BSBMKG417 - Task 2 V1 - Use - New
BSBMKG417 - Task 2 V1 - Use - New
BSBMKG417 - Task 2 V1 - Use - New
Candidate Instructions
You will complete questions for purposes of formal assessment as per the questions outlined in the questioning record below,
and any additional probing or clarification questions required by the assessor.
The Knowledge Activity is designed to confirm your competency for all the required knowledge in the unit of
Task Details
There is no restriction on the length of the question responses, or time restriction in completing the
The assessment may be re-attempted on two further occasions (maximum three attempts in total). All assessments must be
resubmitted 3 days within receiving your unsatisfactory grade. You must clearly indicate “Re-submission” on your
resubmitted work.
You must complete all questions unassisted by the assessor or other personnel but may refer to reference
material as may be needed.
All questions must be answered satisfactorily for the assessment to be completed satisfactorily.
For any assessment conducted that is incomplete, or without satisfactory performance, the assessment
will need to be completed again after further training support. This may be simply to focus on question
areas not achieved in the prior assessment.
Evidence to be collected
Answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organizational requirements.
In undertaking this assessment task, you as the candidate are providing consent for your work to be
reviewed for the purposes of formal assessment in the unit(s) of competency. If you have concern
regarding this permission, please discuss this with your assessor prior to undertaking the task.
To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required knowledge
for this unit.
Candidate name:
Trainer’s name:
Assessment declaration: I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another
person’s work, except where clearly noted on documents or work submitted.
I declare that no part of this assessment has been written for me by another
person. I understand that plagiarism is a serious offence that may lead to
disciplinary action.
Candidate signature:
Your trainer and assessor will be grading your work and provide you with constructive feedback
on the Learning Management system.
General instructions
You have been engaged by the Bounce Fitness, (your client) to work on various marketing
strategies and activities to enhance the image of the organisation and develop a brand
message to be used across the entire organisation.
Bounce Fitness is a chain of fitness centres and has grown rapidly over the past 24 months
to include over 100 centre across Australia. Each centre has operated independently in
their own silos with support from head office but the need has now been identified to
create a convergent marketing approach.
Having met with the CEO of the organisation, you have been provided with the brief which
you will need to complete and submit to the CEO within two weeks to meet the deadline for
the next board meeting. The brief is as follows:
Formulate an integrated marketing communication report and implementation plan which
Development of a brand message for universal distribution across all sectors of the
business for the corporate market segment
Establishing the processes to be implemented which will empower customers and
improve sales
This assessment task is divided into 2 parts which are as follows:
Part A – Integrated Marketing Report
Part B – Integrated Marketing Communications Implementation Plan
This bounce fitness assignment will focus on Bounce fitness, a single branched small
fitness business located in Brisbane. The business only has a single branch but has access
to a large customer based. To tap into this increasingly demanding requirements
amount the public, it is essential for the business to develop effective market expansion
strategies which will help the business gradually expand its operation to the local city
residents. Only after the local Brisbane market has been covered fully can Bounce fitness
consider expanding its operations to neighboring cities and states before considering
international expansions. The bounce fitness assignment shall outline strategies and
approaches the business needs to adapt to expand its operations successfully thus
allowing the brand to gradually and steadily expand its operation while allowing its staff
and management the opportunity to adapt to the market expansion management
strategies to help improve the businesses operations.
Bounce Fitness intends to market its brand through excellence in service, the major
aims are to become a premier provider of fitness and wellness in Australia and provide
the best customer service to build a loyal community member. The challenge that
Bounce Fitness is facing is to increase their presence and market share under a
corporate strategy, implementing a marketing plan based on the implementation of the
improvement of the web site and the social media channels to appeal the target market
with a unified message.
Business College at International House
RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G
Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022
3 Searcy St, Darwin NT 0800 | Level 6, 601 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000|
The plan focuses on the company’s growth strategy, suggesting methods to build long
term customers relationships inside the corporate market. The brand message for the
campaign is “Design your health, your way” showing the strong links between highly
effective health and wellbeing programs that the customers can get involved and meet
their needs.
To promote this message the social media and the web page are the tools to increase
the customers participation, to let them show their progress, give a constant feedback
and develop a regular interaction with the company, to let Bounce Fitness know their
needs, and make them feel part of a big community committed with the individual and
Business Performance. Another tools like posters and events will be used to appeal
most of the local markets, as well as training staff, focusing on the customer’s needs.
