Yared Love Gear Box Design
Yared Love Gear Box Design
Yared Love Gear Box Design
A Project Submitted To
Department of Mechanical Engineering
for Accomplishment of 3rd Year Machine Design Project Course
Submitted by
APRIL 2011
Dire dawa university
Gear design
1.1. Introduction
Gear drives consist of gears as main transmission elements mounted on shafts supported by
bearings. In open gear drives the bearings carrying shafts are supported in rigid frames while in
closed gear drives bearing are supported in the casing or body, normally made in two halves and
may be cast or welded. The casing also stores lubricant at the bottom and is designed to keep the
body cool, drain the oil for oil change, hooks for lifting and windows for observing the gears.
The design of gear drives involves:
Design of gears for power to be transmitted and velocity ratio
Design of shafts
Selection of rolling contact bearings or design of sliding contact bearings
Design of casing with all details
Providing bearings covers and seals.
Gear drives are mainly used as reducer which may be made in single, double or triple stages.
Single, two and three stage reducer may appear with its shafts in parallel, also two stages with
power bifurcation or with coaxial input and output shafts. With axes inclined at right angles for
bevel gear or combination of bevel and spur gears. Worm and gear drive with the worm placed
horizontally below or above the worm gear or with the worm placed in vertical position.
Combinations of double worm and wheel reducer or spur gear and worm wheel drive are also
common gear drive type.
Gearboxes are used in almost every industry right from power to marine, and also include
agriculture, textile, automobiles, aerospace, shipping etc. There are different types of gearboxes
available for varying uses. These gearboxes are constructed from a variety of materials
depending on their end use and the kind of industry they are being used in. The product has
numerous industrial applications for providing high torque and smooth speed reductions. These
gearboxes are also manufactured keeping certain specifications in mind, which will also vary
depending on the application.
A gearbox, also known as a gear case or gear head, is a gear or a hydraulic system responsible
for transmitting mechanical power from a prime mover (an engine or electric motor) into some
form of useful output. It is referred to the metal casing in which a number of gears are sealed.
1.1.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Gear Drives
The following are the advantages and disadvantages of the gear drive as compared to other
drives, i.e. belt, rope and chain drives:
1. It transmits exact velocity ratio.
2. It may be used to transmit large power.
3. It may be used for small centre distances of shafts.
4. It has high efficiency.
5. It has reliable service.
6. It has compact layout.
1. since the manufacture of gears require special tools and equipment, therefore it is costlier than
other drives.
A. Specification
i. Power [kw]:- 3KW
ii. Input Speed [rpm]: 1250
iii. Total Gear Ratio:-12.5:1
iv. Arrangement :-Straight drive
v. Driving Machine: Electric Motor
vi. Driven Machine:-simple grinding machine
vii. Housing Design:- Welded sheet metal
B. Main Task of the Project
1. Select the best alternative for gears carrying out preliminary calculation
2. Calculate precisely the geometry of the selected alternative so that the relative slippages
at the boarder points of the length of engagement are equalized.
3. Check the strength of the pair of gears.
4. Check the strength of the shafts and key joints.
5. Select the proper type of bearings that fulfill the requirement Lh = 12000 hrs
6. Construct the gearbox in 1:1 and trace with ink. The main fitted and calculated sizes
should be given in the drawing.
7. Check critical speeds of the shafts
8. Select an appropriate lubrication
9. Prepare a design report of the gearbox containing the assumptions, considerations,
calculations and remarks concerning the project.
In single stage gear reduction, low velocity ratios must be used for straight tooth spur gears, for
high velocity ratios helical gears are recommended. Then determine number of stages: Speed
ratio i 8 is one stage type speed reducer (straight spur gear may be used); two-stage speed
reducer have speed ratio between 8 and 40, greater than 40 three-stage type speed reducer.
For a two-stage gear reducer, the distribution of the speed ratio between the two stages is as
Due to above standards my design of gear box is double stage gear box with
helical gear`
iinput 1,2 to1,25 itotal And ioutput
Ioutput = = 2.5
Then for velocities smaller than 5 m/s straight spur gears are used, for values greater than 5 m/s
helical gears must be used. In cases of speed ratio from 6 to 8 and velocity greater than 5 m/s
helical gears must be used. For my design helical gear with two stage is selected.
1.4. Gear Material
Type of the load acting on the gear drive and materials selection for the gears
Table-1 According with the load to be transmitted
Input power/output Load Materials for gears Hardness
0,1 Light Carbon steel or Cast iron BHN 350
0,1 to 0,3 Medium Carbon or Alloy steel BHN>350
>0,3 Heavy Alloy steel BHN>350
The total gear ratio is=12.5 since my design of gear box is two stage gear box I must distribute
the gear ratio in to two stages.
12.5= (5*2.5)
Output speed=1250/12.5=100rpm
Speed in first stage=1250/5=250rpm
Speed in second stage=250/2.5=100rpm
1.5. Power and Torque Requirements
Power transmission systems will typically be specified by a power capacity, for example,a
40-horsepower gearbox. This rating specifies the combination of torque and speed that the unit
can endure. Remember that, in the ideal case, power in equals power out, so that we can refer to
the power being the same throughout the system. In reality, there are small losses due to factors
like friction in the bearings and gears. In many transmission systems, the losses in the rolling
bearings will be negligible. Gears have a reasonably high efficiency, with about 1 to 2 percent
power loss in a pair of meshed gears.
Thus in the double reduction gearbox with two pairs of meshed gears the output power is
likely to be about 2 to 4 percent less than the input power. Since this is a small loss, it is common
to speak of simply the power of the system, rather than input power and output power.
Torque, on the other hand, is typically not constant throughout a transmission System.
Remember that power equals the product of torque and speed. Since power in Power out, we
know that for a gear train with a constant power, a gear ratio to decrease the angular velocity will
simultaneously Increase torque.
60 P'
Calculated from T = =286Nm
2 * 3.14 Noutput
The angular speed became,
1.6. Gear and pinion teeth calculation
The governing equations are
Z3/Z2 = 5
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Z5/Z4 = 2.5
Z2 + Z3 = Z4 + Z5
With three equations and four unknown numbers of teeth, only one free choice is available of the
two smaller gears, Z2 and Z4, the free choice should be used to minimize Z2 since a greater gear
ratio is to be achieved in this stage. To avoid interference assuming the minimum for Z2 is 14
Applying the governing equations yields
Z3 = 6Z2 = 6(14) = 70
Z2 + Z3 = 14 + 70= 84 = Z4 + Z5
Substituting Z5 = 2.5Z4 gives
84 = 2.5Z4 + Z4 = 3.5Z4
Z4 = 84/3.5 = 24
Then the four numbers of teeth are;
Z2=14 Z3=70
Z4=24 Z5=60
1.7. Interference
The contact of portions of tooth profiles that are not conjugate is called interference.
Consider Fig Illustrated . The initial and final points of contact are designated A and B,
respectively, and are located on the pressure line. Now notice that the points of tangency of the
pressure line with the base circles C and D are located inside of points A and B. Interference is
present.Contact begins when the tip of the driven tooth contacts the flank of the driving tooth. In
this case the flank of the driving tooth first makes contact with the driven tooth at point A, and
this occurs before the involutes portion of the driving tooth comes within range. In other words,
contact is occurring below the base circle of gear 2 on the non involute portion of the flank. The
actual effect is that the involute tip or face of the driven gear tends to dig out the non involute
flank of the driver. In this example the same effect occurs again as the teeth leave contact.
Contact should end at point D or before. Since it does not end until point B, the effect is for the
tip of the driving tooth to dig out, or interfere with, the flank of the driven tooth.
When gear teeth are produced by a generation process, interference is automatically eliminated
because the cutting tool removes the interfering portion of the flank. This effect is called
undercutting; if undercutting is at all pronounced, the undercut tooth is considerably weakened.
