A Textbook of Green Chemistry: Sankar P. Dey Nayim Sepay
A Textbook of Green Chemistry: Sankar P. Dey Nayim Sepay
A Textbook of Green Chemistry: Sankar P. Dey Nayim Sepay
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Green Chemistry
A Textbook of
Green Chemistry
Sankar Prasad Dey, Ph.D. (J.U)
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry (UG &PG),
Behala College, Parnashree, Kolkata-700060, India
Former Head and Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry,
Srikrishna College, Nadia, West Bengal, India
Former Post-Doctoral Fellow, Paul Sabatier University, France
A Textbook of Green Chemistry
By Sankar Prasad Dey & Nayim Sepay
Published by:
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E-mail: technoworldcal@gmail.com
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First Edi on: September , 2021
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ISBN: 978-93-92145-03-2
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To the fond memory of my parents - Sankar P. Dey,
To my Parents and brothers - Nayim Sepay
To the people of the whole world who have died in Covid-19, a worst
pandemic in the history of more than 100 years
e authors have consulted various research journals and books on the green chemistry of
the previous authors to borrow the views, ideas and information for writing this book.
ey are indebted to those authors who have made remarkable contribution in this eld.
We are highly indebted to our parents who worked hard, took pain for the continuation of
our studies and always wanted us to do something.
Dr. Dey is proud of his daughter(Manideepa) and son(Archisman) for helping him in
different ways at the time of preparing hard and so copy of the manuscript. He is thankful
to his brother (Kinkar) for his constant encouragement. He is also thankful to his brother-
in-law, Mr. Subhasish Das who took his care and helped in different ways for saving from
serious illness. He is also grateful to his loving wife(Mousumi) for providing the moral
support in completing the book.
Dr. Sepay is thankful to his parents and brothers (Nasim and Nadir) for their constant
moral support and encouragement during work of the book.
ey express their thanks to Mr. Amiya Kumar Jana for checking some chapters and giving
valuable comments in regard of improvement of the book.
Finally, we are thankful to the M/S Techno World, Kolkata for publication of the book
during Covid-19 pandemic.
Green Chemistry is a fast developing and new area of chemistry. e subject of green
chemistry has developed tremendously in the last thirty to forty years to prevent or
minimize the harmful effects of various chemicals on the human health and the
environment. Green chemistry is now not only con ned within the students of chemistry.
Students of different other disciplines also need to know this subject. e book has been
written in a very systematic way in simple language and lucid style covering the whole
CBCS syllabus of the UGC to meet the requirements of the students in a desired way.
e book has been divided into twelve chapters to cover the full syllabus of the UG and PG
courses of green chemistry. e book covers introduction and the twelve principles of
green chemistry, metrics of green chemistry, use of green solvents, green catalysts, green
reagents, renewable energy sources (Microwave, Ultrasound and Light) in various types of
organic synthesis including solvent free synthesis, industrial applications and future
trends in green chemistry.
An added feature of the book is the inclusion of sufficient number of questions with their
answers at the end of each chapter for developing the skill of the students and familiar with
the various types of questions so that they can face the different examinations con dently.
In addition, a set of questions have been added under the head 'Exercise' to improve the
con dence level of the students to solve the unknown problems.
We hope the book will be immensely helpful to the students of chemistry of the UG and PG
courses of all the Indian universities. We are sure that in spite of our sincere effort, some
errors may have crept in. We shall be thankful to the learned readers if they bring these
errors to the notice of the authors. Following quotation may be mentioned here in regard of
errors in the book.
“A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new”------ Albert Einstein
Constructive suggestion and comment from the readers will gladly be accepted for
improvement of the book.
Finally, we are thankful to the M/S Techno World, Kolkata for publication of the book
during Covid-19 pandemic.