2. Background Information
Provide the background to the project. Ensure that the following questions are
answered in this section. To make it easier, you can have one paragraph for each
a. Describe how the Bounce Fitness branches have been able to meet client
requirements in the past and the limitations of the traditional siloed
b. Describe the role the customer will play in the new convergent marketing
c. Identify and describe potential areas where marketing can be integrated
across all centres.
d. Identify and list any relevant and current legislation, regulations or policies
that may impact on marketing within the convergent environment.
The Bounce Fitness Head Office is located in Cairns, same as the Board of
Directors, whom are in charge of overseeing the function of the business in all
of the centres. Every Centre has a manager, the employees report to their
manager, who reports to the CEO in Cairns. Training is also independently
handled, every branch is in charge of the staff preparation process, which
means that the programs offered are different from each Centre.
The customer’s database is built and recorded in every Centre, and the
marketing campaign are done independently to reach their local community,
this means that there wasn’t a global marketing strategy or a global aim as a
Company, the Centres worked as a sector with specific functions and divisions.
b. The role the customer will play in the convergent marketing environment is
very important, first of all, the Consumer data will be available in every Centre
and in every division inside the organization, because the customer will have a
Business College at International House
RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G
Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022
3 Searcy St, Darwin NT 0800 | Level 6, 601 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000|
constant interaction with the organization thought the use of the App,
reporting the progress, showing how involved is with the programs offered by
Bounce Fitness, maybe sharing in social media the results obtained, and giving
a constant feedback to the corporate business showing how incorporating a
physical activity affects their productivity and the Company’s Profits.
If the customers share their results it will help us to increase the interaction and
engagement with the company, Bounce Fitness brand recognition, and the sales
levels for us and the corporate customer.
c. The potential areas where marketing can be integrated across all Centres are
multiple, for example with the web development some of the staff training
could be done on the intranet, and the customer database will be available in
any of the Centres, using this information is the best method to do One-to-one
marketing, sending mails with the special offers to the corporate customers
across the country.
Another point of integration is that the campaign will send a unified message, doing a
Massive marketing, promoting the brand through the social media, and the corporate
intranet, also distributing pamphlets to all the local business. The company will
develop a unified plan to introduce the corporate fitness concept to potential
The promotions developed by the company are national wide applied, the customers
could use the Bounce Fitness installations anywhere, with the same benefits and the
same programs according to their requirements. The global database will allow as to
keep record of the customers progress and measure the results related to sales, market
penetration and also to let the corporate senior management to monitor changes in
the behavior of its workforce.
All the integrated changes will improve the customers service, because the customer
will receive a unified message from every channel used to distribute the information,
and the customer will be able to participate and have a constant interaction with the
d. These are some examples of legislation and government organisations that may
impact on marketing environment:
·ACMA (Australian Communications and Media Authority): The ACMA is
the core regulator of communications and media convergence for Australian
organisations, they will impact in everything related to the promotion
·The Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) regulates and tries to protect the privacy
of individuals, and how organisations handle personal information.
·The ACCC promotes competition and fair trade in the market place to
benefit consumers, business and the community. It also regulates national
infrastructure industries.
·Advertising Standards Regulation in Australia: The Advertising Standards
Bureau administers Australia's system of advertising self-regulation through
the Advertising Standards Board and the Advertising Claims Board. The self-
regulation system recognises that advertisers share a common interest in
promoting consumer confidence in and respect for general standards of
Business College at International House
RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G
Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022
3 Searcy St, Darwin NT 0800 | Level 6, 601 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000|
·Intellectual Property in Australia (Trademarks, Patents, and Copyright):
Only companies who have registered a trade mark with the Australian
regulatory agency, IP Australia, may use the ® symbol and have a legal
exclusivity on their trade mark (i.e. it is only defensible under Australian Law
if you are registered). IP Australia also regulates Patents and registered
Designs in Australia. Their website is at: www.ipaustralia.
Website: It should have an appealing design, high quality and good resolution pictures
and videos, it should
show testimonial content with personal transformations, the current and potential
customers are able to
have a consistent interaction, and the organisation will be able to deliver content that is
valuable to the
target audience. Give them the possibility to engage with the business even before
going to the gym, filling a
form, downloading information will help them to take an informed decision.
·The use of social media: Create separate accounts on the biggest social media platforms
in your area, and
establish them early with frequent pictures and posts while ramping up to an opening.
