Transport and Main Roads Specifications MRTS45 Road Surface Delineation

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The document outlines specifications for road surface delineation including requirements for pavement markings, audio tactile line markings, and removal of existing markings.

Pavement markings must meet specified material and performance criteria and standards are provided for paint and reflective glass beads.

Audio tactile line markings must meet specified tolerances for height, spacing, length and slope of the raised rib as well as width.

Technical Specification

Transport and Main Roads Specifications

MRTS45 Road Surface Delineation
July 2021
© The State of Queensland (Department of Transport and Main Roads) 2021.


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Transport and Main Roads Specifications, July 2021


1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................1
2 Definition of terms .........................................................................................................................1
3 Referenced documents .................................................................................................................1
4 Test methods..................................................................................................................................2
5 Quality system requirements .......................................................................................................2
5.1 Hold Points...................................................................................................................................... 2
5.2 Construction procedures ................................................................................................................. 3
5.3 Testing frequencies ........................................................................................................................ 3
6 Material requirements ...................................................................................................................3
6.1 Pavement markings ........................................................................................................................ 3
6.1.1 Material and performance criteria ...................................................................................3
6.1.2 Paint ...............................................................................................................................3
6.1.3 Reflective glass beads ...................................................................................................4
6.1.4 Skid resistance for transverse line marking ...................................................................4
6.1.5 Thermoplastic materials .................................................................................................4
6.1.6 Cold applied plastic materials .........................................................................................4
6.2 Raised retroreflective pavement markers ....................................................................................... 4
6.3 Non-retroreflective raised pavement markers ................................................................................ 5
6.4 Temporary raised pavement markers ............................................................................................. 5
6.5 Pavement bars ................................................................................................................................ 5
6.6 Adhesives for raised pavement markers ........................................................................................ 5
7 Installation of pavement markings...............................................................................................5
7.1 Setting out ....................................................................................................................................... 5
7.2 Weather conditions ......................................................................................................................... 5
7.3 Surface preparation ........................................................................................................................ 6
7.4 Spotting ........................................................................................................................................... 6
7.4.1 General ...........................................................................................................................6
7.4.2 Longitudinal lines ............................................................................................................6
7.4.3 Transverse markings ......................................................................................................6
7.5 Application of pavement markings .................................................................................................. 7
7.5.1 Procedure .......................................................................................................................7
7.5.2 Paint ...............................................................................................................................7
7.5.3 Thermoplastic material ...................................................................................................8
7.5.4 Cold applied plastic ........................................................................................................9
7.6 Raised pavement markers ............................................................................................................ 10
7.6.1 Application of retroreflective pavement markers ......................................................... 10
7.6.2 Application of non-reflective pavement markers ......................................................... 10
7.7 Audio tactile line marking .............................................................................................................. 10
7.7.1 Application of audio tactile line marking ...................................................................... 10
7.7.2 Application on existing painted lines ........................................................................... 11
7.7.3 Placement and dimension of audio tactile line marking .............................................. 11
7.7.4 Gaps for cyclists .......................................................................................................... 12
7.7.5 Adjacent residences – noise considerations ............................................................... 12
7.7.6 Luminance and retroreflectivity ................................................................................... 12
7.8 Protection of the work ................................................................................................................... 12

Transport and Main Roads Specifications, July 2021 i

7.9 Tolerances .................................................................................................................................... 13
7.9.1 Pavement markings ..................................................................................................... 13
7.9.2 Audio tactile line marking ............................................................................................ 13
7.9.3 Raised pavement markers .......................................................................................... 14
7.10 Removal of existing pavement markings ...................................................................................... 14
7.11 Wide centreline treatments ........................................................................................................... 15
7.11.1 Application of wide centreline treatments .................................................................... 15
8 Installation of raised pavement markers and pavement bars ................................................ 15
9 Compliance testing ..................................................................................................................... 15
9.1 General ......................................................................................................................................... 15
9.2 Testing frequencies and number of tests ..................................................................................... 15
9.3 Geometrics.................................................................................................................................... 15
10 Supplementary requirements .................................................................................................... 15