Thus the effect of eliminating interference by a generation process is merely to substitute another
problem for the original one. The smallest number of teeth on a spur pinion and gear,1 one-to-
one gear ratio, which can exist without interference is NP . This number of teeth for spur gears is
T= =23Nm
Wt= = = N
V= = = =916m mm/s
TE= =26
Tooth form factor for the pinion for 20° stub teeth
y' =0.175-
234 πm
19663m3 =46290+3009976m
Solving this equation by hit and trial method, we find that
m = 4.7 say 5 mm
1.8.2. Calculation of module for second stage
We know that the torque transmitted by the pinion in second stage
T= =145Nm
Wt= = = N
V= = = =314m mm/s
Cv = =
TE= =44
Tooth form factor for the pinion for 20° stub teeth
y' =0.175-
196 πm
17964m3 =181290+3795004m
Solving this equation by hit and trial method, we find that
m = 5.57 say 6 mm
b = 12.5 m
Pressure ngle = 20
Select Module for first stage m = 5
And for the second stage m=6
Helix angle for first stage=35
Thus, for a short period of time, there will be two teeth in contact, one in the vicinity of A and
another near B. As the meshing proceeds, the pair near B must cease contact, leaving only a
single pair of contacting teeth, until the procedure repeats itself. Because of the nature of this
tooth action, either one or two pairs of teeth in contact, it is convenient to define the term contact
ratio mc as
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mc = pc = m) and qt =1.2p
a number that indicates the average number of pairs of teeth in contact. Note that this ratio is also
equal to the length of the path of contact divided by the base pitch. Gears should not generally be
designed having contact ratios less than about 1.2
Contact Ratio calculation for first stage
mc =
pc = m) =3.14*5 =15
qt =1.2p 1.2*15=18
mc = =1.2
pc = m =3.14*6 =19
qt =1.2p= 1.2*15=23
mc = =1.22
Clearance=0.25Mn =0.25*5=1.25mm
Addendum circle =module=5
Distance and Tooth thickness on pitch are respectively
a= and Sn=
a= =257mm and
Sn=. =7.85mm
1.10.3. Design for the pinion and gear for first stage
We know that the torque transmitted by the pinion
T= =23Nm
Wt= = =534N
Since both the pinion and gear are made of the same material (i.e. steel C45), therefore
the pinion is weaker. Thus the design will be based upon the pinion. We know that formative or
equivalent number of teeth, in helical gears, the contact between mating teeth is gradual, starting
at one end and moving along the teeth so that at any instant the line of contact runs diagonally
across the teeth.
Therefore in order to find the strength of helical gears, a modified Lewis equation is used. It is
given by
m = Module, and
y' = Tooth form factor or Lewis factor correspond
The value of velocity factor (Cv) may be taken as follows:
Cv =6/ for peripheral velocities from 5 m / s to 10 m / s.
= for peripheral velocities from 10 m / s to 20 m / s
=0.75/ For peripheral velocities greater than 20 m / s
TE= =26
Tooth form factor for the pinion for 20° stub teeth
Y=0.175 – =0.14265
V= = 5.6 m/s
Cv= =0.516
Since the maximum face width (b) for helical gears may be taken as 8 m to 20 m, where m is
the module, therefore let us take
b = 8m
= 234*0.516*40*3.14*5*0.14265
The pressure angle υn in the normal direction is different from the pressure angle υt inthe
direction of rotation, because of the angularity of the teeth. These angles are relatedby the
υt= tan−1 tan υn/ osψ= tan−1( tan 20◦/cos35◦) = 24◦
A three-dimensional view of the forces acting against a helical gear tooth .The point of
application of the forces is in the pitch plane and in the center of the gear face. From the
geometry the three components of the total (normal)
tooth force W are
The pressure angle υn in the normal direction is different from the pressure angle υt inthe
direction of rotation, because of the angularity of the teeth. These angles are relatedby the
Cosψ=tan υn/tan υt
υt= tan−1 t n υn/ osψ= tan−1( tan 20◦/cos 25◦) = 22◦
The transmitted load is calculated before which is found by total transmitted torque.
Wt =6662N
From above equation we find
Wr= Wt t n υt= (6662) tan24◦ = 2966N
Wa= Wt t nψ= (6662) tan 35◦ = 4665N
W =Wt/ osυn osψ=6662/cos 20◦cos 35◦ = 8654N
1.10.4.Calculation for pinion in stage two
Number of teeth z=24
Pitch circle diameter = = zm,= =159mm
Sn= = =9.4mm
1.10.6. Design for the pinion and gear for second stage
We know that the torque transmitted by the pinion
T= =145KNm
Wt= = =290N
The transmitted load is calculated before which is found by total transmitted torque.
Wt =3597N
Since both the pinion and gear are made of the same material (i.e. cast steel), therefore the
pinion is weaker. Thus the design will be based upon the pinion. We know that formative or
equivalent number of teeth, In helical gears, the contact between mating teeth is gradual, starting
at one end and moving along the teeth so that at any instant the line of contact runs diagonally
across the teeth. Therefore in order to find the strength of helical gears, a modified Lewis
equation is used. It is given by
TE= =35
Tooth form factor for the pinion for 20° stub teeth
Y=0.175 – =0.151
V= = 6m/s
Cv= =0.516
Since the maximum face width (b) for helical gears may be taken as 8 m to 20 m, where m
Module therefore let us takes
b = 8m
= 196*0.516*48*3.14*6*0.151
A three dimensional view of the forces acting against a helical gear tooth. The point of
application of the forces is in the pitch plane and in the center of the gear face. From the
geometry the three components of the total (normal)
Tooth force W is
Wr= W sin υn
Wa= Wttanυn
Where W = total force
Wr= radial component
Wt = tangential component, also called transmitted load
Wa= axial component, also called thrust load
The pressure angle υn in the normal direction is different from the pressure angle υt in
The direction of rotation, because of the angularity of the teeth. These angles are related by the
Cosψ=tan υn/tan υt
Φt= tan−1 t n υn/ osψ= tan−1( tan 20◦/cos 35◦) = 24◦
The transmitted load is calculated before
Wt =3597N
From above equation we find
Wr= Wt t n υt= (3597) tan24◦ = 1602N
Wa= Wt t nψ= (3597) tan 25◦ = 2518.64N
W= =3597/cos 20◦cos25◦ =4673
3 Helix angle 35 35 25 25
4 Module 5 5 6 6
5 Pitch circle diameter 86 428 159 398
6 Root circle diameter 83.5 425.5 144 383
7 Tip circle diameter 96 438 169 408
8 Clearance 1.25 1.25 1.5 1.5
9 Tooth thickness 7.85 7.85 9.4 9.4
σ=Wt KoKvKs ( )( )
Where for U.S. customary units (SI units),the name of each symbols are given in
table-3 These items include issues such as
• Transmitted load magnitude
• Overlo d
• Dyn mi ugmentation of transmitted load
• Size
• Geometry: pit h nd f e width
• Distribution of lo d ross the teeth
• Rim support of the tooth
• Lewis form f tor nd root fillet stress on entr tion
The fundamental equation for pitting resistance (contact stress) is
σ =ZE√
Where Wt, Ko, Kv, Ks, Km, F, and b are the same terms as defined (SI units), the
additional terms are
(ZE)is an elastic coefficient√ )
(ZR) is the surface condition factor
(dw1) is the pitch diameter of the pinion, in (mm)
I (ZI)is the geometry factor for pitting resistance
The equation for the allowable bending stress is
σall =
where pN is the normal base pitch and Z is the length of the line of action in the transverse Use
standard graph to obtain the geometry factor J for helical gears having a 20◦normal pressure
angle and face-contact ratios of mF = 2 or greater for my design I take J=2
1.12.2.Dynamic Factor Kv
As noted earlier, dynamic factors are used to account for inaccuracies in the manufacture and
meshing of gear teeth in action. Transmission error is defined as the departure from uniform
angular velocity of the gear pair. Some of the effects that produce transmission are:
• In ur ies produ ed in the gener tion of the tooth profile; these in lude errors in
tooth spacing, profile lead, and run out
• Vibr tion of the tooth during meshing due to the tooth stiffness
• M gnitude of the pit h-line velocity
• Dyn mi unb l n e of the rot ting members
• We r nd perm nent deform tion of ont ting portions of the teeth
• Ge r sh ft mis lignment nd the line r nd ngul r defle tion of the sh ft
• Tooth fri tion
A = 50 + 56(1 −B)
B = 0.25(12 −Qv) 2/3
Transmission accuracy level number Qv could be taken as the same as the quality number.
The following equations for the dynamic factor are based on these Qv numbers: These numbers
define the tolerances for gears of various sizes manufactured to a specified accuracy.