Reach out to local
news establishments on social media and ask if they'd link to you on their platform.
Consider offering deals
or discounts on your social media that won’t be offered elsewhere to help build your
presence and recruit
followers that might help spread your online message. It’s important to have someone
who's dedicated to
keeping these online accounts active and positive if you want to have the biggest impact
on social media.
Get someone to create a group profile on Facebook, your staff could post exercise tip
videos on You Tube
and write short informational articles with links to your main site. Using digital
marketing, Bounce Fitness
could target and promote your gym to your ideal audience where they spend most of
Business College at International House
RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G
Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022
3 Searcy St, Darwin NT 0800 | Level 6, 601 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000|
their time. You can
promote your gym offers and promotions straight to their phones, Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, email, etc.
The social media helps to reinforce the visual aspect and help the organisation to get
higher and visible in
the web searches.
·Creating Custom HubSpot Email Templates: Sending emails with the right message,
depending if the person
is a new customer or a regular one. They are looking for some inspiration, this type of
emails help the
organisation to show their customers that they care, and also offer them promotions
and the most recent
·The tool that I prefer is the use of social media, because increases the customer’s level
of involvement and
engagement in the service/product can be considered customer-centric. They can post
their progress,
comment the new programs that the gym offers, link and respond to organisational
activity, promotions and
developments. It will let Bounce Fitness to know how likely is that they will recommend
our brand to others.
When people show results, others can see the process, ask questions, share
expectations, and show how interested they are in the services and how happy
they are with the customer service that the organization offers.
a. The tool is fit for the purpose of creating a convergent marketing approach
because it will help the organization to increase the brand recognition because
the information will be available to anyone who use the social media. It will be
reflected in a boost in sales, and it could be used for multiple purposes, like
launching new programs, showing new partnerships and it will let the
organization to have more contact with current and potential customers.
b. The tool can be used across the Bounce Fitness organization in both an
integrated approach and a customer centric approach because any of the
Business College at International House
RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G
Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022
3 Searcy St, Darwin NT 0800 | Level 6, 601 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000|
Centres can organize events or contest in their cities.
For example, The Sydney Centre can organize a conference but at the same
time can do a Facebook or Instagram live, this way the customers in Brisbane
and Melbourne can be part of the activity. They also have to measure the
results have a fast and direct contact with the organization, posting messages in
the social media chat or forums. A lot of other methods can be posted on social
media, like the adverts in magazines and television can be shared on Facebook
or Instagram, everything to reach and appeal more people and have more
direct contact. These allow the customer to voice their concerns and to like and
share content that they like. It also means that they can keep up-to-date with
promotions and events and take part in User Generated Content initiatives.
Cost Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) –evaluating non-numerical results, e.g. brand recognition,
customer satisfaction, etc. These
factor are easier to track using the social media because you can see the posts, tags, hashtags,
comments and the constant
feedback that the customers post in the social media and the web, it is a two way of
communicating, and the company should
be capable of responding to the customers’ demands almost immediately. Digital marketing is
cost-effective for business
because you can continually evaluate how and if it is working.
Business College at International House
RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G
Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022
3 Searcy St, Darwin NT 0800 | Level 6, 601 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000|
Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) –evaluating numerical results, e.g. sales, number of visitors on
website, etc. With digital marketing,
a lot of the cost are low. Things like email campaigns, social media interactions and posts, and
website content cost nearly
nothing to produce. Use your social media to drive attention to your business by creating a
series of posts that are on a
trending topic and relate to your campaign or brand. Good traffic is also needed for a more
profitable return on investment.
In the traditional siloed approach every centre had to invest and create a campaign
independently, the investment depended
on their budget and sales. The Centres had to do their own researches to determine their own
goals, and the best way to reach
them, the Centres developed different methods to reach their audience, posting different
content, and not giving an unified
message, at the end working in a siloed approach is possible that the needed budget could be
higher than in the convergent
b.Describe the expected benefits of implementing the chosen tool.
·Consumers are savvier and more informed than ever before, people use such channels to
intelligent buying decisions by researching products and making or reading recommendations,
that the word of mouth is very important.
·Increased audience reach and the scope, contact with prospects throughout the buyer’s
increasing conversion rates, and improving sales efficiency.