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Technical Specification, MRTS45 Road Surface Delineation

1 Introduction
This Technical Specification applies to the supply and installation of pavement markings, raised
pavement markers and audio tactile line marking (ATLM). This Technical Specification does not apply
to the supply and installation of coloured surfacings such as those used on cycle lanes, busways,
coloured pavement markings and transit lanes, for use for township entry treatments or similar

This Technical Specification shall be read in conjunction with MRTS01 Introduction to Technical
Specifications, MRTS50 Specific Quality System Requirements and other Technical Specifications as

This Technical Specification forms part of the Transport and Main Roads Specifications Manual.

Coloured pavement surfacings should be applied in accordance with best practice to ensure these
treatments are durable and have adequate skid resistance. Refer to MRTS110 Coloured Surface
Treatments, which supersedes Supplementary Specification MRSS10B. For enquiries related to
MRTS110 suite please email

2 Definition of terms
The terms used in this Technical Specification shall be as defined in Clause 2 of MRTS01 Introduction
to Technical Specifications. Additional terms used in this Technical Specification shall be as defined in
Table 2.

Table 2 – Definition of terms

Term Definition
AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic
ATLM Audio tactile line marking
Longitudinal lines Dividing, barrier, lane, edge and continuity lines and outline markings
MUTCD Queensland Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices
Pavement markings Longitudinal lines, transverse lines and pavement messages
Retroreflectivity The value of reflected light measured in millicandellas per lux per m², using
a retroreflectometer calibrated to a nationally recognised standard, using a
30 m geometry instrument
Transverse lines Stop and give way lines, turn lines, markings at stop and give way signs,
pedestrian crosswalk lines, diagonal and chevron markings, arrows,
shapes, symbols, numerals, parking areas and kerb markings

3 Referenced documents
Table 3 lists documents referenced in this Technical Specification.

Table 3 – Referenced documents

Reference Title
AS/NZS 1906.3 Retroreflective materials and devices for road traffic control
purposes, Part 3: Raised pavement markers (retroreflective and non-

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Technical Specification, MRTS45 Road Surface Delineation

Reference Title
AS/NZS 2009 Glass beads for pavement-marking materials
AS 2700 Colour standards for general purposes
AS 3554 Adhesives – Epoxy – For raised pavement marker installation
AS 4049.2 Paints and related materials – Pavement marking materials -
Thermoplastic pavement marking materials – For use with surface
applied glass beads
AS 4049.3 Paints and related materials – Pavement marking
materials – Waterborne paint – For use with surface applied glass
AS 4049.4 Paints and related materials – Pavement marking materials – High
performance pavement marking systems
Australian Paint Approval Pavement marking paint, cold applied plastic
Scheme – Specification
Australian Paint Approval Pavement marking paint, thermoplastic
Scheme – Specification
Australian Paint Approval Pavement marking paint, water-borne
Scheme – Specification
Australian Paint Approval Glass beads for use in pavement marking paints
Scheme – Specification
MRTS01 Introduction to Technical Specifications
MRTS45 Road Surface Delineation
MRTS50 Specific Quality System Requirements
MRTS110 Coloured Surface Treatments
MUTCD Queensland Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices
TN155 Wide Centre Line Treatment – Interim Advice
TRUM Volume 2 Part 5 Traffic and Road Use Management Manual, Volume 2, Part 5 Road
Safety for Rural and Remote Areas

4 Test methods
Test methods are as specified throughout this Technical Specification.

5 Quality system requirements

5.1 Hold Points

General requirements for Hold Points are specified in Clause 5.2 of MRTS01 Introduction to Technical

The Hold Points, applicable to this Technical Specification are summarised in Table 5.1. There are no
Witness Points or Milestones defined.