V= =13m/s
Kv= * +B
Kv= * +1 = 1.25
The load-distribution factor under these conditions is currently given by the face load
distribution factor, Cmf, where
Km = Cmf= 1 + Cmc(Cp f Cpm+ CmaCe)
Cmc= 1 for uncrowned teeth
0.8 for crowned teeth
Cp f= F/10d −0.025 F ≤1mm
Cp f= 1 for straddle-mounted pinion with S1/S <0.175
1.1 for straddle-mounted pinion with S1/S ≥0.175
Cma= A + BF + CF2
Ce= 0.8 for gearing adjusted at assembly, or compatibility 686is improved by lapping, or both
1 for all other conditions
From graph the value of Km =1.3 may be taken
1.12.5. Overload Factor Ko
The overload factor Ko is intended to make allowance for all externally applied loads in excess
of the nominal tangential load Wt in a particular application Examples include variations in
torque from the mean value due to firing of cylinders in an internal combustion engine or
reaction to torque variations in a piston pump drive. There are other similar factors such as
application factor or service factor. These factors are established after considerable field
experience in a particular application most of the time Ko=1
1.12.6. Reliability Factor
The reliability factor accounts for the effect of the statistical distributions of materialfatigue
failures. Load variation is not addressed here. The gear strengths St and Scarebased on a
reliability of 99 percent. The functional relationship between KR and reliability is highly
The terms HBP and HBG are the Brinell hardness (10-mm ball at 3000-kg load) of the pinion
and gear, respectively. The term mG is the speed ratio and is given by
HBP/HBG<1.2, A′ = 0
HBP/HBG>1.7, A′ = 0.006 98
Since both pinion and gear are made up of the same material HBP/HBG=1 SO Hardness-A′=0
then hardness-Ratio Factor CH
CH = 1.0 + A′ (mG−1.0)
CH =1
1.12.9. Temperature Factor KT (Yθ)
For oil or gear-blank temperatures up to (120°C), use KT = Yθ= 1.0. For higher temperatures,
the factor should be greater than unity. Heat exchangers may be used to ensure that operating
temperatures are considerably below this value, as is desirable for the lubricant.
1.12.10 Rim-Thickness Factor KB
When the rim thickness is not sufficient to provide full support for the tooth root, the location of
bending fatigue failure may be through the gear rim rather than at the tooth fillet. In such cases,
the use of a stress-modifying factor KB or (tR) is recommended. This factor, the rim-thickness
factor KB, adjusts the estimated bending stress for the thin-rimmed gear. It is a function of the
backup ratio mB then from table KB=1.3
The safety factor SF guarding against bending fatigue failure and safety factor SH guarding
against pitting failure.
The definition of SF ,
SF =
SH =
σ=Wt KoKvKs ( )( )
σ=Wt KoKvKs ( )( )
σ=6662 ( )( )
σ =32.5KN
SF) P= ( =2
The surface endurance strength of cast steel can be estimated fromAllowable bending stress
numbers for nit riding steel gears St. The SI equationsare
St = 0.594HB + 87.76MPa
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σC= -Cp* ( )+
Note, that the denominator of the second group of terms contains four elastic constants, two for
the pinion and two for the gear. As a simple means of combining and tabulating the results for
the same combinations of pinion and gear materials,
AGMA defines an elastic coefficient Cp by the equation
σC= -187710* ( )+
(σc)P =Cp( )
SH =
SH = =2.5
σ = =955
σ= Wt Kv
σ ll= StYN =299.6kN/mm
The factor of safety for bending of pinion one is
n =σall /σ =299600/290942 =1.03
Pinion tooth wear
σ =ZE√
ZE =4( ) =4(π/8)=1.6
σ =1.6√
4014 N/mm²
Sc=SHσc/ZN =4014 /0.85 =11806N/mm²
σc.all= ScZN /SH = 11806 /2.5 =4723N/mm
Wt =1336.45N
σ =ZE√
ZE =4( ) =4(π/8)=1.6
σ =1.6√ 1140N/m²
= 145234N/mm²
σ ll= StYN =288 1=288000N/mm
The factor of safety for bending of pinion one is
n =σall /σ =288000/145234 =1.98
1.13.3.Pinion two Bending and Wear calculation
Pinion two tooth wear
The transmitted load is calculated before which is found by total transmitted torque.
Wt =3600N
σ =ZE√
σ =1.6√
Sc=SHσc/ZN =1737 /0.85 =2453N/m²
σc.all= ScZN /SH = 2453 2.5/0.85 =7214N/m
The factor of safety for wear of pinion one became
nc=σc,all/σc =7214/2453=2.9
σ = Wt Kv
σ ll= StYN =288 1=288000N/mm
The factor of safety for bending of pinion one is
n =σall /σ =288000/245336 =1.2
Wt =1440N
σ =ZE√
ZE =4( ) =4(π/16)=0.79
σ =0.79√
Sc=SHσc/ZN =386 /0.85 =545N/mm²
σc.all= ScZN /SH = 545 2.5/0.85 =1600N/m
The factor of safety for wear of pinion one became
nc=σc,all/σc =1600/545 =2.9
Gear two tooth bending.
σ = Wt Kv
= =232830N/mm²
Chapter two
2.1 general layout of shaft
The general layout of the shafts, including axial location of gears and bearings, must
now be specified in order to perform a free-body force analysis and to obtain shear force and
bending moment diagrams. If there is no existing design to use as a starter, then the
determination of the shaft layout may have many solutions.
A free-body force analysis can be performed without knowing shaft diameters, but can not be
performed without knowing axial distances between gears and bearings. It is extremely
important to keep axial distances small.
The gears and bearings are positioned against shoulders, with retaining rings to hold them in
position. While itis desirable to place gears near the bearings, a little extra space is provided
between them to accommodate any housing that extends behind the bearing, and to allow for a
bearing puller to have space to access the back of the bearing. The extra change in diameter
between the bearings and the gears allows the shoulder height for the bearing and the bore size
for the gear to be different.
D1 D2 D3 D4
From the above Fig shows the rough sketch It includes all three shafts, with consideration
of how the bearings are to mount in the case. The gear widths are known at this point. Bearing
widths are guessed, allowing a little more space for larger bearings on the intermediate shaft
where bending moments will be greater. Small`` changes in bearing widths will have minimal
effect on the force analysis, since the location of the ground reaction force will change very little.
Before deciding the overall dimensions of the casing it is necessary determined its inside
dimensions as follows: dimensions of gears (pitch diameters and face width) calculated from
strength considerations. Distances of two gears in the same shaft is kept as 10 to 15 mm, inner
periphery boundary of the reducer is drawn at 10 to 15 mm away from the edge of pinion - gear
pair and for the ends of pinion of the first stage and gear of the last stage. Small allotments are
given for the retaining rings, and for space behind the bearings.
Adding it all up gives the intermediate shaft length as 193mm .this means;
Assume bearing thickness (H=B) =30mm
D =40mm which is face width of gears in first stage
F =48mm which is face width of gears in second stage
C=E =G=15mm which is the space between two gears in intermediate shaft gears ,which is
standard in gear box design its value is between (10mm to 15mm) for my design this value
The total length of shafts became;
L =30+30+15+15+15+40+48 =193mm
When a shaft of high strength is required, then an alloy steel such as nickel, nickel-chromium
or Chrome vanadium steel is us .For my design C-45 with Yield strength 360 MPa and
Ultimate tensile strength 660Mpa selected
2.4 Manufacturing method of Shafts
Shafts are generally manufactured by hot rolling and finished to size by cold drawing or
turning and grinding. The cold rolled shafts are stronger than hot rolled shafts but with higher
residual stresses. The residual stresses may cause distortion of the shaft when it is machined,
especially when slots or keyways are cut. Shafts of larger diameter are usually forged and turned
to size in a lathe
2.5 Stresses in Shafts
The following stresses are induced in the shafts:
1. Shear stresses due to the transmission of torque (i.e. due to torsional load).
2. Bending stresses (tensile or compressive) due to the forces acting upon machine
elementsLikegears as well as due to the weight of the shaft itself.
3. Stresses due to combined torsion and bending loads.
Most shafts serve to transmit torque from an input gear or pulley, through the shaft, toan
output gear or pulley. Of course, the shaft itself must be sized to support the torsion stress and
torsion deflection. It is also necessary to provide a means of transmitting the torque between the
shaft and the gears. Common torque-transfer elements are:
• Keys
• Spines
• Sets rews
• Pins
• Press or shrink fits
• T pered fits
2.6 Endurance Limit Modifying Factors on Shaft
Bending, torsion, and axial stresses may be present in both midrange and alternating
components. For analysis, it is simple enough to combine the different types of stresses into
alternating and midrange von Mises stress It is sometimes convenient to customize the equations
specifically for shaft . Axial loads are usually comparatively very small at critical locations
where bending and torsion dominate, so they will be left out of the following equations.
