Bahir Dar University Bahir Dar Institute of Technology Faculity of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Industrial Engineering Department
Bahir Dar University Bahir Dar Institute of Technology Faculity of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Industrial Engineering Department
Bahir Dar University Bahir Dar Institute of Technology Faculity of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Industrial Engineering Department
Mrs. Eden A.
We declare that the work which is being presented in this thesis entitled “supply chain
performance measure and improvement for Amhara pipe factory” is our original work. All
the resource of materials used for this thesis has been duly acknowledged.
Students Name signature date
Semahegn melkamu _____________________ __________
Alemnew Damtie _____________________ __________
Besufekad Hailu _____________________ __________
This is to certify that the above declaration made by the candidate is correct to the best of our
1. Introduction
Supply chain management encompasses the planning and management of all activities involved
in sourcing, procurement conversion and logistics management activities that include
coordination and collaboration with channel partners. Through an efficient and effective supply
chain management, a business organization could get the right goods and services to the place
needed at the right time, in proper quantity and at acceptable cost. Recently, SCM has become
one of the most important strategic aspect of any business entity and increasingly important in a
global economy [3]. The supply chain process is complex, composite business process
comprising a hierarchy of different levels of value delivering business processes. Designing a
high performance supply chain is a very challenging task due to the complex structure of the
supply chains and ever changing business. Some of the important reasons for the complexity of
the decision making process are large scale nature of the supply chain networks, hierarchical
structure of decision, randomness of various inputs and operations and dynamic nature of
interactions among supply chain elements. To improve the performance of supply chain, it is
essential to identify the parameters (criteria’s) and sub-parameters (sub- criteria’s) affecting the
performance; appropriate measures for parameters and sub-parameters. Researchers have
developed different supply chain evaluation models. The objectives of this paper are to identify
imperatives of supply chain performance measurement, and present review of available models
and their limitations.
1.1. Background of the company
Amhara Pipe Factory (APF) was founded in 2009, as a Joint- Venture Company, between
Golden Trade Company, an Egyptian Company and Amhara Water Works Construction
Enterprise a local Ethiopian company. The annual production capacity is 12, 425.204 ton and the
joint initial investment is expected to cost 100million birr. Of this, Golden Trade will contribute
30% in the form of machinery, installation and training of staff while the remaining 70% will be
covered by the enterprise. The company promotes itself as a “Technology Transfer Company”
specializing in the development and establishment of joint venture companies to manufacture
Geo-synthetic, with an emphasis on pipes, geo-membranes and related products. So far the
company has been set up to manufacture U-PVC [un-plasticized polyvinyl chloride] pipe, High-
density polyethylene [HDPE] pipe and Geo-membrane.
Geo-membrane is used mostly as canal and pond liners with a size of 0.5mm to 2.5mm. RPVC
[rigid polyvinyl chloride], used for pressure and drain pipe, is produced with specifications that
range from 16mm to 630mm and up to PN 16 pressure [can withstand 160MPa at 200C].
HDPE is a polyethylene thermoplastic made from petroleum and mostly used for agricultural
activity. Coiled HDPE pipe is used for irrigation and general soil stabilization.
The factory will manufacture products which they previously imported from China, Italy, India,
France and the Middle East or domestically procured from Oromia Pipe Factory and the
factory’s output will be enough to meet the demands of the region.
Supply chain Performance measure has a positive impact on the development and improvement
of current supply chain performance of a company. This can create new opportunities and
improve the competitiveness of the manufacturing operations and productivity of the company.
Still now Amhara pipe factory have no a great concern about measuring their current
performance, they worry only about meeting their customer orders and expected profits.
This research proposal will important the following conditions:
The Amhara pipe factory produces its products in scheduled manner.
The company comparing its supplier and deduce the best supplier.
The company knows the end user of the product perfectly.
1.2. Statement of the problem
The company distribution channels are not such sufficient to more profitability, so it is difficult
to address final products for all customers within timely. Average down times of total working
hours per year and average of 5hrs per day down time due to the lack of proper supply chain
from procurement to end users. It is difficult to get raw materials on time because all suppliers
are from foreign countries and shortage of foreign currency.