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Technical Specification, MRTS45 Road Surface Delineation

Table 5.1 – Hold Points, Witness Points and Milestones

Clause Hold Point Witness Point Milestone

7.3 1. Surface preparation
7.4.1 2. Setting out of pavement

5.2 Construction procedures

The Contractor shall prepare documented procedures for all construction processes as defined in
Clause 5 of MRTS50 Specific Quality System Requirements.

Construction procedures which are required to be prepared by the Contractor and submitted to the
Administrator in accordance with the quality system requirements of the Contract are listed in
Table 5.2.

Table 5.2 – Construction procedures

Clause Procedure
7.5 Application of pavement markings

5.3 Testing frequencies

The testing frequency requirements shall be in accordance with AS 4049.4 and may be varied as
stated in Clause 1 of Annexure MRTS45.1. The Contractor shall measure the level of retroreflectivity
using the procedure set out in AS 4049.4.

6 Material requirements
6.1 Pavement markings

6.1.1 Material and performance criteria

Retroreflectivity for longitudinal line marking, excluding ATLM, when applied, shall be an average of
10 measurements for each line taken at one location, with five measurements in each direction. In
case of double barrier lines, each line shall be measured separately. The minimum retroreflectivity
measured at a location shall be 300 mcd/lux/m² and the average of all the readings (combined for both
directions), shall be a minimum of 350 mcd/lux/m² measured up to 20 days of wear.

6.1.2 Paint

Paint shall be suitable for use on roads surfaced with a sprayed seal, hot and cold mixed asphalt and

Except where specifically shown otherwise on the design documents, paint shall be in accordance
with the colour designation of AS 2700 as given in Table 6.1.2 following.

Table 6.1.2 – Paint colour designation

Colour AS 2700 colour designation

White Y35 Off White (or whiter)
Yellow Y14 Golden Yellow

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Technical Specification, MRTS45 Road Surface Delineation

Paint used shall be waterborne, road marking paint conforming to the requirements of AS 4049.3 and
having approval under the Australian Paint Approval Scheme – Specification AP-S0041/5.

Refer to MRTS110 Coloured Surface Treatments.

6.1.3 Reflective glass beads

Reflective glass beads shall be Type B, B-HR, C, D or D-HR glass beads as described in AS 2009.
The type to be used, shall be as stated in Clause 3 of Annexure MRTS45.1.

The glass beads shall comply with the requirements of AS 2009 and the Australian Paint Approval
Scheme – Specification AP-S0042.

6.1.4 Skid resistance for transverse line marking

Transverse markings shall incorporate an anti-skid treatment and shall have a skid resistance as
shown in Table 6.1.4 following. Application of the anti-skid treatment shall comply with the
manufacturer's requirements.

Table 6.1.4 – Skid resistance level and test method

Skid resistance level (BPN)

Material type Test method
(under wet conditions)
Waterborne paint 45 AS 4049.4 Appendix J or APAS
(Using Grip Tester)
Thermoplastic 45 AS 4049.2 Appendix L or APAS
((Using Grip Tester)
Cold applied plastic 45 AS 4049.2 Appendix L or APAS
(Using Grip Tester)

The testing frequency requirements shall be in accordance with AS 4049.4 and may be varied as
stated in Clause 1 of Annexure MRTS45.1. The Contractor shall measure the level of retroreflectivity
using the procedure set out in AS 4049.4.

6.1.5 Thermoplastic materials

Thermoplastic materials shall comply with the requirements of AS 4049.2 and have approval under the
Australian Paint Approval Scheme – Specification AP-S0041/4.

6.1.6 Cold applied plastic materials

Cold applied plastic materials shall comply with the requirements of AS 4049.4 and Clause 4 of
Annexure MRTS45.1 and have approval under the Australian Paint Approval Scheme – Specification

6.2 Raised retroreflective pavement markers

Raised retroreflective pavement markers, shall comply with the requirements of AS 1906.3 and shall
be Type A1 either uni-directional or bi-directional.