The fluctuating stresses due to bending and torsion are given by;
WhereMm and Ma are the midrange and alternating bending moments, Tm and Ta are the
midrange and alternating torques, and Kf andKf s are the fatigue stress concentration factors for
bending and torsion, respectively. Assuming a solid shaft with round cross section, appropriate
geometry terms can be introduced for c, I, and J resulting in
Combining these stresses in accordance with the distortion energy failure theory,the von
Mises stresses for rotating round, solid shafts, neglecting axial loads, are givenby equation
below; the stress concentration factors are sometimes considered optional for the midrange
components with ductile materials, because of the capacity of the ductile material to yield locally
at the discontinuity
When endurance tests of parts are not available, estimations are made by applying Marin factors
to the endurance limit.
Se = kakbkckdkekfS′e
kc=[ ]
Temperature St
20 1.000
50 1.010
100 1.020
150 1.025
200 1.020
250 1.000
300 0.975
standard deviations of endurance strengths of less than 8 percent. Thus the reliability
modification factor to account for this can be written as
ke= 1 −0.08 za
where za is defined by and values for any desired reliability can be determined from Table
gives reliability factors for some standard specified reliabilities.
TABLE -7.Reliability Factor
Reliability transformation variatezareliability factor
50 0 1.0 00
90 1.288 0.897
95 1.645 0.868
9 9 2.326 0.814
99 .9 3.091 0.753
99.999 4.265 0.659
99.9999 4.753 0.620
qIs usually between zero and unity. Equation above shows that if q = 0, then Kf= 1, and the
material has no sensitivity to notches at all. On the other hand, if q = 1, then Kf= Kt and the
material has full notch sensitivity. In analysis or design work, find Kt first, from the geometry of
the part. Then specify the material, find q, and solve for Kf from the equation
Kf= 1 + q(Kt− 1)
Kf s = 1 + qshear (Kts− 1) ; for steel materials kt=1.65
Kf= 1 + 0.85(1.6 − 1) =1.51
Se =0.98 701Mpa
2.7.2. The endurance limit for torsional
Se =0.98 =414 Mpa
Where the superscripts t and r represent tangential and radial directions, respectively;
and, the subscripts 23 and 54 represent the forces exerted by gears 2 and 5 on gears 3 and 4,
respectively. Proceed with the next phase of the design, in which a suitable material is selected,
and appropriate diameters for each section of the shaft are estimated, based on providing
sufficient fatigue and static stress capacity for infinite life of the shaft, with minimum safety
factors of 1.5.
InputShaft design is based on the ASME equation:
T= =23Nm
k = 0.2 i.e, 20% reduction in strength due to keyway is assumed. From Table above, for rotating
shaft with minor shock loads, Kb = 1.5 and Kt = 1.0.
T king C45 steel for the sh ft, σyp = 360 MP
yp = σyp /2 = 360/2 = 180 MP nd t king f tor of s fety of 2 [τ] = yp /2 = 180/2 =90 MPa
d3= √
d3 = √
d =30mm
Taking d=35mm for better design
δ= =0.0118
= =0.0000062rad
50mm 113mm RA
F =0
RA+RB =652N_____________1
ƐMa =0
163RB - 652
RB =32600/163 =200N
RA =652 -200 =452N
The normal load acting on the tooth of gear one
Wn =Wt/cos20 =533/cos20 =567N
The normal load acts at 20° to the vertical .Resolving the normal load vertically and horizontally,
we get
Vertical component of Wt i.e. the vertical load acting on the shaft
WV = WN cos 20° =567COS20 =533N
And horizontal component of WC i.e. the horizontal load acting on the shaft at
WH = Wn sin 20° =567sin20 =194N
Interv l 0→50
x V=452
Mx =452x
At x=50mm ---Mx =452
Interval 50→163
452 V
50mm 113mm
F =0
RA+RB =533N_____________1
ƐMa =0
163RB - 533
RB =26650/163 =164N
RA =533 -164 =369N
The normal load acting on the tooth of gear one
Wn =Wt/cos20 =533/cos20 =567N
The normal load acts at 20° to the vertical .Resolving the normal load vertically and horizontally,
we get
Vertical component of Wt i.e. the vertical load acting on the shaft
WV = WN cos 20° =567COS20 =533N
Interval 0→50
x V=369
Mx =369x
At x =50----Mx=369 =18450Nmm
Interval 0→163
369 V
50mm 113mm
F =0
RA+RB =194N_____________1
ƐMa =0
163RB - 194
RB =9700/163 =60N
RA =194 -60 =134N
The normal load acting on the tooth of gear one
Wn =Wt/cos20 =533/cos20 =567N
And horizontal component of Wni.e. The horizontal load acting on the shaft at meshing point.
WH = Wn sin 20° =567sin20 =194N
Interv l 0→50
X Vx=134N
134 Vx Mx =134x
At x =50----Mx=134 =67000Nmm
Interv l 50→113
134 V
At x =163----Mx=0Nmm
Figure-7 .BMD,TD,SFD
50mm 113mm
a. SFD
b. TD
c. vertical load
369N 164N
d. horizontal load
134N 18450Nmm 60N
Vertical BMD
.horizontal BMD
.resultant BMD
Where the bending moment is high, there is a stress concentration at the shoulder and the
torque is present. Assume generous fillet radius for gear at estimate for quick, conservative first
pass, assume Kf = Kt , Kf s = Kts . Choose inexpensive steel,
C-45 with Sut = 360Mpa
d =35mm calculated before,
All estimates have probably been conservative, so select the next standard size below 35, 30 and
A typical D/d ratio for support at a shoulder is D/d _ 1.2, thus
, D =1.2(30) = 36 mm. Check if estimates were acceptable.
D/d = 36/30 = 1.2
Assume fillet radius r = d/10∼= 3 mm r/d = 0.1
Kt = 1.6
q = 0.82
Kf = 1 + 0.82(1.6 − 1) = 1.49
Kts = 1.35
qs = 0.95
Where Sutis the minimum tensile strength and a and b are to be found in Table
From Table = 4.51 and b =−0.265. Then
ka=ka= 4.51(320)−0.265
Kf= 1 + q(Kt− 1)
Kf s = 1 + qshear (Kts− 1) =1.33; for steel materials kt=1.65
Kf= 1 + 0.85(1.6 − 1) =1.51
The value of all factors of endurance limit is as follow.
Ka =0.98 Kc =1 for bending Kc =0.59 for
Kc =0.85 for axial load Kd =1 Ke =0.897
Kf =1.51 Kb =1 Kt =1.6
The endurance limit for bending
Se = kakbkckdkekfS′e
S′e= 0.5SU =
Se =0.98 701Mpa
The endurance limit for torsional
Se =0.98 =414 Mpa
The endurance limit for axial load
Se =0.98 =596 Mpa
σ′a = =810mpa
σ′m =* ( ) + Ta=23000Nmm
σ′m =* ( ) + =700mpa
nf =3.3
Check yielding.
ny =
ny = =1.6
T= =114.6Nm
M = FL /4 =654x0.193/4=32 Nm
Pinion two load calculation
T= =114.6Nm
Since for all shafts C-45 is selected as shaft material the prevace data also taken for
intermiadate shaft also;
k = 0.2 i.e, 20% reduction in strength due to keyway is assumed. From Table above, for rotating
shaft with minor shock loads, Kb = 1.5 and Kt = 1.0.
T king C45 steel for the sh ft, σyp = 360 MP
yp = σyp /2 = 360/2 = 180 MP nd t king f tor of s fety of 2
[τ] = yp /2 = 180/2 =90 MPa
d3 = √
Since the diameter of pinion shaft is found which 35mm is, the gear shaft diameter became
Gear shaft diameter = d (i) 1/3 = 35 (5)1/3 = 60 mm.
Gear shaft diameter of 60 mm is taken.
The hub diameter: DH = 1.8 x 60 = 108 mm, is taken.
Hub length is t ken s L =1.25d =1.25 x60 ≈75 mm
Check for deflection at the pinion centre.
δ= =0.0118
= =0.0000062rad
α< 0.0008 r d. Hen e the design is OK. Check for the gear size.
The minimum pitch diameter of the pinion should be
d1 ≥ 2 x bore + 0.25 m
Where d is the bore diameter and m is the module expressed in mm.
D1 ≥ 2bore +0.1m= 2x60 + 0.25x5 = 120.25 mm
Since d1 = 428 mm > D1. The design is satisfactory.
Gear shaft diameter = d (i)1/3= 60 (2.5)1/3= 80 mm.
Gear shaft diameter of 60 mm is taken. The hub diameter: dH= 1.8 x 80 = 144 mm, is taken.
