The document lists the sessions of the Indian National Congress from 1885 to 1946. It provides details of the session number, place held, dates, and president for each annual session. Over 60 years, the Congress met annually in different cities across India and was led by prominent Indian nationalist leaders.
The document lists the sessions of the Indian National Congress from 1885 to 1946. It provides details of the session number, place held, dates, and president for each annual session. Over 60 years, the Congress met annually in different cities across India and was led by prominent Indian nationalist leaders.
The document lists the sessions of the Indian National Congress from 1885 to 1946. It provides details of the session number, place held, dates, and president for each annual session. Over 60 years, the Congress met annually in different cities across India and was led by prominent Indian nationalist leaders.
The document lists the sessions of the Indian National Congress from 1885 to 1946. It provides details of the session number, place held, dates, and president for each annual session. Over 60 years, the Congress met annually in different cities across India and was led by prominent Indian nationalist leaders.