Bi-directional raised retroreflective pavement markers, shall be white or yellow as shown on the
Drawings. Uni-directional raised retroreflective pavement markers shall be white, red, green or yellow
as shown on the Standard Drawings.

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Technical Specification, MRTS45 Road Surface Delineation

6.3 Non-retroreflective raised pavement markers

Non-retroreflective raised pavement markers shall comply with the requirements of AS 1906.3 and
shall be Type B.

Non-retroreflective raised pavement markers shall be circular, approximately 100 mm in diameter and
15 mm high. The colour shall be white.

6.4 Temporary raised pavement markers

Temporary raised pavement markers shall comply with the requirements of AS 1906.3.

6.5 Pavement bars

Pavement bars shall be manufactured in accordance with details shown on the design documents.
Where not otherwise shown, pavement bars shall be manufactured from concrete and painted white.

6.6 Adhesives for raised pavement markers

The adhesive used to install raised pavement markers shall comply with the manufacturer's
specification. If the manufacturer's specification is not available, the requirements of AS 3554 shall be
complied with.

7 Installation of pavement markings

7.1 Setting out
The Contractor shall carry out all work necessary to establish satisfactory alignment of pavement
markings, within the specified tolerances (see Table 7.9.3), using any device or method which will not
damage the pavement nor conflict with other traffic control devices.

Prior to resealing or placement of an asphalt overlay, the Contractor shall take such measurements,
prepare such drawings and establish such offset marks that will allow the existing pavement markings
to be reinstalled following completion of the surface re-treatment.

Prior to spotting on reseals and asphalt overlay, the Contractor shall install a control line at 20 m

For new construction, the Contractor shall install a control line at 20 m intervals, in accordance with
the Standard Drawing requirements prior to spotting.

7.2 Weather conditions

Pavement markings shall not be applied when freshly applied pavement markings may become
damaged by rain, fog or condensation before they have dried or set. Pavement surfaces shall be
thoroughly dry immediately prior to the application of pavement markings.

Applying waterborne paint incorporating glass beads, under the following conditions, will achieve
the best results:

a) air temperature and pavement temperature >15°C

b) relative humidity <70%

c) air movement >10 km/h (reasonable air movement), and

d) adequate protection of lines from traffic during the drying process.

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Technical Specification, MRTS45 Road Surface Delineation

Waterborne paint must not be applied when relative humidity is above 85% and when air or
pavement temperatures are below 10°C.

Thermoplastic materials must be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended

application temperature. Application at the manufacturer's recommended temperature will assist in
achieving the correct glass bead embedment depth, to aid bead retention and marking
retroreflectivity or night-time visibility.

This is an important consideration especially when using the large diameter Type D or Type D-HR
glass beads.

7.3 Surface preparation

The surface area to be marked must be dry and free of dirt, gravel, flaking pavement marking material
and other loose or foreign material. The area around the marking must also be free of dirt, gravel and
other loose or foreign material, so that tracking of such material on to the new marking is avoided.

If any of these conditions is not met, the pavement marking work shall be delayed until the surface is
fully dried or prepared as detailed following.

a) Where the existing material is flaking or chipping, is of a type or is in such a condition that
adhesion of the new material to the road surface cannot be guaranteed for the required life of
the marking, obtain the agreement of the Principal to the proposed method of surface
preparation and its extent.

b) Where a pavement marking material is to be applied to a surface, where it may be

incompatible with the existing marking or surface, prepare the marking or surface suitably
before applying the pavement marking material.

c) Where a curing compound has been applied to a new rigid concrete pavement surface,
remove the curing compound by physical abrasive means such as grinding or blasting, from
the areas where the pavement marking material is to be applied.