Hub length is taken as L =1.25d =1.25 x80 =100 mm
The normal load acting on the tooth of gear oneare
Wn1 =Wt/cos20 =535/cos20 =569N
Wn2 =1440/cos20 =1532.5N
The normal load acts at 20° to the vertical .Resolving the normal load vertically and horizontally,
we get
Vertical component of Wt i.e. the vertical load acting on the shaft
WV1= WN cos 20° =569COS20 =535N
WV2 =1532.5COS20 =1440N
And horizontal component of WC i.e. the horizontal load acting on the shaft at
WH1 = Wn sin 20° =569sin20 =194N
WH2 = Wn sin 20° =1532.5sin20 =524N
50 59 54
Figure-8.shaft reaction force
∑ F =0
RA+RB =1759N +654N_____________1
∑ a =0
163RB –( 654
RB =224431/163 =1377N
RA =2413 -1377 =1036N
Interv l 0→50
X Vx=1036
1036 Vx ∑
Mx =1036x
At x =50----Mx=1036 =51800Nm
Interval 50→109
1036 Vx
Mx =382x -654(x-50)
At x=109------382 - 654 (109-50)
Mx =3052Nmm
Interval 109→163
Vx= -1377
Vx 1377
Mx =1377(163 - X)
At x =163
Mx =1377 (163 -163) =0
50 59 54
∑ =0
RA+RB =1440N +535N =1975_____________1
∑ a =0
163RB – (535
RB =183710/163 =1127N
RA =1975 -1127 =848N
Interv l 0→50
X V=848
848 Vx
Mx =848x
At x =50----Mx=848 =42400N
Interv l 50→109
848 Vx
Mx =848x - 535(x-45)
At x=109------848(109) - 535(109-50)
Mx =60867Nmm
Interval 109→163
Vx= -1127
Vx 1127
Mx = -1127(163 - X)
At x =163
Mx =-1127 (163 -163) =0 HORIZONTAL LOADS
Figure-10. shaft reaction force
238N 524N
50 59 54
∑ =0
RA+RB =524N +238N =762N_____________1
∑ a =0
163RB –( 238
RB =69016/163 =424N
RA =762 -424 =338N
Interv l 0→50
X Vx=338
338 Mx =338x
At x =50----Mx=338 =16900Nmm
Interv l 50→109
338 Vx
Mx =338x -238(x-45)
At x=109------338(109) -238(109-50)
Mx =22800Nmm
Interval 109→163
Vx= -424
Vx 424
Mx =424(163 - X)
At x =163
Mx =0
654N 1759N
1036 1 1377
50 59 54 All
dimensions are in (mm )
1. space and
resultant load
3. Torque diagram
535N 1440N
4. vertical load
848N 1127N
524N 1200N
5. horezontal load
338N 22800Nmm
16900Nmm 424N
6. Horizontal. BMD
7. Vertical . BMD
8. resultant BM
Ka =0.98 Kb =1 Kc =1 for
Kc =0.59 for tortional Kc =0.85 for axial load Kd =1
Ke =0.897 Kf =1.51 Kt =1.6
2.24.The endurance limit for bending
Se = kakbkckdkekfS′e
S′e= 0.5SU =
Se =0.98 701Mpa
σ′a = =368mpa
σ′m =* ( ) + =622mpa
nf =2.5
Check yielding.
ny =
ny = =2
T= =286.5Nm
since for all shafts C-45 is selected as shaft material the prevace data also taken for
intermediate shaft also;
k = 0.2 i.e, 20% reduction in strength due to keyway is assumed. From Table above, for rotating
shaft with minor shock loads, Kb = 1.5 and Kt = 1.0.
T king C45 steel for the sh ft, σyp = 360 MP
yp = σyp /2 = 360/2 = 180 MP nd t king f tor of s fety of [τ] = yp /2 = 180/2 =90 MPa
d3 = √
Since the diameter of pinion shaft is found which is 35mm ,the gear shaft diameter became
Gear shaft diameter = d (i)1/3= 60 (2.5)1/3= 80 mm.
Gear shaft diameter of 60 mm is taken.
The hub diameter: dH= 1.8 x 80 = 144 mm, is taken.
Hub length is t ken s L =1.25d =1.25 x80 ≈100 mm
Check for deflection at the pinion centre.
δ= =0.00021
= =0.0000062rad
109 54
RA+RB =1588.5N_____________1
ƐMa =0
163RB – 1588.5
RB =173146.5/163 =1062N
RA =1588.5-1062=526.5N
The normal load acting on the tooth of gear one
Wn =Wt/cos20 =1440/cos20 =1534N
The normal load acts at 20° to the vertical .Resolving the normal load vertically and horizontally,
we get
Vertical component of Wt i.e. the vertical load acting on the shaft
WV = WN cos 20° =1534COS20 =533
Interv l 0→109
x V=526.5
526.5 Vx
Mx =526.5x
Interv l 109→113
526.5 Vx
109 54
Figure-13. shaft reaction force
RA+RB =533N_____________1
ƐMa =0
163RB – 533
RB =58097/163 =356N
RA =533-356=177N
The normal load acting on the tooth of gear one
Wn =Wt/cos20 =1440/cos20 =1534N
The normal load acts at 20° to the vertical .Resolving the normal load vertically and horizontally,
we get
Vertical component of Wt i.e. the vertical load acting on the shaft
WV = WN cos 20° =1534COS20 =533N
Interv l 0→109
X Vx=177
177 Vx
Mx =177x
At x=109 Mx =177(109) =19293Nmm
Interval 109→163
177 Vx
Mx =177x -533(x-109)
109 54
RA+RB =525N_____________1
ƐMa =0
163RB – 525
RB =57225/163 =351N
RA =525-351=174N
The normal load acting on the tooth of gear one
Wn =Wt/cos20 =1440/cos20 =1534N
And horizontal component of WC i.e. the horizontal load acting on the shaft at
WH = Wn sin 20° =1534sin20 =525N
Interv l 0→109
x VX=174
174 VX
Mx =174x
At x=109 Mx =174(109) =18966mm
Interval 109→163
174 V
Vx =174-525= -351
Mx =174x -525(x-109)
At x=163 Mx =0
109 54
2. TD
RA 533N
3. VLD
4. HLD
19293 Nmm
Se =0.98 701Mpa
The endurance limit for torsional
Se =0.98 =414 Mpa
The endurance limit for axial load
Se =0.98 =596 Mpa
σ′a = =173mpa
σ′m =* ( ) + =1151mpa
nf =3.6
Check yielding.
ny =
ny = =1.5
A key is a piece of mild steel inserted between the shaft and hub or boss of the pulley to connect
these together in order to prevent relative motion between them. It is always inserted parallel to
the axis of the shaft. Keys are used as temporary fastenings and are subjected to considerable
crushing and shearing stresses.
3.1. Key material
Because keys are loaded in shear, ductile material are used. Soft,low-carbon steel is the most
common choice unless a corrosive environment require a brass or stainless steel keys.square or
rectangular keys are often made from cold-rolled bar stock and merely cut to length. the special
key stock mentioned above is used when a closer fit is required between key and keyway .
Table -12 Proportions of standard parallel rectangular keys.
17 6 6 150 40
22 8 7 170 45
30 10 8 200 50
38 12 8 230 56
44 14 9 260 63
50 16 10 290 70
58 18 11 330 80
65 20 12 380 90
75 22 14 440 100
The length of key is obtained by considering the key in shearing and crushing.
Let l = Length of key
Considering shearing of the key we know that shearing strength (or torque transmitted) of
the key, and assume a factor of safety of 3.
According to maximum shear stress theory the maximum shear stress for the shaft,
Ʈmax = =360/2 =60N/mm2
And maximum shear stress for the key,
Ʈk = =340/2 =56.67N/mm2
We know that the maximum torque transmitted by the shaft and key,
T= Ʈmax d3 = 3
=5.1 × 105 N-mm
Consider the failure of key due to shearing. We know that the maximum torque transmitted (T),
T =LW Ʈk
L =22mm
Taking the smaller of the two values, we have l = 22mm
3.3. Key Design for intermediate shaft
Taking the same Material as before, for key is low carbon steel with yield strength of 340
By specifying appropriate keys for the two gears on the intermediate shaft to provide a factor of
safety of 3, the gears are to be custom bored and keyed to the required specifications. Previously
obtained information is:
The diameter of shaft known before which is 60mm
For my design the rectangular key is selected asbefore. From above table we find that for a
shaft of 60 mm diameter, taking for the nearest value for 35mm diameter which is for 58mm
shaft diameter
Width of key, w = 18 mm and
Thickness of key, t = 11 mm
The length of key is obtained by considering the key in shearing and crushing.
Let l = Length of key.
Considering shearing of the key We know that shearing strength (or torque transmitted) of the
key, and assume a factor of safety of 3.
