Life After Death Brochure
Life After Death Brochure
Life After Death Brochure
and the earth stand firm by His command. In the In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
end, you will all emerge when He calls you from
the earth. Everyone in the heavens and earth
belongs to Him, and all are obedient to Him. He is Death is one of the few indisputable facts of life. Regardless of faith, race, status or age, we
the One who originates creation and will do it will all die. While the certainty of death is universally accepted, the question of what
again – this is even easier for Him. He is above all
comparison in the heavens and earth; He is the happens afterwards has been debated throughout history. Islam teaches that one’s life
Almighty, the All Wise.” doesn’t end on earth; rather, it is followed by the eternal life of the hereafter. This pamphlet
(Quran 30:25-27) explains how this belief has a major impact on our earthly lives, while instilling hope for
healing in a perfect world where God’s ultimate justice will prevail.