In addition to these requirements, new bitumen sealed surfaces which are to receive pavement
markings, shall be free of volatile material and solvents. Hold Point 1

7.4 Spotting

7.4.1 General

Spotting shall consist of spots approximately 30 mm wide and 150 mm long painted on the pavement

The Contractor shall obtain approval from the Administrator of the spotting, prior to any application of
pavement markings. Hold Point 2

7.4.2 Longitudinal lines

Spotting for longitudinal lines shall be carried out generally at 5 m intervals with 3 m intervals on
curves of less than 50 m radius.

7.4.3 Transverse markings

Spotting for transverse markings shall be carried out as shown on the design documents.

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Technical Specification, MRTS45 Road Surface Delineation

7.5 Application of pavement markings

7.5.1 Procedure

The Contractor shall submit its procedure for application of pavement markings. The procedure shall
include details of the materials, application rates, equipment and method, including manufacturer's
recommendations, to be used when applying pavement markings.

7.5.2 Paint Mixing

Mixing of paint shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Application equipment

Mechanical means shall be used to apply painted pavement markings.

All equipment used in the application of pavement markings, shall produce pavement markings of
uniform quality which conform to the requirements of this standard.

The longitudinal line application machine shall be capable of accurately superimposing succeeding
coats of paint upon the first coat and upon existing lines.

The longitudinal line application machine shall consist of a rubber-tyred vehicle which is
manoeuvrable, to the extent that straight lines can be followed and normal curves can be painted in
true arcs. The machine shall be capable of applying road marking paints and glass beads at the rates

The longitudinal line application machine shall be equipped with the following:

a) a positive acting cut-off device to prevent depositing paint in gaps of broken lines, and

b) a glass bead dispenser located behind the paint applicator nozzle and which is controlled
simultaneously with the paint applicator nozzle.

Where the configuration or location of a longitudinal line is such that the use of a longitudinal line
application machine is unsuitable, road marking paint and glass beads may be applied by
hand-sprayed means.

Stencils, boards and hand-spray equipment shall be used to paint transverse markings. Stencils shall
conform to the dimensions shown on the design documents or in the Queensland Manual of Uniform
Traffic Control Devices.

All road marking vehicles shall have been tested and calibrated to achieve the required rates of
application of road marking materials. Application of paint and glass beads to new pavement surface

All markings shall be of uniform thickness and intensity. Care shall be taken to avoid overspray on to
the surrounding area.

Waterborne paint shall not be heated to a temperature greater than 65°C.

Two coats of paint and glass beads shall be applied on longitudinal lines to new surfaces.

Each coat of paint for any longitudinal line group, including glass beads, shall be applied in one pass
of the longitudinal line application machine, regardless of the number, width and pattern of the
individual lines involved.

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Technical Specification, MRTS45 Road Surface Delineation

The first coat of paint shall be applied using Type B-HR glass beads. A second coat of paint shall be
applied as directed by the Administrator, using glass beads as specified in Clause 2 of
Annexure MRTS45.1.

The Contractor shall obtain approval from the Administrator prior to any application of the first coat of

Glass beads shall be uniformly incorporated in all coats of paint concurrently with the application of the
paint. Application rates

The minimum application rates for the paint and glass beads shall be as specified in Table

Table – Application rates for paint and glass beads

Asphalt and 7 mm chip seal

Chip seal surfaces >7 mm seal
Work type Wet paint Coverage Wet paint Coverage
application (minimum application (minimum
rate lit/m² per coat) g/m² rate lit/m² per coat) g/m²
Longitudinal 0.375 ± 0.025 >300 0.415 ± 0.025 >330
lines – first coat
Type B (drop-on
beads), B-HR
Longitudinal 0.375 ± 0.025 >300 0.415 ± 0.025 >330
lines – second coat
Type B (drop-on
beads), B-HR
Longitudinal 0.375 ± 0.025 >300 0.415 ± 0.025 >330
lines – repaint Type B
(drop-on beads), B-HR
Longitudinal 0.500 ± 0.025 >500 0.550 ± 0.025 >550
lines – second coat or
repaint applying
Type D, D-HR beads
Transverse 0.375 ± 0.025 >300 >330
lines – Type B (drop-on
beads), B-HR
Transverse 0.500 ± 0.025 >400 >440
lines – Type D, D-HR

The combination application rates for skid resistance and glass beads, shall not exceed the values
specified previously and in Clause 6.1.4, unless specified by the manufacturer.