According to maximum shear stress theory the maximum shear stress for the shaft,
Ʈmax = =360/2 =60N/mm2
and maximum shear stress for the key,
Ʈk = =340/2 =56.67N/mm2
We know that the maximum torque transmitted by the shaft and key,
T= Ʈmax d3 = 3
=2.545 × 106 N-mm
Consider the failure of key due to shearing. We know that the maximum torque transmitted ( T),
T =LW Ʈk
L =35mm
Taking the smaller of the two values, since the length of the key must be less than the
face width of gear or equal, we take have l = 35mm
NB:- Since both gears have the same bore diameter and transmit the same torque, the
same key specification can be used for both.
3.4. Key Design for 0utput shaft
Consider the failure of key due to shearing. We know that the maximum torque transmitted ( T),
T =LW Ʈk
L =40mm
Taking the smaller of the two values since the other is very large we have l =40mm
L t
a single row deep groove radial ball bearing is the most widely used of all the rolling types of
bearings. Note that the balls roll in grooves in both the inner and outer races. Because of these
grooves, this bearing is capable of holding axial, or thrust, loads as well as radial loads.
Furthermore, it can carry the axial loads in either direction. It is the ability of this bearing to
carry both radial and axial loads, individually or in combinations, and in any direction that makes
this bearing so useful to designers. This same basic bearing is also made with various
combinations of shields, seals, and retainer rings. The main advantage of ball bearings are
1. Low starting and running friction except at very high speeds.
2. Ability to withstand momentary shock loads.
3. Accuracy of shaft alignment.
4. Low cost of maintenance, as no lubrication is required while in service.
5. Small overall dimensions.
6. Reliability of service.
7. Easy to mount and erect.
8. Cleanliness.
By selecting ball bearings for the intermediate shaft for above reason with a reliability of 99
percent. The problem specifies a design life of 12 000 h. The intermediate shaft speed is1250
rev/min. The estimated bore size is 35mm and the estimated bearing width is 30mm.
F=CO =R * + 1/b
C= = = 80
Since the maximum reaction force is at point A we must do the design load this reaction force
RA =452
F=CO =R * + 1/b
F=CO =R * + 1/b
C= = = 80
Since the maximum reaction force is at point B we must do the design load by this reaction
RB =1466.35
F=CO =R * + 1/b
No. Static
215 42.5
313 55
311 42.5
320 132
From Table above, the bearing
221 93
number 312 having C = 160kN,
whith bore
321 143
diameter=130mm,and width of
222 104
31mm may be selected
312 166
By selecting ball bearings for the intermediate shaft for above reason with a reliability of 99
percent. The problem specifies a design life of 12 000 h. The intermediate shaft speed is 100
The estimated bore size is 80mm and the estimated bearing width is 30mm.
From the free-body diagram of above;
RAV = 177N RAH = 174N RAR = 526.5N
RBV = 356N RBH = 351N RBR = 1062N
At the shaft speed of 250rev/min, the design life of 12 000 h correlates to a bearing life of
LD = (12 000 h) (60 min/h) (100 rev/min) = 7.2 × 108 rev.
Since the average life of the bearing is 5 years at 10 hours per day, therefore life of the bearing in
LH = 5 × 300 × 10 = 15 000 hours ... (Assuming 300 working days per year) and life of
the bearing in revolutions,
L = 60 N × LH = 60 × 100 × 15 000 = 9 × 107 rev
F=CO =R * + 1/b
C= = =8
Since the maximum reaction force is at point B we must do the design load this reaction force
RB =1062
F=CO =R * + 1/b
216 17.6
210 21.2
308 22
208 16
From Table above, the bearing
406 23.2
number 216 having C = 26kN,
whith bore
222 104
diameter=140mm,and width of
322 166
26mm may be selected
Many of the parts made by casting could also be fabricated by welding. Rolled plates and rolled
structural members (beams, channels, angles, etc.) are commonly used to build up the necessary
The general rules for good weldment design are very much the same as for good casting design:
a. Use relatively thin sections, enlarged where necessary by welding in bosses, rims,etc.
b. Provide bosses or machining pads wherever flat surfaces are to be machined.
c. Strengthen and stiffen light sections with ribs.
d. Use simple curves which can be easily obtained by bending plates.
In addition to the above rules, provision must be made to allow the welding arc or torch to reach
the place to be welded.
Due largely to the uniformity of rolled plates and structural members, welded structures tend to
vibrate more than cast structures. Care must be taken to stiffen large thin sections with ribs so as
to damp out this vibration.
Most weldments are made of steel which is inherently much stiffer than cast iron. The advantage
of this greater rigidity can be quickly lost in weldment design by the use of excessively thin non-
reinforced sections, however.
Generally casting in cast iron or steel and also may be fabricated by welding process. Is
usually made up of two halves, the upper part or cover and the lower part. Bearings are
supported in bosses in the lower part as well in the cover. Body and cover increased its rigidity
by providing ribs bellow the bosses in the body and above the bosses in the cover. Tightening
bolts between the cover and the body are provided close to the bearings. In order to protect the
bearings from dirt bearing covers are also provided on the bosses.
Before deciding the overall dimensions of the casing it is necessary determined its inside
dimensions as follows: dimensions of gears (pitch diameters and face width) calculated from
strength considerations. Distances of two gears in the same shaft is kept as 10 to 15 mm, inner
periphery boundary of the reducer is drawn at 10 to 15 mm away from the edge of pinion - gear
pair and for the ends of pinion of the first stage and gear of the last stage. Corner is then rounded.
Top flange of the body is required to have a width given by K 2,5 to 3,2 where
0,03 A 5 thickness of the casing wall , A center distance of the last stage.
Figure-17.housing layout
' 0.8
c 1.5*7 =6.3
d 1.5*7=10.5mm=12mm=12M
a 15mm
d ' 0.75d=0.75(10.5)=7.85mm=M8(standard)
d'' 0.75*7.85 6mm=m6
t 2.5*7 17.5mm
K' 26.25mm
b' 9mm
c' 4.5mm
Hgp= 2
In gear reducer of any size at least four foundation bolts will be provided. For larger size reducer
the number of bolts depends upon the length and width of the foundation flange.
L mK '
Number of bolts is calculated from n
200 to 300
Where L, K ' , m are the length and the width of foundation flange and the tooth module
806.5 1.5 * 26.5
n =4.2=taking 6
Chapter six
Lubrication selection for gear box drives and efficiency.
Energy is transmitted from a power source to a terminal point, through gears that change
speeds, directions, and torque. Gear lubricants are formulated and applied to prevent premature
component failure, assure reliable operation, reduce operating cost, and increase service life. The
important objectives accomplished by these lubricants include: reduction of friction and wear,
corrosion prevention, reduction of operating noise, improvement in heat transfer, and removal of
foreign or wear particles from the critical contact areas of the gear tooth surfaces.
Gears vary greatly in their design and in their lubrication requirements. Proper lubrication is
important to prevent premature wear of gear tooth surfaces. When selecting a lubricant for any
gear application the following issues must be considered: type and materials of gear, operating
conditions, including rolling or sliding speed, type of steady load and temperature, method of
lubricant application, environment and type of service. Enclosed gears -- those encased in an oil-
tight housing -- usually require an oil with various additives, depending on the operating
conditions. Rust, oxidation, and foam inhibitors are common. Extreme pressure (EP) additives
are also used when loads are severe.
Worm gears are special because the action between the worm and the mating bull gear is sliding
rather than the rolling action common in most gears. The sliding action allows fluid film
lubrication to take place. Another significant difference is that worm gears are usually made of
dissimilar materials, which reduces the chance of galling and reduces friction. EP additives
usually are not required for worm gears and may actually be detrimental to a bronze worm gear.
Lubrication can be improved by oiliness additives.
In open gear applications, the lubricant must resist being thrown off by centrifugal force or being
scraped off by the action of the gear teeth. A highly adhesive lubricant is required for most open
gear applications. Most open gear lubricants are heavy oils, asphalt-based compounds, or soft
greases. Depending on the service conditions, oxidation inhibitors or EP additives may be added.
Caution must be exercised when using adhesive lubricants because they may attract and retain
dust and dirt, which can act as abrasives. To minimize damage, gears should be periodically
The most critical function provided by lubricants is to minimize friction and wear to extend
equipment service life. Gear failures can be traced to mechanical problems or lubricant failure.
Lubricant-related failures are usually traced to contamination, oil film collapse, additive
depletion and use of improper lubricant for the application. The most common failures are due to
particle contamination of the lubricant. Dust particles are highly abrasive and can penetrate
through the oil film, using “plowing” we r or ridging on met l surf es. W ter ont min tion
can cause rust on working surfaces of the gears and eventually destroy metal integrity.