The company lacks the specific number of loyal customers that awareness about the end users of
measuring their supply chain performance and produces based on determined orders i.e. they do
not treat customers who want direct purchase but when the company have products in stock the
customer can directly purchase the products. Make to order system of product is not appreciated
in such production system.
The company gets raw materials from foreign country basically from Korea and takes long time
to receive (more than two months) and pays money through bank after receiving raw materials.
And sell the product to the customer’s takes time relative to the suppliers also. Due to this
shortage of raw material and foreign currency fluctuation happens. As a result, due to those
problems the company losses its supply chain performance.
1.3. Objective
1.3.1. General objective
The main objective of this study is to measure and analyze the existing supply chain
performance of Amhara pipe factory and improve it.
1.3.2. Specific objectives
To measure the existing supply chain performance of the factory
To identify weakness and strength of the company related to supply chain performance
To identify the root cause that affect supply chain performance of the company
Improving this analyzed obstacle to the supply chain performance.
Supplier center
The Production Planning and Inventory Control Process encompass the manufacturing and
storage sub-processes, and their interface(s). More specifically, production planning describes
the design and management of the entire manufacturing process (including raw material
scheduling and acquisition, manufacturing process design and scheduling, and material handling
design and control). Inventory control describes the design and management of the storage
policies and procedures for raw materials, work-in-process inventories, and usually, final
The Distribution and Logistics Process determines how products are retrieved and transported
from the warehouse to retailers. These products may be transported to retailers directly, or may
first be moved to distribution facilities, which, in turn, transport products to retailers. This
process includes the management of inventory retrieval, transportation, and final product
delivery. These processes interact with one another to produce an integrated supply chain. The
design and management of these processes determine the extent to which the supply chain works
as a unit to meet required performance objectives.
2.2. Supply chain performance: achieving strategic fit and scope
A competitive strategy will specify, either explicitly or implicitly, one or more customer
segments that a company hopes to satisfy. To achieve strategic fit a company must ensure that its
supply chain capabilities support its ability to satisfy the targeted customer segment.
There are three basic steps to achieve strategic fit:
1. Understand the customer and supply chain uncertainty
2. Understanding the supply chain capabilities
3. Achieving strategic fit
3. Methodology
3.1. Data collection
In order to conduct measuring supply chain performance we used different methods of data
collection techniques, primary and secondary data collection. to collect available data and
identify their drawbacks.
i. Primary data collection
Physical observation: we will assess the existing supply chain performance of the
company, APF
Interview: we will conduct with concerned bodies like middle manager, resource and
raw material department, marketing department, and agents. In order to get detailed
information about the existing supply chain performance.
ii. Secondary data collection
Recorded company data: we will assess previously recorded data about the supply chain
Literature Survey: we have been conducted on the existing literatures to get empirical
knowledge about concepts of supply chain performance measurement. This is conducted
by using the following data sources: articles, published journals, unpublished journals,
graduate reports on various aspects of supply chain performance measurement, and
3.2. Data analysis
To analyze the collected primary and secondary data, tools used are: Gantt chart, SPC tools like
cause and effect (fish bone diagram) to identify the causes and its effect and Pareto analysis
(80/20 rule) used to identify the vital few problems selecting from trivial many that have the
greatest impact. After analyzing the current supply chain performance measure the major supply
chain performance measurement factor. Based on the result of the study, measure the current
supply chain performance of the case company (i.e. reliability and cost performance), order
receiving time, order completion time, delivery time. Finally conclusion has been drawn; and
important recommendation for APF has been forwarded.
3.3. Tools used to analysis of supply chain performance
The work plan of this project comprises the activity performing starting from the proposal
writing to the final presentation of the project thesis. There is a time three months and the
activity classified weekly in each month. The activity also grouped to eight major duties.
8. Presentation
1. Chopra, Sunil and Peter Mendel, Supply Chain Management. 2 ed. Upper
Saddle River: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004.
2. Supply chain performance measurement framework: case studies on the
Thai manufacturers Pasutham, A. (Author). 1 Jun 2012
3. Performance evaluation of supply chain using SCOR model : The case of
Pt. Yuasa, Indonesia”, Sudaryanto and Rudiana Bahri, International
seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management; Menara Peninsula;
Jakarta, August 29-30 2007, ISSN:1978-774x, pp C49-C55.