7.5.3 Thermoplastic material Primer

If primer is required, a primer of the type recommended by the manufacturer of the thermoplastic
material, shall be applied to the surface immediately in advance of, but concurrent with, the application
of thermoplastic material.

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Technical Specification, MRTS45 Road Surface Delineation

The primer shall be applied at the application rate recommended by the manufacturer and shall not be
thinned. Application of thermoplastic material

Thermoplastic material may be applied by screeding, spraying, extrusion or profiling, or as preformed


Thermoplastic material shall be applied to the pavement at a temperature between 180°C–200°C,

unless a different temperature is recommended by the manufacturer.

The pavement surface to which thermoplastic material is applied, shall be completely coated by the
material and any voids in the pavement surface shall be filled. Application rate

Thermoplastic material shall be applied at the minimum thickness specified in Table

Table – Thermoplastic application thickness

Location Minimum application thickness (mm)

Longitudinal lines 2
Transverse markings 2

Glass beads shall be applied immediately to the surface of the molten thermoplastic material at a rate
of not less than 120 g/m².

7.5.4 Cold applied plastic Primer

If primer is required, a primer of the type recommended by the manufacturer of the cold applied plastic
material, shall be applied to the surface immediately in advance of, but concurrent with, the application
of the cold applied plastic material. The primer shall be applied at the application rate recommended
by the manufacturer and shall not be thinned. Application

Cold Applied Plastic (CAP) shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. The
applied dry film thickness of cold plastic laid, shall not be less than 700 microns for longitudinal line
marking and a minimum of 1 mm for transverse line marking. Where CAP is to be applied to a new
surface, two coats of waterborne paint shall be applied to the surface, prior to the application of CAP.
Waterborne paint shall be applied in accordance with Clause CAP shall be applied
28 – 90 days following the application of waterborne paint on a new surface.

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Technical Specification, MRTS45 Road Surface Delineation

Applying cold applied plastic incorporating glass beads under the following conditions, will achieve
the best results:

a) air temperature >5°C and ≤35°C

b) pavement temperature >5°C and ≤45°C

c) relative humidity <85%

d) air movement >10 km/h (reasonable air movement), and

e) adequate protection of lines from traffic during the drying process.

Cold applied plastic must not be applied when relative humidity is above 85% and when air or
pavement temperatures are below 5°C.

Cold applied plastic materials must be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommended application temperature. Application at the manufacturer's recommended
temperature, will assist in achieving the correct glass bead embedment depth, to aid bead retention
and marking retroreflectivity or night-time visibility. This is an important consideration especially
when using the large diameter Type D or Type D-HR glass beads.

Table – Application rates for cold applied plastic and glass beads

Line type Minimum CAP Coverage (minimum

application rate lit/m² per coat) g/m²
Longitudinal lines – Type D-HR beads 0.700 >450

Transverse lines – Type D-HR / antiskid beads 1.000 >500

The application rates cold applied plastic shall not be less than the values specified previously.
Application rates may be increased to meet requirements for dry film thickness.

7.6 Raised pavement markers

7.6.1 Application of retroreflective pavement markers

The use of raised retroreflective pavement markers shall be in accordance with Clause 5.6.2 of Part 2
of the MUTCD.

7.6.2 Application of non-reflective pavement markers

The use of non-reflective raised pavement markers shall be in accordance with Clause 5.6.3 of Part 2
of the MUTCD.

7.7 Audio tactile line marking

7.7.1 Application of audio tactile line marking

ATLM shall be configured as a pattern of raised ribs. At locations where edge lines have not been
marked (such as across narrow structures), ATLM shall not be applied.

