms of countries with
the most satellites, the United States has the most with 1,897 satellites. China is
second with 412, and Russia third with 176.
Satellites are used for many purposes. Among several other applications, they
can be used to make star maps and maps of planetary surfaces, and also take pictures
of planets they are launched into. Common types include military and civilian Earth
observation satellites, communications satellites, navigation satellites, weather
satellites, and space telescopes. Space station and human spacecraft in orbit are also
satellites. Satellites are usually semi-independent computer-controlled systems.
Satellite subsystems attend many tasks, such as power generation, thermal control,
telemetry, attitude control, scientific instrumentation, communication, etc
Fig.2.1 Satellite
Land Resources
Ocean Science
Rural Development
Water Resources
Urban Development.
Today there are more than 5000 satellite in our space . These are keep track by
telementary and control system thousands of observatories computers communication
system and human being work around the clock around the earth to keep their satellite
in proper condition and on the right path.
Telemetry tracking and control are three major functions that make happen.
Spacecraft, satellite send information about their own flight path and data to
Web based telemetry solution enable such activities using web browser and
can be used from any machine on ground system network you can get some
Space stations have most often been launched for scientific purposes, but
military launches have also occurred. As of 2021, there is one fully operational and
permanently inhabited space station in low Earth orbit: the International Space Station
which is used to study the effects of spaceflight on the human body as well as to
provide a location to conduct a greater number and longer length of scientific studies
than is possible on other space vehicles.
All space craft except single stage to orbit vehicles cannot get into space on
their own, and require a launch vehicle On a sub orbital spaceflight, a space vehicle
enters space and then returns to the surface, without having gained sufficient energy
or velocity to make a full orbit of the Earth.
Most satellites have simple reliable chemical thrusters or resist jet rockets for
orbital station-keeping and some use momentum wheels for attitude control. Soviet
bloc satellites have used electric propulsion for decades, and newer Western geo-
orbiting spacecraft are starting to use them for north–south station-keeping and orbit
raising. Interplanetary vehicles mostly use chemical rockets as well, although a few
have used ion thrusters and Hall-effect thrusters (two different types of electric
propulsion) to great success.
1. Space technology is technology that related to entering and retrieving object or life
forms from space.
2. Everyday technology such as weather fore casting remote sensing , GPS system,
satellite television and some long distance communication system critically relay on
space infrastructure
3. Where whether forecasting is that nowadays people are recognizing weather from
up from after two days our further together also we can recognize the space of
weather forecasting. It only uses by the satellite it is useful by information
4. In the weather we can recognising that whether before further for the future 5 years
is the best development information technology and the remote sensing.
6. Mobile phone are working with the help of the satellite television the signal of the
far distance coming towards satellite .
7. Television are working with out with the satellite television under some long
distance communication the communication process is long process which and we can
easily talk with the Americans without the disturbance or education with the help of
satellite technology. These are the uses of space technology.
The high risk, high payoff technologies which have the greatest potential for
improving the capabilities and reducing the costs of the space organisation, other
government and commercial space programs in the2000 to 2050 time period are to be
determined. It also involves the determination of which of these technologies could
benefit most from long lead time development. Determining the exact amount of
funding is beyond the scope of this report, but NASA has assumed that funding each
technology of about 3 million to 5 million a year for three to five years would be
sufficient to create a high probability of significant advances. The list of key
technologies is not static, nor does It represent all of the high risk; high payoff
technologies NASA should pursue. The technologies below represent a small but
broad investment portfolio that appears to build high promise for large future benefits
at the cost of a small investment.
The capacity to extract and utilize space resources can significantly improve
the performance and lower the cost of planetary exploration, reduce the cost of
constructing and shielding human habitants, and enable and accelerate the
development of new generations of in space capabilities.
1. Space technologies that will lower the cost and improve the performance of
existing space activities and enable new ones.
2. Advanced space technologies needed to enable many potential space activities and
reduce the cost and improve the performance of others.
3. Further space technology will rely heavily on robotics and AI to assist human terms
of astronauts. Researchers hope that robot will be able to perform maintains and
repairs on existing space station while adding scientist data collection and analysis.
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