Pitting occurs when fatigue cracks are initiated on the tooth surface or just below the surface.
Usually pits are the result of surface cracks caused by metal-to-metal contact of asperities or
defects due to low lubricant film thickness. High-speed gears with smooth surfaces and good
film thickness may experience pitting due to subsurface cracks. These cracks may start at
inclusions in the gear materials, which act as stress concentrators, and propagate below and
parallel to the tooth surface. Pits are formed when these cracks break through the tooth surface
and cause material separation. When several pits join, a larger pit (or spall) is formed. Another
suspected cause of pitting is hydrogen embrittlement of metal due to water contamination of the
lubricant. Pitting can also be caused by foreign particle contamination of lubricant. These
particles create surface stress concentration points that reduce lubricant film thickness and
promote pitting. The following guidelines should be observed to minimize the onset of pitting in
gear units:
6.3.Gear Lubricant Characteristics and Viscosity:- Gear lubricant must possess the following
Good viscosity is essential to ensure cushioning and quiet operation. An oil viscosity that is too
high will result in excess friction and degradation of oil properties associated with high oil
operating temperature. In cold climates gear lubricants should flow easily at low temperature.
Gear oils should have a minimum pour point of 5° C lower than the lowest expected
temperature. The pour point for mineral gear oil is typically -7° C . When lower pour points are
required synthetic gear oils with pour points of -40° may be necessary. The following equation
from the provides a method for verifying the required viscosity for a specific gear based on the
operating velocity:
V40 =
V40 = lubricant kinematic viscosity at 40° (cSt)
V= pitch line velocity (m/min) given by:
V= where m/min
n is the pinion speed in rev/min and d is the pitch diameter (meter).
V40 = 7000
Film strength: Good film strength helps prevent metal contact and scoring between the gear
Lubricity (oiliness): Lubricity is necessary to reduce friction. Adhesion Helps prevent loss of
lubrication due to throw-off associated with gravity or centrifugal force especially at high speeds.
Gear speed :Gear Lubrication, has adopted pitch line velocity as the primary selection criterion.
As noted above, gear speed is a factor in the selection of proper oil viscosity. The pitch line
velocity determines the contact time between gear teeth. High velocities are generally associated
with light loads and very short contact times. For these applications, low-viscosity oils are
usually adequate. In contrast, low speeds are associated with high loads and long contact times.
These conditions require higher-viscosity oils
Temperature: Ambient and operating temperatures also determine the selection of gear
lubricants. Normal gear oil operating temperature ranges from 50 to 55° above ambient. Oils
operating at high temperature require good viscosity and high resistance to oxidation and
foaming. Caution should be exercised whenever abnormally high temperatures are experienced.
High operating temperatures are indicative of oils that are too viscous for the application, excess
oil in the housing, or an overloaded condition. All of these conditions should be investigated to
determine the cause and correct the condition. Oil for gears operating at low ambient
temperatures must be able to flow easily and provide adequate viscosity. Therefore these gear
oils must possess high viscosity indices and low pour points.
Open gears: In addition to the general requirements, lubrication for open gears must meet the
following requirements:
Drip resistance: Prevents loss of lubricant especially at high temperatures which reduce
Brittle resistance: Lubricant must be capable of resisting embrittlement especially at very low
Enclosed gears: In addition to the general requirements, lubrication for enclosed gears must
meet the following requirements:
Chemical stability and oxidation resistance: Prevents thickening and formation of varnish or
sludge. This requirement is especially significant in high-speed gears because the oil is subjected
to high operating oil and air temperatures.
Extreme pressure protection: Provides additional galling and welding protection for heavily
loaded gears when the lubricant film thickness fails.
Figure-19. Gear reducer where only the wheel in the second stage is
Figure-20. Gear reducer with inclined center line the gear of both stages is lubricated.
s 1 1
a cos z p z w
In first stage
*1.3 1 1
HL 3000 0.2635 kW
5 cos 35 14 60
In second stage
*1.3 1 1
HL 3000 0.1513 kW
5 cos 25 24 70
The efficiency of gear reducer due to friction in gear teeth:
In first stage
H HL 3000 263.5
1 1 91.2 /
H 3000
In second stage
H H L 3000 151.3
1 95 /
H 3000
Type of bearing o
Single row ball bearing with radial loading 0,0015 – 0,0020
Single row ball bearing with axial loading 0,0030 – 0,0040
Roller bearing with short cylindrical roller 0,0015 – 0,0020
Roller bearing with long cylindrical roller 0,0040 – 0,0060
Needle roller bearing 0,0060 – 0,0080
Double row spherical roller bearing 0,0030 – 0,0040
Single row angular contact ball bearing with radial loading 0,0020 – 0,0030
Single row angular contact ball bearing with axial loading 0,0035 – 0,0050
Taper roller bearing with radial load 0,0050 – 0,0080
Taper roller bearing with axial load 0,0150 – 0,2000
Larger value when the bearing is lubricated by grease, smaller value when
lubricated with oil
IN MY DESIGN THE SELECTED BEARING IS Single row angular contact ball bearing
with axial loading with coefficient of friction
Friction loss in bearings at input shaft
Pr d 452 * 35
Mf o * 0.005 =7.91Nm
2 2
MfN 44 * 250
2 1 2 1 63 /
10 H 10 * 3000
Friction loss in bearings at output shaft
Pr d 1062 * 80
Mf o * 0.005
2 2 =42.5Nm
The efficiency bearing reducer due to friction in output shaft
MfN 42.5 *100
2 1 2 1 86 /
10 H 10 * 3000
The efficiency of gear reducer may be expressed by: 12 respectively efficiencies
taking into consideration the losses due to friction in teeth engagement and in bearings
= (0.95*0.912*0.67)*(0.63*0.86) =31 present
Chapter seven
. Vibration analysis, fit& tolerance and heat treatment
7.1. Vibration analysis
Modern techniques for diagnosing gears and gearboxes rely on detecting vibration from the
gearbox casing. Vibration is converted into electrical signals, which are measured by a device
known as an accelerometer. The vibration that occurs in most machines, structures and dynamic
systems is undesirable, not only because of the resulting unpleasant motions, the noise and the
dynamic stresses which may lead to fatigue and failure of the structure or machine, but also
because of the energy losses and the reduction in performance that accompany the vibrations. It
is therefore essential to carry out a vibration analysis of the gear box.
A normal operating gear box will generally have a stable amplitude reading of an
acceptable low level. Any change in this amplitude reading indicates a change of gear box
condition and should be investigated. In analyzing gear box operation spectrum analysis of the
vibration pick-up can be used. The top spectrum plot depicts a gearbox in good mechanical
condition with reasonably low acceleration levels and a normal mixture of components. A
similar measurement on a unit that had cracked pinion teeth is presented on the bottom plot. Note
the high amplitudes at gear mesh frequency, the seventh harmonic of pinion rotational speed, and
even the pinion running speed
Double helical gear box offers low noise and vibration along with zero net axial thrust. Also,
the ratio of face width to diameter in each half of the mesh can be held to reasonable limits,
therefore, end loading of the tooth face due to 'tooth errors or deflection is less likely to occur. A
phenomenon known as resonance, where an abnormally large vibration is produced, can be very
harmful to a gearbox and can lead to its eventual failure. One of the main purposes of vibration
analysis is to identify circumstances in which resonance can occur and hence prevent it.
There have been very many cases of gear box failing or not meeting performance targets
because of resonance, fatigue or excessive vibration of one component or another because of the
very serious effects that unwanted vibrations can have on dynamic systems, it is essential that
vibration analysis be carried out as an inherent part of their design; when necessary
modifications can most easily be made to eliminate vibration or at least to reduce it as much as
possible. It is usually much easier to analyses and modifies a gear box at the design stage than it
is to modify a gear box with undesirable vibration characteristics after it has been built.
However, it is sometimes necessary to be able to reduce the vibration of existing structures
brought about by inadequate initial design, by changing the function of the structure or by
changing the environmental conditions, and therefore techniques for the analysis of gear box
vibration should be applicable to existing structures as well as to those in the design stage. The
gear box have also an impact on the soil or the foundation of the gear box to be installed.
The basic design criterion for foundations subjected to vibrations (whether seismic,
machinery or impact loadings) is to control their displacements.
These displacements are of two kinds,
1) Temporary cyclic elastic displacements (that is, they return to their original Position after
the loading stops, and
2) Permanent plastic displacements (the foundation remains displaced from its original position
after the loading ceases).
Foundations can vibrate in all six possible modes, as shown below.