·Digital marketing helps businesses of all sizes make themselves more visible.
c. Describe how the proposed solution meets customer requirements and empowers the
With buyers spending more time researching, supplying them with the right help and tools
while they’re looking for answers is
crucial. Is necessarily know how to use social media to connect with potential clients, monitor
their profiles and provide value
to prospects, engaging buyers on an ongoing, long-term basis. Attention-grabbing content is
the major key to making social
selling work, it helps you to establish connections with people and can play on that impact to
enhance your sales efforts. It will
help the company to Identify the corporate customers, and then plan the content for those
targets. The content should be
engaging and show that Bounce Fitness can increase the sense of wellness and the
productivity of the corporate community. It
Business College at International House
RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G
Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022
3 Searcy St, Darwin NT 0800 | Level 6, 601 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000|
allows the company to observe the issues that need to be addressed and create a more
collaborative work environment with
the customer. Knowing what the customer need helps the company to re-work
strategies and put the resources toward the
right projects.
5. Formulate a plan to implement your proposed solution over a 3-month period and
include actions, who is responsible for undertaking the actions and the proposed
Establish and provide a budget for seminars Steve Brinkley Feb 2020
Establish and provide a budget for corporate events Steve Brinkley Feb 2020
6. Describe what Bounce Fitness head office and branches will be responsible for
during the implementation.
Business College at International House
RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G
Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022
3 Searcy St, Darwin NT 0800 | Level 6, 601 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000|
The Bounce Fitness head office will be responsible of assembling a team, responsible
for creating the company’s web, and administrating the social media, controlling the
data and making sure to implement the adequate tools to have a direct contact with
the customer and give an immediate response to their requirements .
One method is to use the website to create a landing page where non-members can
sign in with either Twitter, Facebook or email to receive a free one-to-one session
a personal trainer or join in for a class. When the individual uses one of the above
methods to sign-up to get the free class you have their information to provide them
with more information even after they claim their free training
Introduce the corporate concept to the market and inside the organisation. The head
office has to invest and establish a general method of training, to be implemented in
every Centre, unified programs and an intranet, to have access to additional material
and the customers data anywhere. The head office is also responsible for the data
analysis, measuring the results and fining points to improve, is responsible of
monitoring the changes in the customers behaviour.
The methods that can be used in every branch are:
·Community Seminars: Free health seminars and screenings to increase traffic,
in these events is also important to distribute the pamphlets to potential
customers, the key to successfully reaching new prospects is to utilize many of
these strategies simultaneously.
·Hold a Contest: Organize a weight loss contest, or rally your clients to help
break the franchise record for the most training sessions in 1 quarter. Both the
competitive elements and the prizes of your contest can generate great word of
mouth. Has a start date and end date – Clear timeline for the individual to
reach their goal.
·Tear-off flyers: Have a version of your flyers formatted so the bottom is a series
of cut/perforated tear off tags to put inside of common areas inside the local
Each of the centers is responsible for establishing contacts with local businesses
its range of action, and establishing which method is the most appropriate according
the characteristics of each client
For social selling to work, you need a social media team that knows how to use
social to connect with potential clients. The number one company in Australia
social Media Market Expert is Expert360, 1300 482 671
(AUS), 1 888 963 9185 (US.(
·It is necessary to hire a web developer like OneIT Custom Business Software,, because the
promise a design software to make the business more efficient and reduce
·Data analytics: Mixpanel promises is to get real-time behaviour and user data.
Nutrition seminars: engaging and educational seminars will provide the corpo-
Business College at International House
RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G
Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022
3 Searcy St, Darwin NT 0800 | Level 6, 601 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000|
rate customers with reliable and relevant information about food, nutrition and
health. Nutrition Australia is an organization that offer this kind of services
·Partnering with social media influencers is becoming a trendy way for
enterprises and small businesses to increase outreach.
·LinkedIn is a network where the company could find not just employees, like
personal trainers, but also potential consumers and also promote content.
9. Describe how you would establish channels to empower and respond rapidly to
customer perspectives.
One way to empower the customers is by saving them time, the website has to offer
video tutorials, frequently asked questions, or discussion forums for quick answers to
simple questions. The voice channel may be optimized by offering callbacks to
customers who prefer to speak to an agent. It is very important to ask for customer
feedback and listen to concerns, one way to do this is through surveys, because the
company could learn from the details of an interaction, and are a great way to find
improvements in the future.
Please ensure all questions are answered and upload the following:
This completed workbook