ATLM shall be applied in a controlled manner, to produce a finished longitudinal line with a consistent
appearance and profile that provides a significant audible warning.

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Technical Specification, MRTS45 Road Surface Delineation

7.7.2 Application on existing painted lines

Immediately prior to application of ATLM, all extraneous or loose material shall be removed from areas
where the material is to be applied. In addition, existing line markings shall be prepared and primed, in
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, to ensure satisfactory adhesion of the material.

7.7.3 Placement and dimension of audio tactile line marking

Where nominated in the Contract, ATLM shall be applied to all lines shown on the design documents
and shall only be applied to the painted portion of the marked lines. ALTM shall meet the dimensions
shown in Figure 7.7.3(a), Figure 7.7.3(b) and Figure 7.7.3(c) and shall conform to the tolerances
shown in Table 7.9.2.

Use of ATLMs on Wide Centreline treatments are outlined in Clause 7.11 of this Technical

The height of the raised ribs is measured from the plane surface formed by the tops of the aggregate.

Diagrams depicting these requirements are provided in Figure 7.7.3(a), Figure 7.7.3(b) and
Figure 7.7.3(c).

Figure 7.7.3(a) – ATLM edge line

Figure 7.7.3(b) – ATLM centre double barrier lines

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Technical Specification, MRTS45 Road Surface Delineation

Figure 7.7.3(c) – Height measurement of the raised rib

7.7.4 Gaps for cyclists

A 1.5 m gap, spaced every 20 m, shall be provided in the ATLM edge line.

7.7.5 Adjacent residences – noise considerations

Refer to TRUM Volume 2 Part 5 for guidelines on the installation of ATLM near residences.

Excerpt from the TRUM manual Volume 2 Guide to Road Safety Part 5 Road safety for rural and
remote areas:

4.4.4 Noise effects

Noise generated by ATLM can be a problem to nearby residents. ATLM should not be
installed on either the centre line or the edge line where there is increased potential that
vehicles will traverse the ATLM AND where residences are within 200 metres of the

7.7.6 Luminance and retroreflectivity

Glass beads in accordance with AS 2009 Type C, shall be mixed into the material at a rate of not less
than 30% by mass prior to application.

Glass beads in accordance with AS 2009 Type B or B-HR, shall be applied immediately to the surface
of the material. The minimum rate to be retained on the material's surface is 200 g/m². In order to
enhance retention, the beads shall have a proprietary adhesive coating.

The material shall have a minimum titanium dioxide content of 10% by mass.

Acceptance of the retroreflectivity of the road marking, shall be based on the marking achieving a
minimum level of reflectivity of 350 mcd/lux/m² measured in accordance with Clause 6.1.1.

7.8 Protection of the work

Newly placed pavement markings shall be protected from damage by traffic or other causes, using
acceptable traffic management procedures, until the material is dry (no pick-up condition), or has
hardened sufficiently to prevent such damage.

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Technical Specification, MRTS45 Road Surface Delineation

7.9 Tolerances

7.9.1 Pavement markings

Completed pavement markings shall:

a) be uniform

b) have clean and well-defined edges without running or deformation, and

c) conform to the dimensions shown on the design documents or in MUTCD.

Longitudinal lines shall be straight on straight alignment and shall be on a true arc on curved

When completed, pavement markings shall conform to the tolerances specified in Table 7.9.1.

Additionally, arrows and letters shall be placed square to the centreline of the traffic lane.