These six modes of vibration may contribute to unbalanced forces in a simple foundation. These
unbalanced forces in turn generate the vibrations
bilateral. When all the tolerance is allowed on one side of the nominal size, e.g20– , then it
is said to be unilateral system of tolerance. The unilateral system is mostly used in industries as
it permits changing the tolerance value while still retaining the same allowance or type of fit.
7.2.2. Fits
The degree of tightness or looseness between the two mating parts is known as a fit of the
parts. The nature of fit is characterized by the presence and size of clearance and interference.
The clearance is the amount by which the actual size of the shaft is less than the actual size of
the mating hole in an assembly. In other words, the clearance is the difference between the sizes
of the hole and the shaft before assembly. The difference must be positive. The interference is
the amount by which the actual size of a shaft is larger than the actual finished size of the mating
hole in an assembly. In other words, the interference is the arithmetical difference between the
sizes of the hole and the shaft, before assembly. The difference must be negative.
7.2.3. Types of Fits
According to Indian standards, the fits are classified into the following three groups :
1. Clearance fit. In this type of fit, the size limits for mating parts are so selected that
clearance between them always occur. It may be noted that in a clearance fit, the tolerance zone
of the hole is entirely above the tolerance zone of the shaft. In a clearance fit, the difference
between the minimum size of the hole and the maximum size of
the shaft is known as minimum clearance whereas the difference between the maximum size of
the hole .
2. Interference fit. In this type of fit, the size limits for the mating parts are so selected
that interference between them always occur. It may be noted that in an interference fit, the
tolerance zone of the hole is entirely below the tolerance zone of the shaft. In an interference fit,
the difference between the maximum size of the hole and the minimum size of the shaft is known
as minimum interference, whereas the difference between the minimum size of the hole and the
maximum size of the shaft is called maximum interference. The interference fits may be shrink
fit, heavy drive fit and light drive fit.
3. Transition fit. In this type of fit, the size limits for the mating parts are so selected
that either
a clearance or interference may occur depending upon the actual size of the mating parts. It may
be noted that in a transition fit, the tolerance minimum size of the shaft is called maximum
The interference is the amount by which the actual size of a shaft is larger than the
actual finished size of the mating hole in an assembly. In other words, the interference is
the arithmetical difference between the sizes of the hole and the shaft, before assembly.
The difference must be negative.
7. To increase the qualities of a metal to provide better resistance to heat, corrosion and
Following are the various heat treatment processes commonly employed in engineering practice:
7.3.1. Normalizing
The main objects of normalizing are:
1. To refine the grain structure of the steel to improve mach inability, tensile strength and
structure of weld.
2. To remove strains caused by cold working processes like hammering, rolling, bending,
etc., which makes the metal brittle and unreliable.
3. To remove dislocations caused in the internal structure of the steel due to hot working.
4. To improve certain mechanical and electrical properties.
The process of normalizing consists of heating the steel from 30 to 50°C above its upper critical
temperature (for hypereutectoid steels) or Acm line (for hypereutectoid steels). It is held at this
temperature for about fifteen minutes and then allowed to cool down in still air. This process
provides a homogeneous structure consisting of ferrite and pearlier for hypereutectoid steels, and
pearlier and commentate for hypereutectoid steels. The homogeneous structure provides a higher
yield point, ultimate tensile strength and impact strength with lower ductility to steels. The
process of normalizing is frequently applied to castings and forgings, etc. The alloy steels may
also be normalized but they should be held for two hours at a specified temperature and then
cooling in the
7.3.2. Annealing.
The main objects of annealing are :
1. To soften the steel so that it may be easily machined or cold worked.
2. To refine the grain size and structure to improve mechanical properties like strength
and ductility.
3. To relieve internal stresses which may have been caused by hot or cold working or by
unequal contraction in casting.
4. To alter electrical, magnetic or other physical properties.
5. To remove gases trapped in the metal during initial casting.
7.3.3. Hardening.
The main objects of hardening are:
1. To increase the hardness of the metal so that it can resist wear.
2. To enable it to cut other metals i.e. to make it suitable for cutting tools.
The process of hardening consists of
(a) Heating the metal to a temperature from 30 to 50°C above the upper critical point for
Hypereutectoid steels and by the same temperature above the lower critical point for
Hypereutectoid steels.
(b) Keeping the metal at this temperature for a considerable time, depending upon its
(c) Quenching (cooling suddenly) in a suitable cooling medium like water, oil or brine.
It may be noted that the low carbon steels cannot be hardened appreciably, because of the
presence of ferrite which is soft and is not changed by the treatment. As the carbon content goes
on increasing, the possible obtainable hardness also increases.
1. The greater the rate of quenching, the harder is the resulting structure of steel.
2. For hardening alloy steels and high speed steels, they are heated from 1100°C to 1300°C
followed by cooling in a current of air.
7.3.4. Tempering.
The steel hardened by rapid quenching is very hard and brittle. It also contains internal stresses
which are severe and unequally distributed to cause cracks or even rupture of hardened steel. The
tempering (also known as drawing) is, therefore, done for the following reasons :
1. To reduce brittleness of the hardened steel and thus to increase ductility.
2. To remove the internal stresses caused by rapid cooling of steel.
3. To make steel tough to resist shock and fatigue.
The tempering process consists of reheating the hardened steel to some temperature below the
lower critical temperature, followed by any desired rate of cooling. The exact tempering
temperature depends upon the purpose for which the article or tool is to be used.
Chapter eight
. In this stapes I will tire to clarify you step by step how to assemble and adjust a gearbox.
Gearboxes may seem like they should be simple to put together but in reality there are a few
things that need to be adjusted to achieve the best possible performance gearbox. Before
beginning be sure to read the instructions that come with the gearbox. The instructions describe
all the basic steps of putting the gearbox together and serve as a good starting point.
The assembly of gearbox breaks down into four overall steps:
1. Assemble the gears on the shaft.
2. Preparing the gearbox.
3. Install axle gear on drivers.
4. Assemble, lube and test the gearbox.
While this may seen straight forward there are a few more details to each of the steps.
Required Tools
In order to install gears you will need some specialized tool in. The new gears are press fit on the
shafts using a press such as Sensipress. Pulling drivers and gears can be done a couple of ways,
using a puller, or by using the Sensipress with suitable backing plate. A quartering tools also
helpful for reinstalling the drivers in the correct orientation. “Aligner” blo ks help ssure the
correct alignment of the new helical gear. You will also need a miniature Phillips head screw
driver for assembling the gearbox parts.
Helical and helical shaft
1.Checking the helical
Before going any further it is a good idea to check the fit of the helical gear on the shaft. The
helical gear is supposed to be a light to loose press fit on the shaft. As this requires
extremely tight manufacturing tolerances you occasional will run into a helical gear that fits a bit
loose and sometimes one will be a bit tight.
2. Checking the thrust bearing surfaces of the worm
The ends of the helical gear are a load bearing surface and must be flat and smooth to prevent
Dire dawa university
noise and vibration. Take a close look at both ends of the helical gear if they are not perfectly flat
you may want to polish them. Helical gear that is a bit rough. If you have a drill press you can
easily polish up the ends of the helical gear using sandpaper.
Now th t everything is prep red it’s time to put everything together. Pl e the ssembled
worm assembly with the washers and bearings in it place in one of the gearbox sides. Lubricate
the bearing surfaces with a light oil. Now install the other gearbox half and secure it in place
with the two screws provided. Make sure the gearbox halves are aligned and square. Tap lightly
on both of the ends of the shaft to help seat the bearings in place. Using your fingers rotate the
shaft and make sure that everything spins nice and free with out any binding. If you feel any
binding or stiffness at any point, loosen the two screws and readjust the position of the gearbox
halves until the binding is gone. Before installing the gearbox on the driver axle I recommend
that you completely assembly all the drivers, rods, and valvegear mechanisms. Make sure that
this all runs freely with out any binds before securing the gearbox assembly to the geared driver.
As you set the gearbox in place you Should feel it sn p in pl e. Turn the lo omotive’s
mechanism over and install the bottom cover plate on the gearbox using the screws provided.
Tighten these screws until the bottom cover is snug against the gearbox bottom surface.
The top cover is installed next; making sure the reverse gear shift lever engages the slot in
the shifter orre tly. The top over w sn’t ssembled in this overh ul. The pl n w s to test the
operation on the stand to make sure everything works properly. It will be easy to remove the
cover at that time for any required repair. The gearbox in my TR250 slips out of forth gear if the
gearshift lever is touched slightly. This one was tested after the cover was installed to verify
that that it locked into each gear.