Drips, overspray, improper markings and paint and thermoplastic material tracked by traffic, shall be
immediately removed from the pavement surface by methods which do not damage the pavement

Table 7.9.1 – Tolerances – Pavement marking

Dimension Tolerance (mm)

Longitudinal lines
Width of line ±5
Width of gap between adjacent lines ±5
Length of line and / or gap ±100
new construction, reseals and asphalt overlays and repaints ±300
Placement from spotting for new construction, reseals and asphalt overlays ±20
Placement from existing line (repaints) ±15
Trueness of line <15 in 10 m
Transverse markings
Dimension of transverse markings and shapes ±20
Placement from spotting ±10
Placement from existing markings ±10

7.9.2 Audio tactile line marking

The distance between the centreline of the completed marking and the centreline of the existing
painted line marking, is to be less than 10 mm.

The apparent line of the markings is to be a smooth, continuous alignment when viewed in the
direction of the line.

Audio tactile material shall comply with the requirements of Clause 6.1.5. The Contractor shall install
ATLM within the limits outlined in Table 7.9.2.

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Technical Specification, MRTS45 Road Surface Delineation

Table 7.9.2 – Audio tactile line marking tolerances

Aspect Dimension Tolerance (mm)

Height of raised rib 8 mm +2, -1
Centre to centre spacing of raised rib 250 mm ±50
Length of raised rib 50 mm ±2
Slope angle of raised rib 45 degrees Approximately
Width of raised rib (edge line) 150 mm ±2
Width of raised rib (Centre barrier line) 80 mm ±2

7.9.3 Raised pavement markers

When installed, raised pavement markers shall conform to the tolerances specified in Table 7.9.3.

Table 7.9.3 – Tolerances – Raised pavement markers

Tolerance (mm) Distance

Lateral position
barrier / edge line +25, -50 From edge of line
broken line ±10 From edge of line
flush medians ±10 From edge of line
Longitudinal position
broken line ±10 1 m from start of line
new construction ±100 1 m from start of line
replacement ±300 1 m from start of line

7.10 Removal of existing pavement markings

Where required under the Contract, existing pavement markings shall be removed by the appropriate
method stated in Table 7.10. Where a method is stated in Clause 5 of Annexure MRTS45.1, that
method shall be used.

Table 7.10 – Method of removal of existing pavement marking

Method of removal Duration of result

Abrasive blasting Permanent
Chip seal Permanent
Emulsion and sand <2 weeks
Line grinder (asphalt only) Permanent
Profiler (asphalt only) Permanent
Skid resistant enhanced black cold applied resin or plastic <6 months
Water blasting Permanent

Transport and Main Roads Specification, July 2021 14

Technical Specification, MRTS45 Road Surface Delineation

7.11 Wide centreline treatments

7.11.1 Application of wide centreline treatments

Notwithstanding the requirements of Clause 7.7.3, where wide centre line treatment has been
installed, ATLM shall be installed abutting longitudinal line marking. Refer to Section F.8.2 of Road
Planning and Design Manual 2nd Edition Volume 3 Part 3 Appendix F, for detailed guidelines on the
application of this treatment.

8 Installation of raised pavement markers and pavement bars

Raised pavements markers and pavement bars, shall be installed to the details, and in the locations
shown on the design documents or in the Queensland Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices.

Prior to installation of the markers or bars, any material detrimental to the adhesion between the item
and the pavement, shall be removed.

Adhesive shall be prepared, applied and cured strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's

Care shall be taken when heating soft adhesives. A proprietary-built, gas heated kettle shall be
employed for this purpose.

9 Compliance testing
9.1 General
Compliance testing of the completed works shall be carried out for each lot during installation and

9.2 Testing frequencies and number of tests

The Contractor is responsible for performing sufficient tests, to ensure that the Works comply with the
Contract, including the requirements of this Technical Specification. However, the Contractor's testing
program shall be such that the testing frequencies and number of tests are not less than those stated
in Clause 5.3.

9.3 Geometrics

Geometric tolerances shall be checked at regular intervals not greater than those specified in Clause 6
of Annexure MRTS45.1.

10 Supplementary requirements
The requirements of MRTS45 Road Surface Delineation are varied by the supplementary
requirements given in Clause 7 of Annexure MRTS45.1.

Transport and Main Roads Specification, July 2021 15

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